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Classical “Dressing” of a Free Electron in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave

Kirk T. McDonald
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544

Konstantin Shmakov
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
(Feb. 28, 1998)

magnetic field (taken to be in vacuum throughout this

The energy and momentum densities of the fields of a free paper) and c is the speed of light.
electron in a plane electromagnetic wave include interference
Poincaré [3] noted that this flow of energy can also be
terms that are the classical version of the “dressing” of the
associated with a momentum density given by
electron the arises in a quantum analysis. The transverse me-
chanical momentum of the oscillating electron is balanced by S E×B
the field momentum resulting from the interference between Pfield = 2
= , (2)
c 4πc
the driving wave and the static part of the electron’s field.
The interference between the wave and the oscillating part Hence, in the problem of a free electron in a plane electro-
of the electron’s field leads to a longitudinal field momentum magnetic wave we are led to seek an electromagnetic field
and a negative field energy that compensate for the longi- momentum that is equal and opposite to the mechanical
tudinal momentum and kinetic energy of the electron. The momentum of the electron.
interference terms are dominated by the near zone, so that as In this paper we demonstrate that indeed the mechan-
the wave passes the electron by the latter reverts to its energy ical momentum of the oscillating electron is balanced by
and momentum prior to the arrival of the wave. the field momentum in the interference term between the
incident wave and the static field of the electron. We are
left with some subtleties when we consider the interfer-
ence between the incident wave and the oscillating field
of the electron.
The behavior of a free electron in a electromagnetic
wave is one of the most commonly discussed topics in
classical electromagnetism. Yet, several basic issues re- II. GENERALITIES
main to be clarified. These relate to the question: to
what extent can net energy be transferred from an elec- A. Motion of an Electron in a Plane Wave
tromagnetic pulse (such as that of a laser) in vacuum to
a free electron?
These issues are made more complex by quantum con- We consider a plane electromagnetic wave that prop-
siderations, including the role of the “quasimomentum” agates in the +z direction of a rectangular coordinate
of an electron that is “dressed” by an electromagnetic system. A fairly general form of this wave is
wave [1].
Ewave = x̂Ex cos(kz − ωt) − ŷEy sin(kz − ωt),
As a small step towards understanding of the larger is-
sues, we consider a simpler question here. The response Bwave = x̂Ey sin(kz − ωt) + ŷEx cos(kz − ωt), (3)
of a free electron to a plane electromagnetic wave is oscil-
latory motion in the plane perpendicular to the direction where ω = kc is the angular frequency of the wave, k =
of the wave, in the first approximation. Thus, the elec- 2π/λ is the wave number and x̂ is a unit vector in the
tron has momentum transverse to the direction of the x direction, etc. When either Ex or Ey is zero we have
wave. However, the wave contains momentum only in a linearly polarized wave, while for Ex = ±Ey we have
its direction, and the radiated wave contains no net mo- circular polarization.
mentum (in the nonrelativistic limit). How is momentum A free electron of mass m oscillates in this field such
conserved in this process? that its average position is at the origin. This simple
The general sense of the answer has been given by statement hides the subtlety that our frame of reference
Poynting [2], who noted that an electromagnetic field can is not the lab frame of an electron that is initially at rest
be said to contain a flux of energy (energy per unit area but which is overtaken by a wave [4–6]. If the velocity of
per unit time) given by the oscillating electron is small, we can ignore the v/c×B
force and take the motion to be entirely in the plane z =
cE × B 0. Then, (also ignoring radiation damping) the equation
S= , (1) of motion of the electron is

in Gaussian units, where E is the electric field, B is the mẍ = eEwave (0, t) = e(x̂Ex cos ωt + ŷEy sin ωt). (4)

