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J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291

DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.636


Gastroduodenal artery: single key for many locks

Gunjan S. Desai  Prasad M. Pande

Published online: 19 June 2019

© 2019 Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

Abstract Gastroduodenal artery (GDA) commonly arises anatomical description as normal [3]. A comprehensive
from common hepatic artery, a branch of celiac axis. It understanding of these variations is indispensable for
holds a unique anatomical position that connects the foregut planning liver resections, liver transplant, pancreas surgery
and midgut due to its intimate communications with foregut or transplant, biliary resections and reconstruction [1, 3,
and midgut arterial supply. Its numerous anatomical 4]. Though some variations are not clinically significant
variations have a significant impact on planning and and do not affect organ function, others need careful pre-
performance of hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) surgery. Its operative planning for intra-operative identification and/or
close relation to the first part of duodenum, common bile modification in surgical technique to preserve or recon-
duct and head of pancreas makes it susceptible for struct the vessel [2, 3]. Gastroduodenal artery (GDA) is
inadvertent bleeding during or after surgery, or due to one of the key vessels that one encounters during perfor-
various HPB pathologies. Also, a large number of vascular mance of HPB surgeries or interventions. A detailed
interventions rely on GDA and its branches. Careful review of its common and variant anatomy will help diag-
preoperative planning is the key and a detailed knowledge nostic and interventional radiologists as well as surgeons
and awareness of its variant anatomy is of paramount in planning complex HPB procedures [1, 3, 4].
importance, be it liver resections, liver transplant, biliary
and pancreatic resections and pancreatic transplant or
transarterial procedures involving these arteries. GDA can History
also be a cause of gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to true or
pseudoaneurysms and anatomy has significant implications Vesalius in 1534 labelled GDA as ramus duodenitis, later
on its management. The article provides a succinct review described as GDA by Haller in 1745 [5]. Meckel in 1832
on relevance of GDA anatomy and variations and described the principle variant anatomy of GDA [5].
highlights that preoperative planning and intraoperative Wilkie described the supraduodenal and the retroduodenal
awareness of variations is the key to performance of safe arteries and the vessel is now called Wilkie’s artery [5, 6].
HPB surgery and interventions. Finally, Michels gave the most comprehensive description
of celiac axis (CA) and its branches in 1966 [6]. GDA
Keywords Aneurysm Celiac artery
and its branches have not been a topic of detailed study
Pancreaticoduodenectomy in itself across published literature and its branches have
been named differently by different researchers, thereby
creating difficulties in reviewing the scarce literature on
Introduction this vessel [7].

A thorough knowledge of arterial anatomy and its varia-

tions is a key prerequisite for safe hepatopancreaticobil- Diagnostic modalities and standard terminology
iary (HPB) surgery [1, 2]. So frequent are arterial
variations that it is impossible to consider any one Cadaveric models and conventional angiography were
commonly used methods for studying arterial anatomy.
However, thin section, dynamic contrast enhanced com-
G. S. Desai (✉) P. M. Pande

puted tomography (CT) with submillimeter voxel size, and
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Lilavati Hospital and
Research Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050, India availability of excellent post-acquisition processing tools
e-mails:, like minimum intensity projection, volume rendering, and
282 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291

multiplanar reformation has replaced conventional angiog- pathway of abdominal aorta and its branches. On the 17th
raphy for diagnostic evaluation of GDA [1, 3]. day of embryonic life, hemangioblasts aggregate adjacent
A deviation from what is regarded as normal anatomy to endoderm in splanchnic extraembryonic mesoderm of
such that it affects the function of the area or organ it sup- the vitelline duct. On the 18th day vessels start forming in
plies is termed as a malformation, whereas, when it does splanchnic intraembryonic mesoderm. Over the next
not directly affect the function, it is called a variation. 3 days, paired dorsal aorta form along the length of the
The variation in arterial anatomy can be with regard to its embryo [9, 10]. From days 21 to 28, segments of dorsal
origin, number, course, branches and the organs supplied aorta between T4 and L4 fuse to form a unique median
[3, 4]. An artery is called a replaced artery (labeled by a vessel, which is descending aorta. This vessel gives rise
prefix “r”) when it is the only arterial supply to an organ to intersegmental lateral somatic arteries, lateral splanch-
but has an anomalous origin. However, an artery with nic arteries and ventral splanchnic arteries. The ventral
anomalous origin in addition to the artery from its normal splanchnic arteries are known as vitelline arteries. Vitel-
origin is called accessory (labeled by a prefix “a”) [3, 4]. line arteries are segmental, paired, and symmetrical, and
CA is considered to have an ambiguous anatomy when are interconnected through longitudinal anastomosis at dif-
common hepatic artery (CHA) is absent or when there is ferent levels. As the embryo grows, regression, remodel-
a persistent anastomotic channel connecting CHA to CA ing, and transformation of these arteries and their
and superior mesenteric artery (SMA). CHA is an arterial longitudinal anastomosis lead to persistence or disappear-
trunk which must contain GDA and at least one segmental ance of segments at different levels, which causes the
hepatic artery, regardless of its origin and anatomical development of variations of abdominal arteries [10, 11].
course [1]. Kapoor [8] suggested renaming GDA as gas- The 10th ventral splanchnic artery becomes the CA, 13th
troduodenopancreatic (GDP) trunk to highlight this impor- becomes the SMA and 22nd becomes the inferior mesen-
tant vessel supplying the distal part of the stomach, first teric artery [11]. Depending on this remodeling process,
and second part of duodenum, ampulla, head of pancreas, various variations arise [10–12].
and omentum. However, the term GDP trunk has not yet
been standardized.
Origin of GDA

