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Part 6

Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some sentences. Mark the letter of the best
answer on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

23 Butterworth Avenue
Apt. 564
Chesterton, VT 05888

Dear Mr. S i mms:

I am responding your ad in last Sunday's Chesterton Times for a pm·alegal Lo work al your
1 4 1 . (A) to
(B) at
(C) by
(D) for
law firm. I have just completed a paralegal certilication course at Chester Community College and
am now seeking my first job in lhc field. I have worked as an administrative for the
1 42 . (A) assist
(B) assisted
(C) assi st a nt
(D) assistance

past six years. Two of those years were at a law office. I believe I have a lot to offer your firm.
I am responsible, hardwork i ng, and well organized. I am not afraid to work extra hours to get
a job done.

I am enclosing my resume and two letters of . Please don't hesitate to contact me i f

143. (A) referee
(B) rcference
(C) refurbish
(D) refreshment
you have any questions. I look f"orward to hearing from you.


"d µ7
Lucy Ling

Reading Test 241

Questions 1 44-146 refer to the following notice.

The M idd letown Area Chamber of Commerce, the Sma l l Business Assistance Office, and
the Business Owners Association of Middletown you to a Sma ll Busi ness
144. (A) invite
(B) invites
( C) is inviting
(D) has invited

Day next April 1 2 at the Hardwick Hotel in Middletown Center. Middletown Mayor E lizabeth
Wilson wil l g ive the keynote address. She will talk about recent efforts made by the city to
support the continued success of local small businesses . Local business leaders wil l lead
a panel discussion on a of small business issues, including health insurance

145. (A) vanity

(B) vacuity
(C) variety
(D) validity

choices, employee training programs, and finding an affordable space for your busi ness i n
a climate of rising rents . The event begins at 8 :00 and runs until 3 :30.

146. (A) rapid

(B) rapidity
(C) rabidly
(D) rapidly

Tickets are $45 for members of the Busi ness Owners Association and $55 for
non-members. The price i ncludes a luncheon catered by the Hardwick Hote l . Cal l the
Chamber of Commerce for reservations.

242 Practice TOEIC Test 2

Questions 1 47-149 refer to the following article.

The Interstate Railroad has announced the inauguration of its new business class service . ..

This is an effort to attract travelers who would normally take a plane for mjddle distance
business trips. Business class travelers on Interstate will ride in luxury in special cars that
have seat5 than economy class cars. Each seat will be equipped with electrical

147. (A) comfortable

(B) more comfortable
(C) most comfortable
(D) the most comfortable

outlets for laptop computers. Coffee, tea, and bottled water free of charge. I n

148. (A) provide

(B) are providing
(C) will provide
(D) will be provided

addition to the comfort and services of its business class cars, I n terstate is advertising the
___ of train travel, pointing out that train stations are usually conveniently situated

149. (A) ease

(B) easy
(C) easily
(D) easement

in downtown areas, while airports are not. i nterstate plans to launch a large advertising
campaign next month throughout the eastern region. Television and radio commercials
as well as billboard ads are planned as part of the campaign.

Reading Test 243

Questions 150-152 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Will Smith

From: Lee Chang
S u bject: Singapore conference

H i , Will.

I hear you'll be going to the conference i n Singapore next month. I look forward to
seeing you there. Do you know where you'll be staying? I have reservations at the
Holton Hotel. I highly recommend it. I always stay there when I'm in S ingapore. The
downtown is great; it's close to everything. The rooms aren't so big, but

150. (A) staff

(B) service
(C) quality
(D) location

they're q u ite comfortable. Anyhow, you probably won't be spending much time
in your room. A group of us from our company will be hosting a party the last
n ight of the conference. I hope you and your colleagues can come. I ' m not sure
where , but I can let you know when I see you at the conference.

1 5 1 . (A) is
(B) will be
(C) it will be
(D) will it be

By the way, when do you plan to arrive? I'll get there the Wednesday before the
conference because I want a little time for sightseeing. Maybe you l i ke to
join me. Let me know. 152. (A) have
(B) must
(C) would
(D) should


244 Practice TOEIC Test 2

Part 7
In this part you will read a variety of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mail
messages, letters, and advertisements. Several questions follow each text. Mark the letter of the best
answer for each question on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following instructions.

