Adventages Disvantages and Risk

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Review of Business Management

ISSN 1806-4892


Received on Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the

September 23, 2013
Approved on adoption of design-build contracting method in
March 17, 2015
the Brazilian public sector
1. Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti
de Albuquerque
Master in Business Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
Administration Federal Federal University of Pernambuco, Postgraduate
University of Pernambuco Program in Administration, Brazil
(Brazil) []
Marcos André de Mendes Primo
2. Marcos André de Mendes Guararapes College and Federal University of
Primo Pernambuco, Postgraduate Program in Administration, Brazil
Doctor of Business
Felipe Augusto Pereira
Administration from Arizona
Federal University of Pernambuco, Postgraduate
State University, developed
post-doctoral research in Program in Administration, Brazil
business administration at Responsible editor: João Maurício Gama Boaventura, Dr.
North Carolina State University Evaluation process: Double Blind Review
Objetivo –This paper aims to identify advantages, disadvantages and
3. Felipe Augusto Pereira
risks involved in the adoption of design-build contracting method in
PhD in Management from
the Federal University of the Brazilian public sector.
Pernambuco (Brazil) Design/methodology/approach – qualitative case study, in which were
[] made documentary and field research in the form of semi-structured
interviews. About the documentary and field data was used content
analysis and triangulation of sources and collection methods.
Findings – The theoretical basis of this research lies in the brazilian
legislation for contracting works and studies conducted by various
authors in which address the advantages of design-build procurement
method (a single contract for design and construction) regarding
the design-bid-build method used in Brazil, which hires design and
construction separately.
Practical implications – The research identified advantages,
disadvantages and risks associated to the adoption of the design-build
method , enabling the development of coping strategies if it is deployed.
Originality/value – managers aware of these aspects could use coping
strategies by adopting measures to reduce or eliminate their effects. The
Revista Brasileira de Gestão results can contribute not only to a possible implantation of the method
e Negócios in contexts even other than the public sector but also to improve the
processes regarding the project and execution of works.
Keywords: project and building, design-build, projects risks, public sector.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

1 Introduction and/or services provided by national construction

companies increased between the 1994 and 1998,
It is evident that there has been an declined in 1999 and increased again from 2000.
increasing number of works in Brazil in the Figures vary between R$ 13 and 127 billion.  The
last years, both in civil and heavy construction. number of companies considered for this study,
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics i.e., those with 40 or more employees, grew more
(IBGE, 2011) data, released in 2011 and intensely since 2000, ranging from 1,553 (1994)
published on the Annual Survey of Construction to 8,947 (2008), as can be seen in Figure 1.
Industry, 2008, showed that the value of works

140 10.000
100 7.000

Nº Companies
Billions (R$)

80 6.000
60 4.000
40 3.000
0 0















Value of works and/or services provided Nº Companies

Figure 1 – Number of companies and value of works and/or services provided

by national construction companies.
Source: Adapted from “Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção”, IBGE, 2011. Retrieved
313549%3Aonz63jzsr68&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=PAIC&sa=Pesquisar&s 4930j4

In order to obser ve public works 2000 to 2008, between 42% and 52% of revenue
importance for the construction sector economy, originated from works and/or services execution
it is sufficient to analyze the IBGE (2011) data came from constructions for bodies or companies
shown in Figure 2, which showed that, from belonging to the federal, state or local government.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

2008 127
2007 97
2006 85
2005 75
2004 71
2003 53
2002 53
2001 40
46% Value of works and/or services executed (billions R$)
2000 33
52% Public works (percentages on values of works/services executed)

Figure 2 - Public works participation percentage in the amount of works and/

or services provided by national construction companies between 2000 and 2008
Source: Adapted from “Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção”, IBGE, 2011. Retrieved
3549%3Aonz63jzsr68&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=PAIC&sa=Pesquisar&siteurl 4930j4

Public sector works are related to highway, by construction expropriation and 3) planned
railway, urban work and special art work financial resources availability. On original project
construction (bridges, viaducts, tunnels, etc.), adaptations, the author stated that two facts often
electricity, telecommunications, water, gas and contribute to aggravate the situation:  the fact
sanitation supply provision infrastructure works that the project does not  contain all prescribed
and civil works, such as schools, hospitals, prisons, elements by the current legislation and that the
administrative buildings and dwellings financed fact the project is not updated when the respective
with public funds. work is in progress.
Such works are contracted through a Nevertheless, some authors (Konchar &
lowest overall price or lowest unit price public Sanvido, 1998; Palaneeswaran & Kumaraswamy,
bidding process type. Originally contracted prices, 2000; Songer & Molenaar, 1996) assign a great
if not majored by overbillings and overpricing deal of design alterations and adaptations to
(TCU, 2009), are majored by amendments or the lack of interaction between design and
by economic and financial rebalancing. Contract construction teams.   The work contracting
price increase due to value amendment amount method used by most Brazilian public entities is
is caused by intentional solution changes, project named design-bid-build (DBB) by these authors. 
errors and technical specification failures, which This method relates to a traditional system to
alter the initially budgeted services/material, or contract enterprises in which the owner separately
their amounts.  When this happens, it is also signs contracts with design and construction
inevitable to have a deadline amendment. companies  (Konchar & Sanvido, 1998). With
Work execution delays take place, according lack of technical personnel in its staff, the public
to Amaral (2000), due to three factors: 1) original entity performs the bidding process with all
project need for alterations and adaptations, relevant documentation based on a draft project,
2) properties that will be affected in some way in order to hire the company that will develop

