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Analysis of the Higher-Order Partial Correlation between

CII Best Practices and Performance of the Design

Phase in Fast-Track Industrial Projects
Abhijeet S. Deshpande, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE1; Ossama M. Salem, P.E., M.ASCE2; and Richard A. Miller, P.E.3
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Abstract: A fast-track project delivery strategy is designed to leverage the ability to execute the design, procurement, and construction
phases simultaneously to substantially reduce the overall project duration. The successful execution of the design phase in fast-track
projects is especially challenging because the concurrent execution of design and construction interferes with the inherently iterative
nature of the design process. In this research, it was hypothesized that a correlation exists between the use of some of the Construction
Industry Institute (CII) best practices and the performance of design phase in fast-track projects. Analysis of the performance of the
design phase in 31 fast-track projects revealed a statistically significant correlation between performance of the design phase and front-
end planning, alignment, constructability, and change management. The results of quantitative analysis are supported by qualitative
analysis of data, opinion of experts from industry, and academia. The projects analyzed in the study were executed by CII member
companies with experience and knowledge of using the best practices effectively. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000487.
© 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Fast-track construction; Project management; Constructability; Alignment; Best Management Practice.
Author keywords: Fast track; Preproject planning; Constructability; Alignment.

Introduction phases overlap significantly. In a very competitive global economic

environment, a significant business need exists to get the product to
Traditional construction project delivery using design-bid-build the market as quickly as possible. This has led to the widespread
philosophy is characterized by the sequential execution of front- adoption of the fast-track project delivery philosophy in industrial
end planning, design, construction, and commissioning phases. projects.
The front-end planning and design phases are executed in a sequen-
tial manner, with some overlap between procurement and construc-
tion. In contrast, fast-track project delivery, used often in industrial
Design in Traditional Design-Bid-Build Projects
projects, is similar to concurrent engineering philosophy used in the
manufacturing industry in which concurrent, overlapped processes The projects executed using the traditional design-bid-build project
are used instead of sequential product and process design (Prasad delivery method are characterized by sequential separation of the
1996). de la Garza et al. (1994) proposed that concurrent engineer- project phases, and the design process is characterized by organi-
ing can be effectively used to take advantage of the high degree of zational separation by design discipline. The sequential execution
fragmentation and specialization in the construction industry by of front-end planning, design, and construction phases makes it rel-
having multiple stakeholders working concurrently. The primary atively easier for designers to collect all of the required information
objective of the fast-track project delivery is to leverage the ability and data. The design can go through a significant number of re-
to execute many of the activities of the design, procurement, and views by various stakeholders, and changes can be made to opti-
construction phases concurrently to compress the schedule. In a mize and improve the design before construction starts. The design
typical-fast track project, the design, construction, and procurement process is inherently iterative, and the design documents go
through an iterative loop, which involves making assumptions,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Samuel Ginn College checking the accuracy of the assumptions, and optimizing and re-
of Engineering, Auburn Univ., 238 Harbert Engineering Center, Auburn, vising the design, before the documents are included in a bid pack-
AL 36849 (corresponding author). E-mail:
2 age. The designs created by various disciplines such as civil,
Professor, Yabroudi Chair of Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Con-
struction Engineering and Management, 151 Link Hall, L. C. Smith Col- structural, mechanical, piping, and instrumentation processes,
lege of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY and more, go through many cycles of revisions on the basis of
13244. E-mail: stakeholder feedback before they are finalized. This process pro-
Professor, Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental vides the potential for an optimized design that addresses the own-
Engineering, Univ. of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210071, Cincinnati, OH 45221- er’s requirements effectively and efficiently.
0071. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 4, 2010; approved on
September 14, 2011; published online on September 16, 2011. Discussion
period open until November 1, 2012; separate discussions must be sub- Design in Fast-Track Industrial Projects
mitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construc-
tion Engineering and Management, Vol. 138, No. 6, June 1, 2012. In fast-track projects, the various phases of the project, such as de-
©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/2012/6-716–724/$25.00. sign, procurement, and construction, are executed concurrently.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