To open the child-resistant cap on

this medicine bottle, match the
arrow on the cap with the arrow on
the bottle. Press down to release.
Then twist cap to the right to open

1 5 3 . What kind of cap is on the bottle? 1 54. What does a person have to do before
(A) Easy-open twisting the cap off?
(B) Child-resistant (A) Turn upside down.
(C) Waterproof (B) Twist to the left.
(D) Metal cap (C) Press downward.
(D) Lift upward.

Reading Test 245
Questions 155-157 refer to the following letter.

Davis & Reeves

1 6 Salisbury Road
Tsinshatsui Kowloon
Hong Kong, China
Tel: (852) 03 72 1 I 1 2 1
Fax: (852) 03 739-4466

Dr. Li Han
Enviro-Chemicals, Inc.
7499 Hannam-dong
Seoul, Korea

Dear Dr. Han:

We have received your registration for our annual conference. Information about hotels

and transportation are found in the enclosed conference brochure.

If you need further assistance in arranging your trip, please call our conference

coordinator in Hong Kong at (852) 03 72 1 I 1 2 1 .

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.


Le Zhaolie
Conference Registration

155. What is the purpose of this lener? 157. Who should Dr. Han contact i f she has
(A) To get money for the conference other questions?
(B) To invite speakers to the conference (A) The conference coordinator
(C) To acknowledge conference registration (B) Le Zhaolie
(D) To make travel arrangements (C) Davis & Reeves
(D) A ticket agent
156. What is enclosed with the lener?
(A) A regisu·ation form
(B) A brochure about the conference
(C) Tickets for the conference
(D) An invitation to the conference

246 Practice TOEIC Test 2

Questions 1 58-160 refer to the following notice.


To m a ke yo u r shopping at H a ro l d 's as easy as poss i b l e, you a re i nvited

to use o u r co ncierg e services at the Co ncierge Desk. The Concie rge Desk

is located on the m a i n level, beside the Gou rmet Food Shop. We offer a

ra nge of shopper services, i n c l u d i n g p u b l i c tra ns portation sched u l es,

d i rect l i nes to taxi services, and package ma i l i n g . We a lso h ave a

com p lete data base of mercha nd ise i n o u r stores, so that we ca n d i rect

yo u to the store that wi l l best s u it yo u r needs. Yo u may vis it the

Concierge Desk in person, o r yo u may ca l l from the d i rect- l i n e

telephone a t a ny o f t h e l i g hted d i rectory m a ps i n t h e m a l l .

1 5 8 . What does the Concierge Desk provide? 1 60. What is one way to get in touch with the
(A) Directions to tourist attractions Concierge Desk?
(B) Advice on fashion (A) Stop one of their representatives
(C) Information for the hotel guest (B) Page them from a store
(D) Services for the shopper (C) Write a letter
(D) Use the direct phone
1 59. Where is the Concierge Desk located?
(A) In a hotel
(B) By the Gourmet Food Shop
(C) At the tourist bureau
(D) In an airport

19 ..,,,,.,,,,,,,a•DJ•

Read ing Test 247

Questions 161-164 refer to the following article.

YEARS AGO WH E N T H E PERSONAL computer h i t the busi ness world, experts

predicted the advent of the paperless office. But t i m e has proved them wrong.

Offices have more paper than ever. People can easi l y p r i n t out a personal

copy of a document for anyone who needs to see it. Programs such as spel l i ng

a n d grammar checkers, as wel l as improved computer graphics, have led

people to expect perfection i n their documents, and to keep printing copies

unti l they get it. The s i m p l e truth is that most people s i m p l y prefer paper.

Scientific studies have shown that paper copies are easier for people to read

and to edit than text on a screen. And many people are sti l l nervous about

documents being accidenta l l y deleted from a computer-if not through their

own fault, through a computer system fa i l u re or a power outage. I n short,

a lthough office paper may be significantly reduced, the paperless office i s

u n l ikely t o become a reality.

1 6 1 . The word "advent" in line 2 is closest in 163. How have computer programs generated
meaning to more paper?
(A) success (A) They use lots of paper.
(B) failure (B) They print multiple copies.
(C) arrival (C) They make documents easy to prepare.
(D) popularity (D) They connect easily to printers.

162. When was the paperless office first 164. Why will offices probably always use paper?
predicted? (A) Paper can be signed.
(A) When office computers became (B) Paper is traditional.
common (C) Paper is easier to mail.
(B) When people realized the need to (D) Many people prefer paper.
(C) When paper became too expensive
(D) When printers failed to work as

248 Practice TOEIC Test 2

Questions 165-167 refer to the following graph.

