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Formative Assessment


Formative Assessment tool chosen: Pear Deck

I chose to use a Pear Deck for this assignment because it allows you to insert
formative assessments throughout your digital learning experience. For the lesson I
included, feminism in the 1920s, I already had this lesson planned out for another class.
With the use of Pear Deck, I was able to quickly and efficiently add formative
assessments before, during, and after my lesson. For the before, I inserted a tool where
my students could submit their answers to the warm up question. Pear Deck displays
the responses anonymously, so the students could see how others replied to the same
question, activating their prior knowledge even further. For the during, I included a short
quiz as a check for understanding. After we discussed the 4 waves of feminism, I asked
students a quiz question to see if they were absorbing the material. If most of the
students answered the question wrong, I could go back and cover the material more.
For the after, I had the students answer a reflection question regarding their project. The
students were asked to create their own version of a 1920s flapper today. I asked the
students to reflect on how the description of a flapper has evolved from the 1920s to
today, which ties in what they learned in the lesson and helps them with their project.
Through the implementation of this one digital tool, I had the ability to insert all of these
formative assessments within my lesson with ease. Pear Deck allows teachers to still
check for understanding even if the lesson is entirely online, which is so useful
especially now during the pandemic.

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