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Daniella P.

Sabac BSABE 1e2 March 1, 2019

Activity no. 1: Paper Community

Questions to be answered:
1. What happened?
The activity we did in our Understanding the Self subject is not as usual as other subjects.
Making a model of a community that you want but without any other materials except the
newspapers and only the newspapers alone. And the hardest part is that you can’t talk to your
groupmates on what to do. So what we did was this so called collective knowledge wherein we
already know what a community is, that it has families with houses, church and other things
that’s why each one of us made a human-like figure and houses out of newspapers and try to
make them stand. We do also have a church because as we all know God should be the center
of everything.

2. What did you feel?

In the start of the activity I thought it was easy but as the minutes pass by it gets harder
because there was no communication with our groupmates at all. We do have sign languages
but it’s not enough. Honestly, it was hard but fun at the same time. It was fun because even
though there was limited communication by doing the sign language, well, we did a great job
in building our own community out of newspapers.

3. What have you learned?

The things I have learned from the activity is to talk less and work more. The less talk,
the more work is done. Another thing that I have learned is that communication is important in
this activity but the more important thing for me is the common goal that you have with each
one of you and also the cooperation of each member of the group with a goal and the
cooperation the community that you all want won’t be accomplished in the way that you
wanted it to be. To summarized it all, communication is a great help in everything that we do
in a society and in socializing but never forget that you must have the same goal and the
cooperation of everyone to be able to accomplished that common goal that you want. As long
you are all working together, hand in hand, even if the materials are less you can still go on
with the task and finished it on time.

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