Pip Unit Plan 4

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PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

By Kit Zachery

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

U​N​I​T​ ​D​E​S​C​R​IP
​ ​T​IO
​ ​N
This unit is about body image and disordered eating in middle and high school-aged
students, with the intention of finding out what students already know and feel about
disordered eating and then determining what could be taught over the course of a few lessons.
Ideally, the unit would educate students on these sensitive topics, increase their empathy, and
reduce or prevent the development of disordered eating among the students. It involves all
students taking a survey, engaging in three or four lessons and discussions, and then re-taking
the survey.

The first lesson is an introduction to the unit and involves the students taking the
survey. The second lesson involves guest speaker Dr. Stephanie Cassin, who is a psychiatrist and
professor at Ryerson University and the University of Toronto. She specializes in body image
and disordered eating, and introduces students to the topic of body image and ways to improve
it. The third lesson focuses on disordered eating (signs, symptoms, risk factors, different types
of eating disorders (EDS), common misperceptions, etc.) and discussion. The final lesson
involves strategies for improving one’s own body image, how to help others, prevention, and
treatment. The lesson is finished with the students taking the survey for a second time.

Type Formative or
Name Timeline Outcome(s)
Say, Do, Write Summative (%)
First and last
Surveys Write W–7.1, W-7.10 Formative

Discussions Ongoing Say, Do W–7.1, W–7.4, W–7.5, W-7.10 Formative

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

​ ​O​M​E​S
W–7.1​ compare personal health choices to standards for health; e.g., physical activity, nutrition, relaxation, sleep,

W–7.2​ examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and evaluate the impact of grooming/cosmetic advertisements on
personal grooming habits/choices

W–7.3​ examine the human reproductive process, and recognize misunderstandings associated with sexual

W–7.4​ analyze the messages and approaches used by the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle

W–7.5​ relate the factors that influence individual food choices to nutritional needs of adolescents; e.g., finances,
media, peer pressure, hunger, body image, activity

W–7.6​ analyze social factors that may influence avoidance and/or use of particular substances

W–7.7​ analyze the definition, effects and possible consequences of various forms of harassment

W–7.8​ analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical, emotional, social safety

W–7.9​ identify basic workplace safety procedures

W–7.10​ identify and examine potential sources of physical/emotional/ social support

W–7.11​ identify characteristics of resiliency; e.g., problem-solving skills, positive self-esteem, social bonding

W–7.12​ identify the effects of social influences on sexuality and gender roles and equity; e.g., media, culture

W–7.13​ examine the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behavior

W–7.14​ examine abstinence and decisions to postpone sexual activity as healthy choices
PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

U​N​I​T​ C​O​N​S​I​D​E​R​A​T​I​O​N​S
Prerequisite(s): None

General Notes/Reminders:
● Participation in this project is optional. While all students will attend the lessons, students may opt out of
completing the surveys.
● The topic is sensitive. The first lesson should involve an introduction to the unit and outline what will be
discussed, as to best prepare the students mentally and emotionally.
● Ensure that students know that this is not the time for jokes. People in this class may have an ED and we
don’t want to offend anyone or make them feel bad. An eating disorder is nothing to be ashamed of and
we should not joke about it.

Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s):

Students will be able to… ● What is an eating disorder?
● Explain to others the differences ● What do different eating disorders look like?
between a variety of eating disorders ● Who are most at-risk of developing an eating
● Identify the signs of an eating disorder in disorder and why?
themselves and others ● How can you help prevent an eating disorder from
● Identify forms of support and treatment developing in yourself and others?
● Help others who are struggling with ● How can you help yourself or someone else in
disordered eating recovering from an eating disorder?
● Identify and address maladaptive and
disordered beliefs regarding food,
nutrition, body image, etc.

Essential Products: Essential Processes:

● Completing the survey (twice) ● Discussions
● Lectures
● Analyzing forms of social media

Pre-existing Knowledge and Skills: Where Does This Lead?

● None. This unit is based on the ● This unit connects to a variety of other classes
assumption that students know nothing outside of Foods. It connects primarily to CALM,
about eating disorders. health, and psychology. It could also tie to classes
that have to do with nutrition.
● Careers related to this unit would primarily
include the healthcare industry (therapy,
counselling, psychiatry, nursing, doctoring,
support worker, etc.) and nutrition (coaching,
training, cooking, etc.).
● It could also lead to developing better
relationships among family members, friends,
peers, co-workers, etc.
PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery


Enabling Task #1 and Culminating Task #1

Assessment Name Summative or Formative Type (Say, Do, and/or Write)

Surveys Formative Write

The first survey will be done during the first lesson. This will determine what the students currently
know, believe, and feel about eating disorders.

The second survey will be done during the fourth and final lesson. When compared to the first survey,
it will show what the students have learned and how their feelings may have changed (or remained
the same) throughout the course of the unit.

