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Cover illustration: Frans Hals, Regentessen Oude lvIannenhuis, 1664, Frans
Halsmuseum Haarlem Table of Contents

Preface 9

1 The State of the Art in Argumentation Theory II

Frans H. van Eemeren

1.1The Study of Argumentation 11

1.2 Some Crucial Concepts 17

1.3 Overview of the Book 23
Bibliography 25

2 Points ofYiew 27
Peter Houtlosser

2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Different Approaches to Points of View 28
2.2.1 Classical and Formal Dialectic 28
2.2.2 Pragma-Dialectics 30
2·2.3 Socio-Psychological Research of Persuasion 33
Cover design: Jaak Crasborn bno, Valkenburg aid Geul 2·2.4 Cognitive Research on Reasoning 34
Lay-out: Adriaan de longe,Amsterdam 2.2·5 Argumentative Discourse Analysis 35
2.2.6 Structuralist Informal Logic 36
NUG l 94 1 2.2·7 Procedural Informal Logic 38
ISBN 90 5356523 x 2.2.8 Advocacy and Debate 39
2·2.9 Communicative Action Theory 40
© Sic Sa t, Arnsterdani, 2001 2·3 Starting Points for Further Research 42
Bibliography 48
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyrights reserved above, no
part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner
and the author of this book.
3 Unexpressed Premises 51 5 Argumentation Structures 101
Susanne Gerritsen A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans

3.1 Introduction 51 5·1 Introduction 101

3.2 Two Traditional Approaches 52 5·2 Historical Overview 102
3.3 The Deductive-Inductive Distinction 55 5.2.1 Classical Rhetoric 103
3.3. 1 Pluralism 55 5·2.2 Enlightenment Rhetoric 105
3.3.2 Modern Deductivism 57 5·2·3 The EarlyTextbooks 107
3.3.3 Neither Pluralist, nor Deductivist 59 5·3 Current Approaches 111
3-4 The Nature of the Unexpressed Premise 61 5·3·1 The Textbook Distinctions III
3+1 Confusion over Definitions 61 5·3·2 TheoreticalApproaches 119
3-4.2 The Unexpressed Premise as a Gap-Filler 65 5·4 Methods of Analysis in Doubtful Cases 124
3-4.3 Used or Needed Premise 67 5·5 Conclusion 126
3.5 The Role of Context 68 Bibliography 132
3.5.1 The Meaning of'Context' 69
3.5.2 The Position of the Analyst 71
3.6 Argument Schemes 72 6 Fallacies 135
3·7 Conclusion 74 Frans H. van Eemeren
Bibliography 76
6.1 Introduction 135
6.2 Brief History of the Study of Fallacies 136
4 Argument Schemes 81 6.2.1 The Aristotelian Approach to Fallacies 136
Bart Garssen 6.2.2 Idols and Sophisms 141
6.2·3 The Ad Fallacies 142
4.1 Introduction 81 6.2-4 Syllogistic and Inductive Fallacies 144
4.2 Argument Schemes and Finding Arguments 82 6.2·5 The Treatment of Fallacies in Logic Textbooks 145
4.2.1 The Classical Topical Tradition 82 6·3 Modern Theoretical Approaches to the Fallacies 149
4.2.2 Whately's Rhetoric 83 6.3. 1 Hamblin's Criticisms of the Standard Treatment 149
4.2.3 Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's New Rhetoric 84 6.3. 2 Post-Hamblin Treatments of the Fallacies 153
4.3 Argument Schemes and the Evaluation of Argumentation 86 6·3·3 The Woods-Walton Approach 154
4.3.1 American Textbooks on Academic Debate 86 6·3-4 The Formal-Dialectical Approach 156
4.3.2 Hastings' Classification of Types of Warrants 87 6·3·5 The Pragma-DialecticalApproach 157
4.3.3 Schellens' Reasonable Argument Forms 89 6·3·6 Walton's Pragmatic Approach 159
4.3-4 The Pragma-Dialectical Typology of Argument Schemes 91 Bibliography 161
4-4 Argument Schemes and the Description of Argumentative Discourse 93
4·5 Conclusion 94
Bibliography 98
7 Argument Interpretation and Reconstruction 165
M. Agnes van Rees

7.1 Introduction 165

7. 2 Argument Interpretation 166 . .
7. 2 . 1 General Characteristics of Discourse OrgamzatIOn
7.2. 2 Features of Argumentative Discourse 170
7. 2.3 Cognitive Processes 175
All argumentation theorists' contributions to the study of argumentation,
7.3 Argument Reconstruction 177
from whatever perspective they originate and whatever approach they advo-
7.3.1 Logic 178 cate, are aimed at furthering the development of argumentation theory.
7.3.2 Informal Logic 179 Some of these contributions involve purportedly original and creative ampli-
7.3.3 Rhetoric 183 fications of the discipline. They are all of vital importance to the advancement
7.3-4 Pragma-Dialectics 185 of the study of argumentation. Other contributions such as translations of
7.4 Conclusion 190 scholarly insight and research findings from argumentation theory into lay
Bibliography 193 language, course books for students and surveys that offer would-be re-
searchers a systematic overview of central parts or aspects of the field, are also
indispensable to the vitality of the discipline but serve the discipline in a dif-
8 Argumentation in the Field of Law 201
ferent way: Crucial Concepts in Argumentation Theoryaspires to belong to this
Eveline T. Feteris last category.
The research group of the Department of Speech Communication,
8.1 Introduction 201 Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric at the University of Amsterdam intends
8.2 Different Approaches to Legal Argumentation 203 to contribute to the theoretical advancement of the study of argumentation
8.2.1 The Logical Approach 203 by developing a pragma-dialectical approach to argumentative discourse.
8.2.2 The Rhetorical Approach 204 Among the results of their efforts published in English are Speech Acts in Ar-
8.2·3 The Dialogical Approach 208 gumentative Discussions and Argumentation, Communication and Fallacies
8·3 Topics in the Research of Legal Argumentation (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1984 and 1992, respectively), Analysing
8.3. 1 The Philosophical Component 209 Complex Argumentation (Snoeck Henkemans 1992), Studies in Pragma-Di-
8.3. 2 The Theoretical Component 210 alectics (edited by Van Eemeren and Grootendorst in 1994) and Recon-
8.).3 The Analytical Component 211 structing Argumentative Discourse (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst, together
8·3·4 The Empirical Component 212 with Sally Jackson and Scott Jacobs, 1994). An introductory course book
8·3·5 The Practical Component 213 based on pragma-dialectical insight is Argumentation by van Eemeren, Groo-
8.4 Conclusion 214 tendorst and Snoeck Henkemans (2001). And a general overview of the vari-
Bibliography 216 ous theoretical approaches to the study of argumentation from the past to the
present is provided in Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory, an interna-
tional co-production by Van Eemeren, Grootendorst, and Snoeck Henke-
Index of Names 227 mans with contributions by J. Anthony Blair, Ralph Johnson, Christian Plan-
tin, Douglas N. Walton, Charles A. Willard, John Woods, and David Zarefsky
Index of Terms 230 (1996). The book was later followed by its legal equivalent, Fundamentals of
LegalArgumentation (Feteris 1999).
The Contributors 237 Crucial Concepts in Argumentation Theory relates most closely to publica-

tions intended to be helpful to students of argumentation such as Argumenta-
tion and Fundamentals. The book consists of a series of overviews of the state 1 The State of the Art in Argumentation Theory
of the art in prominent research areas in the study of argumentation. The au-
thors, Frans H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Susanne Gerritsen, Bart Frans H. van Eemeren
Garssen, A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, M. Agnes van Rees and Eveline T.
Feteris, aim to provide readers with accurate surveys of the main views and
approaches favored in argumentation studies. Most of the contributions have
already been published in an earlier version of the journal Argumentation.
They have all been revised considerably for this book. The authors would like 1.1 The Studyof Argumentation
to thank all of their colleagues in the community of argumentation scholars
constituted by the International Society for the Study of Argumentation A survey of crucial concepts in argumentation theory cannot proceed with-
OSSA) for their help in the shaping of their ideas and texts. With regard to the out a short introduction regarding the state of argumentation scholarship.
current project, they are particularly grateful to J. Anthony Blair, Trudy Govi- What is the subject matter of the study of argumentation? Argumentation
er, Hans Hansen, Scott Jacobs, Erik C.W. Krabbe, Michael Leff, Leah Polcar, can be defined as a verbal, social and rational activity aimed at convincing a
Douglas N. Walton and John Woods, and to Paul Nagtegaal for his invaluable reasonable critic ofthe acceptability ofa standpoint by advancing a constellation
technical help in preparing the manuscript for publication. May Crucial Con- ofpropositions justifying or refuting the proposition expressed in the standpoint
cepts in Argumentation Theory be a helpful aid and resource for students of ar- (Van Eemeren et aI.1996). This definition does justice to the "process-product
ambiguity" of the word "argumentation" because it not only refers to the ac-
tivity of advancing reasons but also to the shorter or longer text that results
Frans H. van Eemeren from it.
Amsterdam, January 19, 2001 One of the essential characteristics of argumentation is that it always per-
tains to a specific point of view with regard to a certain issue. The speaker or
writer who advances argumentation defends this "standpoint" to a listener or
reader who doubts the acceptability of the standpoint or has a different stand-
point. The subsequent argumentation is aimed at convincing the listener or
reader of the acceptability of the standpoint. When someone advances argu-
mentation, that person makes an appeal to reasonableness and silently as-
sumes that the listener or reader will act as a reasonable critic when evaluating
the argumentation. Otherwise it would not make sense to advance a certain
line of argumentation.
It is the task of argumentation theorists to determine which soundness cri-
teria should be satisfied for the argumentation to be called r~asonable. Many
argumentation theorists inspired by logic, study argumentation for norma-
tive purposes. There are also argumentation theorists however who pursue
merely a descriptive goal. Linguistically oriented scholars in textual and dis-
course analysis are often only interested in describing how, with varying de-
grees of success, language users make use of argumentation to convince oth-
ers. Although in current research practice both extremes are represented,
most argumentation theorists take a middle position. Their starting point is
that the study of argumentation has a normative as well as a descriptive di-

The study of argumentation has thus far not resulted in a universally accepted Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's contribution to argumentation theory con-
theory. The current state of the art is characterized by the co-existence of a va- sists, first of all, of an extensive list of elements that can serve as a point of de-
riety of approaches, differing considerably in conceptualization, scope and parture or as an argument scheme when constructing the argumentation that
degree of theoretical refinement, albeit that all the modern approaches are should convince or persuade the audience. With the help of a "quasi-logical"
strongly influenced by classical and post-classical rhetoric and dialectic. To- argument scheme, which resembles a logically valid argument form in some
gether with approaches of a more limited scope or a less developed research way, one can, for instance, sometimes achieve the effect that the public con-
program, the most important approaches are discussed in considerable detail siders the standpoint defended in a reasonable way. Another way of justifying
in Fundamentals ofArgumentation Theory (Van Eemeren et aI.1996).As an in- a standpoint is the use of an argument scheme, such as analogy, "that struc-
troduction to the great variety in the field, I shall present a brief overview of tures reality;' so that the audience will conclude that the defended standpoint
these theoretical contributions. is in a similar way acceptable as a different kind of standpoint that they al-
ready accept.

Toulmin's Model ofAnalysis

Informal Logic
Toulmin's The Uses ofArgument, which appeared in 1958, is known mainly for
the model of argumentation presented in this book. This model represents Because some researchers were dissatisfied with the way argumentation was
the "procedural form" of argumentation or the various steps that can be dis- being treated in introductory logic textbooks, an approach to argumentation
tinguished in the defense of a standpoint or claim. According to Toulmin, the known as. informal logic was propagated in Canada and the United States in
soundness of argumentation is primarily determined by the degree to which the early seventies. Since 1978, the journal Informal Logic, edited by Blair and
the warrant, which connects the data adduced in the argumentation with the Johnson, has been the voice of the informal logic movement. Informal logic is
claim that is defended, is made acceptable by a backing. not a new kind oflogic, but an approach to the normative study of argumen-
The procedural form of argumentation is in Toulmin's view"field indepen- tation in ordinary language which remains closer to the practice of argumen-
dent." This means that the steps that are taken - and which are represented in tation than formallogic (Blair and Johnson 1987).
the model- are always the same, irrespective of the subject the argumentation Informal logicians would like to develop norms and procedures for inter-
refers to. The type of backing required, however, is dependent on the field to preting, assessing and construing argumentation. Their starting point is the
which the question at issue belongs. An ethical justification, for instance, re- notion that argumentation should be sound in a logical sense. Apart from the
quires a different kind of backing than a legal justification. Toulmin thus con- fact that it is clear that something else is meant by this than that the arguments
cludes that the evaluation criteria for determining the soundness of argu- used must be valid in a formal-logical sense, it is not yet clear,however, exactly
mentation are "field dependent." what. It is clear, however, that informal logicians are primarily interested in
the relations between premises and conclusions in arguments and it is also
clear that their interest is not restricted to reasoning aimed at convincing.
Perelman and Olbrechts- Tyteca's New Rhetoric Johnson and Blair (197711993) have indicated what they have in mind when
they refer to an informal logical alternative for the formal criterion of deduc-
Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca in La nouvelle rhetorique (1958, English trans- tive validity. In their view, the premises of an argument have to meet three cri-
lation 1969) provide an inventory of frequently-used "argumentation tech- teria: (1) relevance (2) sufficiency and (3) acceptability. These criteria are in-
niques." They regard argumentation as sound if it adduces (greater) assent troduced in Logical Self-Defense; they are adopted, sometimes under different
with the standpoint that is defended among the audience the argumentation names, by other informal logicians (e.g., Govier 1987). When considering
is aimed at. Thus, in the new rhetoric, the soundness of argumentation is "relevance," the question is whether there is an adequate substantial relation
measured against its effect on the target group. This target group may consist between the premises and the conclusion of an argument. While in the case of
of a "particular audience;' but it can also be the "universal audience": the peo- "sufficiency", the question is whether the premises provide enough evidence
ple who, for the speaker or writer, are the embodiment of reasonableness. for the conclusion; in the case of "acceptability'; whether the premises them-
selves are true, probable, or in some other way trustworthy.


te~pt to formula~e :'problem-sound" rules that are instrumental in resolving
RadicalArgumentativism a dIfference of opmlOn. These rules must also be "conventionally valid" in the
sense that they are inter-subjectively acceptable (Barth and Krabbe 1982: 21-
Ducrot and Anscombre, in the early seventies, developed in a number of - al-
22). When designing a procedure for language users who would like to resolve
most exclusively French - publications a linguistic approach to language use
a dispute by means of a critical dialogue, the "new dialecticians" make use of
and argumentation. Because Anscombre and Ducrot (19 83) believe that all
the ideas put forth by Crawshay-Williams and Naess as well as the ideas of
verbal utterances that lead the listener or reader to a certain conclusion - of-
Lorenzen, Lorenz and other members of the Erlangen School.
ten implicitly _ always involve argumentative relations, they refer to their the-
The first initiatives towards a new dialectic have already been presented by
oretical position as radical argumentativism. Barth and Krabbe. In From Axiom to Dialogue they described a "formal-di-
Ducrot and Anscombre's descriptive approach is characterized by a great
« » « 1 h)) «(b ))" "(( t'll" «b e" alectical" procedure to determine whether a standpoint can be maintained in
interest in words such as only, no ess t an, ut, even, s I , ecaus
the light of certain starting points or "concessions." The term formal dialectics
and "so", which can serve as argumentative "operators" or "connectors" and
was introduced earlier by Hamblin (1970). The indication "formal" refers to
give the utterances a certain argumentative force and argumentative direction.
the strictl~ regimented character of the dialogue games. In dialogue logic an
In a certain context, the sentence "The ring costs only one hundred euros" can
argum~~t IS prese~ted as a dialogue game between a "proponent" and an "op-
point to a conclusion such as "Buy that ring", Meanwhile, the sentence "The
ponent of a theSIS. Together these two parties try to establish whether the
ring costs no less than one hundred euros" points instead to a conclusion such
thesis can be defended successfully against critical attacks. In the defense, the
as"Do not buy that ring". . propo~ent can make use of the propositions the opponent is prepared to
Another observation made by Ducrot andAnscombre is that a word such as
commIt to. The proponent attempts to bring the opponent into a contradic-
"but" only determines the direction of the conclusion that is suggested by the
tory position by skillfully exploiting these concessions. If the proponent suc-
sentence, not the content of this conclusion. This content is also dependent
ceeds, the thesis has been successfully defended given the concessions (ex con-
on the context and the situation in which the sentence is uttered. Whatever
conclusion may be drawn in a specific context, the presence of the word "but"
in all cases causes this conclusion to be the opposite of, and also stronger than,
Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions by Van Eemeren and Grootendorst
the conclusion that has to be drawn from the part of the sentence preceding
(1984) developed a theory of argumentation called pragma-dialectics, which
"but". According to Ducrot and Anscombre, the opposite standpoints sug-
immediately connects with formal dialectics, but is also different. The agree-
gested by"but" in a sentence such as "Paul is rich, but he is married", select two
ment is expressed in the term dialectics; the replacement of formal by pragma
different "argumentative principles" which are on a par with the topoi of clas-
(for "~rag~atic") refers to the differences. The pragmatic elements in prag-
sical rhetoric (Van Eemeren et al. 1996). N0lke (199 2), in this example, as-
ma-dialectlcs concerning speech acts and discourse analysis are primarily in-
sumes that these are "The more someone has the property of being rich, the
spired by insights of "ordinary language philosophers"; the dialectical ele-
more attractive it is for a woman to get to know him better" and "The more
ments are inspired by the insights from the work of "critical rationalists" such
someone is tied to another woman, the less attractive it is for a woman to get
as Karl Popper.
.I~ the ~ragma-dialectical ideal model of a critical'discussion, four stages are
to know him better': In this case, the latter topos is a stronger argument than
the first, which is as it were put aside - overruled - by the latter. Thus, the last
dIstmgUlshed. In the confrontation stage, a participant in the discussion puts
topos determines the eventual argumentative direction of the sentence, which
forward a standpoint while a second participant either expresses doubt con-
leads to an implicit conclusion such as "It is no use trying to get to know Paul
cerning the acceptability of the standpoint or he or she contradicts it. In the
better". opening stage, which is in practice often largely implicit, the participants who
ac~ept the roles of "protagonist" and "antagonist" of the standpoint deter-
mme what the discussion's point of departure is. Here the question becomes
Modern Dialectical Approaches what are the common starting points and which rules are being observed?
The prot~gonist begins to advance an argument in the argumentation stage to
To modern dialecticians, argumentation is part of a procedure to resolve a
defend hIS or her standpoint and adds, if necessary, new arguments to answer
difference of opinion by means of a regulated discussion. Dialecticians at-


further critical reactions. If the advanced arguments lead to the acceptance of
the process of resolving a difference of opinion. They think that an argumen-
the standpoint by the antagonist in the concluding stage, the difference of
tative text or discussion can be reconstructed with more subtlety, and can be
opinion has been resolved; this is also the case if the protagonist withdraws
more fully accounted for, if the strategic maneuvering that takes place in each
the standpoint because of the antagonist's critical reactions.
dialectical stage of the selection from among the "topical potential" (the pos-
Besides an ideal model of the speech acts performed in the various stages of
sible discussion moves) available in the discussion stage concerned, the adap-
a critical discussion by a protagonist and an antagonist who make an attempt
tation to the wishes of the audience and the use of presentational devices is in-
to resolve their difference of opinion in a reasonable way, the pragma-dialec- vestigated.
tical discussion procedure also includes a series of basic rules which together
constitute a code of conduct for reasonable discussants (Van Eemeren and
Grootendorst 1992). Each violation of a rule amounts to an incorrect discus- 1.2 Some Crucial Concepts
sion move that is an impediment to the resolution of a difference of opinion.
This can happen in each stage of the discussion. The incorrectness involved
The problems involved in the production, analysis and evaluation of argu-
generally resembles one or more of the well-known fallacies or a similar of-
mentation are approached much differently by the various theoretical contri-
fence against reasonableness.
butions to the study of argumentation. The problems argumentation theo-
rists are jointly concerned with can be elucidated by explaining some con-
cepts crucial to the theory of argumentation: "point of view", "unexpressed
Modern Rhetorical Approaches
premise'; "argument scheme': "argumentation structure': and "fallacy". This
book will make it clear that each of these concepts represents an indispens-
In recent years, a powerful re-evaluation of rhetoric has taken place. The irra-
able element in the study of argumentation. In addition, two other promi-
tional and even anti-rational image of rhetoric that has evolved during the
nent problem areas crucial to the study of argumentation will be discussed:
past centuries has now been revised. Meanwhile, the sharp division between
"methods of argument interpretation and reconstruction" and "argumenta-
rhetoric and dialectic made in the past appears in need of blurring. Several ar- tion in the field of law':
gumentation theorists have become aware that rhetoric as the study of per-
suasive techniques is not per se incompatible with maintaining a critical ideal
of reasonableness. Points ofView
It is remarkable that the rehabilitation of rhetoric in the study of argumen-
tation began at about the same time in various countries. A considerable time
It is important to recognize that verbal expressions are not "by nature" stand-
after the pioneering work of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, several argu-
points, arguments, or other units of language use which are interesting to
mentation scholars in the United States began to defend the rational qualities argumentation theorists, but only when they occur in a context where they
of rhetoric. Wenzel (1980), for one, prefers to fully credit rhetoric, but then
serve a specific function in the communication process. This means that these
emphatically in relation to logic, particularly dialectics. In France, Reboul
utterances must be specifically instrumental in achieving a certain goal. An
(1990) prefers to view rhetoric as second only to dialectics in importance. He
oral or written expression is, for instance, a pointof view, if it expresses a cer-
regards rhetoric and dialectic as different disciplines that display some over-
tain positive or negative position with respect to a proposition, thus making it
lap. Rhetoric applies dialectic to public discussions while dialectic is also a clear exactly what the speaker or writer stands for.
part of rhetoric because dialectic provides rhetoric with intellectual tools. In
In ordinary discourse, explicitness is the exception rather than the rule.
Germany, Kopperschmidt (1989) takes it a step further. He argues, viewing
Sometimes the communicative function of an utterance becomes clear after
things from a historical perspective, that rhetoric is the central concern of ar-
the event, when this function is identified by a participant ("So, that is your
gumentation theorists. In the Netherlands, Van Eemeren and Houtlosser
standpoint then, eh?'; "You have heard my major arguments"), but more of-
(1999) have pursued the integration of rhetoric's insight into their "pragma-
ten than not, no explicit identification is offered, while, moreover, the propo-
dialectical" method for analyzing argumentative discourse. In their view, sitional content of the utterance remains ambiguous.
there is a rhetorical goal corresponding with each of the dialectical stages of
Fortunately, there are some verbal indicators which specifically refer to


standpoints and argumentation, such as "therefore'; "hence", "so", "thus", logical analysis, an attempt is made to reconstruct the argument as one that
"ergo'; and "since'; "for" and "because': Some of them, like "for:' are used ret- has a valid argument form; in the pragmatic analysis, the unexpressed
rogressively to refer to a preceding standpoint; while others like "so", are used premise is then more precisely defined on the basis of contextual information
progressively, and precede the standpoint, and some such as "because:' can be and background knowledge. The logical analysis is thus instrumental to the
used either way ("I cannot do it because I am ill" and "Because I am ill I cannot achievement of a satisfactory pragmatic analysis.
do it"). The fewer the number of verbal pointers, the more necessary it is to In the absence of any contextual information or background knowledge,
make use of verbal and non-verbal contextual clues. Usually, some back- the pragmatic identification of unexpressed premises will be hard to accom-
ground knowledge of the context and the type of speech event involved, and plish. A logical analysis must then suffice. Otherwise, there is a danger that the
even some knowledge about the world, is necessary to detect these clues and added premise oversteps the mark, attributing more to the speaker than he or
put them to good use. she is actually committed to. With unexpressed standpoints we are on safer
Confusingly, formulations of standpoints and reasons may be presented in ground. Starting from the explicit premises, a logical analysis of the underly-
speech acts that are, at first sight, non-assertive, as in "Let's take an umbrella, ing argument usually leads to an unequivocal determination of the conclu-
or do you want to get wet?" Taken literally, what the speaker does here is con- sion representing the unexpressed standpoint that is being advocated.
front the listener with a proposal, followed by a question. The (rhetorical)
question, however, must be interpreted as a reason to accept the implicit
standpoint that the two should take an umbrella. To correctly determine the Argument Schemes
speaker's commitments, one must analyze this discourse as containing an im-
plicit (and indirect) standpoint defended by an implicit (and indirect) rea- It sh2!lld!12tpe !,*~!!J2!JQ·~nt~d th~t an..YQ!le who puts forward an argument
son: "We should take an umbrella,for we do not want to get wet". In the analy-
sis of such implicitness (and indirectness), and in the justification of this
analysis, an important role is usually played by general standards for reasoned
discourse and by the context (in its broadest sense) of the specific discourse
is automatically attempting to logically derive the conclusion from ili--;;-
p~;~et, in some way or another, a transfer of acceptance from the ;x-
plid!: premise to the standpoint must be aimed for. On this point, thus far, for-
mal logic does not have much to offer. Modern logicians, even when they are
cgE:,~~rn~~~~pin&~!ternative systems such as non-monotonic logic
under analysis.
and defaultlogic, seem almost unanimous in their concern with formal valid-
i!y~ertIiansuDStailtive"reraUonSb-etWeenpremises and conclusions. ~-:.
Unexpressed Premises ceEc!rating on thSJ!.J:.Ilbklm of imRlication and truth, they tend to ignore tb;
p~o~~I!1~_ of pl~usible inference and the transmission of acceptanc~
Unexpressed elements that are only implicitly present in the discourse are in The speaker or writer who puts forward an argument aims to effect a trans-
practice often the pivotal points of an argument. This is particularly true for fer of acceptance from the premises to the standpoint that makes the listener
unexpressed premises and unexpressed standpoints. In ordinary arguments, or reader accept the standpoint. Hence, the speaker attempts to design the ar-
usually one of the premises is left unexpressed. In some cases, the identifica- gument in such a fashion that it will convince the listener. Take the following
tion of the elements implicit in enthymematic argumentation is quite simple. argument: "Daniel will certainly be concerned about the costs, because he is
It is obvious, for example, that in "Amos is pig-headed because he is a teacher" an American:' When looking for an argument to defend the standpoint that
the premise that is left unexpressed is "Teachers are pig-headed': In "I am sure Daniel will be concerned about the costs, the arguer may, for example, have
that Amos is pig-headed, since all teachers are pig-headed", it is just as clear entertained an unfriendly thought like "It is typical of Americans that they are
that the unexpressed premise is: "Amos is a teacher". materialistic." From this thought, the arguer's standpoint may have been
There are also cases in which the identification of unexpressed premises backed up by the argument, the unexpressed premise being "Americans are
may cause more problems - usually, because there are several possibilities. In inclined to care a lot about money." By arguing in this manner, the speaker or
order to determine what the commitments of an arguer are, the analyst must writer is relying on a more or less ready-made argument scheme.
not only carry out a logical analysis, based on a formal validity criterion, but Argument schemes are conventionalized ways of displaying a relation be-
also a pragmatic analysis, based on standards for reasoned discourse. In the tween that which is stated in the explicit premise and that which is stated in


the standpoint. The internal organisation of each single argument can be The structure of argumentation is sometimes clearly indicated by the use of
characterized by the argument scheme being employed. Because an argu- connecting expressions such as "apart from X, Y", "Y, moreover X", and "for,
ment scheme characterizes the type of justification or refutation provided for because Y, X" respectively. Or the structure may be clear from the content of
the standpoint in a single argument by the explicit premise for the stand- the arguments. Often, however, a problem in the analysis of complex argu-
point, an analysis of the argument schemes used in a discourse produces in- mentation arises because the literal presentation makes insufficiently clear
formation regarding the principles, standards, criteria, or assumptions in- how the argumentation is structured. To solve this problem, again, all kinds of
volved in a particular attempt at justification or refutation. In most cases, contextual and other pragmatic factors need to be taken into account.
some interpretative effort is required to identify the argument scheme that is
being em ployed, i.e., to discover the topos on which the argumentation rests.
In this endeavor, again, pragmatic knowledge must be brought to bear. !\!~­ Fallacies
ment schemes are ~l!&1hes;ml~s:.P!?.s!udi<:<!Y!~~!1§iY<iYJ:!y~\l2E.~nta!io~__

l-iheon~;te- a com lementar alternative to the formal . 0 Another concept argumentation theorists are especially interested in is that
t~ndtheir v~~y !2~~Jhe point of de~arture in these studies is generally of the fallacies. \Ti!!ually~,,-erJ:'.l!9rfQi!tive ths:ory of argumentation incll!des<!.
that in argumentative discourse, dependmg on the argument scheme used, treatment of the fallacies. In some sense the quality of a normative theory of
various types of argumentation can be distinguished and that each type of argumentation canevenbeTudged from the degree to which it makes it possi-
argumentation requires that specific critical questions are answered. ble to provide an adequate analysis of the fallacies. Conversely, it stands to
reason that offering an analysis of notorious fallacies can be conducive to the
examination of the norms of sound argumentation.
Argumentation Structures According'to the standard definition, a fallacy is an argument that seems
valid but is not (Hamblin 1970: 12). Well-known objections to this definition
A central problem in the analysis of argumentative discourse is determining point out that a great number of the generally recognized fallacies are not ar-
the structure of the argumentation. The argumentation structure of a text, guments (e.g., "many questions") and others (in modern interpretations) are
speech or discussion is determined by the way the reasons advanced hang :0- not invalid arguments (e.g., petitio principii) or the fallaciousness is not due
to the invalidity of the argument (e.g., argumentum ad verecundiam, argu-
gether and jointly support the defended standpoint. An adequate evaluatIOn
of the argumentative discourse cannot take place as long as it is unclear what mentum ad populum, argumentum ad hominem). Therefore, these types of
the structure of the argumentation is. What kind of structural relations can fallacies are not covered by the definition.
be distinguished? One explanation why fallacy theorists stuck with this definition, even
Argumentation for or against a standpoint can be simply "single argumen- though many fallacies remain outside its scope, is that until recently most ap-
tation", which consists of one reason for or against the standpoint. But the proaches to fallacies have been restrictively logico-centric. However, if the old
argumentation can also have a more complex argumentation structure, de- definition is dropped, as most modern argumentation theorists have done,
pending on the way the defense of the standpoint has been organized in view and fallacies are ~.!1ceive.Q.2..f~~discu~si~ moves which in some way damage
of (anticipated) doubts or criticism. In a more complexly structured t~ual~~_~_~~~~~!~~.~sc<?~~~.~~~~~~i;~3~~IiEEiE~~~~lJ~~fulli~:~
argumentation several reasons are put forward for or against the same stand- c~~2ut t~El· F~r this P~T?.!~:~:~,:~~:. o.~:.~~,~_~~£!~!_~lJ.ll,~l.~.::=:~:!-
point. These reasons can be alternative defenses of the standpoint which are ated vie. QL~ a pragmatIC approach that makes allowances for the
unrelated ("It is impossible that you saw my mother last week in Sheringham communicative and interactional context in which fallacies occur is required.
in Marks and Spencer's, because my mother died two years ago and She ring- Without taking pragmatic knowledge into account, many fallacies cannot be
ham does not have a Marks and Spencer's"), but they can also be interdepen- satisfactorily analyzed.
dent, so that there is a "parallel chain" of reasons which mutually strengthen In the study of fallacies, a set of norms must be developed for distinguishing
or complement each other ("We have to dine out because there is nothing left between acceptable and unacceptable moves in argumentative discourse. The
athome and all the shops are closed"), or a "serial chain" of reasons ("I cannot criteria used in deciding whether such a norm has been violated, should also
help you with painting next week, because next week I have no time because I be investigated. For determining if these criteria are satisfied in specific cases,
have to study for an exam").


procedural tools, involving the use of various kinds of contextual informa- applied in legal contexts and the relevant findings in the study of argumenta-
tion, need to be designed. As a preliminary to this last enterprise, it must be es- tion in the field of law. As is evident in their writings, the founding fathers of
tablished whether the situation in which a would -be fallacy occurs is indeed modern argumentation theory, Stephen Toulmin and Chaim Perelman, were
within the scope of the norms. All contributions to the fulfillment of these fully aware of this.
tasks are pertinent to the development of argumentation theory. The study of legal argumentation presents a great variety of approaches
and topics of interest. The different approaches usually lead to different re-
search topics and different conceptions of the relation between the soundness
Argument Interpretation and Reconstruction criteria as applied in legal procedures and the soundness criteria as developed
in argumentation theory. In what manner do the two kinds of soundness cri-
Although not so much a concept as a research area, the problems involved in teria relate to each other? What kinds of explanations can demonstrate the
argument interpretation and reconstruction require our attention when we are differences? What are the reasonableness conceptions underlying the various
dealing with the state ofthe art of studying the production, analysis, and eval- approaches to legal argumentation? Such questions are studied in this specif-
uation of argumentation. These problems are approached quite differently in ic area of the study of argumentation and their answers can be illuminating to
each of the various theoretical contributions to the study of argumentation. the field as a whole.
The interests of argument interpretation center around the general charac-
teristics of the organisation of discourse and the features of argumentative
discourse that ordinary language users employ to orient themselves with 1.3 Overview of the Book
when interpreting arguments, and around the reasoning processes that are
applied in argument interpretation. When it comes to argument reconstruc- Crucial Concepts in Argumentation Theory aims to provide interested readers
tion, different methods are employed using various approaches such as for- with an overview of the current study of some fundamental problems in ar-
mal logic, informal logic, rhetoric and pragma-dialectics. gumentation theory. For this purpose, the next five chapters discuss in greater
Argument interpretation is the basis of argument reconstruction. Argu- detail the five concepts and the two prominent problem areas we have just
mentative discourse can only be systematically reconstructed from a norma- briefly described. Various theoretical perspectives are presented by authors
tive perspective, developed for the purposes of argument evaluation, after it who have paid special attention to these concepts in their earlier work.
has been interpreted properly. This is why argumentation theorists need to In chapter 2, Peter Houtlosser discusses the concept of point ofview. He dif-
not only be engaged in developing methods for reconstructing argumenta- ferentiates between the approaches to points of view favored in the pragma-
tive discourse in a highly-motivated manner, but also in disclosing the way in dialectical argumentation theory, the socio-psychological research of persua-
which ordinary language users proceed in making sense of argumentative sion, cognitive research, argumentative discourse analysis, structuralist infor-
discourse. They have to detect the various verbal and nonverbal tools the ar- mal logic, procedural informal logic, advocacy and debate, and communica-
guers put to good use in this endeavor in order to be in a better position to de- tive action theory. He also indicates what the starting points could be for fur-
velop reconstruction methods that consciously transcend ordinary interpre- ther research. The chapter closes, just as all the other chapters, with an exten-
tative practice. sive bibliography on the specific subject.
In chapter 3, Susanne Gerritsen devotes her attention to unexpressed prem-
ises. She first explains two traditional approaches, and then turns to the de-
Argumentation in the Field ofLaw ductive-inductive distinction and also discusses pluralism, modern deduc-
tivism, and the "neither pluralist nor deductivist stance". She then turns to the
Legal practice is the argumentative practice par excellence. In modern society, nature of the unexpressed premise, focusin on the confusion of definitions,
the institution of the court offers a place where various kinds of disputes that the unexpressed premise s a a -filler and utilized and necessa -remises.
cannot be resolved without recourse to specific procedures and the judgment When discussing the role of the context, she pays particular attention to the·
of disinterested outsiders can be resolved. Argumentation theorists are there- meaning of "context" and the position of the analyst. The relation between
fore well-advised to pay special attention to the argumentative proceedings unexpressed premises and argument schemes is also discussed.


Chapter 4, written by Bart Garssen, is devoted to argument schemes. After in- pirical component, and the practical component. Feteris' contribution to
troducing the concept, Garssen first concentrates on the use of argument ends with a broad but selective bibliography.
schemes in finding arguments. He discusses the classical topical tradition,
Whately's rhetoric, and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's new rhetoric. He
then turns to the relation between argument schemes and the evaluation of Bibliography
argumentation. He pays particular attention to American textbooks on aca-
demic debate, Hastings' classification of types of warrants, Schellens' reason- Anscombre, J.-c., and o. Ducrot (1983). L'argumentation dans la langue.
able argument forms, and the pragma-dialectical typology of argument Brussels: Mardaga.
schemes. Before his concluding remarks, Garssen deals with the use of argu- Barth, E.M. and E.C.W. Krabbe (1982). From Axiom to Dialogue. Berlin: Wal-
ment schemes for describing the characteristics of argumentative discourse. ter de Gruyter.
Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, author of chapter 5, describes the different Blair,J.A, and R.H. Johnson (1987). "Argumentation as Dialectical:' Argumen-
conceptions of the various kinds of argumentation structures and the way in tation, 1, 1, 41-56.
which they are studied. In her historical overview, she deals with classical Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (1984). Speech Acts in Argumentative
rhetoric, enlightenment rhetoric, as well as the early textbooks. In her discus- Discussions. Berlin/Dordrecht: Walter de Gruyter/Foris.
sion of modern approaches, Snoeck Henkem~ns explains the textbook dis- Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (1992). Argumentation, Communica-
tinctions between linked and convergent premises and between coordinative tion, and Fallacies. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
and multiple argumentation. The theoretical approaches she considers worth Eemeren, EH. van, and P. Houtlosser (1999). "Strategic Manoeuvring in Ar-
discussing in more detail are Freeman's Toulminian approach, her own prag- gumentative Discourse:' Discourse Studies, 1, 4, 479-497·
rna-dialectical approach, and Walton's pragmatic approach. She also pays Eemeren, EH. van, R. Grootendorst, A.E Snoeck Henkemans, J.A. Blair, R.H.
specific attention to the methods of analysis in doubtful cases. Johnson, E.C.W. Krabbe, C. Plantin, D.N. Walton, C.A. Willard, J. Woods,
In chapter 6, I begin by recounting the history of the study of fallacies. I and D. Zarefsky (1996). Fundamentals ofArgumentation Theory. Mahwah,
move from the Aristotelian approach to fallacies, to idols and sophisms, to the NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
ad fallacies, syllogistic and inductive fallacies, and the treatment of fallacies in Govier, T. (1987). Problems in Argument Analysis and Evaluation. Dordrecht:
logic textbooks. Then I turn to modern theoretical approaches to fallacies Foris.
such as Hamblin's criticism of the "standard treatment", post -Hamblin treat- Hamblin, c.L. (1970). Fallacies. London: Methuen. Photographic reprint
ments of the fallacies, the Woods-Walton approach, the formal dialectical ap- Newport News, VA: Vale Press.
proach, the pragma-dialectical approach, and Walton's pragmatic approach. Johnson, R.H., and J.A. Blair (1977/1993). Logical Self-Defense. Toronto: Mc-
Agnes van Rees, in chapter 7, concentrates on argument interpretation and Graw-Hill Ryerson, 3rd ed., 1993.
argument reconstruction. In her discussion of argument interpretation, she Kopperschmidt, J. (1989). Methodik der Argumentationsanalyse. Stuttgart:
highlights some general characteristics of discourse organisation features Fromann -Holzboog.
prevalent in argumentative discourse, patterning and linguistic devices. The N0lke, H. (1992). "Semantic constraints on argumentation: From polyphonic
interpretation section closes with some observations concerning the study of microstructure to argumentative macro-structure:' In: Eemeren, EH. van,
cognitive processes. In the argument reconstruction section, Van Rees dis- R. Grootendorst, J.A. Blair, and C.A. Willard (Eds.), Argumentation Illumi-
cusses logic, informal logic - paying special attention to unexpressed premis- nated. Amsterdam: SICSATlISSA, 189-200.
es and argumentation structure - rhetoric and pragma-dialectics. Perelman, c., and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958/1969). La nouvelle rhetorique:
Chapter 8, by Eveline Feteris, is devoted to argumentation in the field oflaw. traite de l'argumentation. Bruxelles: l'Universite de Bruxelles. English trans-
Feteris distinguishes different approaches to legal argumentation such as the lation The New Rhetoric. A Treatise on Argumentation. Notre Dame etc.:
logical approach, the rhetorical approach and the dialogical approach. When University of Notre Dame Press, 1969.
discussing the topics in legal argumentation research, she starts from the Reboul,o. (1990). "Rhetorique et dialectique chez Aristote." Argumentation,
pragmadialectical division of the research program into the philosophical 4,1,35-52.
component, the theoretical component, the analytical component, the em-


2 Points ofView
Toulmin, S.E. (1958). The Uses ofArgument. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press. d J dS N II Peter Houtlosser
Wenzel,J.W.(1980 )."PerspectivesonArgument."In:Rho es, .,an . ewe,
(Eds., 1980 ). Proceedings of the 1979 Summer Conference on Argument. Falls
Church: SCA, 112-133.