Using eq. (3) we find the position of the electron to be B. Field Momentum
x=− (x̂Ex cos ωt + ŷEy sin ωt), (5) The fields associated with the electron can be regarded
mω 2
as the superposition of those of an electron at rest at
and the mechanical momentum of the electron is the origin plus those of a dipole consisting of the actual
e oscillating electron and a positron at rest at the origin.
pmech = mẋ = (x̂Ex sin ωt − ŷEy cos ωt). (6) Thus, we can write the electric field of the electron as
Estatic + Eosc and the magnetic field as Bosc , where the
The root-mean-square (rms) velocity of the electron is oscillating fields have the pure frequency ω in the low-
r velocity limit.
p e Ex2 + Ey2 eErms The entire electromagnetic momentum density can
vrms = hẋ2 + ẏ 2 i = = c. (7) then be written
mω 2 mωc
The condition that the v/c × B force be small is then (Ewave + Estatic + Eosc ) × (Bwave + Bosc )
Pfield = . (13)
η≡ ¿ 1, (8) However, in seeking the field momentum that opposes
the mechanical momentum of the electron, we should
where the dimensionless measure of field strength, η, is not include either of the self-momenta Ewave × Bwave or
a Lorentz invariant. Similarly, the rms departure of the (Estatic + Eosc ) × Bosc . The former is independent of the
electron from the origin is electron, while the latter can be considered as a part of
the mechanical momentum of the electron according to
eErms ηλ the concept of “renormalization”.
xrms = 2
= . (9)
mω 2π We therefore restrict our attention to the interaction
field momentum
Thus, condition (8) also insures that the extent of the mo-
tion of the electron is small compared to a wavelength, Pint = Pwave,static + Pwave,osc , (14)
and so we may use the dipole approximation when con-
sidering the fields of the oscillating electron. where
In the weak-field approximation, we can now use (6)
for the velocity to evaluate the second term of the Lorentz Estatic × Bwave
Pwave,static = . (15)
force: 4πc

v e2 (Ex2 − Ey2 ) and

e ×B= ẑ sin 2ωt. (10)
c 2mωc Ewave × Bosc + Eosc × Bwave
Pwave,osc = . (16)
This term vanishes for circular polarization, in which case 4πc
the motion is wholely in the transverse plane. However, We recall from eqs. (6) and (11) that the transverseme-
for linear polarization the v/c × B force leads to oscilla- chanical momentum of the oscillating electron has pure
tions along the z axis at frequency 2ω, as first analyzed frequency ω. Since the wave and the oscillating part
in general by Landau [7]. For polarization along the x̂ of the electron’s field each have frequency ω, the term
axis, the x-z motion has the form of a “figure 8”, which Pwave,osc contains harmonic functions of ω 2 , which can
for weak fields (η ¿ 1) is described by be resolved into a static term plus ones in frequency
2ω. Hence we should not expect this term to cancel
eEx e2 Ex2
x=− cos ωt, z=− sin 2ωt. (11) the mechanical momentum. Rather, we look to the term
mω 2 8m2 ω 3 c Pwave,static , since this has pure frequency ω.
If the electron had been at rest before the arrival of
the plane wave, then inside the wave it would move with
an average drift velocity given by III. THE MOMENTUM PWAVE,STATIC

η 2 /2 The static field of the electron at the origin is, in rec-

vz = c, (12)
1 + η 2 /2 tangular coordinates,

along the direction of the wave vector, as first deduced e

Estatic = (xx̂ + yŷ + zẑ), (17)
by McMillan [8]. In the present paper we work in the r3
frame in which the electron has no average velocity along where r is the distance from the origin to the point of
the z axis. Therefore, prior to its encounter with the observation. Combing this with eq. (3) we have
plane wave the electron had been moving in the negative
z direction with speed given by (12).

