Verbal Ability - 5 Reading Comprehension - 1 (Introduction and Strategy) Answers and Explanations

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CEX–3005/18 Verbal Ability – 5 GRE

Reading Comprehension – 1 (Introduction and Strategy)

Answers and Explanations
1 B 2 - 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 - 9 C 10 B
11 B 12 B,C 13 A,B 14 - 15 D 16 B 17 - 18 C 19 E 20 C
21 B 22 C 23 - 24 B 25 -

1. B The correct answer is in the sentence beginning with 5. C The author explains the rise of the Swedish timber
“Both men recognize… failure”. Also, the very next industry in a very matter-of-fact tone. The language of
sentence mentions that American elementary and the passage hints at no bias whatsoever. The author
secondary schools “are working to produce… takes an absolutely “non-judgmental” stance on the
increased economic inequality and cultural concerned issue, which makes Choice C correct.
homogeneity.” Therefore, Choice B is correct. This also rules out Choices B, D and E. Choice A may
seem the correct choice due to the presence of the
Choice A is incorrect because it is mentioned that word “exploitation” in the passage. The author uses
Canada has established Harlem Children’s Zone which the word “exploitation” while relating the growth of
provides “significant opportunities for young people”. the Swedish timber industry in terms of “utilization” of
The passage does not mention that American the forests. In the context of the passage, “exploitation”
education does not provide opportunities for young doesn’t have any negative connotations one usually
people. Choice C can also be eliminated because it is associates with it. Therefore, Choice A cannot be the
highlighted that only Canada and not Taylor has correct option.
established an institution which is parallel to the
American education system. 6. B Choice A is ruled out as the timber-frontier movement
was one of the various factors that contributed to the
2. The correct answer is the second sentence (“Both growth of the timber industry. The author mentions the
men … failure”), the only sentence in the passage timber-frontier movement mainly in order to show how
that states the gist of Canada’s and Taylor’s argument. it played a major role in the shift towards the exploitation
of the “new, unexploited old- growth forests”, which
3. C In the passage, “evolved” has not been used in the in turn fuelled the rise in the timber export value. Thus,
positive sense of adapting to the changing Choice B is correct. Search for pine forests
requirements of the situation but in the negative sense containing large-diameter timber was one of the
of becoming worse than its earlier state. Therefore, reasons for the exploitation of the old-growth forests
the one that comes closest to this meaning is Choice further inland and further north on the Scandinavian
C “developed”. peninsula. It is not the motive behind the mention of the
movement. Therefore, Choice C is incorrect.
4. B The author describes the rise of the Swedish sawmill
industry by tracing its development from the nineteenth 7. B The passage frequently raises the question about
century and concludes by talking about the booming what makes “a life spent in the studio bearable”. The
timber exports.. Therefore, answer Choice B is fact that painters spend their entire lives working with
correct. The timber frontier movement and its role in paint is given as an argument for the importance of the
the exploitation of the Swedish forests are discussed act of painting. So Choice B can be inferred from the
only in the beginning of the second paragraph. This passage. The passage also states that depicting things
makes Choice A unsuitable to be the main idea of the is an important part of painting, but “it floats on the top
passage. The phrase “northern Sweden” in answer of awareness”. This suggests that painting appeals to
Choice C makes it incorrect, as the option becomes painters on a more fundamental level. The passage
too limited to be considered the main idea. Answer conceptualizes two aspects of painting- painting as
Choice D is wrong as the collusion between the an end product, “a framed object” and painting as “the
farmers and the industries is only one of the factors act of painting”. But it also states that neither of these
which led to the expansion of the timber industry. In aspects “is complete without the other”. Hence Choice
the passage, the author’s main purpose is to provide C is incorrect.
an account of the various factors that contributed to
the growth of timber exports and not the total value of
Sweden’s exports. Thus, Choice E is incorrect.