2.1 Introduction

In the study of argumentation, argumentation is generally considered to con-

sist of a set of statements put forward to support or rebut, or justify or refute,
some other statement. This other statement can provisionally be referred to
as the point of view. In evaluating its quality, the strength of an argumentation
can only be established if it is clear what point of view the argumentation is
supposed to support or rebut. When it is impossible to establish which point
of view is at issue, it also becomes impossible to determine whether the argu-
mentation is relevant, let alone whether it provides adequate support for that
particular point of view. As everyone knows, it is not always easy to find out
what point of view is at issue in a particular case. One of the central issues in
the study of argumentation is how an analyst can adequately identify the
points of view in an argumentative text or conversation. For this problem to
be resolved, it must first be clear which conception of a point of view should
be adopted.
How exactly is the object of argumentation to be understood? The answer
to this question depends largely on the theoretical perspective from which ar-
gumentation is approached. Different perspectives are motivated by different
concerns and interests. These concerns and interests have consequences for
the way in which the object of argumentation is conceived. Social psycholo-
gists, for instance, are interested in the degree to which persuasive messages
affect people's attitudes; informal logicians in the conditions under which
conclusions can be inferred from premises in natural arguments; discourse
analysts are interested in the way in which people propound their opinions in
talk exchanges; while dialecticians are interested in the degree to which theses
or standpoints are up to critical scrutiny in argumentative discussion.
This chapter provides an overview of the ways in which the object of argu-
mentation is characterized by various approaches to argumentation and the
methods used to identify that object. The overview will commence with the
characterization of the notion of "standpoint" as it is used in the pragma-di-
alectical approach to argumentation (the "Amsterdam School"). Preceding
this characterization, 2.2.1 briefly discusses the dialectical notion of"thesis" as
it is used in classical and formal dialectic. This notion can be regarded as the

vant distinction: "not every problem is a thesis, since some problems are such
forerunner of the pragma-dialectical notion of a "standpoint". In o~der t.o es-
that.,:e hold no opinion about them either way." This implies that a thesis, in
tablish in what respects the pragma-dialectical notion of a standpomt dIffers
addltlOn to pertaining to something controversial, also involves a choice or
from "equivalent" notions used in contemporary argu~entation :esear~h, opinion, which may be absent in the problem as such.
"standpoints" will subsequently be compared to the notlOns used m soc~o­
D~alectical p:oblems are constitutive of "an investigation leading either to
psychological research on persuasion (2.2.3); cognitive rese.arch on reasomng
chOlce and aVOldance or to truth and knowledge, either by itself or as an aid to
(2.2.4); argumentative discourse analysis (2.2.5); structurahst (2.2.6) and pro-
the solution of some other such problem" (104b lOl-103). In other words, for
cedural (2.2.7); informal logic; advocacy and debate (2.2.8); and the commu-
moral or epistemological reasons, they are examined critically. But, as Aristo-
nicative action approach to argumentation (2.2.9)· In conclusion, some i~ter­
~le notes, only some problems and theses deserve dialectical examination: "It
relations between the various notions are indicated; the procedures for Iden-
IS not ne~essary to e~amine every problem and every thesis but only one
tifying them are discussed, as well as some perspectives on further research
about whlCh doubt mIght be felt by the kind of person who requires to be ar-
(2.3)· gued with" (105a 103-105). In order to be a candidate for critical examination
then,. a thesis or problem must, at least potentially, be disputable to someon~
who IS worth arguing with.
2.2 DifferentApproaches to Points ofView Once a thesis or problem enters the examination process, it is argued for,
and argued against, with the help of "dialectical propositions". Aristotle de-
2.2.1 Classical and Formal Dialectic fines a dialectical proposition as a "question which accords with the opinion
held by everyone or by the majority or by the wise-either all of the wise or the
In the Topica (ed. 1966), Aristotle devotes particular attention to the dialecti-
majority or the most famous of them - and which is not paradoxical" (104a 8-
cal notion of thesis. A thesis, as he sees it, is "the conception contrary to gene-
b 11). Rephrased in our current terminology, dialectical propositions are undis-
ral opinion but propounded by someone famous as a philosopher:' (104 119- puted by those who matter intellectually; as such, they are the premises with
120). The fact that a thesis should be contrary to what people thmk about a
which a thesis can be defended.
certain subject is emphasized when Aristotle adds: "Or a thes~s may c~~cer~ To summarize, it can be said iliat by Aristotle's definition, a thesis is a repu-
matters on which we hold a reasoned view contrary to receIved opmlOns
ted philosopher's opinion concerning a disputable philosophical issue which
(104 124-126 ). This definition seems to assume that non-philosoph~rs ~an
b contr~~cts the o~inion of others who are worth arguing with, is put forward
also present a thesis, but the notion that a thesis is only worth consldenng
for c~ltlcal exammation, and must be defended by means of undisputed
when presented by a reputed philosopher is emphasized in Aristotle's addi-
tional comment that "to pay any attention when an ordinary person sets forth
views which are contrary to received opinions is foolish" (104b 122-124)· The
~n formal dialectic, a present-day descendant of classical dialectic, propound-
examples of theses that Aristotle supplies- "Contradiction is impossible", "All
mg a thesis is not restricted to philosophers and a thesis is not restricted to
things are in a state of motion" (104b 121-123) - make it clear that t~e conte~t
philosophical issues, as they were in Aristotelean dialectic.' Nicholas Rescher
of a thesis should be a philosophical issue. Aristotle calls such an ISsue a dI-
is a p.hilosopher who remains close to Aristotle; his focus is on systems of di-
alectical problem. A dialectical problem is "something a~o~t which either men alectlc that provide a rational method for scientific inquiry. In Dialectics
have no opinion either way, or most people hold an opmlOn contra.ry to that
(~97~)' Re.scher developed a model of formal disputation. A formal disputa-
of the wise, or the wise contrary to that of most people, or somethm~, about
b tlOn IS a dIscussion involving three parties: a "proponent': an "opponent" and
a "determi~er': ~he proponent formulates a thesis and builds a prima facie
which members of each of these classes disagree among themselves (104
103- 5). Phrased in modern terms, dialectical problems are disputable philo-
10 case ~or ilil~ thesIs by adducing "grounds"; the opponent attacks the propo-
sophical issues. ne~t s thesIs and grounds by objecting and making counter-arguments to
As these definitions suggest, there is a close relation between theses and
whiCh the proponent has to respond; the determiner presides as referee and
dialectical problems. For all practical purposes, they may even be co~side~ed
judge ove~ ilie ~onduct of ilie dispute (1977: 3-4). Apart from iliis type of
to coincide: "a thesis is always a problem" (104b 129) and "almost all dlalectlCal
asymmetncal dispute, Rescher also distinguishes a "symmetrical contradic-
problems are now called theses" (104b 135-137). Nevertheless, there is a rele-

tory debate", in which the opponent has to defend a thesis of his own, which is stages. The model of a critical discussion serY£!LlUULheuristic tool in tb.i:.,~
contradictory to the thesis of the proponent. According to Rescher's analysis, -I?rocess of aIlalytic recoustruction and as an evaluative tool in the process of
propounding a thesis consists of making a categorical assertion. Making such sri tical assessment.
an assertion involves taking on a commitment to defend both the assertion In the pragma-dialectical theory the object of argumentation is referred to
and all logical consequences that follow from it. In addition, the proponent as the standpoint. The pragma-dialectical conception of a standpoint agrees
takes on a similar kind of commitment for every subsequent move he makes with the meta theoretical principles of externalization, functionalization, so-
since all of them have to be categorical assertions. cialization, and dialectification. In agreeement with the principle of external-
Inspired by the semantic approach to argumentation developed by Arne ization, a standpoint is not viewed as a psychological attitude or mental state,
Naess (1966) and the studies on dialogue logic done by the "Erlangen School" but as a verbally expressed position carrying specific commitments and re-
(Kamiah and Lorenzen 1967, Lorenzen and Lorenz 1978), Barth and Krabbe, sponsibilities. In agreement with the principle of functionalization, not only
in From axiom to dialogue (1982), proposed sets of systems of rules for critical the proposition that expresses a standpoint is subject to analysis, but also the
dialogues aimed at resolving conflicts or disputes between a proponent and communicative speech act of advancing a standpoint. In agreement with the
an opponent concerning one or more externalized or "avowed" opinions. An principle of socialization, a standpoint is not just regarded as the individual
avowed opinion, in their conception, is a statement Tput forward by the pro- expression of someone's subjective opinion, but as a public statement put for-
ponent and attacked by the opponent. Tis the initial thesis of the discussion. ward for acceptance by a listener or reader who is assumed not to share the
The next statements in the discussion are all "concessions" - they constitute speaker or writer's point of view. In agreement with the principle of dialectifi-
the basis from which Tmay be defended and attacked. In a simple or "pure" cation, acceptance of a standpoint is only considered to be justified when the
conflict, only the proponent has to defend a thesis; he has nothing to attack standpoint turns out to be resistant to the criticisms of an antagonist put for-
(except the attacks made by the opponent); the opponent has no thesis to de- ward in a regimented procedure of pro and con discussion.
fend and just has to attack the proponent's thesis. In a mixed conflict, the op- In Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions, Frans van Eemeren and Rob
ponent has something to defend as well - a thesis that opposes the propo- Grootendorst characterize a standpoint as an externalized position of a
nent's thesis or a concession which is challenged by the proponent. In both speaker or writer in respect to a formulated opinion (1984: 5). This position
cases, the proponent has also engaged in attacking statements of the oppo- can be explicitly expressed with the help of a standard paraphrase:
nent (see Van Eemeren eta1.1996: 265).
For Barth and Krabbe, discussing a particular thesis makes sense only if the My point of view in respectto [the opinion lOis that 0 is/is not the case (1984: 114).
proponent is prepared to commit himself positively, i.e., to assume an obliga-
tion to defend the thesis against the opponent's criticisms, and if the oppo- Conversely, a speaker or writer who - in this manner, or in a similar one _
nent is prepared to take on a negative commitment, i.e., to make use of his un- states a position indicates that he regards the subject of that position as an
conditional right to criticize the proponent's thesis systematically. The same opinion (1984: 96).
types of commitments are to be taken on with regard to the concessions, the A standpoint can be positive or negative. If it is positive, the speaker or
other statements made in the discussion - the opponent will be positively writer externalizes a positive position in respect to a formulated opinion ("I
committed, the proponent negatively (1982: 57-58). think that women are better drivers than men"); if it is negative, he external-
izes a negative position ("I do not think that women are better drivers than
men"). The opinion to which the positive or negative position pertains can be
2.2.2 Pragma-Dialectics either positive or negative as well ("[I (do not) think that] women are better
drivers then men"; "[I (do not) think that] women are not better drivers than
In the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory, argumentative discourse is men"). In advancing a position in respect to an opinion, the speaker or writer
studied with a view of critical evaluation. Starting from the assumption that assumes a duty to defend that position when requested to do so. Depending
argumentation is part of a critical discussion aimed at resolving a difference on whether the position is positive or negative, he has committed himself to
of opinion, a model has been developed of the stages of the resolution process justifying or refuting that opinion for the listener or reader. 2
and the various types of speech acts that are instrumental in each of these The speech activity of advancing a standpoint can be characterized by defin-


ing it as a speech act and by formulating its felicity conditions. In this endeav- In the pragma-dialectical perspective on argumentative discourse, an utter-
or, two questions are relevant: (1) What type of speech act (assertive, commis- ance can also function as a standpoint without having been presented as such.
sive, directive, expressive, or declarative) is performed in advancing a stand- An informative assertive, for instance, may start to function as a standpoint if
point? (2) Under which conditions is this speech act performed happily? the listener questions the information provided in the assertive. In such a
I ~~ording tQ.VaDJ~5:!!!~~eI1aIl~ <:;rootendorst_{19~1"<l<!\,ill!cing a stand- case, the speaker has retrospectively committed an offense against the inter-
I pointis.!il!l1ilJ!l0l,!!l! !() performing an assertive - only speech acts belonging actional principle that prescribes that speakers must not perform speech acts
I to the cla~~ 2f£l~S(!!:!!y~~-~£!y"a,~o!nmlimmUQtbs;JMhJ.U:.cQrrectn~"of that are not acceptable to the listener (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1991).
t!t"~E:.~p~~.i!~2natmut~!!l,QLtlLe.§.R~~£,~!iQI_fQeA Of course, in practice
not every standpoint is directly advanced as an assertive. Moreover, advanc-
If the speaker has indeed performed a speech act that appears not acceptable
to the listener, then he should attempt to make it acceptable in the second in-
ing a standpoint is more than performing just any assertive. Unlike most oth- stance - or he must retract it. This means that any assertive that is not explicit-
er assertives (e.g., announcements), standpoints are typically advanced in a 1y or implicitly accepted by the listener - and that is not retracted by the
context in which the listener or reader is supposed to have doubts regarding speaker - incurs an obligation for the speaker to justity his assertive for the lis-
the acceptability of the assertive. tener. If he complies with this obligation, he in effect supports the opinion
As with other speech acts, the felicity conditions of advancing a standpoint that his assertive is acceptable and appears to take a positive standpoint in re-
can be divided into two groups: (1) identity conditions indicating what makes spect of this opinion.
an utterance a performance of a particular speech act; (2) correctness condi- Non-assertive speech acts may also occasion a speaker to defend a stand-
tions indicating what an entirely correct performance of that speech act point. If the speaker, for example, requests a listener to do something ("Hold
amounts to (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1984: 42). Jointly, the identity the door for me, will you?") and the listener makes it clear that he is not in-
conditions and the correctness conditions constitute a definition of the clined to comply with that request ("Why?"), the speaker must either justity
speech act, in this case, the speech act of advancing a standpoint. For advan- his request ("I've got these boxes to carry") or retract it ("OK, leave it") - oth-
cing a positive standpoint, these felicity conditions read as follows (Houtlosser erwise he obstructs the normal process of interaction. If the speaker justifies
1995: 75-83):3 his request, he actually supports the opinion that his request is acceptable.
Just as in the case of an assertive, he then implies that he takes a positive stand-
Identity Conditions point in respect of the opinion at issue. 5
Propositional Content Condition
1 The propositional content of the standpoint consists of an expressed opinion O.
2 0 consists of one or more utterances. 2.2.3 Socio-Psychological Research of Persuasion
Essential Condition
Advancing a standpoint counts as taking responsibility for a positive position in At the center of the socio-psychological research of persuasion is the notion
respect to 0, i.e., as assuming an obligation to defend a positive position in re- of "attitude': According to Daniel O'Keefe in his critical survey, Persuasion
spect to 0, if requested to do so. (1990), with the term attitude, social psychologists refer to a person's inner,
positive or negative evaluation of an object- another person, an institution,
Correctness Conditions an event, a product, a policy, and so on - based on specific beliefs about the
Preparatory Condition supposed properties of that object. Attitudes are not innate; they are a
1 Speaker S believes that listener L does not (already, at face value, completely) "residue of experience" (1990: 18). They are also enduring and involve a dispo-
acceptO. sition to act in a certain way. Someone may, for instance, have adopted a nega-
2 S believes that he can justify 0 for L with the help of arguments. tive attitude towards the European Union as a result of years of negative re-
Sincerity Condition porting; his attitude will not change just because he has received a few positive
1 S believes that 0 is the case. 4 reports, and the tendency is for him to continue to express himself negatively
2 S has the intention to justify 0 for L with the help of arguments if requested to rather than positively about the Union (see also Krech and Crutchfield 1969:
do so. 679)·
When this conception of an attitude is compared with the pragma-dialectical


definition of a standpoint, some clear differences emerge. First, an attitude is mental state and a standpoint is a position that is externalized in a statement.
an inner state of mind and a standpoint is an externalized position. The exter- Second, the commitments involved in adopting a belief and the commit-
nalized position may - and, in empirical reality, more often than not will- of ments involved in advancing a standpoint differ in two respects. In the first
course be based on some inner state. If someone advances a standpoint in a respect, someone who adopts a certain belief assumes certain commitments
discussion, say the standpoint that the European Union is an undesirable in- towards himself, while someone who advances a standpoint, in the first place,
stitution, it is more likely that he already has a more negative attitude towards assumes commitments towards others.s Only in the latter case do the com-
the Union than a positive one. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that this is mitments really create obligations that the speaker must live up to in the en-
indeed the case. A second difference is that only standpoints carry an obliga- suing interaction. If, for instance, someone believes that a Labor government
tion to argue. Attitudes do not, despite the fact that standpoints are often in- will make for a new dawn, he is only committed to that belief towards himself.
spired by attitudes and sometimes even based on attitudes. Advancing a Even ifhe were he to vote for the Tories in the next election, there is not really
standpoint creates certain commitments, having an attitude does not. A third much that can be critically stated about his decision (save that he should see
, / ~i~erence b~tween attitudes and standpointsi~JhilJ;l!t:!itlldi;;S inYRly~ ;t2:i~ an analyst). But if he seriously advanced the standpoint that Labor would ac-
; LsltIon to act ill a certain way while standpoints per se do not.A speaker's stand- tually lead to a new dawn, then he can no longer get away with asserting in the
I ipoint does not necessarily have to agree with his actions; viewed dialectically, same discussion that one should vote for the Tories. By advancing the new-
it only needs to be consistent with other externalized positions propounded dawn standpoint he has assumed an obligation to defend that standpoint.
by the same speaker in the same discussion. In all other cases, a tu E,uoEudi!lla.- This implies that he is no longer free to say things that contradict that stand-
cy is committed when a discrepan<::y is p()iJ.JJ~.<{illit~e~~e~ s~;:e~~e';"stand- point.
poi!?:t ,~~h.i~ be?~lv:i()r,"{Uourth and last differen~b~tween attii~d~s and Another difference between beliefs and standpoints is that someone who
standpoints is th~t attitudes are enduring and standpoints are not per se. has adopted a belief should have had good reasons for its adoption. Apart
Viewed dialectically, their existence lasts only until the end of the critical dis- from the initial requirement at the time of adoption, there is no requirement
cussion in which they are scrutinized. Then they have either been accepted, in , to produce reasons for having a belief. A speaker who has advanced a stand-
which case they are no longer subjected to doubt and no longer have the status point, however, may at all times be required to produce arguments in its favor.
of a standpoint, or they are retracted, in which case they cease to exist. Among other differences between beliefs and standpoints is the fact that
'~ A beliefs belong in a context of inquiry ar:.d stan~points iJ.!.a context of iystifici!,-
tlOIl.:AZontext of inquiry means that reasoning takes place based on certain
2.2-4 Cognitive Research on Reasoning premises; inferences are made in which one belief emanates, as it were, from
other beliefs. Beliefs are adopted on the basis of other beliefs. If a belief is re-
In the area of cognitive research on reasoning, the notion of "belief" plays an jected because it turns out to be false, this usually leads to abandoning other
important role. According to Gilbert Harman, whose books Thought (1973) beliefs as well, namely the beliefs from which it emanated. A context of justifi-
and Change in view (1986) are prominent in this field, "beliefs" are mentalatti- cation implies that a previously disputed standpoint is defended, although
tudes. Unlike the attitudes that are central to the socio-psychological research the arguments may in practice, of course, also be advanced before the stand-
on persuasion, beliefs are mental attitudes that do not pertain to an object, point is put forward. Dialectically speaking, however, the standpoint precedes
but to a relation between an object and a certain feature, or to a (supposed) the arguments - otherwise there is nothing to defend.
state of affairs. "Paul is in the garden'; for instance, expresses the belief that the
feature "being in the garden" comes with the object "Paul"; and "It is raining"
expresses the belief that the present state of the world is such that it is raining. 6 2.2.5 Argumentative Discourse Analysis
According to Harman, someone who has a certain belief is committed to fully
accept what he believes.7 This person does not find it necessary to investigate In argumentative discourse analysis, "opinion" is one of the most prominent
whether what he believes is really true. He also assumes that he has (or had) notions. Deborah Schiffrin (1985,1987,1990) presents a characterization of
good reasons to accept what he believes as true. All the same, he does not have opinions which is based on her analyses of everyday discourse. She describes
to be capableof justifying that belief (1986: 13-14, 4 6 -53). opinions as inherently disputable statements in which an individual, subjec-
To what extent do beliefs differ from standpoints? First, a belief is an inner


tive. and evaluative position is presented in respect to a possible, existing, or Study of Argument (1992) and Ralph Johnson and Anthony Blair in Logical
desirable state of affairs. 9 A distinctive feature of opinions appears to be that Self- Defense (1994). Both Govier and Johnson and Blair regard a conclusion as
they are not "externally verifiable': According to Schiffrin, the term opinion a proposition that is derived from one or more other propositions or premis-
refers to a mental state which is only accessible to the speaker himself (1987: es: "The conclusion emerges from the premises" (Govier 1992: 27). They also
236; 1990: 244). Someone who expresses an opinion is primarily committed to regard a conclusion as a statement that is in dispute, and in support of which,
the sincerity of his words, not to the truth of what he says. Even when the reasons have been put forward: "Any sentence expressing an opinion [that
speaker refuses to justify his opinion, he cannot be denied the right to main- someone has asserted and is defending] expresses what is called a conclusion
tain that opinion. According to Schiffrin, expressed opinions carry no burden of the argument" (Johnson and Blair 1994: 10, 29-30); "The conclusion is the
of proof. This feature, to a certain extent, makes opinions immune from criti- claim or statement that is in dispute and that we are trying to support with
cism (1985: 40; 1990: 248). reasons" (Govier 1992: 5)." As a consequence, their characterization of a con-
At first glance, opinions and standpoints seem to have a great deal in com- clusion does not apply to the final points of logical patterns that are struc-
mon. Both opinions and standpoints are a type of statement, both of these turally parallel to, but functionally different from, arguments. For example,
statements express some sort of position which, as a rule, will not go undis- instances of explanatory reasoning such as "Someone else was appointed to
puted, and both opinions and standpoints can be individual and subjective. the case, because the person to whom it originally had been assigned was on
But there are also some crucial differences. holiday" parallel the logical structure of arguments such as "He will surely
According to Schiffrin, opinions do not carry a burden of proof; stand- come back, because he left the pictures of his mother here"; the proposition
points do; a standpoint must be defended against criticisms. If a standpoint "Someone else was appointed to the case" in the explanation, however, can-
turns out to be untenable in a discussion, it would be unreasonable to main- not count as a conclusion in the informal logic sense, since it is not in dispute
~ain it - although it may, of course, be put forward in a new discussion, so that and no attempt is made to support it. In this respect, Govier's and Johnson
It may be defended again. According to Schiffrin, an opinion can also be and Blair's use of the term conclusion differs slightly from the way in which the
maintained if the critic, at the conclusion of a discussion, is still not convinced word "conclusion" is used in everyday discourse. Colloquially, a conclusion
of.its ~cceptability. In her view, opinions are subjected to different rationality may very well be the result of a piece of explanatory reasoning.
cn~e~la than standpoints. Yet, in everyday life, not everyone will agree that Because he does not make a distinction between argumentative and
opmlOns do not need to be defended. Although Schriffrin's characterization explanatory reasoning, for Thomas a conclusion can also be the result of ex-
of an opinion is avowedly founded on analyses of everyday discourse, it is in planatory reasoning,u He defines a conclusion as "any statement that an au-
this respect slightly esoteric. thor presents as justified or explained by some reason in a discourse" (19 86 :
Another important difference between opinions and standpoints is that 34). In comparing conclusions to standpoints, it is preferable to start from
someone who expresses an opinion primarily commits himself to being sin- Thomas' definition of a conclusion, because, by using that definition, the dif-
cere, not to being right, as is the case with someone who advances a stand- ferences between standpoints and conclusions become clearer than when one
point. When a standpoint is advanced, the sincerity of the speaker is implied employs Govier's and Johnson and Blair's definitions. .
~though not necessarily achieved). Again, Schiffrin's conception of an opin- The first difference, then, is that a conclusion mi!YQt'!_~:;!ate~nt!!1i!i-1S
1O~ s~ems to depart from the ordinary language user's understanding of an made (m;~~);c~~Pt~bl~-bi-~th~~~t~t~~~l}i~,Ql!t .~lso§
opmlOn.As a general rule, someone who utters an opinion in everyday life not ,A ~~-;(mQief~en;ib)e1by other statements. With a ~tandpoint, the

only wants to assert that he is being sincere, but also that he is right.lO I"only Issue is acceptability. Formulas suc~~s~~lj>E~!! ~?~~uCldate Il1ystand- .
point"may be colloquial, ~I,!!~()~~~~~*~"r"<?'~l,~~~f~~~!~~~g~~t~ ;'
munize'a'st;l!tdllciii!dhim~~TIil£i§Jll,]Y acting as if their standpomrm.~ ~ \
2.2.6 Structuralist Informal Logic ~l~~ld~tfo;':'~~~~~~~ggestthat the stan4I2Qint has alr~bee~a:~1 /'
cepted by their anta~on~t,!yll~It:~~it§ .(l<:c:e.p~i!bili4:~~!S§~~.~.a.~()l'lii ,
The notion of "conclusion" in the structuralist approach to argumentation is , The;;;:onddiffe~e;;e between conclusions and standpoints is that conclu-
commonly used by prominent informal logicians such as Stephen Thomas in r sions end a piece of reasoning whereas standpoints get the discussion - and
Practical Reasoning in Natural Language (1986), Trudy Govier in A Practical ~ the argumentation - started. In empirical reality, a standpoint may also be

concluded from arguments previously propounded and a conclusion may
precede the reasons that support it, but logically, conclusions emerge from point.'4 In order for an assertion to be a standpoint, additional conditions
premises already stated, whereas dialectically, standpoints precede their de- must be fulfilled (see 2.2.1).
fense. These differences have, by the way, nothing to do with the nature or the
formal properties of the statements by means of which they are advanced; de-
pending on the perspective one takes, the same statement may be analyzed as 2.2.8 Advocacy and Debate
a conclusion or as a standpoint.
A debate in the North American style centers around "propositions." As
Austin Freeley describes it in his prominent book, Argumentation ~nd De~ate
2.2·7 Procedural Informal Logic (1993), in a debate two parties attempt, with the help of argument~tI~n, to ~us­
tify or refute to a judge a statement about a di~erence of opl~lOn .eXists.
In the procedural informal logic approach of argumentation expounded by The affirmative side defends the statement ill confhct; the negative SIde at-
Stephen Toulrnin (195811988) in The Uses ofArgument, the notion of a "claim" tacks it. The statement that is defended and attacked is called the debate
is central. Toulmin starts from the assumption that a speaker who makes an proposition, or proposition (1993: 38). The affirmative side has the burd~~ of
assertion, by definition, puts forward a claim: "A man who puts forward an as- proof of the proposition. This means that they need to justify the propOSIt10~
sertion makes a claim - a claim on our attention and to our belief. [... ] The convincingly to the judge. The negative side has no burden of proof; theH
claim [... ] in an assertion is like a claim to a right or a title" (1988: 11). The only task is to attack the proposition (1993: 43). ..
"merits" of such a claim depend, according to Toulmin, on the arguments that American debate distinguishes between three types of propOSItion: pro-
can be produced in its support.13 If a speaker advances a claim in an assertion, positions of fact, propositions of value and proposit~~ns o~ policy (199.3: 47-
the listener has the unconditional right to challenge the speaker to justify this 48 ).'5 The burden of prooffor these types of propositlOns IS, to. a certaI~ e~­
',' claim. In Toulmin's model of argumentation, this challenge is met by advanc- tent, fixed. To each proposition a certain defense scheme apphes that .I~dI­
ing data. The data may invoke the question of why they are relevant to the cates which stock issues should be addressed in defending the propos~t~on.
claim. Then, a warrant must be advanced, which may in turn need to be sup- Stock issues are questions that are related to a particular type of proposIt~on.
ported by a backing. Also, conditions of rebuttal may be added to the claim, The answers to these questions constitute direct justifications or refut~tlO.ns
which may occasion the speaker to insert a qualifier (1988: 97-105). of the proposition (1993: 60 ).'6 In a debate, the affirmative side should JUStify
According to Toulmin, an adequate argumentative procedure does not all positive answers in order to make the debate proposition ac~eptable to the
start by advancing a claim, but by posing a question in which a problem is pre- judge. In doing so, this party must provide su~porting co~tentlOns for all t.he
~ sented. Only then is the claim advanced. The claim is presented as the opti- positive answers to the questions formulated m the StOCkISSU~S. Th: negatIve
mally appropriate answer to the problem question - as the solution of the side needs to refute only one positive answer. If they succeed m domg so, the
';problem. Procedurally, claims are thus connected to problem questions and proposition becomes unacceptable to the judge in accordance with the rules
their solution (1988: 17-22). of debate (1993: 61). ..
\ How do claims relate to standpoints? Just like in the advancement of a There are a number of similarities between debate propositlOns and stand-
standpoint, by advancing a claim, the speaker purports that what he is assert- points. Both are externalized statements and both ~res~ppose a difference of
ing is acceptable. In this respect, there is no difference between claims and opinion. Both debate propositions and standp~ll1ts ll1volve a burden of
standpoints. Nor is there a difference between claims and standpoints as re- proof, and the proponent can acquit himself of hIS burden of proof by for-
gards the obligation to provide support when either is challenged. According warding arguments.
to Toulmin's model, claims should be supported to meet the question as to the There are also differences. The first difference is contextual. Debate ~ro­
grounds on which the claim is based. Standpoints should be supported or re- positions are, by definition, part of a form~, regime.nted debate. ~ta~dpomts,
tracted to meet the doubts of a listener. A significant difference between on the other hand, appear both in formahzed, regImented and m mformal,
claims and standpoints is that, according to Toulrnin, a claim is implied by non-regimented discussions. The second difference is that in a debate that
every assertion, whereas not every assertion automatically implies a stand- proceeds in accordance with the rules, ~ach party.has o~~ and only one tas~
with respect to the proposition; dependmg on theIr positlOn, one party mus


defend the proposition, the other must attack it. In an ordinary discussion, If a truth claim or a rightness claim has been made into an issue in the dis-
the participants have more options. Someone who attacks a standpoint may course, it has been, as Kopperschmidt calls it, virtualized (1989: 97). Virtualiz-
also advance and defend the opposite standpoint, and the defender of the ini- ing a truth claim or a rightness claim implies that its legitimacy is made de-
tial standpoint may start attacking this opposite standpoint. These differ- pendent upon argumentative support; the claim is made the subject of a dis-
ences have consequences for the burden of proof. In a debate, the negative cussion in which it now functions as a thesis. As soon as the legitimacy of the
side has no burden of proof for the opposite proposition. In a discussion, the validity claim is established with the help of arguments, it no longer has the
party attacking a standpoint has no burden of proof for the opposite stand- function of a thesis (1989: 98).
point, but if this party advances an opposite standpoint, it assumes a burden A speaker can make an issue of a validity claim by explicitly stating that
of proof.
what he asserts is true or by advancing argumen ts. A listener can virtualize the
validity claim underlying a speaker's utterance by explicitly disputing that va-
lidity claim, by asking whether it is justified, or by requesting that the speaker
2.2·9 Communicative Action Theory
advance arguments in its support (1989: 19, 23).
In Kopperschmidt's view, performing an assertive or directive speech act
Various argumentation theorists have taken their inspiration from Jiirgen implies a guarantee that the underlying validity claim can be made legitimate.
Habermas' theory of communicative action. One of the most prominent If a speaker performs such a speech act, he undertakes an obligation to defend
among.the~ is Josef K~ppersch~~c:~ to Kopperschmidt, argu- the thesis that may result from that speech act, if asked to do so, with the help
mentation IS presented ill order ~o justify a thes;y. In Kopperschmidt's ap- of arguments. If a thesis originates from an assertive speech act, the argu-
proach, the notion of "thesis" is us'Callnrarften:;nt sense than the one devel- ments should show what has been asserted to be true; if the thesis originates
oped in classical and formal dialectics.'! To clarify what "thesis" in Kopper- from a directive speech act, the arguments should show that it is all right to
schmidt's sense means, it is imperative to explain his Habermasian theoretical perform the action mentioned in the directive (1989: 18,36).
framework. This framework is presented in its fullest form in Methodik der How do theses relate to standpoints? The terms thesis and standpoint ap-
Argumentationsanalyse (1989; see, for an English introduction, Kopper- pear to refer to the same thing, albeit from different theoretical perspectives.
Both theses and standpoints are part of a discussion situation and both create
Just like Habermas, Kopperschmidt is of the opinion that the validity basis an obligation to defend, which can be redeemed by advancing arguments.
(Geltungsgrund) of normal communication is constituted by three validity One difference, in Kopperschmidt's view, is that a thesis is not a statement but
claims underlying every communicative act: comprehensibility, sincerity, a virtualized validity claim. ~~e~~~_i!l"_e Ilotput forward as sucl:Ufa speaker
and truth or rightness. In the normal course of action, speakers and listeners appears to be explicitly advancing a thesis ("I hereby advanq; the thesis that
mutually assume that their utterances are intersubjectively valid in these w~men are better drivers than men are" )~i!! I<gpp.erscnmidt's analysis this as-
three respects; the validity claims underlying their utterances remain implic- sertion does not count as a thesis. Intha~il~aly~is, the thesis would be the vir-
it. The validity claims may, however, always be made problematic and thus be- tualization of the validity claim that it is true that women are better driv{!fs
come explicit. This happens if one of the interlocutors makes it clear that an ihan;;;~n.In contrast, in a pragma-dialectic3I perspective, a standpoint is ad-
utterance is not - or might not be - intersubjectively valid in every respect
(1989: 16, 40-43).
vanceo directly. This is, of course, not to say that a standpoint must necessari-
ly always be put forward as such. Because the acceptability of every speech act
According to Kopperschmidt, only truth claims and rightness claims need can be made an issue of discussion, speech acts other than advancing a stand-
argumentative support if they are made problematic. Truth claims are im- point may also require defense. The speech act involved is then to be recon-
p lied by assertive speech acts. These claims refer to (supposed) states of affair; structed as a standpoint.
the speaker guarantees that the information provided in his assertive is reli-
able. Rightness claims are implied by directive speech acts. These claims refer
to actions whereby the speaker guarantees that performing the action men-
tioned in his directive is legitimized by a mutual willingness to act (19 89: 16,

2.3 Starting Points for Further Research clue might also apply to standpoints advanced in discussions that come close
to the ideal of critical discussion; standpoints are advanced in the confronta-
A clear distinction appears to exist between, on the one hand, the notions tion stage of such a discussion and maintained or retracted in the concluding
"conclusion", "claim", "debate proposition" and "thesis", which, from different stage. Other clues for identifying opinions can, according to Schiffrin, be
perspectives, refer to the same or a similar concept as the pragma-dialectical found in external markers such as "it is my opinion that" and internal markers
notion of a standpoint. On the other hand, the notions "attitude", "belief" and such as attitude indicating verbs ("think", "believe") and modal expressions
"opinion", refer to a different concept. "Attitude': "belief" and "opinion" refer ("should", "could"). The indicative function of these verbs and expressions
to internal states or expressions of such internal states, which places them in a derives from the fact that they can signal the uncertainty involved in express-
different category than standpoints. This does not mean,however, that the in- ing an opinion (1990: 244). Although a standpoint does not presuppose un-
ternal states to which they refer do not playa role in advancing a standpoint. certainty but a difference of opinion, the markers of opinions may also be
Their "positive" role is roughly that when a standpoint is advanced, the speak- useful for identifying standpoints. A difference of opinion may, after all, im-
er makes it known to others that he takes a position towards a proposition ply some kind of uncertainty. . '
that he considers to be under dispute, i.e., an opinion. This opinion is ex- According to the structuralist informal logicians, conclUSIOns can be Iden-
pressed in the standpoint. Expressing the opinion implies that the speaker has tified both with the help of clues in the presentation and clues in the context.
a certain belief (positive in the case of a positive standpoint, negative in the To the first category belong expressions by which a speaker explicitly indi-
case of a negative standpoint). Advancing a standpoint commits the speaker cates that he has the intention of presenting a conclusion, such as "I conclude
to having that belief. The opinion and belief aspects are included in the that': "so", "therefore", "must", "cannot" and "it is impossible that". Clues in the
speech act definition of advancing a standpoint; the opinion aspect in the context can be derived from the type of discourse, for instance if the text is a
propositional content condition, the belief aspect in the sincerity condition. letter to the editor (Thomas 1986: 23, Govier 1992: 6,4 0 , Johnson and Blair
A standpoint advanced in the discourse will sometimes also be based on an 1994: 13-15,29-30). In principle, these clues can also be useful for identifying
attitude that corresponds with the position the speaker claims to uphold. But standpoints, but reliance on indicating expressions presupposes a systematic
since this is, pragmatically speaking, not required, attitudes are not a consti- pragma-linguistic analysis of these expressions and a reliance on clues ~n tlIe
tutive part of thepragma-dialectical definition of a standpoint. discourse context presupposes systematic analysis of discourse in particular
In the concluding part of this chapter, two questions remain to be an- contexts. Another clue is provided by the fact that every argument must have
swered: what clues do the approaches discussed earlier offer in the identifica- a conclusion. Thus, if an argument has been identified as such, tlIere should
tion of the entity they are interested in, and to what extent are these clues rele- definitely be a conclusion as well. In order to be able to identify arguments, in-
vant for identifying standpoints in the pragma-dialectical sense? formal logicians have listed characteristics oflogical structures that t~ey c~n­
Apart from cognitive research on reasoning, all the approaches discussed sider to be arguments; the listed characteristics can also be useful for Identify-
above are concerned with problems of identification. In persuasion research, ing argumentation in the functional sense (e.g., Johnson and Blair 1994: 15-
several techniques are used to identify a person's attitudes. Most prominent 16).
among them is the "direct measurement technique;' in which respondents are Toulmin's model appears to provide a clue for identifying claims: a state-
asked to what extent they evaluate a certain object positively or negatively, or ment is a claim ifit is supported by data (anda warrant) (195 8/ 88 : 97-105)· The
are requested to evaluate a number of properties of the object to which a sup- presence of data and/or a warrant may thus indicate the presence of a c~aim.
posed attitude pertains (O'Keefe 1990: 19-21). Among the less direct tech- However, a statement may also have the status of a claim before data (wIth or
niques are the "quasi-direct measurement technique" and the "indirect mea- without a warrant) have been put forward, so this clue is not always relevant.
surement technique", in which verbal and nonverbal reactions to evaluative Another clue appears to be provided by Toulmin's view that every assertion
statements are measured that indicate a certain attitude (O'Keefe 1990: 20-26, implies a claim (1958/1988: 11). Unfortunately, Toulmin does not m~e i.t cl~ar
Krech and Crutchfield 1964: 681-683). None of these techniques can be ap- what is meant by an assertion. If assertions are to be regarded as mdlCative
plied for identifying standpoints in argumentative discourse. statements with particular functional characteristics that distinguish them
In Schiffrin's view, a structural clue for identifying opinions is that opinions from other indicative statements, then the data and the warrant cannot be re-
are often expressed at the beginning or at the end of conflict discourse. This garded as assertions. IS If, however, data and warrants were also regarded as as-

sertions, this would run counter to the functional distinctions in Toulmin's such as "I believe that" and "I think that" may signal that the first preparatory
model. All in all, it can be concluded that Toulmin does not really provide condition is fulfilled. Strictly speaking, by adding expressions such as these,
clues for identifying claims, let alone clues that are also relevant for identify- the speaker does something that is superfluous. The fact that he believes that
ing standpoints.
what he asserts is true is already implied by his assertive; it is formulated in its
Debate propositions are explicitly formulated at the beginning of the de- sincerity condition. If the speaker can at the same time be assumed to obey
bate. Identifying them is therefore never a problem. All the same, Freeley the Gricean maxim that prohibits superfluity, it can be justified to infer an
mentions a clue for the identification of inciting propositions: they will often implicature from the addition, i.e., the implicature that the speaker thinks
contain the word "should" (1993: 59). Without further analysis, however, this that the listener will not accept the assertive proper at face value.
observation is not of much interest.
Second, the listener's reaction to the speaker's assertive may be a clue. If the
In Kopperschmidt's view, a speaker can promote a validity claim to a thesis listener casts doubt on the speaker's assertive and the speaker has understood
by making the claim explicit. He can do this by using so-called meta-linguistic that this is the case, then again the first preparatory condition for advancing a
expressions such as "I assert that" and "it is true that". The listener can pro- standpoint is fulfilled. In order to be able to identify expressions of doubt by
mote a validity claim to a thesis by using expressions such as "it is not true the listener, insight into the differences between the two main categories of
that" and "I disagree': and by asking "validity questions" such as "why?" (19 89: listeners' reactions pertaining to an assertive's acceptability and listeners' re-
65). Another clue is the presence of argumentation: in Kopperschmidt's actions pertaining to an assertive's comprehensibility can be of help. Onlyre-
analysis argumentation is put forward to legitimize a virtualized validity actions that belong to the former category indicate that doubt is cast on a
claim, and thereby to justify a thesis (1989: 70-73). Although in the latter case, speaker's assertive.
the problem is again shifted to the identification of argumentation, it should Third, clues can be found in follow-ups by the speaker. Here too, two main
be clear that the clues provided by Kopperschmidt are, in principle, also rele- categories can be distinguished: follow-ups pertaining to the acceptability of
vant for the identification of standpoints. the preceding assertive and follow- ups pertaining to the comprehensibility of
As argued in Houtlosser (1995), the pragma-dialectical definition of ad- the preceding assertive. The first category consists of statements that are de-
vancing a standpoint as a speech act provides fruitful criteria for identifying signed to further inform the listener, such as specifications, definitions, and
standpoints. In particular, the first preparatory condition offers a powerful explanations. The second consists of statements that are intended to convince
criterion: a speaker who advances a standpoint is committed to believing that the listener, such as motivations, justifications and reasons. Only the latter
the listener does not accept the expressed opinion to which the standpoint type of statement indicates that the listener is assumed not to have accepted
pertains at face value. If this belief is justified, a standpoint must, in principle, the preceding assertive at face value, and may thus point to a standpoint!9
be defended. This is so because everyday interaction is governed by the inter- In Houtlosser (1995), a broad range of clues for the fulfillment of the first
actional principle that prescribes that speakers should not perform any preparatory condition of advancing a standpoint are discussed, as they ap-
speech acts that are not acceptable to the listener. If a speech act turns out to pear in the speaker's presentation, his follow-up or in the listener's reaction.
be unacceptable to the addressee, something has to happen; the speech act Further research has to make it clear which clues can be derived from the oth-
should be made acceptable or retracted. As a consequence, someone who as- er felicity conditions. In such research, for instance, one could investigate the
serts something which he believes not to be acceptable to the addressee ways that speakers assume an obligation to defend a standpoint and express
should justify or retract his assertion; if he wants to maintain it, he has the their readiness to fulfill that obligation, and in what ways listeners attribute
obligation to defend it. Thus, the assertion, in principle, has the status of a such an obligation to the speaker.
In order to be able to make adequate use of this criterion, it must be made
clear how it can be determined whether the first preparatory condition of ad-
vancing a standpoint is fulfilled. Three types of potential clues are available to
determine whether this is the case (1995: 93-98). First, there are indications in
the presentation of an assertive by the speaker. Additions to the assertive
proper - the propositional content of the assertive - by means of expressions

Notes 11 Interestingly, Whately (182611975) reserves the term conclusion to refer to a
proposition which is proven in an argument; before it is proven, it is still
1 The term formal dialectic was introduced by Hamblin (1970). considered a question.
2 There are significant similarities between the pragma-dialectical defini- 12 Although Fisher (1988) closely follows Thomas, he sticks to this distinc-
tion of a s~andpoint and the notion of standpoint in everyday life, but there tion.
are also dIfferences. In everyday life, a standpoint need not necessarily be 13 In Toulmin, Rieke, and Janik (1979), claims are defined as "assertions put
pre~ent.ed to others. It is, for instance, common practice for people to forward publicly for general acceptance - with the implication that there
maIntaIn that they hold a particular standpoint on a certain matter with- are underlying 'reasons' that could show them to be 'well-founded' and
out ever having presented this point of view to others, or even without hav- therefore entitled to be generally accepted" (1979: 29)·
ing e~p~essed it. It is also not the case that in everyday life standpoints nec- 14 In their polyphonic approach, Anscombre and Ducrot (1989) assume that
ess~rilY.Impl~ a burden of proof. People may think that they are entitled to every assertion expresses different (implicit) viewpoints, for one of which,
maIntaIn theI~ standpoint even when they are not capable of supporting it as a rule, the speaker claims responsibility (see also Van Eemeren et al.1996:
adequately; WItness familiar contentions such as "This is my point of view 318-322 ). A viewpoint in this sense is not a standpoint as conceived in
and I have every intention to stick to it." argumentation theory.
3 Along the same lines, the felicity conditions for a negative standpoint can 15 In the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory, a similar distinction is
be stated. References to a speaker and listener apply, mutatis mutandis, also made between types of opinion to which a standpoint may pertain (Van
to a writer and a reader. Eemeren and Grootendorst 1992: 159). Crawshay-Williams distinguishes
4 F~llowing V~n Eemeren and Grootendorst's (1984: 21,42) critique of Sear- between types of statements on the basis of relevant testing criteria: logi-
Ie s formulatIOn of the sincerity condition of promises, it should be added cal, conventional and empirical (1957: 8-13; see also Van Eemeren et al.1996:
t~at someone who has advanced a standpoint does not really have to be- 74-82).
~Ieve that:he op~nion to which the standpoint pertains is the case; the point 16 The difference of opinion about the debate proposition presupposes a dif-
IS that he IS publIcly committed to believing that it is the case. ference of opinion about at least one of the answers to the questions for-
s For the problems involved in reconstructing standpoints that are not pre- mulated in the stock issues. This means that the negative side should offer a
sented as such, see Van Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jackson, and Jacobs (1993: negative response to those questions at least once; otherwise, there is no
Ch·S). difference of opinion.
6 For a survey of the various positions on the ontological status of the con- 17 In some rhetorical approaches - especially those that are in part inspired
tent of beliefs, see Schiffer (1987: xvi-xvii). by dialectics - the term thesis is also applied to refer to a proposition put
7 Harman does not explain how a commitment to oneself can best be under- forward for the adherence of a public (see, for instance, Perehnan and 01-
stood. For a totally opposite view of the relation between belief and accep- brechts-Tyteca 1969).
tance, see Cohen (1989). 18 The definition of claim in Touhnin et al. 1979 does not meet this objection.
8 The commitments towards others also involve a commitment to the belief In that definition, the characteristics of claims also apply to the statements
that the opinion to which the standpoint pertains is true. As indicated in by means of which data and warrants are advanced. .
2.2.1, the speaker does not necessarily need to have this belief, but he is nev- 19 Explanations may, of course, be instrumental in the process of gettIng a
ertheless responsible for having it - he cannot deny the belief without con- standpoint accepted. If, for instance, a listener does not exactly underst~nd
tradi~ting himself (as happens, for instance, in "In my view they should what a standpoint is about (or what its implications are), he maya fortIOri
leave It at that, but I don't think that they should"). be reluctant to accept it. An explanation may then serve the purpose of elu-
9 An opinion always expresses a belief, but - in Schiffrin's definition _ the re- cidating the standpoint. Once it has been elucidated, it must still be in need
verse is not the case: not every belief is inherently disputable. of defense. Otherwise it is, dialectically speaking, not a standpoint. By
lO For a conception of opinions that is closer to common sense see Weddle themselves, explanations do therefore not point to a standpoint.
(1988); an elaboration of such a conception in terms of speech acts is given
by Atelsek (1981).