Embryology The most common origin of GDA is from CHA. Beyond

origin of GDA, CHA is termed proper hepatic artery
The key to understanding why variations occur and how (PHA) which gives rise to right hepatic artery (RHA) and
they anatomically appear lies in the developmental left hepatic artery (LHA) [8, 13]. The configuration at

Table 1 Possible sites of origin of gastroduodenal artery in published literature and its frequency
Study (year) Site of origin Frequency

Lipshutz (1917) [14] Common hepatic artery 92.3%

Celiac trunk 3.6%
Michels (1953) [15] Celiac trunk or superior mesenteric artery 2.5%
Huu et al. (1976) [16] Superior mesenteric artery Case report
VanDamme (1993) [17] Common hepatic artery 75%
Superior mesenteric artery 2%
Left hepatic artery 11%
Right hepatic artery 8%
Covey et al. (2002) [18] Aorta 0.33%
Daseler (2005) [19] Celiac trunk 0.2%
Rawat (2006) [20] Right hepatic artery or left hepatic artery –
Petrella et al. (2007) [21] Celiac trunk or superior mesenteric artery 6.74%
Chitra (2009) [22] Celiac trunk Case report
Younan et al. (2016) [23] Superior mesenteric artery Case report
Patil et al. (2017) [24]
Chen et al. (2018) [25]
Younan et al. (2016) [23] Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery Case report
Slaba and Assaf (2018) [26] Splenic artery Case report
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291 283

origin of GDA from CHA can also be variable. CHA can Le

trifurcate into RHA, LHA, GDA or can give rise to RHA artery
first and then trifurcate into LHA, GDA and right gastric
artery (RGA). Pentafurcation of CHA has been described Right hepa
artery Common
where CHA gives rise to RHA, LHA, GDA, RGA and
artery to segment IV of liver [2]. An aGDA has not been
reported in literature. In a meta-analysis of CA variations artery
Common bile
which included 12,000 cases from 36 studies, there was duct
no mention of a replaced GDA (rGDA) [2, 7]. Many III
other studies have identified frequency of variations in ori-
gin of rGDA, summarised in Table 1 [14–26]. The vari- IV II
ous sites of origin of rGDA are shown in Figure 1. The Gastroduodenal I
most common site of origin of rGDA is CA. artery
Fig. 2 The configuration types I, II, III and IV of gastroduodenal
Course and relations of GDA artery in relation to common bile duct as per the Prudhomme classi-
fication [30]

