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Balancing Equation Video Project

In a group of 2 – 4 people, you will make a teaching video to show others how to balance an
equation. The requirements are as follows:

1—you may use any technology instrument to create your video—cell phone, your school
issued Chromebook, etc.

2—You may choose to use a web-based video production site such as Animoto, but you don’t
have to.

3—Your video and audio must be clear throughout the presentation.

4—Your audio component must contain all vocabulary words used to balance equations, such
as “reactants” and “products”

5—Your video must show all steps in balancing the equation so that someone who knows
nothing about balancing equations could learn how to do any equation from it.

*** You will be provided with a rubric for grading before you begin working on your video. The
rubric must be handed in once you have submitted your video so that I can use it to grade your
project and then return it to you once it is completed.

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