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Umverslty Press.
Touhnin, S.E., R. Rieke, andA. Janik (1979). An Introduction to Reasoning Susanne Gerritsen
New York: Macmillan. .
Weddle, P. (1988): "Dis~inguishing Fact from Q£inion:' In: Govier, T. (Ed.),
Selected Issues In LogIC and Communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 55-
Whately, R. (182611975). Elements ofLogic. London: Longman. 3.1 Introduction

There are several reasons why modern theorists of argumentation, rhetoric,

logic, and conversation are interested in unexpressed premises, also referred
to as missingpremises or implicit premises. The first reason is the need to have a
proper method for the identification of unexpressed premises based on a sa-
tisfYing theoretical explanation. The unexpressed premise is seen as an essen-
tial part of an argumentation, and in order to be able to analyze and evaluate
that argumentation, the unexpressed premise must be satisfactorily identi-
fied. This, however, is difficult. Because the analyst is dealing with something
that is implicit, he or she must furnish something that originally was absent.
The second reason why unexpressed premises are of interest to various the-
orists is the need to explain unexpressed premises as language phenomena.
Language users in everyday contexts express certain things explicitly while
leaving other things implicit. They do so without giving it much thought, and
usually this does not pose any serious communication problems. Recent em-
pirical research indicates that ordinary language users have little trouble un-
derstanding the unexpressed premises in given cases:'

The results of the characterising-grouping test indicate that the relation between
the premise and the standpoint is adequately interpreted by the respondents.
Most of them were able to offer informative and pragmatically appropriate
reconstructions of the unexpressed premise ... (Garssen 1999: 226).

Theoretically, however, it is not easy to explain how the involved thought

processes operate, and on what basis the language users arrive at their inter-
pretations. In argumentation theory, unexpressed premises are viewed as one
of the more difficult research subjects. In his account of a summer conference
on argumentation in 1991, Walton remarks:

A third area of concern was that of identifYing missing (non-explicit) premises

and conclusions. Everyone frankly admitted this to be a major, unsolved prob-
lem, even though a traditional method of analysis of enthymemes has been
taught throughout the history oflogic (1996: xii).
This chapter will clarify what the roblem f .
of and what theoretical advances h~ve been ;a~n:xpres~ed :;;emlses consists According to Copi, this treatment of unexpressed premises is restricted to de-
~ave exist.ed since 1987, when Govier published:n ~:~::::ial ::r;~~l::~~:t ductive arguments. In dealing with other types of argument, such as induc-
g premIses. In the discussion about unex ressed' - tive analogy arguments, unexpressed premises play no role. In this case, the
themes were central: the dedu ( . d . p.. ~remlses the following inference is evaluated by using certain evaluative criteria. This stance is in op-
for the treatment of une c lYe-In ~ctIve dIstInctIOn and its implications
position to,for example, Rescher (1964), who thinks that it is warranted to fill
constitutes the unexpres:drepssed .premhlses'l the nature of the statement that
remIse, t e ro e of the txt' l' in an unexpressed premise in every argument consisting of just one premise
expressed premises, the relation between c~n e In ana yZIng un- and a conclusion. Rescher's view, however, deviates from the general concep-
search on argument schem I th unexpresse premises, and the re- tion of the traditional logical approach to unexpressed premises.
these themes, two tradition~: n \baCkground of the discussion about
part. pproac es to unexpressed premises play their
There is, in fact, a second traditional approach to enthymemes that must be
distinguished, which is very different from the logical approach. This second
approach is much less well-known, but parts of it appear in traditional logical
3·2 Two Traditional Approaches approaches and in modern approaches to enthymemes as well. It is based on
Aristotle's treatment of the enthymemes in his Rhetoric. There are many
~;~:~~~i~a~~:yr~e:ee:taAltiOthn texhtbth°Oks insist that there is one traditional points of discussion regarding the exact meaning and the correct interpreta-
tion of Aristotle's views of the definition, form, and content of enthymemes,
. oug emanydes' ( f h'
are not always identical in all cnp IOns 0 t IS approach but the interpretation of his views expressed in modern rhetorical approach-
ment with the following: respects, most of them are more or less in agree-
es seems to amount to the following: 4

An enthymeme is an arg . h' An enthymeme is a form of rhetorical argumentation that is directed at a particu-
Ii . umentm w lCha premise (orthe conclusion) is left im-
ihCIt. :ecau:e of that, the argument as stated is logically (deductively) invalid lar audience, in a particular situation, and with a particular goal. In enthymemes,
ere ore, t e.unexpressed premise (or conclusion) has to be made ex lic't .d the speaker exploits the fact that knowledge or information can be conveyed to
va 1 .
m, applymg the validity rules of (deductive) logic, to render the a~gu~::t that audience without explicitly putting it into words.

I shall call this the traditional rhetorical approach. Interestingly, this approach
I shall refer to this definition of enth m
traditional 10 ical a
. g
.r emes ~nd unexpressed premises as the
pproach. It has Its roots In classical works f e d
is only directed at rhetorical arguments, and according to Aristotle, rhetorical
arguments are something entirely different from apodictic and dialectical ar-
BoethlUs, and evolved in the Middl A . h 0 lCero an guments. Formal logic does not apply to rhetorical arguments. The study of
ers Peter of S a' e ges In t e works of, among many oth-
, p I~ ~Walton 1996: 222, Gerritsen 1999a: 27, 1999b: 229) 2 A _ rhetorical arguments focuses on the interaction between the speaker and the
totype of the traditIonall . 1 h' . . pro audience and the question of how the speaker can convey a certain message to
Cohen) 0 fC" oglCa a~proac IS COPI (1953; reprinted in 1986, with
. ne 0 Opi Sexamples IS: this audience. Therefore, the rhetorical approach and the logical approach of
ul1t:xpll"e~sed p~~~ises are more or1ess eaCh 9ther's opposites, The 6rst mainly
The soul through all her being is immortal, for that which is ever in motion is im-
focuses on.interactional aspects and not on l()g!c, .while the latter focuses \
mortal (1986: 223). mainly on logic and not on interactional aspects.
The rhetorical conception of the enthymeme, viewed historically, is the first
In this argument, the following premise has been left implicit: approach to enthymemes to be distinguished. Although the basic ideas be-
hind it seemed to linger on in the thinking about enthymemes, the traditional
The soul is ever in motion.) logical approach to enthymemes has dominated the study of unexpressed
premises for a very long time, roughly from the early Middle Ages into the
first half of the twentieth century (Gerritsen 1999b). This was due to the fact
that during that period traditional logic dominated in science. As long as it

~as appli~d to artificial arguments, as an exercise in logic let's say, the tradi- 3.3 The Deductive-Inductive Distinction
tlOnalloglcal approach was sufficient. This was also true in cases where a cor-
rect and systematic analysis of everyday argumentation was of no real con- The starting point of the recent research on unexpressed premises began with
cern. Copi's aforementioned example serves as an illustration of this. In the the change of focus from deductive arguments, in which the conclusion defi-
fifties and sixties, there was a growing theoretical and practical interest in ar- nitely follows from the premises, to inductive arguments, in which the con-
gumentation. It was at this time that it became apparent that the traditional clusion is only probable. ~0_bse~~a!i?~0at !he logic.u. approach has some
logical approach was problematic when applied to ordinary arguments. The AhortcomiDZ~ rai~es the question of ~J:1!lt r_<?!~t,?_~~~!_l.()p.ic·sh.0ul~~a?~·c~~.'
first problem is that the traditional logical approach applies only to deductive i $1,~1~~5?~~EI!~!g1Jmc;ntiltionth~0!y. This question is particularly relevant
arguments, while it is obvious that in real life most arguments do not meet Vwhen dealing with unexpressed premises, since strictly speaking the only sys-
that requirement. Most ordinary arguments tend to have conclusions that are tematic concepts and tools available for analysis and identification come
not alway.s ~ro~able and therefore seem to be non-deductive. In practice, from formal logic; unexpressed premises and formal deductive logic are
however, .It IS dIfficult to distinguish deductive from non-deductive argu- closely linked. Formal deductive logic supplies us with a fixed model of argu-
ments. It IS also unclear how non-deductive arguments should be interpreted ment. By virtue of this fixed model unexpressed premises are traditionally de-
and evaluated without making use of some concept of unexpressed premises. fined.
If the traditional logical approach is applied to all types of arguments, then Many theorists believe that the traditional deductive model of argument
problems remain. One such problem is that too many candidates for the un- cannot be applied when analyzing ordinary, inductive arguments. Instead, we
expressed premise are generated; often several different statements could ren- should try to find some useful alternative to the deductive model. If !h-~rel~~_
der the argument valid. In such cases, logic does not offer the proper selection tionship betweenformallol?;is .'\!1:<lllI1 expr<:!,sed premises is abandoned, how-
tools. Ful1.hs:rI!lQ!~ th~tr~ditionallogical ilpproach does not take into ac- ever~ilie;;-;;~~p-i' o{~rl~nexpress~d premise becomes vague and problematic.
count the large variety of implicit elements and their differeritfurlctI~n~~­ In the existing ni:erat~~e~therehasb~~rl a long and extensive discussion on the
:~us, this ~pproach is oflittle help for working out which explicit and implic- topic of whether or not deductive logic can be applied to non-deductive types
It InformatIon plays a role in any particular argumentation. _ ' " of argument, and how to deal with them otherwise.5 The position a theorist
It is because of these shortcomings of the traditionallogic~l approach that takes in this discussion largely decides the way he or she approaches unex-
modern argumentation theorists have made an effort to formulate new views pressed premises. Three main points of view can be distinguished. I shall call
of unexpressed premises and develop new approaches. This effort also in- them pluralism, modern deductivism and neither pluralist, nor deductivist. a renewed interest in the rhetorical approach of enthymemes because
of ItS more pragmatic perspective. In the earlier years of argumentation theo-
ry, unexpressed premises were high on the agenda. In 1980, as part of the re- 3.3.1 Pluralism
search program for "informal logic': Blair and Johnson formulated the fol-
lowing questions with regard to unexpressed premises: The first point of view regarding the deductive-inductive distinction is that
deductive and inductive arguments have to be dealt with differently when it
The problem ofassumptions and missingpremises: comes to unexpressed premises. In this view one cannot use the deductive
What exactly is a missing premise? What different kind of assumptions can be model of argument to analyze inductive and other non-deductive types of ar-
distinguished in argumentation? Which are significant for argument evaluation? gument. An important advocate of this view is Govier (1987). The view is also
How are missing premises to be identified and formulated? Are these just pract- endorsed by Woods (1990) and Walton (1996). In their opinion, a theorist
ical and pedagogical questions, or theoretical as well? (1980: 25). who analyses an inductive argument by means of the deductive model, is a
"deductivist": someone who treats all arguments as if they are about certainty
These questions proved difficult to answer - although already at an early while they are not. The opponents of deductivism are in favor of a so-called
stage, Hitchcock (1980, 1981) and Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (19 82,19 83) I pluralist view: 6 The different types of argument, like deductive, inductive,
made a concerted effort - and they still feature in the present research on un-
expressed premises.
I conductive and abductive arguments, each require their own interpretative
and evaluative model.? Pluralists believe that a standard deductivistic treat-
() ! ( 11
I ~ -Z
ment of unexpressed premises is fundamentally wrong, because it ignores the in~!'~~~i~!(l_~<!,i(s.?! W~~!~~t~,:;,!~:~~~~~~~~t.~~~;~~~~.s..~I?-
vital distinction between the different types of arguments, and wrongly re- er basis an evaluation of the inference can be made.
• ,_ 0' ~."',_" ,~, •••.,,,.,., _ _ ~ ___ '""_m ....__',...._ .."''"' __.......,_,,_,.,._ /1
gards non-deductive arguments consisting of one premise and a conclusion
as incomplete. 8 As a consequence, arguments that are non-deductive are eval-
uated by non-fitting and deductive criteria that are considered too strong.Ac- 3.3.2 Modern Deductivism
cording to Walton, a standard deductivistic analysis often implies "reading
in" premises that are not part of the argument, in order to meet the deduc- A second point of view in the deductive-inductive discussion consists of the
tivistic requirement. This comes down to the fallacy of the straw man (1996: notion that regularly applying deductive rules of validity to fill in an unex-
241). To avoid this fallacy, an option would be to render each argument de- pressed premise does not necessarily imply a deductivist stance, at least not in
ductively valid only in a minimal way, by merely adding the logical minimum the strict sense of the word. Therefore, there is no objection against a standard
(a statement of the form "if (premise), then (conclusion),,). In this type of deductivistic analysis of unexpressed premises. Ennis (1982: 70) recognized
method, however, the discerning power of the concept oflogical validity is re- the distinction between deduction and induction, but is nevertheless in favor
duced to nothing. Woods (1990: 107) makes this point; he observes that in a of a deductivistic method, because this forces the analyst to examine each step
. trivial way, all argumellt~ C:<ln£~ 1J:1~~~sk~."~t:i¥4¥aLid;aiidby.l2i~~_ in the argumentation carefully, and guarantees that no steps are missed.
distinction between IQgic:allyvalid and inYi!Ugj'fl£uIilents dissolves - or so Hitchcock (1980) also favors this "heuristic" deductivism, as Govier (19 87: 89)
. pluralists argue. ........ ........."._. ,,' '. - ....." .........-••..-... '-.... _....'-,---
has called it. Other defenses of deductivism were expressed by pragma-di-
According to the pluralistic view, an unexpressed premise, as it is tradition- alecticians such as Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (199 2 ) and Gerritsen
ally understood, must only be supplied in the (rare) case of a real-life deduc- (1995) and by Groarke (1992). I shall refer to these last-mentioned authors as
tive argument. The step from premise to conclusion in inductive and other modern deductivists.
kinds of arguments has to be evaluated in some alternative way; in any case, When it comes to unexpressed premises, the inductive-deductive distinc-
never by supplying an unexpressed premise that renders the argument de- tion is not a crucial problem for modern deductivists. As Groarke (199 2 ) ar-
ductively valid, since this would amount to deductivism. gues, the distinction between deductive and inductive arguments mainly
In recent years, the main efforts of those who oppose deductivism have concerns a difference in the degree of certainty of the inference from premises
been directed at three elements. First, they have tried to convince proponents to conclusion. It is possible to incorporate this degree of certainty in the
of a deductivistic approach that their method is wrong (Hitchcock 1985, analysis without abandoning the deductive framework. This can be achieved
Govier 1987). Second, they have made efforts to describe and define the char- by adding specific semantic indicators of the strength of the inference ("It is
acteristics of deductive versus inductive arguments and other kinds of argu- likely that ... ", "I feel it is certainly so that ... ") to either the premise or the
ments to be able to apply these distinctions to real-life arguments (Govier conclusion if such indicators are absent from the original. Which indicator is
1992). In practice, however, the distinctions are difficult to make. Third, plu- suitable in a given case has to be decided by looking at the context. p~V
ralists concern themselves with the question of how the inference from the ~nts()~~~~~~~~i."i~t!,c<lp~roClchargue~l1(lt as l~ng ~s the degre~ of certam1}'j
premises to the conclusion is evaluated in non-deductive types of argument is taken mto account III thIS way, there ,IS no objection to, applymg a 4educ-
(Hitchcock 1980, 1981, 1985). tlvistiCahalysis~ig[y~ri~ly !,QAlfi:lJ,:gumt:n ts,
"'Those;ho'follow a deductivistic approach to unexpressed premises have
As yet, the efforts to develop a pluralistic treatment of unexpressed premises focused their attention in recent years mainly on two elements. First, they
do not seem to have had any concrete result; there is still no agreed-upon have been trying to explain why a deductivistic approach is warranted. This .
overview of types of arguments and proper evaluation criteria. Also, it must o!!:~~~~.0~!}h,<:Y t:!1.E(igeiI1. (l general dis~ussioJ1 of tile p}~ce ,::n~ ful1~tio~
be said that it is necessary to evaluate the inference in every argument, regard- I of forma!J().gk.within,mQd~[!!,<1orgllIllent<!t!QIlJl1eQIT.Iht:~rIJ1<lln_r21.l?! IS
. i 'ess of its type. !~is also a~plies to a pluralist account. But within such an ac- ('-i h at !£~(;<;<:U!Yl.Yi~W'ed eIllPiric:<!lly, is also a requir~lI!eJ1t of ~rclin<lrY:(ir­
,I/Fount, the tradltlOnal notlOn of unexpressed premise is only of limited use, i gumentation: 10 It is always a necessary result of argument analysIs at a logical

and so far !lQ?'S~~te~~ve~W~~jK~re4.As a consequence, it is an open leveC(Ie:;'a formal logical reconstruction of the unexpressed premises).
qu~s~i~,,::heth.:~~ shou~~. f.?.r_I!1l!I<lt~~ s!!l.J~m~.!ltili.a~~E~~s.~:'s-;hat'the Therefore, the deductivist method is not just used for heuristic reasons.
' ..
/-J .. '~
Most modern deductivists acknowledge that it is unclear which kinds of Once the distinction between valid and invalid arguments collapses in the ideal
co~cepts of validity real language users actually apply. They also admit that model, the ideal model ceases to justify our interest in it, except negatively (1990:
logiCal systems other than the traditional propositional and syllogistic logic
may be more suited for analyzing particular arguments:

In opposition to Woods' criticism, it could be said that, although most natural

Although some commitment to a clear criterion of validity is here required, this
arguments meet the validity requirement when a deductivistic method is ap-
does not necessarily imply a dogmatic commitment to deductivism. At this junc-
plied, not all do. Although pluralists think otherwise, a deductivistic analysis
ture we do not want to take a specific and definitive stance on the question of
can highlight the fact that a particular argument is logically invalid (Gerritsen
exactly what kind oflogical criterion is to be preferred (Van Eemeren and
Grootendorst 1992: 113).
tivistic <Ina.:lysis,
_d.__.ed.U . •t.iV_.i~~i~._m
... C Vo.w.ever,i&that t._.. th~r.5.! 0..
.. _._•. e._. h._O.d.i.S. tho.e.r.e.£.ll<isto eI10ugh
t tr.iv. CO.. I1.c!i!i~n.fO
..... contextual
ia. l.. ._A .•r__:a. <i.~. <i. . l!:.c. . : \
support a reconstruction of an ari$ument as non-vali~"a decision which is .
In practice, though, most modern deductivists still restrict the use of formal
made at th~prasill<!!i!;:lll1t;}'s1.~f ~naJy~!s. ~f~_is~_~i~~11~ .i~ lackin~ ~~i~ of!en S
logi~ to the tr~ditionallogical systems. This part of their approach may be is), modeI1iS!~g£t!yis!s prefer a reconstruction of the ~r!2u_~.~J.l!_as l()_~i~allr_1
motIvated mamly by heuristic reasons:
vaM,beca~_s.<:J:h~ __~!'!!iiJQlliili~-_pr~gmatically based :_s.~pposition that
peopl~-g2iwJlll}'a'!~mp.tto.J:ea~Jmjl1alogkf!!!y "e!lli'Y<lY'__ ,)
Just for the sake of simplicity, we shall restrict ourselves ... to making use of the
Modern deductivists differ in one major respect from traditional deduc-
well-known and ready-made Instruments of propositional logic and first-order
tivists: they consider a logical analysis of an argument as entirely i~suffic~eI!!,.
\ I predicate logic (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1992: 113).
This analysis has to be complemented and completed by a pragmatical analy-
sis. This is the second reason why a (modern) deductivistic analysis is not triv-
Modern.deductivists feel it is up to logicians to design logical systems that are
ial. ~ragmatic analysis involves i!Ul:!~._ ...
more sUitable for analyzing everyday argumentation. In modern logic, new,
t<:g~~ an~Q[!lle.f.Q~.!he'§R,<:Mt:!.~!:1.c!_t!!_~ ~~~~~I1.~~2.tE:S.?i!l!.<l!iQn
more advanced and complex logical systems are being developed, and at-

tempts are being made to incorporate these results into argumentation theo-
dencethateiiablethe analyst to make interpretative decisions that cannot be
The modern deductivistic approaches have been criticized for their use of made at the logical level. Since the pragmatic analysis is such an important
l~gic. J?hnso.n (1999), for e~a~ple, feels it is unclear to what extent pragma- part of modern deductivistic approaches, they give a great deal of attention to
dIaleCtIcs relIes on the tradltIonal truth-requirement of deductive logic. In the questions of what such an analysis should consist of and in what theoreti-
other words, are they deductivists or not?
cal framework it should be grounded. 12

They [Van Eemeren and Grootendorst, SG J appear to reject Rescher's idea that
an inductive inference is a failed deductive one, and they are sensitive to Govier's
3.3.3 Neither Pluralist, nor Deductivist
critique of deductivism. Yet in their treatment of unexpressed premises, they
commIt themselves to propositional logic and first-order predicate logic as the
A third position that can be distinguished in the deductive-inductive discus-
vehIcles for fleshing missing premises. [ ... J To the degree that they are willing to
sion, is that the deductive-inductive distinction and the like are not really an
embrace the traditional concept of validity as having some role to play in their
issue at all. The general characteristic shared by these approaches that I put in
evaluative apparatus, to that same degree, it appears, that they have no choice but
this category is that formal logic is more or less absent. What is traditionally
to embrace some fO~ITI of t!::~-requirement (12~9: 4 13).
called a premise, for example, is called a reason instead; there is no talk oflogi-
cal validity, logical forms, or deductive and inductive arguments, and the
Woods claims that the pragma-dialectical ideal model for discussions loses its term unexpressed premise is usually absent as well. Since the theorists who are
value because of its deductivistic nature:
in favor of these approaches do not apply the deductive model of argumenta-
!l / tion at all, they cannot be called deductivists. And since they do not apply the
\i" typology of different types of arguments either, they are not pluralists.
Among the treatments of unexpressed premises in which formal logic plays argues that the analysis should not be restricted to the premises and the rela-
no explicit role are the approaches based on the Toulmin model (1958). In tion between the premises and the conclusion, but that it should also take into
these approaches the unexpressed premise is called the warrant, which is not account the role of the interlocutor, the way in which the message is ex-
explicitly linked to any logical concept. The second concept in the Toulmin pressed, and what she calls "the complexity of the reasoning". Her proposal
model, which involves an element that is normally left implicit is the backing, implies that the logical and the rhetorical approach should be combined.
or a statement that supports the warrant.'3 However, one of the main criti- Approaches to unexpressed premises in which formal logic is absent, gen-
cisms against the Toulmin model is that it is in fact not very different from the erally focus on elements that seem to have been taken for granted by the
traditional deductive model. Another problem is that the concepts of warrant speaker in a given case, and how this is communicated to the audience. The
and backing lack conceptual and functional clarity, so not many theorists perspective is pragmatic, although not always to the same extent and with the
work with them anymore. '4 same effect. Not much attention is paid to the definitions of implicit elements
A second group of approaches within this category is associated with "criti- and to the distinctions that have to be made, or to developing systematic pro-
cal thinking" or "critical reasoning': 15 These approaches analyze and evaluate cedures for identifying them.
ordinary argumentation, including the identification of implicit elements,
without the use of any logical concepts. A recent practical example of such an
approach is Thomson (1996). 3.4 The Nature of the Unexpressed Premise
A third group are approaches to enthymemes and unexpressed premises by
discourse analysts and conversation analysts. In these approaches logic plays Another question that has dominated the research on unexpressed premises
no role, nor does the deductive-inductive distinction. A well-known contri- in recent years concerns the exact nature of the proposition that is labeled the
bution to this approach is Jackson and Jacobs (1980: 262). They define the eJl;; unexpressed premise. When dealing with real-life examples, it soon becomes
~~r~~me as a?~rgumellt in 'YhichJhesl.l~t~ qlles.tiOUL clear that in practice many implicit elements seem to play some kind of role in
<l!!~<?!>i:'<:!~()_Il:5.2t.lh.~ E~siIili:,!,l!.,. This definition highlights the interactional the argumentation, while it is not easy to pick out the one that can be consid-
aspect of unexpressed premises. Insight into the structure, sequences and
functional relations in everyday conversation is important because it enriches
ered the unexpressed premise. Traditional linguistic theories offer some alter-
native implicit elements in ordinary language to the unexpressed premise. Of
the theoretical basis of the analysis of unexpressed premises at the pragmatic these, the presupposition is the most prominent. It is not entirely clear what
level. However, this insight can only be utilized if what is meant by "the sup- the differences and similarities between presuppositions and unexpressed
port matches the questions and objections of the recipient" is first more pre- premises are.
cisely defined. Conversational approaches to enthymemes are not primarily Govier (1987: 92) made an important contribution to this aspect of the re-
directed at questions like how one analyzes an enthymematic argument, but search by showing which different kinds of implicit elements can be distin-
at how one properly describes enthymemes from a conversational viewpoint. guished and how difficult it is to describe these differences and select the un-
A final group of theorists are the rhetoricians, who more or less put formal expressed premise. Some aspects of the discussion of thi~ ~roble~ are ~~ated
logic aside when it comes to the study of enthymemes and unexpressed below, particularly the confusion in textbooks over defimtlOns of Im~hClt ele-
premises. Their rhetorical focus on enthymemes is much different from the ments, the idea that the unexpressed premise is a gap-filler, and the difference
logical one. Rhetoricians concern themselves with the relation between a text, between used and needed premises.
its context, and its effect on the audience. When it comes to enthymemes, they
concern themselves with describing these relations in view of the fact that cer-
tain relevant information is left implicit. Rhetorical studies on enthymemes 3.4. 1 Confusion over Definitions
examine how information is implicitly conveyed to an audience, and in which
forms and through which channels this information is expressed. In the existing literature, there is much confusion over the defi~itions a~d t~e
An interesting proposal by Piazza (1995) argues that the traditional account terms that are used to refer to implicit elements. One of the malll questlo~s IS
of an enthymeme as a deductive, one-premise argument is incomplete, be- what the difference is between presuppositions and unexpressed premises.
cause it ignores the rhetorical situation in which enthymemes are found. She Traditionally, a "presupposition" is viewed as an implicit assumption under-

lying a proposition, the truth of which is a condition for the truth of that
Thomson tries to explain why assumption is a clearer term than presupposi-
proposition. "There exists a queen of Budavia" is a presupposition for the
tion. Not, however, by referring to what is traditionally understood by pre-
proposition "The queen of Budavia is old." In most textbooks, presupposi-
tions and unexpressed premises are treated as two separate kinds of implicit suppositions, but by talking about the kinds ~f statement.s generally c~led hy-
elements. ~.2Jl~~se t<:xt~.?..<>.!<s, the main difference is that presuppo-
pothetical statements. 17 These statements are m .fact.functlon~yvery dlffere~t
sitions only playa role in the background ofan-arg~;:n~nt; theyare t;~fur from the traditional presuppositions. The mam difference IS that hypotheti-
granreTI·and·af~ often triY!ilI:'6Thus, there isusuaIiyno-g~~;U~~~dto identify cal statements by nature always function as premises of the argument. There-
tllerrrexplicitly. In contrast, the unexpressed premise is a basic element of the fore, they are very much in the foreground, not in the background,. of t~e
argument itsel£ It has a particular function that presuppositions do not have; argumentation. And, in contrast to presuppositions, they have to be Identi-
fied. Another important difference is that hypothetical statements are usually
~n une~pressed premise "fills the gap" or "forms a bridge" between the explic-
It premise and the conclusion (Ennis 1982: 62, Govier 19 87: 9 6, respectively). expressed explicitly, since it would be hard to m~e ~ hn:o.thetical ar~ument

!~~~au... s~..un. ~xpr.esse.d. l?r.e. mi~~~.r<:p.. ,,:rt..o. f. . th. e iC il!~!!2f!!.h!hIT have to Qe
of the kind that Thomson refers to, while leavmg ImplICIt from whICh hy-
~ntlfied, while presuppositions can be left aside.
S.. pothesis the argument commences. Presuppositions are by definition always
fhls)io~~;-er: {ssiinpllfylngi:li.ings:'A"comp1i~tion arises when the dis- implicit.
tinction between unexpressed premises and presuppositions as described
above are not agreed upon by all the argumentation theorists. When one In her textbook, Thomson does not use the term unexpressed premise or close
compares various textbooks, one discovers many differences between the equivalents like missing premise and implicit reason. In her explanation of ~e
terms used to refer to implicit elements and the meanings attached to them. meaning of "assumption", she further distinguishes a subclass t~at may com-
Terms such as assumption, supposition, missingpremise, implicature, inference, cide with what are traditionally viewed as unexpressed premises. A second
and implication mayor may not refer to the same thing as presuppositions subclass seems to be the traditional presuppositions. Thomson's other sub-
classes are not so obviously related to a traditional category of implicit ele-
and unexpressed premises as they are traditionally understood. Different the-
orists apply their own considerations for choosing one term over another. ments. This is how she introduces the different types of assumptions:
Sometimes they attach different definitions to traditional concepts, some-
times they introduce new terms to refer to traditional concepts, and some- In the sense of "assumption" set out above, arguments have many assumptions.
times they introduce new terms for concepts that traditionally were not dis- For each argument we encounter, there will be a whole host of shared back-
tinguished at all. ground information - for example, the meanings of the words in which the argu-
An example that shows the possible confusion that may arise over terms re- ment is expressed, and general knowledge which give support to the reasons
lated to unexpressed premise is Thomson's textbook Critical Reasoning (1996). which are presented. Sometimes these assumptions will be so uncontentious.that
Thomson uses the overall term assumption to refer to any implicit element we will not be interested in making them explicit. Sometimes, however, we will
that may playa role in an argument. She prefers this term to presupposition: suspect that an argument rests upon a dubious assumption, and it will be im-
portant for us to express exactly what that assumption is in order to assess the ar-
Sometimes in the process of evaluating arguments, the term 'presupposition' is gument. .
us~d instead of'assumption'. We prefer the term 'assumption', because of the pos- We shall say more later about assumptions concerning the meamng of words, as-
Sibility of confusion between 'presupposing' and 'supposing'. Usually when argu- sumptions about analogous or comparable situations, and assumptions con-
ments tell us to "suppose that x is true': they are neither stating nor assuming that cerning the appropriateness of a given explanation. But for this chapter, we shall
x is true; they are merely exploring what would follow from the truth of x, and of- focus on ... (1996: 24).
ten they are doing this precisely in order to show that x must be false. So we must
not take the presence of the word 'suppose' in an argument to indicate that an as- In this explanation, Thomson distinguishes assumptions .concerning the
sumption is being made. Indeed, since we are using the term 'assumption' to de- meaning of words as a subtype. In traditional theory, these kinds of assu~p­
note something which is not stated, there are no special words in arguments to tions are regarded as presuppositions. Thomson seems to put assu~ptlOns
indicate the presence of this kind of assumption (1996: 23). about analogous or comparable situations and assumptions concermn~ the
appropriateness of a given explanation in the same subclass as assumptIOns


about the meaning of words. Perhaps she regards them as presuppositions as probably well-known to everyone who practices argument analysis, but agai~
well. Traditionally, however, these kinds of assumptions are not classified. it seems that no generally agreed-upon term for it is available. (In pragma-dl-
Against this part of Thomson's classification one might argue that it is impos- alectical terms: a single argumentation in a subordinate chain of single argu-
sible to label these kinds of assumptions a priori as presuppositions, for an as- mentations has been left implicit.)
sumption about an analogous situation may very well be the unexpressed Below, an overview of Thomson's terms and distinctions with regard to im-
premise in a given case. In fact, in analogy arguments it is exactly an assump- plicit elements, as compared to tradition is presented:
tion of this nature that is distinguished as the unexpressed premise.'s The
same can be said about her "assumptions concerning the appropriateness of Thomson's assumptions Traditional terms
an explanation" - it seems difficult to classify them a priori. Implicit elements
cannot be labeled by only looking at their content, as Thomson does here. Subclass 1
Thomson describes two further subclasses of assumption. Interestingly, the - meaning of words presupposition
underlying criterion is now a functional one: - analogous or comparable situations unclear
- appropriateness of given explanation unclear
... we shall focus on the following two important ways in which assumptions
function in an argument: first, in giving support to the basic reasons presented in Subclass 2
the argument; second, as a missing step within the argument - perhaps as an ad- - in support of basic reasons back-up?
ditional reason which must be added to the stated reasons in order for the con- - as a missing step: - additional reason unexpressed premise
clusion to be established, or perhaps as an intermediate conclusion which is sup- - intermediate conclusion implicit part of
ported by the reasons, and in turn supports the main conclusion (1996: 24). subordinate
It is not immediately transparent how these two kinds of assumptions relate
to the traditional concepts. I believe that Thomson's first kind of assumption
does not have an equivalent in traditional theory. It resembles a concept dis- This discussion illustrates that theorists attach different meanings to differ-
tinguished by Ennis (1982) and Burke (1985), the so-called back-up, which is ent terms for implicit elements. It is important to be aware of the confusion
also a statement that lends support to the explicit premise!9 Ennis' and that can result from this.
Burke's descriptions and examples of back-up, however, are not unambigu-
ous. Furthermore, the problem with this idea of back-up is that an analyst can
always think of further reasons that support the reasons that are stated, but 3.4.2 The Unexpressed Premise as a Gap-Filler
there is hardly ever enough evidence to prove that adding these reasons to the
argument is interpretatively correct, nor is there any theoretical basis for Apart from the confusion over terms, there are other com plicatio.ns regarding
making decisions like these. 20 the distinction between presuppositions and unexpressed premIses. Accord-
The second kind of assumptions that Thomson distinguishes, the interme- ing to the traditional definition, presuppositions are "in the background". In
diate conclusions, may overlap with, or be the same as, the traditional unex- actual argumentative practice, however, this is not always the case, for in some
pressed premise, because she says that they form a "missing step': which may cases presuppositions turn out to be decisive for the quality of the argume~­
mean the same as "filling a gap" or "forming a bridge". This missing step, tation. In those cases they are, or so it seems, "in the foreground". One tradI-
Thomson states, may be an assumption that must be added to the explicit rea- tional recognized instance of this is the fallacy of many questions. There is no
sons in order for the conclusion to follow, or an intermediate conclusion clear tool available for tracking down presuppositions. There is also no argu-
which is supported by reasons and, in turn, supports the main conclusion. mentation theory where the identification of relevant presuppositions is sys-
The first specification does fit in with the traditional understanding of unex- tematically incorporated into the analysis. This is a particular problem when
pressed premises as assumptions that must be added in order for the conclu- a presupposition does seem to be relevant in the foreground, because then the
sion to follow. The second specification refers to an analytical case that is difference between it and an unexpressed premise is more difficult to deter-

The crucial question here is what it means when an unexpressed premise is a logical minimum have to be generalized, and to what extent. Others argue
gap-filler and the presupposition is not, which is supposed to be the distin- that there is no way around this, because it is an intrinsic part of analyzing ar-
guishing feature between them. In itself, it seems to be an advantage when it guments. 23 In pragma-dialectics, for example, it is part of the analysis at the
can be said that an unexpressed premise needs to fill a gap, or form a bridge, pragmatic level to decide what the content of the unexpressed premise may
between the stated premises and the conclusion, since this implies a function- be, and to what extent the logical minimum has to be generalized, or speci-
al perspective. It is impossible to identify unexpressed premises by their con- fied, on the basis of the text and the context. 24
tent only; they may be about any subject and they can have all kinds of status- If the unexpressed premise is always a generalized version of the logical
es with regard to their truth or acceptability and the degree to which they are minimum that fills the gap between the premises and the conclusion, it differs
shared or known by the interlocutors. The only way to get a grip on them from a presupposition, which is never an if-then-statement (or a variant of it)
seems to be to pin down what function they have in an argument. This can that links the premises to the conclusion. It is clearly some other kind of state-
only happen, however, when it is determined what "filling a gap" amounts to, ment. Pluralists, however, would not agree with this definition of an unex-
in particular when it comes to identifying the unexpressed premise. pressed premise.
When it is said that an unexpressed premise should fill a gap, what is often
meant is that the unexpressed premise is a kind of if-then-statement such as
the one in the following example: 3.4.3 Used or Needed Premise

Conclusion: This article is about argumentation. Even if everyone agreed that the unexpressed premise is a generalized version
Premise: It is written by an argumentation theorist. of the logical minimum, another problem arises with regard to the nature of
Unexpressed premise: Ifthis article is written by an argumentation theorist, the unexpressed premise. Some theorists (Ennis 1982, Govier 1987, and Wal-
then this article is about argumentation. ton 1996) argue that there are two kinds of unexpressed premises, depending
on the goal of the analysis. The two kinds are "used" versus "needed" premis-
Here the if-then statement is the so-called logical minimum. Of course, filling es. Used premises are interpretatively correct; they are the (implicit and ex-
in the logical minimum is entirely in line with the traditional logical ap- plicit) premises that the speaker had in mind while expressing the argument.
proach, and such a method therefore suffers from the same shortcomings. Implicit used premises have to be identified when the goal of the analysis is
The objection that such a method amounts to deductivism has already been "interpretation". Needed premises, on the other hand, are not interpretatively
mentioned. Another objection is that supplying the logical minimum is a correct, but only logically; they are the premises that are needed to make the
void act; since the statement is no more than a reiteration of the argument, it argument valid.>5 Needed implicit premises are filled in when the goal is
does not add anything and it cannot be tested for its truth or acceptability.2l "truth seeking" or "evaluation", which means that the analyst checks to what
Few theorists feel that the logical minimum is a likely candidate for the unex- extent the truth of the conclusion is proven by the premises. 26 The distinction
pressed premise. can also be taken to imply that used premises and needed premises are by def-
A second kind of if-then statement that may serve as a candidate for the un- inition different in nature, so that the two analytical goals always result in un-
expressed premise is one or another generalized version of the logical mini- expressed premises with different contents.
mum that fits into the context at hand. Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (199 2: The distinction between used and needed premises is introduced by Ennis
62-66) and Groarke (1995), for example, argue that we should fill in this type (1982: 64). He argues that it is important to make this distinction to avoid con-
of unexpressed premises. :!,!J.~~gY<lnta~Qf this methRd, s:gmp<!!~.~:LJQ~ fusion and to develop a systematic method for identifying unexpressed
previous one, is thatit results in a statementthat is not uncontentious There- premises whereby analysts should decide beforehand what their particular
fore, it adds something extra to the argument, and it is te~t~bie.Bu~ i~:' oppo- goal is and at what kinds of unexpressed premises their analysis is directed. At
nents argue that this method also just amounts to deductivism because it the time when Ennis expressed these views, there was indeed confusion with
i renders the argument deductively valid and is universally applied to all argu- respect to the analytical goals, especially among informal logicians. Nowa-
. ments consisting of one premise and a conclusion." Some also feel that this days, most theorists seem to agree that "truth seeking" should not be the goal
method has a disadvantage in that the analyst has to decide which terms in the of argument analysis. All the same, the used-needed distinction remains a


point of attention. For Walton (1996: 248), needed premises are not a big 3.5.1 The Meaning of'Context'
problem, because we can arrive at needed premises by relying on the rules of

~::1~;.t~fi~~;';;~ ~Ji~~E~~;~..:u~;[ti"~;!;~~~t=~;;t;
deductive logic and concepts like "argumentation schemes': Formulating
used premises on the other hand is much harder: Walton feels more casework
is needed in order to give a "classification of the different kinds of en-
thymemes and the different bases they rely on in argumentation" (1996: 25 0 ).
\. -~dofother information that may somehow playa role in that text. This
rather broad definition makes it hard to pin down what the exact relevant
context in a specific case is, let alone allow one to decide what the proper un-
The used-needed complication is only an issue for those who embrace the expressed premise is in the specific context. Even if the analyst recognizes the
distinction in the first place. Not everybody does, because it implies that importance of using contextual information in the analysis, it is not exactly
"used" premises are not the premises that make the argument logically valid. clear how this is best done.
This conclusion, at least, follows from Walton's treatment of the subject. A In modern argumentation theory, especially in its early years, there was a
rather serious consequence would be that it would be assumed that ordinary tendency to look at argument examples isolated from the context in which
people do not reason in a logically valid way. This would lead to a definitive they originally functioned. The only arguments studied were those consisting
split between logic and argumentation theory on the one hand, and the study of a conclusion and one or two premises. Today, practically everybody ac-
of ordinary argument on the other. For those who agree with the distinction, knowledges that no justice can be done using this method to determine what
the analysis at a pragmatic level directed at the used premises (interpretation) an ordinary argument is about. In other words, it turns argument analysis
is something entirely separate from an analysis at a logical level directed at the into a rather meaningless activity. Today's theorists study larger samples of
needed premises (evaluation): they are two different activities one can under- text and try to take context into account, so that he or she can arrive at a more
take and one can choose for either one or the other. It is hard to see, however, detailed analysis. Good examples consist of attempts that analyze argumenta-
what we would gain by making such a divide. This understanding of interpre- tion in specific situations and contexts, such as a judicial setting (Feteris 1999)
tation versusevaluation is also in sharp contrast to other approaches, such as or an institutional setting (Berkenbosch and Van der Geest 1999)·
pragma-dialectics, where an interpretation always precedes evaluation, and When looking for the proper unexpressed premise, it would be helpful if
interpretation is motivated by the need for evaluation. there was a method or procedure of some kind for determining and articulat-
ing the relevant context. The concept 0~!~se4J)!~mi§~i.s elltir~!.y ..
context-dependent; with.()~!_~.S.2.!!!~2f!2the.S:Q!l~~2!. !!~Ecll.Y.l11aJ<~s .<lIlY sens~.
3.5 The Role of Context
( pragffiaiically:-ifthere-is imprecision in the analysis with regard to under-
standmg the context, this can easily lead to differences of opinion about the
A third important development in the study of unexpressed premises is the exact content of a particular unexpressed premise. And even when extensive
increased theoretical and practical interest in the role of the context in the information is available, there is almost always room for alternative interpre-
analysis. In the traditional logical approach, as the Copi example earlier in tations - albeit only to some extent in everyday life - because otherwise peo-
this chapter shows, context hardly played a role. But in studying real-life argu- ple would be unable to communicate and understand each other.
mentation one is confronted with the importance of specific and detailed Jacobs (1999) emphasizes the need for looking at argumentative material
contextual information for arriving at a satisfying analysis. This applies to all not in isolation, but from a conversational viewpoint, in order to understand
aspects of the analysis of an argument, but especially for implicit elements what the argument is really about:
like unexpressed premises. When the context is not taken into consideration
in a given case, it seems virtually impossible to identify the unexpress€d Too often the problem of reconstructing arguments has been a problem of re-
premises. Many theorists have stressed that contextual information is often fashioning stated propositions, filling in missing premises, drawing out implied
decisive in making analytical decisions and that the context should therefore conclusions, but without any sensitivity to the total message that is being con-
be included in our analyses. Several problems, however, need to be resolved. veyed .... Information conveyed in a message is not limited to what can be ex-
tracted from sentences by rules of syntax, semantics, and logic .... When people
interpret a message, they construct a context of assumptions and inferences to


make sense of what was said and of what was not said but could have been said, for tl1e correct interpretation of the unexpressed premise, but it does not offer
and that make sense of how and when all of it is said. The words are not the mes- a reliable metl10d for identifying the relevant context when looking for tl1e
sage.... It is the context of interpretive assumptions and inferences that is the
unexpressed premise.
message (1999: 398).
! r {I

