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PAGKATAONG PILIPINO (FILIPINO PERSONHOOD) Value system of Philippine Psychology ¢ Core Values Filipino Personality: Indigenous and Cross- Cultural studies DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES @ Discuss how Filipino/ Philippine- based social scientist studied value systems to understand the Philippine society Lieder} There is a good deal of literature on the Filipino personality which has become available. The Filipino personality s @ popular area of study of many foreign scholars who came to the Philippines. Using language interpreters and without really immersing themselves in the culture of the people, these foreign “experts” have published their versions of Filipina values. These depictions fitered into the textbooks of the Philippine educational system, which was already greatly influenced by Western ideas to begin with, ‘These “Filipino values”, together with other colonial interpretations offered by the foreign scholars, have been transmitted from one generation to another, thus perpetuating a distorted, if not false, picture of the Filipino aXe Neo ame eda sitel[s[oLols)) "Numerous publications have been written and many studies have been conducted with ‘the aim of identifying true Flipino personality. In 198, Virgo Enrique? proposed the theory. Pagkataong Pilipino (FlipinoPersonhood), which describes the personality ofthe Flipino, with its core values of kapwe, pakiromdam and kagandahang —Ioob, : ?AGKTAONG PILIPINO- THE VALUE SYSTEM OF PHILIPPNE PSYCHOLOGY By: Virgillo Enriquez Seer ave | rope | Utang a 20 | Patisama ‘accommodative | Dignity (aratitude or | (companionshis SURFACE surface Value solidarity) i ‘Associated Biro (ake) lambing Tempo behavior (sweetness) | affective lisappointment Confrontative | @ahala na Tatas aloo | Patigias Surface Value _| (determination) | (guts) (resistance) ‘CORE Pivotal Pakiramdam (Pakikipag- apwa-ta0)| shared inner Interpersonal | perception) valu ‘GORE VALUE | KAPWA (shared identity) ‘SOCIETAL ‘Associated erangalan | Karunungan | Kalayaan L Societal Values _| (dignity) {justice (Freedom) ‘apwa '¢ This is considered as the core of Filipino personhood. ‘+ Most would think that. kapwa refers to the other person, but itis actually means “fellow human being’ The “I’ which refers to the person, extends to and includes the other or the other individual # According to Enriquez Kapwa is the “unity of the one- of: us and- the other individual” # “Kapwa” the recognition ofa shared identity or an inners se-shared with others ‘may also mean “togetherness”. This is the core construct of SP, which is actually in conflict with the common individualist (kanya- kanya) self-identity concept of the West. ‘Kopwa has two categories, ibang tao, (‘other people” and hindi ibang ta0 (no other people”) 4. thang Tao ("outsider” or other people”) ~ there are five domains in this construct. @ Pokikitungo {transaction/civility with) - right demeanor towards authorities (parent, elders, etc.) '# Pokitisolamuha (interaction with) - 9 social value that’ is primarily ‘communitarian and espouses the ability to adapt. akikilahok (joining/ participating) ~thistransiates to the participation cof the entire community to help a person. Pakikibagay (in conformity with/ accord with/conformity with the demands of those who are in charge. Pakikisama { being along it/ in accord with)- conformity with the demands of those who are in charge, ‘¢ Pakikisoma (being along with) empathizing with others. 2. Hindi thang Tao ( “one of- us", or “no other people”)- there are three domains in thls construct: * Pokikivag ——_palagayang ——oob (osing in apport/understanding/acceptance) + Pakikidanngkot (act of joining others) ‘* Pakikipagkaisa- (being one with others) Pakiramdam ‘¢ This \s the second core construct of SP. This steering emotion triggers the spontaneous voluntary actions that come with the sharing ofthe “sel” ‘tis the deep inner feelings that initiates all deeds. ‘Filipinos are good in sensing the feeling of other individuals, or to discern how other people perceive us. 4 Filipinos use damdam or the inner perception of other's emotion, as a tool to guide their interaction with others Kagandahang- Loob ‘+ This is a Filipino value that nudges a person towards genuine act of generosity and towards a nurturing that has Its origin in having genuine feelings for others (Ve, 2 sense of empathy) Surface Values The accommodative values include, hiya, utang no loob, pakikisama, and pokikipagkopwe. ‘© Hiya (propriety) Although it has been loosely translated as “shame’ by most Western psychologists, “sense of propriety” is actually a more accurate way of dealing this term. © Inthe Western perspective, this refers to the ‘sense of shame” and often has a negative connotation. In the study of Bonifacio, as cited by Pepua (2000), this not the only Interpretation of the word. The term changes depending on the affix attached: nakakahiya (embarrassing), nopahiya (placed in an awkward position}, ikinahiya (be embarrassed with someone), or positive form, e.g ‘mahiyain (shy), © Utang na loob (gratitude/solidarity) ©. This s the norm of reciprocity. © Filipinos are expected by their neighbors to return favors-whether these are asked for or not- when such favors are needed or wanted, + Pakikisama and Pakikipagkapwa (companionshio) ‘© Smooth Interpersonal Relationship (SIR) is an attitude that is primarily gulded by conformity with the