This creates conflicts within the inherently iterative design process survey (2004) quoted in the preceding section, it is reported that
because the design is now driven both by the demands to keep con- various issues surrounding efforts of coordination, collaboration,
struction work flowing smoothly and by the need to optimize the and communication continue to challenge owners and cause con-
design. The designers must design with incomplete data, and the fusion on projects. Of owners, 63% report that the quality of design
iterative loop is broken to meet demands of the construction sched- documents has declined to a point in which subcontractors, such as
ule. This could result in a suboptimal design. electrical and mechanical, are actually completing the design
Fast-track projects started with inadequate front-end planning through the shop drawing, causing miscommunication and delays
make execution of design within schedule and budget constraints in projects (FMI Corporation and CMAA 2004).
even more challenging. Williams (1995) identifies a lack of proper The management of activities in a concurrent engineering envi-
definition of the final product in the initial stages as one of the rea- ronment is dealt with at an activity level by some researchers
sons for problems in performance of design in fast-track projects. (Bogus et al. 2005a, b, 2006). They have proposed a framework
Various studies on preproject planning support this finding for identifying opportunities for overlapping design activities while
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(Hamilton and Gibson 1996; Dumont et al. 1997). The overlap be- minimizing the risks associated with overlapping design activities.
tween design, construction, and procurement processes introduces This framework involves identifying the evolution and sensitivity
an additional element of uncertainty, which results in the formation in design activities. The evolution of a design activity is on the basis
of additional deleterious iterative cycles caused by errors resulting of the level of design optimization, constraint satisfaction, external
from a lack of time to ensure accuracy of design and changes re- information exchange, and standardization. The sensitivity of an
sulting from inadequate front-end planning, which are detrimental activity is determined by evaluating activity constraints, input
to performance of the project (Lee et al. 2003). variables, and the level of design integration. The optimal strategy
In fast-track projects, designers have to make decisions on the involves identifying opportunities to overlap design activities with
basis of incomplete information, and the design is implemented at fast evolution, with downstream activities with less sensitivity.
the site rapidly. It is difficult to optimize the design because of the Elvin (2003), in a practical approach, outlined practices for
lack of time and accurate information. The designers are forced to managing design in fast-track project environment on the basis
over design and ensure that adequate capacity is available. For ex- of interviews with experts. These practices for successful manage-
ample, foundations and structural systems are constructed in earlier ment of design, using conceptualization of the design process as a
phases of the project, but necessary information about loading is
flow of information, include building a shared language between
not always available. In such cases, design cannot be optimized,
participants, enhancing the iterations and feedback processes, en-
and foundations and structural system are typically designed for
suring early downstream input in the design process, using a struc-
a higher load-bearing capacity. On the other hand, lack of informa-
tured team building program, creating flexible project organization,
tion can also result in undersized systems that have to subsequently
colocating the design and construction teams, and synchronizing
be reworked and fixed at additional cost. The lack of adequate de-
the workflow planning.
sign information can lead to rework in fast-track projects.
In a recent survey conducted by the the FMI Corporation and the
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA),
nearly 50% of owners reported that construction documents pre- Study Motivation
pared by the design team that are presented to the construction team
at the beginning of a project are lacking in significant information; The performance of design in a fast-track industrial project depends
15% said that construction documents are, “insufficient with major on the collaboration and participation of multiple stakeholders in
information needed;” and 5% say these documents are, “inadequate the flow of information throughout the pre project planning, design,
with major information needed” (FMI Corporation and CMAA procurement, and construction phases. Consequently, it is impor-
2004). The project team is often advised to anticipate, accept, and tant to study the entire life cycle of a project to identify the practices
budget for changes and rework for a fast-track project to be suc- that need special attention to ensure success of design in an indus-
cessful (Williams 1995). trial project executed using the fast-track project delivery strategy.
Over past two decades, the Construction Industry Institute (CII)
has, through rigorous research, identified best practices that can
improve the performance of capital projects. These best practices
Managing Design Process in Fast-Track Projects
cover various aspects of project execution, including front-end
The design process can be conceptually thought of as the flow of planning, design optimization, procurement and materials manage-
information from various stakeholders to the designers, and vice ment, construction, facility start-up and operations, human resour-
versa, during the preproject planning, design, procurement, and ces management, business and project processes, project controls,
construction phases. The design of a large industrial project in- contracts and risk management, safety, and more. Although these
volves a complex process of information flow across engineering practices were identified and developed with a focus on their effect
disciplines and across organizational boundaries and is inherently on overall project performance, this research was initiated to iden-
iterative. The feedback from various stakeholders is received and tify the practices that play an important role in the success of the
addressed in a compressed schedule. This results in many prob- design phase through rigorous quantitative analysis.
lems, including increased communication of nonessential informa- The primary objective of the study was to identify the industry
tion to stakeholders, information overload, delay in information standard best practices, which, when used appropriately, can im-
transmission, translation difficulties between disciplines, lack of prove the performance of the design phase in fast-track industrial
time for reflection and exploration of design, and rapid transmis- projects. The CII best practices identified for analysis included
sion of errors (Elvin 2003). practices that dealt with planning before design (front end
The significant overlap between the design and construction planning), flow of information from downstream stakeholders to
also requires that design and construction personnel cooperate early design (constructability, design for maintainability, design for
and more closely in the project. In a fractured and litigious industry, safety), collaboration between project stakeholders (partnering,
this poses a significant challenge. In the FMI Corporation/CMAA alignment), measuring the performance of the design phase (design