Learning Outcomes:​ ​W–7.1, W–7.10

Enabling Task #2

Assessment Name Summative or Formative Type (Say, Do, and/or Write)

Discussions Formative Say and Do

Discussions will be held throughout all four lessons, but primarily on lessons three and four. Students
will analyze media, discuss misperceptions, and identify forms of support. Discussions may be brief,
due to the shortness of the unit, but it will help students become more aware of disordered eating
and body image, which will hopefully lead to discussions outside of the classroom and into other

Learning Outcomes:​ ​W–7.1, W–7.4, W–7.5, W–7.10

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

Google Classroom
The classroom contains videos, infographics, and articles related to the unit. It also contains all
Slides and surveys.
Join Code:​ ikrthia

Gr 7 First:​ ​https://forms.gle/vs71FhTbYXNtSb3j7
Gr 9 First:​ ​https://forms.gle/CGUCddTKXTNnXnjy5
Gr 9 Second:​ ​https://forms.gle/sZe7hoaGUZ7zRj3CA

Dr. Cassin’s Slides on Body Image:
Mrs. Zachery’s Slides on Disordered Eating:

Fed Up With EDs:​ ​https://fedupwitheds.weebly.com/

Passion Project:
PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

L​E​S​S​O​N ​S​E​Q​U​E​N​C​I​N​G
Outcome(s) W–7.1, W–7.4, W–7.5

Assessment Evidence(s)
​Purpose Formative, Pre-Assessment
​Modality Write and Say
​Device Lecture, Survey

Learning Activity(s) Intro: Introduce yourself and the unit. We are going to be learning about
body image and eating disorders, which are both topics plaguing people
of all ages and genders across the world.

Discuss the research and purpose of this unit, as it relates to your PIP.

Main: Ask students to take the Fed Up with EDs survey. Advise students
to not worry about finding the right answer. If they have any biases,
misinformation, etc., you want to know about it! You want to see what
we should be teaching and how education on this topic will impact

Inform students that the survey is completely anonymous and no one will
know who said what.

If there is time after the survey, watch some videos on body image.

● Women Talking About Body Image

● Men Talking About Body Image

Closure: Next class, we are extremely lucky to have the opportunity to

have a live Zoom meeting with Dr. Stephanie Cassin. She is a professor at
the University of Toronto and Ryerson University. She is an expert in
body image and disordered eating, and she is taking time out of her very
busy schedule to provide a wealth of information to all of us! She will be
presenting on body image, which is an extremely important topic but is
not taught about enough in schools (at least in my opinion).
PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

As a class, we are going to come up with a few questions to ask

Stephanie. Ask some students to volunteer to ask her the questions, so
we can be sure she will be asked at least one question.

Required Resource(s) Chromebooks, printed copies of the survey, phones, slips of paper

Lecture with Dr. Stephanie Cassin

Outcome(s) W–7.4, W–7.5

Assessment Evidence(s)
​Purpose Formative
​Modality Say
​Device Lecture (guest speaker via ZOOM)

Learning Activity(s) Intro: Introduce Dr. Stephanie Cassin to the class, then quickly discuss
expectations. Please be respectful of our guest and remain quiet while
she is talking.

Main: Dr. Cassin will be presenting on body image for the entirety of the

Closure: If there is time, students can ask Dr. Cassin questions about her
lecture or about the topic of body image, disordered eating, etc.

Required Resource(s) Computer, projector

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

Risk Factors
Outcome(s) W–7.4, W–7.5

Assessment Evidence(s)
​Purpose Formative
​Modality Say
​Device Lecture, discussion

Learning Activity(s) Intro: Review what we learned from Dr. Cassin last class. What was one
interesting, surprising, or useful thing that we learned? What questions
do we still have?

Main: Inform the class that you will be presenting on disordered eating.
Dr. Cassin touched on it during her lecture, but you will be going more

Before getting into the specific disorders and their signs and symptoms,
you are first going to go over the risk factors. Examples include dieting,
race, gender, coexisting illnesses, genetics, social media, etc.

Go through the Slides and discuss throughout. Ask questions whenever


Closure: ​Ask the class to raise their hand if they learned ONE new thing
today. What was it? Take a few answers and discuss.

Required Resource(s) Google Slides, computer, projector

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

All About EDs

Outcome(s) W–7.4, W–7.5

Assessment Evidence(s)
​Purpose Formative
​Modality Say
​Device Lecture, discussion

Learning Activity(s) Intro: Review what we discussed last class. We had talked about the
different risk factors and how they could potentially lead to an eating
disorder. Ask the class to list off a few of these risk factors and discuss

Main: Using the Slides, go through the three main types of EDs:
anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorders. Also talk about Pica and
RFID, if there is time.

It won’t take long to get through the EDs, so move on to the signs and
symptoms. For any sign or symptom you have a story for, be sure to tell it
and help students relate to the material. Also encourage students to
share their own stories or to ask questions.

Go through the Slides and discuss throughout. Ask questions whenever


Closure: ​Ask three different students to summarize the three main types
of EDs. Then, ask students to list some signs and symptoms. Did any
surprise them? Do any confuse them? Do they have any questions?

Required Resource(s) Google Slides, computer, projector

PIP: Fed Up With EDS Kit Zachery

Prevention & Treatment

Outcome(s) W–7.1, W–7.5, W–7.10

Assessment Evidence(s)
​Purpose Formative
​Modality Say and Write
​Device Survey, lecture, discussion

Learning Activity(s) Intro: Last class we discussed disordered eating, and today we will be
going over how to support yourself and/or others who are experiencing
disordered eating.

Ask the class to think of some ways we can support OURSELVES when
experiencing poor body image or disordered eating.

Next, ask the class to think of some ways we can support OTHERS who
are experiencing poor body image or disordered eating.

Main​: Go through the Google Slides and address questions and concerns
as they arise. You will have to move fairly quickly, as you want to finish by
the end of this class so that students can do the survey at the start of next
class, but be sure students are able to recognize ways to help themselves
and others.

Closure:​ Ask the class to ​think about:

1) One prevention technique you think is useful
2) One way you can help someone who has an ED
3) One way you can reach out for help

Ask the class to discuss these with the people around them. As they do,
go around and listen to what the students are saying. If students are
struggling to come up with anything, offer some suggestions.

At the start of the very next class, students will do the survey for a second
time. Then, the PIP unit is complete and they will go back to being taught
by Mrs. Pickerell.

Required Resource(s) Slides, computer, projector

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