majority. Meanwhile, the confrontative surface values include bahala no, lakas ng foob, ‘and pokikibaka. Bohola na (determination) © Foreign and ever local studles would describe this as fatalstc expression ‘that a person ets whenever something does not tum out right or feeling of resignation over something that you cannot do something about However, using the Flipino perspectives, bahala na can be interpreted In 2 different way, © Pepua (2000) cited the study of Lagmay on this Filipino attitude, stating that bchala no, isnot all about fatalism and resignation, but can also have Positive meaning of “determination” and risk taking © Inthe midst of problem and difficulties, such an attitude can give courage to move on and do the task whatever it takes. © Uterally bahala na translates to “leaveit up to God (Bathala)"anditisused 2s an expression, almost universally, in Filipino culture- influenced adaptive coping strategy when faced with challenging situations. ‘+ Lakas ng Loob (guts) © This attitude is characterized by being courageous in the midst of problem and uncertainties a + Pakikibaka (resistance) (© Literally means ‘concurrent clashes". This refers tothe ability ofthe Filipino to undertake revolutions and uprising against a common enemy. Societal Values ‘¢ karangalan (dignity) ‘© Loosely translated to “dignity” this actually refers to what other people see jn a person and how thay use that information to make a stand or judge ‘that person's worth. * Katarungan (justice) ‘© Loosely translated to ‘ustice” this refers to the principle of equity in giving rewards to a person. # Kalayaan (freedom) © This refers to both “freedom” and “mobility” and may clash with the less important value of pakikisama or pakikibagay (conformity) PD Rasy MLA eee od a Po URE TURE ite) 3) | Panukat ng | Panukat ng Ugali at Philippine | Student Pagkataong Pagkatao (PUP) Trait Rating | Research |__ Filipino (PPP) Form (PTRF)_ | Form (SRF) Pogka- Pagiging- palakaibigan e Kalog oo (sociability) (gregarious) May Tiwala sa — Sarili Social self-assured) | Potency ‘takas ng loob a {Guts/Daring) aa ss Pagkamahiyain = (shyness/Timidity ae a Ambition = (ambition) ~ Pagkasunod-sunuran (excessive conformity | Agreeableness Domain ‘maalalahanin layeeree ( thoughtfulness) eas Sema Concern for for others vs. egotistical (Respectfulness) (Respectfulness) Pagka-matulungin = = (Helpfulness) a Pagka- Pagka- mapagpakumbaba mopagpokumbaba (Humility) _ - (Humility) Pogka-maunawain | ( Capacity to - 5 understand) | Pagkamatapat honesty) i = Pagkamapagbigay ~ (Generosity) eae ?Pagkapalaaway = (Agression) = Hirap Kausapin = {Coyness/Unapproachablity) Ee Pagkamapunahain | | (Crticainess) Jil 4+ In way of life, our actions and ideas are guided by what we value most, In this respect that we introduced several cultural intrinsic values, in which one way or another, _have influenced the interpersonal relationships of the Filipino: a generic sense. + Changes are indeed here and will always stay, yt internalizing the so called “old school ideas” in this context of values Is necessary for us to understand our behaviors (which leads to our actions) as an individual and to heighten our ‘awareness of the people around us. ‘+ Itis also of paramount consideration that we contextualize behaviors and actions by this! mean to act 2s 3 noble person, a noble Filipino (may dangal at marangal) + A Filipino acts and behaves in a certain way because he/she is in the Philippines. This is our identity (Filipino procedure) and there is value in being a Filipino more than one can ever imagine. © According to Sun Tzu, “know your enemy, know yourself, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. We have to identify frst who we are for us to have ‘a solid foundation of our personality There should be a mentor who can objectify the abstract of the Filipina conception of worthy individuals .As cited by Manaut (1992, 2000), Jocano called this concept pamantayan, which means “behaving in line or conformity with what is acceptable. It is also used as a point of reference or criteria for recognizing, expressing and evaluating social realities. © Pamantayan as. concept; covers the following core values: a. Evaluative core (halaga);a ». Expression core (asal), and Spiritual core (cfwa) Halaga Is an evaluative core value that means “ importance" or “worth” # According to Jocano, halaga influences the Filipino behavior of why we behave the way we do and nat otherwise. + If one gives importance and worth to life, family and country, therefore, the person will do his/her best in living life to the fullest, showing love to family and friends, promoting local culture, and respecting the country and its symbol. Asal ‘¢ _Isthe expressive core value that takes the form of proper behavior (good manners ‘and right conduct) ‘¢ As discussed by Jocano, asal is internalized in the process of growing up and therefore, becomes intrinsic in Filipino personalities. '¢ From the moment we develop our consciousness In our childhood, we are socialized into thinking, behaving and believing the way we are taught. Provides Filipinos with “inner strength and a sharper sense of personhood”, Ithelps Filipino s develop their awareness of being alive and being human, With “diwa’ life vibrates with enthusiasm full of vigor, courage, determination, perseverance and strength of character. ‘+ _Diwais the soul of the Filipino people.

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