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Computer Fundamentals


Submited to:
Engr. Anza Aqeel
Submited by:
Fariha Saeed
Registration no.

LAB # 04
Computer System and Basic Computer
Hardware Organization

To get knowledge of basic hardware of personal computers and to know about their functions.

Computer System:
A computer system is a basic, compiete and functional computer, including all the hardware
and software required to make it functional for any user.
It consist of four parts :
1. Input
2. Process
3. Output
4. Storage

Input is any thing which we give to our computer to work on it. we enter inut with the help of
mouse, keyboard and some other devices which are used by user to enter an input.

Processing unit:
Processing unit is a main part of computer where all the data is processed and changed into a
meaningful data and convert it into an utput. There is also a RAM in processing unit where data
is stored temporarily.

A final data which is taken after the processing in processing unit is known as output. It is final
processed data.

After the data is processed it comes in output fom and then it is stored. processed data is
stored in pemanent storage devices like ROME, hard disk,drives and fioppy disk. Here the data
is permanently stored.

Internal Structure of PC:

The internal structure of PC is shown below;
CPU ( Central Processing Unit):
CPU is known as the heart and brain of copmuter. CPU is the central unit which keeps the
machine running. They control the whole system and perform problems as the instructions
given by the users.

A motherboard is one of the most essential part of computer system holds togather many of
the crucial components of computer,including CPU, memory and connector for input and
output devices.

Coputer Memory is any physical device which is capable of storing information temporarily or
permanentaly. Some memories are permanent and some are temporary.
There are two main types of memory:

 RAM (temporary emory)

 ROM (permanent memory)

DVD Burner:
A DVD burner is a device used to encode or burn information onto a blank DVD.

Power Supply:
A power supply unit converts main AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal
components of computer.

Video Card:
A video card is connected to the motherboard of a computer system and generates output
images to display.

Heat sink and fan:

A heat sink is an electronic device that incorporates either either a fan or a peltier device to
keep a hot component such as processor cool.

Hard disk:
Hard disk is the memory where the data is stored permanently. It is located in computer near
the motherboard. The memory is stored here even when the computer is turned off.

After this lab we have familiar with the computer hardware. We have learned about all the
parts of hardware.

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