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BAM 146 (Administrative Communication) November 21, 2020

1st Semester, SY 2020-2021


Important:​ You must ​submit​ your answer sheet ​on/before 12:00 Midnight, Sunday,
​November 22, 2020.​ ​Points will be deducted fo​r
​ LATE submission of answer sheet.

Please be guided accordingly.

I. Read each statement carefully and write the letter of your answer on the space

___ 1. Good news message tells the reader something _______.

a. informational
b. tactile
c. rudimentary
d. pleasant
___ 2. Part of the formal hiring process companies sometimes use to ensure that they
have obtained comprehensive, accurate data from applicants.
a. interview
b. resume
c. cover letter
d. employment forms
___ 3. A presentation that uses a lot of powerful language and engaged discussion to
stir interest.
a.persuasive presentation
b. arousing presentation
c. instructional presentation
d. Informative presentation
___ 4. Act of exploring for employment due to unemployment, underemployment,
discontent with current position, or desire for a better position.
a. job turnover
b. job replacement
c. job hunting
d. job sites

___ 5. The purpose of this message is to build a good personal relationship with the
a. acknowledgement
b. claim
c. order
d. goodwill
___ 6. Report that contains data and facts, but also offers recommendations to solve
a problem.
a. analytical report
b. informational report
c. incident report
d. annual report
___ 7. Type of writing of an event/incident where you give answers to WH questions.
a. minutes of meeting
b. summaries
c. descriptive
d. compliance
___ 8. This personal characteristic is the key to finding a job.
a. honesty
b. persistence
c. quality
d. impressive
___ 9. Characterized by the quality of being easily understood.
a. completeness
b. concreteness
c. clarity
d. correctness
___ 10. Shows one’s communication that respects the audience.
a. consideration
b. courtesy
c. conciseness
d. correctness

___ 11. Method of group activity where members work together to complete a writing
a. narrative writing
b. expository writing
c. descriptive writing
d. collaborative writing

___ 12. Communication done with oneself.

a. interpersonal
b. superpersonal
c. intrapersonal
d. impersonal
___ 13. This is a document put forward for consideration or discussion of others.
a. report
b proposal
c. follow-up
d. application
___ 14. The first of those visual tools.
a. cave paintings
b. colorful stained glass windows
c. paintings on the walls
d. chalkboards
___ 15. This message intrigues, informs, convinces, or calls to action.
a. expressive message
b. nominal message
c. predicative message
d. persuasive
___ 16. It is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter in which the writer
expresses an interest in a specific job.
a. application
b. interview
c. resume
d. report
___ 17. Communication that transmits messages by wire, radio, electromagnetic,
photo-optical system.
a. visual communication
b. non-verbal communication
c. electronic communication
d. informal communication
___ 18. Ethical communication is used to undermine relationships or encourage social
a. true
b. false
c. partly true
d. partly false

___ 19. This is necessary for the organization to grow and tells how well the
employees perform.
a. survey
b. collaboration
c. reaction
d. feedback
___ 20. Effect of diversity in the workplace, especially if the organization deals with
international clients or has employees abroad.
a. ego issue
b. lack of motivation
c. cultural differences
d. lack of standards
II. ​Answer the following questions:

1. Describe how ​effective presentations​ are undertaken to show the passion and
connection with the audience.

2. Differentiate ​good messages​ from ​bad messages.

3. Give the ​merits​ and ​demerits ​of ​collaborative writing​.

4. What are you going to do when preparing for your interview day? Describe
the essentials to help you shine on your big day.
5. Read the following email to be sent by a sales manager to the members of his
sales team, and then answer the questions that follow.

Hello, everybody! I know it has been a tough time lately since the company
numbers have not improved. All your sales numbers are lower than last year, and
the executive team has mandated that we increase the sales targets this quarter
to make up for the poor number you brought in last quarter. It has been hard for
everyone, especially the managers, because we are the ones who have to
explain why your sales numbers are low.
I heard the conversations behind my back about how I am working you too
hard, and how unfair it is that your sales targets keep changing. Well, guess
what? Too bad! All the whining needs to stop, and you have to to get out there
and do your job. I know all of you have been in sales a long time, so I am sure if
you just do a little bit harder, the numbers will improve.
If you need additional help, let me know. I am busy with my own duties, but
if you cannot handle it by yourself, I guess I can try to help you.

Based on what you learned from this class,

1. What is your initial impression of the email?

2. Is this an effective message? Explain your response.

3. What would be your impression of the manager after you received this
email as currently written?

4. Using Communication-by-Objectives (CBO) approach, what are 3 specific

changes you would make to the email message to make it effective?
Consider the tone, audience, and purpose of the email.

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