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Ashley B

Whole Numbers Unit Plan

Title of Unit Whole Numbers Grade Level 8

Subject Mathematics Time Frame 3 Weeks

Developed By Ashley B.

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(include all relevant GLO(s) & SLO(s))

General Learning Outcome:

● demonstrate a number sense for whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and percents and apply arithmetic
operations to solve problems with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percents in everyday contexts.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
1. use estimation strategies to estimate quantities and read and write numerals and number words to 1 000 000
2. compare and order whole numbers
3. represent an understanding of place value to the hundredths concretely, pictorially and symbolically
4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Ashley B

Big Mathematical Ideas

Which big mathematical ideas (e.g. place value, algebraic reasoning, etc.) does this unit address? Consult Charles (2005) and
Hurst and Hurrell (2014)

● Quantities can be compared without assigning numerical values to them.

● Classifying numbers as factors and/or multiples of other numbers, or as primes or composites, provides additional
information about those numbers.

Essential Question(s)
What provocative question(s) will foster inquiry into the content? (open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked
to the content of the enduring understanding)

● How are numbers used in everyday life to convey information and solve problems?
● How does organizing data make it easier to understand?

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will the student acquire as a What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills and/or
result of this unit? This content knowledge behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their work in this
may come from the indicators, or might also unit. These will come from the indicators.
address prerequisite knowledge that students
will need for this unit.
Ashley B

Students will be able to..

● demonstrate a number sense for whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and percents and apply arithmetic
operations to solve problems with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percents in everyday contexts

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

This will come out of your UAP.

Lesson Activities
Lesson Date/Title

September 2 Overview
First day of class, we will review what school will look like in the coming months, hygiene and social
Week 1 distancing and any extra school policies. We will do several ice breakers and get to know the students and
what they liked and didn’t like about doing online school. This will also give us time to go over the course
outline and expectations of the class.
Ashley B

September 4 Outcome(s)
1. use estimation strategies to estimate quantities and read and write numerals and number words to 1
1.1 Estimating Whole 000 000
Math Talk
Have a jar of buttons at the front of the class and ask the students how many they think are in the jar. Once
they have written down their first answer tell them how many buttons are in the bottom part of the jar, then
get them to either keep their answer or write another one. Introduce the difference between guessing and
Go over the definitions of estimate, guess, referent. Do some more class examples enforcing the use of a
Have a meter stick, show the students an example of estimating the length of an object based on the length
of the meter stick. Each student will have a work sheet of different objects around the classroom. As a class
(or individually based on rulers/ sanitation) get the students to estimate the length of those objects.

Once the activity is done get the students to complete 1.1 pg 4-5. This is the point in the class where we
can touch base and make sure each student understands estimation, I will also take in everyone's
worksheet as a formative assessment.

September 8 Outcome(s)
Week 2 1. use estimation strategies to estimate quantities and read and write numerals and number words to 1
000 000
1. 2 Modelling Whole 3. represent an understanding of place value to the hundredths concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Ashley B

Math talk
Have a drawn representation of a number (several hundred blocks, tens blocks and ones blocks) and ask
the students to decide what number is being modeled. How did they know?

Go over the terms standard form and expanded form and discuss ways that they can model different
numbers. Ensure that you are asking questions like: why do we do this? How does this help us understand
what numbers look like?

This part of the lecture will also depend on the policies that the school has about manipulatives:
Using counters have a number on the board and ask students to place the counters in the correct place
value. We will do a couple examples and engage in student lead discussion.

Create place value cups: for the students to use for their

Complete 1.2, again this is the time that I will go around the classroom and ask students to read me a
number out loud and get them to explain the place values of each number. This will serve as a gauge of
where each member of the class is.

September 9 Outcome(s)
2. compare and order whole numbers

1.3 Comparing and Overview:

Ordering Whole Math Talk
Numbers Write on the board how many numbers can you make out of an 8 a 4 and four 0s? This will challenge their
idea of place value and by writing each different way on the board the students will be able to see how
many different ways they can write numbers.
Ashley B

We will then give the students two different numbers that they will have to write out in place value charts
and compare each place value and decide which number is bigger starting from left to right. Why do we
start from the left and not from the right? Go over other ways of comparing numbers, counting the number
of digits. We will also review > and < signs.