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

effectiveness), and managing interference to the design (change execution, against the specified expectations of the owner. The
management). owner’s expectations include criteria such as cost, schedule, quality,
safety, and more, either explicit or implicit, in the project objectives
Front-End Planning (CII 2002). Design effectiveness is an evaluation of the effective-
A significant body of research has proven that front-end planning ness of the whole design effort and not only the efforts of the de-
can improve project performance significantly in terms of reduced signers alone.
project performance variability in cost, schedule, and operating per-
formance (Hamilton and Gibson 1996; Dumont et al. 1997; Griffith Change Management
et al. 1999; Cho et al. 1999). Front-end planning is the essential
process of developing sufficient strategic information with which Change management can be defined as the process of incorporating
the owners can address risks and make decisions to commit resour- a balanced change culture of recognition, planning, and evaluation
of project changes in an organization to effectively manage project
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ces to maximize the potential for a successful project. Front-end

planning, performed before project authorization, essentially in- changes. If changes are not effectively managed, they may interrupt
volves organization for front-end planning, selection of alternatives flow of work and cause inflation in cost, schedule slippages, and
(analysis of technology, evaluation of site alternatives, preparation potentially costly litigation (Hester et al. 1991). Changes can also
of conceptual scope and estimates, evaluation of alternatives), and cause a significant loss in engineering and construction productiv-
development of the project definition (analyzing project risks, doc- ity (Hanna et al. 1999a, b). Industrial projects are complex inter-
umenting project scope and design, defining project execution ap- connected systems in which change required in one area can result
proach, establishing project control guidelines, compiling project in cascading changes in other areas, thus substantially increasing
definition package). the amount of required design rework. A structured change man-
Development of a detailed project definition/scope package is a agement system on the basis of these principles can result in careful
critical component of front-end planning from a design standpoint evaluation of changes and potential reduction of design work re-
because it makes the essential information required by the design- sulting from unnecessary changes.
ers available to them in a structured manner. The project scope def-
inition package includes vital information for the success of the Design for Maintainability
design phase, such as scope definition, design basis, materials of
construction, plot plan(s), piping and instrument diagrams, general Design for maintainability integrates downstream experience and
specifications, process description and characteristics, utility re- knowledge regarding cost-effective facility/plant operations and
quirements, an estimate of the complete balance, specific design maintenance into project design parameters, with the goal of reduc-
consideration equipment data, a pressure/temperature diagram, ing the costs needed to operate the facility for its expected life. The
an electrical diagram, one-line diagrams, specifications, and a de- feedback from maintenance personnel is used in the design process
sign package for general facilities. Unfortunately, in many fast- from the preproject planning phase to the project commissioning
track projects, front-end planning is sacrificed in favor of starting phase (Russell et al. 1999). The design for maintainability ensures
the work as soon as possible. that maintenance feedback is integrated in the facility design and
execution plan from the project scope definition to the commission-
Alignment ing stage. It can help improve plant performance and reduce the
changes that are usually experienced during the commissioning
The alignment of goals of the stakeholders involved in project de-
livery has been found to affect the success of capital projects
(Griffith and Gibson 2001). The alignment is defined as the con-
dition in which appropriate project participants are working within Constructability
acceptable tolerances to develop and meet a uniformly defined and In fast-track projects, the design schedule is driven by the require-
understood set of project objectives (CII 2002). Proper stakeholder ments for construction. Constructability analysis involves checking
input provides the team with diverse expertise covering all techni- a design document’s accuracy, completeness, cost-effectiveness,
cal and business areas and better information and better solutions to and compatibility with the given project constraints. Constructabil-
the problems faced by the designers.
ity can be defined as the effective and timely integration of
Partnering construction knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, con-
struction, and field operations of a project to achieve overall project
Partnering may be a long-term commitment between two or more objectives in the best possible time and accuracy at the most cost-
organizations, as in an alliance, or it may be applied to a shorter effective levels. Many times, engineering professionals have less
period of time, such as the duration of a project. The purpose of exposure to new and efficient methods of construction (Arditi et al.
partnering is to achieve specific business objectives by maximizing 2002). Information about materials and skilled labor available at a
the effectiveness of each participant’s resources (Thomson et al. project location and construction techniques predominantly used in
1996). Partnering can be effectively used to eliminate the adversa- certain regions need to be taken into consideration during design.
rial nature of relationships between project stakeholders and create Significant amount of research (Ireland 1985; ASCE Construction
an environment for teamwork. Management Committee of the Construction Division 1991;
Russell et al. 1993) has confirmed that integration of construction
Design Effectiveness knowledge into design processes greatly improves the probability
The success of the design phase depends on the information and of achieving a better-quality project that is completed in a safe man-
design document review by many stakeholders, including the ner, on schedule, for the least cost.
owner, the various design groups, suppliers, construction represent- In addition to the best practices discussed, other practices
atives, and operations and maintenance personnel. Design effec- designated by CII as best practices or proposed best practices,
tiveness is a quantitative method, developed by CII, to measure the including design for safety, employee incentives (project-based
results of the design effort, including input variables and design incentives for designers), leader selection, team building, use of