VA / Exercise – 5 Page 1
8. The correct answer is the eighth sentence 14. Last sentence of the 3rd paragraph (“Conventions
(“Certainly depicting … top of awareness”), the only also, however, disguise the assumptions that makers
sentence in the passage that most clearly identifies bring to the project, and make the presentation of the
representation of objects as an important part of particular facts and scenes seem inevitable to the
painting. audience”.) This sentence implies that the audience,
to a certain extent, passively accepts what is shown
9. C Choice C is the correct answer. The passage is in the documentary.
concerned with underscoring the importance of paint
in painting and to painters. While the passage alludes 15. D The passage mentions that documentaries usually
to the hardships of painting as a profession, it is more require sophisticated editing. So Choice D is
concerned with finding a reason why painters still addressed in the passage. There is nothing in the
find such a life rewarding. The passage does not passage to indicate that documentaries engage
compare depiction in painting with depiction in other audience attention more easily than other films do.
art forms. The passage does not establish a clear link The passage states that documentaries employ
between the act of painting and the appreciation of conventions that make it simpler for the filmmaker to
paintings. share her/his perspective with the viewer. The
passage mentions that the director might ask the
10. B The dictionary-meaning of the word “autochthonous” subjects for retakes when making a documentary.
is “native”, which means something that belongs to a
particular place by birth or origin. Choice B 16. B In the second paragraph, the author states that “By
“indigenous” is a synonym of “native”. All other answer triggering hundreds of thousands of high-speed
choices do not conform to the intended meaning. collisions each second, physicists using the LHC hope
to break subatomic particles into even more basic
11. B The author mentions the word “Java” to be a likely forms of matter, which can be used to study what the
derivative of an ancient Sanskrit term “Djawa” in order universe was like a trillionth of a second after the big
to highlight the ancientness of Indonesian civilization. bang.” Therefore Choice B is the correct answer
Also the fact that the given Sanskrit word vaguely because it lays down the process through which the
means “rice island” supports the author’s proposition quark-gluon plasma was formed. Choice A is incorrect
that rice and its cultivation hold a unique position in the because it states that the plasma “fused immediately”
historic Indonesian civilization since the beginning. whereas the third paragraph merely states “It’s thought
Choice B is the correct answer because it that, as the universe cooled, the quark-gluon plasma
convincingly answers what has been asked. Choices that existed after the big bang coalesced to form matter
A, D and E only partially answer the question. Choice as we know it today.” Since there is no mention of the
C is irrelevant to the question. time period involved in the cooling process, this option
is incorrect. The first sentence of the last paragraph
12. B,C In the passage, the author states that, “…the intricate mentions that “Some theories predict that, in the
technique in Javanese irrigated rice culture has been extreme heat of the very early universe, quarks and
regarded by most scholars as an autochthonous gluons would have been even more widely spaced,
Indonesian institution …” This implies that the said creating a quark-gluon plasma that behaved like a gas.”
technique was probably native to Indonesians who However, it should be noted that this is a mere
brought it with them when they came to Java. Hence theoretical possibility and it cannot be said that the
Choice C is correct. Choice A can be ruled out plasma turned from gas to liquid after the big bang.
because the passage does not mention that rice was Hence Choice C is incorrect
an unfamiliar crop in the Malay Archipelago before the
Indonesians. The author mentions that rice is 17. The last sentence of the first paragraph (”If you had
“inextricably intertwined” with the religion of various a cubic centimeter of this stuff, it would weigh 40
ethnic groups. Hence, Choice B is also correct. billion tons,” he added.”)This is the only sentence in
the passage which quantifies the density of quark-
13. A,B The passage explains how documentarians utilize gluon plasma.
many of the same techniques that fiction filmmakers
do. It goes on to state that documentaries are created 18. C In the first paragraph, the author states that “While
to be emotional journeys for the audience. It can be Churchland’s intellectual opponents over the years
inferred from the passage that Else’s documentary have suggested that you can understand the
was to portray Oppenheimer as a scientist who “software” of thinking, independently of the
anguished over his responsibilities and that Else “hardware”— the brain structure and neuronal firings
wanted to recast the scientist as something of a — she has responded that this metaphor doesn’t work
modern Hamlet. Choices A and B can both be inferred with the brain.” Therefore, Choice C is the only one
from the passage. that can be inferred according the detail mentioned in
the passage. The passage is about Churchland’s

Page 2 VA / Exercise – 5
views on philosophy and its association with 22. C Though protocol can mean any of the given options,
neuroscience. Moreover, her assertions are not but in the particular context it refers to Choice C – a
directly about neuroscience, making Choice A incorrect. detailed plan of action for a medical or scientific
Choice B is also eliminated because she agrees with procedure. Choice E is also a close option but given
Hume but it would be incorrect to call him the “inspiration” the medical connotations of the usage of the word,
for her treatise. Choice C is a better alternative.

19. E It has been clearly stated in the passage that “When 23. The correct answer is the first sentence (“Knowing
she learned of oxytocin’s … larger moral systems.” the course … his career”) of the eighth paragraph.
Hence, Choice E is the correct answer. Choice A is It is the only sentence in the passage that discusses
incorrect because nothing is mentioned in the passage the significance and potential use of the various
about the relationship between oxytocin and neuronal research efforts directed towards understanding brain
firings. Choice B can be ruled out because it is the injuries in NFL athletes.
prefrontal cortex and not oxytocin which plays an
instrumental role during a crisis. Choice C is not 24. B The passage describes the illusion called the
mentioned in the passage. Choice D is not “cutaneous rabbit” to demonstrate that our
substantiated by the passage as the author does not consciousness influences our perception of time. This
mention the role played by oxytocin in distinguishing is the point made in Choice B, which is the correct
between acceptable and just behavior. answer. While the passage mentions the “contents of
consciousness”, it does not describe these contents.
20. C Choice C is clearly and directly inferred from the first This makes Choice C incorrect Choice D is incorrect
sentence of paragraph five. Choice A can be eliminated because the passage does not talk about how our
because the study does not include or provide any brain functions. The passage does not address any
information as to when the non-playing peers started myths surrounding consciousness hence, Choice E is
showing symptoms of MCI. Choice B can be eliminated incorrect.
because it talks about illness in general.
25. The correct answer is the last sentence of the
21. B The last sentence of paragraph five clearly states passage. (“Perhaps, if this apparently natural
that “....although MCI can lead to other forms of distinction is causing so much trouble, we should
dementia and some patients never get worse.” Hence abandon it.”) The passage suggests that we need to
MCI doesn’t necessarily have to lead to any form of stop thinking that things must always be either “in” or
dementia. Therefore Choice B is not supported by “out” of consciousness-that we need to give up this
the passage. The first sentence of paragraph seven distinction.
mentions that CTE is sometimes confused with
Alzheimer’s. Hence they must necessarily be distinct.
Therefore answer Choice A is incorrect. The first
paragraph describes how athletes often lie about their
concussion states and inadvertently risk their health
so that they can play and retain their jobs. Therefore
Choice C is incorrect. Choice D is supported by
paragraph seven while Choice E is supported by the
second paragraph .

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