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Ashley Berreth PSIII

Annual Professional Growth Plan Framework

Name: Ashley Berreth, St. Francis Junior High School- Grade 9 Mathematics/ Grade 8 K&E

Year: September 2020 - December 2020

Goal #1:
To incorporate student led learning/activities in order to provide opportunities for
leadership, collaboration and a sense of ownership in students' education.

Teaching Quality Standard: TQS #3 Demonstrating a professional body of knowledge.

Due to Covid protocol many of students' choices have been taken away. This has led to an indifference
towards education and in order for them to begin to rectify that they need to feel a sense of responsibility
towards what they are learning. I believe that by putting them in charge of their education and giving
students an opportunity to collaborate I will begin to see a change in their performance.

- Use feedback from students in order to guide my teaching.
- Find math resources that are based around student led learning to better my practice.
- Collaborate with other teachers who have found success with student led learning.
- Create a journal to keep track of my successes and learning experiences.

- Have an inquiry based question every class to encourage imagination in math.
- Begin a weekly student update, meet with students during work time to evaluate their progress.
- Reassess my practice weekly.
- By the next chapter exam I will evaluate the students' change in behaviour.

Anticipated Outcome/Success Markers:

- Students' learning will be enriched and students will feel a sense of ownership in their learning.
- I will see a decrease in incomplete assignments.
- Ask the students to complete a journal entry reflecting whether they feel more confident in math, are
putting more effort into math, and are doing better in math.

Reflection Questions:
- professional learning, what have I learnt?
- Student learning, what have my students learnt?
- Have I achieved my goal?
Goal #2:
To promote resiliency throughout my practicum in order to create a solid foundation for a
long career.

Teaching Quality Standard: TQS #3 Demonstrating a professional body of knowledge.

During the first month of practicum finding balance between school and home has been something I have
struggled with. In order to foster a long career in education I believe it is important to keep myself healthy
so that I am able to bring the best version of myself to school everyday

- Go to weekly yoga classes to calm my mind, get in daily exercise and take time for myself.
- Collaborate with peers.
- Read ATA resources for first year teachers.
- Effectively utilize prep time to limit work outside of school.

- Keep a weekly journal
- Exercise 4 times a week
- Read at least two resources on longevity

Anticipated Outcome/Success Markers:

- Better work/home balance.
- More present during school hours.
- More efficient use of time.
- Use my weekly journal to keep track of my progress and to ensure I am sticking to my plan.
- By ensuring I am taking care of myself I will be able to bring the best version on myself to my students
which will allow me to focus on their success throughout the day.

Reflection Questions:
- professional learning, what have I learnt?
- Student learning, what have my students learnt?
- Have I achieved my goal?

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