Academic Writing Assignment

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Betsy Chitwood, "A Highter Education through Discombubolation", Benlow, Simon . "Have it your
way" "Consumerism Invades Education" The Composition of everyday life : A Guid to writing, 4th ed,
John Mauk and John Metz. Boston: Wafsworth, 2013. 130-32. Print.

Craig. S.D and A.C Greasser "Why am I Confused : and explotatory look in the role of Affect In
Learning." N.p.n.d . Web. 12 NOV 14

Dalton, Jon, and Pamela Crosby. " Challenging College Students to Learn in Campus , Cultures of
Comfort, Convenience and Complacency." Journal of College and Character XI. 3. (2008) 1-5. print.

Summary :
In the Essay " A higher Education through Discombubolation" The writer Betsy Chitwood
introduces the effective way to study. The author uses other’s thinking to write her own
main idea at the first. Her main point is that confusion and disorientation play an important
role in students’ study life. She writes her personal experience to be convinced by readers.
And she cites others’ examples and research result to support her own idea. For example,
the study of Craig and Graesser, 68% students obtain more knowledge when they meet
confusion during study. Erikson’s “Crisis” ethicdescribe more valuable results gained by
confusion and keeping work out. Which mean , the author argues that discombubolation,
which is normally reffered to as bad, can also be look at in a good way and help students
achieve a higher understanding during study.

Critic Analysis:
In the Article "A Higher Education Through Discombubolation" , Written by Betsy
Chitwood. She introduces the effective way to study, and discusses her main point,
confusion and disorientation and the important role they play in students study life. The
article was originally published in a magazin 2009 with diffrent editions and updates, and
was intended for a specific audience teachers and students (Academic field), with the
purpose of educating and informing them of new effective ways to study. The author
supports her main idea using her personal experience so she could convince readers for
instance, howerver she uses facts largely, and cites other's examples reasearch results and
statistics to support her own idea. for example the study of Craig and Graesser, 68%
students obtain more knowledge when they meet confusion during study. Erikson's "Crisis "
destribes more valuable results gained by confusion and keeping work out by wresling thod
crisis to reach the higher ground. The evidence replies mostly on the past researches done
by others which proved to be accurate.Moreover, Besty Chitwood makes a good argument
because she makes several points,uses real life experiences understands how some may
disagree and uses cridible sources. There wasn't any bias in the article because the author
acknowleges both sides of the argument as it was stated previously it was understandable
that some may disagree. Overall the essay was a good source because Betsy does a great job
making different points using cridible sources and I personally agree that being
discombubolated could really help people challenge their mind and acheive a higher ground
of understanding, however I believe that diffrent people have their own way of studying,
confusion is not suitable for everyone.

Group Members :

Bezzouh A. Redha .

Bouamoud Alaa Eddine.

Khalil Abdslam .

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