Term Paper (ENG - 101)

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World University of Bangladesh

Course Title: Functional English

Code ID: ENG - 101

Term Paper (40 marks)

Submitted to
Mahmuda Alam
Lecturer, Department of English
World University of Bangladesh

Submitted by
Sajia Afrin Hajary
Roll: 4199
Batch: 65/A
Program: BBA
Student mail : 0120654199@student.wub.edu.bd
World University of Bangladesh
Date of Submission : December 2020 , 4:00 PM
Section A : Reading Comprehension

(a) What purpose does the introductory

paragraph of the passage serve?
Answer :
The Purpose of the introduction paragraph of
the passage is to describe the passage is to
describe the setting of the story . The action
takes place outside a church just after a
marriage ceremony is over when the guests
are going to attend the feast .

(b) What mode/modes of development

does the writer use in the passage?
Answer :
The author basically uses two ways of
development and description . He recounts
the physical appearance of the old sailor
and the situation he and his sailors
companions found in the story . He also
describe the events that look place the old
sailor’s lost voyage at sea .
(c) Describe the situation in which the
sailors found themselves after the
killing of the bird.
Answer :
The sea was at first very cold . It was a
snow Covered place . But after the old
sailor had killed the albatross , the situation
changed dramatically . The ship sailed into
another sea where the sun was very hot and
there was no wind . As a result the ship
stood still . There was no cloud in the sky.
Despite the water , all the sailors was very
thirsty because the sea water was very salty.
There was not a drop of water for them to
drink . It was really a terrible situation .

(d) Why was it a terrible thing for the old

sailor to kill the albatross?
Answer :
Everyone on the ship believed that the
albatross was a bird of good fortune . But
the old sailor shot and killed it in anger and
the consequences were very bad . The
Albatross killings brought misfortune to the
crew . So, killing the old mariner bird was
very scary thing and brought a curse for
them .

(e) What was the old sailor’s punishment

for killing the albatross?
Answer :
The other sailors were very angry with the
old mariner for killing the albatross . They
blamed him for their terrible suffering .
That is why , they cursed him and wanted to
punish him . As a punishment they hung the
dead bird round hid neck . But the mariners
suffered more than any other sailor .

They saying goes ,“ You will suffer twice

as much in the world as you do in nature”.
Section B: Conversation Writing

2. Rewrite the following informal dialogue in formal

Formal English :
Pranto: Hi Rafi! Morning.
Rafi: Morning, Pranto. How are you?
Pranto: Fine, gratitude. And you?
Rafi: Not therefore positive. Can you do me a
Pranto: Sure, if possible.
Rafi: Will you please lend me some money?
Pranto: How much?
Rafi: Five thousand.
Pranto: Reject problem. Observe me in the
Rafi: when and where?
Pranto: At 5-15 at my house.
Rafi: Ok then. Bye.
Pranto: Bye.

Section C: Grammar
3. Change the following words as directed and Make a
sentence with each changed form:

Given Word Directed word Sentence with change form

Produce product A product of being an only child of
(into noun) aging parents, no doubt .

Climate Climatic The difficulty of sharply delimiting

(into adjective) edaphic and climatic factors is seen
in the case of temperature .
Suitable Suit I was reaching for his hanging suit
(into verb) when I heard an automobile roll up
the driveway .
Money Monetary Its jurisdiction was limited to
(into adjective) monetary penalties .

Industrialised Industry Agriculture as an industry requires

(into noun) infrastructure .
4. Write the antonyms of the following words and
make sentences with them.

Given word Antonyms Sentence with antonym word

Export Import He worked well whatever the
import of his work.
Suitable Improper Here she was, thinking improper
thoughts again.
Not only were the Italians
Fertile Impotent vitiated; but they had also
become impotent for action and
Raw Nice It’s a nice cool morning
Produce Keep Keep to the Left!
Section D: Writing
5. Write an email to your friend, Arif Reza at
rezaularif@gmail.com inviting him to attend your
birthday party.
From : sajiaafreen16@gmail.com
To : rezaularif@gmail.com
Sent : Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Subject : Invitation for attending my birthday party

Dear Arif Reza ,

I am quite well here and hope the some for you . As
you know that my birthday falls on next week So , the
main reason of sending this email us to invite you on
my birthday party . Our all friends are coming and
you also have to came . I promise you that you will
never feel bore , we will do fun .
Be well and definitely come to my birthday . Bye .
Your loving friend ,

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