GDA arises from CHA, posterosuperior to first part of

duodenum (D1) usually at a distance of 2.5–3.0 cm from GDA arises from CHA to the left of CBD and crosses it
pylorus. The GDA usually arises 1–2 cm above D1 and anteriorly from left to right behind D1. In type 4 (3%),
travels caudally behind D1 anterior to common bile duct CHA crosses CBD from left to right and then gives rise
(CBD). In 20% of cases, its origin can be retroduodenal to GDA on the right aspect of CBD. This GDA remains
[27]. The GDA divides D1 into two segments: a 35 mm on the right side of the CBD behind D1 [30]. These types
long proximal intraperitoneal segment, the duodenal bulb, are schematically shown in Figure 2. The distance
and a distal retroperitoneal segment 15 mm in length [28, between GDA and CBD in sagittal plane is 3 mm at the
29]. GDA is not accompanied by a vein [8]. The course superior border of duodenum, 4 mm in the middle of the
of GDA is divided into an intraepiploic suprapancreatic posterior surface of the duodenum and 5 mm at the infe-
segment and an interduodenopancreatic segment [27]. rior border of the duodenum [27].
The relation between GDA and CBD has been studied In 57–60% of cases, there is 5–10 mm of intercholedo-
in detail. The Prudhomme classification describes the choduodenal pancreatic glandular tissue between GDA
coronal relationship and divides it into four types. Type 1 and CBD, known as duodenal tubercle or omental tuber-
(63%) is the most common, where GDA origin is to the cle of Wiart. This tissue separates GDA from CBD along
left of CBD and moves away from CBD as it traverses its course. Below D1, GDA travels between duodenum
behind D1. In type 2 (20%), origin of GDA is to the left and pancreas in the duodenal gutter of Wiart [27, 31].
of CBD, and courses very close to it without crossing Studies have shown that a rGDA originating from SMA
CBD as it goes behind the duodenum. In type 3 (14%), arises below the neck of the pancreas and runs anterior to
the neck of pancreas, whereas a rGDA originating from a
Le rCHA from SMA arises below the neck of pancreas and
Common hepa courses posteriorly or sometimes even through the pancre-
Right hepa
artery artery atic parenchyma and very rarely anterior to the pancreas
Aorta [23, 24].
Common bile Celiac axis
1.5 cm

3.5 cm Splenic artery Variations in branching pattern of GDA

Gastroduodenal Prepyloric vein
artery of Mayo
In its most common configuration, the intraepiploic supra-
Replaced common pancreatic part of GDA first gives rise to one or more
hepa ery supraduodenal arteries of Wilkie, within 3 mm of its ori-
Superior gin [5]. The supraduodenal arteries can also arise from
mesenteric RGA in 13% of cases, as well as from posterior superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery (PSPDA) occasionally [28,
Fig. 1 Possible sites of origin of gastroduodenal artery (sites of ori- 32]. The first major branch of GDA is PSPDA, which
gin are marked with blue dot) usually arises above the duodenum within 3 mm to 1 cm
284 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291