Pwave,static = {−x̂zEx cos(kz − ωt) We begin by noting that the retarded vector potential
4πcr3 of the oscillating electron at a point r at time t can be
+ŷzEy sin(kz − ωt) (18) written
+ẑ[xEx cos(kz − ωt) − yEy cos(kz − ωt)]}.
e ẋ(t0 = t − r/c)
Aosc (r, t) = (20)
When we integrate this over all space to find the total c r
field momentum, the terms in ẑ vanish as they are odd e2
=− [x̂Ex sin(kr − ωt) + ŷEy cos(kr − ωt)],
in either x or y. Likewise, after expanding the cosine and mωcr
sine of kz − ωt, the terms proportional to z cos kz vanish
on integration. The remaining terms are thus using eq. (5) for the motion x of the electron. The oscil-
lating part of the scalar potential is obtained by integra-
tion of the Lorentz gauge condition:
pwave,static = Pwave,static (19)
Z 1 ∂φosc
e z sin kz ∇ · Aosc + = 0. (21)
= (−x̂Ex sin ωt + ŷEy cos ωt) c ∂t
4πc V r3
e We find
= (−x̂Ex sin ωt + ŷEy cos ωt) = −pmech , ½ · ¸
ω e2 kx x
φosc = − Ex sin(kr − ωt) + cos(kr − ωt)
after an elementary volume integration. mω 2 r2 r3
· ¸¾
It is noteworthy that the integration is independent ky y
+Ey 2 cos(kr − ωt) − 3 sin(kr − ωt) . (22)
of any hypothesis as to the size of a classical elec- r r
tron. Indeed, the integrand of (19) can be expressed
as cos θ sin(kr cos θ)/r2 via the substitution z = r cos θ. The constant static potential is omitted in the above.
Hence, the integral over a spherical shell is independent The scalar potential could also be deduced from the
of r for kr ¿ 1, and significant contributions to the inte- retarded potential of a moving charge. Equation (22)
gral occur for radii up to one wavelength of the electro- results on expanding the retarded distance to first order
magnetic wave. This contrasts with the self-momentum in the field strength of the plane wave.
density of the electron which is formally divergent; if the The electric and magnetic fields are, of course, found
integration is cut off at a minimum radius (the classical from the potentials via
electron radius), the dominant contribution occurs within 1 ∂A
twice that radius. B=∇×A and E = −∇φ − . (23)
c ∂t
Thus, we have demonstrated the principal result of this
paper. The lengthy expressions for the rectangular components
of the fields are
· ¸
e2 E y k 2 z kz
Bosc,x = − sin(kr − ωt) + 3 cos(kr − ωt) ,
mω 2 r2 r
· 2
Several subtleties in the argument appear when we e Ex k z kz
Bosc,y = − cos(kr − ωt) − 3 sin(kr − ωt) ,
consider the other interference term in the momentum mω 2 r2 r
density (14). For this we must first display the electro- · ¸
e2 Ex k 2 y ky
magnetic fields of an oscillating electron. Bosc,z = cos(kr − ωt) − 3 sin(kr − ωt) (24)
mω 2 r2 r
· ¸
e2 Ey k 2 x kx
+ sin(kr − ωt) + 3 cos(kr − ωt) ,
A. The Fields Eosc and Bosc mω 2 r2 r
Since we restrict our attention to an electron that os- ·µ ¶
cillates with amplitude much less than a wavelength of e2 Ex 3kx2 k
the driving wave, and the electron attains velocities that Eosc,x =− − 2 sin(kr − ωt)
mω 2 r4 r
are much less than the speed of light, it is sufficient to µ 2 2 2
¶ ¸
k k x 3x2 1
use the dipole approximation to the fields of the electron. + − 3 + 5 − 3 cos(kr − ωt)
While these fields are well known, they are typically pre- r r r r
sented in imaginary notation, of which only the real part e Ey 3kxy
− cos(kr − ωt)
has physical significance. This notation is very useful mω 2 r4
for discussions in which only time-averaged behavior is µ 2 ¶ ¸
k xy 3xy
of interest. However, we wish to consider the details of + − 5 sin(kr − ωt) ,
momentum balance at an arbitrary moment, and it is r3 r
preferable to use purely real notation. e2 Ex 3kxy
Eosc,y =− sin(kr − ωt)
mω 2 r4

