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Intercultural business communication: comm.

Between businesses involving people from different


Intracultural communication:

Global business communication:

International communication:

Dimensions of culture:
language (exchange of information), physical (clothing, food), psychological (knowledge, beliefs,
mental activities)

Cultural contact contact between 2 or more different cultures on various levels

with cultural contact comes cultural changes:

Enculturation – process of adaption to ones society – learning process during which one learns
what is acceptable/ desirable and what is not in that society – this process starts after birth
(school, family, friends)

Acculturation – process of adaption to a new society/ culture. It takes place after a cultural contact

Cultural synergies – need to be emphasized – merging of two different cultures to form a strong
overriding culture

Cultural intelligence – individual capability to function effectively in multicultural settings

Communication barriers:

- Physical, cultura, perceptual, motivational, emontional, linguistic …

- Communication barriers can be visible and unvisible
- Unvisible barriers are values that shape the behaviours and are difficult to perceive

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