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

the basic and executive projects and, in possession fully benefit from the advantages provided by
of these, performs the bidding process that will DB. The same panorama is verified in countries
contract the respective work executor.  Except for such as the UK, Korea, Japan and Oman. When
works carried out by public-private partnerships, considering DB many advantages compared
all other public work contracts must conform to to DBB, it is possible that the same happens
what is prescribed by Public Procurement Law no. in Brazil, initially on a trial basis and, after
8.666/1993 (2004) and its amendments. advantages confirmation, definitively.  However,
Some authors state that DBB contracting there can be no implantation without method
type can lead to some problems, such as: 1) benefits, risks and critical points refined study.
dealing with two contracts (one for design Given this need, this study aims to identify
and another one for construction) increases industry executives’ perception concerning
design-build contracting method use, advantages,
the possibility of project alteration when the
risks and disadvantages, in order to make it
work is being executed due to the occurrence
possible to be adopted by the Brazilian public
of any unplanned event in project phase, what
sector. From this study, it is possible to propose
would result in extra cost (Songer & Molenaar,
coping strategies which are necessary in case this
1996), and 2) more time for work completion
approach is adopted.  For this, advantages, risks
would be needed (Konchar & Sanvido, 1998;
and disadvantages mentioned in the researched
Palaneeswaran & Kumaraswamy, 2000). Similar
literature will be addressed, as well as the ones
problems are common in enterprises contracted likely to happen according to the opinion of 19
by the Brazilian Public Administration regarding professionals from the construction industry. It
works. should be noted that the focus of this research
An alternative to DBB is the Design- will be on these aspects occurrence between public
build (DB) method.  In this model, an entity or works design and construction phases.
consortium is contractually responsible for the work In order to reach the main objective, the
design and execution (Hale, Shrestha, Gibson, & study was divided into the following sections:
Migliaccio, 2009; Songer & Molenaar, 1996). section 2, concerning the DB contracting method,
Konchar and Sanvido (1998) and Palaneeswaran its main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages
and Kumaraswamy (2000) stated that the primary and inherent risks;   section 3, regarding the
reason to select the DB method is its potential to used research method;  section 4, concerning
reduce total development time, given the overlap in results; and section 5, regarding final conclusions
a certain stage of design and construction phases.  and considerations, including research limitations
This time reduction would also result in cost and future study suggestions.
reduction.  These, among other advantages, have  
enabled the method to be well accepted compared
to other possible ones. 2 D e s i g n - b u i l d con t rac t ing
Although used in private sector and public- method 
private partnerships, design and construction  
DB contracting method finds obstacles in the Design-build  is an enterprise contracting
Brazilian legislation regarding its possibility of system in which the contracting party, or owner,
being adopted by the public sector.  Basic – and hires a company to perform both design and
executive in some cases – design mandatory construction under a single contract (Konchar &
requirement prior to work contracting prevents Sanvido, 1998; Molenaar & Gransberg, 2001).
its use.  However, studies such as the ones by Arditi and Lee (2003) added that this method
Molenaar and Gransberg (2001), for example, facilitates innovative and flexible approaches use,
approach similar situations in some US states, such as construction and new material technologies
which are adapting their legislation in order to knowledge gradual introduction.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

Contractually, DB provides a single Park et al., 2009; Yates, 1995) incidence, less
responsibility point for design and construction administrative work, clarification requests and
services, which is true from the contracting changes (Yates, 1995), better constructability1,
party’s perspective, but not from the contracted more innovation and better decision-making (
company, which may subcontract services of Molenaar et al., 1999; Yates, 1995). Concerning
which they have no expertise, or join a companies’ design alterations, Perkins (2009) stated that there
consortium (Chang, Shen, & Ibbs, 2010; Park, Ji, are two significant advantages in the DB method:
Lee, & Kim, 2009; Puerto, Gransberg, & Shane, design errors cease to be a construction phase
2008; Oyegoke, Dickinson, Khalfan, Mcdermott, alteration source and the joint work of designer,
& Rowlinson, 2009). However, some contracting constructor and contracting party enables skills
parties require these subcontracts plan. sharing in cost reduction and deadline shortening.
In addition to the single responsibility Songer and Molenaar (1996) identified that
point, the method has other features.  Park et the main reason to use the DB contract, according
al.  (2009) mentioned the method characteristic to interviewees from public and private sectors,
of being more often applied in large and complex was the short duration, followed by, in assigned
enterprises, once they allow, among other importance order: cost fixation and reduction,
benefits, good coordination and communication. constructability and innovation, schedule securing,
According to other authors, the main advantages claims reduction and design complexity level. 
of DB contracting method rest in the fact that it The authors highlighted that, although the short
provides better time (Hale et al., 2009; Konchar duration appears as the main motivation, any of the
& Sanvido, 1998; Molenaar, Songer, & Barash, aforementioned factors can become preponderant in
1999; Park et al., 2009; Yates, 1995), cost particular enterprises. In order to fully enjoy these
(Konchar & Sanvido, 1998; Park et al., 2009; benefits, it is necessary, among other initiatives,
Yates, 1995) and quality (Park et al., 2009) to observe the DB method own selection process,
performance, less claims, conflicts, disputes and which is called two-steps, as shown in Figure 3
legal actions (Molenaar, Songer, & Barash, 1999; (Migliaccio & Shrestha, 2009b).