Following Van Eemeren (1990), Jacobs proposes a "normative pragmatics" as

3.5.2 The Position ofthe Analyst , \i
a corrective and a complement to the traditional approach of the analysis.'? ......__._-----_. (, c0.Cu \.\
\ A second problem witl1 regard to the notion of conte~ ~as. to do with the po-
The question of how to include contextual information is particularly rele- \\sifiOiiOffheanalyst~ Compared to the speakers and listeners who are actually
vant to those who are in some way affiliated with the traditional logical ap- ~inVclved in the--;;g~"illentation, it is almost always harder for an analyst to de-
proach, if only by explicitly moving away from that approach like informal 10- cide on the meaning of the utterances involved. The interlocutors are present
gicians and pragma-dialecticians. For tl10se who work from a (traditional or when tl1e argument is expressed, and tl1ey are provided with all kinds of clues,
modern) rhetorical framework, how contextual information is included is botl1 verbal and non-verbal, that help tl1em to interpret tl1e message. They
not really an issue. To them, the concept of enthymemes and implicit infor- can also interact and ask for clarification. The analyst, however, does not have
J mation has always been about context. Rhetorical approaches to enthymemes
tl1ese options.
do not focus On ~lling in the cor~ect unexpressed premises (in fact, the term- Many theorists feel we should be analyzing arguments as tl1ey were intend-
or a synonym - IS seldom mentlOned); they concentrate on the relation be- ed by tl1eir speakers, and not some interpretation of their arguments. In other
tween entl1ymemes and the broader context, which in rhetoric is often called words, interpretative correctness is the aim, however hard it may be to
i. culture.
Lucaites, Condit, and Caudill (1999) give an overview of contemporary
achieve. Even those with "evaluation" and "needed premises" as tl1eir goals
would usually not go so far as to totally abandon their concern for interpreta-
rhetorical theory in which they also clarify the role of the enthymemes. In tive correctness. The problem, however, is how to decide what is interpreta-
their view, three structural relationships are important for the understanding tively correct. This problem is often thought to involve the speaker's inten-
of a text: the relation between the text and its sources, the text and culture, and tions; how can we know what tl1eywere?
the text and its effect. In discussing the second relation, they stress tl1at the In pragma-dialectics, the analysis is not directed at the speaker's intentions,
(Aristotelian) enthymeme is a core concept, since it relies On doxa, which is, but at his or her externalizable "commitments" instead. 2s The concept of
tl1ey maintain, the classical equivalent of "cultur~'~ Doxa is ill:ostly·silent commitment comes from speech act theory. Recently, Walton also suggested
(1999: 71). A recent rhetorical study, Horwitz (1999), is directed at this partic- that in argument analysis we should be concerned with tl1e speaker's commit-
ular relationship between entl1ymemes and culture. She defines enthymemes ments (but only when the goal is to identify used premises) (1996: 251). The
as the constellation of assumptions and inferences that listeners make when idea of commitment is sometimes subject to confusion, since semantically
hearing someone speak. Horwitz argues that people sometimes construe tl1e word "commitment" has several meanings and connotations. In speech
\ these enthymemes, just on the basis ofthe speaker's appearance (race, gender, act theory, it means tl1at by uttering certain propositions (in a specific con-
etc.), which may lead the audience to arrive at a negative judgment of the text) a speaker commit~himself or herself to something, depending on the
speaker. In other words, they form certain enthymemes in tl1eir heads, which kind of speeChac~oyed. Someone who expresses a verbal utterance tl1at
may prevent the speaker's message from coming across accurately. A speaker amounts to a promise, tl1ereby commits oneself to actually doing what one
can prevent this from happening, or the speaker can "block the enthymeme" said, since this is the essence of the speech act of making a promise. The
by employing certain rhetorical techniques (1999: 385). speaker will be held to the promise, even ifhe or she never intended to live up
Rhetorical approaches rely on a certain understanding of context or cul- to it. Similarly, someone who produces a claim commits oneself to the truth
ture. Since they are not directed at identifying the precise unexpressed of that claim, for tl1at is the essence of tl1e speech act of making a claim, and
premises, tl1ere is also no great need to specifically indicate which informa- this also holds true for a speaker who is well aware of the fact that he or she is
tion constitutes the context of an argument. The rhetorical concept of con- lying. The "commitments" tl1at are distinguished analytically are supposed to
text may be useful in defining and specifying the concept of context necessary be in agreement with empirical reality; actual language users are thought to


interpret the speech acts of others by identifYing and remembering the com- From this, it seems clear that the formulation of the relation Garssen talks
mitments speakers take upon themselves, rather than their intentions. about as a specific statement results in the unexpressed premise.
Nowadays, the concept of commitment is generally preferred over that of Recently, several other authors have also pointed out that argument
the speaker's intentions. The advantage is that the concept of commitment is schemes may offer insights that are relevant to the problem of unexpressed
set in a reliable theoretical framework, that of speech act theory. "Commit- premises. Blair (1992: 209) looks into Aristotelian topoi and the notion of ar-
ment" better defines what an analyst should be aiming for when he or she is gument scheme, which he believes may offer useful alternatives to the re-
interpreting an argument than the concept of intention. Another advantage is stricted deductive understanding of unexpressed premises. Walton (1996:
that the concept of commitment is linked to that of context; commitments, 245) regards argument schemes as an "important new tool for the analysis of
whether in real life or in argument analysis, are attributed on the basis of the enthymemes ... ":
text and the context. The link between a speaker's intentions and the context
is much less clear. In practice, it is therefore easier to decide what someone is Argumentation schemes ... are the forms of argument (structures or inferences)
committed to than what he or she intended; in most cases, commitments can that enable one to identify and evaluate common types of presumptive argumen-
be attributed on the basis of what someone has said in a certain way in a cer- tation in everyday discourse (1996: 245).
tain situation. In this regard, intentions are much more difficult to attribute.
It should also be noted, however, that the concept of commitment only offers
MthoufZh the ~17.~I<:h£.~_~..!~-'E_~!!
.. gU;I._~.l!I.IYEe..I.~~~~~?it ~!~~~tyet .
a partial solution to the problem. The analyst is often still at a disadvantage been "translated" into the terms of unexpressed premises. Two things seem
compared to the speakers and listeners involved, because for them it is almost ( ~thlsreg~;d~T~b;gi~-~i£h~id~;;tifYing th~·~q~ument scheme that
always easier to decide which commitments ensue from the speech acts per- , is employed helps when one is trying to formulate the unexpressed premise.
formed. Deciding whether one is dealing with a causal relation, or an analogy, or some
other relation, gives a clue as to the kind of unexpressed premise that would
be appropriate. However, this clue is only very general, while the problems of
3.6 Argument Schemes identifYing unexpressed premises are often about details and peculiarities. It
may be helpful to know that one is dealing with a causal relation, but then it
A fourth and last development in the research on unexpressed premises has to must still be decided what the particular causal relation is. It is therefore still
do with the increased interest in the notion of argument schemes. In studying unclear to what extent argument schemes may actually be a way out of the
argument schemes, the object is not the formal structure of the argument, but problem of the unexpressed premises.
its generalized content. In other words, some arguments are about causal re- If argument schemes are a useful tool for identifYing unexpressed premises,
lations, while others rely on resemblances, and so on. Argument schemes are the question arises of what the relation is between argument schemes and the
discussed separately in chapter 4 of this book, so the discussion here will now traditional logical schemes. What status do argument schemes have? Do they
concentrate on the relation between the study of argument schemes and that replace the logical schemes or do they complement them? And how? In prag-
of unexpressed premises. Garssen's (1999) description of argument schemes, ma-dialectics the relation between the premise and the standpoint is not a
based on Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992), refers to this relation: formal but a pragmatic one. Although it is clear what this means, it is also a
fact that in pragma-dialectics unexpressed premises have a formal aspect.
There seems to be general agreement among argumentation theorists that argu- How are the formal and the pragmatic aspect connected? And argument
mentation schemes are principles or rules underlying arguments that legitimize schemes in pragma-dialectics are defined as specific sorts of deductively valid
the step from premises to standpoints. They characterize the way in which the ac- arguments, so the reproach of deductivism seems also to apply to an ap-
ceptability of the premise that is explicit in the argumentation is transferred to proach of unexpressed premises in which they are identified by means of ar-
the standpoint. The argumentation scheme that has been used by an arguer gument schemes. (I suspect that for this reason Walton restricts argument
determines the specific relation that is established between the explicit premise schemes to needed premises only.)
and the standpoint that is being justified. This relation is not a formal one but a
pragmatic one (1999: 225).


3.7 Conclusion 11 See Haack (1978) for an overview of such modern logical systems.
Starmans (1999) discusses recent attempts to define a criterion of
In this chapter, four recent developments in the research on unexpressed validity in argumentative models in a formal way. See also Starmans
premises have been discussed. First, attention was given to the discussion (1996).
about the distinction between deduction and induction and its conse- 12 Cf. Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (199 2) and Jacobs (1999)·
quences. Second, the issue of the nature of the statement that is the unex- 13 In Gerritsen (1999a: 36-55) the Toulmin model is discussed in the
pressed premise was dealt with. Third, the role of the context and its impor- context of the study of unexpressed premises.
tance for the analysis of argumentation was discussed. Last, attention was 14 See, for a discussion of shortcomings of the Toulmin model, Hample
paid to the relation between argument schemes and unexpressed premises. (1977), Van Eemeren et al. (1996, Ch. 5) and Johnson (19 81 ).
All in all, three different directions emerge in which the research on unex- 15 See for "critical thinking" Fisher and Scriven (1997).
pressed premises is presently going. The first is the further combining oflogi- 16 Classical contributions to the study of presuppositions are Strawson
cal and pragmatic insights in order to systematically and correctly identify the (195 0 and 1952) and Donnellan (1966,1968). Much less known are
unexpressed premise. The combination of logical and pragmatic insights attempts to formulate a "pragmatic" notion of presupposition. Cf., for
seems fruitful, and it is a direction that more and more argumentation theo- example, Keenan (1973) and Stalnaker (1974, 1975, 1978).
rists nowadays take. Interestingly, these authors come from various back- 17 The first statement in the following argument is an example of a
grounds. 29 The second direction amounts to investigating the rhetorical hypothetical statement: "Suppose for the sake of argument that smoking
study and understanding of the enthymemes, as well as other pragmatic is not bad for your health. Why then is there overwhelming evidence
views on unexpressed premises. The insights found are then incorporated that smokers get lung cancer?"
into argumentation theory, in order to elaborate what a pragmatic analysis 18 This is, for example, the case in the pragma-dialectical argument scheme
consists of. The third direction involves turning to the study of argument of a comparison (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 199 2, Garssen 1997).
schemes, and exploiting its potential for facilitating the identification of un- 19 The "back-up" is something distinct from Toulmin's backing. The latter
expressed premises. supports the warrant, while a back-up does not, that is, judging from
the examples Ennis and Burke offer (Gerritsen 1999 a: 78).
20 See Gerritsen (1999a:76) for a discussion of Ennis (1982) and Burke
Notes (1985).
21 See Govier (1987: 26) for a discussion of the drawbacks of adding the
1 In Garssen (1997) these findings are presented more extensively. logical minimum (which she calls the 'associated conditional').
2 Cf. Cicero's Topica, Boethius' In Topica Cicerones and Peter of Spain's 22 Cf. Govier (1987: 89).
Tractatus seu summulae logicales. 23 Groarke (1992,1995) makes this point for example.
3 With the help of the syllogistic model of argument, this particular 24 Cf. Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992: 62-66).
unexpressed premise is not so hard to identify. 25 Gerritsen (1999a: 73-75) discusses the literature on the used-needed
4 Cf. Solmsen (1929), Kennedy (1963), and Burnyeat (1994 and 1996). distinction.
5 Cf., among others, Govier (1987), Woods (1990), Berg (1992), Groarke 26 Govier (1987: 100) refers to the first as the "interpretative view" and to
(1992), and Walton (1996). the latter as the "reconstructive view:'
6 This point is emphasized by Govier (1987). See also her textbook, Govier 27 Cf. Van Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jackson and Jacobs (1993)·
(1992). 28 See Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992: 66) and Gerritsen (1995: 108)
7 Cf. Hitchcock (1982) on "conduction:>and Peirce (1965) and Bybee on commitments and unexpressed premises.
(1991) on "abduction". / 29 Some authors that argue for this specifically are: Van Eemeren and
8 Cf. Hitchcock (1985). Grootendorst (1992), Piazza (1995), Walton (1996), and Jacobs (1999)·
9 This point is, for example, made by Groarke (1992).
10 Cf. Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992).


3.8 Bibliography
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4 Argument Schemes
Bart Garssen

4.1 Introduction

Someone who advances argumentation presupposes, in principle, that the

advanced premise will be seen as an acceptable proposition and that this
premise is linked, in an adequate way, to the standpoint he wishes to defend.
The link between the argument and the standpoint is adequate if the accept-
ability of the premise is "transferred" to the standpoint by means of the "argu-
ment scheme" that is being used. The premise and standpoint can be linked in
several ways. This explains why argumen tation theory is concerned with dis-
tinguishing various argument schemes.
Each argument scheme represents a specific principle of support.' In an ar-
gument scheme the "internal structure" of a single argumentation is revealed
while the argumentation structure represents the "external structure" of the
argumentation as a whole (Van Eemeren et al. 1996: 18-19). The term argu-
ment scheme or argumentation scheme (in French known as scheme argumen-
tatifJ was probably first used by Perelman, but other authors denote similar
notions with different terms. Argument schemes are defined and categorized
in various ways. The differences between the categorizations made in the lit-
erature on argumentation are connected with the goals each approach is aim-
ing to achieve. In some approaches, argument schemes are seen as tools for
the evaluation of argumentation, in other cases, they are tools for finding ar-
guments, and in still other cases, they serve as a starting point for the descrip-
tion of argumentative competence in a certain language.
This chapter provides an overview of the most important approaches of
argument schemes. 4.2 describes the approaches concerned with the finding
of arguments, 4.3 the approaches that focus on the evaluation of argumenta-
tion, and 4-4 discusses the descriptive approach to argument schemes.

4.2 Argument Schemes and Finding Arguments c<iLtQ12 ics consist of rules for the a ssigumwtcl.pJ:s;~q.2lli>j~1l, Becau~.
the attacker of the thesis should know which rule applies to the relation be- •
4.2.1 The Classical Topical Tradition
'~. n suob
.. eC.t.
dialectical topics t. .iS e.x£. ress,e~., i,n L.he.!h',_,e'§.. 'i~'Ar
an. d.,predicat.e'.!!:.-,a,
according to tYP~9.f2E~.d1c~~.~~.~mtl2!h.p~t. .. istotle s.ort,ed."th,~ ~i."
The topical systems are part of the classical theories of invention, which are and a~:~~:.~()E ~~~.!~~i!L~!iirk.Qn!P.~!b£§!2.'.'Ih~~QQliis,Q.~~llJ!l9i.~t
intended to provide guidelines for finding and selecting the proper argu- E~~~t" .~~!,b.e ~~.~~.9E;.~!!!!~.E~~: th~.~~r,t~~ ~!>.2~lt!n~~Lsgjp_;+
ments to be used in a public speech (rhetoric) or in a discussion (dialectic). .£rise~.l.~e members of the speCies ~~.~l!.~~~~E!)'.:J9~ the !~.!::~l~l.~.!: at:1
The various topical systems proposed in the classical period consist of or- tacker shOUIa-mention~§Q~.£!fic~_~1'1~<1.~l:l!~!~.~t!~!l.21~QQ.iToplca IV
dered lists of different types of arguments. In that s~the t~£~cal s~~ ~;o1D2).4
?r{)vi<l~ thel0E!!9ps (or topic~ w~'<:!5:c!h.~ a!gl!!!le~!~ c~!1~e .f~l!l!~L ~ In his Topica, Cicero discusses rhetorical topics that are abstract argumen-
oX t~ese topics .~ere is a~~!!!,:S!!Q!lbe~,k!Lt~I.e1niswhat~~e tative principles; similar to those Aristotle described in his general rhetorical ,
ci1lb1~hati~~~~£C~!~,lV~alcQll~piQf'tQiW? topics. Cicero distinguishes three types of topics: topics that are intrinsic to I
.fQr!~.~R2.Il.~JQ~u~ent sche~i!l!!l.2d<:!!!. ~~h.!:~!9 argumenta- the subject that is mentioned in the thesis (definition), topics that are some- ..
.~!on~1:k£!:~jQpjca) SfStems as deYdo.~Arj~Qtls:. ~iJ;!a:Q.illl.d Boe~ how related to the subject (comparison, genus-species, cause-effect, and con- (
are brieflI discussed. , --
tradiction), and topics that are not related (extrinsic) -
the subje<:tJ.<l!fi~·
..-. - -
'A;i~t~tl;;~7h~~~ system of invention includes the~p:(~
"--~. -.--~~--~-~- ~., -~.-.--

ment from authorityl: I' .

pertaining to one of the three oratorical genres (the political speech, the cere- The df;Uectical topica developed by Boethius in his De differentiis topicis can
monial speech, and the judicial speech) and general topics that pertain to all be seen as a synthesis of the dialectical topical system of Aristotle and Cicero's
genres. In the specific topics, generally accepted opinions and values are ex- Topica. ~arting from various types ()~,edicate~. Boethiu.s, forf!1ula. te~ gener- )'
pressed that can be used to link a premise to the thesis that the speaker wishes '!Hy~.£~pted statements (maximes) that he c:!.t.~go~.~~.2,~!he basis_~th£~- ))
to defend. These opinions and values are related to the goal that is pursued in stract argumentative £rincillies i.1s.!Rif.§.. Q!: .diffgl1a!1:laLthi!1J!!1£i~he. thQ~ V
the specific genre. The political topics, for instance, point to the lines of action statements. While Boethius' list of differentia is exhaustive, there is an endless'
that will lead to happiness ("Good things are the things that amuse our
friends and that are hated by our enemies"). Or, to find the premises for a cer-
emonial speech (laudation), the speaker can choose from the topics that are
~u~ber of possible maximes. For instance, starting with the maxime, "That
whose end is good, is itself also good" (topic from the end) we can construct
the following argumentation: "If it is good to be happy, then justice is also
related to virtuousness. The topics relevant to the judicial speech help the good; for it is the end of justice that he who lives according to justice be
speaker find arguments for proving that the accused has committed the crime brought to happiness': Boethius' t~pica is t~f..I!lc.>st imP. O,!~ill11§Q1!r£s:_cliruPj:.1
by pointing to motives, circumstances, or character traits that will lead to the ~on in the develoR.,ment of med~~~<:..,!!~ste!lli,W1rd 19 62: 311 ). !
committing of a crime. Basically, these specific topics consist of general state-
ments that can be directly used as premises in the discourse, which serve as in-
ference licenses linking pre . es to theses. 4.2.2 Whately's Rhetoric
In th~..general to i s (~ abstract rhetorical principles are expressed
that can be used as princip es of inference in all genres.3 While the specific Centuries later, Whately (1846) presented a classification of forms of argu-
' t~are ready-made statements _tha!..(;<l!LR~J!§~g~S.Qtig.KU:uLde:\::t.c~§ be- mentation as a tool for the finding of arguments. 5 On the basis of what the
~~he premise and tlJ£ the~i~!u~~g~Eer<Il t()pic~ ~()n,.si§tsof general and speaker wants to demonstrate with his argumentation, Whately discerns be-
~bst~t princil2les. Aristotle distinguishes 28 topics. Some of these topics re- tween two main categories of type of arguments: argumentation forms t~~'1
\ semble the argument schemes that can be found in modern classifications "mkht h~been employed - I!.~!.!~..?!~~~11!~?~ut- to acc2~m !()F ,the f"!s:1_
("If the cause exists, the effect does; if it does not, there is no effect"). 9r. principle maintained. sI.\PMl:iin~!!~. !!!:!.!!!&:<;!1!eslJ(1846: 46), and argu: .
In his dialectical topic (Topica), Aristotle describes strategies that can be ments that cannot be employed in this way. The former ~!~!}:'_i~called !:!
used to refute an '2£l'0nent's thesis in a discussion. A thesis is refuted when it iiriori
and comprises argument fro~~;Ji~eto-e£fec!,~:ilii1i tQ.!!.ff£.!i!lt f~.
is~~Cth<!t'the p.!e~-;ongfull¥ crttrib~dtoasubject. The. dialectj- !hiI!Bl signifif!§.z to assign t4.e_<;!~~2fjl' (1846 : 4 6 ). T.t!:~.c;211'i~~~~~~1,2f
~rg_~ments ~~~~~b:~~e~ int~~~~_~~:::~~':.!~,~.::~~~~e!~':~


r tion into two notions ("Astrology is not a real science but a quasi-science").
~1!~J.ukl;gi~g~ill":~ment from an effect to a condition."
A special type of sign argumentation is ;;;g~~~ntati~-;&-;nt;;timQP¥" in The speaker's aim is to get his audience to accept the "new" meaning of the
which the premise refers to the existence of the testimony and the conclusion term and abandon the old meaning. A dissociation results ill a (re2definitio!J -,
~"'~ I,

to the truth of what is attested. This truth is considered as a condition of the or specification of a term: This can add con~~derab!yto ~h~ gen~ralper§.lli!§,i~_!1
testimony having been given: "the testimony would not have been given, had effect of the ar umentat~ .}Nonethele~s, s~c.e dIS, soc,la,~lOn doe, ~. n~t eS~~-_,IIJI
it not been true" (1846: 58). IS a specific kind oflink betwe~~IS ~~ld !~t!!,~ !.h~SIS .an~:v.~!!!s s~d my
In the different kinds of argument belonging to the category oLexampl.«. the premise, it cannot be consi~~!e~~!: argl!~.~,~!2E~~~J ..,
one or more known instances belonging to the same class are represented as The argument schemes that are based on association are subdIVIded m
typical examples of that class, in order to draw a conclusion related to all indi- "quasi-logical argumentation", "argumentation based on the structure of re-
vidual members of that class. I.~ ~~e subtypes are "induction", "argumen- ality" and "argumentation establishing the structure of reality" (1969: 193-
!a~~~!?!:I§~c;!£W comIlarig>JL~qgi~ In inductive argumentation, "w; 404). Quasi-logical argumentation derives its persuasive force from its like-
assume as a major premise, that what is true (in regard to the point in ques- ness to logical reasoning and mathematical proof. This form of argU~~1\
tion) of the individual or individuals which we bring forward and appeal to, is ~~ never yield a cOqIpell~J2!QQfJ2!!t ,<;'<!!,!Q~, ,rhetqr,j£i!~!:.<;;~
true of the whole class to which they belong" ("Astronomy was decried at its Perelman and Olbrecbts 'I¥teJ;il.d~gjl)~~hf,!lyq:;i~~1S!14.~i,:m<!!h.~~
first introduction, as adverse to religion, therefore every science is likely to be ~-;ical use of relatjons and princu?k.~~fl1 i!;1t5~!1t~~di<::tt<.{~>,id._e.Iltity~ reci-
decried at its first introduction, as adverse to religion") (1846: 86-87). In argu- ~cityl transitivi!;y, eart-whole, comJ?~2.,11Qtmath,~m!!!i£ifiI2J.2~!!~,~,~L -
mentation based on comparison the reasoning process must go one step fur-
~~- ..
In argumentation that is based on the structure of reality there IS an appeal to
ther since the result of the initial inductive process is taken as a premise for in-
ferring something about another individual case ("Every science is likely to be the ideas of the auditorium about the way in which reality is structured "to es-
decried at its first introduction, as adverse to religion, therefore geology is like tablish a solidarity between accepted judgments and others which one wishes
to be decried"). Argumentation based on comparison is therefore a com- to promote" (1969: 261). Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca distinguish "argu-
pound argument consisting of ~_!_!!2:~~!_i~~"~_f~.E£!~ucti~ mentation that is based on a sequential relation" and "argumentation that is
Normally, the inductive step will be implicit; the arguer reasons directly from based on a coexistential relation". In the former a phenomenon is related to its
the known to the unknown case ("Astronomywas decried at its first introduc- effects or consequences (1969: 262), while in the latter a person is related to his
tion, as adverse to religion, therefore the same will happen with geology") of her actions, a group to its constituting members - or more generally - an
(1846: 87). The third subtype in the category of example is analogy, which essence to its manifestations (1969: 262). A special subtype of argumentation
Whately sees as a comparison of ratios (1846: 90). based on a sequential relation is "pragmatic argumentation", in which an ac-
tion or event is evaluated on the basis of the merits that are attributed to the
consequences. 6 In argumentation based on a coexistential relation the things
4.2.3 Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's New Rhetoric that are connected are situated on different phenomenological levels, one
more structured or abstract than the other (a person's character traits and his
In La nouvelle rhetorique: traite de l'argumentation, Perelman and Olbrechts- or her behavior). Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca regard the relation between
Tyteca (1958) provide a description of discursive techniques that might be the person and his or her acts as the prototypical coexistential relation. The
successful in practice. Their aim is to show how an audience can be motivated person is the essential factor in this relation and the acts are (non-essential
to transfer the likelihood of the premises in an argum...£.ntation to the thesis. and temporal) manifestations of the person. An accepted opinion about a
Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca make a distinction between argument person's acts is transferred to his of her character - or the other way around.
( s~hemes based on the principle of "association" and argumen~hemes ba~d This argument scheme is used when a thesis in which a person's certain future
\ ~ principle of "dissociati£"n". Association consists of bringing together acts are mentioned is defended by referring to certain (past) acts of that same
elements that were previously regarded as separate, while dissociation con- person ("Someone who has ever bore false witness in the past will not hesitate
sists in separating elements that were previously regarded as part of a single to bear false witness again"). Based on the idea the auditorium has formed of
entity. The result of a dissociation is always a differentiation of an existing no- a person, it can make judgments about the acts of that person. That is exactly


what happens in "argumentation based on authority," in which the prestige of the examples are representative and whether there are a reasonable number of
an (alleged) authority is transferred to its statements or judgments in such a examples. "Reasoning by analogy" "consists of making a comparison between
way that the auditorium thinks the statements are true or reliable. two similar cases and inferring that what is true in one case is true in the oth-
In argumentation that establishes the structure ofreality, a certain rule or em- er" (1993: 167). Freeley makes a distinction between "literal analogy", in which
piric~ regul~ri~ is established by pointing to a specific case (example) or by the cases that are compared are in the same classification; and "figurative
refernng to ~Im~lar cases (analogy). Argumentation based on an example can analogy", in which the cases that are compared are in different classifications.
be a generalIzatIOn on the basis of one or more specific instances or it can be According to Freeley, figurative analogy has no value as logical proof, but
'arguin~ from the particular to the particular: which is called argument from makes the speaker's point rather effectively. To test literal analogies, the
comparzson by others. A special instance of argumentation by example is ar- speaker should, among other things, see whether there are significant points
gum.entation on .the basis ofa mode~ in which the speaker tries to persuade his of similarity critical to the comparison.
audIence to act m a certain way by resorting to the prestige of someone who In causal argumentation something is predicted on the basis of a claimed
functions as a model. The argument by analogy must be seen as what others causal generalization: "One infers that a certain factor (a cause) is a force that
call figurative analogy. produces something else (an effect)" (1993: 169). The reverse is also possible:
"If an effect is known to exist, it may be reasoned that it was produced by a
cause" (1993: 170). To test causal argumentation the evaluator should, at the
4·3 Argument Schemes and the Evaluation of Argumentation very least, see whether the alleged cause is relevant to the effect described and
whether this is the sole or distinguishing causal factor. s
4.3. 1 American Textbooks on Academic Debate
In Freeley's view, reasoning by sign is based on a correlation between two vari-
American textbooks on debate normally include an account of the academic ables (the substance and its attribute). Here, the arguer claims that the two
debate format, instru:tio~s for the organisation of argumentation appropri- variables mentioned are so closely related that the presence or absence of one
ate to debate, and gUIdelmes for persuasive presentation. As a rule, the in- may be taken as an indication of the presence or absence of the other: "The at-
str~ction for the organisation of the argumentation includes finding the re- tribute is part or a characteristic of the substance or totality with which we are
qUIred proof and evidence for the debate proposition. First the speaker concerned" (1993: 175). Following Whately, Freeley adds that reasoning by
should select the premises for his defense and then he should see whether sign is used to show that the proposition is valid (contrary to ca~sal reason-
these premises constitute adequate reasonings that supply enough evidence ing, which is used to show why the proposition is valid). In evaluatmg reason-
for the ~ebate Pro~osition. In the chapters about reasoning, expositions of ing by sign, one should determine, among other things, whether the alle?ed
the claSSICal syllOgism and the difference between deduction and induction substance-attribute relation holds and whether it is inherent rather than Just
are presented. In most cases, that exposition is followed by an overview of incidental.
argumentation types that in some cases are called kinds of argument and in Other textbook classifications differ from Freeley's typology in regard to
others,forms of argument or modes of reasoning in discussion. This classifica- organisation and the number of argument types. 9 Yet, on closer view, the dif-
tion functions ~s.a to~l for the evaluation of the speaker's own argumentation ferences are not substantial and therefore, one can speak of a standard treat-
~nd for the antiCIpatIOn of the opponents critique on the argumentation and ment or "canon" of argument schemes.
IS usually accompanied by evaluative questions (ortests)/
In his famous and widely used textbook Argumentation and Debate, which
may be .se~n a~ representative of the practical literature on debate, Freeley 4.3.2 Hastings' Classification of Types of Warrants
~1993) dIstmgUIshes four types of argument: "reasoning by example': "reason-
mg by analogy," "causal reasoning" and "sign reasoning': In reasoning by ex- In A Reformulation of the Modes of Reasoning in Argumentation, Hastings
ample, ~ g~neral conclusion is inferred from one or more specific cases. In (19 62 ) observes that most argumentation textbooks do not agree on the defi-
Freeley s VIew, the conclusion always consists of a generalization. To test this nition of the different types of reasoning, on the number of types of reason-
type of argument the speaker should, among other things, establish whether ing that should be distinguished, and on the method of classification of types

another event. Like reasoning from sign to unobserved event, reasoning from
of argument. To create order in this apparent chaos, Hastings proposes a new
circumstantial evidence to hypothesis is argumentation from effect to cause. In
cla~sification of forms of reasoning. Starting from the Toulmin model, he de-
this case, a series of indications is put forward intended to show that the hy-
sCrIbes and classifies the most important types of warrants in terms of the
pothesis mentioned in the claim is true.lO ,.. .
Free-floating forms of reasoning, Hast~ngs thlf~ .mam catego~;, :ncludes
reasoning process, "moving from the data to the conclusion on the authority
?f the.warrant" (19~2: 21). Hastings distinguishes nine processes of reasoning,
"reasoning from comparison" (or reasonmg from lIteral analogy ), reas~n­
m whIch he recogmzes three general patterns: "verbal reasoning", "causal rea-
ing from analogy", and "reasoning from author~ty".. With these reasonm.g
soning" a~d "free floating forms of reasoning". According to Hastings, in ver-
forms, it is not possible to give a general charactenzatIOn of the warrant, as IS
bal reasonmg, the step from data to claim is in one way or another based on the n
possible with the other two main categories. Also, the three.forms of reaso .-
me~ning of th~ terms used in the argumentation: "they are based upon sym-
ing are not linked to a specific type of conclusion. In reasonmg fro~ compan-
bolic formulatIOns that exist in the language and thinking of people because
son, "one event is shown to be similar to another, and conclUSIOns dra~n
of s~mantic reinforcement" (1962: 139). There are three subcategories: "rea-
about the first event are then applied to the second" (19 62: 93)· In reasonmg
s~mng from example to a descriptive generalization': "reasoning from crite-
from analogy, the second, analogical event is sim~lar: not on the basis of facts
na to a verbal classification" and "reasoning from definition to characteris-
or circumstances, but on the basis of abstract prInCiples; the structure of the
tics." In reasoningfrom example to a descriptive generalization, a general state-
abstract relationships of the two events is the same. In spite of what most de-
ment is justified by a premise in which a reference is made to one or more spe-
bate textbooks claim, Hastings believes that reasoning on the basis of analog.y
cific facts or situations ("The increase in muggings indicates that our society
provides some probative force, though it is less than reasoning from compan-
gets more violent every day"). The general form of the warrant in this type of
son. As an example, he quotes Trwnan, who proposed that the United States
reasoning is "the instances are typical and adequately described by the con-
clusion" (1962: 27). In reasoningfrom criteria to a verbal classification, a person immediately intervene in Korea:
or situation is characterized on the basis of certain characteristics ("Maxwell
The best time to meet the threat is in the beginning. It is easier to put out a fire in
is smart because he is very good in math"). According to Hastings, in the war- 62
the beginning when it is small than after it has become a roaring blaze (19 : 114)·
rant for this type of reasoning, the meanings of terms that are used in the
characterization ("being smart") are given by referring to certain criteria
The warrant in reasoningfrom authority states that the fact that a specific per-
("people who are very good in math are smart").
son (or institution) has made a statement is a sign of the truth of that state-
In reasoning from definition to characteristics, an event or situation is de-
ment (1962: 132 ).
Hastings' "reformulation" is not adopted in the major textbooks o.n deb~te,
fined in a certain way and, on the basis of this definition, either attributes or
characteristics of the event or logical implications are drawn. Contrary to rea-
except for the textbook that he and Windes (1966) published later. HIS claSSIfi-
soning from criteria to a verbal classification this form of argumentation
cation, however, is used as a point of departure for other scholars, such as
moves "from a class to the classifying attributes" ("Dolphins are mammals,
therefore dolphins are viviparous") or "from a principle to an application of Schellens.l1
that principle" ("We should not kill communists because we are Christians")
(1962: 49). In the warrant, the consequences or implications of the definition
are mentioned. 4.3.3 Schellens' Reasonable Argument Forms
Causal reasoning, Hastings' second main category, comprises the sub-
In his Dutch monograph, Redelijke argumenten, Schellens (19 85) investigated
categories "reasoning from sign to unobserved event", "reasoning from cause
what evaluative tools the critical reader has at his disposal to assess the
to effect" and "reasoning from circumstantial evidence to hypothesis." A com-
reasonableness of argumentation (1985: 4)· He provides an operational defin-
ition of reasonableness by formulating a series of argumentative ~chemas a~~
mon characteristic of these types of reasoning is that the warrant consists of a
causal generalization. In reasoningfrom sign to unobserved event, an observed
the evaluative criteria that go with them. To evaluate argumentatIOn, the cntl-
or known event is taken as an indication of the existence of an unobserved
cal reader should first reconstruct the argumentation (that is normally en-
event. The unobserved event is the cause of the observed event. In reasoning
thymematic) by adding the unexpressed premise. Then he should see
from cause to effect, a certain event is predicted on the basis of the existence of

whether the premises are acceptable, by "moulding" the argumentation in quences) and normative generalizations (concerning the desirability of conse-
one of the argument schemes and asking the evaluative questions that go with quences).
the scheme.
The second main category, free-floating argumentation, includes "argument
from authority", "argument from example" and "argument from analogy". In
Following Hastings, Schellens makes a distinction between two main argument from example, a general statement is defended by referring to a spe-
categories: "bound" and "unbound" (or free-floating) argumentation forms. cific instance. Schellens points out that there is a difference between argument
Th~ bound argumentation forms are all tied to a certain type of conclusion, from example and inductive generalizations, which hardly ever occur in
whIle ~e unbound argumentation forms can be used to defend any type of every-day argumentation. In argument from example, the number of specific
instances is too small to treat as an induction. Furthermore, the general state-
Schellens classifies the bound argumentation forms on the basis of the na- ment in the conclusion is not necessarily a generalization (1985: 192). In argu-
t~re I~f the ~o~clus~on. The conclusion can be factual (descriptive) or evalua- ment from analogy, the conclusion is defended by referring to similar cases
t~ve. "He dlstm gu.lshes between the following forms of bound argumenta- (1985: 197). Like many other authors, Schellens distinguishes between "literal"
tion: argumentation based on regularity", "argumentation based on rules" and "figural" analogies.
and "pragmatic argumentation': In argumentation based on regularity, the
step from premise to conclusion is a descriptive generalization that relates to a
c~rtain empirical law. According to the nature of the conclusion, Schellens 4.3.4 The Pragma-Dialectical Typology of Argument Schemes
~lscerns be~een "argumentation defending a prediction" and "argumenta-
tIOn defendmg an explanation': In his opinion, predictions can be defended by In the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory developed by Van Eemeren
~ea~s of causal and non-causal generalizations. In causal generalizations, it and Grootendorst (1984,1992), argumentation is seen as part of a critical dis-
IS claImed that what is mentioned in the argument in general leads to what is cussion that is aimed at resolving a difference of opinion. ~derJg~'.l§'~s
mentioned .in the conclusion. 13 In argumentation defending an explanation,
~her a single argument m~~§'!1~mllri.hU1iQ!1!2tQ~.E~~01~!~~.~!~~._cgJ~
~om the eXlsten~e of something that is presented as an effect, something else fgence of opinion, one has to check whether.~~.'t.:~~.~Ilt~~~~f!1..!!:!segj~~~
IS deduced that IS the cause of that effect. Schellens classifies three forms of prQIY'iate and usencorrect!J.An argument scheme is appropriate if it is an ad-
argumentation defending an explanation: "argumentation form effect to equate means for the defense of the standpoint and if the participants agree to
cause", "argumentation from sign" and "argumentation from time to causali-
its application. The ar~ment scheme is_~~.Q.<::9.!.!~<::!ly ifa!!!h~ !.~!e"?E!
ty': In argumentation from time to causality, a causal connection is defended critical questions that the antagonist in th~..Q!.~!~ <::o.1:!J<!ilsl<..can be an~wered
by pointing at the simultaneous appearance of two events. s~tisfactorily. In that way, the use of a certain argument scheme determines
In the second subcategory of bound argumentation, argumentation based the course of the dialectical exchange.
~n rules, the st~p of the premise to the conclusion is a normative generaliza-
tion; a conventIOn or an explicit agreement. Based on the nature of the con- Van Eemeren and Grootendorst classify the argument schemes in three main
clusion, Schellens classifies "argumentation based on evaluative rules" (for categories: symptomatic argumentation of the "token" type, comparison
conclusions in which something is evaluated) and "argumentation based on argumentation of the "resemblance" type and instrumental argumentation of
rules of conduct" (for conclusions in which behavior is regulated). In argu- the "consequence" type. These three argumentation types are categorized ac-
mentation based on evaluative rules, something is evaluated by referring to a cording to the way in which the argument scheme concerned is to be evaluat-
certain quality. In argumentation based on rules of conduct, the conclusion is ed. The "ratio" for distinguishing between the three argument schemes is the
an advice, a command, or a prohibition, while the premise consists of the con- fact that each scheme corresponds to special assessment criteria pertaining to
ditions that render the advice, the command, or prohibition acceptable.14 the relation between the premise and the conclusion. The argument schemes
In "pragmatic argumentation;' the third subcategory of bound argumenta- differ from each other because each scheme comes with different critical
tion, the conclusion says something about the desirability of a certain course questions.'5 Because in each argument scheme the premise is linked in a dif-
of action. Pragmatic argumentation is seen as a new category because it ap- ferent way to the standpoint, symptomatic argumentation has to be evaluated
peals to both descriptive generalizations (concerning the probability of conse- in a different way than causal argumentation, comparison argumentation in


a different way than causal argumentation, and causal argumentation in a dif- 4-4 Argument Schemes and the Description of Argumentative Discourse
ferent way than symptomatic argumentation. '6
In Alltagslogik, Kienpointner (1992) presents a typology of argument schemes
!!!arg,l!,~~:~?~,t~~t~~. ~as~~ ?~~~ s>:Tlltgmatic rdaJiQn~~~
in order to give a complete description of the different types of argumenta-
~e~~.~~~~b~ mell!!9pmg ~n the 12~~"!,~~~1fu: charact~~~!i~?fwh~
tion that are used and are found agreeable in the German language commu-
T_<:?t,:~~:~~~~lJ1J~~~~nre!~E~~~,~/)'lracteri~tL~ a~ a !¥pical
nity. Kienpointner intends to base his typology on the distinction between
(1~i!!~~~h!~11l!!~,!l~~~h~.~,;~~~?!,<l2)~~<?l~5,~The central critical question
that accompanies symptomatic argumentation is whether the quality that is different types of warrants (1992: 43). His typology is an eclectic compilation
mentioned in the premise is really typical for what is mentioned in the stand- of classical and modern classifications.
point. One of the argument schemes that is based on a symptomatic relation Kienpointner distinguishes between three main classes: (1) "warrant-using
is the argument from authority, in which it is assumed that the fact that some- argumentation schemes" ("schlufiregelbenutzende Argumentationsschema-
one claims something automatically entails the truth of that claim. Another ta"), (2) "warrant-establishing argumentation schemes" ("schlufiregeletablie-
special type of symptomatic argumentation is based on the meaning ofa term. rende Argumentationsschemata") and (3) "argumentation schemes that nei-
Here, the fact that something has certain qualities automatically entails a cer- ther use nor establish warrants" ("Schemata, die weder Schlufiregeln einfach
tain classification or designation. beniitzen noch etablieren") (1992: 243).'7 The first of these main classes con-
In argumentation based on a relation of comparison, the standpoint is de- sists of argument schemes in which the premise is connected to the conclu-
fended by presenting the controversial as something that has similarities with sion by way of a warrant that is assumed to be already acceptable. In this re-
something that is not controversial in order to show that what applies to what spect, the warrant is "used': This main class is subdivided into four subclasses:
is already accepted also applies to what is not yet accepted. The key critical (1) "schemes of classification" including argumentation schemes based on de-
question accompanying comparison argumentation is whether there are finition, "genus-species argumentation" and "part-whole argumentation";
enough relevant similarities. Argument from analogy belongs to the main cat- (2) "schemes based on a comparison"; (3) "schemes of contradistinction
egoryof comparison argumentation, in which the abstract relations are com- based on contrary oppositions, contradictions, incompatibilities, and con-
pared between elements from two (dissimilar) situations and comparison ar- verse oppositions"; and (4) "causal argumentation schemes" including cause-
gumentation based on the principle ofjustice that claims that people who are effect argumentation, argumentation based on motives and means-end
in similar situations should be treated similarly. argumentation.
In argumentation based on a causal relation, an event that is mentioned in The second major class consists of argument schemes in which a warrant
the argument is presented as the cause of what is mentioned in the standpoint that is expressed in the conclusion is justified by means of inductive argu-
- or the other way around - while the standpoint is defended by showing that mentation: "the warrant is the conclusion and is not a premise in the argu-
the latter is the result of the former - or the other way around. By presenting mentation" (1992: 243). The main class comprises only one argumentation
an accepted fact in the argument as something that leads to the event that is type: "inductive argumentation in the restricted sense':
mentioned in the standpoint (or as something that is the result of that event), The third major class consists of argument schemes that cannot be classi-
the acceptability of the arguments is transferred to the standpoint. The key fied in the first or second major class and comprises "illustrative argumenta-
critical question that has to be answered in the evaluation of causal argumen- tion;' "argumentation based on analogy:' and "argumentation based on au-
tation is whether the event that is presented as the cause really leads to the thority:'
event that is presented as a result. One of the causal argument schemes is In this way, the obtained twenty-one subclasses are subdivided in subsub-
means-end argumentation or pragmatic argumentation, in which a certain act classes -among other things - on the basis of nature of the conclusion (nor-
is presented as the means to reach a given goal. Typical for this type of argu- mative versus descriptive). This differentiation results in a classification of
mentation is that the act or course of action that is mentioned in the stand- fifty-eight argument schemes.
point automatically leads to the goal mentioned in the argument. Thus, the
recommended course of action is presented as an adequate means or even the
best way to reach the goal.

