BSBMKG418 Assessment Task 1, 2

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Course Name:

Unit / Subject Name: BSBMKG418 Develop and Apply Knowledge Of Marketing Communication Industry

Trainer’s Name: Assessment No: Task 1, Task 2

o I fully understand the context and purpose of this assessment.

o I am fully aware of the competency standard/criteria against which I will be assessed.
I declare that:
o I have been given fair notice of the date, time and venue for the assessment.
o I am aware of the resources I need and how the assessment will be conducted.
o I have had the appeals process and confidentiality explained to me.
o I agree that I am ready to be assessed and that all written work is my own.
o This assessment is my: o First submission o Re-submission (Attempt ___ )
Student Name: Student ID:

Student’s Signature: Submission Date: / /


Assessment task 1:
o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessment task 2:
o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
Feedback: Feedback is given to the student on each
Yes / No
Assessment task & final outcome of the unit


Assessor’s Date: / /


It is student’s responsibility to keep the assessment submission receipt as a proof of submission of assessment tasks.

Student Name: Student ID:

Unit / Subject Code: Assessment No:

Trainer Name & Date: / /


Assessment Cover page Page 1 of 2

Version 1.0 05/18
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Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve
competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are
Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is
eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be

Student should be provided with an appropriate time frame in which to resubmit their work, according to the RTO’s re-assessment
policy and procedure.

Plagiarism, cheating and collusion.

Where a trainer/assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or
collusion, they should report this along with reasons for the allegation. Assessors should refer to their RTO’s policy and procedures
regarding training and assessment for further information.”

When all unit’s assessment tasks have been submitted and assessed (including resubmissions), print out a copy of this unit’s Final
Results Record, included as the last page of this document. Record the result for each task and the final result for the unit as C
(Competent) or NYC (Not Yet Competent). There is also space to give the student some written feedback for the overall unit.
Sign and date the middle section, and give the sheet to the student. After discussing their results with them, the student must fill out
and sign the final section of the Record, where they acknowledge the result that you have given them.

When the student has filled out the final section of the Final Results Record, make a copy for them and retain the original with the
student’s records.
Resources required for this Assessment

• All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
• Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment coversheet.

• Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks

• Any additional material will be provided by Trainer

Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully
• This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.

• Students are allowed to take this assessment home.

• Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided
with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
• Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You
will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of

• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
• Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
• Please provide required references of the sources, if you use any information from any sources (such as: learner book,
power point and online resources) to answer the assessment questions and make the required changes to justify that it is
your own work.

BSBMKG418 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

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Re-submission opportunities
Please read the following instructions carefully
• Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

• If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback
along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will
be arranged at a later time and date.

• Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or
have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
• Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part of
this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the assessment.
• Please see Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Unit of Competency Guidelines v1.1 for more detail.

BSBMKG418 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

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Assessment Task 1

Task summary
• You are required to conduct necessary research for Task 1 and provide written responses to all
questions. In this assessment, you are required to demonstrate your skills and abilities in apply
marketing communication across a convergent industry
• Submit your assessment to your assessor.

• Access to textbooks/other learning materials
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet

Write a report detailing the marketing communications industry and how it impacts on current business
activities. This should include the following:

1. Where information on marketing communications can be found?

2. How marketing communications operates within organisations and agencies? (80-100 words)
3. How target markets and audiences are recognised/established?
4. What are relevant obligations and responsibilities and how it creates the opportunities for
themselves and the organisations?
5. Define in 150-200 words on how marketing communications impacts on the wider community and
6. Industry changes within marketing communications, trends and technologies.
7. Why it is necessary to continually learn and seek knowledge on the marketing communications
industry and apply this in your work?
8. Describe the current issues of concern in the industry in 250 -300 words.

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Assessment Task 2

Task summary

As a workplace project (or as a simulated activity if not possible to do this in the workplace), produce a
marketing communication for your organisation or for a client. This should be carried out from start to
finish and include the following questions. Submit your assessment to your assessor.