from the origin of GDA. PSPDA, however, can also arise known as the Arc of Barkow. The infrapyloric arteries, 8–
from CHA, rCHA in 3% of cases each, as a common 18 in number, can be paired anterior and posterior or sin-
trunk with anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery gular branches [32, 44]. Apart from these branches, GDA
(ASPDA) which is then called the superior pancreatico- can give a direct communicating collateral channel to
duodenal artery (SPDA) in 5–7% of cases and occasion- SMA and form the Arc of Buhler. This collateral channel
ally can arise from PHA or RHA [30, 33, 34]. After its can also arise from the CA [11]. Besides these, DPA and
origin from GDA, PSPDA crosses from left to right in TPA can occasionally arise from GDA, ASPDA or RGEA
front of CBD above D1 and then courses around the CBD [32, 35, 36, 44]. The classical branches of GDA and its
behind the head of the pancreas and crosses it from right variant branches are shown in Figure 3 [3, 8, 18, 45–49].
to left. In this part, there is a thin rim of pancreatic tissue The most commonly identified variant branch from GDA
between PSPDA and CBD [34, 35]. PSPDA is one of the is accessory cystic artery seen in 2.6% of cases [45].
most important vessels supplying the ampulla. It gives Replaced cystic artery from GDA is reported from 1 in 21
dorsal and ventral branches to the lower end of CBD and cases in one study to 1 in 200 cases in the published liter-
ampulla, along with branches from the retroduodenal ature [46, 47]. Other variant branches include right gastric
artery [36, 37]. It can also give rise to a replaced or acces- artery, aRHA or rRHA, aLHA or rLHA, and occasionally,
sory cystic artery in 1% of cases, supraduodenal artery, a hepatic segment IV branch [3, 8, 18, 48, 49].
retroduodenal artery, aRHA and RGA in 1% of cases. The
right branch of dorsal pancreatic artery (DPA) may occa-
sionally anastomose with PSPDA [34, 35, 38, 39]. It Clinical implications of the variant anatomy of GDA
finally anastomoses with posterior inferior pancreaticoduo-
denal artery (PIPDA), which arises from SMA to form the A thorough knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy
posterior pancreatic arcade. This arcade lies farther from of GDA and its branches, along with their relations to the
the duodenum as compared to the anterior arcade and sup- surrounding structures, is of utmost importance in plan-
plies the head of pancreas and duodenum [34, 35]. ning various upper gastrointestinal and HPB surgeries.
Beyond PSPDA, GDA gives three to five retroduode- These especially include hepatic and pancreatic surgeries
nal arteries, which supply the duodenum. The principal that require vascular resection and/or reconstruction, hep-
blood supply to the D1 is via the supraduodenal and retro- atic or pancreatic transplant surgeries, and management of
duodenal arteries [5, 36]. At the lower border of D1, post-surgical hemorrhagic complications [1–4]. Abdominal
GDA gives rise to its terminal branches, commonly the vascular procedures – whether open or endovascular –
right gastroepiploic artery (RGEA) and ASPDA. Occa- routinely done for thoraco-abdominal aneurysms and
sionally, the terminal branch is SPDA, which then divides celiac artery stenoses (CAS) also require pre-operative
into ASPDA and PSPDA [40, 41]. This SPDA was previ- GDA mapping. With the increasing usage of interven-
ously known as posterior pancreaticoduodenal artery of tional radiology, procedures like transarterial embolization
Michel or retroduodenal artery of Shapiro [41]. ASPDA (TAE), transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), transarte-
runs caudally in the interduodenopancreatic groove and rial radioembolization (TARE), placement of hepatic
descends anterolaterally within 1 cm of the second part of artery infusion (HAI) pump, administration of HAI
the duodenum. It forms the anterior pancreatic arcade near chemotherapy, and management of upper gastrointestinal
the posterior surface of the uncinate process of pancreas bleed are increasingly being performed, which require
by its anastomosis with anterior inferior pancreaticoduode- knowledge of variant vascular anatomy [7, 50, 51]. GDA
nal artery (AIPDA), commonly arising from SMA [8, 42]. aneurysms can arise as a result of various HPB and upper
ASPDA is usually larger than PSPDA and in 90% of gastrointestinal tract diseases or intrinsic vascular abnor-
cases arises from GDA, whereas PSPDA arises in 75– malities, and need a well planned endovascular or surgical
80% of cases from GDA. At papilla, ASPDA courses cau- approach to avoid ischemic complications to the organs
dally within 1–2 mm from CBD and is very close to it at supplied by it, especially when variant arterial anatomy is
this point [35, 43]. Occasionally RGEA can arise from present [52, 53]. All these critical surgical steps are dis-
ASPDA or SMA. ASPDA can also receive branches from cussed below with key focus on GDA with its variations.
TPA, retroduodenal artery and the right root of prepancre-
atic arcade of Kirk [34–36].
RGEA, immediately after its origin, gives infrapyloric Pancreatic surgery
branches that supply D1 and pylorus, and then course
along the greater curvature of the stomach to anastomose GDA identification and ligation is one of the key steps
with the left gastroepiploic artery (LGEA), a branch of during pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). This begins with
splenic artery in most cases. This communication is also accurate preoperative identification of anatomical course
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291 285

Fig. 3 The classical and variant Gastroduodenal artery

branches of GDA as described in NORMAL VARIANT
literature [3, 8, 18, 45–49] branches Supraduodenal artery Right gastric artery branches
Posterior superior Cys ery
pancrea oduodenal artery
Accessory cys ery
Posteior inferior Posterior arcade Accessory or replaced
pancrea oduodenal artery right hepa ery
Retroduodenal artery Accessory or replaced
Anterior superior le ery
pancrea oduodenal artery Hepa t IV branch
Anterior Dorsal pancrea ery
Anterior inferior arcade
pancrea oduodenal artery Transverse pancrea ery
Kirk’s prepancrea Arc of Buhler to SMA
Kirk’s prepancrea Anterior superior Transverse
Right branch of
pancrea oduodenal artery pancrea
dorsal pancrea ery arcade
Kirk’s prepancrea
Posterior superior Cys ery,
Right gastroepiploic artery pancrea oduodenal artery retroduodenal
Arc of Barkow artery,
Le astroepiploic artery accessory right hepa ery