Reasons for Return of Clothing Gifts

__ 25% Don't like it

50% Doesn't fit

1 0% Doesn't match

__ 10% Have item already

__ 5% Item is damaged

1 65 . Why arc most clothing gifts returned? 1 67. What is the least common reason for
(A) They do not match other clothes. clothing to be returned?
(B) They arc too expensive. (A) It is not expensive enough.
(C) They do not fit. (B) There is something wrong with it.
(D) They are ugly. (C) The quality is poor.
(D) It did not arrive on time.
1 66. What percentage of people do
NOT like the gift they received?
(A) 1 5%
(B) 20%
(C) 25%
(D) 50%

Reading Test 249

Questions 168-172 refer to the following article.

Economists have pointed to the reduction i n small a i r l i n e commuter flights as a

sign that the a i r l i ne industry is in financial trouble once again. A careful review

of the relevant facts, however, reveals that nothing could be further from the

truth, as the fol l owing analysis indicates.

The first point often cited to support the idea of fa i l u re is the recent reduction i n

the number of commuter flights. Certainly i t i s obvious to anyone who looks at

the figures that the number of commuter flights has fa l len by 20% over the past
five years. This drop, however, is due to reasons that actually reflect growth, "
· ·.
rather than dec l i ne, i n the a i r l i ne industry. Many former commuter flights have

been absorbed into the schedule of regular commercial flights due to i ncreased

passenger demand on those routes. Thus, a lthough commuter flights have

decreased, non-commuter flights have i ncreased, reflecting an overa l l i ncrease

i n passengers.

Second, some former commuter routes were designated as such only because

the smaller a i rports at the destination could not accommodate larger planes. But

many growing cities have improved and expanded their a i rport fac i l ities i n

recent years to encourage busi ness and tourism i n their regions. These physical

i mprovements to the airports have e l i m i nated the need for a l l flights in these

areas to be made in small commuter planes. It is questionable whether such

flights shou Id ever have been described as commuter fl ights, si nee in these

cases the label appl ied to ai rport restriction, rather than flight distance or

passenger demand.

Final ly, i ncreased n u m bers of passengers for short flights have made flying larger

planes more economical for the a i r l i nes, which means that due to plane size

alone these flights are no longer offic i a l l y considered commuters. Thus, the '

commuter flight is a l ive and well, and bigger than i t has ever been before .


168. Why do some economists think the airline 169. Why has the number of commuter flights
industry may be in trouble? fallen recently?
(A) Commuter flights have decreased. (A) Fewer people want co fly them.
(B) The number of passengers is down. (B) They have been merged with regular
(C) The rate of complaints is higher. flights.
(D) Many pilots have resigned. (C) Commuter planes are not safe.
(D) There are not enough planes.

250 Practice TOEIC Test 2

170. How have improvements at airports 1 72. What does this say about commuter flights?
influenced commuter flights? (A) They have increased.
(A) They have made passengers more (B) They have changed.
comfortable. ( C) They are more expensive.
(B) They can handle many more flights. (D) They are quicker.
(C) There are now more airports.
(D) They can accommodate larger planes.

1 7 1 . Why are airlines flying larger planes on

these routes?
(A) It is more economical.
(B) It is easier.
(C) It is safer.
(D) It is faster.

19.. ,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,a.
. ,
Reading Test 251
Questions 173-176 refer to the following article.

People's concern about keeping their diets healthy has reached a peak in recent years.

Everyone is trying to eat foods that are low in fat and high in fiber. They watch their

intake of salt, sugar, and calories. They shun food additives and shop for organic fruits

and vegetables. It should not be surprising, then, that these health concerns have now

been extended to the diets of their pets. In the past, owners simply gave their pets

leftover food from family meals or bought whatever dog food was on sale. Now, these

choices are considered to be lacking in necessary nutrients for proper animal growth

and development. The emphasis has shifted to health and nutritional value.

Gourmet stores that have traditionally sold rare and imported foods are beginning to

sell gourmet dog and cat foods alongside their "people" food. Specialty pet shops are

opening, offering foods with healthier ingredients such as rice and lamb, even though

such ingredients are not traditionally considered suitable for pets. There are even

specific lines of food for pets with special needs. Some lines are based on the age of

the pet. These include high-energy varieties for puppies or kittens, vitamin-enriched

styles for adult animals, and low-calorie and high-fiber food for elderly animals.