Figure 3 – Two-step selection process for design-build method contracting

Source: Migliaccio, G. C., & Shrestha, P. P. (2009b). Analysis of design-build procurement activities durations for
highway projects. (p. 231). Proceedings of the ASCE Construction Research Congress, Seattle, WA, USA. doi:

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

Prior to the Request for Qualifications final landmark is the receiving of proposals from
(RFQ), Migliaccio, Gibson, & O’Connor pre-qualified companies in sealed envelopes, one
(2009a) reported the study of feasibility, cost- for competition according to technique criterion,
benefit relations, funds/financing sources, and another one for competition according to
among others.  RFQ stage objective is to select price criterion.
proponents who have the required qualifications In the proposal evaluation stage - RFP3 -,
to execute the enterprise, in order to assure the the best value evaluation procedure is adopted, in
participants number is between three and five, which technical and price criteria are weighed at
a reasonable number for the contracting party’s the contracting party’s discretion. Each envelope
hiring staff, considering the following phases’ goes to the respective evaluation committee, which
administrative workload.  This phase result is cannot comment anything about it, not even
the list of pre-qualified candidates to continue within committees, until the scores are assigned.
in the bidding process. This stage result is the announcement of the best
In the RFP – Request for Proposals value contracting proposal. Some companies
– phase, proponent instructions, DB draft in the US public sector have a sub-phase, the
contract, technical requirements development evaluation stage, in which they negotiate prices
(environmental impact and preliminar y and allow proponents to mend the irregularities
engineering) and its attachments are set. noted in their proposals. Only after that the grades
Subsequently, there is the proposal request draft are calculated, and the winner, announced.
release for industry acknowledgement, which In the last phase – contract finalization –
may suggest changes by submitting a written the committee can negotiate alternative technical
document or discussing in meetings (two to concepts proposed by a pre-qualified company
three  rounds,  depending on the project).  At or several pre-qualified companies, but which
the same time, technical review committees and had not won the bidding process, provided that
subcommittees are formed with assigned roles the (negotiation) procedure has been previously
and responsibilities, and the rules to evaluate approved in the proposal request preparation
proposals are designed.   In this stage, the stage. Once alternative technical concepts are
complete proposal request is originated and, after negotiated, the company is compensated and the
competent authorities’ approval, it is released for commission remakes the final price, comprising
companies that take part in the list of pre-qualified the change.  After negotiation, the commission
candidates. concludes the winning company hiring and, after
In the proposal development stage - competent authority approval, the contract goes
RFP2 -, pre-qualified companies interact with to the administration phase.
the commission through clarification requests, Regarding each phase duration, Migliaccio
answered in meetings (usually two or three and Shrestha (2009b) conducted a study with a
meetings, but it may also be more meetings in sample of 19 highway work enterprises performed
the case of more complex enterprises).  In this according to the DB method, with a cost range
phase, pre-qualified companies may suggest between $ 9 million and $ 1.3 billion, conducted
alternative technical concepts, which are evaluated between 1997 and 2006, with the results shown
by committees and subcommittees and, when in Table 1.
accepted, alter the proposal request.  This stage

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

Table 1 – Two-stage selection process phases duration

Statistics type/ Contract Total

Estimated time Finalization duration
Average 2.6 1.9 1.0 7.4 3.3 1.8 2.0 12.4
Minimum 1.0 0.9 0.2 2.7 1.1 0.7 0.1 4.5
Maximum 4.7 6.0 2.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 27.6
Standard deviation 1.02 1.18 0.78 3.7 1.63 1.9 2.2 5.8
Note: RFQ = Request for Qualification RFP Request for Proposal
a   b

Adapted from “Procurement of design-build services: two-phase selection for highway projects,” G. C. Migliaccio, G. E.
Gibson, E. and J. T. O’Connor, 2009a, Journal of Management in Engineering, 25, 29-39. “Analysis of design-build procurement
activities durations for highway projects ,” G. C. Migliaccio, and P. P. Shrestha, 2009b. Proceedings of the ASCE Construction
Research Congress, Seattle, WA, USA, p. 229-238.