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

prefabrication, and preassembled components, were identified for architecture and engineering (A/E) firms, and engineering
data collection. procurement construction (EPC) contractors. A respondent
who completed the survey on behalf of an organization was re-
quired to provide information regarding his/her role in the
Hypothesis project. This information helped ensure that the respondent
had adequate participation and authority in the project to gather
The performance of the design phase is affected positively and neg- and provide the information required in the questionnaire survey.
atively by a number of external factors that are a part of the project Each member company of the CII has a data liaison who ensures
environment but are external to the use of the best practices that the data requested by CII are provided by the most qualified
described previously. These external factors include project team person. The survey was distributed through this channel to each
experience, project complexity, availability of as-built drawings CII member. Response-enhancing techniques were not used in
(for addition, expansion, retrofit industrial projects), project team the data-collection process.
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turnover during the project, offshore engineering, and more. To Most respondents to the questionnaire survey reported signifi-
correctly identify the effect of the use of best practices on the cant experience in executing projects using a fast-track execution
performance of the design phase, the effect of these external factors strategy. Some of the respondents commented that fast-track project
on the performance of design has to be isolated and eliminated. execution has become a standard operating practice in their organi-
The hypothesis was structured as follows: zation; 53% of respondents reported that their organization
Null hypothesis Ho∶ ρ ¼ 0 ð1Þ executes 75–100% of projects using a fast-track strategy, and 30%
of respondents reported that their organization executes 50%–75%
No correlation exists between the use of a best practice and of their projects using fast track strategy. The rest of the respond-
performance of the design phase after controlling the external ents reported that their organization executed less than 50% of proj-
factors. ects using a fast-track strategy. The projects analyzed in this study
included 13 grassroots construction projects; 13 expansion proj-
Alternate hypothesis Ha∶ ρ ≠ 0 ð2Þ ects; three retrofit, conversion-type projects; and one project
involving rehabilitation of an industrial structure damaged by
A correlation exists between the use of a best practice and
Hurricane Katrina. Specifically, these projects spanned a wide
performance of the design phase after controlling the external
spectrum of industrial construction, including oil exploration/
production, power generation, pulp and paper, continuous process,
The p-value is compared with a predetermined significance
gas distribution, coke production, industrial hygiene, automotive
level α to determine whether the null hypothesis should be rejected
manufacturing, and other industrial projects (e.g., natural gas
in favor of the alternative hypothesis. It is common in research of
processing, pipeline, central utility plant, water/wastewater, electri-
this type to set the significance level at 0.10 (Hanna et al.
cal distribution, semiconductor manufacturing, microelectronics
1997, 2002).
manufacturing, metals refining, consumer products manufacturing,
laboratory buildings). After the initial questionnaire surveys were
Data Collection received, the research team contacted some of the respondents for
clarifications and additional information. The data-collection pro-
The data-collection effort in this research study involved the cre- cess took more than 1 year to complete.
ation of a questionnaire survey through a very elaborate develop- The questionnaire survey was designed to collect information
ment process to identify the content, structure, and goals of the about a fast-track project executed by the respondent’s organiza-
data-collection effort. The questionnaire survey was developed tion. It comprised 104 questions and four sections: project charac-
over a period of 6 months, and it went through multiple revisions teristics and performance, detailed questions about specific design
and reviews by independent subject experts from the construction practices and their effect, detailed information about the use of
industry and an expert statistician from academia. The question- CII best practices in the project, and open-ended questions
naire survey was beta tested by a representative of the construction designed to elicit information about the challenges faced in man-
industry before it was sent out. Care was taken to ensure that the aging the design phase in the fast-track project environment. A sig-
collected data were from practices actually implemented in the nificant amount of data on design practices and performance was
project. In a separate section in the questionnaire survey, respond- collected in this research. In the interest of brevity, only the data
ents were explicitly asked for their opinion. To ensure that all relevant to the quantitative analysis presented in this paper are dis-
respondents had the same understanding of key terms and best cussed. Full details of the survey can be found in Salem and
practices used in the survey, a detailed glossary was included with Miller (2007).
the questionnaire survey. In addition, respondents were encouraged The primary objective of this research study was to identify best
to get more information about CII best practices from resources practices for managing the design phase in fast-track projects.
available from the CII website. The questionnaire survey was Respondents were provided with a list of best practices for man-
evaluated and approved by the Institutional Research Bureau at aging projects. To further identify the extent use of each of the best
the University of Cincinnati. practice in the project, respondents were provided with the essential
The questionnaire survey was distributed using postal mail elements of each best practice and asked if each element of the best
and electronic mail to 99 CII member companies. The CII mem- practice was implemented or not. A sample of the data collected for
bership includes contractors, design firms that are involved in one of the best practices (viz preproject planning) is included in
design, companies involved in construction of industrial facili- Appendix I.
ties, and owners. For the planned higher-order partial correlation In addition, examples of sample questions from the question-
analysis, a power of 0.80 and α ¼ 0:10, the required sample size naire survey are included in Appendix II.
was 29 fast-track industrial projects. The research team was able To test the hypotheses, it was also important to identify the ef-
to collect information about 31 fast-track industrial projects in a fect of factors that were a part of the project environment but ex-
period of 6 months. Respondents to the survey included owners, ternal to the use of the best practices. Respondents of the


