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good evening teacher, good evening class,

my name is vanessa guevara and my group is made up of Esteban gallego, Jessica Mera, Samuel
Guapacha and me, and this is our presentation…

today it correspond to us The fasting 16/8

To start, fasting has been practiced for thousands of years and is a stáple acróss many different
religions and cultures around the globe.

Today, new (verairis) varieties of fasting put a new twist on the (einshout) practice.

16/8 íntermittent fasting is one of the most popular styles of fasting. Propónents claim that it’s an
easy, convénient and sustáinable way to lose weight and improve overall health.

What is 16/8 ?

16/8 íntermittent fasting invólves limiting consumption of foods and

cálorie-(Knteining) (bebrich) to a set window of eight hours at day and
abstaining from food for the remáining 16 hours.

This cycle can be (ripired) as frequently as you like — from just once or
twice at week to every day, depending on your personal preference.

16/8 intermittent fasting has skyrocketed in popularity in récent years,

espécially among those looking to lose weight and burn fat.

While other diets often set strict rules and regulations, 16/8 intermittent
fasting is easy to follow and can províde real results with minimal éffort.

Also, It’s génerally considered less restríctive and more flexible than
many other diet plans and can easily fit into just about any lifestyle.
As a conclusion for this parte, 16/8 intermittent fasting is easy to follow,
flexible and (convínient) (as I had already said). Animal and human
studies (sugyést) that it may incréase weight loss, improve blood sugar
levels, (in-hans) brain function and exténd longévity.

Continue my partner

In my personal opinion

I agree with the fasting 16/8

Because, ok, When I was a child , I was overweight, after that I did a lot of exercise but still had a
few extra kilos. But later, when I found out about intermittent fasting, I did it and it really worked.
I have seen the results and I have been on this diet for about a year now and it really works. Also,
It is also not so demanding because most of the time fasting is spent sleeping, so it is not difficult
to do it. Once you get used to it is really very easy, Also, your body appreciates it and you feel very

the truth it has served me a lot

For example, I eat until 5 in the afternoon and my next meal is at 9 in the morning the next day
and for me it is already very easy to do it haha

And for example the other diets, omg

They're very difficult

I am not able to do them

because I eat too much, but I don't gain weight thanks to that

I like very much it

because it is not so demanding when I was a child I had weight, but thanks to exercise and this
type of diet

Todo comenzó el 31 de diciembre del año 2019

En esa fecha, un hombre de la provincia de china

It all started when on December 31th 2019, China notified the WHO (World Health
Organization) of several cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, Hubei province.
A week later, on January 7, these cases were determined to be caused by a new
coronavirus. The virus spread very quickly, first within Wuhan and Hubei province, then to
the rest of China.

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