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If these perks are attractive to you, consider choosing an online therapy solution such

as BetterHelp. The professional, licensed therapist at BetterHelp can provide ongoing daily

support via email, chat, or video conferencing, which means you can select the best format for

you. The site also offers numerous sources of helpful information about common mental illness

disorders and articles discussing how to cope with stress, difficult people, and challenging

situations. Here's a look at what others had to say about the assistance they received from the

counselors at BetterHelp.

Counselor Reviews

“I’ve been working with Alicia for about 7 months now, and I can’t recommend her enough. She

is unbelievably smart and yet filled with warmth, she’s non-judgmental but still able to see

negative patterns, she gives solid frameworks and solutions when I need them, and is a listening

ear when I need that. Alicia doesn’t just deal with the subject matter at hand, she remembers

things I’ve told her weeks prior, small names or details or passing comments, and points out

patterns I hadn’t noticed, helping me re-frame my own thoughts and behaviors, all while

showing how much she’s really listening and paying attention. It makes me feel like I’m talking

to a friend. One personal example of her intuitive spirit is what she said to me in my very first

session with her which has stuck with me since that day. I had shared how “broken” I felt after

my last couple roles in rather toxic work environments. And after sharing why I had left those

companies, mostly dealing with bosses/ colleagues who were bullies, dishonest and manipulative

people who did a lot of damage, Alicia pointed out that I am not, in fact, broken, as the reason I

left those companies was always the same – my deep rooted values of kindness and honesty

would not allow me to be in that environment any longer, that my sense of self from a moral

perspective had remained the same when many people bend their morals to succeed in stressful
work situations. This reframing of the narrative I had been telling myself from the moment I quit

changed everything for me, and she had known me for 45 minutes. For anyone on the fence

about therapy and its benefits, Alicia is the empathetic soul we all need in our lives.”

Keep Your Word. This moral principle is similar to being honest and not telling lies, but it is

worth mentioning separately. If you don't keep your word (or promise), not only does your

reputation typically suffer, but you could be harmed in retaliation. If you follow through on the

things that you say you're going to do, people will trust you more. You will also trust yourself

more. This often leads to better personal relationships, career advancements, and a better life in


Don't Take What Doesn't Belong To You. Most people would agree that you should not steal.

However, many people make small compromises on a regular basis that don't line up with this


Are You Living Your Moral Principles?

If you're not living in accord with the moral principles you believe in, consider taking steps to

correct this. You are not living your best life if you violate your own morals. It's important that

you align your actions and words with your moral principles. When you do this,the pieces of

your life tend to fall into place. You will experience more happiness because you are staying true

to yourself.

How Can I Live More Morally?

It can be hard to realign yourself when you let your moral principles slip. However, this doesn't

have to be a permanent condition, as you can always alter your behaviors.


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