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(Adsorcidn de gases jueves, 19 denoviembrede2020 09:26 p.m Leer Sag-S74- adsorciin ae gases pures Iseteroa linge (ackno) ips de soteane de Ad sorién Amount adsorbed ° 1.0 Relative pressure, P/Po mayor prtsion es deseable "Ss quiese sege alosrbitado 3 3 3 ; 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 $ 5 3 3 — € < < oO 1.0 0 1.0 Relative pressure, P/Po Relative pressure, P/Po OO farsro de bistitusis ——> |O 3 2 2 2 5 5 3 3 ; ; 3 3 € e — é é fro & bististsis ——> |O Amount adsorbed Amount adsorbed ° 1.0 0 10 Relative pressure, P/Po Relative pressure, P/Po Figure 15.9 Brunauer's five types of adsorption isotherms. (P/Po = total pressure/vapor pressure.) eR wn laborator io S@ atrificom (os compyrtemitntys. El tp | es Uh mis distivvtwo (107- casos) pem no UL daico Consideraciongs de quiliorio — Cquilibyio dinamico: 0 dtrmooladmia, sirnilar DA Steado. Fyshl un Grea de SuperFicie won un [{mite de saturauwn. En ta préctica, a saturaudn Sv Mani fusia uv bao fUndinniemto. Siumpt qe haya’ wna diftiencial de concentravtont> Cewsion) Po > py [sotema [inal cated Ie Catal absorb £2 omy prea (425 en/q) St asemeja a une Linea reute 4 St vomporta ume la LEY ne HENRY Prevon z if reoun 3 ! : + KP z V E |py-> compottanriorta \intal cte dependionte. de, \ bajas concent iactones, emprratura. oO 1.0 Relative pressure, P/Po Ley lechatetion ( proveyy exotdynice) Gi aumenia comasiods la temp) se adsorbe menos pomve Las friar intumolewlorts se debilitan pes a Energia ok las Mmoljiulas es tanta Gu No 2 Guiedun adsorbidas. [a adsorcién petsenta, muyjors eficiundios a menores fu praturas. fste - fompartamiunte se ostemyja o la ec. Clwusivs- Lgeyan > Se pede dettiminae U cAlor de adsoecidn we (Energ’a necesarin para que Sueda be ddsoracn ) d bn? _ —Adads YY Goiamene par TT = er Compo rtarnitntes lineales soterna Trundlich Compord amiento ‘¥porencial ge kel Semijanit a1 prpueste de Henny , donde le 4 A son yalores dependrenits de. la emp, a geass ai 41 son yalores tart la temp. 5 Se sugiee tineakiza’ = 9° usando. logaiitmos pe 1 log 4= log E+ (=r) tog P = _—— — b my 4 com a Intalaanda y tl ajAste onaternabica Se prc outers K 4M Porm gpntear be Carvin Ae Fyn gh, Isolorma. de. Langmuir No considera las furrras de interactida dq/dt = Kap(L= 8) — ka eo plot dad ce od Ce desoratn Fracain a a gabe este modelo lleva 7= KamP 1+ Kp Largrruir 64, le, gon constants en este Mode lo ’ = an kaw f (t+Kp “ eatin t P A Ayal Ym 4 Ls Li iLI i b m™ xK EXAMPLE 15.4 Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherms. Data for the equilibrium adsorption of pure methane gas on acti- vated carbon (PCB from Calgon Corp.) at 296 K were obtained by Ritter and Yang [Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 1679-1686 (1987)]: Conno Se welye cle, Sige ‘soltima | q,cm (STP) of 45.5 91s] 113 121 125 126 126 CH,/g carbon — P=p,psia 40 165 350 545 760 910 970 Fit the data to: (a) the Freundlich isotherm, and (b) the Langmuir isotherm. Which isotherm provides a better fit? Do the data give a reasonable fit to the linear isotherm? 3 © Agusta, a Freundlich, ye s Langmuir ° as (zo - poe Sompre Ins peceton visual 3 € Mo se puede wsar un 3 2 Kiuste Liweal < wo 0) Freunden 0 1.0 5) Louncyoraa é Ratea Henne nin vn nd ———____ 0 1.0 P) Loneynunic Relative pressure, P/Po c) Se wecesita oblengr lo we 3 Dbsoriido, CLudl seria ta hog! Vodelo Fyeund lich fog 4 = log E+ (Cw) vA 4 ae 4 em Dectos & xperinventales ° 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 P Q P log Q=Y Log P=X 45.5 40 1.6580114 1.60205999 91.5 165 1.96142109 2.21748394 113 350 2.05307844 2.54406804 121 545 2.08278537 2.7363965 125 760 2.09691001 2.88081359 126 910 2.10037055 2.95904139 126 970 2.10037055 2.98677173 Freundlich 25 2 as y=0.3101c #12123 1 Rep. os ° 150047922 eS Series nnn Linen (Seriest) Y= odtol *+ (2133 i * b log 1 : S n loge te 0.301 « nz 32249 2133 loge 2183. vee tot!” = tpn ak My She La 3lol 4a P ae} Frewdich SiS esta 4-00 % PP? 10d: 10.242 po On Freunohich P= 1344.23. peias Fare. Lomgnnuir Z 4 am P — LH bow Yb m x P/q=¥ Pa 0.87912088 40 1.80327869 165 3.09734513 350 450413223 545 . 6.08 760 1 2:0073x + 0.5682 7.22222222 910% 1 op 4 7.6984127 970 Yon Sn F yaooorseeasse2 o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 eo seriest Lineal Series) at . Qm= 07S * qm= 136.7 \ . I ose amet yp. Gn Gk y ke 9.012 6 = 0.01295 136-949 .P 1+ 0-01265-P ROK obtener 4 = [00 cng, {00 O.owastisea9)? "Papo lroors P Conclusion = path ee YUULin , Loang nave freee wr rmejor WR EE, The predicted values of g from the two isotherms are:’ (STP) of CH,/g carbon Experimental Freundlich Langmuir 40 45.5 513 46.5 165 os 79.6 93.1 350 113 101 2 545 121 5 120 760 125 128 124 910 126 135 126 970 126 138 127 The Langmuir isotherm fits the data significantly better than the Freundlich. Average percent deviations, in g, are 1.01% and 8.64%, respectively. One reason for the better Langmuir fit is the trend to an asymptotic value for q at the highest pressures. Clearly, the data do not fit a linear isotherm well at all.

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