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Inglés 3 7 Permission, Modal verbs can,
8104889 Requests and could and may. Semanas 15 y 16

Teacher: Yimer Andrés Morales C.

1. Objetives:
 To use everyday expressions to make requests and ask for permission.
 To write simple texts with appropriate use of register.
 To make requests and ask for permission politely.

2. Presentation:

In this unit you will learn to use can, could and may in order to ask for permission and make requests.

Activación de conocimientos

If you need a favor from someone what would you say?

 I would say that I need the one who could help me

If you need to do something and you need permission for that, how would you ask for permission?

 I would say in a very nice way that if they let me do what I want to do
Grammar uses

Asking for permission

Please, first watch the following video

There are two ways to ask for permission informal and polite.

We often use the modal verb ‘can’ to ask for permission or to make a request:
 Can I have some cookies? – Yes, you can.
 Can I borrow your pen, please? – Sure!
 Can I use your bathroom? – Of course!

Can we use it when we are asking a friend or someone we know for something in an informal
situation; or if we are asking someone we don’t know for something which is small or unimportant.

For example:
 Can I open the window?
 Can I have your pen?
 Can you open the door?

— Could is politer than ‘can’, so we can use it in formal situations, like talking to your boss or a
stranger, or to ask for something more important:

 Excuse me, could I sit here, please? – I’m sorry, but you can’t. This seat is taken.

 Could I have your attention, sir? – Sure.

 Could you tell me the way to the town center, please? – Of course, it’s straight ahead.

Also we can use May, and it is even politer.

 May I make an appointment for Tuesday? – Yes, no problem.

 May I begin? – Of course.
 May I have a glass of water? – Sure, here you are.

When Giving permission

We can use modal verbs ‘can’ and ‘may’ (but NOT could) to give permission or say that someone
has permission. The difference between them is the same as in previous examples: may is a more
formal and polite way of saying that, while can is used in formal situations.

 You can come with us.

 Students can sit anywhere.
 You may go home now, if you like.
 Students may travel free.

To give permission, we can say something like ‘Yes, you can’ or ‘Yes, of course / Yes, no problem.’
‘Yes, you may’ is very formal and not used very often.

To refuse permission responses include ‘No, sorry, you can’t’ and ‘I’m afraid not’. 

Again, using may not is very formal and a little old-fashioned, so ‘No, you may not’ is quite unusual.
Let’s summarize:
Also we can offer help:
‘Can’ and ‘may’ can also be used to offer help. ‘May’ is used in more formal situations:
 Can I help you carry those bags? – Yes, please.
 Can I get you a drink? – No, thank you.
 May I take your coat? – Of course.

We can use the verbs can, could and may to ask for something.

Like with asking permission, the verb can is used in informal situations, while may and could are
suitable for polite requests.


 Can you help me lift this box? (informal)

 Could I please use your bathroom? (formal)

 May I use your phone?

Formal style: 
Mrs. Brown, may I stay at your house till Wednesday?
1. Yes, no problem.
2. I'm afraid it's not possible.

Less formal: Could I stay here till Wednesday?

1. Yes, of course. / Certainly. / Yes, you can.
2. I'm afraid it's not possible.
3. Sorry, you can't.

Informal: Can I stay here till Wednesday? – Sure.

Taken from:
Now develop the following exercises:
a. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses.
1. _May_ I speak to Mr. Smith, please? (Formal polite request)
a. Can
b. May
c. Could
2. _Could_ you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request)
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
3. could buy two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request)
a. Could
b. May
c. Can
4. _can_ I borrow your dictionary for an hour or so? (Informal request)
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
5. _can_ I come to your party? (Asking for permission, informal)
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
6. Mrs. Redding, __May___ lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Formal polite
a. Can
b. May
c. Could
7. __can_ stop smoking here? I have a headache. (informal request)
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
8. Betty, _could_ you help me with this grammar exercise, please? (polite request)
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
9. Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you _couldn´t_ (Permission not given)
a. can't
b. couldn't
c. don’t
10. Could I stay here for a while? – Yes, you __could_. (Permission given)
a. could
b. can
c. do

Taken and adapted from:

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1 - You __may__ leave if you've finished.

a. may
b. can
c. Either could be used here.
2 - _could_ I come in?
a. Can
b. May
c. Could
d. Either could be used here.
3 - You __could__ not get into the concert without tickets!
a. could
b. can
4 - __can__ I open the window?
a. Could
b. May
c. Can
d. Either could be used here.
5 - __c__ you turn the heating up a bit, please?
a. Could
b. Can
c. Either could be used here.
6 – Remember that you __couldn´t__ take a mobile phone into the exam, let´s start!
a. can't
b. couldn’t.
7 - _c__ you help me?
a. Can
b. Could
c. Either could be used here.
8 - I'm afraid you __could__ not take the exam until you pay for it.
a. could
b. can
9 - You _can´t___ smoke anywhere on the train. (forbidden)
a. can’t
b. could
10 - You __c__ use my dictionary if you want.
a. can
b. may
c. Either could be used here.
Taken and adapted from:

Online practice:

Please go to the next links to practice the previous topics:
In this activity you will create a conversation between three people. Along the dialogue you must
include the use of can, could and may for permission and request.


 You need to write a conversation which has 18 interventions (minimum).

 Use can, could and may for permission and request along the dialogue.
 Be creative about the way you develop the conversation (characters, situation,
 Send this guide through your institutional email or WhatsApp.

Write the conversation here.


… -Christian: (takes his phone and calls his friend Paulo) Hello friend, how are you?

- Paulo: Hi Christian, very good thank you.

- Christian: Paulo, can I come to your house?

-Paulo: Of course, you can come whenever you want

-Christian: ok, I go there

- Christian: (knocks on the door) May I come in?

- Paulo: Sure, Christian comes in. this is your house

- Christian: Can I sit here?

-Paulo: Of course, friend but first could you say hello to my family?

-Christian: sure, take me.

- Christian: good morning gentlemen, how are you?

- Rick: Hi Cristian, it's a pleasure to have you here.

- Laura: Hi Chistrian, I am delighted to see you.

- Paulo: Mom, can you make a coffee for Chistrian?

-Chistrian: Could you add a little sugar please, Mrs. Laura?

-Laura: sure but please make yourself comfortable.

-Laura: Look at your coffee, it's cakiente.

- Chistrian: Thank you very much Laura.

- Chistrian: Could I borrow your bathroom Laura?

- Laura: Yes, go on, it's at the bottom to the right.

- Chistrian: Thank you.

- Chistrian: I have to go thank you very much for everything. have a nice day.

Student’s name: Andres Felipe Barrero Riaño

Due date for handing in: September 25th 2020.


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