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Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

LESSON 1 Definition, Role, and Significance of IM


List three (3) instructional materials used in your previous or current classes.
What were their roles in your classes?

1. Hand-outs – its serves as a summary of the entire lesson. Handouts also

serves as our reviewing notes and
helps us to self-study when were at

2. White Board & Marker – our professor uses the white board to write &
emphasize terminologies and words to
be remembered in the lesson.

3. Films & other recordings – these were used in our class especially when
our prof wants us to show videos that
is related to our topic or lesson.


What were your initial impressions with the materials you have indicated in the
activity? Did they meet your expectations? Did they accomplish their actual
purposes/roles in your class? In what ways did (or didn’t) they meet them?

Yes. I learned from all the materials used by our professors. As a future
educator, I also learned strategies when using these kinds of learning materials. As
for the handouts, it’ll be more effective If it sums up the whole lesson. You must use
the board more often and emphasize the important terms, because students tend to
remember it by using their memory and information process. Films didn’t just show
lessons, but it will caught the student attention. All in all, these materials used by our
profs, helps us to learn more and to use it more effectively in our future students.
Lesson 2 Types of IM



instructional materials. USE only those that your teachers (in college) provided in
your classes or you yourself created. Include the subject where the material was
used and the task it was used for. Follow the format below (and required number of
samples and kind):

Printed and duplicated materials

A. Hand-outs

This handout was given to us in first year

in the subject of communication arts.

B. Textbooks

C. Workbooks

Field study workbooks. These books

were given during our third year.

D. Worktexts

This book was used during our first year, Child and Adolescent book which
contains lessons and activities after each chapter.
E. Modules and self-learning kits

F. Reference books

Here’s a screenshot of all the books weve

download as per our teacher’s advice to

Non-projected display materials

A. Chalkboard displays
B. Markerboard (whiteboard) displays
C. Flipcharts
D. Charts/wall charts
E. Dioramas
Here’s a picture of my
classmate Allan Pope, who
uses the whiteboard in stating
his report. As far as I
remember, this was taken in
the subject of sir Jaime in
Greek Mythology.

Audio materials

These are recorded audios in a tape or CD that can be replayed and
be used for listening activities.

When we were in 2nd year, our professor, tasked us to create an audio

book of 100years of Solitude. He adviced us to listen in youtube for
some samples.

Video materials

A. Films
These are motion pictures primarily intended for entertainment but can
be used as a learning source for language and culture.

B. Videotape recordings
These are recorded visual images in a tape or CD that can be replayed
and be used for lecture/discussions.

Our prof in FS456, gave us a link of demo teaching in order for us to observe
and answer some guided questions.
Lesson 3 Materials Development, Materials Design and Materials Preparation


Choose a collegiate textbook, and assess if it complied with the basic

principles of material development and considered the factors in material
preparation. Put a ✓ (checkmark) on the space beside each statement.

Title of the Textbook: Child and Adolescent Development

Subject: Child and Adolescent Development

Author/s: Emelita Laganao, Remelie Roque-Robles, Carmelita B.


Published date: 2015

Publisher: St. Andrew Publishing House

Materials should achieve impact through novelty, variety, attractive
 presentation, appealing content, and achievable challenge
Materials should help learners to feel at ease.

Materials should help learners to develop confidence.

What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and
✓ useful. Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment.

Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use.

Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the
✓ target language to achieve communicative purposes.

Materials should take into account that the positive effects of

✓ instruction are usually delayed.

Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning

✓ styles.
Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective
✓ attitudes.
Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction.

Materials should maximise learning potential by encouraging
✓ intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates
both right- and left brain activities.

Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice.

Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback.

13/13 TOTAL





✓Social Demands




What other notable features did you notice in the textbook? What impact do
the presence of these other notable features have?

This book has an outstanding visual. It is readable and images break up the text.
The lessons are well detailed. Complete descriptions and summary. The languages
are written in clear and simple manner. It also has good printing and get-up. Maybe
one reason for its good quality is that the authors are excellent.

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