James Ndlovu 5x An Alternative End (The New Boy)

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An alternative end (The new boy)

As Amrik was looking for the well and he asked Kamla where is the well? Kamla and
Kate both looked at each other and took a giggle. We use a tap so the tap is a north-
west over there. Amrik shouted “TAP”. He got his water and his friends and himself
skipped to class as lunch time was over.
As they arrived in class Amrik removed his shoes, the whole class laughed and the
teacher said “Amrik my boy, put on your shoes”. Amrik mumbled and spoke Hindi, then
Kamla translated and said “at my old school we removed a shoes” Everyone said “no no
no” put on your shoes.
Math class started the teacher asked, a recap of what we did yesterday 78 x 45?
Rodrick raised his hand and said 3510….correct Rodrick the teacher said, now today we
are doing division…Amrik what is division? Uhm. Urgh, repeated subtraction...wonderful
Amrik clap hands for Amrik…now Amrik 32 ÷ 4 =?, 32 divided by 4 is 8….yes.
Maths class was over now English class. As the students waited for the English teacher
Kate, Kamla and Amrik both congratulated Amrik…well done Amrik you know division.
He said back in India I was the best in Maths so the teacher gave me credit and free
lessons also a scholarship that’s how I am hear. Nice said Kamla.
The English teacher appeared in a blast, and said we have a new boy Amrik…he is not
great in English so today we are doing basics. So Kate can you say CAT “cat”.
Ok that’s good, so Amrik say through. “T-H-R-O-U-G-H through.
Nice….your homework is going to be different that Amrik’s, Amrik’s homework is 1 st
grade stuff. Class dismiss.

1 term later…
Amrik can now speak fluent English and he passed his English exam.

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