Other lines of pet food are designed in consideration of the health problems of the

animals (or health concerns of their owners). Brands may be salt-free to combat high

blood pressure, additive-free to fight allergies, and fat-free to prevent excessive

weight gain. There are even animal drinks for pets in special circumstances. For

example, drinks containing electrolytes, which help the body maintain a proper

balance of fluids, can be helpful for animals that live in hot, dry climates where

dehydration is a potential problem. All of these new pet foods claim to be

recommended by veterinarians and scientifically developed to address the nutrition

and health needs of that special pet.

173. What did people feed their pets in the past? 175. Why are the new foods supposed to be
(A) Organic food better?
(B) Low-fat diets (A) They are healthier.
(C) Leftovers (B) They taste better.
(D) Special drinks (C) Pets like them better.
(D) Owners have confidence in them.
17 4. Where can pet owners find special new pet
foods? 176. What special line of food is NOT
(A) Cookbooks mentioned?
(B) Gourmet food stores (A) Salt-free
(C) Grocery stores (B) Puppy food
(D) Catalogs (C) Additive-free
(D) Vegetarian
252 Practice TOEIC Test 2
Questions 1 7 7-180 refer to the following article.

A l most every office i s l o o k i n g for

a d d i t i o n a l s pace. O n e easy way to
get i t is to use move a b l e part i t i o n s
i n stead of, o r i n conj u n c t i o n with ,
t h e s o l i d i nterior wal l s of yo u r
e x i s t i n g offi ce space. These wal l s
provide several i m portant be nefits.
F i rst, they l et you take m ax i m u m
advantage of e x i s t i n g s pace. N o
m o re confl icts where o n e office i s
j u st a l ittle too s m a l l a n d a n o t h e r
i s j u s t a l ittle too b i g -j u s t move
t h e part i t i o n over a foot to adj u s t
t h e s pace for everyo n e . Seco n d ,
you c a n c h a n g e t h e p o s i t i o n s
o f t h e part i t i o n s a s y o u r b u s i n e s s
n e e d s c h a n g e . If o n e proj e ct e n d s
a n d a n o t h e r beg i n s , you c a n e a s i l y
c h a n g e t h e office space to
acco m m odate project n e e d s .
F i n a l ly, n e w mate r i a l s m a k e t h e s e
wal l s both s o u n d -absorbent a n d
l i g htwe i g ht, s o t h e y prov i d e t h e
privacy o f b u i l t - i n wal l s w i t h t h e
advantages o f fl e x i b l e s pace.

1 77. The word "interior" in line 3 is closest in 1 7 9 . Why are partitions a good choice for
meaning to businesses with different projects?
(A) less good (A) They can be easily stored.
(B) inside (B) They make the office look different.
(C) more expensive (C) They help you organize information.
(D) permanent (D) You can change the space for different
178. Why do partitions create space?
(A) They are cheaper than real walls. 180. How do the partitions provide privacy?
(B) They are narrower than real walls. (A) They absorb sound.
(C) You can move them where you need (B) They reach the ceiling.
them. (C) They do not have windows.
(D) They have shelves on them. (D) They do not have doors.

Reading Test 253
Questions 181-185 refer to the following schedule and e-mail.

Business Association of Hartland

Spring Conference
Hartland Hotel

8:00-9:00 Registration and coffee hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Lobby

9:00-9:45 Keynote address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main Hall
1 0:00-1 1 :00 Workshop Session 1 (choose one):
Starting a Small Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Room 3
. .

Marketing Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 5

Revitalize Your Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 7
1 1 : 1 5- 1 2 : 1 5 Workshop Session 2 (choose one)
Using the Internet to Grow Your Business . . . . Room 5
Accounting for Small Businesses . . . . . . . . . . . Room 7
Options for Health Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 9
1 2:30-1 :00 Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fountain Room
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 : 1 5-2: 1 5 The Future of Small Businesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Main Hall

To: Rick Hong

From: Louise Sibiu
Subject: Spring Conference

Hi Rick,

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the conference next week. Have you seen the
schedule yet? I am really excited about the Marketing Strategies workshop. I hear that it
will be given by Maxine King, so I definitely plan to attend that one. Why don't we get
together at lunch? That seems the easiest thing to do. I'll meet you at the restaurant, and
I promise to be on time. I'l l be giving a presentation in Room 9 right before l u nch. That's
quite near the restaurant, so I should n't have any problem meeting you on time. To tell
you the truth, I'm sorry they chose this restaurant for the conference l u nch. It really isn't
the best one around. There's another restaurant in the hotel, The Garden View, which has
much better food. Oh, well. Are you planning to stay after lunch? I am. I think the 1 : 1 5
lecture will be good. See you soon.


