Fourth Grade Review Ok.

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Fourth Grade Review

Student name Daniel

Group/Class 4°A


1 Read and complete.

1. Where do they speak German?

They speak German in G e r m A n y .

2. What do they eat in Japan ?

They eat Japanese food like sushi.
3. How many languages do they speak in Canada?
They speak two languages: English and French .
4. What’s the Eiffel Tower?
It’s a famous French building in France .
5. What language do they speak in
Egypt? They speak Arabic .
6. What language do they speak in Mexico?
They speak Spanish .

Score: 6 / 6

2 Look and complete.

1. c A r o u s e l

2. swIng

3. ferris whee l

4. zip lIn e

5. r o ll e r coaster

6. slid e

Score: 5/5

3 Look and read. Then write the words.

1. This ride has cars and goes very fast. co A S t e r r o ll e r
2. You see the city from the top. Ferris Wheel
3. You spend the day here and have so much fun!

Amusement Park

4. You sit on a horse and go around and around! Carousel

5. You climb to the top and then go down and down. Zpeline

6. You sit on this and go up and down. Swing

Score: 5/ 5

4 Complete the sentences.

1. My head hurts. I have a he AdAChe .

2. His ear hurts. He has an Earache .

3. He can’t speak. He has a Sore Throat .

4. Her head is very hot. She has a Fever .

5. I ate too much cake. I h a v e S t o m a c h A c h e .

6. Her nose is red. “Achoo!” She has a Cold .

Score: 5/ 5

5 Read and complete.

Bandage broken leg shot burn crutches cut

My friend Sam is always at the doctor’s. Last month, he fell off his bike and he had a 1broken
leg! He needed to walk with 2 crutches
for four weeks. Last week, he was helping his mom bake a cake. The cake pan was hot.
Sam wasn’t careful and he got a 3 Burn . He needed cold water. Yesterday,
Sam fell playing basketball and he had a
4 Cut on his knee. Now he has a 5 Bandage on knee. Today, Sam isn’t at the
doctor’s but I am. The doctor is giving me a
6 Shot . Ouch!

Score: 5/ 5

6 Unscramble the words.

1. “Ouch! I have a c u t on my knee!”


2. “I need cold water. I have a bnru Burn on my hand!”

3. “I have a cough. I need edmciien Medicine !”

4. “I’m at the doctors for my soth Shot .”

5. “Ouch! My ear is in apin Pain .”

6. “Should I put a ndagaeb Bandage on your leg?”

Score: 5/5

7 Unscramble the words. Then complete the sentences.

a. adnesrogu dAngerous d. nuluasu Unusual

b. euifutbal Beautiful e. rfa Far

c. slimiar Similar f. igitnseretn Interesting
Score: 10/ 10

Space travel can be very dANGEROUS. Rockets sometimes have

Mars and Earth both have rocks and mountains. They are Similar .

I want to know more about all the planets. They are very Interesting .
4. Mars is an Unusual Planet because it’s red.

5. I love the colors of Venus. It’s Beautiful .

6. Mars isn’t Far From Earth. One day, we'll be able to travel there!

8 Read and complete.

usDangero different beautiful close unusual interesting

This is a picture of an alien. I made it at school. My alien doesn’t have legs. My friend
says it’s ugly but I think its 1beAutiful . My alien is very
Smart. It’s from a strange planet with an 2 Different Name. The planet

Isn’t like Earth; it’s very 3 Unusual , but the aliens there are friendly so it isn’t 4
Dangerou. I want to go there because it sounds really exciting and 5
Interesting! The problem is this planet isn’t
6 Close to Earth. Its millions of kilometers away from here.

Score:/ 5

9 Read and write the words.

Romance action science fiction comedy animation fantasy

1. a movie with fast cars and danger ACtion

2. a movie about mythological creatures Fantasy

3. a funny movie Comedy

4. a movie made of pictures Animation

5. a love story Romance

6. a movie about space travel Science Fiction

Score: 5/ 5

10 Match.

1. A writer a. writes the music for

the movie.
2. A director
b. films the movie.
3. An artist
c. creates the story for
4. A stylist the movie.

5. A composer d. tells the actors what

e. chooses the clothes,
6. A camera operator hair, and make-up.

f. makes the set and

special effects.

Score: 5/5
11 Read and complete.

Communicate send reply invented print mailed

1. A man named Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone.

2. You can do your homework on the computer and Mailed it.

3. Speaking, writing, and body language are how we Communicate .

4. I went to the post office and Send my letter.

5. People usually Reply to instant messages when they

receive them.
6. You can Print text messages for very little money.

Score: 5 / 5

12 Read and write the words.

Ring sword cloak treasure chest mirror jewels

1. You use this if you need to attack an enemy. Sworddd

You wear this on your shoulders to keep you warm. Cloak ddddddd

These are beautiful stones in different colors. Jewels

You wear this on your finger. Ring

You look into this to see your face. Mirror

This is where you keep important things like jewels and money:
Treasure Chest

Score: 5/ 5

13 Complete the puzzle.

Fireworks lanterns dragon parade costume gifts

p a r a d e


f i R e wo r k s

G i f t s
Across Down
2. This is when people walk through 1. These are lights that you put in the
the streets together. Sometimes they street. They can be made of paper.
dance. 4. This is a mythical animal that
3. These are special clothes that you breathes fire.
wear to a party or performance.
5. You can see these in the sky.
They’re beautiful and different colors.
6. This is something you give to people
when it’s their birthday.

Score:/ 5

14 Complete. Then match to the pictures.

make climb build catch watch go

1. build b a.
a den

2. Go stargazing D b.
3. Make a snowman E c.

4. Watch the sunrise F d.

5. Climb a tree A e.

6. Catch a fish C f.

Score:/ 10

15 Look and complete. Then answer for you.

Sail ridden hit run eaten flown

1. Have you everriddena camel?

No, I hAven’t / Yes, I hAve .

2. Do you want to a marathon?


3. Have you ever foreign food?


4. Have you ever in a plane?


5. Do you want to the ocean?

6. Have you ever a home run?

Score:/ 10


16 Read and complete.

saw went sat was when got

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

One day, Goldilocks was walking in the forest when she saw a house. When she
1wentinto the house, she saw a table with three bowls of soup.
Goldilocks ate the soup. 2she saw three chairs, she sat on one
but it 3too hard. When she 4on the smallest chair, it was perfect! Then
Goldilocks was feeling very sleepy. She tried two beds
but they weren’t right. When she 5 into the small bed, she fell

The three bears came home. When they 6 Goldilocks, they were
angry. But then they saw that she was a little girl. Goldilocks and the baby bear played
together all afternoon.

Score:/ 5

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