Intro Tto Chemical Engg

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Name: Roll No.

: FA20-CHE-

Date Assigned: October 27, 2020

Due Date: November 03, 2020

Dr. Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi
Dr. Faisal Ahmed
Assignment Statement:
Figure 1 shows a labeled flowchart of a continuous steady-state two-unit process. Each stream
contains two components, A and B, in different proportions. Three streams whose flow rates
and/or compositions are not known are labeled 1, 2 and 3.

Fig.1. Steady-state two-unit process

Calculate the unknown flow rates and compositions of streams 1, 2, and 3.

Note: (i). Solve your Assignment in MS Word and submit as per prescribed format.

(ii) Perform material balance calculations using Excel

The End

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