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SE sports betting

Welcome to the SE sports betting method.

I will try to keep it short, not bullshiting around.

• So, what do I mean by social engineering the sports betting?

By that I mean that you will have to SE the people that are
willing to bet/ already betting on sports (especially
football/soccer and basket).

• How do we actually do that?

That is actually pretty simple, but first let me tell you that
there are 2 methods (there are actually more, but those are the

The short-term method

The long-term method
Both of them are good (I prefer the long-term one, you’ll see
why in a bit), if executed like in this book, the short-term
method $3000+ in 3-4 days.

But the short-term method can only made once, then you will
have to start all over, therefore I prefer the long-term method, if
done right it can provide $500+/ day. (I am not kidding, you’ll
see why).


Things you will need:

- Fake Facebook profile account (I do NOT recommend a

page, just a simple account, you don’t have to buy, but if
you have an older one with age and friends, the better).

- Some fake pictures: you can take them from Instagram, I

recommend you to chose a rich guy, maybe even a girl, but
that doesn’t have gold and diamonds all over his body. Try
to find one that look like just a simple person that has
• Why is that?
Well because the people accessing your profile will
see that you have money, BUT that you are “one of them”
just a simple guy. This will give them motivation to be like
you. You will see why that is important in a bit.

- Patience

- Don’t be lazy.

These are the obligatory requirements.


- Money to buy Facebook Ads (I’ve never done that, but it

can help you).
- Knowledge in sports area (if you bought the premium
package, I’ll help you with that every day)

Facebook profile setup

Ok, after you created the profile with a decent name, it’s time
for the setup.

• What does that mean?

- Upload a profile photo
- Update the cover photo
- Add some decent info
- Add 2-3 more photos of “yourself”, put them in the intro
- Join betting Facebook groups.

Ok, now comes the “hard” part. There is the most work to be
done to be honest, therefore this will make people come to you.

The “hard” part

• What is this about?


I recommend you to post at least once a day, winning games

with odds like ~1.50 – 2.80, but here’s the catch, I will teach
you how to post ONLY winning games.

Once 3-4 days, post a winning game with like 15+ odds, it can
be “correct score” or “pause/final” (football/ soccer).

• How do I post only WINNING games?

For example we have the Arsenal – Napoli game.

We’ll go on Facebook and post something like this:

Do not forget to set the option “Only me” (Public -> Only me):
Ok, now post the same thing but with result X and 2.

But keep in mind that it’s better to post this only 60 – 30 mins
before the match starts.

Now wait for the result, let’s say Arsenal won, you will only
make public the post where you put that Arsenal will win, in that
case: 1.

Post things like this every day, once 3-4 days also post a
winning game on score. Do the same thing as above, but with
scores. You will have something like this: 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:3,
2:4, etc. I usually put them at max goals 5. For example 1:5, 2:5,
5:5, etc. Do not do this thing every day because it will look

After the match is done and you will make your post Public,
share it one multiple groups, add friends from those groups if
you don’t have any.
But only now comes in play the short-term method and the long-
term method.

The short-term method

The short-term method works like this:

Let’s say 100 people contacted you.

You will have to search for a basketball game (most safe in my

opinion, there is a small chance to be a draw, therefore is more
like 50/50).

Search for games that have 1 and 2 odds similar, like 1.75 and
2.50, not 1.08 and 8.07.

Therefore, you will find something like this:

From these 100 people, send to 50 of them that 1 will win and to
the other 50 that 2 will win.

Let’s say in our case, 2 won. From those 100 people, the 50 who
placed the bets on 2 will come back to you.

They will tell you to give them another tip. Now search for
another basketball match, with similar odds.

But, first of all, tell them that they have to give you $50 for this
next tip. They will pay you because they trust you and they have
already won with you.
That’s already $2500 (50*$50), assuming all of them will pay.

From those send 25 that 1 will win and to the other 25 people
that 2 will win.

Next time charge them more, maybe $200. They will absolutely
pay you because they already won more than that with you.

25*$200 will be $5000, already a profit of only $7500 on 2 days

(assuming all will pay). But the best thing is that you don’t even
have to place the bets.

So on and so forth you will probably have only 2 people to give

tips to. Charge them like $7000 at this point because the won
much more like that with you and they will pay you.

That was the short-term method. The downside is that you will
probably have to restart everything, new account new identity.
You can continue with this if you can find more people.
The long-term method

Similar to the short-term method, you will have to find people

that wants your tips, but you have to make them stick with you

You will charge them only a small amount on the first bet,
maybe like $25, then you will charge them only after the bets
are won.

You will have to make parlays (multiple matches on same bet).

If you bought the premium package, I will provide you with a

parlay every single day on discord.

• How is this better than the short-term method?

Well, it’s long-term.
The people will win much more from those parlays (higher
odds). And if they lose they will not have to pay you anything.
This will make you much more trustworthy.

But the best thing is that even if they lose, they will come for
your tips every single day, especially if they won at least 1
parlay with you.

Therefore, they will also share your post, recommend you to

other friends and people, they will help you grow and they are a
pretty good passive income.

That was the long-term method. The only downside to this one
is that you will not win so much on the short-term. It is also
easier to execute than the short-term method.

Thank you for reading my ebook on SE sports betting!

You can find me via PM on forum,

And on Discord: Edward#5972
Terms of Service
Salestrashing will solve nothing. Again, I am here to help you if you have issues.
Contact me if there are problems, I want you to succeed! Seriously!

Publicizing (leaking) this information on other forums will result in the

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Chargebacks will result in the dispute being immediately escalated to a claim, and
all information being sent to PayPal. 90% of the time, this has worked in my favor
as a seller for over nine years. Let’s make this easier for everybody.

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