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Sarah Bunting

Theories of Motivation Worksheet! (Answers!)

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

1) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is based on the concept that we are motivated by what?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is based on the concept that we are motivated by needs.

2) True or False
According to Maslow’s Theory, we can work within multiple levels of motivation at
the same time.
We can only work on one level at a time, starting at the bottom and working our way
up. If a level at the bottom is suddenly removed we return our focus to that level.

3) A person is motivated to do well in their job because they desperately need the money
to pay for their house and heating bill would be working on which level of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs?
They would be working on the Safety Needs level as they need the money to pay for
protection from the elements.

4) You have noticed a student in your placement classroom to be very quiet. Often she
leaves her work half finished and when asked about this she says “I just don’t get it/” or
“I just can’t do it.” What level of motivation do you believe she is working towards, but
has not attained yet? What kind of assignments or classroom duties could you give her
that would use this information to motivate her to work?
She would be working towards the Esteem Needs level. For class assignments try to give
individual work, as she is striving for independence and may not like to be tied down to a
group. Give her small tasks that she can easily achieve to help her gain self-esteem then
give her larger, more challenging tasks so as she can feel a sense of achievement.

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

5) Explain the significance of hygiene factor?

A hygiene factor causes us to avoid pain and discomfort. Without hygiene factors we will
be dissatisfied and unmotivated. With hygiene factors present we will not be dissatisfied,
but we will not be motivated

6) Explain the significance of a motivator factor?

A motivator factor is based on our need for personal growth. With motivator factors
present, we can achieve both satisfaction and motivation.

7) True or False
Hygiene factors such as achievement, responsibility, opportunities etc. do not cause
motivation, just dissatisfaction when they are not present.
Hygiene factors are things such as administration, relations with co-workers, salaries,
working conditions, job security etc. NOT achievement, responsibility opportunities etc.
Sarah Bunting

8) The worksheet gives you examples of motivator factors that relate to the workplace,
come up with 3 motivating factors that are present at your school.
Answers may vary
Eg) -different level courses so as everyone can find work at a level that is challenging
for them.
- Many different elective courses in many different subject areas, (music, media
arts, drama, peer tutoring, physical fitness, etc.) so as students can find courses
that are stimulating for them.
- Honour roll assemblies to recognize the achievements of each grade.

Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

9) True or False
For someone to be motivated according to Expectancy Theory, the task is not
necessarily the goal, but may be a way of achieving the goal.

12) For someone to be motivated all 3 steps of Expectancy Theory must be present, name
the 3 steps and give a brief explanation of each.
Expectancy – the belief that the person can do the task
Instrumentality – the belief that the person will receive a favourable outcome
Valence – the importance the person puts on the expected outcome.

11) It is very important to remember that Expectancy Theory revolves around what?
Why is this so important?
It is important to remember that Expectancy Theory revolves around perceptions. This is
important because you may believe that you have given someone all 3 aspects that they
need to be motivated, but they may perceive the situation differently and not be motivated
at all.

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