In the study by Rosner, Thal, and West and innovative management approaches
(2009), with data from 278 DB enterprises and use.  Regarding contracting party involvement
557 DBB enterprises performed between 1996 in the scope definition stage and in cost, deadline
and 2006, it was found that the DB method and quality control throughout the enterprise,
significantly improved regarding total time Molenaar and Songer (1998)  claimed that the
extrapolation and enterprises cost throughout the absence of this may result in nonconformity in
years. This suggests that the know-how acquired relation to initially established specifications.  Park
by the contracting party improves time and cost et al. (2009) cited the existence of a contracting
method metrics. One should also consider that party system to measure and control contracted
certain procedures standardization with method party performance as a critical success point in
extensive use is time and resource-efficient. the DB method.
Concerning the risk, the DB contracting
  method is better applied, according to some
3 D e s i g n - b u i l d   me t h od authors (Konchar & Sanvido, 1998; Park et
disadvantages and risks al., 2009), to large and complex enterprises.
  However, it is important to mention three
Aiming at a possible method implantation, perspectives, according to which Miller and
it is necessary to know success critical points, Lessard (2001) suggested their intensity analysis
negative aspects and inherent risks. in enterprises of this sort ballast coping and
In order to fully enjoy the benefits, it training strategies. These perspectives are related
is necessary to pay attention to critical success to completion, market, social and institutional
points in the DB method which, if ignored, can risks, which in turn vary simultaneously in
configure specification nonconformity and cost intensity, according to the authors, depending on
and deadlines extrapolation risks. Lam, Chan the enterprise type. It is pertinent to note that the
and Chan (2008) cited contracting party’s (the «risk formation» term deals with the possibility
staff or consultants) and construction team’s of the risks being caused to provide a positive
competence, management action effectiveness repercussion on the enterprise.
(communication, control and management Enterprise completing risks can be:
systems and organizational structure), working technical - those that are usually related to designs
relations among teams, contracting party’s that generate the enterprises, or used technologies;
contributions (experience and knowledge), of construction - those which contracting party,
contracting party’s deadlines and costs focus, contracted party and sponsors are subjected in the
Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

enterprise construction phase;  and operational probability of renegotiating contracts, concessions

- those related to the possible income stream or property rights (Miller & Lessard, 2001), or,
non-materialization or the possibility that the yet, noncompliance with the agreed risks (Miller
enterprise have not met the expected profitability.  & Hobbs, 2005).These are related to the State
Such risks “can be substantially reduced by power to renegotiate in these domains by using
selecting an operator with economic interest in the public interest primacy.
improving the returns and control costs” (Miller According to Miller and Lessard (2001),
& Lessard, 2001, p. 439). urban transport, roads and tunnel system
Market-related risks are often linked to enterprises show high risk levels, considering the
financial investment expected returns in the following perspectives:
enterprises, for which management and probability a) social and institutional - public funds use
calculations are not required. Such probabilities, social acceptability;
for projects such as oil platforms, are believed to be b) conclusion/technical - rock formations
predictable, once there is acceptance of its products that may cause unforeseen situations and
in several markets due to high demand, fungibility hinder geological and underground work.
(it does not allow reuse) and replacement restricted c) market - high risks when enterprises are
to a few similar products (alcohol, biofuels).  On funded by private sponsors and under
enterprises related to roads, tunnels, bridges, consortia schemes.
airports and ports, as Miller and Lessard (2001) Miller and Hobbs (2005), which are
explained, foreseeing such return probabilities involved in the  International Research Program
become extremely difficult,  given  the various on the Management of Large Engineering and
alternative routes available to users. Construction Projects   (IMEC), investigated
Institutional nature risks may be originated risk sources in large and complex enterprises
from regulations, social acceptability and management between 1996 and 2000. Among the
sovereignty.  Regulations related to norms and most important risk sources in enterprises of that
laws that interfere in prices, imports and exports, sort, they have identified: governments refraining
for example.  Applying it to the context of the fromcommitment fulfilling, slow materialization
study, companies which contract with public (return), insufficient markets, and legitimacy social
bodies are subjected to risks imposed by the and political challenges. They have verified that,
Brazilian Procurement Law providing for works, for large and complex projects, the uncertainty
goods or services contract suppressions (art. 65 of level was extremely high, in part because of the
Law No. 8,666/1993), contract terminations by large number of potential risk sources, project
force majeure reason (art. 78, XVII, of Law No. visiblity and involved innovations.   The long
8,666/1993), contract termination motivated by time for project development and implantation
subsequent event (art. 49 of Law No. 8,666/1993) increased emerging risk exposure (one that was not
and exorbitant clauses regarding contracts originally planned).  Each project has on average
unilateral termination and amendment (art. 58 four unforeseen factors and potentially catastrophic
of Law No. 8,666/1993). (Law n. 8666, 2004). events during the long life cycles. Examples of such
Risks arising from social acceptability events and unforeseen risks include macroeconomic
refer to those to which the sponsors are subjected risks, such as the Asian Economic Crisis, changes
in view of local groups’ opposition, economic in the political scenario, and a partner organization
development agencies and influential groups’ facing financial difficulties and restructuring.
pressure. In regard to risks arising from State Another approach, which is not the one
sovereignty, they are referred to the government based on the studies of Miller and Lessard (2001),

