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Despite their fierce appearance are very

social animals that usually live in groups,

which generally dominate females. They are
the ones who hunt and caring for puppies,
helping each other to take care of the

The lion, known as well as the

king of the jungle, is a
carnivorous animal, considered
like the second largest feline in
the world. They have an
aproximate weigh of 120-190
kilograms, and a length between The hair varies in color from
1.70 - 2.50 meters. The lions can black to light brown; healthy and
live (approximately) 30 years in well-fed lions have longer and
captivity. thicker manes. Lion females are
smaller than males and, like
them, the color of its fur is light
brown, though lacking hair.

The lion's roar can be heard from 9 km

away. In the open savannas where they
live, the lion just need to move a
maximum of 8 km and spends two to
three hours a day trying to get food,
and the remainder of the time resting
and sleeping.

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