µ ¶ ¸ ·
k 2 xy 3xy e2 Ex Ey cos(kz − wt) 3kxy
− − cos(kr − ωt) − cos(kr − ωt)
r3 r5 4πmω 2 c r4
·µ ¶ µ 2 ¶ ¸
e2 Ey 3ky 2 k k xy 3xy
− − cos(kr − ωt) (25) + − sin(kr − ωt) (27)
mω 2 r4 r2 r3 r5
µ 2 ¶ ¸ ·
k k2 y2 3y 2 1 e2 Ex Ey sin(kz − wt) 3kxy
− − 3 + 5 − 3 sin(kr − ωt) , − − 4 sin(kr − ωt)
r r r r 4πmω 2 c r
· µ 2 ¶ ¸
e Ex 3kxz k xy 3xy
Eosc,z =− sin(kr − ωt) + − cos(kr − ωt)
mω 2 r4 r3 r5
µ 2 ¶ ¸ ·µ ¶
k xz 3xz e2 Ey2 sin(kz − wt) 3ky 2 k
− − 5 cos(kr − ωt) + − 2 cos(kr − ωt)
r3 r 4πmω 2 c r4 r
· µ 2 2 2 2
¶ ¸
e Ey 3kyz k k y 3y 1
− cos(kr − ωt) − − 3 + 5 − 3 sin(kr − ωt) .
mω 2 r4 r r r r
µ 2 ¶ ¸
k yz 3yz
+ − 5 sin(kr − ωt) . The terms of Pwave,osc,z that are proportional to Ey Ey
r3 r are odd on both x and y, and so will vanish on integra-
These expressions can also be deduced from the Liénard- tion.
Wiechert forms for the fields of an accelerated charge, We now consider the implications of eq. (27) separately
keeping terms only to first order in the strength of the for waves of circular and linear polarization.
plane wave.
C. Circular Polarization
B. Components of Pwave,osc
For a circularly polarized wave, we have Ex2 = Ey2 .
Since the wave fields have no z component, the x com- Consequently the dimensionless measure of field strength
ponent of Pwave,osc is given by is η = eEx /mωc = eEy /mωc, according to (8). The
prefactors e2 Ex2 /4πmω 2 c and e2 Ey2 /4πmω 2 c can there-
Ewave,y Bosc,z − Eosc,z Bwave,y fore both be written η 2 mc/4π, and have dimensions of
Pwave,osc,x = . (26) momentum.
The terms of eq. (27) in Ex2 and Ey2 can be combined
From eqs. (24) and (25) we see that both Bosc,z and Eosc,z in pairs via the identities
are odd in either x or y. Therefore, the volume integral
of Pwave,osc,x vanishes, and we do not consider it fur- cos(kz − ωt) cos(kr − ωt) + sin(kz − ωt) sin(kr − ωt)
ther. Likewise, Pwave,osc,y vanishes on integration. This = cos kz cos kr + sin kz sin kr, (28)
confirms the claim made at the end of sec. II that the
interference term Pwave,osc is not relevant to the balance and
of transverse momentum between the electron and the
fields. sin(kz − ωt) cos(kr − ωt) − cos(kz − ωt) sin(kr − ωt)
However, the z component of Pwave,osc does not van- = sin kz cos kr − cos kz sin kr. (29)
ish on integration, and requires further discussion. As
the details include some surprises (to the authors), we A detail: the second term of eq. (27) in Ex2 contains fac-
present them at length. tors of x2 , while second term of in Ey2 contains factors
of y 2 . But during integration, we can replace y 2 by x2 ,
Pwave,osc,z = after which the terms can be combined via (28-29).
Ew,x Bo,y − Ew,y Bo,x + Eo,x Bw,y − Eo,y Bw,x We see already that the volume integral of Pwave,osc,z
· 4πc ¸ will contain no time dependence!
e2 Ex2 cos(kz − wt) k 2 z kz On integration, terms such as f (x, r) sin kz and
− cos(kr − ωt) − 3 sin(kr − ωt) g(x, r)z cos kz that are odd in z will vanish. The inte-
4πmω 2 c r2 r
2 2 · 2 ¸ grated field momentum is thus,
e Ey sin(kz − wt) k z kz
− sin(kr − ωt) + 3 cos(kr − ωt) Z
4πmω 2 c r2 r η 2 mc 4
2 2
·µ 2
¶ pwave,osc,z = Pwave,osc,z = − I1 = − η 2 mc, (30)
e Ex cos(kz − wt) 3kx k V 4π 3
− − 2 sin(kr − ωt)
4πmω 2 c r4 r
µ 2 ¶ ¸ where I1 is the volume integral whose integrand is
k k 2 x2 3x2 1
+ − 3 + 5 − 3 cos(kr − ωt)
r r r r