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

and Miller and Hobbs (2005), proposed by the area; failures and nonconformities - quality
PMBOK® Guide (PMI, 2008), stated that all area;   low performance, poor specifications,
project management knowledge areas may be noncompliance with deadlines – purchasing/
potential sources of risk generation.  Thus, in hiring area (PMI, 2008).
each of the other eight knowledge areas (besides Based on the approaches described in
the risk area), described in the PMBOK® Guide, Miller and in the PMBOK® Guide, risks inherent
risks can occur due to: environmental threats and to DB enterprises that are restricted to contracting
opportunities - integration area; flawed definitions party and contracted party were researched in the
- scope area;  tight or unfeasible schedules – literature.  The chart below shows disadvantages
deadline area;  tight or unfeasible budgets - cost and risks associated with DB contracting method,
area;   diseases, absenteeism, high turnover, classified according to risk sources covered in this
resignation - human resources area;  failures or section, and mentioning the studies in which they
deficiencies in communication - communication were cited.

Table 2 – Disadvantages/Risks to be considered in the DB contracting method

DB enterprise Disadvantages/Risks Risk Sources

Excessive demands and the very rigorous selection process impose high costs to prepare proposals,
Scope, cost and aquisitions/
leading to reduced number of participants and increased failure risks in competition; risks
contracting (PMI, 2008)
transferred to proponents increase proposed prices (Park et al., 2009; Yates, 1995).
Excessive specifications, which are very detailed, and sometimes incomprehensible, leading to
a lack of project flexibility and limitation in alternative solutions development or innovations
introduction, increasing proposals price and failures risk (Park et al., 2009); the quality in the process Scope, cost, deadline and
and in the final product cannot be guaranteed, once the quality monitoring is not as transparent quality (PMI, 2008)
as in more traditional hirings (Arditi & Lee, 2003); changes in the project due to problems in the
specifications, and processes long revision (Chang, Shen, & Ibbs, 2010).
Contracting party and contracted party inexperience in the method use initial phase; poor Human resources and
communication; conflicts (Chang et al., 2010; Park et al., 2009). communication (PMI, 2008)
Contracting party no involvement, with consequent quality impairment and enterprise control loss Scope, cost, deadline and
(Park et al., 2009; Arditi & Lee, 2003; Yates, 1995). quality (PMI, 2008)
Institutional nature risks with regard to regulations and State sovereignty. Miller and Lessard (2001)
Risks of governments not to meeting the agreed; emerging risks related to disasters, technical
Miller and Hobbs (2005)
problems, changes in political and economic scenarios.

4 Method whose activities involve contracting projects and

  executing works classified as heavy construction,
This research is a qualitative nature case in the domain of the state government of
study.  The case was chosen with the intent of Pernambuco. This body has been selected to
helping the researcher to better understand the execute large and complex public enterprises, a
problem in question, considering relevant aspects scenario in which the DB method would be best
such as: scenario (where), actors (who), events applied (Park et al., 2009).
(what the actors are doing) and processes, which As data collection instruments, spreadsheets
are concerned with the evolutionary nature of the were used with the purpose of storing and
events experienced by actors (Creswell, 2007). organizing research documental data, and therefore
Thus, it was chosen to study a public body identifying the intentional sample of respondents.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

Thereafter, a semi-structured interview was at collecting the opinion of respondents who had
conducted for field research, with objective and a higher number of amendments in contracts
subjective questions, through which interviewees’ signed by the body which was object of study,
opinions were collected regarding problems since supposedly they would be more familiar
observed between design and construction, the with problems between design and construction
possibility or not of DB method solving such that result in amendments;  2) more sizeable
problems, and Public Administration risks, contracts, aimed at collecting the opinion of those
advantages and disadvantages in adopting this hired for higher values, once these were in charge
method. The Brazilian procurement law prohibits of executing supposedly more complex works. In
DB method application, i.e., it does not allow order to maintain the source confidentiality,
hiring a company to draft a project (basic and companies were named as presented in Chart
executive project) and conduct the construction 2.  The three construction companies, selected
execution. Thus, respondents could not be asked according to the largest number of amendments,
about method practical issues, but only about were named ECQ1, ECQ2 and ECQ3. Designers,
issues that, according to their perceptions, could selected by bulkier contracts, received the
occur in case the method was adopted. EPV1, EPV2, and EPV3 designation, and so
Nineteen interviews were conducted: forth.  Project, construction and supervision
three with public body fiscals and 16 with groups, contracting party and contracted party
engineers from companies hired by the body, diversity and data collection form, which was
and selected based on prior documentary by documentary and field research in the form
research in bidding processes carried out between of interview, with objective and subjective
2006 and 2010. Companies were categorized questions, allowed a problem analysis through
according to the nature of services provided in different points of view, and different opinions
construction companies (works performing), exploration on the matter in question (Markoni
designing (contracted to draft the basic and & Lakatos, 2009). It is important to emphasize
executive designs) and supervising (contracted to that respondents have not restricted their answers
monitor work execution, as specified in the basic only to the public body, which was the source
and executive projects). The sample of respondents of the study, as they provided similar services to
was defined as shown in Chart 2. other public bodies from different government
Two respondents selection criteria were levels; therefore, there is the possibility of results
used: 1) higher number of amendments, aimed generalization.

