Homescholing Vs Traditional Schooling 4

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By :

1. Vidya Ayu Seftiana (2014111020)

2. Nadine Daniella Wibowo (2014111035)

Homeschooling Vs Traditional Schooling

Traditional schools are favorite choices for parents to send their children to school. However,
not a few parents also send their children to school by homeschooling.

Both traditional schools and homeschooling are both legal institutions and their existence is
recognized by the state. Content Standards and Graduate Competency Standards covering
science and technology, nationalism, health, sports, and aesthetics are the two in common.
Both traditional schools and homeschooling will take the National Examination (UN).

As for the differences, this can be seen clearly from the system adopted. For a traditional
school, all of you must be familiar with the rules of the game. All students without exception
must attend school every day, from Monday to Friday. The student will be divided into
classes to receive material taught by the teacher in related subjects. All children are treated
the same, without exception. If traditional schools carry out all educational activities in the
school building, it is different with homeschooling. Homeschooling is carried out at the
student's home, or at an agreed location.

Homeschooling also has rules that are much more flexible than traditional schools. Subjects
can be arranged according to student interests and needs. If a traditional school has a
curriculum that has been regulated by the school, it is different from homeshcooling which is
regulated by parents. However, parents will still get it from the Education Office so that the
quality remains equal. The schedule is free, it all depends on the agreement and the needs of
the student. The role of teachers in traditional schools is the same as that of parents in
homeschooling. Parents have the main control in educating their children.

However, many parents also entrust tutors as educators, or even register with trusted
homeschooling institutions. In essence, in homeschooling everything returns to children's
interests and learning styles. There are children who are happy and easy to learn with visuals,
some through hearing, some through kinesthetic or movement methods.

Traditional schooling and homeschooling certainly have their respective advantages and
disadvantages. The key to the success of children's education is learning patterns and the
fulfillment of subject matter intake according to children's interests and talents.

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