Right gastroepiploic Transverse pancrea

artery artery

and variations of GDA [23, 24]. It is important to rule out indication, since antiplatelet therapy after endovascular
CAS at this stage on imaging or endoscopic ultrasound procedures leads to higher bleeding risk during surgery
(EUS) if it is being performed. CAS is seen in 4–20% of [55, 56, 59].
cases in the general population, whereas its incidence is Arterial variations frequently warrant an artery-first
2.0–7.6% in patients undergoing PD [54]. CAS may be approach for PD. An infracolic SMA first approach is pre-
due to extrinsic (eccentric) compression by median arcuate ferred when rGDA arises from SMA or from rCHA. The
ligament (MAL) or peri-arterial ganglionic tissue or an infracolic SMA first approach is performed by lifting the
intrinsic (concentric) stenosis due to atherosclerosis or due transverse mesocolon followed by dissection of SMA and
to neoplastic disease, acute or chronic arterial dissection, superior mesenteric vein (SMV) at its root over the fourth
vascular injury or an external compression by an inflamed part of the duodenum. The dissection then proceeds along
pancreas. In the presence of CAS, hepatic arterial supply the anterior wall of SMA to its origin from aorta. By this
is fed by SMA through pancreaticoduodenal arcades via approach, the rGDA or rCHA would be identified first
GDA. In these cases, GDA ligation during PD can lead to and preserved. This approach also helps in identification
irreversible ischemic damage to liver, D1 and biliary sys- of rGDA arising from IPDA which is a branch of SMA.
tem [55–57]. An important EUS sign of CAS is the pres- In these cases, IPDA may need ligation beyond the origin
ence of a prominent GDA or ASPDA (normal arterial of GDA [23, 24].
diameter of GDA is 4  0.3 mm which increases to Once GDA is identified during PD, the next important
7 mm and/or ASPDA, which is normally <4 mm step is to evaluate for CAS. Irrespective of its preopera-
increases to 6 mm) [58]. tive assessment, Bull’s test is a mandatory step before
Pre-operatively identified intrinsic stenosis may be trea- ligation of GDA [56]. This test is performed by first feel-
ted by endovascular balloon dilatation with or without ing the pulsation of PHA before clamping GDA, followed
stent placement. If the patient is already planned for sur- by GDA clamping and re-assessing the pulsation in PHA
gery such as PD, surgical management options for CAS by palpation or intraoperative color doppler ultrasound. If
can be combined with PD [55, 59]. These include transec- the pulsation or flow diminishes, GDA cannot be ligated
tion of MAL and peri-arterial tissue, arterial bypass from without intraoperative assessment for CAS, followed by
aorta or SMA to CHA beyond GDA origin using autolo- surgical intervention if needed [55, 56]. The most com-
gous great saphenous vein or external jugular vein or a monly performed intervention is transection of MAL and
prosthetic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft, or arterial surrounding tissue, which resolves it in most cases.
reimplantation. Surgical procedures are preferred in the Another option is performance of GDA-preserving PD
patients who are already undergoing surgery for another with preservation of one of the pancreaticoduodenal
286 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291

