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Beneficiaries of the project

When the web-based system is, develop all the following are beneficiaries: -

 Record officer: can save his/her time when he/she lose at generating the annual and monthly
reports. can save human power the record officer loses many times to record resident file in the
manual system because done by writing paper but we automated existing system done by
computer easily such as: -registration of the resident, registration house, generate report, and
give id card.
 Chairman: can avoid redundancy in the systematic way. The chairperson view report written by
computer and approve request by computer.
 Vital event registrar:
 Residents: can save their time and human power, and can get the solution of their request
quickly. The residents can see the notices equally.
 The BiQa sub city: -The BiQa is the more beneficiary of the system. The system provides many
functions the organization can give effective service to the people and can reduce the
expenditure. The sub city also become modernize.

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