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Name : Wira Adjie Utama

NIM : 1602012231

A. Fill the blank below by using an appropriate word.

1. This treatment is really great. It makes me feel so rellaxed.

2. I didn't like that movie. I thought it was too depressing.
3. He wasn't satisfied with my response.
4. What an embarassing situation!
5. I can't talk anymore because I'm really tired.
6. My grandmother's ankles were swollen from walking so much.

7. Most of the fans were disappointed with the concert.

8. This is exciting news!

9. His explanation wasn't very convicing.
10. The woman worked for 15 hours straight. She was exhausted.

B. Fill in the correct participle form. (Present Participle, Past Participle or Perfect
1. He was sitting in an armchair   a magazine.
Having worked
2.  in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything.
3. The cup   with milk stood on the table.
Not having seen
4.  each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about.
5.  into a rich family, she got everything she wished for.
6.  the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry.
7.  his words, he apologised.
8. Well  , we are very proud of you.
Having parked
9.  the car, he went to a restaurant.
Having watched
10.  the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by heart.

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