arcades. Though GDA preservation has been found to be assess the efficacy of this wrap in reducing the incidence
safe in periampullary cancers, peripancreatic arcade of this bleed. Results of this trial are awaited [70].
preservation is not a good option in periampullary and Apart from PD, GDA is also important in other pancre-
pancreaticoduodenal malignancy [55–57, 59]. atic surgeries [71–73]. Bleeding from GDA, ASPDA or
GDA preservation has also been suggested when pylorus one of its branches can be very severe and difficult to
preserving PD is performed since blood supply to the duo- control in pancreatic necrosectomy for walled off pancre-
denal stump is preserved [60]. The incidence of post pan- atic necrosis involving the head and neck of pancreas.
createctomy hemorrhage is also lower, especially in cases Inflamed, friable tissue and limited access may make
with pancreatico-enteric anastomotic leak. During GDA hemostasis exceedingly difficult, and intraoperative inter-
preservation in these cases, ASPDA and PSPDA are ligated ventional radiology support may be needed to control
whereas GDA and RGEA are preserved. This is feasible in bleeding by embolization or covered stent placement [71].
periampullary cancers but not in pancreatic head adenocar- While performing duodenum preserving pancreatic head
cinoma [60, 61]. Another rare but clinically significant situ- resection for chronic pancreatitis known as the Beger pro-
ation requiring GDA preservation is intraoperative injury to cedure or its modifications by Frey or Berne, it is impera-
PHA during PD. This needs repair or reconstruction to pre- tive to preserve at least the posterior pancreatic arcade
vent biliary leaks and strictures as well as hepatic ischemia. between PSPDA and PIPDA, thereby preserving the blood
The options include primary repair, interposition of autolo- supply to second part of duodenum and ampulla [72].
gous great saphenous or gonadal vein or transposition of Another situation is during cadaver pancreatic graft
native arteries such as splenic artery, RGEA or GDA, or retrieval as a part of multivisceral retrieval. Here, GDA is
using prosthetic Gore Tex graft [62, 63]. GDA transposi- divided at its origin from CHA and the rest of the CHA-
tion to the proximal CHA stump can be done to reconstruct PHA axis goes with the liver graft. In this situation, after
a rCHA traversing through pancreatic parenchyma needing SMA re-implantation to provide blood supply to the duo-
resection during PD or to reconstruct a CHA resected dur- denopancreatic complex, blood supply predominantly
ing PD by anastomosis of transposed GDA to CA [64]. depends on IPDA. However, when IPDA is high rising or
Besides PD, GDA preservation is a key part of distal variant, it may be transected inadvertently during the pro-
pancreatectomy with CA resection (DP-CAR or the modi- curement surgery. In this case, blood supply gets compro-
fied Appleby procedure). DP-CAR is performed in pancre- mised as it remains fully dependent on DPA and splenic
atic body tumors involving CA and the origin of CHA artery. If the blood flow from these vessels is not enough,
proximal to the origin of GDA. The procedure relies on GDA or RGEA have been reconstructed independently
the blood supply to PHA from GDA through the pre- above the donor SMA to recipient’s common iliac artery
served pancreaticoduodenal arcade. This collateral channel using an external iliac jump graft from donor GDA or
can be made the dominant supply to biliary system, liver RGEA to recipient’s common iliac artery, thereby provid-
and pancreatic head by embolization of celiac origin and ing the blood supply to the transplanted organs [73].
left gastric artery if deemed necessary [65, 66].
In postoperative period in PD, late post PD hemorrhage
– defined as hemorrhage seen after 24 h of surgery – is Biliary surgery
seen in 3–5% of cases and is associated with a mortality
rate of 16–22% [67, 68]. Erosion of GDA stump pseudoa- When the cystic artery or the accessory cystic artery arises
neurysm is the most common cause and it occurs after a from GDA or SPDA, it will be, as a rule, anterior to the cys-
median interval of 7–13 days after surgery. It is more com- tic duct, known as transposition of cystic duct and cystic
mon with pancreatico-enteric anastomotic leak [68, 69]. It artery [74]. The cystic artery will thus be the first structure
is commonly preceded by a sentinel bleed which warrants encountered during Calot’s triangle dissection in laparo-
CT angiography. Once the bleeding is manifest, conven- scopic cholecystectomy and can lead to bleeding during
tional angiography with embolization or covered stent surgery if not identified. Nearly one-third of biliary injuries
placement is the treatment of choice and is successful in during laparoscopic cholecystectomies have concomitant
most cases. Surgical ligation is reserved for failure of vascular injuries. When CHA is inadvertently clipped, col-
embolization [67, 69, 70]. Theoretically, this complication lateral channels from GDA through SMA provide blood
can be prevented by protection of skeletonized GDA stump supply to liver and biliary tree via the peripancreatic arcade.
by a pedicled falciform ligament wrap or an omental wrap. However, when PHA is injured/clipped, this collateral route
In practice, however, this wrap has not been shown to be is blocked. In these cases, collateral circulation from acces-
effective in reducing the incidence of post-PD hemorrhage sory or replaced hepatic arteries from GDA, RGA-LGA
in retrospective studies. There is an ongoing multicentric anastomotic channel or RGEA-LGEA channel provides the
randomized controlled trial labeled “PANDA” trial to blood flow to the hepatobiliary system. All of these
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291 287