254 Practice TOEIC Test 2

181. Who would be most interested in attending 184. What time does Louise want to meet Rick?
this conference? (A) 1 2: 1 5
(A) An insurance agent (B) 1 2: 30
(B) A small business owner (C) 1 :00
(C) An Internet service provider (D) 1 : 1 5
(D) An employee of a large corporation
1 85 . What is Louise's opinion ofThe Fountain
1 82. Where will Louise be at 1 0:00? Room Restaurant?
(A) Room 3 (A) It's better than The Garden View
(B) Room 5 Restaurant.
(C) Room 7 (B) It's the best restaurant in town.
(D) Room 9 (C) It's not very good.
(D) It's too far away.
183. What is the topic of Louise's presentation?
(A) Marketing strategies
(B) Web pages
(C) Accounting
(D) Health insurance


Reading Test 255

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and letter.

Marketing assistant sought to work

in busy, fast-paced office. We are a
cutting-edge fashion company
seeking a creative. energetic person
to work in our Marketing
Department. Assist in the planning
of marketing strategies. promotional
events, and special advertising.
Knowledge of fashion is a must.
Degree in business or marketing
and five years relevant work
experience are required. We offer a
competitive salary, health and life
insurance, and paid vacation and
sick days. Send resume before
September 30 to: Mija Kim. Human
Resources Director. Box 4 5 .
Springdale, O H 4 0 4 4 I .

September 22, 20 _

l 0 Frontage Rd.
Parma, OH 40424
Mija Kim
Human Resources Director
Box 45
Springdale, OH 4044 1

Dear Ms. Kim:

I am interested in applying for the position of marketing assistant as advertised in

yesterday's paper. I received a business degree from Clifton College five years ago. I
have three years experience working in the Marketing Department at River Run
Publishers, where I worked on developing marketing strategies and planning publicity
events. I have a great interest in fashion and have taken several courses in fashion
marketing as well as in fashion design. For this reason, I am currently seeking a
position with a fashion company such as yours.

I am enclosing my resume and a letter of reference from my supervisor at River Run.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Josefa Silva

256 P ract ice TOEIC Test 2

186. Who would most likely qualify for this job? 1 89. Where did Josefa Silva work before?
(A) A fashion model (A) At a college
(B) A book publisher (B) At a marketing firm
(C) A fashion designer (C) At a fashion company
(D) A marketing major (D) At a publishing company

187. When did the advertisement appear in the 190. What is one requirement of the job that Ms.
newspaper? Silva does NOT meet?
(A) September 2 1 (A) College degree
(B) September 22 (B) Competitive spirit
(C) September 29 (C) Knowledge of fashion
(D) September 30 (D) Number of years of experience

188. What is Mija Kim's job?

(A) Marketing assistant
(B) Marketing director
(C) Human resources director
(D) Fashion designer


Reading Test 257

Questions 191-195 refer to the following letter and form.

City Health and Fitness Center

You r health is our priority!
May 6, 20 _

Jonathan Siebold
84 Rocki n g h a m Lane
Portland, MA 01 972
Dear M r. Siebold:

Thank you for your interest in the City Health and Fitness Center. As you
may be aware, we are the largest fitness center i n Portl and, with two
Olympic-size pools, three squash cou rts, one indoor tennis cou rt, a n
exercise room with state-of-the-art exercise equipment, a n d a n indoor
running track. We also have a f u l l schedule of swi m m i n g , tennis, and
exercise c lasses, as well as personal trainers ready to assist you at you r
convenience. I n addition, o u r c l u b store provides you with a l l the
e q u ipment you need to participate in these sports at reaso n a b l e prices.

