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09/05/2020 1

Meet your Strawman &

Common Law
Shem of the family Allanson, CLC
Session 1 – part a

09/05/2020 2
For entertainment purposes only

I cannot be held responsible for errors.

I have no law qualifications


09/05/2020 3
Who owns the earth?
• The Queen (owns ~16%+ of the planet)
• King Salman of Saudi Arabia
• The Vatican
• The Rothschilds (own most of the World’s banks & are
guardians of the Vatican treasury)
• The City of London Corporation (‘The Crown’)
• Other elites, e.g. George Soros, Jeff Bezos, *Bill Gates, Rockefellas,
*Mark Zuckerberg

* Vaccine agenda

09/05/2020 4
? Who owns the earth?

• The City of London Corporation (‘The Crown’)

• The Vatican

• The Rothschilds

• The Queen

• Other elites e.g. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Rockefellas, Mark Zuckerberg

• King Salman of Saudi Arabia

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The richest <1%

• Own more than half of the earth’s land

• They are becoming richer at an exponential rate

• We are becoming poorer at an exponential rate

• Achieved by fraudulent use of the strawman…

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Soon, the poorest 99% will…
• Own nothing – no land, housing, vehicles Read: Silent
weapons for
• Have zero control over quiet wars

• Their lives

• Their body Eventual aim: Read:

agenda 21
• Their data one-world
and 2030
• Their children

• Their education …?

• Their work …?

09/05/2020 7
• Silent weapons for Quiet Wars

• Social control in China:

• United Nations - Agenda 21 as PDF

• United Nations - Agenda 2030 as PDF

09/05/2020 8
Recap – what is a legal fiction?
• A dead entity that the authorities use to ‘con’ you into
believing you owe money or to give away your property
– Your land, your car, your kids, your freedoms and
• registrations, taxes, fines, fees, etc
• You are NOT your legal fiction
• Once you take ownership and you withdraw your
consent they cannot use it

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How did the 99% lose so much?

• By deception
• By the use of fraudulent contracts
• By using statutory (maritime, admiralty) law against us
• These 1% control most of the worlds media.

Note: Statutory ‘law’ does NOT apply to sovereign,

free men and women.

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Common Law Courts ARE the highest courts in the land, second only
to the jurisdiction of the Creator. In Lawful Jurisdiction, they stand
above all commercial statutory (admiralty or maritime)
‘courts’. Common Law dates back to the Magna Carta and it forms the
basis of all the statues, acts and codes we have today. It was law for
the people, by the people. YOU have the right to use Common Law
and the Common Law Courts today, and YOU can use them to great
benefit once YOU know how. I/We aim to teach you how.

09/05/2020 11
The hierarchy
of jurisdiction The
(very much simplified) creator
Common Law Court Lawful
The living man or woman
Fake ‘courts’
- Speeding tickets
- Council tax
Statutory ‘courts’ ‘Legal’

‘Legal’ fiction (strawman), persons, citizens

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More on jurisdiction
The right of a court to hear a particular case, based on
the scope of its authority over the type of case and the
parties to the case.

Common law – Based on case law. Outcome of previous

court cases.

Statutory (admiralty/maritime) ‘law’ – Based on

statutes, acts, codes & regulations – created or
adapted by the ‘legal’ profession.

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Common Law
(very briefly summarised)

1. Cause no harm or loss

2. Be honourable in all your dealings

3. Maintain the peace

Common Law is based on the outcome of cases, rather than on rules and
regulations that have been written down for guidance, i.e. statutes

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Legal and Lawful
Lawful – pertains to Common Law. Valid for everyone.
i.e. murder is unlawful, theft is unlawful (in every
jurisdiction). LAWS

‘Legal’ – pertains to statutory jurisdiction only. For

example, it is a ‘legal’ requirement to pay your income
tax, however, it is NOT a Lawful one. There is no income
tax under Common Law. STATUTES, ACTS, CODES &

09/05/2020 15
Joinder – What is it?
• The term joinder means ‘to create a contract with you’,
i.e. the police attempt to gain joinder.