Table 3 – Classification, selection criteria and names assigned to respondents.

Respondents Criterion Values Interview qty. Denomination

Constructing Amendments qty. Between 5 and 7 3 ECQ
companies Contract value > R$ 30 mi 3 ECV
Amendments qty. Between 3 and 5 3 EPQ
Contract value > R$ 500 th 3 EPV
Amendments qty. 2 nd
Contract value > £ 2 mi 2 ESV
Inspectors - - 3 FISC

Note: s Only two contracted more than once.


Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

After transcribing the interviews, the (Bardin, 2011). Later, registration units were
content analysis was applied to the transcriptions.  organized into thematic categories related to DB
The idea of theme was used in register units method advantages and disadvantages foreseen by
prior identification, which is a signification unit respondents.  The procedures for this study are
that naturally emerges from an analyzed text outlined in the following figure.

Research delimitation Respondents selection

Data collection instruments Data collection per interview,

Development transcription and content

Documentary data collection

Result analysis

Interview guidelines Final considerations


Figure 4 –Figure
Procedure totoconduct
4 - Procedure conduct the the research

5 Results i) incentive to the emergence of companies

5. Results
with the appropriate structure; and
A m o n g t h eAmongre s e athe
rc research
h s u b jsubjects,
e c t s , 1111 respondents werej) lessemphatic in stating problems.
administrative that the DB
method would not solve all problems between design and construction. Others cited the
respondents were emphatic in stating that the
positive contributions that it would ensue, focusing, however, on problems which were
DB method would not solve
envisaged all problems
with method between
adoption. The following aspects were Thecited
relevant pointsthat
as benefits to method
be considered when
adoption could bring to work
design and construction. Others cited the positive execution in the studied context:
using the DB method, in the respondents’ opinion,
- construction and design executed/developed in parallel;
contributions - that it would ensue, focusing,
problem reduction between design and construction;
are described in Table 2, as well as the absolute
however, on problems which were envisaged with
- design modifications reduction and problems elimination frequencies of thedesigns;
with obsolete categories, identified through
- conditions improvement
method adoption.  The following aspects were to modify and monitor the design;
content analysis. It is important to highlight that
- design mastery by the construction team;
cited as benefits- that
fastermethod adoption could bring
construction; results were obtained from respondents’ perception
to work execution - easeinto the
respond for any
studied damage or defect (a singleabout
context: the DBpoint);
responsibility contracting method implications in
- design problem elimination
a) construction and design executed/ in the construction phase (project adaptation
public works execution, to theand
work reality,
can only be validated
carried out by supervisory company);
developed in parallel;
- incentive to the emergence of companies with thein the casestructure;
appropriate of implantation
and in Brazil.
b) problem - less administrative
reduction problems.
between design and As shown in the table, the main and
construction;The relevant points to be considered whenmost using the DB method, in the respondents’
discussed points were the benefits that
opinion, are described in Table 2, as well as the absolute frequencies of the categories,
c) design identified
modifications reduction and
through content analysis. It is important to the construction
highlight company
that results would
were obtained frombring to itself
problemsrespondents’ perception
elimination aboutobsolete
with the DB contracting in method
order to implications
design the in public
projectworksand execute it,
execution, and can only be validated in the case of implantation in Brazil.
As shown in the table, the main and most and discussedthe points
were thethat public
benefits that thebodies should
d) conditions improvement to modify and
construction company would bring to itself in order have to exercise
to design the projecteffective
and executecontrol. 
it, and Nineteen
design; that public bodies should have to exercise recordseffective
concern records
with the benefits
described the concern with the benefits that the construction company would obtain by being
e) design mastery by the construction team;
responsible for the design and the execution. According that thetoconstruction
respondents, thecompany
constructionwould obtain
f ) faster construction;
company could draft a project making use of inadequate by being equipment, poor qualityfor
responsible material and
the design and the
g) ease to disqualified
respond for labor
any in damage
order to minimize
or defect costs. Fraudexecution. 
in public procurement,
According unfinished works,
to respondents, the
works that showed problems just after being concluded due to failure in its execution, or that
(a single responsibility point); construction company could draft a project
h) design problem elimination in the making use of inadequate equipment, poor
construction phase (project adaptation to quality material and disqualified labor in order
the work reality, carried out by supervisory to minimize costs. Fraud in public procurement,
company); unfinished works, works that showed problems