4.5 Conclusion test, he found that respondents, when informed about his argument schemes,
were better able to develop adequate critical questions for some argument
The classifications of argument schemes that are described here show striking schemes than the respondents who were not informed.
similarities. The designers of the classifications often used common sources Kienpointner examined the general acceptability of some of the argument
(Aristotle, Whately) and they have influenced one another considerably. The schemes in his classification. In his research, respondents had to evaluate a se-
standard classification of types of argument in the debate textbooks results ries of arguments that were based on the argument schemes concerned. He
from Whately's typology, while Whately, for his part, was influenced by Aris- found that the respondents' judgments about the relevance and acceptability
totle's system of rhetorical invention. Hastings tried to enhance the classifica- of the arguments were predominately negative.
tions from debate textbooks and tried to motivate the necessity of categories Garssen (1995,1997) examined whether language users have a notion of the
of argumentation forms. Although Hastings' typology is more complex, it special relation between the standpoint and the premise and how well the re-
still resembles the standard classification in many respects. Schellens takes lations between premises and standpoints as they are perceived by language
Hastings' classification as a point of departure and also uses the classification users correspond to the pragma-dialectical argument schemes. In order to es-
of starting points developed by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca who, for their tablish whether language users have a pre-theoretical notion of the relation
part, were influenced by the classical topical systems of Aristotle and Cicero. between the standpoint and the conclusion, he designed a test in which re-
Finally, Kienpointner's eclectic classification system follows all of the other spondents had to react to argumentation by criticizing the relation between
classifications. He bases his typology particularly on the scholastic topics. the premise and the standpoint. The fact that there is a correspondence be-
However, with respect to the descriptive nature of his classification, his orien- tween the critical reactions and the standard critical questions accompanying
tation to the classical topical tradition, and the amount of argument schemes, the pragma-dialectical argumentations indicates that the respondents had a
his classification especially resembles Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's ty- notion of the specific type of relation between the premise and the stand-
pology. In terms of the number and the nature of the schemes, the pragma-di- point.
alectical typology resembles the classification of Freeley. In several investigations into argumentative language use, existing classifi-
There are also important differences between the approaches. These relate cations of argument schemes are taken as a point of departure. Sanders, Gass,
especially to the systematics of the different classifications and the number of and Wiseman (1990: 709-718) for instance, examined whether different eth-
argument schemes that are distinguished. nic groups differ in their judgments of the probative force of different argu-
In most classifications, causal argumentation, argumentation based on ment schemes ("argument by example", "argumentation by analogy" and
comparison, and argumentation based on authority are distinguished. Also "cause-effect argumentation"). Based on their findings Sanders, Gass and
sign argumentation is distinguished in many taxonomies, but it is not always Wiseman conclude that there is no relation between ethnic origin and prefer-
conceptualized in the same way. ences for certain argumentation types.
A typology is theoretically adequate if it lives up to the goal it is designed to In "Proverbs and Practical Reasoning: A Study in Socio-Logic;' GOOdWi~J
serve. To be practically applicable, a typology of argument schemes should be ~IUiWenzel examined to what extenTaiftei~t a-t.S~mentatiYi.l2rijiciPTes~
accepted by language users as an acceptable starting point. In addition, lan- r:vealed in proverbs tha~ c~mmonly used in West:r~lt~~7~: ~89 ). ;
guage users should be able to identify the argument schemes that are distin- In many proverbs, the prmClp!e otStg~xpressea qUIte d1stmct-
guished. Warnick and Kline (1992) empirically investigated the extent to ly ("A man is known by the company he keeps"), however, many other argu-
which argument schemes distinguished by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca mentative principles are also represented in proverbs (cause: "Where bees are,
could be identified in texts. They concluded that it is possible for trained ana- there is honey"; generalization: "The burnt child dreads the fire"). Goodwin
lysts to identify most of the argument schemes. Hastings (1962) and Schellens and Wenzel therefore conclude that "proverbs (1) reflect an implicit typology 1\
(1985) examined the usefulness of their own typologies by examining of patterns of reasoning or argument, (2) illustrate and comment uponlegiti-
whether language users were capable of identifying the argument schemes in mate patterns of inference and (3) caution against general and specific fallaci-
argumentative texts. Hastings found that most respondents were able to iden- es" (1979: 302). \
tify the argument schemes from his classification. Schellens typology did not
receive the same empirical support when tested (1985). However, in another


sign and the hypothesis, while in a~gume~t from circumsta~tial evidence
Notes to hypothesis more than one sign IS mentIOned, the correlation between
signs and the hypothesis is weak, and the signs relate to 'several types of
1 Argument schemes are general and abstract patterns with an infinite
events' (1962: 87).
number of possible substitution instances. In this respect they correspond 11 In Argumentation Schemes for Presumptive Reasoning (199 6 ), Walt,on takes
to logical reasoning patterns. With an argument scheme, however, the Hastings' classification as a point of departure and adds mO,re v~nants.
transfer of acceptability is based on more than just the formal characteris- Walton argues that in "presumptive reasoning" the, condusIO~ IS never, .
tics of the scheme that is used. true in an absolute sense, but based on a presumption. By asking the ~ntI­
2 There are also topics that do not point to a possible connection between cal questions that pertain to the argumentation sc~em~ use~, exceptIOns
premise and thesis. The topics in Cicero's De inventionefor instance may come to light, which will render the presumptIO~ mvalld.
should be seen as pointers to certain topical themes. 12 Schellens refers to Perelman's distinction between pomts of departure re-
3 Grimaldi (1958) believes that the special topics are always used in combi- lating to the real and points ofdeparture relation to the preferable.
nation with these rhetorical principles. In other words, every special topic 13 According to Schell ens, the prediction does not necessarily concer~s ~ fu-
can be seen as an application of a general topic. ture event; it is also possible to prove an unknown past event by pOl~tI,ng
4 This example illuminates the double function of the dialectical topics: to the causes of this event. Schellens calls this variant the quasi predICtIOn.
they supply a general rule and an application of that rule in the form of an Like Hastings, he distinguishes a variant in which a future event is predict-
advice (van Eemeren et al.1996: 38). ed on the basis of a cause yet to occur (conditional prediction).
5 According to Ehninger (1963), in Whately's rhetoric, its "more particular 14 The step from premise to conclusion is legitimized by a rule that states
purposes are (1) to arm the pulpit orator for his task of conveying to an when the measure or step mentioned in the conclusion should be taken.
unlettered congregation the indisputable doctrines of the Christian faith, 15 With each argument scheme come specific critical questions. The most
and (2? to arm the Christian controversialist who is called upon to defend central critical question pertains directly to the relation betwe~n the ,
the eVIdences of religion against the onslaught of the skeptic:' premise and the standpoint. The other critical questio~s, pert am to addI-
6 Perel~an and Olbrechts-Tyteca also pay special attention to specific vari-
tional factors that may hinder transference of acceptabilIty, ,
ants l.ike the argume~t ofwaste according to which it is better not to stop a 16 In the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory the verbal pres~ntatIO~
certam course of actIOn when one has already invested a lot of energy. of argument schemes is a subject of investi~ation.A s~pt~matIc relatI~~
7 For an early example of a classification like this, see Laycock and Scales can, for instance, be pointed out by expressIOns such as X IS by nature Y
(1913: 164). Other representative classifications can be found in McBurney and "it is characteristic for X that y". Verbal expressions for pointing out
and Mills (1964) and Kruger (1960). comparison relations are, for instance, "X is comparable to Y" and "X cor-
8 Freeley does not make an effort to distinguish between different evalua- responds to Y" and a relation of causality can be pointed out by expres-
tive questions for the two types of causal reasoning (cause-to-effect and sions such as "X leads to y" and "y results from X" (Van Eemeren and
effect -to-effect).
Grootendorst 1992: 98-99).
9 C:>'N,eill, ~aycock, and Scales (1927: 155) consider 'argument by generaliza- 17 The distinction between 'schluftregeletablierende' and' schlu~r~ge~-, '
tIOn a~d argume~t fr~m analogy' as subcategories of'arguments by ex- benUtzende argumentation schemes corresponds to Toulmm s dIstmctIOn
ample. They conSIder argument from sign' as 'argument from effect to 8
between 'warrant-using' and 'warrant-establishing' arguments (195 : 120),
cause' (1927: 14~). In addition to the types of argument formulated by There is also a correspondence with Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's dis-
Freeley, Brocknede, and Ehninger (1963) distinguish 'classification' and tinction between argumentation based on the structure of reality and ar-
gumentation establishing the structure of reality.
10 In Hasti~gs' view, the hypothesis expressed in the conclusion provides the

expla~atIOn, f~r the facts mentioned in the premise. Hastings admits that
there l~ a striking resemblance between this reasoning form and reasoning
from slgn',Ho:vever, t~ere are clear differences: in sign reasoning normally
only one sIgn IS mentIoned and there is a strong correlation between the

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Aristotle (1924). Rhetoric. With an English translation, ed. W.D. Ross. Oxford: McBurney, J.H., and G .E. Mills (1964). Argumentation and Debate: Tech-
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5 Argumentation Structures
A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans

5.1 Introduction

The structure of argumentation is an important issue for current approaches

to the theory and practice of argument analysis. Recurrent questions are:
How can one lay bare the structure of a complex argument? Which types of
structures should be distinguished and on what grounds?
Laying out the structure of an argument is not only necessary to under-
standing how arguers defend their positions, but also indispensable for evalu-
ating their argumentation. An overall judgment of the quality of a complex
argument requires not just a clear picture of individual arguments, but also
insight into the relations among these arguments.' If it is not clear whether or
not an individual argument or reason is independent of other arguments that
make up the complex argument, it cannot be clear how damaging the conse-
quences of a negative evaluation of that argument are.
In most approaches, at least three types of argument structures are dis-
tinguished: (1) serial reasoning or subordinate argumentation, (2) linked rea-
soning or coordinate argumentation and (3) convergent reasoning or multiple
argumentation. Reasoning is serial if one of the reasons supports the other. If
reasoning is linked, each of the reasons given is directly related to the stand-
point and the reasons work together as a unit. When each reason separately
supports the standpoint (to some degree), the reasoning is convergent. A
complex argument can combine all of these types of argument structures.
Although at first sight there seems to be general agreement on the relevant
types of distinctions between argument structures, at closer inspection the
authors disagree with each other on a number of points. Often the same ter-
minology is used for distinctions that differ in crucial respects. Moreover, the
various characterizations of argument structures reflect fundamental differ-
ences of approach to argumentation. The most important difference is the
one between structural (or logical) approaches, in which attention is paid
only to the structural aspects of argument structure as they manifest them-
selves in the product of the reasoning process; and functional (or dialectical)
approaches, in which the emphasis is on the process in which these structures
arise and the functions the various argument structures fulfil in this process.

Apart from differences in definitions of argumentation structures and dif- 5.2.1 Classical rhetoric
ferences of approach, there is much discussion about the best method of
analysis, especially in doubtful cases where there is room for more than one In early Roman rhetoric, both subordinate arguments and arguments con-
interpretation. For some authors, the ambiguities in the definitions and the sisting of a number of reasons in direct support of a (sub )standpoint were
problems of analysis have been a reason to question the importance of the distinguished. 2 In Cicero's De Inventione, a specific type of complex argument
distinctions. They argue that in practice distinguishing between the various is discussed, the epicheirema, also called the five-part argument. Kennedy gives
argument structures is often so difficult that it is better not to make these dis- the following description of the five-part argument:
tinctions at all. This is especially true for the notoriously problematic distinc-
tion between linked and convergent arguments. it is in fact a kind of amplification of the Aristotelian syllogism and enthymeme
Finally, there is also disagreement about the history of the distinctions, in in which a proposition (part 1) is supported by a variety of reasons (part 2), then a
particular about the origins of the linked-convergent distinction. Because second proposition (what would be the minor premise in a syllogism) is stated
more insight into the historical backgrounds of the distinctions between var- (part 3), and that is followed by a variety of reasons for believing it (part 4). The
ious types of argument structure might enhance our understanding of the fifth part then states the conclusion. Such an argument in Greek is sometimes
current controversies, this survey begins with a historical overview. 5.3 dis- called an epicheirema,literally"ahandful" (1994: l20).
cusses the main definitions of linked and convergent argument structures or
their equivalents that are given in current approaches. 5.4 is devoted to the Since part 2 and part 4 consist of reasons in support of another reason, they
various methods proposed in the literature to deal with doubtful cases. can be seen as serial reasoning or subordinate argumentation. In both cases,
the support provided by the subordinate argumentation should consist of a
variety of reasons. Cicero gives the following example of support for the mi-
5.2 Historical Overview nor premise "Of all things nothing is better governed than the universe":

Attention to the analysis of argument structure first transpired in American And then ... they introduce another proof, that is of the minor premise, in this
debate and logic textbooks in the second half of this century. Two major influ- way:" For the risings and the settings of the constellations keep a fixed order, and
ences are identifiable in these textbooks: classical rhetoric and Enlightenment the changes of the seasons not only proceed in the same way by a fixed law but are
rhetorical theorists such as Campbell and Whately. also adapted to the advantage of all nature, and the alternation of night and day
Although the concepts are not fully developed, and the contemporary has never through any variations done any harm;' All these points are proof that
terminology is absent, argument structures similar to our present-day con- the nature of the world is governed by no ordinary intelligence (De inventione, 1.
cepts were present in nascent form in both the classical rhetorical tradition 59)·
and the 18th century Enlightenment rhetorics. The functional approach, in
which the independence or interdependence of arguments is determined by It is not clear whether these reasons are supposed to form one combined de-
the requirements for the burden of proof to be met by the arguer, can be fence (and are thus a case of "linked" reasoning) or whether they should lend
found both in the classical and the Enlightenment rhetoric. The logical ap- independent support (and are a case of "convergent" reasoning).
proach, in which the term argument structure refers to relationships among Also in the classical theory of stasis, the concepts of dependent and indepen-
premises within different inference types, is prominent in the work of En- dent reasons seem to have been recognized, albeit not explicitly. The issues
lightenment rhetoricians. They make a distinction between the type of link- that had to be proven in a criminal court case differed depending on whether
age between premises in a deductive argument or proof and the way in which the arguer's position was that of the defendant or that of the prosecutor. 3 In
premises are combined in an inductive (or "moral") argument. In the latter choosing the status for his defence, according to Quintilian, the defendant has
argument, the premises each separately lend some degree of support to the four options:
conclusion (and are in that sense independent), but they need to be combined
to make the conclusion (more) probable. There are four different methods which may be employed in every case, and he
who is going to plead should study them as first essentials. For, to begin with the


defendant, far the strongest method of self-defence is, if possible, to deny the In the Proof and Refutation of arguments it is appropriate to adopt an Arrange-
charge. The second best is when it is possible to reply that the particular act with ment of the following sort: (1) the strongest arguments should be placed at the
which you are charged was never committed. The third and most honourable is beginning and at the end of the pleading; (2) those of medium force, and also
to maintain that the act was justifiable. If none of these lines of defence are feasi- those that are neither useless to the discourse nor essential to the proof, which are
ble, there remains the last and only hope of safety: ... we must evade the charge weak if presented separately and individually, but become strong and plausible
with the aid of some point oflaw, making it appear that the action has been when conjoined with the others, should be placed in the middle (Rhetorica ad
brought against us illegally (Quintilian 3, 6, 83-84). Herennium 3, 10, 18).

Each of these ways to defend the accused is, in principle, a sufficient defence. Unlike the prosecutor's main arguments, according to the author of the
It is, however, also possible to combine different types of defences. Quintilian Rhetorica ad Herennium, some of the arguments that are supposed to be
gives the following explanation of the reasons for using such a multiple de- placed in the middle are not "essential to the proof': The reason of their de-
fence: pendency on other arguments is that they are too weak to stand on their own,
and they become stronger when combined with the other arguments.
There are also a number who are in doubt as to a form of defence which I may ex-
empifY as follows: "IfI murdered him, I did right; but I did not murder him."
What, they ask, is the value of the first part, if the second can be proved, since they 5.2.2 Enlightenment Rhetoric
are mutually inconsistent, and if anyone employs both arguments, we should be-
lieve neither? This contention is partly justified; we should employ the second In The Philosophy of Rhetoric (199111776), Campbell makes a distinction be-
alone if the fact can be proved without a doubt. But if we have any doubts as to tween "scientific evidence" and "moral evidence". One of the main differences
being able to prove the stronger argument, we shall do well to rely on both. Dif- between these two types of evidence is a difference in structure; whereas sci-
ferent arguments move different people .... one who is confident of his powers as a entific evidence consists of a set of interdependent premises which together
marksman may be content with one shaft, whereas he who has no such confi- form one argument, moral evidence consists of a number of independent ar-
dence will do well to launch several and give fortune a chance to come to his assis- guments:
tence (Quintilian 4, 5,13-14).
scientific evidence is simple, consisting of only one coherent series, every part of
The prosecutor makes use of the same issues in choosing his main arguments, which depends on the preceding, and, as it were, suspends the following: moral
but he has to prove all four points in order to make his case: evidence is generally complicated, being in reality a bundle of independent
proofs. The longest demonstration is but one uniform chain, the links whereof,
The accuser '" must prove that something was done, that a particular act was taken severally, are not to be regarded as so many arguments, and consequently
done, that it was wrongly done, and that he brings his charge according to law when thus taken, they conclude nothing; but taken together, and in their proper
(Quintilian 3,6, 85). order, they form one argument, which is perfectly conclusive (45)·

In view ofthe req uirements of the burden of proof, the prosecutor's main rea- Although each of the reasons given in moral reasoning is independent of the
sons for finding the accused guilty must be regarded as interdependent, since others, with each new reason the conclusion may become more likely:
the success of the argument as a whole depends on the success of each of its
component parts.4 In moral reasoning ... there is often a combination of many distinct topics of ar-
A different type of interdependency is at stake in the following fragment gument, no way dependent on one another. Each hath a certain portion of evi-
from the Rhetorica ad Herennium, where the ideal order of the arguments is dence belonging to itself, each bestows on the conclusion a particular degree of
likelihood, of all which accumulated the credibility of the fact is compounded
(199 1 /177 6 : 45)·


Campbell acknowledges that it is possible to give more than one independent linkage implicitly distinguished by Whately consists of a combination of dif-
proof of the same proposition, but he believes that there is not much point in ferent types of reason, where the one reason is a means of showing that specif-
doing this: ic objections against the other reason (that there are certain exception-mak-
ing circumstances to the general rule or "warrant" underlying that reason) are
It is true, the same theorem may be demonstrable in different ways, and by dif- not valid:
ferent mediums; but as a single demonstration, clearly understood, commands
the fullest conviction, every other is superfluous (199111776: 45). the a priori Argument and Example support each other, when used in con-
junction ... A sufficient Cause being established, leawes us still at liberty to suppose
Campbell also gives a description of the consequences that will result from that there may have been circumstances which will prevent the effect from taking
taking away one or more parts of a demonstration or a moral argument: place; but Examples subjoined show that these circumstances do not, at least al-
ways, prevent that effect (1846: 138).
[A demonstration] may be compared to an arch, no part of which can subsist in-
dependently of the rest. If you make any breach in it, you destroy the whole .... From his discussion of issues related to the burden of proof, it becomes clear
[Moral reasoning] maybe compared to a tower, the height whereofis but the ag- that Whately also allows for the possibility of putting forward more reasons
gregate of the heights of the several parts reared above one another, and so may than are required, so that the defence as a whole consists of a number of inde-
be gradually diminished, as it was gradually raised (199111776: 45-46). pendent reasons. If the arguer has the presumption, then the burden of proof
belongs with the other side and putting forward further evidence in support
Whately discusses two different ways in which reasons may be combined in of the presumption amounts to giving an argument ex abundanti, a superflu-
order to produce a stronger argument (and thus may be considered as linked). ous argument:
A first type of case consists of reasons which separately have little or no
weight, but can lend sufficient support to a conclusion when taken together: It is a point of great importance to decide in each case ... on which side the Pre-
sumption lies, and to which belongs the [onus probandi] Burden ofProof For
The remark above made, as to the force of concurrenttestimonies, even though though it may often be expedient to bring forward more proofs than can be fairly
each, separately, might have little or none, but whose accidental agreement in a demanded of you, it is always desirable, when this is the case, that it should be
falsehood would be extremely improbable, is not solely applicable to the Argu- known, and that the strength of the cause should be estimated accordingly (1846:
ment from Testimony, but may be extended to many arguments of other kinds 112).5
also; in which a similar calculation of chances will enable us to draw a conclusion,
sometimes even amounting to moral certainty, from a combination of data So, there is nothing against doing this, provided it is made clear to the oppo-
which singly would have had little or no weight (1846: 74). nent that one is doing more than required.

In inductions, according to Whately, mentioning just one instance can in

some cases suffice to justify a general conclusion. But if not, then a number of 5.2.3 The Early Textbooks
instances are needed to support the conclusion:
American textbooks on argumentation and debate that started appearing in
In human affairs .,. our uncertainty respecting many of the circumstances that the fifties reflected, to a large extent, the traditional views on argument struc-
may affect the result, obliges us to collect many coinciding instances to warrant ture. But there were also a number of new developments. Modern tradition
even a probable conclusion (1846: 88). has it that Monroe Beardsley (1950) was the first to represent the structure of
argumentation by using diagrams (consisting of numbered statements and
Instead of combining a number of similar reasons of the same type (i.e., a arrows indicating support relationships). Beardsley also introduced part of
number of testimonies, signs or instances) it is also possible to produce a the terminology that is still used by informal logicians to refer to the different
stronger argument by combining different types of reasons. A second type of argument structures. He gives the following definitions:


In a convergent argument, several independent reasons support the same con- Just as in the classical and enlightenment tradition, for most of the earlier
elusion ... In a divergent argument, the same reason supports several conclusions textbook authors the distinction between interdependent and independent
... A serial argument contains a statement that is both a conclusion and a reason reasons coincides with the distinction between the structure of the premises
for a further conclusion (1950: 19). in a deductive argument and the structure in an inductive (or non-deductive)
However, Thomas claims that it was he who first distinguished between The distinction then is that in a deductive argument the premises need to be
linked and convergent arguments and not Beardsley, as others have thought: taken together to constitute a reason, whereas in an inductive argument a
combination of reasons is needed to make the conclusion more or less proba-
The distinction between linked and convergent inferences was not drawn by ble. McBurney, O'Neill, and Mills explain that a combination of (inductive)
Beardsley, not even in his fourth edition of Thinking Straight. It was introduced analogies may strengthen the support for a conclusion:
in the 1973 edition of PRNL [Practical Reasoning in Natural Language J. Beardsley
represented linked and convergent inferential relationships alike, using multiple From a series of analogies showing the success of a certain project, we argue that
arrows for (what I call) linked relationships, as if all reasoning with multiple rea- it will be successful in a particular case .... Reasoning from analogy becomes in-
sons were convergent (except that this distinction did not exist in his system). creasingly strong as the number of comparisons is increased, or in other words, as
The concept of linked reasoning, and the distinction between it and convergent the analogies are cumulated (1951: 108).
reasoning, needed to be added to Beardsley's system of analysis before it could be
generally applied at all (1986: 457). And Ray and Zavos explicitly compare deductive arguments to a chain of
links, and contrast this with the more gradual type of support supplied by in-
As far as the terminology is concerned, this seems to be correct, but similar duction and arguments from circumstance: 7
distinctions between interdependent and independent reasons had already
been made before 1973. One example is Mills (1968), who makes a distinction Deductive reasoning is often compared to a chain. The last link in the chain is de-
between cases where there is "one conclusion with several coordinate rea- pendent not to some degree but totally on the connection of every other link....
sons" and cases where one has "one conclusion supported by two or more Induction and argument from circumstance can be better compared to the rela-
pairs of coordinate reasons". The latter type of structure is "more likely to be a tion of the legs of a table to the tabletop. Each leg, though cooperating with the
case than an argument". An example of the first type of structure is: others, supports the top independent of the other legs (at least to a point) (1966:
Conclusion: Our top debaters are top scholars
Reasons: In the early textbooks, the tradition of the classical theory of stasis in which it
1. They are John, Mary, and Jim. depends on tile requirements of proof, the arguer must meet what the result-
2. Johnhasa3.9 ing structure of his argument is, is also preserved. A good example of a text-
3. Mary has a 3.8 book in which this approach is taken is Windes and Hastings' Argumentation
4· Jim has a 3.7 and Advocacy (1965).
Mills (1968: 182-183) According to Windes and Hastings, the issues an advocate needs to prove in
order to establish the guilt of X in an embezzlement case are:
An example of the second type of structure, according to Mills, would be a
case involving a value proposition where each pair of reasons consists of a cri- 1 Certain property was misappropriated.
terion and its application. 6 Mills also introduces a diagram convention for 2 X misappropriated the property.
making the distinction between these two types of structures (1968: 183). 3 The misappropriation was fraudulent, i.e., without the consent of the owner.
From his examples it becomes clear that Mills makes a distinction between ar- 4 The property was for the personal use of X (1965: 75).
guments with a structure comparable to a linked argument (the first type)
and a structure which is comparable to a convergent argument (the second
type, where each pair of reasons constitutes an independent reason).


In such cases, the issues taken together form one linked argument and the ad- 5.3 Current Approaches
vocate has to provide sufficient evidence for each of the issues:
Since the seventies, a large number of textbooks have appeared in which at-
Usually there is one over-all argument leading directly to the proposition, and the tention is devoted to the analysis of the structure of arguments and to ways of
elements of this argument are further supported by sub-arguments. The over-all portraying this structure in a diagram. With the exception of Van Eemeren
argument states the issues and the sub-arguments are contentions in support of and Grootendorst's (1992) pragma-dialectical textbook, all these books are
the issues ... Each one of the issues must be established for the proposition [X is written by informal logicians. It was not until the nineties that the subject of
guilty of embezzlement] to be established. If any issue is not proved, then the argument structure started receiving a theoretical treatment. In the journals
proposition is not proved (1965: 215-216). Informal Logic and Argumentation, the distinctions made by informallogi-
cians between different types of structure are discussed. Three monographs
The task of the opponent (the negative advocate) is easier: The other party on argument structure also appear, each of which proposes a dialectical ap-
"can logically defeat the proposition by defeating one of these issues" (1965: proach to argument structure.
232). Since most of the discussion centered on problems involved in the distinc-
Apart from cases where the advocate needs to put forward a number of in- tion between linked and convergent arguments, I shall restrict my further dis-
terdependent reasons (corresponding to the issues) in order to defend the cussion of the literature to these two types of structure.
proposition, Windes and Hastings also discuss the possibility of constructing
an argument with independent lines of reasoning:
5.}.1 The Textbook Distinctions
Another aspect of case building to note is that independent lines of reasoning
may lead to the same conclusion. We may, for example, use three reasoning Linked and Convergent Premises
processes to support the conclusion "the corn crop of Dullnia is failing':
1 Dullnia is buying corn on the world market. (Reasoning from effect to cause.) Thomas (197311986) was the first to use the terms linked and convergent in de-
2 The testimony of an agricultural expert who visited Dullnia. (Testimonial evi- scribing interdependent and independent premise support, and his way of
dence.) portraying these two structures has become standard. Although Thomas has
3 The presence of drough t and poor growing conditions this year. (Cause to ef- had a large influence on all later informal logic accounts of argument struc-
fect). ture, his own definitions of these two types of structures are different from
In this series of arguments rather than having a clear set of issues to be establish- those of the other authors. Whereas most informal logicians continue the tra-
ed, the proof of the proposition depends on the number and plausibility of the dition of associating linked arguments with deductive reasoning and conver-
component arguments. In such cases one strong one may be sufficient, but the gent arguments with inductive reasoning (or other types of non-deductive
more independent arguments which lead to the same conclusion, the more prob- reasoning), Thomas deviates from this tradition:
able is that conclusion (1965: 216-218).
The natural-logic concept of linked inference ... bridges the supposed sharp line
For Windes and Hastings, two criteria seem to be relevant in determining of the traditional induction-deduction dichotomy, severely straining ... the tradi-
whether arguments are interdependent or not: (1) whether the arguments tional theory that "induction" and "deduction" comprise two completely differ-
given by the arguer form part of a clear set of issues that should be established ent kinds of inference ... Both of these supposedly different "types of reasoning"
(the "burden of proof-criterion") and (2) whether the argumentation as a receive identical diagrammatic representations (1986: 461).
whole is based on one reasoning process or whether the arguer uses different
"reasoning processes" (the "different types of argument -criterion"). Thomas gives the following definitions of" linked" and "convergent" reason-


When a step of reasoning involves the logical combination of two or more rea- From their examples it becomes clear that, just like in Thomas' approach, a
sons, they are diagrammed as linked (1986: 58). premise group may both consist of premises that deductively entail the con-
clusion, and of premises that taken together make a conclusion likely or plau-
When two or more reasons do not support a conclusion in a united or combined sible (1993: 111).
way, but rather each reason supports the conclusion completely separately and Independent groups of premises should be evaluated separately for infer-
independently of tiIe other, tiIe reasoning is convergent. (1986: 60)8 ence strength:

Both deductively valid reasoning and inductive reasoning from several simi- you should consider each independent group separately and try to judge how
lar items of evidence are analysed as linked by Thomas. In the case of induc- strongly its premisses taken together are linked to the conclusion (109).
tive reasoning, the reason for linking the premises is not that each reason sep-
arately does not give any support to the conclusion, but that the support is Even though independent groups of inferences (or "parallel inferences")
stronger when the reasons are combined (1986: 59). should be evaluated separately, they are linked up by Pinto and Blair when di-
Linked arguments form one single argument, whereas convergent argu- agramming their structure. This becomes clear from step three in their dia-
ments consist of separate arguments: 9 gramming method:

A convergent argument is equivalent to separate arguments (or evidence coming Step 3: Make a full diagram showing all the inferences in tiIe reasoning. In
from separate areas) for the same conclusion (1986: 61). doing so,link up any ... parallel inferences (1993: 260).

The closest formal approximation to the natural-logic portrayal of convergent Pinto and Blair do not specify what the consequences are for the overall eval-
inference would perhaps be two separate deductions leading to two different to- uation if one of the groups of premises provides strong support, yet the other
kens of tiIe same conclusion (1986: 459). weak. The fact that they link parallel inferences in the diagrammatic repre-
sentation, however, suggests that they think that the groups of premises
For this reason, convergent arguments are less vulnerable to the criticism of should be assessed in combination with evaluating the overall strength of the
the acceptability of their premises than linked arguments: argument.

An important feature of convergent reasoning is that the support given to the Whereas Thomas and Pinto and Blair analyse both deductive and non-de-
conclusion by each separate reason, or line of reasoning, would remain un- ductive arguments as linked, Govier's (1992) distinction between linked and
affected even if tiIe other ... reason(s) were false (1986: 61).10 convergent support more or less coincides with the distinction between de-
ductive and non-deductive arguments, albeit that she also considers analo-
Pinto and Blair's (1993) definitions closely resemble Thomas' distinction be- gies as linked:
tween linked and convergent arguments. They make a distinction between a
"group" of premises that together form one inference and "independent" In most deductively valid arguments, and in analogies, the support provided by
groups of premises which can be seen as parallel inferences to arrive at the the premises is linked, not convergent. There are exceptions, as when a person of-
same conclusion: fers two separate premises, both of which deductively entail the conclusion, but
this is quite rare. There are arguments in which support is convergent and in
What makes for groups of premisses which are independent of each other? The which the premises do not entail tiIe conclusion nor support it by analogy ...
fact that tiIe premisses work in combination to support tiIe conclusion con- These arguments we call conductive arguments .... Some philosophers have re-
stitutes them as a set or group, and the fact that tiIe premisses of each group are ferred to tiIese arguments based on separately relevant factors as good reasons ar-
able to provide their support witiIout any help from premisses in any other group guments. The relevant factors provide reasons for tiIe conclusion, tiIough they do
make them independent of each other (1993: 77). not deductively entail it (1992: 308-309).


Linked arguments are thus deductions or analogies, and convergent argu- for accepting the conclusion and would do so even in the absence of the other
ments are non-deductive (i.e., conductive) unless they consist of two premis- premiss" (1990: 19). How independent then are the arguments in a convergent
es that each deductively entail the conclusion. Yet, according to Govier, "One argument, according to Copi and Cohen? Do they consider them as separate
might also insist that such a case represents several arguments all with the arguments for the same conclusion, as Thomas does? This is not the case:
same conclusion" (1992: 356 ) ."
As soon as a premise can be seen as separately relevant, the argument is Emerging practice is to say that it is one argument with two independent prem-
analysed as convergent by Govier, even if the premises need to be taken to- isses. The principle seems to be that the number of conclusions determines tlIe
gether to provide sufficient support to the conclusion. But analysing an argu- number of arguments. So by a "single argument" is meant an argument to a single
ment as convergent has no further consequences for the evaluation: It is not conclusion, regardless of how many premisses are adduced in its support (199 0 :
the case that each of the premises should then be separately assessed. Govier 19-20).
claims that the separate premises in a convergent argument should always be
treated as a unit:"2 This remark, however, does not really clarify what exactly Copi and Cohen
mean by "independent premises", since they now introduce a new criterion
There are ... two basic facts to understand right now about the way in which for the "singleness" of an argument; the number of conclusions instead of the
premises support conclusions. First, premises should be considered together in probative force of the individual reasons.
their support. Second, they may be linked or convergent. In the latter case, it Johnson and Blair (1994) use a different definition of "single argument"
would be possible to see each premise as providing a separate reason or separate than Copi and Cohen: they speak of a single argument if it contains one
bit of evidence, in support of the conclusion, but the whole argument requires us "premise set" and one conclusion (1994: 37). Premises belong to one set, if
to think of these separate strands together, as the weight of support accumulates they are "relevant in combination" (p. 36). Convergent arguments consist of a
(1992: 48). combination of two or more premise sets, and therefore, of a combination of
Groarke, Tindale and Fisher (1997) and Copi and Cohen (1990) give defini-
tions similar to Govier's of linked and convergent premises.'3 Groarke, Tin- When there are, in effect, two or more distinct independent grounds for a con-
dale, and Fisher make the distinction in the following way: d usion, tlIink of each ground as a separate argument (1994: 38).

Linked premises work together. Taken independently, they do not support the ar- Convergent arguments can typically be found in a" case" which consists (min-
gument's conclusion. Convergent premises do not require each other, for they imally) of arguments for the claim and arguments against the claim (1994:
support the conclusion independently of the argument's other premises (1997: 247). Each distinct argument for a claim is called a "line of argument". In cases
35). where the premises constitute several independent lines of arguments, the
relevance is checked for each premise individually, but the sufficiency of these
If all of the premises but one of a convergent argument were to be taken away, premises should be established by considering them as a whole:
"we would have a weaker argument, but the premise would still provide some
evidence for the conclusion. None of the premises requires one of the other Check the premises individually for relevance .... Finally, check for sufficiency: Do
premises for this to be the case" (1997: 36). In other words, the premises are in- tlIe premises, taken together, satisfy tlIe sufficiency requirement? Do they provide
dependent in the sense that they are separately relevant, that is, lend some enough support for the conclusion? (1994: 269)
support to a conclusion by themselves.'4
According to Copi and Cohen, premises depend on each other if each From this comparison of informal logical approaches to argument structure,
premise "supports the conclusion through the mediation of the other pre- a number of differences emerge. For Thomas, premises are both interdepen-
miss" (1990: 20). If one of two interdependent premises were true, but the dent when no premise separately lends any support to the conclusion, where-
other not, "the conclusion would have been given no support at all" (20). Two as the combination of premises does and when each premise separately pro-
premises support a conclusion independently if each "supplies some warrant vides some support to the conclusion, but the combination of premises forms


a stronger argument than each premise by itself. Both deductive andnon-de- Coordinative and Multiple Argumentation
ductive arguments consisting of premises whose separate support is too weak
for them to stand on their own are analysed as linked by Thomas. Only if each Although at first sight the definitions given by Van Eemeren and Grooten-
reason alone is enough, if true, to support the conclusion, and if the falseness dorst (199 2 ) seem to resemble the definitions provided by Thomas, Johnson
of one reason does not weaken a step of reasoning from the other to the con- and Blair, and Pinto and Blair, there is an important difference - both the
clusion, then the reasoning may be regarded as convergent. Linked arguments equivalent of a linked argument (coordinatively compound argume~tation)
are seen as equivalent to one single argument, whereas convergent arguments and the equivalent of a convergent argument (multiple argumentat.lOn) are
are regarded as a combination of single arguments, which should each be seen as forms of complex argumentation consisting of a number of smgle ar-
evaluated for their strength of support separately. Pinto and Blair seem to em- gumentations:
ploy similar definitions oflinked and convergent arguments as Thomas. They
also think independent groups of premises should be assessed separately for Analytically, complex argumentation can always be broken down into single ar-
their strength of support, but they are less clear as to how these separate as- gumentations (1992: 73)·
sessments should be used in the overall evaluation of an argument.
Other authors, such as Govier, Copi and Cohen, and Groarke, Tindale and The distinction between coordinative and multiple argumentation is there-
Fisher, employ a more restricted definition of interdependency. For them, ar- fore not that coordinative argumentation describes the relations between
guments are interdependent only when they are separately irrelevant to the premises within one single argument and that multiple arg~mentation con-
conclusion and relevant in combination. As soon as premises can be seen as sists of a combination of single arguments, but that the relatIons between the
separately relevant (as providing some support to the conclusion), they can single arguments that constitute these two types of c~mplex argument. are
then be considered independent, and thus convergent. This is also the case if different. In multiple argumentation, "the constituent smgle argumentatlOns
they can only lend sufficient support to the conclusion in combination. To the are, in principle, alternative defences of the same standpoint" (199 2: 73)·
evaluation of whether the amount of support the premises lend to the con- ordinatively compound argumentation, "unlike in multiple argumentatlOn,
clusion is sufficient, it makes no difference whether the premises are indepen- all the component single argumentations are, in principle, necessary for a
dent or interdependent in these approaches; they are always considered to- conclusive defence of the standpoint" (199 2 : 77)·
gether in their support during the evaluation. In pragma-dialectics, unlike in most inform~ logical appro.ach~s, coor~i­
Johnson and Blair's position seems to be intermediate: on the one hand, natively compound argumentation always consIsts of a combmatlOn of (m-
just like Thomas and Pinto and Blair, they consider convergent arguments as dependently relevant) arguments, that nonetheless need to be t~en t.ogether
separate arguments. On the other hand, they claim that the sufficiency of sup- for reasons of sufficiency. Coordinatively compound argumentatIon IS there-
port should always be assessed by checking whether the different premises (or fore comparable to the concept of a convergent argument in the definitions
reasons) taken together provide sufficient support for the conclusion. In their given by Govier, Groarke, Tindale and Fisher, and Copi and Cohen. The
approach, it is unclear what the consequences would be for the evaluation of premise structure of a single argument is not dealt with b~ Van Eemer~n and
the argument as a whole if one of the lines of argument was flawed but one or Grootendorst in the context of argument structure. Prenuse structure IS seen
more of the other arguments prove to be acceptable!5 In Johnson and Blair's as an issue of a different hierarchical nature than argument structure. Each
view, the question of whether an argument is single or convergent is only im- separate argument in a coordinatively compound ar~umentation c~n b.e
portant for determining whether one should take the premises together in analysed as a single argument, consisting of two premIses, one of whICh IS
determining their relevance, or whether each premise should in principle be usually left unexpressed.
relevant by itself. The singleness or complexity of an argument does not make
any difference to the evaluation of the strength of the argument: in either Van Eemeren and Grootendorst give the following two examples to explain
case, the premises are considered as a whole. Although Johnson and Blair ob- the difference between the two structures. Example (1) is an example of a
serve that convergent arguments are typical of a "case;' in which one should multiple argument; example (2) of a coordinative argument:
respond adequately to relevant objections, they do not devote any attention
to the connection between the burden of proof and the argument structures
that result from arguers' attempts to fulfil their obligations.
(1) Postal deliveries in Holland are not perfect. You cannot be sure that a letter Although the term coordinative may suggest that the argumentation consists of a
will be delivered the next day, that it will be delivered to the righ t address and that series of arguments that are equally important, this need not be so. It is, for in-
it will be delivered early in the morning (1992: 73). stance quite possible for one argument to account for, say, 60% of the cogency of
(2) Postal deliveries in Holland are perfect. You can be sure that a letter will be the argumentation, the next fOrIo%, and the third for 20% (1992: 77)·
delivered the next day, that it will be delivered to the right address, and that it will
be delivered early in the morning (1992: 77). Apart from the fact that the concept of argument structure applies to combi-
nations of single arguments in Van Eemeren and Grootendorst's approach, a
In example (1), each of the single argumentations is in principle sufficient to second difference with the informal logicians' approach is that they explicitly
defend the standpoint. What would be the reason for an arguer to produce connect argument structures with the dialectical situation; it depends on the
multiple argumentation if one single argument might have sufficed? Van antagonist's doubts and the way the arguer attempts to deal with these doubts
Eemeren and Grootendorst mention the following possible reasons: what the resulting structure of his argument will be. In this respect, the prag-
rna-dialectical approach can be seen as a continuation of the functional
It is possible that the speaker tries to cater for various kinds of doubt about his aproach of the theory of stasis and debate.
standpoint, pertaining to different aspects ... Multiple argumentation can also be
used for rhetorical reasons; the profusion of arguments makes the defence appear
stronger. The speaker gives the impression of having taken account of every pos- 5.3.2 Theoretical Approaches
sible objection to his standpoint... Because acceptance is liable to gradations, in
producing a multiplicity of arguments the speaker may gradually overcome the Freeman's Toulminian Approach
last remaining morsel of doubt in the listener. It may also simply be that after one
argument the speaker advances another quite different sort of argument in the In the nineties, three monographs on argument structure appeared: Free-
hope that it will be more successful (1992: 74). man's Dialectics and the Macrostructure of Arguments (1991), Snoeck
Henkemans' Analysing Complex Argumentation (1992) and Walton's Argu-
In example (2), the three argumentations that support the standpoint that ment Structure (1996). What these three approaches have in common are:
postal deliveries in Holland are perfect are interdependent: "Only if they are first, dissatisfaction with the unclear and ambiguous way in which the con-
taken together, they are deemed to provide sufficient grounds for accepting cepts of independent and interdependent arguments were defined in the lit-
the standpoint. If [any1of the single argumentations proves to be unaccept- erature; second, the goal of arriving at more precise definitions and giving a
able, the entire coordinatively compound argumentation falls apart" (1992: functional justification of structural distinctions by means of a dialectical ap-
77). proach. Whereas Freeman and Snoeck Henkemans propose a dialectical
The main reason that Van Eemeren and Grootendorst give for putting for- model of argument structure, Walton's contribution consists mainly of a crit-
ward a coordinative argument is: ical discussion of the existing definitions and tests for deciding whether an ar-
gument is linked or convergent. He supports the dialectical approaches to ar-
In many cases, it is not possible to remove all the antagonist's doubts by means of gument structure and introduces a new system of diagramming argument
one argument. When defending his standpoint, the protagonist then has to ad- structure.
vance two or more connected arguments that, only when taken together, are sup- Freeman's (1991) thesis is that argument structures should be analysed as
posed to constitute a well-rounded and conclusive defence (1992: 77). the results of argumentative processes, i.e., of challenger-respondent dia-
10guesY His approach to argument structure is to a large extent based on the
Each individual argument (or reason) in a coordinative argumentation gives procedural model introduced in Toulmin's The Uses of Argument (1958). In
some partial support to the standpoint, but the degree of support per argu- Freeman's view, a theory of argument structure should provide a clear-cut de-
mentmayvary: marcation of argument structures. Such a theory should provide "a rationale
for distinguishing different types of argumentative elements and structural
configurations" (1991: 37).


