Information Sheet 5.2-1: 1. Work Ethics and Required To Work in The Industry

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Information sheet 5.

1. Work Ethics and required to work in the industry

Learning Objective: After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

· Determine work ethics required to work in the industry.

1.  Cooperation and camaraderie.

     A good citizen is always ready to help and cooperate with other members of the society. The
spirit of “bayanihan” runs in our blood stream. Cooperation is certainly necessary especially in this
age of globalization which calls for the nation to move as one as it competes with the rest of the


2.  Avoidance of Conflict – A harmonious relationship is attainable if conflict is avoided.

     How to minimize conflict:

·           Actions and words should be done and said with due courtesy

·           Practice the “golden Rule” – “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.”

·           Refrain from destructive personal criticism, argument, unpleasant comments and judgments.


1.     Approach the complaining customer politely as you say: “Anything I can do for you sir? Or May I
help you sir?”

2.     Listen attentively; let him finish his statement before reacting. If the message is not clear,
confirm or clarify. “If I got you right sir, are you saying that . . . . “

3.     Get more details:   Client: Your service is lousy. ...    Worker: “What exactly went wrong sir?

4.     Be calm and sober even if the customer is rude or shouting at the peak of his voice. Be gracious
and courteous no matter how irritating the customer is.
5.     Be openminded; accept the facts of his complaints and refrain from being defensive.
Acknowledge customer comments even if he does not seem to be talking sense.  “Your comment is
well taken, sir.”

6.     Accept the clients feeling, saying something like: Í can understand how you feel, sir.”

7.     Never argue or disagree or indiscreetly prove the customer wrong. If the comment is an
unsound accusation, raise your point by using the Yes-but technique. Acknowledge his comments
first before presenting your point. “I  can see that you are not satisfied with our services, and I respect
your comments. However many of our customers seem like our services, in fact we are the best among
others. . . . . .

8.     If service is faulty, apologize. “I am sorry for what happened.”

9.     Settle sensitive matters or problems in private so as not to place the guest in an embarrassing
situation. Example, declined credit card, shortage of cash for payment, suspended signing privilege,
etc. This matter should be referred to supervisor who will ask waiter to request the customer to see
him in a private office. Worker will tell the client: Excuse me sir, someone wishes to see you at the
counter”,  do not say: “My supervisor is calling for you.”

10.  Never pass the buck (blame) on another person or department in an effort to defend oneself.

11.   If the guest is very upset, does not want to accept apologies or is making a fuss out of petty
matters or cannot be pacified, call the Supervisor or the manager.

12.  Should a complaint or request require a delicate decision or action, or a request that run counter
to some business policies like discount or waiving service charge, etc. refer to the supervisor.

  The waiter should tell the guest: I’m sorry sir but I am not authorized to decide on this matter, may I
refer you to my supervisor?”

13.  Take appropriate action immediately and assure the complaining customer that his concern is
being taken seriously and that corrective action shall be taken.

·           When the customer is exhibiting scandalous behavior like shouting or uttering provocative
statements alert the security officer and get security assistance especially when violent reactions are
already displayed. However, the security officer must be discreet in dealing with the customer. Before
the security staff takes over. The head waiter must try to pacify the customer first, get him away from
the area and talk to him in private.

·           Identify the problem of the customer before taking into action about their complaints.

14.  Show appreciation rather than irritation upon receiving a complaint or negative remark.
                   “Thank you sir for bringing this matter to our attention”

                   “I have taken note of your comments sir, thank you for calling our attention. We will see to
it that it won’t happen again.”                 

3. Healthy Spirit of cohesiveness

·           Being physically present when a group project is being executed.

·           Showing concern and interest in your group mates view and suggestions;

·           Showing appreciation on each other’s contributions;

·           Taking pride

Open Communication

Utilize Verbal and Non-verbal means of communication. If practiced, conflict can be worked out and
genuine relationship can be developed.

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