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

questionnaire survey were requested to specify whether any of the Statistical Analysis
listed external factors adversely, or positively, affected the perfor-
mance of the design phase beyond the conditions for which they The primary objective of statistical analysis was to determine a cor-
were planned. Effects could be assessed from “highly negative” to relation between the use of a best practice and the performance of
“highly positive.” If the factor was adequately planned for, the the design phase after controlling for factors described in the pre-
vious section. Partial correlation analysis allows for removal of the
respondent was requested to indicate “as planned.” If not, the
effects of the external factors and analysis of the degree of corre-
respondent was requested to indicate the effect: positive or
lation between the criterion variable and the predictor variables
negative. “Negative” represents the effect on the performance met- (Walcizek 1996). Although correlation analysis of observed data
ric adversely. “Positive” represents the effect on the performance cannot be used to infer causality, partial correlation provides an
metric favorably. In addition, respondents were asked to identify effective way to eliminate possible spurious correlations from
the best practices that, in their opinion, play an important role in the analysis (Tacq 1997). The partial correlation coefficient be-
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ensuring the success of design in fast-track projects. tween the criterion variable y and the predictor variable x1 when
the effect of variable of x2 on Y has been removed can be calculated
by the following formula:
Data Normalization
r yx1  ðryx2 × rx1 x2 Þ
The metrics used for identification of the performance of the design r yx1 :x2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ð3Þ
ð1  r 2yx2 Þ  ð1  r 2x1 x2 Þ
phase in fast-track projects were design cost performance and de-
sign schedule performance. The metrics for measuring the perfor-
mance of the design phase were normalized to a scale in which a where ryx1 :x2 = coefficient of partial correlation between y and x1
score of 100 was established as the baseline value. If the design in after controlling for x2 ; r yx1 = coefficient of correlation between
y and x1 ; r yx2 = coefficient of correlation between y and x2 ; and
the project was completed on budget, a value of 100 was assigned.
r x1 x2 = coefficient of correlation between x1 and x2 (Blalock 1961)
If the design was completed 5% over budget, a value of 105 was
When the analysis has one criterion variable and two predictor
assigned. Similarly, if the design was completed 5% under budget, variables, the effect of one predictor variable can be eliminated
a value of 95 was assigned. The design schedule performance was when calculating the correlation. This type of correlation is known
similarly normalized to a baseline value of 100. as first-order partial correlation. In higher-order partial correlation
analysis, it is possible to eliminate the effect of more than two var-
Extent of Use of Best Practices iables (Tacq 1997).
Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient is one of the
One of the challenging aspects of identifying the correlation be- most commonly used correlation coefficients. The assumptions
tween performance of the design phase and use of best practice made for calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficient include linear
was to quantify the extent of use of best practices in a project. relationship between the variables, continuous random variables,
To measure the degree of implementation of a particular best prac- and bivariate normal distribution. The collected data do not meet
tice in the project, respondents were provided with a list of ele- these requirements. Only one criterion variable (i.e., cost or sched-
ments of every best practice. The extent of implementation of ule performance metric) is continuous. The other variables (i.e.,
the best practice was then assessed as the number of elements best practice implementation index, external effect index) are dis-
of each best practice used in the project using the best practice im- tributed discretely and do not follow bivariate normal distribution.
plementation index. For example, front-end planning was broken Pearson’s partial correlation is sensitive to violation of the multi-
down in seven components. If only three of the seven elements variate normality assumption. When the relationship is not linear,
were implemented, a value of 3∕7 (0.43) was assigned to the best Pearson’s partial correlation can be misleading (Korn 1984). On
practice implementation index for the project. If all seven elements account of these reasons, the Spearman’s rank correlation coeffi-
were implemented, a value of 7∕7 (1.0) was assigned to the best cient, which is nonparametric, is used for correlation analysis.
practice implementation index for the project. Thus, the value of The p-value for Spearman’s partial correlations is computed
by treating the t statistic as coming from a t distribution with
this metric can range between 0–1. The assumptions for the quan-
(n  k  2) degrees of freedom
tification process were:
1. All elements of each best practice are of equal importance pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r× nk2
in achieving the intended enhancement of project performance; t¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
and 1  r2
2. Each element of the best practice was implemented
where n = total number of variables; r = partial correlation coef-
ficient; and k = number of variables being controlled.
In this study, the statistical analysis was conducted using a
Effect of External Factors SAS software package. The SAS PROC CORR procedure was
Performance of the design phase is affected positively and nega- used to calculate the partial correlation coefficients and to conduct
tively by a number of external factors that are a part of the project hypothesis testing. To derive Spearman’s partial rank-order corre-
lation, PROC CORR applies the Cholesky decomposition algo-
environment but are external to the use of the best practices. The
rithm to Spearman’s rank-order correlation matrix (SAS Institute
effect of these factors must be considered and accounted for while
establishing correlation between performance of the design phase
and use of best practices. The effect of each external element was
evaluated by the respondent on a Likert scale ranging from 1–5: Results of Hypothesis Testing
1 = “Highly Negative,” 2 = “Negative,” 3 = “As Planned,” 4 = Nine best practices and proposed best practices, including align-
“Positive,” and 5 = “Highly Positive.” ment, change management, constructability, design effectiveness,