In his endeavour to provide such a rationale, Freeman takes the "basic dialec- evant but also have sufficient weight by themselves; in his approach, all conver-
tical situation" as a starting point; a respondent develops an argument in re- gent arguments are 'modally linked.' Instead of clarifying the distinction between
sponse to the questions of a challenger. The situation is dialectical, and not linked and convergent arguments, his solution amounts in fact to drawing a dis-
merely dialogical, if the challenger's questions are aimed at critically testing tinction between two types oflinked argument (1994: 320 -3 21 ).
the claim and the whole interactive process is clearly regimented.
In the basic dialectical situation, the challenger can ask three types of basic
dialectical or argument generating questions: acceptability questions, rele- Snoeck Henkemans' Pragma-DialecticalApproach
vance questions, and ground adequacy questions. Each of these questions
calls for a specific elaboration of the argument by the respondent and results Snoeck Henkemans (1992) gives a pragma-dialectical analysis of multiple and
in a different type of argument structure. ,8 Linked and convergent argument coordinative argumentation as resulting from different types of defensive
structures (as well as other types of argument structure) are analysed as an- moves aimed at removing different forms of criticism. This analysis can be
swers to different types of dialectical questions: a linked structure is the result seen as an elaboration of Van Eemeren and Grootendorst's (1984) pragma-di-
of the respondent's answer - by means of a "relevance explaining premise" alectical discussion procedure in which different types of argumentation are
(1991: 93-94) - to the question of relevance ("Why is that reason relevant to regarded as functional means to further the resolution of a difference of opin-
the claim?"). A convergent structure results from the arguer giving more evi- ion. Snoeck Henkemans (92-93) develops a model in which rules are given for
dence for the conclusion in response to a ground adequacy question ("Can responding to criticism. It depends on the type of criticism and the wayan ar-
you give me another reason?") (1991: 95). Then, the result of the exchange is an guer chooses to deal with this criticism which form of complex argumenta-
argument with premises that are each independently relevant to the conclu- tion will arise in a discussion. When an arguer's attempt to get his standpoint
sion. accepted on the basis of an argument meets with criticism, the arguer can use
For Freeman, linked structure is exclusively connected with the question of various types of argumentative strategies to eventually make his standpoint
relevance: "premisses are linked when we need to take them together or they acceptable. He can advance more arguments to respond to the criticism, he
are intended to be taken together to see why we have a relevant reason for the can attempt to counter the criticism with new arguments, or he can withdraw
conclusion" (1991: 94). According to Freeman, the source of confusion in the the original argument and undertake a new attempt at defending the stand-
definitions of linked structure in most textbooks is the lack of clarity as to point.
whether the arguments are linked because each of the premisses by itself is ir- If the antagonist has criticized the argument for reasons of sufficiency, the
relevant to the conclusion, or because each of the premisses by itself provides protagonist can attempt to remove the criticism by supplementing his argu-
insufficient support for it. In addition to the normal concept of a linked argu- ment with another argument. This can be done in two ways. The protagonist
ment, Freeman introduces a second type of , linkage; referred to as 'modal can add one or more arguments that -in combination with the argument giv-
linkage.' Freeman introduces a special notation for this type oflinkage. In this en earlier - should suffice to convince the antagonist of the acceptability of
way, he thinks, "we have a perspicuous way of accommodating some intu- the standpoint (direct defence). The protagonist can also refute the counter-
itions of those who want to link, while still keeping modality and relevance is- argument that has been used by the antagonist against the original argument
sues distinct" (1991: 104). In modal linkage, each premise constitutes a sepa- (indirect defence). Both types of defence result in coordinative argumenta-
rate reason for the conclusion, but the premisses only lend sufficient support tion. But in the direct defence case, the argumentation is called cumulative
to the conclusion in combination. Snoeck Henkemans (1994) points out that and in the indirect defence case it is called complementary.'9 In both cases, the
it is questionable whether Freeman has indeed succeeded in achieving his aim arguments that are put forward must be combined, because the arguer can
of clarifying the distinction between linked and convergent arguments: only convince the opponent of the acceptability of the standpoint if he suc-
ceeds in removing the opponent's doubt or criticism regarding the sufficiency
This solution merely adds to the confusion concerning the concepts of'linked' of the argumentation.
and 'convergent' structure: an argument can now be (modally) linked and con- In multiple argumentation, the only connection between the arguments is
vergent at the same time. Another problem is that Freeman ignores the possibility that they are all advanced as a defence of the same standpoint. In a completely
that a convergent argument consists of premisses that are not only separately rel- externalized discussion, a protagonist who finds that he is not capable of deal-

ing with the antagonist's criticism, may withdraw his argument and under- In order to determine which of these tests is best, Walton thinks one should
take a new attempt to defend the standpoint. The argumentation is then mul- consider the purpose of distinguishing between these structures, the evalua-
tiple in the sense that more than one attempt to defend the standpoint has tion of argumentation:
been undertaken, but the final result is in fact a single argument. In an implic-
it discussion this is different; in anticipation of a possible non-acceptance of The critic needs to know whether it is necessary to refute both the ... premises, or
his argument, the protagonist may advance a new argument. Each of these ar- if it is enough to find fault with just the one, in order for the whole argument to
guments is a separate attempt to defend the standpoint, and is motivated by fall down .... From this point of view, the pragma-dialectical viewpoint represent-
the (potential) failure of a previous attempt. ed by the Van Eemeren and Grootendorst conception of the linked-convergent
distinction is basically the right one, because it is centrally concerned with the
question of whether a set of premises is sufficient for a conclusion, where "suffi-
Walton's PragmaticApproach cient" means adequate to resolve the other party's doubts in a context of a critical
discussion (1996: 175).
In his approach to argument structure, Walton (1996: xiv) proclaims that he
uses methods similar to Freeman (1991) and Snoeck Henkemans (1992) and Walton adopts a functional interpretation of the linked-convergent distinc-
has taken a pragma-dialectical approach, although some of his solutions will tion, "meaning that it relates to how the premises of an argument function to-
be different. His main goals are to develop more refined guidelines for identi- gether in supporting the conclusion in a context of dialogue" (1996: 177). Seen
fying linked and convergent arguments and to rescue and refine the tech- from this perspective, the fact that there are many cases in which it is hard to
nique of argument diagramming. Walton discusses numerous examples of determine whether an argument is linked or convergent, is not an indication
linked and convergent arguments and develops a classification and termino- that the linked-convergent distinction is vague or incoherent: "it is possible to
logy of the different tests used in the literature to determine whether an argu- see why, in many cases, it is difficult or even impossible to determine categori-
ment is linked or convergent. cally whether the argument is linked or convergent. The reason: there just is-
n't enough evidence given to enable us to determine how the argument is be-
Walton discusses the following five t\>~ts (for simplicity, he applies them only ing used in the given context" (178).
to two premise arguments): Walton's conclusion is that the Suspension/Insufficient Proof Test is the
best test in the sense that "it is congenial to our pragmatic theory of argument
1 Falsity/No Support Test: If one premise is false, the conclusion is not given any because of its frankly dialectical conception of an argument as a dialectical
support. exchange". According to Walton, this test is used by pragma -dialecticians such
2 Suspension/Insufficient Proof Test: If one premise is suspended (not proved, as Van Eemeren and Grootendorst and Snoeck Henkemans.Applying this test
not known to be true) the conclusion is not given enough support to prove it. is problematic, however, since it is extremely difficult in practice to determine
3 Falsity/Insufficient Proof Test: If one premise is false, the conclusion is not giv- whether or not the support for a conclusion is sufficient (1996: 180-181).
en enough support to prove it. Moreover, the fact that this text contextualizes the distinction between co-or-
4 Suspension/No Support Test: If one premise is suspended (not proved, not dinative and multiple argumentation may be positive in itself, but it also
known to be true), the conclusion is not given any support. makes the test more difficult to apply in cases where this contextual back-
S Degree of Support Test: reasons are dependent when together they make the ground is not available. In such cases, according to Walton, the Degree of Sup-
overall strength of the argument much greater than they would considered sepa- port Test is most useful to determine whether the argument can best be ana-
rately (1996: 119-120, 127). lyzed as linked or as convergent (1996: 179-181).
Finally, Walton also proposes a new method of diagramming linked and
Whereas the first four tests are based on the idea of whether the conclusion is convergent arguments, the "graph method":
given enough or any support to prove it and are thus "absolutistic, 'all-or-
nothing' kinds of tests" (1996: 121), the Degree of Support Test is a matter of The most important thing is to see that, by changing from the old notation to the
degrees. 2o graph method, we are freed from always being forced to model an argument as ei-


ther linked or convergent. It is for this reason that the recommendation is made If you have difficulty deciding whether you should join one premise P to another,
here that we should move from the existing method of argument diagramming ask whether the support it provides for the conclusion depends on some other
to the new method of reasoning graphs (1996: 187).21 premise(s) (1997: 36).

Problems in deciding on the right structure of an argument are generally at-

5·4 Methods of Analysis in Doubtful Cases
tributed to a lack of clarity in the definitions and the absence of clear and de-
cisive tests. According to Walton, when diagramming arguments, there are
According to Snoeck Henkemans (1992: 43), the problem of making a choice many cases in which there is room for more than one interpretation. 23 This
between a linked or a convergent analysis of an argument is not just caused by leads to a pedagogical problem in argumentation courses, which is com-
a lack of clarity in the definitions, but also by the lack of information concern- pounded "by the use of short contextual examples as arguments, conjoined
ing clues in the verbal presentation. Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992: 75- with the use of a test that appears to be precise, decisive, and non-contextual"
85) are an exception; they mention a number of words and expressions that (1996: 108). In a functional approach in which it primarily depends on the
can be indicative of coordinatively compound and multiple argumentation. context of the dialogue how the structure of a given argument should be
Examples of indicators of multiple argumentation are: "quite apart from", analysed, one should be prepared to accept that there will be cases in which
"and then I haven't even mentioned the fact that': and "needless to add that': there will not be enough contextual evidence to enable a well-founded deci-
Indicators of coordinatively compound argumentation are: "in addition to sion (1996: 178). Apart from contextual evidence - evidence concerning the
the fact': "when it is also remembered that", "as well as the fact that': type of dialogue, the stage of the dialogue and the burden of proof - the ana-
Snoeck Henkemans (1992) adds three types of clues to Van Eemeren and lyst can make use of structural evidence - evidence of the type of reasoning
Grootendorst's indicators of argumentative structure: pragmatic clues in the (deductive, practical) being used - and textual evidence - indicator words,
way the arguer has presented the standpoint, dialogical clues in his references such as "My one reason for believing is this, and my other reason is that" and
to criticism, and dialectical clues following from the assumption that he ob- "This reason, taken along with my other reason ... shows that my conclusion is
serves the procedural norms for a critical discussion, specifically those norms true", which give clues as to how the argument is structured. Once all these
that are related to the burden of proof. 22 Among the pragmatic clues are ex- types of evidence have been collected, the relevant test can be applied as a
pressions by means of which the arguer indicates the force of his standpoint fourth resource that may help in the identification of the argument.
and the quantifYing elements in the propositional content of the standpoint: Some authors propose a special policy for problematic cases. The policy
they influence the burden of proof. Among the dialogical clues are the ar- which both Thomas (1986) and Noh (1984: 32) propose for doubtful cases is to
guer's acknowledgements and refutations of counterarguments. Among the start with a linked interpretation. To Nolt, the main reason for advocating this
dialectical clues are the procedural norms pertaining to a critical discussion. policy is that it is the most charitable. He thinks that in borderline cases an ar-
One of them concerns the requirements an arguer should meet if his argu- gument is usually strongest if it is regarded as linked. Thomas realizes that
mentation is to defend the acceptability, or un acceptability, of a speech act; there may be situations where this policy might not be to the advantage of the
the other concerns the requirements he should meet to justify the use of a par- arguer:
ticular argumentation scheme. These two types of requirement enable the
analyst to determine whether, in order to lend sufficient support to the stand- Probably, you will want to separate reasons, and diagram reasoning as con-
point, the arguments that are advanced should be taken together, or whether vergent, anytime you suspect that one of the lines of reasoning is bad, while the
they should be taken to stand by themselves.
other line of reasoning is good (1986: 65).
In cases where there is doubt as to whether an argument should be analysed
as linked or convergent, informal logicians generally instruct the analyst to Thomas justifies his approach by saying that it is in accordance with his Prin-
apply the types of tests that have been classified by Walton (199 6 ). Groarke, ciple of Charity: "When unclarity exists, analyze reasoning in whatever way it
Tindale and Fisher (1997) are an example: gives the greatest strength" (1986: 89). Snoeck Henkemans (1992) objects to
this solution because she thinks that the analysis and the evaluation of an ar-
gument are mixed up in this policy.24 Whether the arguer's reasons are good


or bad, only becomes relevant when the argumentation is evaluated. In deci- ments. As a result, a large category oflinked arguments dealt with by informal
ding on whether the argumentation is best analyzed as convergent or as logicians, i.e., those linked arguments that are equivalent to one single argu-
linked, a different issue is at stake: ment, falls outside the scope of the pragma-dialectical treatment of argument
The decision on whether to analyze the argumentation as linked or as convergent In informal logic, the logical tradition is still predominant. Informallogi-
only depends on the degree of support which the premisses, either separately or cians are either concerned with describing different types of premise struc-
jointly, lend to the standpoint, and should not be confused with an assessment of ture within one (deductive or non -deductive) inference, or with distinguish-
the acceptability of the premisses (1992: 42).25 ing between arguments with one inference and arguments consisting of a
number of inferences, that is, with the distinction between single and complex
Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (1992: 81-82) propose a policy, called the argumentation.
strategy of maximally argumentative analysis, which is the converse of Nolt's The definitions of the key concepts, linked and convergent arguments, giv-
and Thomas' policy. In cases that cannot be decided on pragmatic grounds, en in informal logic, differ considerably. The guidelines that are given for
they advise that one start by analysing the argumentation as multiple (i.e., evaluating linked and convergent arguments also vary from author to author.
convergent). They justify this strategy as follows: Authors who give a narrow definition of linked arguments, regarding only
premises as interdependent that need to be taken together in order to be rele-
By way of this strategy, all single argumentations are being given the greatest pos- vant, generally advise that one always consider all the premises together when
sible credit ... analyzing the structure as multiple can, at the same time, be called evaluating the argument, regardless of the structure of the argument. In this
more and less "charitable" than analyzing it as coordinative. It is more charitable, interpretation of argument structure, part of the rationale for making the dis-
because in multiple argumentation each individual argument is supposed to tinction between interdependent and independent arguments is lost. There
have its own, independent argumentative force and, in addition, dropping one also seems to be a general (though unsupported) belief among informallogi-
unacceptable argument does not automatically undermine the whole argumen- cians that structures consisting of combinations of separate arguments are
tation. It is less charitable, because in multiple argumentation, in principle, all the extremely rare, and therefore not worth any serious attention. This belief in
individual arguments must be separately conclusive. More important tlIan chari- itself may be traced back to the logical tradition where presenting more than
ty, however, is from a dialectical perspective that the quality of each and every in- one independent proof is, generally speaking, superfluous. In the context of
dividual argument shall be examined critically (1992: 81-81). our everyday discussions, however, one can rarely be sure that a defence that
should be conclusive will really convince our opponent and one is often at the
same time addressing several opponents with different views. Presenting a
5.5 Conclusion number of arguments which would, if acceptable, each provide sufficient
support for the conclusion, may then often be the only realistic option.
Two approaches to argument structure, the functional approach of the classi-
cal theory of stasis (and the debate tradition) and the logical approach of
identifying argument structure with different inference types, have contin- Notes
ued to exist until the present. Dialectical approaches to complex argumenta-
tioncan be seen as a continuation of the tradition of viewing argument struc- 1 A "complex argument" is an argument that consists of a number of single
tures as the result of an arguer's attempts to deal adequately with an oppo- arguments that support a conclusion. A "single" or "individual" argument
nent's objections in a context of dialogue. Just as in classical status theory, it is the equivalent of a "reason."
depends on the requirements the arguer should meet to provide sufficient 2 The Aristotelian 'sorites' can also be analyzed as a serial argument in sup-
support for his standpoint (and thus on the dialogical context) whether or port of the major premise.
not these arguments should be taken together, or seen as separate, alternative 3 In his study of classical status theory, Braet (1984: 55) points out that classi-
defences. In contrast to all informal logical approaches, argument structures cal rhetoricians seem to have had some idea of the difference in burden of
in pragma-dialectics are always analysed as combinations of single argu- proof for the defendant and the prosecutor, but that they did not devote


any systematic attention to this difference. The emphasis was always on Conway concludes that we can very well do without the notion of"conver-
the defendant. Quintillian is an exception. gence" (IS6).
4 The same difference in obligations for the defendant and the prosecutor is 11 It is not clear to which category inductive generalizations belong in Govi-
found at the sublevels of the argumentation. Cicero (De inventione2, 32- er's classification.
33) points out that the prosecutor cannot just prove that the accused had a 12According to Conway (1991: 148-149), if individual relevance is the criteri-
motive for his crime unless he also proves that the character of the defen- on for convergence, the distinction does not correspond to our intuitions
dant is consistent with his having such a motive (and vice versa). The de- about the "separateness" of premises. Moreover, an argument being con-
fendant should show that the accused has never committed any offence, vergent on this criterion cannot serve as an "instruction" to evaluate each
and "this argument will be strengthened if it can be shown that when he line of support separately or to evaluate the degree of support of the
had an opportunity of doing a dishonest deed with impunity he had no premises for the conclusion in any other particular way. Conway con-
desire to do so" (Cicero, De inventione 2, 3S). cludes: "if there is any evaluative importance to the linked/convergent dis-
S According to Whately, in refuting an opponent's argument though, one tinction, understood in this way, it is not in the area of the degree of sup-
should be careful not to adduce much more than is sufficient to prove port premises give to a conclusion" (199 1: 149).
one's conclusion, since otherwise one's opponents may become distrust- 13 Similar definitions oflinked and convergent arguments as Govier's are
ful (1963: 16S). also given by Kelley (1988: 6-87), albeitthat he uses the terms additive and
6 Mills gives the following example: "Installment buying is harmful if it en- nonadditive premises. Fisher's (1988: 19) definition of independent argu-
courages people to live beyond their means, and it does so; it is harmful if ments is somewhat different, since he analyses independent reasons as
it causes inflation, and it does so, etc." (1968: 183). reasons that the author intends to lend conclusive support to the conclu-
7 Ray and Zavos (1966: 99) give the following definition of an argument sion by themselves: reasons "may be presented as independently justify-
from circumstance:" [It] is an argument in which a number of particulars ing" a conclusion "so that if you accept one of the reasons the author ex-
are brought to bear on some point. It is usually used to prove the occur- pects you to accept the conclusion:' Noh's (1984) criterion for indepen-
rence of some past event." dence is ambiguous: on the one hand he seems to consider arguments as
8 According to Thomas, the main criterion for the independence of premis- interdependent if they form one inference, and independent if they each
es is that the falseness of one reason would not weaken the step from the constitute a separate inference; on the other hand he recommends com-
other to the conclusion. In this way each of them individually supports the bining inferences to produce a single inference in cases where such a com-
conclusion: "It is possible to have a correct convergent diagram in which bined inference would make a stronger case (1984: 32). In this respect, his
the result of combining the separated reasons would (if this were done) be approach is more like Thomas' approach.
a stronger argument than either reason provides alone, as long as the 14 Vorobej (199Sb) gives similar definitions as Govier (199 2) and Copi and
negation or Jalsityof the various separated reasons would not decrease the Cohen (1990), but also introduces a third category of premise structure:
support given by the other(s) to the conclusion"(1986: 62). the hybrid argument. In convergent arguments, according to Vorobej,
9 Yanal (1991: 139) gives a similar analysis of the distinction between depen- "each premise, in isolation, is relevant to or provides a reason in support
dent and interdependent reasons: "What ... is the difference between de- of the conclusion" (199Sb: 289). If a set of premises is relevant to the con-
pendent and independent reasons? ... Dependent reasons form one argu- clusion, whereas no subset of the premise set is relevant to the conclusion,
ment; independent reasons form multiple arguments." an argument is linked (199Sb: 290). In hybrid arguments, the relation be-
10 The idea that convergent arguments are less vulnerable than linked argu- tween the premises is asymmetric. One premise (or premise set) is rele-
ments is "all myth" according to Conway (1991: ISS): "Even when premises vant on its own and another premise (or premise set) is not relevant to the
clearly'work together; we know perfectly well that the falsity of one need conclusion on its own. The latter premise (or premise set) supplements
not necessitate rejecting the entire argument." With any sort of argument, the other premise (set): taken together, the premises provide a better argu-
when we find that one of the premises are false, "we dismiss the unaccept- ment for the conclusion than the one relevant premise (or premise set)
able premises and evaluate the support on the basis of those that remain. alone (199Sb: 292).
We do not need a notion of convergent support to enable us to do this." IS According to Conway (1991: 149), there are many authors who are unclear


as to how the evaluation oflinked and convergent arguments should take to answer criticism consists of adding another argument that supports the
place: "Remarkably, most who claim that the linked/convergent distinc- standpoint directly, the coordinative argumentation is cumulative. If it
tion is important for evaluation say nothing about how to evaluate con- consists of a refutation of a counter-argument, the coordinative argumen-
vergent arguments:' tation is complementary" (1992: 174). These two types of support are remi-
16 Even though each coordinative argument is analyzed as composed of a niscent of Whately's (1846: 88, 138) ways of combining arguments.
number of single argumentations that each consist of two premises, one 20 In the discussion of the informal logical distinction between linked and
of which has been left unexpressed, in reconstructing a coordinative argu- convergent arguments, the tests that are used to identify linked and con-
ment, one combined unexpressed premise is made explicit. This is done to vergent reasoning are often the subject of discussion. According to
make it clear that it is only in combination that the arguments are sup- Vorobej (1994), most authors propose isolation tests for linked arguments
posed to lend sufficient support to the standpoint. For instance, in an ex- (tests that require the analyst to find out whether the premises are relevant
ample of a coordinative argument that is provided by Van Eemeren and in isolation, or whether they provide less support in isolation than taken
Grootendorst (1992: 89), two single arguments are given for the stand- together). The problem with those tests is that (in a weak form) they yield
point that" The Telegraph is a good newspaper": (1) The Telegraph contains the result that any argument with a single irrelevant, superfluous premise
facts, news, and background information; (2) The Telegraph is a common- is linked, and they do not classify all deductively valid arguments as
sense newspaper. In the diagram of this argument, the following unex- linked. The latter is the case because many deductively valid arguments
pressed premise is made explicit: "A newspaper that combines quality contain no premises, which are independently irrelevant to the conclusion
with wisdom is good." (1994: 149). Vorobej's own alternative is to use an elimination test, which
17 The basic ideas of Freeman's approach were already introduced earlier, in says that "an argument is linked if the type of (positive) support which its
an article in Informal Logic (198S) and in his textbook Thinking Logically premises offer its conclusion would be weakened upon elimination of at
(1988). least one of its premises" (1994: lSI). On this test, every deductively valid
18 Freeman thinks that there is independent confirmation for the fact that argument (with two exceptions) is linked, all analogical arguments are
these questions are central to any argumentative exchange, since they per- linked, and all arguments positively corroborating hypotheses. The test
tain to the three criteria for argument appraisal distinguished by most in- classifies as convergent all conductive arguments and inductive general-
formal logicians, they parallel Grice's (197S) conversational maxims and izations. Isolation-relevance tests are comparable to Walton's Suspen-
are also represented in Rescher's (1977) challenging moves of formal dis- sion/No Support Test, while the Elimination test is similar to Walton's De-
putation. gree of Support Test. Vorobej acknowledges that his Elimination test can-
19 The terms cumulative and complementary stem from an unpublished not do justice to the idea "that in a linked argument all the premises must
manuscript of Pinto and Blair's. In this manuscript, they distinguish be- be considered together if we are to recognize a persuasive case for accept-
tween three types of interdependency: "linked" premise sets, "cumulative" ing the conclusion" and "that convergent arguments are equivalent to, and
premise sets and "complementary" premise sets. Snoeck Henkemans ought to be treated as, more than one single argument" (1994: lS6). How-
(1992: 94) analyses linked premise sets (which consist of a minor and a ever, he believes such ideas are of questionable value "insofar as they tend
major premise) as single arguments. Explicitizing an unexpressed premise to generate accounts of the linked! convergent distinction which seriously
in response to an arguer's reaction is, according to her, only adequate in run the risk of undermining the significance of that very distinction"
cases where there is a problem concerning the comprehensibility, not the (1994: 157). This is because, according to Vorobej, convergent arguments
acceptability of the argument. Since all forms of complex argumentation consisting of multiple arguments are extremely rare (1994: lS7).
are seen by her as attempts to remove an opponent's doubt or criticism, 21 Apart from the fact that I fail to see the advantage of not having to make a
and thus, to resolve a problem concerning the acceptability of a given ar- decision between a linked or a convergent diagram, I do not think this is
gument, making explicit the unexpressed premise cannot result in com- correct: Walton explains that with the graph method, linked arguments all
plex argumentation. Cumulative and complementary arguments are re- get the same number, while convergent diagrams receive different num-
garded by Snoeck Henkemans as two different ways of responding to criti- bers (1996: 187).
cism about the sufficiency of one of the other arguments: "if the attempt 22 A difference between the indicators of multiple and coordinative argu-


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cumulating" (132-133), Snoeck Henkemans "cumulative coordinative Copi, I.M., and e. Cohen (1990). Introduction to Logic. 8th ed.
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convergent inevitably involves adopting an evaluative point of view dur- Lawrence Erlbaum.
ing the analysis. The objection might therefore be raised that "there is little Fisher,A. (1988). The Logic ofReal Arguments. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
point in invoking a distinction between linked and convergent arguments versity Press.
as an aid to argument evaluation if the distinction can be drawn only after Freeman, I.B. (1985). "Dialectical Situations and Argument Analysis:' Infor-
engaging in that very process of evaluation': But Vorobej thinks this objec- mal Logic, 7, 151-162.
tion is not sound. Appraising an argument requires several stages. There- Freeman, J.B. (1988). Thinking Logically: Basic Concepts for Reasoning. Engle-
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way one should proceed with the evaluation also differs depending on the Johnson, R.H., and J.A. Blair (1994). Logical Self-Defense. New York: Mc-
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Kelley, D. (1988). The Art ofReasoning. London: Norton.
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The Reconstruction ofMultiple and Coordinatively Compound Argumentation recently, a "fallacy" is an argument that seems valid but is not. In the last
in a Critical Discussion. Amsterdam: Sic Sat. decades, however, argumentation theorists have made several important ob-
Snoeck Henkemans,A.F. (1994). "Review of Freeman (1991)." Argumentation, jections to this definition: the word "seems" brings in an undesirable amount
8,319-32l. of subjectivity; "validity" is misleadingly presented as an absolute and conclu-
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Vorobej, M. (1995b). "Hybrid Arguments." Informal Logic, 17, 289-296. the development of views on fallacies from the classical theoretical approach-
Walton, D.N. (1996). Argument Structure: A Pragmatic Theory. Toronto: Uni- es to the modern theoretical approaches. The discussion of the classical ap-
versity of Toronto Press. proaches (6.2) starts with the Aristotelian approach (6.2.1), which has thor-
Whately, R. (1846). Elements ofRhetoric: Comprising an Analysis ofthe Laws of oughly influenced all theories regarding the fallacies. This is followed by Ba-
Moral Evidence and ofPersuasion, with Rules for Argumentative Composi- con's concept of the "idols" and the "sophisms" of Port-Royal (6.2.2), and by
tion and Elocution. D. Ehninger (reprint ed., 1963), Carbondale: Southern the "at!' fallacies as introduced by Locke (6.2.3) and Whately's "syllogistic"
Illinois Press. and "inductive" fallacies (6.2.4). This overview of the classical approaches '.-.
Windes, R.R., andA. Hastings (1965). Argumentation andAdvocacy. New ends with a survey of the traditional treatment of the fallacies in logic text-
York: Random House. books, which Hamblin christened the standard treatment (6.2.5)· The discus-
Yana!, R.J. (1991). "Dependent and Independent Reasons:' Informal Logic, 13, sion of modern theoretical approaches to the fallacies (6.3) starts with Ham-
137- 144. blin's criticisms of the standard treatment (6.3.1). Then various post-Ham-
blin treatments of the fallacies an; introduced (6.3.2). Subsequently, some dis-
tinct modern approaches are highlighted: the Woods-Walton approach
(6.3.3), the formal-dialectical approach (6.3.4) and the pragma-dialectical ap-
proach (6.3.5). The survey of the state of the art in the study of fallacies ends
with a short expose of Walton's prominent pragmatic approach (6.3. 6 ).


6.2 Brief History of the Study of Fallacies doms, take turns to demonstrate their debating skills (Euthydemus 275d-
276C; see Hamilton and Cairns, eds. 1994: 389-390). Socrates is describing to
6.2.1 The Aristotelian Approach to Fallacies Crito how Euthydemus debates the young Clinias:

The history of the study offallacies begins with Aristotle (384-322 BCE). Aris- Well, Euthydemus began something like this, I think.
totle addresses the fallacies in De sophisticis elenchis, the Topics, Prior Analytics
and Rhetoric. In De sophisticis elenchis and the Topics, he treats the subject Now Clinias, which of mankind are the learners, the wise or the ignorant?
quite thoroughly. The Prior Analytics, meanwhile, contains additional re-
marks, and Rhetoric discusses only a selection from the list compiled in De so- This was a large question; so the boy blushed, and looked at me in doubt. Seeing
phisticis elenchis. De sophisticis elenchis means "On refutations as used by the that he was troubled I said, My dear Clinias, cheer up and answer like a man,
Sophists" (the English title is Sophistical Refutations). This is why fallacies are whichever you think, for perhaps it will do you a deal of good.
sometimes called sophisms.
Aristotle places fallacies in the context of a dialectic in which one person at- Just then, Dionysodorus leaned over me, and whispered in my ear, smiling all
tacks a thesis and another person defends it. Refuting the thesis of one's oppo- over his face, Now look here, Socrates, I prophesy that whichever the lad answers,
nent is one way to win a debate. In this perspective, fallacies are false moves he will be refuted!
employed in the attacker's efforts to refute the defender's thesis. Sophistical
Refutations deals with those that are only apparent refutations (paralogisms). While he spoke, Clinias made his answer, so I had no chance to warn the boy to
In his treatise on dialectic, the Topics, Aristotle discusses both the correct take care, and he answered that the wise were the learners.
moves attackers may use to refute the defender's thesis, as well as incorrect
moves in reasoning, such as petitio principii (better known as begging the And Euthydemus said, There are people you call teachers, aren't there?
question or circular reasoning); in Rhetoric, he discusses some of the fallacies
mentioned in Sophistical Refutations, referring also to the fallacy now known He agreed.
as post hoc ergo propter hoc ("after this, therefore on account of this").
Aristotle divides the incorrect or false refutations that can be used in a di- The teachers are teachers of the learners; for example, ilie music master and the
alectical context into two groups. The first group consists of Sophistical refu- grammar master were teachers of you and the other boys, and you were learners?
tations that are dependent on language (in dictione), while the second con-
sists of Sophistical refutations independent of language (extra dictionem). He said yes.
Aristotle then divides these groups of fallacies into altogether thirteen differ-
ent tIT~_~i!lAi<::'!tin~i~ ei}ch_@sehQw falsemoyeSCaDJ1.!;_mllI~_ by the ~ Of course at the time when you were learning, you did not yet know ilie iliings
ft:l1l:kr . you were learning?
The fallacies dependent on language consist of six types, all connected with
the ambiguities and shifts of meaning which, because of the imperfections of No, he said.
the language, may occur in ordinary colloquial language (accent, form of ex-
pression, combination of words, division of words, equivocation, and amphi- Then you were wise when you did not know these iliings?
boly). The fallacies that are independent of language are divided into seven
types, all of which could also occur if the language were perfect (accidens, se- Certainly not, he said.
cundum quid -later known as hasty generalization - (affirming the) conse-
quent, non-cause as cause, petitio principii, ignoratio elenchi or "ignorance of If not wise, then ignorant?
refutation," and many questions).
Let us take an example of a language-dependent fallacy from Plato's Euthy- Yes.
demus dialogue. In this dialogue, two Sophists, Euthydemus and Dionyso-


So you boys, while learning what you did not know, were ignorant and were Ctesippus said with a laugh, No mistake, I do, for I can't beat you!
Well then, you beat your own father, the other said.
The boy nodded.
These examples show that the distinction between language-dependent and
So, the ignorant learn, my dear Clinias, not the wise as you suppose. language-independent fallacies is not without problems. The fallacy in the di-
alogue about learnin~ems from ambiguity, and is thus dependent on lan-
When he said this, it was like conductor and chorus - he signaled, and they all guage. Yet in the dialogue about the dog the situation is more complex. The
cheered and laughed, I mean Dionysodorus and Euthydemus and their followers. fallacy in the argument "This dog is a father, this dog is yours, therefore this
dog is your father", too, appears to be dependent on, rather than being inde-
Euthydemus' rebuttal of Clinias' thesis is directly followed by Dionysodorus' pendent of, language. According to Aristotle, however, this kind of fallacy is_;
rebuttal of the thesis that those who learn are the ignorant. In both cases use- caused by an j1Jegjtjma;;~f~attribute from an accidental prore!:!YQ.f a.
or misuse - is made of the ambiguity of the words "wise" ("learned" and "sen- subject (accidens) to ..!~!~l1J~.i~~.LU.§
sible") and "ignorant" ("untaught" and "stupid"). 1665 28-34,l79a 26-32.).
An example of one of Aristotle's language-independent fallacies can also be What Aristotle here means by "accidental" is not clear. Hamblin (1970: 85)
found in the same Platonic dialogue (Euthydemus 298d-299a, see Hamilton thinks that Aristotle calls a property accidental if the subject and predicate
and Cairns, eds. 1994: 412). The debate is conducted between Dionysodorus terms of the statement in which the property is attributed to someone or
and a spectator, Ctesippus: something are not convertible. If an accidental property is treated in an argu-
ment as if it were a convertible property, a fallacy is created which is indepen-
Just tell me, have you a dog? dent oflanguage (see also Bueno 1988). This can be illustrated by the follow-
ing invalid argument, taken from Hamblin (1970: 85, cf. Sophistical Refuta-
Yes, and a very bad one, said Ctesippus. tions166b 34):

Has he got puppies? (1) Coriscus is different from Socrates

(2) Socrates is a man
Very much so, he said, as bad as he is. Therefore:
(3) Coriscus is different from a man
Then the dog is their father?
Premise (2) contains a statement of an accidental property of Socrates, for
I have seen him myself, he said, on the job with the bitch. "Socrates is a man" cannot be converted into ''A man is Socrates" since not
every man is identical to Socrates. It is uncertain in which way the example
Very well, isn't the dog yours? should be analyzed. Perhaps one may read premise (1) as attributing "being
different from Coriscus"to Socrates, the subject of premise (2). In the conclu-
Certainly, he said. sion (3) this attribute is applied to "being a man", the accident expressed in
premise (2). Thus an attribute ("being different from Coriscus") is shifted
Then being a father he is yours, so the dog becomes your father and you the pup- from a subject (Socrates) to its accident ("being a man").
pies' brother. The example of the dog presents even more difficulties. What seems to be
involved is that the statement "This dog is [aJ father" is not convertible, be-
Dionysodorus quickly broke in again, that Ctesippus might not get in his retort cause not all fathers are identical to this dog. Therefore, the fatherhood must
first. One more little question. Do you beat this dog? here be regarded as an "accidental" property, so that the presented conclusion
cannot be drawn.


Judging from introductions to logic and popular books on fallacies such as not have gone straight back to Aristotle either. I_n this way, ol~_~jst~es may I
Fearnside and Holther (1959), modern authors have little difficulty with Aris- be perp~!uated. The treatment of ilie following fallacy pr~~ides an example
totle's language-dependent fallacies. Clear - albeit not always very realistic- (Hambli~970~ 29):
examples of fallacies of ambiguity are given, generally in the form of puns. A
frequently recurring example is the following (see, e.g., Copi 195311972: 93): (1) What you bought yesterday, you eat today
(2) You bought raw meat yesterday
(1) Some dogs have fuzzy ears Therefore:
(2) My dog has fuzzy ears (3) You eat raw meat today
(3) My dog is some dog According to De Rijk (1962), in his survey of the treatment of fallacies in
twelfth-century logic, iliis example first appears in the Munich dialectica. This
Another example is: argument is usually regarded as belonging to ilie type of fallacy which is
known as secundum quid ("in a certain respect') - in modern terminology
(1) After her finals Laura went crazy [with joy] reinterpreted as hasty generalization - the second of Aristotle's language-in-
(2) Crazy people [lunatics] must be locked up dependent falla~ieS:-Intlie -nineteenth century, De Morgan still considered !

Therefore: this example as a secundum quid, but the passage in which he discusses acci-
(3) Laura must be locked up dens and secundum quid fallacies may easily be read as stating that ilie exam-
ple is an accidens fallacy. Before De Morgan, no author regarded it as an acci-
Language-independent fallacies present more problems to modern authors, dens fallacy, whereas following him several writers do (e.g., Cohen and Nagel
at least if they want to stick to Aristotle's classification. In some logic text- 1934h964 and Copi 195311972).
books, the difficulty is solved by moving the accidens fallacy into the category
of language-dependent fallacies (e.g., Cohen and Nagel 193411964). Usually,
however, this fallacy is given a non -Aristotelian interpretation. It is then a fal- 6.2.2 Idols and Sophisms
lacy because of the application of a general rule, without any modification, to
a specific case in which accidental circumstances render it inapplicable (see, Aristotle's standard definition of a fallacy as seemingly valid reasoning iliat is
e.g., Copi 1972: 81). The following argument is an example of this fallacy: really invalid has remained authoritative for a long time. All the same, later
authors often ignored the dialectical context of the definition, and over-
Member of Parliament, Giebels, is entitled to publish tlIe contents of his con- looked the differences between a deductively valid argument and Aristotle's
versation with the queen, since in Holland we have freedom of speech. view of good reasoning as having a conclusion that not only follows necessar-
ily from ilie premises of the syllogism, but is also different from, as well as
In this argument, an appeal is made to the general rule that in Holland free- based on, these premises. In oilier respects, however, until the Renaissance
dom of speech applies to everybody. The fallacy arises because the argument most scholars only seemed to repeat Aristotle. Then there were also authors,
ignores the accidental circumstance that this general rule does not apply to a such as the French dialectician Petrus Ramus (1515-1572), who have dismissed
confidential meeting of a Member of Parliament wiili the queen. his views or abandoned ilie study of fallacies altogether.
Several other language-independent fallacies on Aristotle's list have under- Although the Ramist British philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) con-
gone similar changes in modern textbooks, sometimes to ilie point of be com- siders the study of fallacies to be "excellently handled" by Aristotle, his con-
ing almost unrecognizable. One rea~~n for these ~!!.~~g~~i~_~mdoubtedly the tention in The Advancement ofLearning (160511975) is iliat there are more im-

t ~~!l!~~!c_i~~~~ch!!s errors 9J th9ugh~.':~~~~r~~?Il~=Za~i~4}~Y:f~!_~~

obscurityoJ!!Qm~ Qf Aristotle'sd~flIl~ti<??~;a_~:~f~SIJJ:i~lhiltiS...asi.t~re. an I

, invitati().11 to multifarious reinterpr.etations.. Anoilier reason is that many ~~':!~2.!"-!Po~~ Among the latter are the "false
idols of the marketplace:
modern authors have not taken their definitions and examples of fallacies appearances that are imposed upon words, which are framed and applied ac-
straight from Aristotle but from other authors who, in turn, may themselves cording to conceit and capacities of the vulgar sort" (p. 134). The Aristotelian


list of fallacies is also the starting point in Logic or the Art of Thinking (1662), A third way is to press a man with consequences drawn from his own principles
the "Port-Royal Logic," by the seventeenth century French scholars, Antoine or concessions. This is already known under the name of argumentum ad
Arnauld and Pierre Nicole, who possibly worked together with Blaise Pascal. hominem (Essay IV,iii).
These fallacies are included in this first modern approach and can, in the first
place, be seen as ~s.f!phisms of the scientific m~thod. Second, fallacies found in The latter remark reveals that Locke does not assume that he was introducing
p()pular discourse are li;ted~~~~~~~;;g the force ;jihr~~~(~ anything new. His source for this meaning of argumentum ad hominem is not
ing them argumenttl,?!J1.4J7i:~Etlluiri), and drawing a generaI co;;;i;;Si~'n from an easy to trace. Hamblin claims that Locke is referring to a Latin translation of a
l;icompzete-lnduction.~TIiisdi~~between fallacies associated with scientif- passage from Aristotle's Sophistical Refutations and to several medieval trea-
ic subjects and fallacies in public discourse replaces the language-dependent tises (1970: 161-162, see also Nuchelmans 1993). Originally the ad hominem
versus language-independent distinction. made use of the other party's concessions in one's argument, but now it is a
general term for the fallacy of attacking the other party's person either direct-
ly by depicting them as stupid, bad or unreliable (abusive variant) or indirect-
.6.2.3 The Ad Fallacies 1y by casting suspicion on the opponent's motives (circumstantial variant) or
pointing out a contradiction in the other party's words or deeds (tu quoque-
The most important addition to the fallacies of Aristotle's list consists of the you too! -variant).
fallacies known as the ad fallacies, a category of arguments first distinguished The following example is a modern case of an argumentum ad hominemm
by the seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke (1632-17°4). Among the Lockean sense:
them, the argumentum ad hominem ("argument directed at the man") is the
most familiar. How can you say the Casinos in Las Vegas should be closed down? You've always
In the study of argumentation, the term argumentum ad hominem is nowa- said everyone should be free to decide for himself what to do or not to do.
days mostly used in a pejorative sense. It refers to the fallacy of attacking the
opponent personally, one way or another, instead of responding to the actual In the following text fragment two other of the four sorts of argument men-
arguments put forward by the opponent in support of a standpoint. There is tioned by Locke are used, the argumentum ad verecundiam ("awe-directed ar-
also a long-standing nonpejorative tradition, however, in which arguing ad gument" or argument of shame) and the argumentum ad ignorantiam ("igno-
hominem is regarded as indispensable for successful argumentation (see rance-directed argument"):
Nuchelmans 1993 for the Aristotelian roots of the pejorative and nonpejora-
tive meanings of the term argumentum ad hominem). Of course Beethoven dictated that symphony to Rosemary Brown: in Playboy the
It is not quite clear what Locke had in mind when he discussed the famous author Elisabeth Kiibler-Ross recently explained that communication
argumentum ad hominem in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding with the dead is perfectly possible. Anyway, nobody has ever proved that dead
(169°/1961, cf. Hamblin 1970: 41,158-163 and Finocchiaro 1974). In the chapter composers don'tmanifest themselves in this way.
"Of reason," he introduces three more types of" ad arguments": ad verecundi-
am, ad ignorantiam and ad judicium. This gave him the reputation of being The argumentum ad verecundiam is generally described as a misplaced appeal
the "inventor" of the category of the" ad fallacies': Yet he does not explicitly to authority. This does not quite conform to the literal meaning of verecundia
state that he considers the ad arguments to be fallacious: ("diffidence, awe, shanIe, embarrassment, modesty"), though it appears to be
in line with what Locke intended. With Locke, the argumentum ad verecundi-
... it may be worth our while a little to reflect on four sorts ofarguments that men, am refers to cases in which it is suggested or stated that it would be arrogant of
in their reasonings with others, do ordinarily make use of to prevail on their as- listeners to set themselves up in opposition to the authority to which the
sent, or at least so to awe them as to silence their opposition (Essay IV, iii). speaker appeals in the argument. Nowadays, the term ad verecundiam is often
used to refer to a fallacy that involves an incorrect appeal to an authority.
The argumentum ad hominem is placed third on Locke's list: It can be reconstructed from Locke's remarks that an argumentum ad igno-
rantiam for him relates to the burden of proof in a debate. An inadmissible


way of evading one's duty is to give arguments for one's point of view when Whately has had a great influence on the textbook tradition in both Britain
expressing an opinion contrary to somebody else's. Nowadays, the argumen- and the United States. Whereas Whately holds that reasoning should conform
tum ad ignorantiam is generally regarded as a fallacious appeal to ignorance to the syllogism, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) pro-
or lack of proof (as in the example above). On the basis of the observed fact pounds in A System ofLogic, Ratiocinative and Inductive (1843/1970 ) that only
that something has not been proven notto be the case, it is concluded that it is inductive inferences count as reasoning. Although Mill created a category of
the case (orthe other wayaround). inductive fallacies, his views on the fallacies and the empirical investigation of
Although it is clear from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding that the fallacies have not led to crucial theoretical innovations.
Locke was aware of the intended effect on others of these three kinds of argu-
ments, it must be emphasized, again, that it is not clear whether Locke himself
regarded the argumentum ad hominem, the argumentum ad verecundiam and 6.2.5 The Treatment of Fallacies in Logic Textbooks
the argumentum ad ignorantiam as fallacious arguments, as is usually done in
present-day literature (the argumentum ad judicium is not fallacious but sets An important characteristic of traditional accounts in later logic textbooks is
a standard for using proofs drawn from the foundations of knowledge or the shift in the approach to the fallacies that replaced the Aristotelian dialecti-
probability). Definitions of the argumentum ad hominem similar to Locke's cal perspective by a monologic perspective. Fallacy theory then deals exclu-
can be found in the works of the nineteenth-century British logician Whately, sively with errors in reasoning instead of deceptive maneuvers made by a par-
the nineteenth-century German philosopher Schopenhauer, the twentieth- ty who tries to outwit the other party. Because some of the fallacies on Aristo-
century American philosopher Johnstone Jr., and the twentieth-century Bel- tle's list are intrinsically linked with the dialogue situation, one of the conse-
gian philosopher Perelman (see Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1993). quences of abandoning the context of debate is that the reason a particular
An example of an argumentum ad hominem in the modern non-Lockean fallacy should be regarded as a fallacy may become obscure.
pejorative sense is the following: An example is "many questions" in Aristotle's category of language-in-
dependent fallacies. Alt~ough it is clear why Ari~t?!~e ree<lr5!~ manlqUestio~S,
The argument that the state may not impose limitations on free speech and thus as a fallacious refutatlo;;' i~tliec~;text~f debate, it is less clear why exactly he
may not contemplate any curtailment of the cable television explosion only has c~~~!:fi~~ih:i~;r2E.i~~~~I~~fu~:~~te.~()~r.~~ ~i~~~~~.~-~~.~e~e~d~.~t.~all~~i~~}
the appearance of being sound. This reasoning is used by groups with a vested in- After all, it is precisely the way in which the question is framed that otters the
terest in seeing the cable explosion continue unabated. It is therefore a false argu- possibility of checkmating one's adversary. This fallacy occurs when a ques-
ment. tion is asked that can only be answered by answering at least one other ques-
tion that is "concealed" in the original question at the same time. In modern
interpretations, the answer to the original question presupposes a particular
6.2.4 Syllogistic and Inductive Fallacies answer to one or more other questions. By (implicitly or explicitly) forcing
someone to answer a question other than the one that is asked, the fallacy of
In his Elements of Logic (1826/1975), the logician and rhetorician Richard many questions is committed. Since many questions hinges on the dialogue sit-
Whately (1787-1863), wanted to present an improved account of the fallacies uation' this fallacy can only be adequately analyzed in a dialectical approach.
from a logical point of view. Defining a fallacy in the appendix as "any argu- . II1.l~~~~1!~.41~LAJ:!.§lQtl~1"~£kfulder i§.,<t!I.<?~!.g"!s>"~r}i.!~t
ment, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at
hand, while in reality it is not': he replaces the established definition with a
\ :~~~i:fitt~~~~!~~;;~f~~-<!~~~~~?'Il~'<lIl~ to answer thems.~p~r.(lt.e!y.c5pph!~~~
wider one. Next to the class of (syllogistic) logical fallacies (e.g., four terms as a thef~ll~~i~g-;;xamples of many questions fallacies are commonly given as
violation of the rule defining a syllogism as a form of reasoning with no more an illustration:
than three terms, and the, semiological, fallacy of false analogy), Whately, in
his tree of classification, distinguishes a broad class of (valid) nonlogical (or (1) Are you still beating your wife?
material) fallacies, divided into fallacies that involve a wrongly-assumed (2) When did you stop beating your wife?
premise (petitio principii, false premise) and irrelevancies (ignoratio elenchi),
such as the ad fallacies.


