Vocabulary Activity Planning Sheet

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Vocabulary Activity Planning Sheet

Directions for Full Credit: Use the vocabulary activity planning sheet to plan your strategy instruction. Please submit this
completed template to Canvas.

Name: Johnathan Welch

Strategy: Before Strategy (Quadrant Card)
Content Area and ELA Standards:
- Essential HS.E2U1.15: Construct an explanation based on evidence to illustrate the role of
nuclear fusion in the life cycle of a star.
- 9-10.I.7:Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in
both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.
- 9-10.W.4:Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
- 9-10.SL.2:Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media and formats, evaluating
the credibility and accuracy of each source.
- 9-10.L.1:Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
- Students will produce five written quadrant cards with the root word “Astro” which will contain
the definition, synonym, antonym, and an association of the word.
Supplementary Links to Resources (if any):
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xySfvsY2eiw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ojzEqbMZBE
- https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/postsecondary/features/F_Astronaut_Requireme
:*You may use bullet points if desired in the blue sections below*

Vocabulary Strategy Awareness & Explanation (Purpose for selecting the strategy)
How will provide students with a clear picture of the why and how?
- In order to provide students with a clear picture of the why, the key root needs to apply to
something that students can relate or know of. This is going to be done by having the concept
apply to space. Students, whether they realize it or not, look up at space all the time but don’t
necessarily know much about it.
- The teacher should explain the importance of learning new vocabulary words especially ones
that will be critical later on in their educational learning. When modeling the Quadrant card, the
teacher will be clear and concise. They should also be able to elaborate and explain in depth on
certain areas if students have questions about the modeling process.

Vocabulary Strategy Procedure-the “how-to”

Detail how you will introduce the vocabulary concept rooted in Latin/Greek roots, how you will propel
understanding of the generative use of these roots, and finally, how you will establish the proficiency of
the objective through an effective closing that can be assessed.
- At the beginning of the class, there will be one latin root word written on the board. This word
is “Astro”. I will start by giving students a few minutes to write down their thoughts on the root
and then ask for them to explain what they wrote down either to their classmate or the class. If
no one wants to volunteer, I will pick sticks that will have students' names on them.
- With the lesson being about astrology and space, it would be cool if the teacher had some
planets floating around the classroom but don’t necessarily need to.
- After this, I will have students watch one to two videos in regards to a variety of space
information. When watching these videos the students will be told to write down terms that
start with the root Astro. These include Astrology, Astronaut, Astrophysics, Astronomy, etc.
- After the video’s the I will model what a Quadrant Card looks like. A piece of paper is going to
be divided into four squares. The word that will be learned is going to be written in the upper
left hand quadrant. Then the definition or something similar to it, is going to be written in the
upper right hand quadrant. Associations to that word are going to be written in the lower left
hand quadrant. Finally, any antonyms that are applicable to that word will either be written or
drawn in the lower right hand quadrant.
- The purpose of a Quadrant Card is to engage students in vocabulary studying and its expansion.
- By the time students get through the lesson, they should be able to turn the quadrant cards in
at the end of the week or whenever the lesson is completed. These quadrant cards need to be
specific in relation to what the term means as well as what the root means.
- A rubric will be created so that students are aware of what is expected from these quadrant

Peer Reflection: Enlist your partner in assessing your vocabulary activity in depth. Reflect on their
assessment before implementing the activity in your digital learning experience. (optional
implementation) They will be looking at a few factors:
1. A discipline-specific topic is identified and a clear and creative vocabulary activity is
created for one or two Latin or Greek roots.
2. The activity builds generative knowledge and allows the student to think critically about
the words.
Have your peer write a 1-2 paragraph detailed reflection about your strategy based on their own self-
assessment. (Please ask them to be honest as any critiques should be welcomed and reciprocated.
Additionally, your assessment does not impact their grade.)
● How did the structure of this strategy support learning in their discipline specifically?
I thought it was interesting when Johnathan was utilizing the before tool of a Quadrant Card. While I’ve
never seen a teacher implement this within a classroom before the lesson started, I’ve seen it done
during or even after the lesson has been completed. The unique thing about the Quadrant Cards is that
they can be utilized in any discipline because it’s utilizing different vocabulary terms. With his area
being Science specific and their terminology being a little more complex, it’s vital that those students
are able to produce synonyms for those words.
● What were their strengths and areas for growth (please consider both their planning and your
instruction of the strategy).
To me he was clear that the instruction and modeling of the strategy needed to be clear for students
learning it. Most of them probably know of something similar but it is critical that they know what’s
expected from them. Another thing that I thought he did well at was giving students the ability to
create their own thoughts about the root word. The only thing that I would like to see him improve on
is maybe the deliverance of how students will gain the knowledge. I know it’s not a full lesson but a
little more background would be nice to see.

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