k2 z kz From detailed evaluation of the radial integral, we find
sin kz sin kr + 3 sin kz cos kr
r2µ ¶ r that the integrand approaches a constant value as r goes
3kx2 k to zero, and that the contribution to the integral at large
+ − 2 cos kz sin kr r diminishes as 1/r. That is, the principal contribution
r4 r
µ 2 2 2
¶ is from the region kr ≈ 1.
k k y 3y 2 1
+ − 3 + 5 − 3 cos kz cos kr. (31) We are left with the result (30) that the integral of the
r r r r interference term in the field momentum density has a
constant longitudinal term for an electron oscillating in
We return to the significance of eq. (30) after describ-
a circularly polarized wave.
ing the evaluation of integral I1 .
Recall that we have performed the analysis in a frame
As seen from eq. (30), the integral I1 must be dimen-
in which the electron has no longitudinal momentum.
sionless, although it is apparently a function of the wave
However, as remarked in sec. IIA, prior to its encounter
number k. However, the form of (31) indicates that I1
with the wave, the electron had velocity vz = −η 2 c/2 (as-
is actually independent of the length scale, so we can set
suming η 2 ¿ 1), and therefore had initial mechanical mo-
k = 1 during integration.
mentum pmech,z = −η 2 mc/2. So, we would expect that
To perform the integration we consider a volume el-
this initial mechanical momentum had been converted to
ement r2 dr d cos θ dφ in a spherical coordinate system
field momentum, if momentum is to be conserved.
with angle θ defined relative to the z axis. It is more
The result (30) can be described as a kind of “hidden
convenient to keep z = r cos θ as a variable of integra-
momentum” [9], whose appearance can be surprising if
tion, using dz = rd cos θ. Then the volume integration
one ignores the physical processes needed to arrive at the
has the form
nominal conditions of the problem.
Z Z ∞ Z r Z 2π
We continue to be puzzled as to why the result (30) is
= rdr dz dφ. (32) 8/3 times larger than that required to satisfy momentum
V 0 −r 0
Most terms of (31) are independent of φ, so their φ
integral is just 2π. For the terms in x2 , we have
D. Linear Polarization
Z 2π Z
x2 dφ = r2 sin2 θ cos2 φ dφ = π(r2 − z 2 ). (33)
0 Consider now the case of a linearly polarized wave
√ with
electric field along the x axis. Then Erms = Ex / 2, and
While each of the four main terms of (31) diverges the prefactors in (27) can be written as η 2 mc/2π.
on integration, it turns out that the two terms in cos z The remaining terms in the momentum density
taken together are finite (and likewise for the two terms Pwave,osc,z have time dependences that can be expressed
in sin z). We find that as sums of pure frequencies via the identities
I1 = IA + IB = , (34) 2 cos(kz − ωt) cos(kr − ωt)
= cos kz cos kr + sin kz sin kr
where +(cos kz cos kr − sin kz sin kr) cos 2ωt (37)
Z ∞ Z
sin r r +(cos kz sin kr + sin kz sin kr) sin 2ωt,
IA = 2π dr dz z sin z
0 r
Z Z−r and
cos r
+2π dr 2 dz z sin z
r 2 cos(kz − ωt) sin(kr − ωt)
= 4π, (35) = cos kz sin kr − sin kz cos kr
and +(cos kz sin kr + sin kz cos kr) cos 2ωt (38)
Z Z +(sin kz sin kr − cos kz cos kr) sin 2ωt,
sin r
IB = π dr dz cos z
r Inserting these into eq. (27) and keeping only those
sin r terms that are even in z, we find the integrated field
−3π dr 3 dz z 2 cos z
r momentum to be
Z µ ¶Z Z
+π dr cos r 1 + 2 dz cos z pwave,osc,z = Pwave,osc,z
Z µ ¶ Z V
cos r 3 η 2 mc
+π dr 2 1− 2 dz z 2 cos z =− (I1 + I2 cos 2ωt + I3 sin 2ωt), (39)
r r 4π