A person who answers question (1) as intended, with a simple Yes or No, quid, accidens, many questions, ad hominem, ad verecundiam, and ad ignora.n-
thereby admits being, or having been, in the habit of beating his wife. This is tiam, this category includes false analogy, and ethical and pathetlc fallaCIes
because (1) contains the following presupposition: (parading one's own qualities and playing on the sentiments of the audience).
Other fallacies of relevance, including begging the question, follow below.
(Ia) You used to beat your wife Begging the question, also known as petitio principii or circular reas~ning,
means that the arguer assumes that what needs to be proven (the questlOn at
The same presupposition is contained in question (2), but in that case there is issue) has already been shown to hold. A simple example is: "God exists be-
also a second presupposition: cause the Bible says so, and the Bible is God's word:'
Ignoratio elenchi ("ignorance of refutation") amounts in the "standard
(2a) You no longer beat your wife interpretation" to an argument that does not address the thesis that happens
to be the point at issue, but a different opinion attributed, rightly or not, to the
Asking questions of the many questions type can serve to pin down an oppo- other party. Thus, a person who doubts whether state-controlled housing
nent who fails to spot the treacherous nature of such a question. According to projects are a useful means of alleviating a housing shortage ~ay, for ex~­
Aristotle, such questions are incorrect ways of making opponents contradict pie, be opposed to them by advancing arguments for the theSIS that there IS a
themselves in a debate. This happens, for example, if the thesis that the de- serious shortage of houses. This, however, is not the point at issue.
fender has never beaten his wife is at some point refuted through the No an- A non seq~"Cl~2~~n~!i2!!9w") !S a form of argumentation, simila: to
swer of the defender to question (1) of the attacker (of course, the defender is 19norailo~l~nchi, in which the arguments that are used ~nd the concluSlOn
in even deeper water if he answers Yes). that is drawn may in themselves be correct, but the concluslOn does not follow
By addressing the dubious presupposition(s), the defender avoids giving a from the arguments. The Dutch author, Piet Grijs, once gave this absurd ex-
direct answer to the original question. In the case of question (2), this strategy ample:
might lead to these replies:
The devil painted tile world. But he is not allowed to deduct the costs from his
(2') I am still beating her taxes. Then his nephew appears, in tile year 1982. His nephew has an affair with
(2") I have never beaten her tile Prime Minister, and that is why the trees turn green again.

Answer (2") is the best way to parry question (2) if the discussion hinges on As the name suggests, post hoc (ergo propter hoc) ("after this, therefore on ac-
whether the defender is or was in the habit of beating his wife. A "direct" an- count of this") means that merely because the one event follows the other
swer, such as "Last week", would lead to an immediate and irrevocable defeat temporarily, then the first caused the second. This fallacy is used when it is
in the debate. The wording of question (1) virtually forces the defender of the claimed that the rise in (un)employment that has manifested itself since the
thesis to answer yes, or no, and thus to admit what the opponent tries to new government took office is the result of the new government's policies,
demonstrate: that the defender is, or was, in the habit of beating his wife. when it is, in fact, perfectly clear that there are other causes.
The argumentum ad baculum ("argument of the stick"), the appeal to force,
Instead of distinguishing fallacies in dictione from fallacies extra dictionem, amounts to resorting to the use of threats against an adversary who refuses to
logic textbooks frequ~ntly make a distinction between fa~~cies of a,mbi~ accept one's standpoint. The threat may involve physical force, but also other
?! ~le~~~;;~:~~~I!,a.CI_~s. ?r~~?~~e.g., Copi 1972). Thehrst are caused by measures. Usually, threats are issued indirectly, sometimes preceded by an
leXIcal or grammaticaTambigulty ("Pleasing students can be trying") or shifts emphatic assurance that no pressure is being put upon the listener or reader:
of accent ("Why did Adam eat the apple?': "Why did Adam eat the apple?");
they correspond more or less with Aristotle's fallacies in dictione. Fallacies of Of course, I leave it entirely to you to take a stand, but you must realize that we are

re~an ~~~~~i;nE!~ ~~~~!:t£.f~acLe.-.~:!~eY-':~':'~~E~I:.:,a~_!~:.?e~a._~~~~~

.. ..
your biggest advertiser (and if you publish that article about our role in South
no log~cal )ustIfica.tion for t~~,?J:iI1~~I1_~.x.::g::ssed; aJ! th~ ~~~'_!~.:.L~ay be:. a Africa you can forget about our advertising account).
effective means to persuade an audience. Alongside secundum
\\ rhetoncally -- -.--
.. --..... ..... ..._.-,-- ....-~.~"---..-.
----.~" ..--... -.-------".-.. --- ..-

The argumentum ad misericordiam ("pity argument") is a fallacy in which an "Straw man" is the fallacy of attributing a fictitious or distorted standpoint to
unjustified appeal is made to the audience's compassion in order to further another party that makes it easier to deal with.
one's own interests: Somewhere between the fallacies of ambiguity and the fallacies of rele-
vance, we find the fallacies of composition and division. The fallacy of composi-
If you don't improve my grade for this course I will lose my self-esteem and find it tion arises when characteristics of the parts are attributed to the whole in or-
difficult to continue with my life. der to make a standpoint with respect to the whole acceptable. For example:

,; The argumentum ad populum ("argument directed at the people"), some- All the parts of the machine are light in weight, therefore the machine is light in
\ times referred to as "mob appeal" or as "snob appeal", "app~~_ weight.
p\~~~~s_~f~ particlJlaL@sl}.~~his is, for instance, done by contrasting "we"
• (the speaker and his audience) and "they" (those against whom the discourse We use real butter, cream, and fresh lettuce, so our meals are delicious.
is aimed). The following might be an example:
The fallacy of division is the converse:
·There is nothing to be gained from these proposals: We socialists all know that the
, arms race is carefully maintained by the arms manufacturers and that in the final The machine is heavy; therefore all the parts of the machine are heavy.
analysis it's just a matter oflining the pockets of a crowd of unscrupulous share-
The Catholic Church is a church for poor people; therefore the Catholic Church
holders. / ,;i -;
is poor.
The argumentum ad consequentiam ("consequence-directed argument" or
"wishful thinking") is a fallacy in which a specific favorable or unfavorable These examples show that properties of the parts are not automatically trans-
light is cast on a factual thesis just by pointing out its possible desirable or un- ferable to the whole, and vice versa. Here the words "light" and "heavy" refer to
desirable consequences. For exam pIe: relative properties. As soon as there are enough light parts, they will make the
machine heavy.
We may suppose no H-bombs will ever hit the Netherlands, for our country is so
small that nothing would remain of it. (From a Civil Defense pamphlet issued in
the sixties) 6.3 Modern Theoretical Approaches to the Fallacies

Or: 6.3. 1 Hamblin's Criticisms of the Standard Treatment

God exists; otherwise life would be without hope. In Fallacies (1970 ), an influential survey of the history of the study offallacies
since Aristotle, the Australian philosopher, Charles Hamblin, observes such a
The slippery slope fallacy is a special case of argumentum ad consequentiam, in uniformity in contemporary treatments of fallacies in prominent logic text-
which the speculation on unsubstantiated negative consequences of a pro- books that he speaks of the standard treatment, "the typical or average account
posed course is carried to an extreme. This fallacy entails wrongly suggesting as it appears in the typical short chapter or appendix of the average modern
that by taking the proposed course one will be going from bad to worse. In textbook" (1970: l2).
discussions about legalizing abortion and euthanasia, this type of argument This characterization is based on textbooks by Cohen and Nagel
occurs frequently: (1934119 6 4), Black (1946), Oesterlee (1952), Copi (195311972), Schipper and
Schuh (19 60 ), and Salmon (1963), but also applies to other textbooks, such as
If we start making euthanasia legal, we'll end up with gas chambers like in Nazi Beardsley (195 0 ), Fearnside and Holther (1959), Carney and Scheer (1964),
Germany. Rescher (1964), Kahane (1969,1971), Michalos (1970 ), Gutenplan and Tamny
(197 1), and Purtill (1972). It should be added, however, thatthe unanimity in
the textbooks is not as striking as Hamblin suggests.

Hamblin's book, which also contains Hamblin's own theoretical contribution And with respect to the fallacy of begging the question, he says:
to the study of fallacies, is now a standard work on the subject. It is not only
important because of the excellent historical overview, but also because of its However, by far the most important controversy surrounding petitio principii
diagnosis of the shortcomings of the standard treatment. These criticisms are concerns J.S. Mill's claim that all valid reasoning commits the fallacy (1970: 35).
This can be illustrated with an example:
'" what we find in most cases, I think it should be admitted, is as debased, worn-
out and dogmatic a treatment as could be imagined - incredibly tradition- That is my bicycle; therefore this is my bicycle.
bound, yet lacking in logic and historical sense alike, and almost without connec-
tion to anything else in modern logic at all (1970: 12). In a debate about whose bicycle it is, this argument is unlikely to have much
effect, since the premise only repeats the conclusion. But according to stan-
This quotation illustrates Hamblin's earlier lament: dard logic, the argument as such is not invalid, since it substantiates a valid ar-
gument form:
We have no theory of fallacy at all, in the sense in which we have theories of cor-
rect reasoning or inference (1970: 11). A; therefore A.

According to Hamblin, the shortcomings of the standard treatment already In still other cases, it would be highly overdoing things if one looked for the
reveal themselves in the standard definition of the term fallacy: error in the invalidity of the argument, since the fallaciousness primarily has
to do with the incorrectness of an unexpressed premise. This is true for fallac-
A fallacious argument, as almost every account from Aristotle onwards tells you, ies such as the argumentum ad verecundiam and the argumentum ad
is one that seems to be valid but is notso (1970: 12). populum, but also for the argumentum ad hominem. We can demonstrate this
point by referring to an earlier example of an argumentum ad verecundiam:
The problem with this definition is that most fallacies discussed in the stan-
dard treatment do not fit with it. In fact, only a few formal fallacies fall with- Of course Beethoven dictated that symphony to Rosemary Brown: in Playboy the
out any problems under the definition. This applies, for instance, to two cases famous auilior Elisabeili Kiibler-Ross recently explained iliat communication
of treating a sufficient condition as a necessary condition: affirming the conse- with the dead is perfectly possible.
quent and denying the antecedent (inferring from the premises "If A then B"
and "B" that ''If: and inferring from the premises "If A then B" and "not-A" The "fault" here appears to exist not so much in the form ofthe argument as in
that "not B': respectively).
the incorrectness of an unexpressed premise (d. Van Eemeren and Grooten-
The mismatch between the definition and the fallacies in most other cases is dorst 1992: 60-72). If this unexpressed premise is made explicit, the argument
sometimes due to the fact that there is no argument; in other cases, the reason is not per se invalid:
is that the argument is not invalid at all in modern interpretations. As an ex-
ample of the former, Hamblin mentions the fallacy of many questions, and as (1) Elisabeth Kiibler-Ross has said iliat communication with the dead is possible
an example of the latter, he refers to the fallacy of begging the question (petitio (2) Kiibler-Ross is an authority in the field of occultism: everything she says
principii, circular reasoning). With respect to the fallacy of many questions, about it is true
Hamblin writes:
(3) It is possible that Beethoven dictated that symphony to Rosemary Brown
... a man who asks a misleading question can hardly be said to have argued, validly
or invalidly, for anything at all. Where are his premises and what is his conclu- This argument has the following form:
sion? (1970: 39)


(1') X says that S is possible; this is a statement of type T Here we face, in Hamblin's words, the problem of "nailing" a fallacy: the ac-
(2') Every thing X says about statements of type T is true cused can quasi-naively maintain that no argument has been advanced.
Therefore: Hamblin describes how that defense could proceed with regard to the use of
(3') S is possible an argumentum ad hominem:

If an objection is made to the original argument, it is not very likely that it will Person A makes statement S: person B says "It was Cwho told you that, and I hap-
concern the form of the argument. More likely it will be the content that caus- pen to know that his mother-in-law is living in sin with a Russian": A objects,
es problems. Such an objection would, for example, be "It's easy enough for "The falsity of S does not follow from any facts about the morals of Cs mother-
Kiibler- Ross to say things like that" or "Just how does that Kiibler- Ross person in-law: that is an argumentum ad hominem": Bmayreply"I did not claim that it
know so much, then?" followed. I simply made a remark about incidentals of the statement's history.
Another example of overdoing things by looking at the validity of the argu- Draw what conclusion you like. If the cap fits ..." (1970: 224).
ment is Copi's illustration of the abusive variant of the argumentum ad homi-
nem, a head-on personal attack in which the opponent is portrayed as stupid,
dishonest or unreliable, thereby undermining the opponent's credibility: 6.3.2 Post-Hamblin Treatments of the Fallacies

Bacon's philosophy is untrustworthy because he was removed from his chancel- Hamblin's criticisms of the standard treatment have led to various kinds of
lorship for dishonesty (1972: 75). reactions (see Grootendorst 1987). In textbooks on logic, there was initially
very little noticeable effect. In reprints of Copi (1953), Rescher (19 6 4), Carney
In this example, there is indeed an argument, but its fallaciousness seems to and Scheer (1964), for example, no attempt was made to deal with Hamblin's
be lurking in the unacceptability of the unexpressed premise (Why should a objections. Copi, for one, states in his preface to the fourth edition of Intro-
swindler not have any interesting philosophical ideas?) rather than in the in- duction to Logic (1972) that in the chapter on fallacies he made grateful use of
validity of the argument. Many examples of the argumentum ad hominem are Hamblin's critical remarks; however, a closer comparison reveals that, aside
not even presented as arguments that have the form of a premise-conclusion from a few minor alterations, Copi adheres strictly to the standard treatment.
sequence. Granted, some of them could be reconstructed as such without dif- An extreme reaction is Lambert and Ulrich's, who thought it better to totally
ficulty, but others cannot. Take this example from Schopenhauer's "Eristische drop informal fallacies from logic textbooks (1980: 24-28). Lambert and Ul-
Dialektik;'written between 1818 and 1830: rich clarified their drastic step by means of a discussion of the argumentum ad
hominem, which they define as an attempt to cast doubt on someone's stand-
Vertheidigt er [der GegnerJz.B. den Selbstmord, so schreit man gleich "warum point by bringing that person's reputation into disrepute. They contend that
hangst du dich nicht auf" [If the opponent defends suicide, one immediately yells it is impossible to characterize the argumentum ad hominem satisfactorily by
"Why don't you hang yourselR"J (p.685) appealing to its form or to its content. Their general conclusion runs as fol-
It is not immediately clear what the reconstruction should look like:
... until a general characterization of informal fallacies can be given which enables
(a) Suicide is wrong, because you don't hang yourself one to tell with respect to any argument whether or not it exhibits one of the in-
(b) Your defense of suicide is worthless since you don't hang yourself formal fallacies, knowing how to label certain paradigm cases of this or that mis-
(c) You are inconsistent becauseyou defend suicide but you don't take in reasoning is not really useful for determining whether a given argument is
hang yourself acceptable (1980: 28).
(d) You should hang yourself because you defend suicide
As exemplified in Hans V. Hansen and Robert C. Pinto's collection of read-
It is difficult to make a well-founded choice between the alternatives because ings, Fallacies (eds. 1995), Hamblin's book has been a great source of inspira-
it is hard to determine what the speaker can be held to. Each reconstruction tion to argumentation scholars. Post-Hamblin attempts to create a better al-
seems somewhat more absurd than the next.

ternative to the standard treatment may differ considerably in their ap- their starting point. They conclude that deductive logic is not sufficient to
proaches, objectives, methods and emphases, but they invariably refer to his deal with all the different types of fallacies. In their opinion, however, it does
criticisms. Pace philosophers such as Augustus de Morgan (1806-1871) and not follow that the theory of fallacies should necessarily be non-formal.
Gerald Massey (born 1934), who do not believe that a theory of fallacies is As their collected papers, Fallacies: Selected Papers 1972-1982 (1989), makes
possible, several new theoretical approaches have developed. clear, Woods and Walton take the view that the fallacy itself should determine
Apart from their own involvement, Hansen and Pinto's book shows the ac- how it might be dealt with theoretically. Common methodological starting
tive involvement in the study of the fallacies of other contemporary Canadian points of their approach are that fallacies can be usefully analyzed with the
and American informal logicians, such as J. Anthony Blair, Ralph H. Johnson, help of the structures and theoretical vocabulary oflogical systems, including
Alan Brinton, Trudy Govier, James B. Freeman and David Hitchcock. They systems of dialectical logic, and that successful analyses of a great many fallac-
pay special attention to the conditions under which a specific argumentative ies will have features that qualify those analyses as formal in some sense. They
I i move should count as a fallacy. ]:he ~~~Rhers JohnJ~!!Q~!!~:U::I~ tend to organize the fallacies into grades of formality. First, there are fallacies,
"~I Siegel's (122.2), still embryoIlic, ep!~teIl1j~ ~r£,!ch.ItJ>J"~~,juiifferenL such as the classical fallacy of "four terms", that are formal in the strict sense;
' view o~:he f~!La.~i~§.as ~d~~l!1Q!s_,t:Q ~J(P~~~E.~<?~I.:..~. Besides' they are analyzable with the help of concepts wholly or partly described in the
, Hambhns (197 0 ) own contrIbUtion to the theory of fallacies, which is cast in
technical vocabulary or the formal structures of a system oflogic or other for-
I the mold of a system of rules called formal dialectics, other constructive pro- mal theory (four terms, for example, with the help of the classical definition of
posals are made by the American philosopher Maurice Finocchiaro (1987) a syllogism). At the second grade of formality, there are fallacies, such as the
and the Finnish-American logician Taakko Hintikka (1987). Finocchiaro opts fallacies of ambiguity, which are not formal in the strict sense, but whose
for a middle course between abstract theoretical considerations and data-ori- commission is partly made explicable by reference to logical forms. At the
ented empirical observation. Hintikka argues, in a dialectical vein, that the third grade of formality, there are fallacies, such as petitio principii, which are
Aristotelian fallacies should not be primarily viewed as wrong inferences, but formally analyzable in an even weaker sense.
as interrogative mistakes in question -dialogues. This third grade of formality, which is most prominently realized in Woods
Various approaches to the fallacies have recently developed that involve an and Walton's work, can be clarified by turning to a definition of formal ana-
extensive research program. Among them are the formal approach chosen by , lyzability they approve of:
Woods and Walton, the formal-dialectical approach proposed by Barth and
Krabbe, the pragma-dialectical approach initiated by Van Eemeren and A fallacy F is formally analyzableto the extent that its analysis introduces concepts
Grootendorst and Walton's pragmatic approach. These distinct contribu- which are described, in whole or part, by employing the technical vocabulary
tions to the study of fallacies will now be discussed separately. and! or the formal structures of a system oflogic or other sort of formal theory.

In English, "formality", it must be noted, is a multiple-ambiguous word. All

6·3·3 The Woods-Walton Approach sort of things and situations count as formal, from "formal evening" to "for-
mal speech", all the way up to theories oflogical form. There is "good form" in
The most continuous and extensive post-Hamblin contribution to the study tennis, and telling off-color jokes is considered "bad form" in polite society.
of the fallacies is provided by the Canadian logicians and argumentation the- The concept of formality that gives sense to the definition of formal analyz-
orists, John Woods and Douglas N. Walton. In a series of co-authored articles ability is approximately this. Sometimes a definition is said to be "formal"
and books and several independently authored publications, they substanti- when it is exact, explicit, general and rigorous. So, for example, the definition
ate their remedy for the standard treatment. They deal with the various kinds of the successor of any number n as the number n + 1 would qualify as "for-
of fallacies by calling on more sophisticated modern logics than just syllogis- mal" in this present sense. Similarly, a theory could be said to be a "formal the-
tic, propositional, and predicate logics. The Woods-Walton approach is ex- ory" to the extent that its definitions were formal, and its assertions were ex-
hibited in the textbook Argument: The Logic ofthe Fallacies (1982). Aiming for plicitly and rigorously demonstrated. Especially significant would be those
a better and more coherent treatment of the fallacies than the standard treat- theories, such as number theory, or set theory, whose sets of theorems are in-
ment provides, Woods and Walton take the theoretical framework of logic as finitely large, but which are nonetheless finitely axiomatizable. For such a


thing to be true, it is basically the case that axioms are given by way of finite of production rules for rational arguments. Only (and all) arguments that
numbers of axiom schemata. can be generated by these rules are rational arguments, and fallacies can be
analyzed as argumentative moves that cannotbe generated by the rules. They
Two examples of the formal analyses typical of the Woods-Walton approach provide a description of the sets of rules constituting such systems of formal
are mentioned here. They illustrate the general conception of formality that dialectics in From Axiom to Dialogue (1982). Instead of being given ad hoc ex-
enters into the work of Woods and Walton at the third grade. In several chap- planations, as in the standard treatment, the fallacies in formal dialectics can
ters of Fallacies: Selected Papers, Woods and Walton analyze the logical struc- be systematically analyzed, which is illustrated in Barth and Martens (1977)
ture of dialectical arguments that satisfy the "no-retraction rule" as argu- with respect to the argumentum ad hominem. In fact, in Barth and Martens
ments that have the property of cumulativity. Cumulativity is analyzed, in (1977), the argumentum ad hominem is not treated as a fallacy but as an admis-
turn, as a certain kind of"Kripke-structure", introduced by Saul A. Kripke in sible discussion move" ex concessis': According to Barth and Martens, each in-
his "Seman tical analysis of intuitionistic logic I" (1965). Woods and Walton dividual rule of the formal-dialectical rules for generating rational argu-
show that the fallacy of petitio principii cannot be committed in such struc- ments states a sufficient condition for the rationality of a generated argu-
tures, that is, that the formally analyzable property of cumulativeness pre- ment; all (and only) arguments that can be generated by one or more of these
cludes the petitio. 2 rules are rational arguments. Fallacies can thus be "unmasked" as argumenta-
In another example, Woods and Walton set out to show that the analysis of tive moves that cannotbe generated by the production rules (1977: 96).
~ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ >~". __ • _ _ _ _ ~ __ ~~~o- ••• ~--'- . . '·~· - . - - - - - - - - •• , - _ . _ '"~""." •• , . . . " . - - - ' •• - -,------, - .----. _ •• - ----.' --

the fallacies of composition and division rests on a good theoretical account of

the part-whole relation. This assumption seems a reasonable one, in as much
as these fallacies involve incorrect inferences from properties of wholes to 6.3.5 The Pragma-Dialectical Approach
properties of their parts, and from properties of parts to properties of the
wholes of which they are parts. In Fallacies: Selected Papers, the authors show The "pragma-dialectical" approach, developed in Speech Acts in Argumenta-
that neither ordinary set theory nor a standard deviation from it known as tive Discussions (1984) and Argumentation, Communication, and Fallacies
"mereology" will suffice for the correct analysis of composition and division (199 2 ) by the Dutch argumentation theorists Frans H. van Eemeren and Rob
fallacies (1989: Ch. 8). The formal theory ofthe part -whole relation known as Grootendorst, links up with formal dialectics. It starts, however, from the
aggregate theory, as developed by Tyler Burge (1977: 97-118), is a more ade- conviction that the single-minded preoccupation with the logical aspects of
quate theoretical toO!.3 arguments should be abandoned and that the fallacies can be better under-
In their analyses of fallacies, Woods and Walton draw upon Hamblin's con- stood as wrong moves in the communication process of argumentative dis-
cepts of commitment sets and retraction. Thus, their analyses are not only for- course. A fallacy is in the pragma-dialectical approach regarded as a hin-
mally oriented, but also dialectical. Another typical feature of the Woods- drance or impediment for the resolution of a disagreement, and the specific
Walton approach is that it is pluralistic. History has endowed a great many nature of a particular fallacy depends on the way in which it interferes with
rather different phenomena with the name of fallacy. In Woods and Walton's the resolution process.
view, it makes no more sense to suppose that they must all be given a common In the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation, a critical-rationalist
analysis than it does to suppose that all diseases should be given the same di- philosophy of reasonableness is given shape in an ideal model of critical dis-
agnosis and treatment. \/ ,{J , ,; r !,
,l 1-1\.
cussion that specifies the stages that are to be distinguished analytically in the



I "';

~ 7 resolution process and the verbal moves that are constitutive of each of these

6·3-4 Th'Fo'm,"-[Ji,"e<lic,"APP'~''-- "? "c. 'II "Ny I, stages. In all stages of a critical discussion, the protagonist and the antagonist
of the standpoint at issue must observe all the rules for the performance of
speech acts that are instrumental in resolving the dispute. These rules can be
A major methodical attempt to create a "formal-dialectical" theoretical recapitulated in a series of basic principles, each of which expresses a separate
framework, partly based on the dialogue logic of the Erlangen School, is un- standard or norm for critical discussion. Any infringement, whichever party
dertaken by the Dutch philosophers and logicians Else M. Barth and Erik commits it, and at whatever stage in the discussion, is a possible threat to the
C. W. Krabbe. They envision a theory of rational argumentation as a finite set resolution of a difference of opinion and must therefore be regarded as an in-


correct discussion move or "fallacy." The term fallacy is thus systematically in the protagonist retracting the standpoint and a successful defense in the
connected with the rules for critical discussion and defined as a speech act that antagonist retracting the doubt (Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 2001).
prejudices or frustrates efforts to resolve a difference ofopinion.
When it comes to the detection of fallacies, the pragma-dialectical analysis
starts with interpreting an utterance in a discourse aimed at resolving a differ- 6.3.6 Walton's Pragmatic Approach
ence of opinion as a particular kind of speech act. Then it must be determined
i whether the performance of this speech act agrees with the rules for critical Written in a similar theoretical vein, Douglas N. Walton's Informal Fallacies
It discussion. If the speech act violates any of these rules, it must be determined (1987) marks a new stage in his development. To find a solution to the prob-
II wha~ kind. of ~orm viol~tio.n it entails. Only after it has become clear which lems involved in analyzing fallacies, Walton now not only makes formal logic
I' speClfi~ cntenon for satIsfying a norm pertaining to a particular stage of the subservient to dialectic, but also turns to pragmatics, albeit in a very broad
resolutIOn process has not been met, can it be determined which fallacy has sense. Walton, a highly prolific author, now tends to _<::()_IE.1:~~~.!E~_s.!!:t_c!Y.2nn:-
been committed. dividual fallacies with exa~..!!!!!-life.~algngjh~Q!1!!i£&Q~­
'. Rilth~!~haI1~?!l§.id~I:ing the fall(l~ie,§flS belonging1Mn unstructured list of
\nom~~al:":<lt~E()!:i~~iEherit~QJ:!Q1J1 th~PilS!, ~j!! !h~ st~ treatme%~
~~S~d'::'IIl:g~ fallaci~_~!Q1~yj21ati01l1.QfgJl~<:!!!d the sa~~dity) norm,
I ~Yses, he associates fallacies with illicit "dialectical shifts"
from one type of dialogue to another. An argument that appears correct may
actually be incorrect when it is used after a shift in a type of dialogue where it
a~ I~ ~he 10gIco-~en!!:ic approaches, t~:l?!:'!K...~gl.i!l£.qjcal ap12rOOCh differ~ is no longer appropriate or even obstructive in view of the type of dialogue
t:f.t~at~~~!~riety of ~ A comparison shows that fallacies the participants were originally engaged in. An ad baculum involving a veiled
't hICh were tradItIOnally only nommally lumped together are now either threat, for example, can be appropriate in a negotiation dialogue but not in a
,hown to have something in common or clearly distinguished, whereas gen- persuasion dialogue. A systematic treatment of normative models of dia-
uinely related fallacies that were separated are brought together. For instance, logue, which can serve as guidelines for a critical evaluation of fallacious dia-
two variants of ad populum are distinguished, the one being a violation of the logue shifts, is given in Walton and Krabbe (1995)·
Relevance Rule that a party may defend its standpoint only by advancing ar- Early signs of the new developments in Walton's approach to the fallacies
gumentation related to that standpoint, the other being a violation of the Ar- can be found in Logical Dialogue-Games and Fallacies (1984). In this book, a
gument Scheme Rule that a standpoint may not be regarded as conclusively new theoretical approach is chosen to provide an analysis of informal fallacies
defended if the defense does not take place by means of a correctly applied ap- frequently encountered in ordinary argumentation. In Walton's opinion, the
propriate argument scheme. This shows that these variants are, in fact, notof standard treatment lacks an analysis of this group of fallacies because this
the same kind. And analyzing one particular variant of ad verecundiam and treatment starts from a limited definition of validity. The so-called logical di-
one particular variant of ad populum as violations of the same Argument alogue games developed by Hamblin, Mackenzie, Hintikka and Rescher pro-
Scheme Rule makes it clear that, seen from the perspective of resolving a dif- vide a more suitable theoretical framework for the analysis of fallacies such as
ference of opinion, these variants areof the same kind. the argumentum ad hominem, petitio principii, argumentu m ad ignorantiam,
The pragma-dialectical approach also enables the analysis of thus far un- ignoratio elenchi, many questions, argumentum ad baculum, straw man and ar-
recognized and unnamed "new" obstacles to resolving a difference of opin- gumentum ad verecundiam. Another early sign of the direction Walton's work
ion. Examples are declaring a standpoint sacrosanct, a violation of the Free- was going to take is Arguer's Position (1985). This book deals with the question
dom Rule that parties must not prevent each other from putting forward under which conditions the circumstantial variant of the argumentum ad
standpoints or casting doubt on standpoints; evading or shifting the burden of hominem is a sound form of argumentation. Starting from Grice's theory of
proof, violations of the Burden of Proof Rule that a party who puts forward a conversation, the relevance logic of Davidson and Porn, and the theoretical
standpoint is obliged to defend that standpoint if asked to; denying an unex- proposals concerning formal dialogue games, an analysis is given of the ad
pressed premise, a violation of the Unexpressed Premise Rule that a party may hominem. Walton's conclusion is that ad hominem refutations are sometimes
not falsely present something as a premise that has been left unexpressed, or effective and sound, but ad hominem attacks are usually not.
deny a premise that has been left implicit; and making an absolute ofthe success Among Walton's other individual books are Informal Fallacies (1987) and
of the defense, a violation of the Closure Rule that a failed defense must result Informal Logic (1989). The first book we mentioned already; it deals with the


question how the reasonableness or unreasonableness of argumentation in Bibliography
everyday language can be assessed. How should argumentation be judged
and when is criticism justified? Walton shows that many of the informal fal- Aristotle (1928). Prior Analytics. Translation edited by W.D. Ross. Oxford:
lacies represent a valuable form of criticism. In some cases so-called fallacies Clarendon Press.
can be regarded as reasonable argumentation. A functional and dialogical Aristotle (1924). Rhetoric. Translation edited by W.D. Ross. Oxford: Claren-
perspective is favored in Plausible Argument in Everyday Conversation don Press.
(199 2b ). Walton distinguishes between various types of dialogues and differ- Aristotle (1928). Sophistical Refutations. Translation edited by W.D. Ross. Ox-
ent types of reasoning. He examines how arguments are used in the various ford: Clarendon Press.
types of dialogues and which fallacies can be committed. In The Place ofEmo- Aristotle (1928). Topics. Translation edited by W.D. Ross. Oxford: Clarendon
tion in Argument (1992a) it is argued that in persuasive dialogues it can be le- Press.
gitimate to try to convince the interlocutor by appealing to the emotions. In Arnauld, A. (1662/1964). The Art of Thinking (Port Royal Logic). Indianapolis:
some cases, however, such an appeal is fallacious. A Pragmatic Theory ofFalla- Bobbs-Merrill. English translation of La logique, ou I'art de penser.
cy (1995) describes how an argument is (mis)used in the context of conversa- Bacon, F. (1605/1975). The Advancement ofLearning. Edited by W.A. Arm-
tion. I,U.~~!lli!~<L!h-'!L!h,~~~Qdd.!~~tbook f~1!g~asically reasQoahJ!! strong. London: Athlone Press.
!,:e~llIIlPtivetypesof arguments~h.~!~~,Y,~Q'£~ll1l:i,\:dinappxoptjateJyju a pat:- Barth, E.M., and E.C.W. Krabbe (1982). From Axiom to Dialogue. Berlin: Wal-
ticular normative structure of dialogue, iI1y~lviI?:g'!:~hiftfr!?!ll on~~ of di::. ter de Gruyter.
alogue to anq!h~J. Barth, E.M., and J. L. Martens (1977). ''Argumentum ad Hominem: From
,I) ""s~'ill'~"~rWalton's books are specifically devoted to a particular fallacy. In Chaos to Formal Dialectic. The method of Dialogue Tableaus as a Tool in
Begging the Question: Circular Reasoning as a Tactic ofArgumentation (1991), a the Theory of Fallacy:' Logique etAnalyse, 20, 76-96.
pragmatic approach to dialogues leads to a theory of circular reasoning as an Beardsley, M.e. (1950). Thinking Straight: Principles ofReasoning for Readers
informal fallacy. Circular reasoning is analyzed as an attempt to evade the and Writers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1950.
burden of proof by blocking the dialogue and depriving the opponent of the Biro,J., and H. Siegel (1992). "Normativity,Argumentation and an Epistemic
opportunity to ask critical questions. Slippery Slope Arguments (199 2c) dis- Theory of Fallacies." In: Eemeren, EH. van, R. Grootendorst, J.A. Blair, and
cusses the assessment of slippery slope arguments. Walton differentiates four C.A. Willard (Eds.), Argumentation Illuminated. Amsterdam: Sic Sat, 85-
types of slippery slope and provides a dialectical analysis. Other books by 103.
Walton dealing with specific fallacies are Arguments from Ignorance (1996b), Black, M. (1946). Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Logic and Scientific
FaliaciesArisingfromAmbiguity (1996a),Appeal to Pity: ArgumentumAd Mis- Method. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
ericordiam (1997), Ad Hominem Arguments (1998a), Appeal to Expert Opinion: Bueno, A. A. (1988). ''Aristotle, the Fallacy of Accident, and the Nature of
Arguments from Authority (1998b ) and Appeal to Popular Opinion (1999). Predication:' Journal of the History ofPhilosophy, 26, 5-24.
Burge,T. (1977). "A Theory of Aggregates." Nousn,97-n8.
Carney, J.D., and R.K. Scheer (1964). Fundamentals ofLogic. New York:
Cohen, M.R., and E. Nagel (1934/1964). An Introduction to Logic and Scientific
1 For differences within the standard treatment of the argumentum ad Method. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
hominem, see Van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1993: 54-57. Copi, I. M. (195311972). Introduction to Logic. New York, 1953. 4th edition 1972.
2 See, in particular, Woods and Walton 1989: Ch.1O and 19. Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (1984). Speech Acts in Argumentative
3 See Woods (1980), Woods and Walton (1989: Ch. 8),and Burge (1977: Discussions: A Theoretical Model for the Analysis ofDiscussions Directed to-
wards Solving Conflicts ofOpinion. Berlin/Dordrecht: Walter de Gruyterl
Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (1992). Argumentation,
Communication, and Fallacies. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.


Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (1993). "The History of the Argu- Nuchelmans, G. (1993). "On the Fourfold Root of the ArgumentumAd Homi-
mentum Ad Hominem since the Seventeenth Century." In: Krabbe, E.e.W., nem."In: Krabbe,E.e.W., R.J. Dalitz and P.A. Smit (Eds.), Empirical Logic
R.J. Dalitz, and P.A. Smit (Eds.), Empirical Logic and Public Debate: Essays and Public Debate: Essays in Honour ofElse M. Barth. Amsterdam/Atlanta:
in Honour ofElse M. Barth. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 49-68. Rodopi,37-47.
Eemeren, EH. van, and R. Grootendorst (2001). Critical Discussion. Universi- Oesterlee, J.A. (1952). Logic: The Art ofDefining and Reasoning. Englewood
ty Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Fearnside, W.W., and W.B. Holther (1959). Fallacy: The Counterfeit ofArgu- Purtill, R.L. (1972). Logical Thinking. New York: Harper & Row.
ment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Rescher, N. (1964). Introduction to Logic. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Finocchiaro, M.A. (1974). "The Concept of Ad Hominem Argument in Rijk,L.M. de (1962). "On the Twelfth-Century Theories of Fallacy."
Galileo and Locke:' The Philosophical Forum, 5, 394-404. Logica Modernorum: A Contribution to the History ofEarly Terminist Logic, 1.
Finocchiaro, M.A. (1987). "Six Types of Fallaciousness: Toward a Realistic Assen: Van Gorcum.
Theory of Logical Criticism:' Argumentation, 1, 263-282. Salmon, w.e. (1963). Logic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Grootendorst, R. (1987). "Some Fallacies about Fallacies:' In: Eemeren, EH. Schipper, E.W., and E. Schuh (1960). A First Course in Modern Logic. London:
van, R. Grootendorst, J.A. Blair, and e.A. Willard (Eds.), Argumentation: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Walton, D.N. (1984). Logical Dialogue Games
Across the Lines ofDiscipline. Proceedings of the Conference onArgumenta- and Fallacies. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
tion 1986. Dordrecht: Foris, 331-342. Walton, D.N. (1985). Arguer's Position: A Pragmatic Study ofAd Hominem At-
Gutenplan, S.D., and M. Tamny (1971). Logic. A Comprehensive Introduction. tack, Criticism, Refutation, and Fallacy (Contributions in Philosophy 26).
New York: Basic Books. Westport/London: Greenwood Press.
Hamblin, e.L. (1970). Fallacies. London: Methuen. Photographic reprint Walton, D.N. (1987). Informal Fallacies. Towards a Theory ofArgument Criti-
Newport News, VA: Vale Press. cisms. Pragmatics and Beyond Companian Series 4. Amsterdam: John Ben-
Hamilton, E., and H. Cairns (Eds.1994). The Collected Dialogues ofPlato, In- jamins.
cluding the Letters (Bollingen Series LXXI. Euthydemus translated by W. H. Walton, D.N. (1989). Informal Logic: A Handbook for Critical Argumentation.
D. Rouse) (15th pr., 1st pr.1961). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Hansen, H.Y., and R.e. Pinto (Eds.1995). Fallacies: Classical and Con- Walton, D.N. (1991). Begging the Question. New York: Greenwood Press.
temporary Readings. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Walton, D.N. (1992a). The Place ofEmotion in Argument. University Park, PA:
Press. Pennsylvania State University Press.
Hintikka, J. (1987). "The Fallacy of Fallacies." Argumentation 1, 211-238. Walton, D.N. (1992b). Plausible Argument in Everyday Conversation. Buffalo:
Kahane, H. (1969). Logic and Philosophy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. SUNY Press.
Kahane, H. (1971). Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use ofReasoning in Walton, D.N. (1992C). Slippery SlopeArguments. Oxford: Oxford University
Everyday Life. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Press.
Kripke, S.A. (1965). "SemanticalAnalysis ofIntuitionistic Logic 1:' In: Cross- Walton, D.N. (1995). A Pragmatic Theory ofFallacy. Tuscaloosa: University of
ley, J.N. and M.A.E. Dummett (Eds.), Formal Systems and Recursive Func- Alabama Press.
tions. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, 92-130. Walton, D.N. (1996a). FallaciesArisingfromAmbiguity. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Lambert, K., and W. Ulrich (1980). The Nature ofArgument. New York: Walton, D.N. (1996b). Arguments from Ignorance. University Park, PA: Penn-
Macmillan/ Collier-Macmillan. sylvania State University Press.
Locke, J. (1690/1961). An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Edited and Walton, D.N. (1997). Appeal to Pity. ArgumentumAd Misericordiam. New
with an introduction by J.W. Yolton. London: Dent. York: SUNY Press.
Michalos, A. e. (1970). Improving your Reasoning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Walton, D.N. (1998a). Ad Hominem Arguments. Tuscaloosa: University of Al-
Prentice-Hall. abama Press.
Mill, J.S. (1843/1970). A System ofLogic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, Being a Walton, D.N. (1998b). Appeal to Expert Opinion: Arguments from Authority.
Connected View of the Principles ofEvidence and the Methods ofScientific In- University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
vestigation. London: Longman.


