HPX100 1 Jan Jun2020 TL Memo Week3 CZ V1 0203202

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Teaching and Learning Activity: Suggested Solutions

Module: Praxis 1 (HPX100-1)

Week number (Date): 3 (5 March 2020)
Unit covered 3


To enrich your learning experience at Boston even further, and to ensure that you are
exposed to a variety of resources in this module, announcements will be posted every
week containing additional materials or activities for you to work through.

It is important to note that these activities are neither compulsory nor weighted, but
that it will be to your advantage to participate. The purpose of the activities is to help
you better understand the content of your weekly unit/s of study, and it will assist in
creating insight and deeper meaning.

Activity 3 is based on Unit 3 of the prescribed courseware for this module.

Please answer the following questions

Question 1

The 21st century has brought about many changes in the workplace. The
introduction and extensive usage of technology in the office have changed the
office environment and culture a great deal. Outline and explain the areas that
technology has affected in the office environment.

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Suggested Answer

Virtual workspace: Technology has done away with the geographical limitation that
used to affect the collaboration of employees located in different geographical
locations. Employees no longer regard the workplace as a destination since
technology is enabling them to work from anywhere. Information and data sharing is
instantaneous because of technology despite the distance between the participants.
Companies are connected by virtual workspaces and this makes it possible for them
to collaborate and share information.

Flexibility: Technology has also brought about flexibility where employees can connect
to the organisation’s computer network and execute jobs as they would if they were
on the site. This phenomenon is called remote commuting. It forms a part of digital
citizenship, allowing one to connect and interact with co-workers from a remote

Transparency: Technology has revolutionised the way information is shared within the
office environment. When a decision is made, it has become so easy to communicate
to all members of the team even if they are not currently within the office premises.
Meetings, deadlines and other important messages can be easily communicated to all
employees reminders can be set at certain intervals.

Documentation: The introduction of electronic shared storage has changed

documentation within office environments. Electronic storage has reduced the
demand for large office space and has increased accessibility of information within the
office setup.

Reference: Chapter 3, page 87-96

Learning Outcome: What interaction does the 21st century office invite?

Question 2

The use of technology in the 21st century workplace can be credited for
enhancing transparency in the office environment. Outline the benefits of
transparency to the inner workings of business processes.

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Suggested Answer

 Better decision making: Information is a vital ingredient to better decisions

therefore making information readily available to employees enables them to share
their perspective. If the decision-making process is carried out through a digital
platform, decisions can be made more quickly and more voices can be heard.
 Trust: Transparency enhances trust among co-workers. The more employees
know about the work they are doing, the more they trust one another. Employee
trust can be raised when there is evidence that their voices are considered
especially in the decision making process. Technology has contributed to
transparency thereby indirectly enhancing employee trust.
 Collaboration and synergy: The transparency that technology has brought help
people to understand how their work affects others thereby creating an atmosphere
of synergy. Technology enhances collaboration among co-workers and often times
acts as motivation for employees as they are aware of the impact their work has
on others.
 Value built by integrated workflows: The representation of the employees’ work on
and being transparent about it helps employees to understand the inter relatedness
of their tasks and how these tasks contribute to the overall success of the project.
The use of software packages like Monday.com help in enhancing transparency
thereby building-integrated workflows.

Reference: Chapter 3, page 88

Learning Outcome: What interaction does the 21st century office invite?

Question 3

With many office tasks and procedures being influenced by the developments
in technology, identify and explain one of the greatest employee

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Suggested Answer

 The 21st century employee has the responsibility to be more digitally literate. As
technology evolves and new devices are incorporated, employees must continually
learn how to use these devices and media effectively. Good digital literacy is key
to navigating the modern workspace.

Reference: Chapter 3, page 84

Learning Outcome: What interaction does the 21st century office invite?

Question 4

BuzHub is an upcoming graphic design company. They have just moved into a
new building and have asked you to design their office space. Garry, one of the
directors in one of the briefings told you that the guiding principle at BizHub is
team work and collaboration therefore you have to consider it when designing
the office space.

4.1 Identify and motivate for the most suitable office plan that you will

Suggested Answer
Suggested office layout plan is the open-plan office design: It makes use of wide-
open spaces that promote collaboration and group work. Renowned technology
companies for example Google are implementing it. This plan offers an open and
relaxed environment, which encourages creativity and collaboration. The plan can also
incorporate other additions like many plants, which brings nature and inspiration to the

Reference: Chapter 3, page 79

Learning Outcome: What does the 21st century office look like?

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4.2 What challenges associated with the office plan do you anticipate and how
can they be resolved?

Suggested Answer
Privacy: With this kind of office plan, it is difficult to have private conversations and to
perform any task without team members being aware. This may result in frustrations
and complaints from employees because of a lack of personal space. This challenge
can be resolved by allowing employees to work from home when they feel the need
for privacy and quietness. An alternative private room can also be setup for private
Ventilation/climate control: Temperature control and preferences can become a
challenge as favourable conditions may not be universal. This challenge can be
addressed by installing heaters and air conditioning units. The quality of air can also
become compromised if there are many employees in one office. This challenge can
be addressed by increasing the number of plants in the office.
Lighting: Lighting can be a challenge since poor lighting can be straining to other
employees. Not all employees have the same lighting preferences. This challenge can
be resolved by letting the employees choose where they want to sit, suiting their
lighting preferences.

Reference: Chapter 3, page 81

Learning Outcome: What does the 21st century office look like?

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