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CLASS TUTORIAL 3 (Individual)- Mark for exact value n unit

1. A process that take 2 mol of ammonia from an initial state of P = 1.5 bar and 150ºC to
a state of P = 3 bar and T 300 ºC. Determine the heat transfer in (cal) using ideal gas
heat capacity. (6 marks)
Q = nΔU = Cv dT
Cv = Cp –R

T1 = 423.15 T2= 573.15 K

= R ʃ ( 3.578 + 3.02 x 10e-3 (T) – 0.186 x 10e5 (T^-2) – 1 dT

Q = 1193.9 cal/mol = 2387.8 cal

2. i The experimental value of pressure generated when 1.5 mole of methane is stored in
a volume of 600 cm3 at 50 ºC is 60 bar.

i) Determine the pressure (bar) generated when 1.5 mole of methane is stored in
a volume of 600 cm3 at 50 ºC using Van der Walls EOS.
(10 marks)
P = RT / (V-b) - a / V2

a = (27/64 )( R2T2c/Pc) = (83.14 cm3 .bar/mol.K x 190.6 K) 2 /(45.99 bar )

a = 2303489.38 cm6 .bar/mol2

b = RTc / 8Pc = (83.14 x 190.6 K) / (8 x 45.99 bar)

b = 43.07 cm3/mol

P = (83.14 mol.K x (50 +273.15) K) / (400 cm 3/mol – 43.07 cm3/mol)

- (2303489.38 cm6 . bar /mol2 / (400 cm3/mol)2 )

P = 75.27 bar – 14.4 bar = 60.87 bar.

ii) Determine the pressure generated using ideal gas equation. Then compare the
result. (2 marks)

P = (83.14 (50 +273.15)K / 400 cm3/mol
P = 67.17 bar

iii) Compare the result in (i) and (ii) with the experimental value through
percentage error. (2 marks)

% V.D.Waal = (60.87-60 / 60) = 1.45%

% Ideal Gas = (67.17 – 60/ 60) = 11.95%

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