1. The brief/reason for the communications and who are those relevant stake holders? (50-80
2. How the communication should be viewed in the particular business environment it is for and the
expected impact this should have? (80-100 words)
3. Gathering of information for your research purposes, including stakeholder analysis using their
relevant software.
4. All legal, regulatory, ethics and industry standards applicable.
5. Your work plan for fulfilling the communication.
6. Your interactions and communications with others while working on the communication to get this
7. An understanding and application of the principles of marketing communications and the working
environment/business that you work in.
8. How the communication fits into organisational marketing and media strategies? (60-80 words)
9. The construction/wording of your communication and the finished piece.
10. An understanding of digital technologies, devices and platforms and their application in your
communication. (80-100 words)

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Carefully read the following case study & answer to question number from 11 to 14.

John’s Gym is a gymnasium located in a small country town in regional Victoria. The gym has
approximately 200 members and around 30 casual users visit the gym each day.

The gym includes a small weights room that has 3 treadmills, several bikes, 2 step machines and 2
rowing machines. The gym offers a limited range of classes, including yoga, Pilates and stretch
classes. Classes are held at 6 am from Monday to Friday and then again at 9.30 am and 4 pm. All
classes run for one hour. There are two classes on a Saturday morning, at 8 am (palates) and 10 am
(yoga) and another yoga class on Sunday from 10 am to 11 am.

The opening time of the gym is 6 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday, 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays and on

Sunday the gym is only open for the yoga class.

John’s Gym’s nearest competitor is located in another town about 15 kilometres away, in a larger town.
That gym is larger and has a wider range of services, including a more extensive range of classes,
childcare facilities and longer opening hours.

John, the owner of John’s Gym, has asked you as the Administration and Marketing Officer at the gym
to conduct some market research. Member numbers are dwindling and John thinks that many of the
members have moved onto the gym 15 kilometres away. John is concerned that he isn’t offering the
kind of services his members want and doesn’t know if his prices are competitive.

John wants you to find out about:

• general information about fitness trends and customer use of gymnasiums
• profile of customers most likely to use his services
• optimum pricing of services
• most cost-effective ways of promoting his gymnasium
• Identifying additional services that he might offer including types of classes, any additional
equipment and additional services such as personal training and childcare.

John has only a small budget for market research, so he would like you to source some general
quantitative and qualitative information from free sources, identify the average prices of gymnasium
membership in country areas and the services that are offered.

You are then to conduct a small survey of potential new members to identify their exercise habits and
interest being a member of a gym.

John has identified that the survey must include a short statement regarding the purpose of the survey
and a range of questions that require feedback on the person’s interest or otherwise in fitness, their
current gymnasium membership status and a range of questions to find out about what they are
prepared to pay to use a gym and the services they expect, as well as some ideas on promotional
activities he could conduct to increase membership.

BSBMKG417 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

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11. How can an organisation conduct formal and informal survey to gain relevant information for
continual improvement?
12. How do you categories industry structures and networking to apply marketing communications
13. Describe organizational and client operating environment, structures, business and marketing
plans. (80-100 words)
14. Participate in a role play with your colleague/assessor to demonstrate your findings in relation to
the above-mentioned questions.

BSBMKG417 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

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Assessment Task 1 & Task 2 Checklist
Student’s name:

Did the student provide a sufficient and clear Completed

answer that addresses the suggested answer successfully
for: Comments
Yes No

Task 1
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Task 2
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14

BSBMKG417 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

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Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:


BSBMKG417 Assessment Task 1 & Task 2

Version 1.2 10/19 Page 8
Role Play Observation (Assessor Checklist)
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in this task. This checklist is to be completed for each student. Please refer to separate
mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit requirements.

Student name:

Student ID:


successfully Comments
In completing this task, did the student
Yes No
Dressed appropriately

Speaking clearly and concisely to present


Using active listening techniques

Appropriate Body language

Eye contact with audiences & observer

Identify issues/problems/needs

Summaries or paraphrase

Responding to audiences’ questions

Closed questions to justify

Handed relevant role play document to

Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor Comments:

Assessor Name:

Assessor signature:

Role Play Observation (Assessor Checklist)

Version: 1.2
Implemented: July 2019
To be reviewed: July 2020
Responsibility: Academic Manager
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