= . (36) where integral I1 = 16π/3 has been discussed in (31-36),

8π Uint = Uwave,static + Uwave,osc , (45)
I2 = −IA + IB = − , (40)
and integral I3 has the integrand,
Ewave · Estatic
k2 z kz Uwave,static = . (46)
sin kz sin kr − 3 sin kz cos kr 4π
r2µ ¶ r
3kx2 k
− − 2 cos kz sin kr Ewave · Eosc + Bwave · Bosc
r4 r Uwave,osc = . (47)
µ 2 2 2
¶ 4π
k k y 3y 2 1
+ − 3 + 5 − 3 cos kz cos kr. (41) In general, the interference field energy density is os-
r r r r
cillating. Here, we look for terms that are nonzero after
On evaluation, I3 = 0. averaging over time. We see at once that
Hence, the longitudinal component of the interference
field momentum of a free electron in a linearly polarized hUwave,static i = 0, (48)
wave is
since all terms have time dependence of cos ωt or sin ωt.
4 2 In contrast, hUwave,osc i will be nonzero as its terms are
pwave,osc,z = − η 2 mc + ηmc cos 2ωt. (42)
3 3 products of sines and cosines:
The constant term is the same as that found in eq. (30) Uwave,osc =
for circular polarization, and represents the initial me- ·µ ¶
e2 Ex2 cos(kz − wt) 3kx2 k
chanical momentum of the electron that became stored − − 2 sin(kr − ωt)
in the electromagnetic field once the electron became im- 4πmω 2 r4 r
µ 2 2 2 2
¶ ¸
mersed in the wave. k k x 3x 1
As for the second term of (42), recall from eq. (11) + − 3 + 5 − 3 cos(kr − ωt)
r r r r
that for linear polarization the electron oscillates along 2
e Ex Ey cos(kz − wt) 3kxy
the z axis at frequency 2ω. Hence the z component of − cos(kr − ωt)
the mechanical momentum of the electron is 4πmω 2 r4
µ 2 ¶ ¸
k xy 3xy
η 2 mc + − 5 sin(kr − ωt) ,
pmech,z = mż = − cos 2ωt. (43) r3 r
2 ·
e2 Ex Ey sin(kz − wt) 3kxy
The term in pwave,osc,z at frequency 2ω is −4/3 of the lon- + sin(kr − ωt)
4πmω 2 r4
gitudinal component of the mechanical momentum asso- µ 2 ¶ ¸
ciated with the “figure 8” motion of the electron. Thus, k xy 3xy
− − 5 cos(kr − ωt) (49)
we have not been completely successful in accounting for r3 r
momentum conservation when the small, oscillatory lon- ·µ ¶
e2 Ey2 sin(kz − wt) 3ky 2 k
gitudinal momentum is considered. + − cos(kr − ωt)
4πmω 2 r4 r2
The factors of 4/3 and 8/3 are presumably not the µ 2 ¶ ¸
same as the famous factor of 4/3 that arise in analyses of k k2 y2 3y 2 1
− − 3 + 5 − 3 sin(kr − ωt)
the electromagnetic energy and momentum of the self r r r r
fields of an electron [10,11]. A further appearance of 2 2 · 2 ¸
e Ey sin(kz − wt) k z kz
a factor of 8/3 in the present example occurs when we − sin(kr − ωt) + 3 cos(kr − ωt)
4πmω 2 r2 r
consider the field energy of the interference terms. 2 2
· 2
e Ex cos(kz − wt) k z kz
− cos(kr − ωt) − 3 sin(kr − ωt) .
4πmω 2 r2 r
The terms in Ex Ey will vanish on integration over vol-
ume. The various time averages are
It is also interesting to examine the electromagnetic
field energy of an electron in a plane wave. As for the h2 cos(kz − ωt) cos(kr − ωt)i
momentum density (13), we can write = cos kz cos kr + sin kz sin kr,
(Ewave + Estatic + Eosc )2 + (Bwave + Bosc )2 h2 sin(kz − ωt) cos(kr − ωt)i
Utotal = ,
8π = sin kz cos kr − cos kz sin kr,
(44) h2 cos(kz − ωt) sin(kr − ωt)i
= cos kz sin kr − sin kz cos kr,
for the field energy density. Again, we no not consider
the divergent energies of the self fields, but only the in- h2 sin(kz − ωt) sin(kr − ωt)i
terference terms, = cos kz cos kr + sin kz sin kr. (50)

