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Sarah is an analyst and is currently 3 years in her role of as part of the

governance team for the service providers of her company. Her responsibilities includes
making sure that the 3rd party service provider is meeting their set objectives and
creating a root cause analysis whenever there are issues encountered in order to
resolve and avoid the same issues in the future. Aside from this, Sarah is involve in
different automation project where she really excel and known even with the other
department of the company. The automation projects help the company to do the
repetitive tasks faster with more accuracy.
With her outstanding performance throughout the year, Sarah is confident that
she will have a better performance appraisal which will later result to a more decent
salary increase and a possibility for promotion. After their fiscal year end, their
performance are calibrated and their ratings are given by their managers.
One day, the ratings in their organization are already fixed and Sarah
immediately set a meeting with her manager to know and discuss it. As expected, she
got a better rating compared last year and it is enough for her to be promoted in the
next coming months. Moreover, since she has a better rating this year, she expected to
have a higher salary increase when her yearly increase comes. Sarah was happy about
it and was motivated to accomplish the new tasks and projects assigned to her.
It was part of the company’s policy that their employee will receive a salary
increase which will be based on the manager’s discretion and the employee
performance. When Sarah received it, she was disappointed. The salary increase did
not meet her expectation and upon her computation, the amount is the same as her
increase from the previous year. Sarah talked to her manager about it and ask why her
salary increase does not reflect the better performance appraisal that she received for
the last fiscal year. It was even the same when she has a lower rating compared the
recent one. Her manager explained that it was because the increase her manager gave
her in her prior years is too large that is why the she has little increment for this year.
Sarah was upset about the rationale presented to her by her manager. For her, she
deserve a better increment or at least a better explanation about it. Aside from this, she
was not part of the group that were promoted during their first quarter town hall.
After her meeting with her manager, Sarah started to become demotivated. She
felt that her accomplishment was not given enough credit and importance by the
organization. After a couple of weeks, she resigned from the company.

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