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Report of Faculty Development Programme on the theme – “Research in Education” held

on Decemeber 14th to 18th, 2015 at College Auditorium, Institute of Vocational Studies

The Institute of Vocational Studies, organized a Five day faculty development programme on the theme
‘Research in Education’. The FDP provided a through understanding of the concept. It enriched knowledge with
relevant case studies, a deep understanding and clarity of the new development in this field. The FDP provided
exposure to the participants and provided a chance to enhance their competencies in the subject area. The
Inaugural session on Day I commenced with the lightening of lamp by Hon’ble Chief Guest Dr. Gulab Jha,
Regional Director, IGNOU. It was followed by enchanting of Quranic Verses. It was followed by Saraswati
Vandana, thus seeking the blessing of Godess of knowledge Dr. Niranjana Soperna (Principal, IVS) presented
the welcome address. The keynote address was given by Dr. Niranjana Soperna, Principal, IVS who elaborated
the topic. Chief guest gave a valuable insight on the topic and focused on pursuing research for the purpose of
implementation in the field of education. The basic idea should be to improve the methods and enhance the
teaching skills. This was followed by a tea break. After tea break the session of day 1 was resumed and the
eminent Dr. Gulab Jha enlightened the participants with a informative lecture cum discussion on the topic “the
meaning of the research”. It was further elaborate as a systematic scientific procedure. The role of theory was
discussed. The next most important thing discussed was variables. How to give operational definition of
variables was discussed. The various types of variables usually taken in educational research was discussed the
hypothesis meaning. The various types of research hypothesis were discussed the Directional, the Non-
Directional and Null Hypothesis were elaborated. The objective of research were discussed in the post lunch
sessions and was very interactive and lively discussion. The vote of thanks was proposed by one of faculty.
Day 2 started with the reporting of the previous day work. The resource person of the day was Prof. M. Sen
Gupta. He was given a warm welcome by one of faculty. The session was started by the introduction of the
sampling and various types of sampling. The various sampling techniques were discussed in detail. A few types
of sampling discussed were Random Sampling, Systematic Sampling, and Cluster Sampling etc. It was
followed by lunch. Post lunch session began with the discussion on different types of researches used in
Education. Vote of thanks was given to the resource person of the day.
Day 3 started with the reporting of the previous day work. The resource person of the day was Prof. B.S.
Rathore, NCTE He was welcomed by faculty members. The session began with the discussion on Research
Methods. It was discussed in detail. Post lunch session was very important as it marked the difference between
Research Methods and Research Methodology. The day winded up with vote of thanks to the resource person.
Day 4 started with the brief report of the previous day work. The resource person of the day was Dr. P. Tripathi,
IGNOU. The technical session started with the discussion of the Academic Research problems. Various levels
of Research Projects were discussed. The sources of problems were discussed. Post lunch session discussed
how to prepare a research proposal in detail. Vote of thanks was proposed to the resource person.
The Day 5 began by reporting of the day four. He resource person was Dr. Jaseem Ahmed. The technical
session began by discussion of techniques of quantitative Analysis. Post lunch session was valedictory session
followed by certificate distribution. The distribution of certificates was followed by vote of thanks. The
participants and guest then had high tea.
The five day faculty development programme was successful in touching upon some of the key issues and was
very helpful.

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