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

just after being concluded due to failure in its the scope.  Among DB method disadvantages,
execution, or that showed problems some cases Arditi and Lee (2003), Park et al.  (2009) and
even in its design phase, all widely known, Chang et al. (2010) mentioned the difficulty of
suggest that such concerns are well-grounded. the contracted party to manage the enterprise
In addition, the lack of  expertise  in projects and ensure quality.  Without proper structure,
would make the building companies adjust including the clear definition of the several
prices according to those risks, and decisions on procedures involved when monitoring a DB
the project would be made by the construction enterprise, there will be consequences such as
company in first place and not by the requesting low project quality, poor communication, lack of
body, as it currently happens. Regarding the contracting body prerogative in project definition,
control that the construction company has on high prices, time-consuming administrative
the enterprise in the DB method, Molenaar and processes, among other interferences. On the other
Songer (1998) emphasized that the contracting hand, the several stories about procurement and
party’s involvement is of paramount importance public work execution frauds, so recurrent, may
to minimize it. have led ECQ1 to explicitly state that strong and
With regard to the structure the bodies effective management absence by the contracting
should have to exert proper control, respondents body may lead to illicit acts occurrence (see the
mentioned active and qualified inspection, Fairness in procedures/commitment topic in
detailed project analysis and objectivity to define Table 2).

Table 4 – Respondents opinion on design-build implantation relevant points (to be continued)

Designers Supervisors
Categories Discrimination Inspection
Construction company would benefit
Construction company from the project when defining
1 1 2 3 1 3 8
benefit equipment/services, material, quantities,
prices and deadlines.
Lack of structure/
The public body would have no
qualification by the body 1 2 2 3 1 1 1
structure to exercise due inspection.
to exert due control
Companies would close because they
Companies extinction, could not meet the demand. Distinct
2 2     1   1
merger, restructuring expertise originates mergers and/or
restructuring companies.
Construction companies have expertise
It would cause
in projects, which would lead them to 1   1   1 2  
hire designers.
Error identification Another company’s errors could not be
    3       1
problems identified.
It would not be the It would not minimize problems such as
solution to the problems expropriation delays, utilities relocation, 1            
caused by delay resources transfer and licensing.

It requires good management by the

Smoothness in
contracting agency to maintain fairness       1      
and commitment to good results.

Problems with regulatory It would cause more problems with

agencies regulatory agencies.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

The need to adjust the companies to the due to legal issues, and due to the fact that required
new demand would, in respondents’ opinion, documentation for the negotiations sometimes
lead to extinction, merger, restructuring and even is not in the owner’s possession. Thus, how to
subcontracting among segment companies, which foresee and plan for these cases?  In other cases,
is ratified by Puerto et al. (2008), Park et al. (2009), environmental permits specifically, it is discovered
Oyegoke et al. (2009) and Chang et al. (2010), during the execution, due to the identification
when they mention that companies contracted by of a rock formation that was not verified in the
DB method may subcontract services for which design, that the road should have a different route
they have no expertise. Concerning the difficulties and go through an environmental preservation
found by companies, Park et al.  (2009) cited area. So, how to anticipate and be prepared to
the fact that there are few trained or qualified face such a situation?  You must agree with FISC1
companies as a DB problem. Chang et al. (2010) regarding these points.  However, having had
cited the lack of experience with construction previous planning, facts are likely to happen as
and with design by the designer and the builder, the mentioned ones referred as emerging risks,
respectively, concerning the qualification issue and should certainly be foreseen, with procedures
required from these companies. The assertion that to be taken in case they happen, and the necessary
construction companies would hire designers lies time to solve them. Besides, contracted design
in the fact that nowadays, at least in the studied data in loco verification by the inspection team
sample, companies clearly have distinct expertises, or by the body technical team would enable the
design or construction, what would lead them to, identification of aspects which went unnoticed by
designers, such as an improper rock formation.
a priori, subcontracting.
ECQ1, due to DB enterprise complexity,
EPV and FISC2 designers mentioned
mentioned that the method adoption would
error identification problems.  Nowadays, the
cause further intervention by regulatory agencies,
supervisor analyzes and adapts the design prepared
and EPQ 3 emphasized the need for fairness
by the designer to the reality of the work. Thus,
and commitment by both involved parties,
they identify some mistakes which went
contracting and  contracted.  These statements
unnoticed by those who drew the design. Then,
have to do with work price and/or basic budget
it was hypothesized that when drawing up and
spreadsheets elaboration. Nowadays, the designer
executing the project, the construction company
company drafts the work basic budget and,
could not notice some errors.  Designers who
when taking part in the bidding, the contracting
were interviewed see supervision companies’
company must organize their pricing spreadsheet
performance from a positive point of view when
in line with such a budget. However, after the
revising projects, because errors can be identified
bidding is won, many constructing companies
and corrected.  In the DB method, revisions
require pricing spreadsheet readjustment, what
should be carried out by the contracting party’s involves service items quantity increases and
technical team. The absence of this team could decreases on the grounds of adapting services to
collaborate for error non-identification on the the local reality. Nowadays, with the design and
design prepared by the contracted party. the construction being carried out by different
ECV 1 pertinently noted that the DB companies, regulatory agency actions have
method would not be the solution to the identified spreadsheet preparation irregularities
problems caused by several delays. The origin of with respect to arbitrary prices and quantities. In
these problems lies in the lack of planning and the case of a single company, similar practices
control by administration.  As FISC1 mentions could become more difficult to be identified, and
(FISC1 transcription, answer 22), there are therefore attract more careful audits performed by
expropriations which take a long time to be made​​ regulatory agencies.

