Digital Citizenship: Unit 13

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At the end of this lesson, the
students should be able to:
1. Identify different elements of
Digital Citizenship

2. Be a responsible Digital Citizen

3. Learn the different practices of

being a good citizen in the digital
Internet and technology is very affordable
this time, even the young kid can browse
the online world in one click of the finger.

As a responsible person, we must always

bear in our mind that every actions should
have a corresponding responsibility. So
today, you will be learning on the different
practices of being a good citizen in the
digital world.
Digital Citizenship
is a term use to a social responsibility in the
digital world. It involves the appropriate and
responsible use of technology to all
users. It is more than being safe online.

is a term use to describe a person who uses the
online and technology world safely and
responsibly. As a digital citizen, we need to have
the ability to discern what is positive to share
online and what should not be exposed.
Respecting others works and giving proper
credits is a must to a digital citizen.
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
1.Digital Access
is the ability to fully participate
in digital society. This includes access to
tools and technologies, such as the
Internet and computers, that allow for
full participation.

Unfortunately, not everyone has

complete digital access and therefore,
are not able to fully participate
in digital society. ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
2.Digital Commerce
Digital commerce is not e-commerce, and
that's an important distinction to make.
E-commerce is online selling - set up a
website and sell your products and

“Gartner defines digital commerce as:

The buying and selling of goods and
services using the Internet, mobile
networks, and commerce infrastructure.” ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
3.Digital Communication
and Collaboration
It focuses on how you work with people, join in
and connect through digital means. ...

Communicating with others using a variety of

different tools such as email, social media,
photo sharing, presentations and video. ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
4.Digital Etiquette
netiquette as it is sometimes referred to,
is a basic set of rules pertaining to
behavior that needs to be followed to
ensure the Internet is better for all users.

Basically it means “the use of good

manners in online communication such as
e-mail, forums, blogs, and social
networking sites. ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

5. Digital fluency
Digital fluency is the ability to effectively
and ethically interpret information,
discover meaning, design content,
construct knowledge, and communicate
ideas in a digitally connected world. ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
6.Digital Health
Digital health and wellness is the ability
to use technology like computers and
phones and not use it too much to the
point of hurting your mind or your body. ›
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
7. Digital law
can be defined as the legal rights and
restrictions governing technology
use. In today's world, many people
are not responsible digital citizens.

They are criminals, breaking the law,

either knowing or not knowing, what
is appropriate or inappropriate
technology use. › digital-law
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
8. Digital Rights &
Digital rights and responsibilities is having
the right and freedom to use all types of
digital technology while using the technology
in an acceptable and appropriate manner. As
a user of digital technology, you also have
the right to privacy and the freedom of
personal expression. › site › digital-rights-and-responsibilities

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
9. Digital Security and
Digital security is an all-encompassing term which
includes the tools you can use to secure your identity,
assets and technology in the online and mobile world.
These tools you can use to protect your identity
include anti-virus software, web services, biometrics
and secure personal devices you carry with you
everyday. › what-is-digital-security

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