• If you admit to being MR JOE BLOGGS and you admit

that you were 6 mph over the speed limit; you have
just agreed to a contract with the police. (Even though
this is not an offense under Common Law).

09/05/2020 16
Statutes, acts and codes are NOT laws

In fact, to refer to a statute, act or code as law

is fraud by misrepresentation

and malfeasance in a public office

A statute is, a legislative rule which is given

the force of law by CONSENT

09/05/2020 17
Foundation evidence
If the government / mortgage company say you owe
them money. You can challenge them on:

1. Validity of the statutory jurisdiction

2. Authority
3. Permission to use your legal fiction
4. Contract
5. Consent
6. (Valid invoice)

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A ruling by the common law court on 31st august 2019,
confirms that statues and acts do not apply to living men
and women. see page 2, item 5 for details.

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Conditional acceptance
If you believe I owe you money, please provide the
following foundation evidence: jurisdiction, authority,
consent, contract and a valid invoice. Should your claim
be valid then, of course, I will be happy to pay you.

If you are unable to provide the evidence I have

requested this is your tacit agreement that I owe you

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In law, you should always rebut something that is not
true immediately in writing, otherwise it may be
assumed to be true.

Exception, e.g. To a police offer by saying, e.g. I do not

answer questions. Do this immediately before you are

09/05/2020 21
The specialized or technical language of the ‘legal’ profession.
By its very nature it is designed to entrap you.

Only the ‘legal’ professionals understand it!

• So, you are forced to use them, &
• Play by their rules

e.g. ‘Do you understand?’ means ‘Do you stand under

me on this matter?’

09/05/2020 22
Police ‘officer’ vs police constable

• POLICE CONSTABLES - Duties are mainly peace keeping. They work for the
people. Historic duties go back centuries.

• POLICE ‘OFFICERS’ work for a private-for-profit corporation. They are

essentially revenue collectors. They are civilians in uniform and have no
special powers. They rely on fear, and force of law, not Common Law. They
aim to create joinder to enforce hidden agendas and contracts.

• Both have sworn an oath to uphold Common Law

Ref: The British Isles

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09/05/2020 24
Who are the

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09/05/2020 26
Managed by the people, for the people

The Common Law Court – GB & International

Empower individuals & communities

Provide a better future for our children

Work with the police and enforcement agencies

Promote happiness, good health and lifelong learning

Protect the ecosystems

To adjust Common Law to reflect the wishes of the people, rather than the
desires of politicians, government, big tech or big pharma!

09/05/2020 27
Start here:
1. Create yourself a login for the Common Law Court website. Go to:

2. Next, list your birth on the site. You can do this here:

Have the details of your birth, and your parent’s details, to hand. You will need these to complete the form. Your birth
certificate number will be emailed to you. Please allow 24 hours.

3. Once you have received the number assigned to your birth record, you can take ownership of your ‘legal’ fiction’. You
can do this here:
Again, you may need to wait 24 hours for this to be completed.

4. Next, order a Common Law Court card here:

You will be able to use this as evidence of identity, instead of your driving license. Note, that it shows the Country of your
birth, not the place of your residence. This sometimes confuses the police, so be ready to explain.

Note: 1. and 2. are free to list, however, we recommend you order a printed copy for reference.

There is a small charge for this and for your Common Law Court card, to cover costs.

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Contact info
Telegram: Nutrition&CLC Lady (as and when available for questions!)

Skype: shem.allanson.dietitian (please, email me first)

Nutrition / dietetic appointments only:
(I would appreciate some Likes too!)
Nutrition website:

09/05/2020 29
I would appreciate a donation,

but only if you can afford it, as I am currently

under Covid-19 lockup and not working!

- via PayPal to

09/05/2020 30

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