collaterals develop connecting GDA, SMA, CA proximal to artery in 5% and 2%, respectively [81, 82]. Common
the injured artery to falciform ligament artery, RHA or causes for GDA pseudoaneurysms include chronic pancre-
LHA distal to the injured artery via phrenic, gastric, esopha- atitis, liver cirrhosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, polyarteritis
geal, intercostal and/or splenic arterial branches [74, 75]. nodosa, trauma, septic emboli and post surgery, especially
In hilar cholangiocarcinoma, arterial resections can be PD. Other causes include cholecystectomy, peptic ulcer
performed to achieve R0 resection. PHA repair/reconstruc- disease, vascular interventions and liver transplantation.
tion after resection is important to avoid biliary complica- Intrinsic vascular disorders such as Takayasu’s arteritis,
tions as the biliary system relies solely on hepatic arterial Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Polymyalgia
blood supply. In these cases, primary repair can be per- rheumatica and neurofibromatosis are associated with true
formed when the arterial resection is less than 1 cm in GDA aneurysms and account for 8% of total cases of
length. However, for length between 1 and 2 cm, GDA GDA aneurysms [53, 83, 84]. Up to 60% of GDA aneur-
can be flipped on its origin after resecting its distal end ysms coexist with pancreatitis. In chronic pancreatitis the
and then anastomosed to the distal end of the PHA. For incidence of aneurysms is up to 10% where the most
defect >2 cm, a bridge reconstruction using GDA graft to common artery involved is the splenic artery and GDA
achieve a tension free anastomosis is preferred as it will pseudoaneurysms are seen in 1.5% of cases [43].
be an in-situ reconstruction option in these cases and the GDA pseudoaneurysms are more common in the age
diameter of GDA also matches well with the PHA [76]. of 50–58 years and males are more commonly affected
with male to female ratio of 4.5:1. However, true aneur-
ysms of GDA affect both genders equally. Its mean size
Liver transplant is 3.6 cm. It most commonly presents with intraabdominal
rupture (in up to 60% of cases) with hemetemesis, melena
Arterial diameter <0.2 cm is an absolute contraindication and hypovolemic shock [53]. Risk of rupture is indepen-
for living donor related liver transplant, whereas 0.2– dent of size of the aneurysm [84]. Presence of coexisting
0.3 cm arterial diameter is a relative exclusion criterion. visceral aneurysms is seen in 18% of cases and presence
Smaller arterial diameters are more commonly seen with of CAS is seen in nearly one-third cases [85]. Other com-
variant arterial anatomy. Studies show a higher rate of mon symptoms include epigastric pain radiating to back,
post transplant complications especially hepatic artery pulsatile abdominal mass, gastric outlet obstruction and
thrombosis (HAT) and graft loss after orthotopic liver obstructive jaundice. Rare presentations include hemobilia
transplant in presence of variant anatomy especially for to or hemosuccus pancreaticus. Mortality associated with
smaller arterial diameter in these cases [48, 77, 78]. rupture is up to 30% [83, 84].
GDA steal syndrome is an important phenomenon in rela- Abdominal ultrasound has a low sensitivity of 50% for
tion to liver transplant. It is the less common of the arterial diagnosis of GDA aneurysm. CT angiography also has a
steal syndromes (ASS), which occurs in 3.2–6.0% of liver low sensitivity of 67%. Conventional angiography is the
transplants. Stenosis of the graft artery, increased portal gold standard diagnostic test, which can also be therapeu-
blood flow and decreased hepatic arterial blood flow after tic with TAE [53]. For all accidentally discovered nonrup-
liver transplantation as well as increased intra-hepatic arterial tured cases or ruptured aneurysm with hemodynamic
resistance are possible inciting factors. It can result in ele- stability, treatment with coil embolization or covered stent
vated liver enzymes, cholestasis, HAT and impaired graft graft deployment is the preferred treatment. Embolization
function [79, 80]. ASS can be diagnosed postoperatively by can also be done with cyanoacrylate glue, gelatin foam or
CT angiography and colour doppler when above features are ethanol sclerosant. Only for hemodynamically unstable
seen. Intraoperatively, colour doppler is performed to evalu- patients with ruptured GDA aneurysm, surgery is pre-
ate arterial flow patterns. If the hepatic arterial flow is dimin- ferred with intraoperative options of ligation, aneurysmor-
ished after reimplantation, the vessel responsible for steal raphy or bypass. Even in these cases, endovascular
can be ligated. Postoperatively diagnosed ASS can be man- treatment is preferred if feasible. During surgery, vascular
aged by surgical ligation or use of arterial conduits from reconstruction after ligation or resection is necessary only
suprarenal or supraceliac aorta to hepatic artery [80]. if there is a coexisting CAS [83–85]. A case has also been
described where IPDA pseudoaneurysm with CAS was
managed by retropancreatic aorta to GDA 6 mm–4 mm
GDA aneurysms and gastrointestinal hemorrhage tapered PTFE graft to revascularize CA followed by
aneurysm resection [57].
Arteries involved in upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage Due to anatomic proximity of GDA to the posterior
include splenic artery in 40% of cases, GDA in 30%, pan- wall of D1, bleeding from posterior duodenal ulcers pre-
creaticoduodenal artery in 20%, and gastric and hepatic dominantly involve GDA. The incidence has decreased
288 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291

Table 2 Various hepato-pancreato-biliary surgeries/procedures and role of gastroduodenal artery

Surgery/procedure Key steps involving gastroduodenal Surgical/interventional management options
artery (GDA)