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

Table 1. Results of Hypothesis Testing spurious correlations. The results of the correlation analysis in this
Accept/reject null study are supported by research literature and knowledge of indus-
Correlation p- hypothesis try practitioners. The results of the correlation analysis were also
Best practice coefficient value (ρ ¼ 0) confirmed in interviews with various subject experts from industry
and academia.
Alignment 0:53914 0.021 Reject
Change management 0:46469 0.052 Reject Discussion
Constructability 0:55235 0.0175 Reject
Design effectiveness 0:2805 0.2596 Accept
Design of a large industrial project involves complex information
flow across engineering disciplines and organizational boundaries
Design for maintainability 0:16865 0.5176 Accept
and is inherently iterative. The design process can conceptually be
Leader selection 0:39245 0.1072 Accept
thought of as the flow of information to and from various stake-
Partnering 0:32928 0.1821 Accept
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holders to the designers during preproject planning, design, pro-

Preproject planning 0:47434 0.0544 Reject curement, and construction phases. The best practices that were
Team building 0:11994 0.6355 Accept found to have correlation with performance of the design phase
in a fast-track project environment, including preproject planning,
alignment, and constructability, play an important role in ensuring
design for maintainability, leader selection, partnering, preproject smooth movement of project information between various stake-
planning, and team building, were used in the correlation analysis holders. The importance of these practices for successful manage-
to find their effect on cost and schedule performance of design. The ment of design in a fast-track project is supported by quantitative
abbreviated Table 1 shows the results of the analysis of correlation and qualitative analysis, interviews, and expert opinion.
between the design schedule and the best practice implementa-
tion index. Front-End Planning
A statistically significant correlation was found between the per-
formance of the design phase and four best practices, viz preproject Preproject planning involves the development of sufficient strategic
planning, alignment, constructability, and change management. information with which owners can address risk and make deci-
The negative correlation between the best practice implementation sions to commit resources to maximize the potential for a success-
index and the schedule performance of design phase in fast-track ful project. The preproject planning process in a large and complex
project indicates that the more comprehensively the best practice is industrial project requires a significant effort. Development of a
used, the better the schedule performance of the design phase was clear and detailed project definition plays a crucial role in the suc-
observed to be. A lower value of design schedule performance met- cess of design in a fast-track project. Development of a project def-
ric indicates improved performance. A similar analysis was carried inition includes the analysis of risks, documentation of project and
out to identify correlations, if any, between the design cost and the design scope, definition of project control guidelines, and defini-
best practice implementation index; this analysis yielded no statisti- tion of project execution approach. The definition of the project
cally significant correlations between the design cost and the use of and design scope lays the foundation for the design work that
best practices. follows in the project. In a typical industrial project, the elements
related to design are included in the scope definition, such as de-
Qualitative Data Analysis velopment of equipment lists, approved equipment layouts, piping
and instrumentation drawings, major equipment specifications,
In addition to the quantitative data collected as a part of the ques- price quotes, motor lists (pumps and compressors), piping line lists
tionnaire survey, respondents’ opinion of the best practices for ef- and quantities, approved single-line drawings, a distributed control
fectively managing design in a fast-track environment was sought. system definition, engineering drawings controls, definition of util-
Results of the survey are shown in Table 2. ities requirements, criteria used from selection for value analysis,