After performing the time average on eq. (49), we keep B. The Radiation Reaction
only terms that are even in z. These terms have the form
(31), and so we find that Our analysis of the energy balance of an electron in
Z a plane wave is not quite complete. We have neglected
e2 (Ex2 + Ey2 ) 4
uint = hUwave,osc i = − 2
I1 = − η 2 mc2 , the energy radiated by the electron. Since the rate of
V 8πmω 3
radiation is constant (once the electron is inside the plane
(51) wave), the total radiated energy grows linearly with time,
for waves of either linear or circular polarization. As and eventually becomes large. The interference energy,
with the case of the interference field momentum, this (51), is constant in time, and hence cannot account for
interference field energy is distributed over a volume of the radiated energy.
order a cubic wavelength around the electron. Being an More to follow.....
interference term, its sign can be negative.
We can interpret the quantity,
uint 4
= − η 2 m, (52)
c2 3 As an alternative to the dipole approximation, we con-
as compensation for the relativistic mass increase of the sider the use of the Liénard-Wiechert potentials and fields
oscillating electron, which scales as vrms /c2 and hence as of a moving electron. We have limited our analysis to the
η (for small η, recall eq. (7)). Indeed, a general result case of a weak plane wave (η ¿1), for which the velocity
for the motion of an electron in a plane wave of arbitrary of the electron is always small (β = v/c ¿ 1). In this
strength η is that its rms relativistic mass, often called case we may approximate the time-dependent part of the
its effective mass, is [4,7] fields of the electron as proportional to the strength of
p the field of the plane wave (proportional to η). Then we
meff = m 1 + η 2 . (53)
find that the Liénard-Wiechert fields of the electron are
For small η, the increase in mass is the same as the fields in the dipole approximation.
1 We can show this in two ways. First, we verify that the
∆m ≈ η 2 m. (54) Liénard-Wiechert potentials reduce to eqs. (20) and (22).
Second, we can verify directly that the Liénard-Wiechert
Thus, the decrease in field energy due to the interfer-
fields are the same as eqs. (24) and (25).
ence terms between the electromagnetic fields of the wave
The Liénard-Wiechert potentials are
and electron is −8/3 times the mass increase it should
· ¸ · ¸
compensate. e eβ
φ= , A= , (55)
R(1 − β · n̂) R(1 − β · n̂)
VI. DISCUSSION where the electron is at postion x, the observer is at r,
their separation is R = r − x, the unit vector n̂ is R/R,
A. Temporary Acceleration and the brackets, [ ], indicate that quantities within are
to be evaluated at the retarded time, t0 = t − R/c.
We remarked in sec. IIA that the preceding analysis We work in the average rest frame of the electron. In
holds in the average rest frame of the electron. If instead the weak-field approximation we ignore the longitudinal
the electron had been at rest prior to the arrival of the motion of the electron, (11), which is quadratic in the
plane wave, the velocity of the average rest frame would strength of the plane wave. Then the velocity vector of
be vz = (η 2 /2)/(1 + η 2 /2). For this, the amplitude of the the electron is
plane wave is presumed to have a slow rise from zero to e
a long plateau at strength η, followed by a slow decline β(t) = (x̂Ex sin ωt − ŷEy cos ωt) , (56)
back to zero.
Once the wave has passed by the electron, the inter- from eq. (6). The retarded velocity is thus,
ference field energy, (51), goes to zero since the integral
[β] = β(t0 = t − R/c) (57)
is dominated by the contribution at distances of order a e
wavelength from the electron. Hence, the electron’s ki- =− (x̂Ex sin(kR − ωt) + ŷEy cos(kr − ωt)) .
netic energy must return to zero (or to its initial value
if that was nonzero). A plane wave, or more precisely, Distance R differs from r because the electron’s oscilla-
a long pulse that is very nearly a plane wave, cannot tory motion takes it away from the origin. However, the
transfer net energy to an electron. The acceleration of amplitude of the motion is proportional to strength of the
the electron from zero velocity to vz is only temporary, plane wave. Hence, we may replace R by r in eq. (57)
i.e., for the duration of the plane wave pulse. with error only in the second order of field strength.
This result was first deduced by di Francia [12] and by Since the vector potential includes a factor β in the
Kibble [4] by different arguments. numerator, we can replace R by r and 1 − β · n̂ by 1

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in agreement with eq. (22).

Similarly, we could proceed from the Liénard-Wiechert
 n o
· ¸ n̂ × (n̂ − β) × β̇
n̂ − β e
E=e 2 +  ,
γ (1 − β · n̂)3 R2 c (1 − β · n̂)3 R

B = [n̂ × E]. (64)

After some work, we find that these fields are the same
as eqs. (24-25), to first order in the strength of the plane

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