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Advantages, disadvantages and risks in the adoption of design-build contracting method in the Brazilian public sector

6 C onc l u s ion s and fina l performance is among the main advantages of

considerations this method. It is undeniable that great works
in Brazil take a considerable amount of time to
Throughout the years, government be concluded. As an example, one can mention
agencies gradually moved from public work the São Francisco River transposition and the
performers, whose main activity was executing Transnordestina highway construction, which is
works, to company contracting parties that would still not finished up to this moment. Countries
design, inspect and build these works.  Such such as the UK, Korea and Japan have shown time
contracts generally take place by means of lowest and cost reduction in services contracted by the
overall price or lowest unit price public bidding. DB method. This study assumes that this method
It should be noted that, although the lowest price may also, in Brazil, optimize time, reduce costs
culture is still in force, the originally contracted
and improve public works quality.
values are sometimes increased by amendments or
As mentioned in the study of Molenaar
by economic and financial rebalancing. In value
and Gransberg (2001), US states are changing
amendments case, nonsense is observed, since,
their laws to contract enterprises which comprise
if there is concern with the lowest contracting
design and construction activities jointly. The
price, the lowest price should be sought also
in the execution, ensuring that deadlines and advantages offered by the method are numerous,
contracted values are met. However, it is not what and proven by the cited studies. However, before
happens. These bodies do not contract execution implanting it, it is prudent to note the negative
and basic project because the legislation does not aspects and probable risks, in order to draw on
allow it, what contributes to the lack of experience these coping strategies, eliminating or reducing
on the respondents’ part regarding the studied its effects.
method. Even in the private context, which Professionals from the work inspection
companies had already performed DB enterprises and contracting fields would have to be hired and/
was not either identified. or trained according to the method demands. In
Although the DB method is not used by addition, the processes must be redesigned and
the Brazilian public sector, its implementation the necessary resources, provided - ongoing
could bring many benefits according to executives training, organizational structure, equipment, IT
in the segment, such as: problem reduction tools. When considering the processes redesign in
between design and construction, project order to improve communication and interaction
modifications reduction, problems with obsolete between contracting party and contracted party, it
projects elimination, better conditions to modify
would take some time until both would get used
and monitor the design, design mastering by
and this process advantages would be noticed.
the construction team, faster construction,
Regarding the DB method selection
construction and design executed/developed in
process, this involves several stages and considerable
parallel. Moreover, DB method adoption would
time to prepare the bid and select and contract the
contribute to take accountability of any damage
or defect (a single accountability point), eliminate best offer.  There is still administrative resources
the design problem in the construction phase interposition by the proponents, which can
(design adaptation to the work reality, carried make the selection process longer. Soon, it would
out by the supervisory company), incentivize be imperative, before method adoption, that
the creation of companies with the necessary contracting teams were trained and equipped with
structure, and involve less administrative work, all necessary infrastructure to prepare specifications
due to the single accountability point. and public notices, in order to minimize appeal
However, authors such as Yates (1995), occurrences, as well as enabling quick responses.
Konchar, and Sanvido (1998), Molenaar (1999), Finally, a considerable restriction is
among others, indicated that the best time related to the lack of planning and controls on

Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
Ana Elisabete Cavalcanti de Albuquerque / Marcos André de Mendes Primo / Felipe Augusto Pereira

performance, quality and scope by the contracting the study in another public entity would allow
party, deficiencies that must be corrected before different conclusions. However, considering
the method in question adoption, since, above all, that the observed restrictions are inherent to the
due control exercise is a critical success factor. By great majority of public bodies in the country, it
generalizing the limitations mentioned for all is unlikely to happen. However, more studies on
public bodies, it would not be advisable to have the method, in a private scope or in public-private
any initiative in implanting the DB method in partnerships could be conducted, whether or
public enterprises contracting in the Brazilian not to confirm the advantages and disadvantages
context without first eliminating or minimizing verified in the studies of the consulted authors. In
their risks and weaknesses. In this sense, these addition, most of related studies could confirm,
findings will be useful to adopt preventive refute or add possible disadvantages and risks
measures. to DB method adoption. In contexts using the
The results may still contribute not only DB contracting method, it would be possible to
to a possible method implantation even in verify whether the time spent in the selection and
different contexts from the public, but also for contracting process influences work execution
the improvement of processes concerning works time reduction.
design and execution. In addition, this study offers
contribution as a suggestion to make the legislation
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Rev. bus. manag., São Paulo, Vol. 17, No. 54, pp. 822-838, Jan./Mar. 2015
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