The top three best practices (preproject planning, alignment, identification of the construction approach, and identification of
constructability) identified by the respondents were also found standards and specifications to be used.
to have a statistically significant correlation with the performance The definition of scope includes the development of the design
of design phase. basis, which involves determining the required plant capacity, design
Correlation between two variables does not necessarily indicate yields and variability, product streams, the service factor for the fa-
causality. Partial correlation analysis helps in significantly reducing cility, and more. The local availability of materials for construction is
also analyzed at this stage. In addition, various preliminary plot plans
are defined at this stage. If the project must be integrated into an
Table 2. Best Practices Critical for Successful Design in Fast-Track existing facility, all of the constructability issues arising because
Projects: Expert Opinion of space and method limitations need to be addressed at this stage.
Best practice Respondents Detailed analysis of the environmental effect and the requirement for
effluent treatment is also conducted at this stage.
Preproject planning 26 The front-end design process forms the basis for the detailed
Alignment 11 design that follows in the later stages in a project. Documentation
Constructability 10 of the project and design scope is extremely critical for the success
Partnering 9 of design in fast-track projects. This process involves the flow of
Planning for startup 7 information between various engineering disciplines, such as pro-
Change management 7 cess design, piping design, mechanical design (equipment design),
Team building 6 and electrical and instrumentation design. The possibilities of ma-
jor changes in design in the future can be addressed and reduced by
Design effectiveness 5
putting the required effort in commitment of time and funding.
Leader selection 5
Time is a valuable commodity in fast-track projects. Any reduced


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

effort in preproject planning needs to be addressed in the risk analy-
sis process to determine the possible effect to the success of the
design phase and the success of the project itself. Constructability involves effective and timely integration of con-
struction knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, con-
Alignment struction, and field operations of a project to achieve the overall
The success of the preproject planning phase and the subsequent project objectives in the best possible time and accuracy at the most
design phase is influenced by the alignment of the goals of various cost-effective levels. In fast-track projects, the design schedule is
stakeholders. The success of the design process depends on the ef- driven by the requirements for smooth execution of the construc-
ficiency with which the information flows across various stakehold- tion phase. Constructability reviews of project design and specifi-
ers in the owner organization and across various organizations cations are typically performed at set percentages of design
participating in a project. It is critical to ensure that the goals of completion. This frequency needs to be increased in fast-track
Downloaded from by Universidad Militar Nueva Granada on 08/16/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

all participants are aligned with the project goals, as defined in projects. Constructability analysis assumes increased importance
the project scope definition. Alignment between various stakehold- in fast-track projects that involve addition/expansion of an existing
ers can be improved by ensuring that stakeholders are appropriately facility. The importance of constructability is increased because
represented on the project team; project leadership is defined, ef- construction has to be carried out in congested areas very close
fective; and accountable; priority between cost, schedule, and the to the operational facility. This puts a significant constraint on
required project features is clear; communication within the team the techniques that can be used in the construction process. In such
and with stakeholders is open and effective and the preproject plan- cases, design of the facility is driven by the requirements of
ning process includes sufficient funding, schedule, and scope to construction, and constructability reviews assume increased
meet objectives. importance.

