These Are Items Fromread and Answer Each of The Following Questions About Pss Passa Read Each Question Carefully

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Paseo De Magallanes, Makati City

A.Y. 2020-2021
QUIZ # 2

Name: Date:

Teacher: Level:

I. MULTIPLE-CHOICE: These are items fromRead and answer each of the following questions about the
story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupssapassant. Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer. (10 pts.)

1. What is the main character’s name?

A. Madame Mathilde C. Madame Forestier
B. Madame Virginia D. Madame Elizabeth 
2. What is most likely the reason that the main character isn't satisfied with her life?
A. Her husband is always working D. She feels as if every luxury in the world
B. Everyone uses her strictly for money should be hers
C. Her mother died at a really young age

3. The main character receives a/an _______ in the mail.

A. Invitation C. Box containing a diamond necklace
B. Letter from her father D. Envelope containing 400 francs

4. The necklace that is worn by the main character in the story is an example of ________....
A. Characterization C. Irony
B. Symbolism D. All of the above

5.  What happened to the main character at the ball?

A. She is shunned C. Nobody noticed her
B. Everyone loved her D. All of the above

6. What happened to the original necklace?

A. The main character lost the necklace C. It was broken
B. The main character decided to keep it D. The gem fell out of the necklace

7.  How much did the main character pay for the new necklace?
A. 500 Francs C. 34,000 Francs
B. 2 Francs D. 36,000 Francs

8. How long was the main character and her husband in debt?
A. 2 months C. About 10 years
B. 5 years D. 50+ years 

9. Who said "iIt was worth 500 francs at the most."?

A. Madame Forestier B. The first jeweler
Prepared by: Ms. Renjie Loise P. Oteyza RC/DC
Source: Mann, R. (2015). Step Ahead 4/5. Marshall Cavendish Education 1
C. The second jeweler D. Madame Mathtilde

10. What type of irony does the conclusion show?
A. Dramatic Irony C. Verbal Irony
B. Situational Irony D. No irony at all

II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is truetells about what happened in the story “The
Necklace” and. Write false if the statement is falsnote. (5 pts.)

_______________1. Loisel is unhappy with her marriage because her husband doesn’t love her.
_______________2. Loisel doesn’t want to go to the ball because she did not have a dress.
_______________3. At the end of the story, we discover that the lost necklace cost 40,000 francs.
_______________4. The theme of the story “The Necklace” is about contentment.
_______________5. Loisel is anxious to hurry away from the ball because her husband has to go to work.

Prepared by: Ms. Renjie Loise P. Oteyza RC/DC

Source: Mann, R. (2015). Step Ahead 4/5. Marshall Cavendish Education 2

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