We have both six-month and one-year memberships ava i l a ble. Right now
we have a special promotion. I f we receive your membership a p p l ication
before May 25, you w i l l receive a 1 5 % d i scount off the reg u l a r fee of
$500 for a one-year i n d ividual membership. A six-month m e m bership is
$300, a n d there is no special discount on that at this t i m e . One-year
members are entitled to their own locker, free of charge, but ava i l a b i l ity
is l i m ited. If you want a locker, you w i l l need to c a l l the m e m b ersh i p
office t o find out i f there are any lockers ava i l a b l e a t this time.

I am enclosing a membership appl ication for your convenience. Please

feel free to ca l l m e if you have any questions. Tha n k you.

�NJ- �
Elvira Montague
Membership D i rector


258 Practice TOEIC Test 2

City Health and Fitness Center
Your health is our priority!

Application for Membership

Name: Jonathan Siebold Date: May 27, 20 _

Address: 84 Rockingham Lane

Portland, MA 01972
Occupation: Accountant

Membership type: .x_ individual _ family

six months .x_ one year

What classes are you interested in?

_ swimming .x_ tennis _ squash _ fitness training

Do you want a locker? .x_ yes no

Please enclose your check, made payable to CHFC.

1 9 1 . What is one thing you cannot do at the 194. What is Jonathan Siebold's job?
City Health and Fitness Center? (A) Fitness trainer
(A) Have lunch (B) Accountant
(B) Go ru n ni ng (C) Health club director
(C) Learn to swim (D) Professional athlete
(D) Buy a tennis racket
1 95 . Why will Jonathan Siebold have to call the
192. How much will Jonathan Siebold pay for health club?
his memb ersh ip? (A) To sign up for a class
(A) $255 (B) To request an application
(B) $300 (C) To find out about lockers
(C) $425 (D) To get the discount
(D) $500

193. What class does Jonathan Siebold want to

(A) Swimming
(B) Tennis
(C) Squash
(D) Fitness Training

Reading Test 259

Questions 196-200 refer to the following two e-mails.

To: Tamara Burke

From: Jamal Watson
Subject: placing orders

I recently discovered your website and am very interested in ordering supplies from
you for our office. Your products are stylish and environmentally friendly at the same
time. That's a hard combination to find! Currently, I am interested in ordering the
energy-saving desk lamps and tl1e desktop organizers. In me near future I will also
need some of me recycled photocopier paper and envelopes. While you have a detailed
price list, your website did not have any information on volume discounts. I make
frequent large orders of supplies such as paper and printer ink for my office, and I
would like to order from your company if you offer volume discounts.

For right now, I would like to order five desk lamps and five desktop organizers. Please let
me know tl1e total cost, including shipping. Thank you for your help.

Jamal Watson

To: Jamal Watson

From: Tamara Burke
Subject: re: placing orders

Dear Mr.Watson:

Thank you for your interest in Office Things. We appreciate your business. In answer to
your question, we do offer volume discounts on certain items. For example, photocopier
paper is normally $5 a package. If you order a small box of paper ( I 0 packages), the price
is$40 a box. Large boxes (25 packages) are $75 each. Shipping is free on all orders over
$200. For smaller orders, shipping costs I 0% of the total price of the order. Unfortunately,
we do not offer discounts on office furniture, such as the lamps and organizers you
mentioned. As noted on our website, the lamps are $10 each, and the organizers are $8
each. You may also be interested in our line of desks and desk chairs since they are made
out of I 00% recycled materials. Visit our website for more information. Please let me
know if you have any further questions.


Tamara Burke

260 Practice TOEIC Test 2

196. What is the information that Mr. Watson 199. What is true about the desk lamps?
could not find on the website? (A) They don't have a discount.
(A) Price list (B) They use a lot of electricity.
(B) Discounts on large orders (C) They are made of recycled materials.
( C) How to order paper and envelopes (D) They are cheaper than the organizers.
(D) E-mail address of the sales department
200. Why does Ms. Burke think Mr. Watson will
197. If Mr. Watson orders three large boxes of like the desks and desk chairs?
paper, what will he pay for shipping? (A) They are stylish.
(A) $0 (B) They have free shipping.
(B) $7.50 (C) They have a 1 0% discount.
(C) $ 1 2.00 (D) They are environmentally friendly.
(D) $22.50

198. What will he pay for his lamps and

organizers, with shipping?
(A) $44
(B) $55
(C) $90
(D) $99

This is the end of the test. If you finish early, you may check your work in Parts 5, 6, and 7.

Reading Test 261

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