Fatima M. Chin MBA 2 November 15, 2020 Exercise 1

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Fatima M.

Chin MBA 2 November 15, 2020

Exercise 1

1. Share your vision in life.

My own vision is to have a significant existence for myself as well as other people. For me it
is essential to show kindness, care, and concern for my loved ones and even strangers. I want to
have a profession or life that incorporates consistent learning and improvement. My career goal
is to become a service manager that provides best technical support and customer service to our

2. Share your mission in life.

My mission in life is to find bliss, satisfaction, and value in living. I will search out and
experience the entirety of pleasures and joy that life has to offer. Also, to have family as my
own. I must recall that what I do now in my life will influence them. Along these lines, I make
an honest effort to do the right things that will benefit my future.

3. How will you show compassion to others? Please cite personal experience/s.

According to Mahatma Gandhi, “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than
a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” We can show our compassion to others thru giving kindness
without expecting in return. Kindness is infectious and it can spread in manners you would never
anticipate. In my personal experience, in our organization we came together to raise money for
the family of our security guard after his death. It is for their funeral expenses and additional
support needed for his family.

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