Pancreatico-duodenectomy Preoperative
Celiac axis stenosis • Endoscopic ultrasound sign - prominent GDA (≥7 mm)
and/or ASPDA (≥6 mm)
• Endovascular/surgical management
Abnormal arterial anatomy An infracolic SMA first approach is preferred
Bull's test positive • Management of celiac axis stenosis
• GDA preserving surgery
GDA preserving surgery • Positive Bull's test
• Pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary
• Proper or common hepatic artery resection and reconstruction
using GDA
• Modified Appleby procedure
GDA stump Falciform ligament or omental wrap
GDA pseudoaneurysm Angio-embolization
Pancreatic necrosectomy Hemorrhage – GDA or its branch Surgical control or intraoperative angioembolization
Beger procedure Arcade preservation Preserve at least the posterior pancreatic arcade
Multivisceral retrieval High rising or variant GDA reconstruction to recipient common iliac artery above the
for pancreatic graft IPDA – transected inadvertently SMA anastomosis will preserve blood supply to implanted
Biliary surgery
Laparoscopic Accessory cystic artery from Transposition of cystic duct and artery to be kept in mind
cholecystectomy GDA or SPDA
Vasculobiliary injury Collaterals are based on site of injury - proximal or distal to
GDA: implications on management
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma Arterial resection and Proper hepatic arterial resection >1 cm, GDA is useful for reconstruction
Liver transplant
Living donor Arterial diameter <0.2 cm Contraindication
GDA steal syndrome Intra-operative – ligate GDA post-operative – arterial conduits
from aorta to hepatic artery or GDA ligation
Radioembolization Hepatofugal flow in GDA Inject beyond GDA origin
Hepatic artery Hepatofugal flow in GDA Place catheter tip beyond GDA origin or temporary GDA
chemotherapy/pump embolization

due to widespread use of proton-pump inhibitors, and the HPB vascular intervention and GDA
bleeds that do occur are managed endoscopically. How-
ever, if surgery is required, control of bleed is achieved TAE, TACE, TARE and HAI chemotherapy and HAI
by three point ligation of the vessel with the help of a U- pump placement are few of the other procedures where
stitch. A rare case of arteriovenous fistula between GDA arterial anatomy from CHA, GDA, PHA as well as their
and a branch directly draining into portal vein has been branches is the key to planning. This arterial tree is also
described. The patient presented with pain in upper increasingly being used for endovascular procedures [7,
abdomen and a murmur in the right upper abdomen. He 50, 51]. When angiography prior to TARE show a GDA
had undergone gastrectomy in the past, which was the with hepatofugal flow, identified by an intermittent opaci-
probable cause for the arteriovenous fistula. The fistula fication of anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal
was managed by surgical ligation. Other options include arcade during angiography, GDA occlusion can be
excision or repair of the fistula or prosthetic graft place- avoided during the procedure and the radionuclide must
ment [86]. be injected downstream to the origin of GDA. If GDA
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2019) 26:281–291 289

Common hepa planning. Presence of rGDA, GDA aneurysms and pseu-

1 artery
doaneurysms, bleeding from these aneurysms or from GDA
Common bile Celiac axis
stump and hepatic vascular interventions are a few scenar-
ios where the above knowledge is essential. At the same
Splenic artery time, GDA, due to its unique anatomical position, can fre-
quently be used as a collateral supply or a conduit to the
hepatobiliary vasculature. It is hence imperative to bear in
artery 2 mind this vessel and its branches while planning and
Replaced common embarking on any major surgery in this anatomical region
hepa ery as preoperative planning is the key to safe HPB surgery.
3 Conflict of interest None declared.

Fig. 4 Surgical approach to GDA. 1. Start dissection from common

hepatic artery or proper hepatic artery to origin of GDA and proceed Author contributions Collecting data, analysis of data, preparing
downwards behind the duodenum; 2. Start dissection along the right the initial draft of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript
gastroepiploic artery to its origin from GDA and then upwards for intellectual content, technical support, material support, study
behind the duodenum along GDA; 3. Infracolic SMA first approach supervision: Gunjan Desai. Critical revision of the manuscript for
for rGDA from SMA or rCHA from SMA intellectual content, technical support, material support, study
supervision and revision of draft: Prasad Pande.

gets occluded, it can result in gastroduodenal ulceration or

acute pancreatitis [50]. Compliance with ethical standards The publication was performed
in accordance with international agreements (World Medical Association
In some patients, for HAI chemotherapy, the catheter Declaration of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research
tip cannot be positioned beyond the origin of GDA into Involving Human Subjects,” amended in October 2013,
the PHA. In these cases, the direction of blood flow in
GDA is to be ascertained. If the flow is antegrade towards
Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from the patient
the pancreas, therapeutic embolization of GDA with a for this publication.
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