Using a deck of shuffled cards students will lay out 2 sets of 6 cards and write them down on a piece of
loose leaf. They will then have to compare each number (they can use their cups from the previous class)
and decide which one is bigger and smaller. They will do as many as they can until it is time for practice. I
will take in their pages for a formative assessment.

Complete 1.3, use this time to answer independent questions the students may have.

September 10 Outcome(s)
4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
1.4 Multiples and symbolically

Overview: In this lesson students will use counting patterns to identify multiples and to determine if one
number is a multiple of another. We will review basic multiplication facts as use different techniques
throughout the lessons to skip count. Based on our ability to use manipulatives we will do a hands on
activity to demonstrate multiples which will set them up to do 1.4 in their workbook while I do student to
student visits to assess where every individual is with the material.
Math Talk

September 11 Outcome(s)
Ashley B

4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
1.4 Multiples and symbolically

Overview: We will revisit multiples for a second day using the math talk as a formative assessment of the
students' understanding of the material. We will then do an interactive game on the ipads if permitted to
practice their knowledge. Finally they will have the rest of the time to finish their workbook and if they finish
that they will get a formative worksheet to hand in.
Math Talk

September 14 Outcome(s)
Week 3 4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
and symbolically
1.5 Factors
Overview: In this lesson students will learn how to use models, arrays, and factor rainbows to identify
factors. They will learn that factors are what we multiply to get a number while multiples are what we get
from multiplying that number by an integer (in their case a whole number). We will do several class
examples of what an array looks like and then give them white boards to do some formative assessment
before they move on to their balloon activity and then begin on their 1.5 pages.
Math Talk

September 15 Outcome(s)
4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
1.5 Factors and symbolically

Overview: We will do a centers day where the students have several different factor stations to complete.
Each station will have different tasks for factoring and will have a worksheet for them to work through
Ashley B

throughout the class. The goal of this class will be for the students to get an idea of where we use factoring
and deepen their understanding of different ways that they can factor. By having a student lead learning
day it will break up the lecture time and allow all the students to be on the same page and gives students
plenty of time to ask questions in a laid back environment.
Math Talk

September 16 Outcome(s)
4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
1.6 Prime and and symbolically
Composite Numbers
Overview: In this lesson students will learn how to recognize prime and composite numbers by using
arrays. They will understand the definition of a prime number being that it only has two factors, itself and 1
and the definition of composite numbers being that it has more than two factors and that a composite
number can be written as a product of its prime factors. They will have time to use interactive technology to
see visuals of the two and apply their knowledge of factors to define numbers. After they have finished their
activity they will complete 1.6.
Math Talk
Ashley B

September 17 Outcome(s)
1. use estimation strategies to estimate quantities and read and write numerals and number words to 1
000 000
Review 2. compare and order whole numbers
3. represent an understanding of place value to the hundredths concretely, pictorially and symbolically
4. recognize, model and describe multiples, factors, composites and primes to 100 concretely, pictorially
and symbolically

Overview: The last day of the unit will be a general overview along with jeopardy style questions for some
formative assessment.
Math Talk

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments

Required Areas of Study: ● Each class has a direct correlation to a specific outcome.
Is there alignment between outcomes,
performance assessment and learning

Adaptive Dimension: ● The mixture of direct instruction, student-led learning, discussion,

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the and work time allows for plenty of one-on-one time between the
curriculum content (not outcomes), instructional teacher and the students who may need extra support.
practices, and/or the learning environment to meet ● The curriculum content can be adjusted as the unit goes on; we
the learning needs of all my students? would know whether an adjustment would need to be made based
on the formative assessments which take place throughout (daily
Ashley B

activities and practice.)

Instructional Approaches: ● Throughout the unit there is a mixture of student lead discussion
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student- and exploration in the form of Math talks, teacher lecture which
centered instructional approaches? due to the unit's nature uses around 40 percent of the daily class
time and a mixture of activity that can be individual or partner
activities as well as individual practice time. All of which give a well
rounded instructional approach.

FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender ● Throughout the unit I plan on integrating FNMI culture in
Equity/Multicultural Education: mathematical activities that lead to a higher understanding of the
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while material while also promoting a diverse classroom
honoring each child’s identity?

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