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The School’s Learning Management


This episode provides students the opportunity to examine a learning management system (LMS)
used in online distance learning and learn about its resources, services, activities, and devices
used, and reflect on how it supports the learning process.

Intended Learning Outcomes

This episode must enable the student to:
 describe the goals of a learning management system.
 identify and classify resources and activities that facilitate the teaching-learning process
with the use of technology.
 explain the services of the system that support learning.

Performance Criteria
The student will be rated for following:
 quality of observations and documentation,
 completeness and depth analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio, and
 time of submission.

Learning Essentials
A school usually sets up for a learning management for blended learning. It is a software that is
designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content. With
the advent of online distance learning, a learning management system is essential in the teaching-
learning delivery. Other learning essentials are found here.

1. Visit a school’s learning management system. Look around the virtual classrooms and see
what resources, activities, services, and other essentials are available.
2. Ask the LMS admin about how it is used (webinar).
3. Make an inventory of resources, activities, services, and other essentials are available,
and classify them according to their characteristics.
4. Write down a brief reflection.

Read the following statements before you observe:
1. Navigate around the different virtual classrooms and offices.
2. Find out what learning resources and services are present.
3. Examine how these resources and services are organized. Are they easily accessible and
user- friendly?
4. In the virtual library, know the guidelines and procedures in borrowing a material in this
setup. Are they readily available for everyone to see?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and policies of each virtual classroom. You may
choose to screenshot if allowed by the teachers.
Name of LMS observed: Mary Joy Quilantang
Date of Observation: September 18, 2020
Name of Observer: Wenzy A. Quilantang
List of Available Learning Resources, Activities, and
Materials and Services Characteristics and Teaching Approaches Where
(Enumerate in bullet Unique the
form) Capabilities Resources is Most Useful
Print/Softcopy Resources • You can take home the • Online Webinars
materials • Studying at home
• Convenient when you want • Online oral recitations
to review something • Online discussions
• Easy access • Reviewer

Audio Resources • Hearing the text lets you • Online Webinars

remember it more • Home works
• Listening is made easy • Documentary
• Lets you rewind whenever
you like

Multimedia Resources • Convenient for everyone • Online Webinars

• Easily accessible for • Home works
everyone online • Record Keeping
• Keep copies to review later • Online Tasks
• Helps to understand the • Learning material
lesson more

Online Resources • Convenient for everyone • Online Webinars

• Posted online so everyone • Home works
can view • Documentary
• Lots of sources to get •
answers from

Impression about the LMS:

The teacher said, “Honestly I am having trouble with this online learning because at my age, I am
not really techy with all the new devices today but I am trying my best to learn everything in the
short time given just to help students learn because its my responsibility.”

Name and Signature of Observer: Mary Joy A. Quilantang

Webinar certificate:
Were the learning materials arranged and organized properly according to their functions and

- Yes, the school came up with a strategic approach that allowed their learners to fully utilize
their given resources and to be as convenient for those students who have no internet
connections in their homes.

Do the guidelines and procedures of the virtual classrooms and offices facilitate easy access to
materials by the teachers? Why? Why not?

- Yes, teachers are doing their best to provide the students holistic learning but let us not forget
that this approach is as new to them as it is to us, so understanding that the teacher also can
have a hard time adjusting to the online learning approach. Although with the help of virtual
classrooms, online learning is made easy but it is really up to the teacher whether how she
manages her time in posting the resources online.

What are the strengths of this Learning Management System?

- One thing is that it lets us practice social distancing thus protecting us from this pandemic and
it is one way of helping out on not spreading the virus. We can also have the comfort of
learning inside our own homes, by the use of modern technology this is possible. Although I
can really say that it is far from the traditional way of teaching but in these times, it is the best
way to still be able to learn and attend school.

What are its weaknesses?

- It lacks face-to-face interaction, even though we see each other through online classroom
webinars, but still it is very different to actually being there inside the classroom with your
classmates and your teacher. Another weakness with this approach is that we cannot ask
questions directly just like in an actual class and get a quick response, we have to wait for the
teacher to stop talking and then we can unmute our microphones. The main thing that makes
this approach inconvenient for some people is that it needs an internet connection to start
with, and that is a luxury not everyone can afford or can access.
What suggestions can you make?

- If I it were up to me , all that I can suggest is that they make it convenient for everyone and
make some kind of a program that makes learning fun, a program which is like a tv series that
will capture the attention of every student.

Which of the materials in the Learning Management System caught your interest the most? Why?

- What amazed me the most was this online classrooms that we, in spite of this pandemic, still
get to see our classmates and talk to them even though some of them are in other parts of the
world. These online classrooms is a new approach that everyone is still starting to learn and
to adapt.

Which function, gadget, or material are you already confident to use/operate?

- I pretty much use a laptop so I’m confident that I know my way around this device and even
though I’m not a total expert on these things, but that’s the purpose of the internet, it helps
you learn anything with just a tap of a button and a little bit of enthusiasm.

Which ones do you feel you need to learn more?

- As I have mention, I often use my laptop but isn’t still a total expert with it, so I would just
like to develop my knowledge on the techniques that I can use in my laptop that will help me
find online learning more convenient.
Learning Portfolio
Paste an article and images of technology materials you want to learn more about? How can this
material be useful in the teaching-learning process?

Laptops, iPads, and other devices can help us in this approach to learning because they will serve as
the gate way to participate i n this times were online learning is a must.

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