Change Management Limitation

Excessive changes can result in significant cost over-runs and The fast-track industrial projects analyzed in this study were
schedule slippages in fast-track construction projects. The increase executed by CII member companies. To have correlation of the
in change in projects can stem from inadequate scope development the performance of the design phase of fast-track industrial proj-
during the preproject planning phase. In the absence of an effective ects, the best practices identified in this study are practices that,
process to identify the changes that actually contribute to the suc- to some degree, are implemented in all large industrial projects.
cess of a project, as defined in the initial stages of the project, frivo-
Constructability and preproject planning are increasingly becoming
lous and unnecessary changes can cause significant cost overruns
standard operating procedures in industrial construction. However,
and schedule slippages. Design of industrial projects involves the
because the data in the study were collected from CII member
design of complex and interconnected systems in which design
firms, generalization of the results of the study may be viewed
teams from various disciplines need to continuously interact and
use data from each other to ensure accurate and safe design. as limited.
Lee et al. (2003) demonstrate this interconnectivity with the follow-
ing example.
“If in a simple building project the owner requests to install a
centralized air-conditioning system, which was not initially The design phase assumes increased importance in fast-track proj-
planned. This change request generates direct impact on ects because design and construction are executed almost simulta-
the mechanical plan. However, it affects other construction neously with very little or no lag between them, and the compressed
works as well, due to the relationship of this mechanical ac- schedule interferes with the inherently iterative nature of design,
tivity. Structural plans may need to be changed to bear the sometimes resulting in suboptimal design. In fast-track projects,
load of new central air-conditioning system and the ceiling the design process is the driver of the procurement and construction
plan may need to be changed to secure a space for air- processes. This makes the successful execution of design critical
conditioning ducts. The electric facilities plan can also be for achieving the required schedule compression in fast-track proj-
changed due to the increase of the projected electricity usage.” ects. Quantitative analysis of performance of the design phase in 31
fast-track projects revealed a statistically significant correlation be-
Although the change described in this example could be a legiti-
tween performance of the design phase and front-end planning,
mate change, in some cases, the owner may request a change that
alignment, constructability, and change management. This under-
may not be central to achieving the business objectives of the
scores the importance of allocating time and effort to front-end
project but may require significant amount of design rework. Such
changes need to be examined carefully for their effect to ensure that planning, ensuring the development of a well-defined scope for
the costs associated with changes are well understood. Change the success of design. Alignment of all stakeholders is all the more
management is the process of incorporating a balanced change cul- critical to the success of the design because of the reduced lag be-
ture of recognition, planning, and evaluation of project changes in tween design and construction in fast-track projects. Input from
an organization to effectively manage project changes. Many sub- downstream users of the design documents and the facility is also
ject experts interviewed in this research listed effective control of important for successful execution of the design and the project
changes as one of the major challenges in the management of de- itself. A robust change management system ensures that the
sign in fast-track projects. A well-structured change management changes central to achieving the goals of the project are sent to
system can have a positive effect on performance of the design the design team, reducing unnecessary changes to the design. These
phase in a fast-track project by reducing the amount of unnecessary practices can improve the performance of design in a fast track-
design rework required. project environment.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

Appendix I. Preproject Planning in Surveyed Fast-Track Project

Did your organization use this industry Please indicate if your organization used any elements Please discuss the reasons for not adopting this
best practice in the project? of the corresponding best practice. (Y = Yes, N = No) best practice in the project. Would the design have
benefited by adopting this best practice? How?
Preproject planning: Preproject planning includes putting together the project team, selecting technology, selecting a project site, developing the project scope,
and developing project alternatives. Preproject planning is often perceived as synonymous with front-end loading, front-end planning, feasibility analysis, and
conceptual planning.
__YES __NO Preproject planning team was established. Y or N
Preproject planning effort was adequately funded. Y or N
Preproject planning plan was developed and used. Y or N
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Project execution approach was defined. Y or N

Project scope and design were documented. Y or N
Scope development was measured using the Y or N
project definition rating index
(PDRI)/front-end loading (FEL) tools.
Project definition package was established. YN

Appendix II. Example of Survey Questions Elvin, G. (2003). “Proven practices in design-build and fast track.” ASCE
Conf. on Architectural Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA.
Was the design in this project completed ahead of schedule/on FMI Corporation and Construction Management Association of America
schedule/behind schedule? (CMAA). (2004). FMI/CMAA survey of owners, FMI, Raleigh, NC.
Griffith, A., and Gibson, G. (2001). “Alignment during preproject plan-
_On Schedule ning.” J. Manage. Eng., 17(2), 69–76.
_Ahead of schedule By how many weeks? _Weeks Griffith, A., Gibson, G., Hamilton, M., Tortora, A., and Wilson, C. (1999).
_Behind the schedule By how many weeks? _Weeks “Project success index for capital facility construction projects.”
J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 13(1), 39–45.
Hamilton, M., and Gibson, G. (1996). “Benchmarking preproject-planning
Acknowledgments effort.” J. Manage. Eng., 12(2), 25–33.
Hanna, A. S., Camlic, R., Peterson, P. A., and Nordheim, E. V. (2002).
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the funding sup- “Quantitative definition of projects impacted by change orders.”
J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 128, 57–64.
port provided by the CII for the study. The authors would also like
Hanna, A. S., Russell, J. S., and Gotzion, T. W. (1997). ‘‘An investigation
to thank the members of the CII research team RT 222 for their
into the impacts of change orders on labor efficiency in the mechanical
support and guidance throughout this study. construction industry: Phase II.’’ Technical Rep. to the Mechanical
Contracting Foundation and the Sheetmetal and Air Conditioning
National Association.
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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2012, 138(6): 716-724

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