Walton, D. (1999). Appeal to Popular Opinion. University Park, PA: Penn-
sylvania State University Press. 7 Argument Interpretation and Reconstruction
Walton, D.N., andE.C.W. Krabbe (1995). Commitment in Dialogue: Basic
Concepts ofInterpersonal Reasoning. New York: SUNY Press. M. Agnes van Rees
Whately, R. (1826/1975). Elements ofLogic. A facsimile reproduction with an
introduction by Ray E. McKerrow. Delmar, N.Y: Scholars' Facsimiles and
Woods, 1. (1980). "What is Informal Logic?" In: Blair, J.A., and R.H. Johnson
(Eds.), Informal Logic: The First International Symposium. Point Reyes, CA: 7.1 Introduction
Woods, J., and D.N. Walton (1982). Argument: The Logic ofthe Fallacies. Arguments occur in actual, ordinary discourse such as written texts of all
Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. kinds, speeches and other types of oral discourse including everyday con-
Woods, J., and D.N. Walton (1989). Fallacies: Selected Papers 1972 -1982. versation, negotiation, and discussion. The elements that make up an argu-
Berlin/Dordrecht: De Gruyter/Foris. ment are usually not fully explicit in the discourse. Or if they are, they are of-
ten expressed in an indirect fashion; their argumentative character is not im-
mediately evident. On top of that, argumentative elements are usually inex-
tricably intertwined with other textual structures in the discourse. Yet, ordi-
nary language users recognize arguments and respond to arguments, extract-
ing implicit elements, getting at what is expressed indirectly, and unraveling
the argument from the amalgam of details happening in the discourse. The
interpretative activity that this involves is necessary for ordinary listeners or
readers, because each utterance directed at them invites their reactions, and
they need to gain an understanding of what it means in order to find a basis
on which to react. In this chapter, the te!!!!_~r£!:!1!!ent 0terpre~!!!i0'2 wi!!!?~.. ' refer to.~~~i~ or~~rI~I!Z!li!gf~~r.~.5L<?l!!_9L<!!!~r~r/
the arguments III a Cliscourse.1
--I;; many iespects:;;g~~;;;tation scholars who want to describe, explain or
evaluate the arguments occurring in a particular piece of discourse face the
same problems as ordinary language users. However., u~IQ<.:_~9~t.Q!4in<l;ry
language users, argumentation~c~?!.a.~~~ave the~r~ticallymotiYil!:d.~~;~~ ()f
whatargumentatlonls:~nd what evaluation st':ll}<:t'!rg§ilI~ ~21'!iS.<1.j:>!e. ~d a~_
soon as meY'begirifo'apply these'~i~w~ to actual argumentative discourse,
li:hey'rtiiCffii~.itiflL~@;,·Adual d!scourse';'hyits n~t~:;:e;' tYPically d~es not
conform to the conceptions of a theoretical model in a straightforward man-
ner. On the one hand, the argumentative elements that occur in the model are
hardly ever explicitly present in the discourse, or if they are, they are expressed
in an indirect fashion. On the other hand, lots of things other than those spec-
ified in the model are present in the discourse. Th~~!!!~!l.~lhat'.il!K'!..~~-1
tion SChOlars. havet.~. :.~.'<::£!lstr~~.!h.~_<!!~~._.0.. U!§~.I.~gy~~. ,,! e>,f._!p. . e. .i.EP~. r. . tic.,!l. . .I.a...r. . . !~e.(~. .-
retical interests and in terms of the categories of their particular theo!~!ical
mCldeIs.Argumentreconstructlon;-then, inv~lves identifjring~~~ns~l~ting~ll


those and only those elements that are relevant to the theoretical perspective 7.2.1 General Characteristics of Discourse Organization
and for the theoretical purpose of the analyst.
Ordinary language users are guided in their interpretation of discourse by
Ordinary language users' understanding of discourse is studied in various ar- knowledge gathered from various sources. Foremost among these are knowl-
eas of the social sciences, with different research methods and different con- edge about the type of speech event or the language activity the discourse is
ceptions of what it is to use language for communicating and interacting. 2 embedded in, and knowledge of conventional structures and strategies of dis-
Notably, fields like discourse analysis, conversation analysis, linguistics and course.
psycholinguistics are of relevance here. Understandably, argumentation as
such is not the main focus of interest in these fields. Yet, there are many studies
that address topics that are relevant for getting a clearer idea of how ordinary Imbedding Activity
language users actually understand and interpret argumentative discourse. In
7.2 the research pertaining to argument interpretation will be reviewed. Hymes (1972) introduced the term speech evenEto
-.~--~.-~~<-,,-,--".,.,.,-"-- -.
refer to sOE~o~cl1.!tll~a.IIY~t!.~=~!
-' ", - 1
Surveying the research in argumentation theory, we find that the subject of tablished !ypes gf verbal interacti0!l~which form part of the verbal repertoire j
.,....,.... , .., ,,,,, "''''-''''''- " . ",,,.,,,,,,_.,,.,..''''''. 1
argument reconstruction only rarely receives any attention as a topic for of the memb~I.:~j?fi!:,~E.~.~~~,~.I1l,!~ity. Each speech event is made up of a.
reflection in its own right. With the exception ofVan Eemeren, Grootendorst, p~~ticli"lar constellation of dimensions that define speech events. For exam·
Jackson and Jacobs (1993), no book-length publications on the subject have pIe, the members of a particular speech community may distinguish a partic-
appeared. Usually, the literature deals with specific topics such as reconstruct- ular speech event such as the academic lecture. As a particular speech event,
ing unexpressed premises or argumentation structure. As Wayne Brockriede they will expect it to be situated in a particular physical setting, the lecture
(1985), to mention just one classic source, has made amply clear, anything in hall; they will expect it to be participated in by a particular constellation of
any piece of discourse can be the focus of analysis, but it all depends on the speakers and listeners, that is, one speaker and a number oflisteners, who oc-
emphasis and the perspective the analyst wishes to apply. This means that ar- cupy these positions by virtue of the particular types of roles they enact; they
gument reconstruction can never be separated from the theoretical goals, the will expect it to have particular functions; they will expect the participants to
theoretical focus and the theoretical apparatus with which the discourse is have particular goals; they will have particular expectations as to the type of
approached. ~~S<?~~!~!:!fl!'Q!lJilw.\t)':s Rr~§l!Rp'gSe,S.allartiJ:;ular,.p.Qin~ topics, the type of speech acts, the overall arrangement or order of these, and
In 7.3 an overview is given of what the various theories ()f ~rgumen,t£,~::,;!,9 the ~tyle of language use; and they will expect there to be a particular set of
say about the aims of reconstruction and the tqeoretical!'lpp¥~~!lli!J: norms in effect that will determine who is supposed to do what and when.
should be brought to bear on it. These expectations shape the interpretation that the members of this speech
, .f/~"<·f ,- . '. , . ""'",'~."
community assign to the behavior, both verbal and non-verbal, of the partici·
) ~ /,; i. pants in this particular type of speech event.
7.2 Argument Interpretation Levinson (1979) focuse~QJe closely on the relatio~hi£~~w~~ech
ev~hich he c~ivity types, and the verbal and nonverbal contribu·
This section first reviews some general characteristics of discourse organi- tioiis"io theactivity, il1c1udmg ~terpretation which these receive. He con-
zation that ordinary language users orient to when interpreting an argument tends that activity types - which he defines as goal-defined, socially constitut-
(7.2.1). The exposition will then move on to research findings regarding par- ed, bounded events, with particular constraints on participants, setting, etc.-
ticular features of argumentative discourse specifically relevant for argument serve as a strong constraint on the kinds of allowable contributions, and the
interpretation: patterning and linguistic devices that serve as indicators of way these are interpreted. According to Levinson, the goal inherent to the ac-
argumentative structures for ordinary language users (7.2.2). Finally, research tivity type determines the parts that make up the activity as a whole, the pre-
into the everyday reasoning processes which ordinary-language users apply structured sequences that make up each sub-part, and the functional adequa-
in argument interpretation will be discussed (7.2.3). cy of individual contributions therein. The given arrangement of a particular
I !
activity may be seen as a consequence of the rational organization of the
I I i,'., ; / ,I activity around a dominant goal.

/ /
In this view, the structural properties of an activity constrain the function of one does not want to know, and senseless to ask him something which one al-
the verbal contributions, as well as the interpretation these contributions may ready knows, or which one does not believe he knows. So, if a speaker says
receiveY'It's five past twelve now" may, in the context of an academic lecture,
and uttered by the lecturer at the beginning of the event, function as, and be (1) Three 0' dock, right?
interpreted as, announcing the beginning of the activity. In the same vein,
Levinson shows how, in the context of court proceedings, more specifically a listener can interpret this utterance as a question about the starting time for
cross-examination, questions by the cross-examiner function to extract from a meeting, provided he thinks the speaker may not be sure about the time of
the witness answers that build up an argument for the jury, and are inter- the meeting and wishes to obtain information on that score, and provided
preted as such by the participants. that he also thinks the speaker assumes that he (the listener) has access to that
information. If, on the contrary, he believes that the speaker already knows
what time the meeting is beginning and has no need for information regard-
Rational Organization ing it, he can interpret the utterance as an attempt to remind him of it.
The felicity conditions also play an important role in explaining the inter-
The rational, goal-oriented organization of discourse is elaborated by Jacobs pretation of cases in which a speech act is performed indirectly. In the indirect
and Jackson (1983).4 They show how coherence in discourse can be accounted performance of a speech act, the literal force which the utterance carries in
for by assuming that there is a fundamental system of rational principles for view of its syntactic and semantic characteristics differs from the force which
producing cooperative speech activity that underlies discourse. In their view, the utterance actually obtains. An example is
language use is a goal-oriented activity in which the participants try to reach
goals through the verbal means conventionally associated with these goals, (2) Would you mind not ringing so late in future?
speech acts, while mutually aligning themselves to one another's actions. 5
What this means for the interpretation of utterances is that each utterance is in which the utterance has the literal force of a question asking about the will-
interpreted in the light of some jointly pursued, socially defined goal that it ingness of the listener not to ring so late, whereas its actual force is that of a re-
can be assumed to be relevant to, as a particular speech act attempting to quest to desist from ringing so late in future. In the indirect performance of a
change particular beliefs and/or wants of the listener, implicating particular speech act, the speaker literally asks whether, or asserts that, one of the felicity
further intended consequences, or establishing particular sub-goals in the conditions for that act is fulfilled. In the example above, the request is made
pursuit of a broader goal. 6 by asking whether one of the preparatory conditions for requesting has been
Jacobs and Jackson (1983), along with others (e.g., Van Eemeren and fulfilled, namely the condition of willingness on the part of the listener to ac-
Grootendorst 1984, 1992, Van Rees 1992a, 1992C), apply Searle's (1969,1975) fe- cede to the request. Language users are aware of these regularities and have no
licity conditions for the performance of speech acts and Grice's (1975) Coop- trouble in interpreting indirect speech acts. 8
erative Principle as a theoretical framework for explaining the interpretation Another aspect of the rational, goal-oriented character of the organization
of speech acts in further detail. They present the view that conversationalists of discourse is the use which speakers make of strategic devices. An important
(like, in fact, participants in other forms of verbal interaction, both oral and goal of participants in verbal interaction is to protect both their own social
written), barring evidence to the contrary, assume that a speaker will not per- faces and that of their interlocutors (Goffrnan 1955). In order to do this, they
form senseless, superfluous, or insincere acts. Consequently, when a listener apply various face-saving strategies in performing speech acts (Brown and
believes that a speaker knows (and knows that the listener knows he knows) Levinson 1987). Mitigating a face-threatening speech act by performing it in-
that the preparatory or sincerity conditions for a particular speech act db not directly is one such strategy. Another is to preface speech acts with preparato-
apply, he will assume that the speaker performed a different act. For example, ry moves in which the fulfillment of the felicity conditions of these speech
the sincerity conditions for a question imply that the speaker wants the listen- acts is explored (Levinson 1983). Language users apply their knowledge ofthe
er to provide him with certain information; the preparatory conditions, that strategic use of language in interpreting speech acts. This knowledge aids
the speaker does not himself already have the information required, but them in inferring what speech act a speaker may be performing in an indirect
thinks the listener does? It would be insincere to ask someone something that or implicit fashion, and in projecting intended speech act sequels.


These insights as to the rational, goal-oriented and strategic organization of Sl; 2. an expression of disagreement by S2; 3. an utterance soliciting an ac-
discourse may be brought to bear in accounting for the interpretation of count by Sl; 4. a counter-assertion by S2." For example:
argumentative discourse, notably the interpretation of utterances as part of
an argument. In the conception of language use which has been elaborated (4) 1 Sl: well, he had all the chances and didn't make much of them
above, argumentation is viewed as a functional category - a speech act aimed 2 S2: that's not really true
at a particular goal, that of the regulation of disagreement (Van Eemeren and 3 Sl: oh? why not?
Grootendorst 1984, Jacobs and Jackson 1981). This implies that in a context of 4 S2: for a start, you could hardly blame him for his wife's illness and
disagreement, argumentation is a relevant and foreseeable speech act. In such that's when the rot started
a context, an utterance which allows for interpretation as an argument can be
interpreted accordingly. Moreover, argumentation is viewed as supporting
the validity of a speech act, which depends upon the fulfilment of its felicity Following the second speaker's counter-assertion, the first speaker may also
conditions. For that reason, argumentation can be expected to address the produce a back-down, or a reassertion. Explicit back-downs are terminations
fulfilment of these same felicity conditions. So, if an utterance in a context of for an argument sequence.
disagreement addresses issues that involve the fulfilment of the felicity condi- Muntigl and Turnbull (1998) contend that arguments in every-day
tions of a particular speech act which stands in need of support, that utter- conversation contain a minimum of three turns: in Tt, Sl makes a claim, in
ance can be interpreted as an argument for that speech act. 9 For example, in: T2, S2 disputes this claim, and in T3, S1 disagrees with T2 by either supporting
the T1 claim or directly contesting the T2 disagreement. On the basis of struc-
(3) Since you're standing there anyway, could you please close the door. tural characteristics and pragmatic functions of the contribution, the authors
distinguish four types ofT2 disagreements:
the (indirect) request to close the door is preceded by a clause referring to the
preparatory condition for requests specifying that the speaker assumes the - Irrelevancy claims, in which S2 asserts that the previous claim is not rele-
listener is in a position to do that which is required. "Since you're standing vant to the discussion at hand. These tend to follow T1 immediately or tend
there anyway" can be interpreted as an argument for the validity of the speak- to overlap.
er's request. - Challenges, in which S2 implicates that Sl cannot provide evidence for his
claim and demands that he provides it. These are often preceded by reluc-
tance markers and are typically in an interrogative form with question
7.2.2 Features of Argumentative Discourse words (why, when, who).
- Contradictions, in which S2 utters the negated proposition expressed by
Research into the way in which argument is "done" in everyday conversation the previous claim.l2
may provide additional insight into the interpretation of argument. Lan- - Counter-claims, in which S2 proposes an alternative claim that does neither
guage users' awareness of the patterns through which argument develops, directly contradict nor challenge Sl'S claim, allowing further negotiation of
and of the linguistic devices through which it is expressed, may guide them in that claim. These tend to be preceded by pauses, prefaces, and mitigating
interpreting argument. devices.

By showing that there are regularities in the sequential distribution of the acts
Patterning that make up an argumentative exchange, the authors demonstrate that these
categories are also something that the participants themselves orient to. They
Coulter (1990) describes the elementary pattern which argument, in a two- explain this distribution by pointing to the different degrees of face threat
party conversation, follows. lO Argument is basically produced through a two- that are inherent in the different types of reactions. The degree of second
part sequence: a declarative assertion by S1 followed by a counter-assertion by turn's face aggravation determines third turn's orientation; the more damag-
S2.1t can be expanded into a four-part structure: 1. a declarative assertion by ing T 2, the more likely Sl will focus on restoring his face; second turns with a


low degree of face threat are followed by equally low face-threatening third (e.g., preceded by silence or repair initiation, hesitation particles and fillers),
turns. prefaced by token agreement, mitigated, hedged or phrased indirectly. One
Vuchinich (1990) describes patterns through which conversationalists may way of indirectly expressing disagreement, as Tsui (1991) has shown, is
end an argument. The closing problem in verbal conflict is how to bring through the use of "I don't know" by a second speaker following an assess-
about the arrival of the opponent at a point where one speaker's oppositional ment by a first speaker. When it forms the entire turn, it functions as a strong
turn will not elicit an oppositional turn from the other. A terminal exchange is disagreement; when it is pushed further down into the turn and prefaced by
used by participants to coordinate the closing of verbal conflicts. It takes two token agreements, hesitations, particles, etc., it becomes a weak disagree-
basic forms, both with a fundamental two-slot structure, which can close a ment. The pragmatic motivation behind its production is often a concern
verbal conflict immediately when applied. One consists of an oppositional with saving face of oneself or another. In prefacing a statement with a declara-
move, followed by assent (either agreement or compliance). Assent marks ac- tion of insufficient knowledge, speakers signal that they are not committed to
ceptance of the validity of the oppositional attack, and signals submission. the truth of the proposition expressed, leaving room to retreat from the origi-
The other type of terminal exchange consists of a concession offering, fol- nal position, if challenged.
lowed by acceptance of the offering. It can be extended to include multiple Schiffrin (1987) describes pragmatic and interactional functions of connec-
concession offerings. This sequence displays consensus on the terms specified tives that turn up in argumentative discourse. She describes what sequential
by the concession. Participants can also close a verbal conflict while avoiding positions they take in the discourse, what elements they connect, and from
the second slot in a terminal exchange. In those cases, oppositional turns con- this description she induces their pragmatic and interactional functions as
tinue with neither participant submitting until the topic is changed (stand- discourse markers. Her description of "and", for example, is as follows. "And"
off) or until the opponents withdraw from participation (withdrawal). coordinates idea units, establishing local connections within a particular ac-
tion frame, such as presenting a position, or presenting support for that posi-
tion. It signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coor-
Linguistic Devices dinate in structure to some prior unit. In addition, "and" signals that the
speaker defines what is being said as a continuation of what preceded. 13
Schiffrin (1985) examines various devices through which the opinion which is "But" is described by Schiffrin as marking a speaker's definition of an up-
defended is indicated in everyday argument. A structural clue to that opinion coming unit as a contrasting action. This includes marking a speaker's effort
is the boundary position it is given at the beginning of an extended turn, as to return to the fulfilment of a prior expectation after intervening material.
well as at the end of the turn, and at internal boundary positions, between two "But", in such a case, establishes a contrast with the interceding material
pieces of support. Verbal indicators may point to the opinion as a concluding immediately prior to it, and prefaces a repetition of the earlier, non-adjacent
generalization: indefinite pronouns, stative verbs and present tense. Further- text. It thus becomes a point-making device which indicates the speaker's
more, there is a clue in the differential distribution of conjunctions: coordin- commitment to a particular assertion, when his point has been interrupted,
ative conjunctions often introduce the opinion; subordinative conjunctions, misunderstood, and/or challenged, but also when the speaker is issuing a
the support. Finally, disputability, an important characteristic of opinions, is challenge of another speaker's point.
often marked by devices to intensify or emphasize the content of the conver- "So" serves as a marker of main idea units, which are presented as resulting
sation. from something else, while "because" serves as a marker of subordinate idea
Vuchinich (1990) mentions various linguistic, paralinguistic or kinesic de- units, which are presented as a cause of something else. The cause-result
vices which can be used to express opposition. Cues conveying the opposi- relationship can be located in different domains: fact based (cause-result);
tional character of a turn and its level of intensity include increased volume, knowledge based (warrant-inference); action based (motive-action per-
rapid tempo, contrastive stress and exaggerated intonation contours. Turn formed through talk, e.g., claiming) .'4 In addition, "so" serves to mark a tran-
taking becomes more competitive during verbal conflict. Overlaps and sition such as turn ending, unit closure, and/or topic completion.
interruptions are frequent. The French linguists Anscombre and Ducrot have done extensive research
Pomerantz (1984) has shown that opposition usually takes the marked into linguistic indicators of argumentative relations in natural discourse
form of dispreferred responses: disagreement is produced in delayed form (Ducrot 1980, 1984, Anscombre and Ducrot 1983, 1989).'5 Initially, they


concentrated on connectives explicitly signaling argumentation through lin- (7) This restaurant is expensive, but good.
guistic representation of causal relations between facts, such as "therefore",
"consequently'; etc. But the main thrust of their approach as it developed In Anscombre and Ducrot's view, in a context of discussing whether to go to a
subsequently, is much broader. It concerns the many and various linguistic particular restaurant or not, "but" indicates an opposition between two con-
devices which may serve to express the inherent argumentativity of all use of clusions authorized by the two different topoi inherent in the predicates "ex-
language. '6 pensive" and "good"; the more expensive a restaurant, the less advisable it is to
The inherent argumentativity of the use of language rests on two founda- go there, and: the better a restaurant, the more advisable it is to go there.
tions. In the first place, all utterances potentially point to particular classes of Moreover, "but" indicates that the second conclusion is the one the speaker
conclusions (this is called argumentative orientation). For example, calling wants to commit himself to, distancing himself from the first conclusion.
something cheap, may point to a conclusion of it being less good, or, on an- Anscombre and Ducrot's basically linguistically oriented work has provi-
other score, a better buy; saying that someone works hard, may point to her ded a starting point for research specifically aimed at gaining more insight
becoming more tired, or getting better results. This is so because the predicate into argument interpretation. Snoeck Henkemans (1995a), for example, has
of each uttered sentence implicitly refers to a top os, a generalization which all shown how it can be deduced from Anscombre and Ducrot's analysis of the
members of a linguistic community have in common in their cultural back- French equivalents of "even" and "incidentally" that these expressions may
ground, in which gradations of properties are related to gradations of other function as indicators of argumentation structure in complex argumenta-
properties. In the second place, each utterance is part of an implicit dialogue tion, "even" pointing to cumulatively or complementarily coordinated
(this is called polyphony), which means that different points of view may be argumentation, "incidentally'; to multiple argumentation.
represented in it, to only some of which the speaker commits himself.
The role of connectors and other linguistic devices is to signal the direction
of the argumentativity in an utterance and to signal to what viewpoints the 7.2.3 Cognitive Processes
speaker does or does not commit himself. For example, in:
That textual indications can indeed help the language user to interpret argu-
(5) There is a small chance that they will succeed mentative discourse is demonstrated in experimental research into the way in
which language users understand argumentation. Van Eemeren, Grooten-
the speaker takes a (moderately) positive position towards their chance of dorst and Meuffels (1984,1985,1989) found that verbal indicators of argu-
succeeding, while in: mentation, like "because", but also indicators "in the broad sense", like "owing
to" and "on the basis of", significantly facilitate recognition. If indicators like
(6) There is little chance thatthey will succeed these are absent, the presence of standpoint markers such as "I am of the
opinion that" also contributes to the ease of recognition of the argumentation
the speaker takes a negative position towards this chance. In addition, the dif- accompanying the standpoint. Jungslager (1994) shows that the latter phe-
ferent formulations in these utterances activate different directions in which nomenon is the result of a top-down processing strategy, in which the appear-
the topos that is implicitly referred to in the predicate is to be applied. The first ance of a standpoint raises expectations as to argumentation following. Her
utterance activates the direct application of the top os, for example: "the more findings also support the findings of Van Eemeren, Grootendorst and Meuf-
chance of success there is in it, the more support an undertaking deserves". fels (1985) that ~B!sentatio:n.Qrd~L9f standpQ!!lb!Igl!!!l~!~~ilit< argl!-
The second utterance activates the converse application of the top os, for ex- ment recognItion, compared to .j!.l?!~~entation order of argurnent-stand-
ample: "the less chance of success there is in it, the less support an undertak- p(§(As to therecogii.hio~·;;findirect ;giImentation, it was [(;und that the
ing deserves". presence of a definite context in which a literal (non-argumentative) inter-
Another example of the signaling role of linguistic devices is provided by pretation would be unsatisfactory, greatly facilitated recognition.
the use of the connective "but", as in: Johnson-Laird (1983,1993) has studied reasoning processes of ordinary lan-
guage users. He found that human reasoning does not proceed through for-
mal, syntactic derivation on the basis of formal rules. Rather, premises func-


tion for natural-language users as the input for erecting a mental model of the Johnson-Laird's findings concur with those of Noordman (1979), who also
perceived information, corresponding to the structure of the situation. In the observes that logical reasoning begins with and is influenced by the language
inference process, semantic information from the premises is retained and in which a problem is stated. In his research into the psychological processing
combined with existing beliefs and knowledge in a parsimonious fashion to of conditional sentences, Noordman found that conditional conjunctions are
draw conclusions that express things not explicit in the premises. Semantic interpreted predominantly as expressions of an equivalence relation.'s In ex-
information is retained in the sense that the way the information is framed by plaining these results, Noordman mentions Grice's quantitative maxim:
the phrasing of the premises is crucial to the representation it receives in the make your contribution as informative as required. The speaker has to supply
mental model. Problems occur because only the minimal number of explicit all the relevant information. Accordingly, the speaker of a conditional sen-
models covering the premises that are stated, is erected. Implicit alternative tence is cooperative only if the necessary conditions he does not mention are
models representing possibilities not explicitly stated are not fleshed out. This irrelevant or satisfied.'9
means that reasoners who are presented with the sentence "If she was running Noordman did find some differences between the particular conjunctions
after the train then she was trying to catch it" do not initially think about an used. In addition, a difference in the nature of the communication in condi-
alternative situation in which the antecedent is false. Errors in reasoning, tional sentences was demonstrated between sentences expressing a condi-
then, are conclusions that correspond only to some of the possible models of tion-consequence relation and sentences expressing an inference relation.
the premises. Typically, language users erect just a single model, representing Subjects feel there is a difference between conditional sentences, depending
the premises as stated: human beings are satisficers. A critical factor in the on whether the actual cognitive "cause" or condition is in the antecedent part
construction of the mental model is the availability of relevant knowledge. It of the sentence or in the consequent part. If the cognitive condition is in the
is this knowledge which makes it possible to construct alternative models of antecedent part, the sentence expresses a condition-consequence relation, in
the situation, and implicit models turn out to be fleshed out under the influ- which the condition is the "topic", or "known" information, and the conse-
ence of knowledge of the contingencies. quence the "comment", or "new" information. This is, for example, the case in
The mental model theory has been corroborated experimentally in all the the following sentence:
main areas of deduction: propositional reasoning, relational reasoning and
(8) If John did not pay the examination fee, he did not get his driver's license.
quantified reasoning. It applies to inductive reasoning as well. Johnson-Laird
describes induction as a search for a model that is consistent with observation
and background knowledge. In inductive reasoning, both descriptive and If the condition is in the consequent part, the sentence expresses an inference
explanatory (abduction), language users start from a collection of proposi- relation, in which the cognitive consequence in the first part of the sentence is
tions, assertions or perceptual observations, and then frame a hypothesis that the topic, and the condition the comment. This is the case in the following
leads to a better description or understanding of the information contained sentence:
in these premises in relation to a background of general knowledge, going be-
yond the initial information. Inductions appear to be constrained in several (9) IfJohn got his driver's license, he paid the examination fee.
ways: they take into account available knowledge; they formulate the most
specific generalizations consistent with the data and background knowledge; This latter type of sentence proved significantly more difficult to process.
and they seek the simplest possible hypothesis consistent with the evidence.'?
In induction, as in deduction, people concentrate on what is explicit in their
models, and so they seldom seek anything other than evidence that might 7.3 ArgumentReconstruction
corroborate their inductive hypotheses. They eschew negative instances, and
encounter them only when these arise indirectly as a result of following up al- Any piece of discourse can be reconstructed in a multitude of ways, depend-
ternative hypotheses. As in deduction, there are equally marked effects of how ing on the theoretical interests and the conceptual apparatus that the analyst
a problem is framed. And, finally, knowledge appears to play exactly the same brings to bear on it. This section will detail the way in which argumentation
part as in deduction; it biases the process to yield more credible conclusions, scholars from various theoretical schools approach argument reconstruc-
and it makes it possible to construct alternative models of the situation. tion: logic (7.3.1), informal logic (7.3.2), rhetoric (703·3), and pragma-dialec-
tics (7.3-4)·


7·3·1 Logic
they belong to. Here, too, the terms actually used have to be interpreted a~d
substituted by terms with a sometimes different, and in all cases, more prec~se
Logicians want to discover the formal structure of the reasoning underlying
meaning than the original. For example, the English "or" usually has exclUSIve
an argument, usually in order to be able to determine the validity of the
meaning, while the V of propositional logic has inclusive meaning: the Eng-
reasoning, although sometimes their aim is to merely elucidate complex
lish "if then" usually is far more material than "material implicatIOn", and,
forms of reasoning. They will reconstruct the argument in terms of premises
moreover, often used interchangeably with "if and only if" (see 7.2.3).
and conclusions, and the reconstruction will be guided by the type of formal
system or logic (e.g., propositional, modal, deontic), and by the kind of valid-
As can be gathered from the above, the reconstruction crucially depends on
ity criterion they choose to apply. Examples of reconstruction in logic can be
the system oflogic used and the concept oflogical validity applied in eval~at­
found in logic textbooks, such as Copi and Cohen (1990), Kahane (1976) and
Rescher (1975). ing the argument. But, no matter what system guides the reconstructIOn,
there is a large gap between ordinary-language discourse and form~l-l~n­
In arguments in ordinary discourse, the formal structure of the reasoning
guage logic. There is a fairly recent movement in logic towards desIgnmg
underlying the argument, on which the validity of that reasoning depends, is
"stronger': non -monotonic logics which can account better for the character-
rarely immediately evident. Both the logical form of the constituent proposi-
istics of natural language (Van Benthem 1996). Yet, applying these stronger
tions and the logical form of the reasoning as a whole have to be recon-
logics still requires the same reconstruction steps. The necessity of account-
structed. Nuchelmans (as cited in Van Eemeren et al.1996) has analyzed this
ing for each reconstruction step remains as urgent as before. .
process of logical reconstruction as encompassing a number of abstraction
steps. Unfortunately, in the literature, the many problems of reconstructIOn
which crop up at every stage of fitting the actual discourse to the logical mod-
First, an abstraction is made from the actual persons putting forward an
el are largely ignored. Actually, it even stretches the point a bit to .talk a~out
argument at a particular time, in a particular place, in a particular context,
reconstruction at all here. Usually, what we find in logic textbooks IS fabncat-
and in a particular situation. This results in a list of propositions, constituting
ed examples, consisting of no more than a few sentences. Real-life disc~ur~e
premises and conclusion. This step requires, among other things, indexical
interpretation, disambiguation and explicitation of implicit elements. of any length is rarely encountered. Thi~ llleans, fir~ that no _attentIO!1Is
Second, the actual expressions in the original argument are disregarded. given to the in!eq)re!_ation of ~iscou~s,~tl~aJ:s-~m~I}t, q_~tof of that, no ac-=
count is gi~~-ofhow the analysis is arrived at. After ~resentatIOn of the exam-=:_
The propositions isolated in the first step are couched in the type of standard
pIes, the logical analysis is supplied as self-evident.
paraphrase that is required, by the type of logic applied., be it propositional, -" . .-

syllogistic, predicate or other. This step requires substituting expressions.

Third, the logically relevant elements are isolated from the content ele-
7.3.2 InformaiLogic
ments. The latter are referred to in abbreviated form. Here too, reconstruc-
tion is required, guided by the logical system applied. Arguments in which the
Among informal logicians, there are varying opinions as to the purpose of re-
underlying reasoning turns on the class membership of terms, for example,
construction. Some scholars want to discover whether the conclusion of an
will be reconstructed in terms of syllogistic logic, in which the logical parti-
argument is true, while other scholars want to discover whether the conclu-
cles consist of quantifier expressions, such as "all" or "some'; negation, and
sion of an argument is well-supported by what the arguer put forward, and
copula, which govern content elements consisting of general terms. Argu-
yet other scholars want to discover what the arguer meant (Adler 19~2, Berg
ments in which the underlying reasoning turns on operations on proposi-
1992, Govier 1987). Yet, most informal logicians will reconstruct the dl~course
tions as a whole, will be reconstructed in terms of propositional logic, in
in such a way that they will be able to determine to what degree and m w~at
which the logically relevant particles consist of the propositional operators
way the premises of an argument support the conclusion. 20 In informal lOgIC,
"not'; "and'; "or': "if-then'; "if and only if", which operate on content elements
consisting of propositions. as in formal logic, as a critical reaction against which it originated, recon-
struction aims to isolate the premises and conclusion of the reasoning under-
Finally, the logically relevant elements are substituted by their formalized
lying an argument. But there are at least two important d~~e:ences ~etween
logical constant counterparts, which possess a precise meaning in the logic
informal logicians and the formal logicians whom they cntiCIze, whlCh have
implications for their treatment of argument reconstruction.
First, for informal logicians, deductive validity is no longer necessarily the On one side of this debate, there are the so-called deductivists (e.g., Scriven
prime or only standard for evaluating an argument. One of the important is- 1976 , Thomas 1986), who maintain that all arguments can be made deductive-
sues in informal logic concerns exactly this question of the validity standard ly valid by the addition of an unexpressed premise. This premise must take
to be applied. Most informal logicians hold that some arguments lend them- the form of the associated conditional, "if premise(s), then conclusion", or
selves to evaluation in terms of deductive validity, while others may be more variations thereof, involving generalizations of one or more content terms.
appropriately evaluated in terms of other standards. This issue has important On the other hand, there are those (e.g., Govier 1987, Hitchcock 1987) who
implications for reconstruction. It means that not all arguments must neces- contend that there are different types of argument to be distinguished, some
sarily be reconstructed as deductively valid. This is especially relevant in the of which can indeed be considered to pretend to deductive validity, while oth-
matter of reconstructing unexpressed premises. ers cannot. As examples of this latter type, they mention arguments byanalo-
Second, informal logicians view arguments as elements of ordinary, con- gy, empirical induction, and abduction or inference as to the best explana-
textually embedded language use, directed by one language user to another in tion. In cases like these, the addition of a reconstructed unexpressed premise,
an attempt to convince him of the plausibility (not necessarily the truth) of which would make the reasoning deductively valid, would do no justice to the
the conclusion. For reconstruction, this implies taking into account the situ- fundamentally different inference type underlying the argument. These crit-
ated character of the discourse to be reconstructed. ics of deductivism also point out that if the reconstructed premise takes the
There are two main issues pertaining to reconstruction that are dealt with form of the associated conditional, no new information is added above what
in informal ·logic: unexpressed premises and argument structure. Even is already contained in the combination of premises and conclusion as stated.
though Govier mentions other issues to be resolved in reconstruction, such as Moreover, such a reconstruction would lead to an infinite regression, because
reconstructing a passage as an argument and reconstructing the type of argu- the whole extended set of premises requires a new associated conditional that
ment, these hardly receive any attention at all in the literature. In what fol- links this new set of premises to the conclusion. And if the reconstruction
lows, only a brief outline of the discussion of these main issues will be pre- takes the form of a universal generalization of one or more content expres-
sented. They receive more extensive treatment in other chapters in this vol- sions, there is no end to the number of possible premises that can be added.
ume. Groarke (1992,1999) has advanced a response to these objections. Groarke
argues that reconstructing these "other types" of arguments by adding
premises that make a deductively valid argument is perfectly possible without
Unexpressed Premises doing injustice to the "different character" of the argument. As a case in point,
he cites empirical induction, in which the uncertain or inconclusive nature of
Arguments often appear to be incomplete, in the sense that the premises as the conclusion is perfectly preserved in a deductivistic reconstruction. As
stated do not by themselves warrant inference of the conclusion as stated. En- Groarke points out, it is not the nature of the inference in which the
thymematic arguments, as these arguments are called, may be reconstructed uncertainty resides. Instead, it must be located in the shape of either the
by the addition of one or more premises in such a wayas to make the inference premises or the conclusion. These may contain elements (such as the expres-
possible. In such a case, a so-called unexpressed premise is added. sion "probably") which account for this uncertainty or inconclusiveness.
The first issue regarding unexpressed premises is the question of exactly Also, while it certainly must be admitted that in adding premises to make the
when an unexpressed premise is to be reconstructed at all. Govier (1987) pre- reasoning valid, there is a problem concerning the formulating of a correct re-
sents the following guideline as a preliminary answer. An unexpressed construction, these problems are not unique to deductivism. Non-deductiv-
premise should be reconstructed in cases in which an inference gap between ist analysis may also require the addition of unexpressed premises to account
the stated premises and stated conclusion is perceived. As Govier herself for the beliefs or intentions of the arguer who infers a particular conclusion
points out, this issue is intimately related to the further question of what kind from a particular premise. And in that case, there are unresolved problems in
of validity criterion is to guide the reconstruction, in other words, as what formulating a correct reconstruction as well. The only thing that is different is
kind of inference structure is the argument to be reconstructed? This ques- that these problems are made more difficult to solve by the absence of a clear
tion forms part of a wider debate among informal logicians about the need to criterion, such as the one formal validity offers.
posit different forms of validity or justified inference. In any case, once it has been decided that a "gap" occurs between the


premises as stated and the conclusion, and a premise must be added, the sec- mentation. Basically, in convergent argumentation, each of the arguments
ond issue regarding unexpressed premises becomes what the analyst's strate- supports the standpoint independently, while in linked argumentation the
gy should be in deciding exactly which premise should be added. arguments, in one way or another, depend on each other to support the
On the one hand, there are authors, like Scriven and Thomas, who recom- standpoint. Various definitions of the di.stinction between these two types of
mend applying a principle of charity. This principle assumes that arguers try complexity have been given by informal logicians (e.g., Noh 1984, Thomas
to put forward good reasons for their claims. That is, in reconstructing unex- 1986, Govier 1988, Pinto and Blair 1989, and Freeman 1991).23
pressed premises, we should add premises that, apart from making the infer- As for reconstructing argumentation structure, most authors admit that it
ence formally valid, have the quality of being true. At times, the application of is often difficult to determine in practice whether a given argumentation is
this principle may even lead to charitable alterations of stated premises or, linked or convergent, due to ambiguities and implicitness in its presentation.
even of stated conclusions. Sometimes, in the reconstruction of the structure of the argumentation, as in
On the other hand, critics of this view, notably Govier, maintain that this is the reconstruction of unexpressed premises, the principle of charity is in-
too strong a strategy, since people sometimes make errors in reasoning and voked. Nolt and Thomas do this, for example, when in unclear cases they ad-
arrive at incorrect beliefs.21 Applying a principle of charity forces us to ignore vise a strategy of assuming that the arguments are linked. According to Noh,
indicators of implausible assertions or faulty reasoning in order to make a that would seem to be the strongest attribution. Thomas says that this will
passage out as more rational than it appears to be. Also, it requires us to as- prevent the analyst in the evaluation stage from judging two arguments that
sume that others think exactly as we do. he has reconstructed as independent, to be too weak to stand independently.
Govier pleads for the application of what she calls "moderate charity" (un- Many authors emphasize that the presentation of arguments plays an im-
less there is evidence indicating that even this is not applicable). When indica- portant role in identifying the structure of the argumentation. Yet, in actual
tors in wording, context and background knowledge as to the beliefs, inten- fact, not much attention is paid to the systematic exploration of the clues pro-
tions and commitments of the arguer count equally in favor of several dis- vided by the verbal presentation. Instead, informal logicians usually rely on
tinct interpretations, we must adopt the premise that generates the most their personal evaluation of whether or not the premises independently give
plausible argument. Unfortunately, in spite of the professed attention to ar- enough support to the conclusion. In the first case, the argument should be
gument as a form of ordinary, contextually embedded language use or situ at - reconstructed as convergent, in the second, as linked. For example, Govier
ed discourse, in informal logic, as yet, no systematic study has been undertak- (19 88 :143) gives the following guideline for determining the structure of a
en of what these indicators are and how exactly they should be used in recon- linked argument:
structing unexpressed premises. 22 A further complication is the fact that in-
formal logicians tend to take a somewhat equivocal view of the object of The way to determine the pattern is to imagine all premises except one in this
reconstruction. They make no clear distinction between such different, if not group to be false, and to ask whether the remaining premise would still give any
plainly incompatible purposes such as reconstructing the beliefs the arguer support to the conclusion in this case.
had in mind, reconstructing the plausible beliefs the arguer must have had in
mind, and reconstructing what the arguer is committed to by virtue of his
words. 7.3.3 Rhetoric

Rhetoricians will reconstruct the discourse in such a way as to be able to de-

Argumentation structure termine its persuasive effectiveness. The reconstruction will be in terms of the
elements considered to contribute to the persuasive effect of the discourse on
When a conclusion is supported by more than one argument, it becomes cru- an audience. Contr~ to the approaches discussed so f~r.'..~~~_t~~i~al )
cial to reconstruct how these arguments hang together. The way in which ar- reconstruction,~rally speaking, is not gtil~~by~~est~<l~~~~!J ~
gumentation structure is reconstructed has important consequences for the eYalli"illoll.1Ilesole purPOse of the reconstruction is to gain a descriptive in- i --
evaluation of an argument. The issue is particularly relevant in the distinc- ~ight into the elements which contribute to the persuasive effect of the dis-
tion between independent (convergent) and interdependent (linked) argu- course.


There are various conceptions of rhetorical analysis, each isolating particular results of an analysis of a text in terms of the typology, without giving an ac-
aspects of discourse for reconstruction. Foss (1989) distinguishes Neo- count of his reconstruction. Warnick and Kline (1992) present a coding sys-
Aristotelian, generic, metaphoric, narrative, fantasy-theme and cluster analy- tem, but without guidelines for applying the system to actual discourse. Their
ses. 24 In Neo-Aristotelian analysis, the reconstruction focuses on the means of observation that three individuals could apply the system with an acceptable
persuasion mentioned by Aristotle and further elaborated in Hellenistic and level of consistency is maybe reassuring, but certainly not very instructive.
Roman schools of rhetoric. The reconstruction aims to abstract from the dis-
course, among other aspects: the parts of the discourse (exordium, narratio, \ ~_~!2"_proble~~i12.~_.<lE_~_Il:1_e_~~o~§. ~Ie(,:.on~trl:lgioQ_~~~ll_C:h!:.~c:~i~ I
confirmatio, refutatio, digressio, peroratio), the genre (deliberative, juridical, I very little a~~~t~~!1_!~ the~e. Yl! There is a general l
epideictic), the types of issue (e.g., conjectural, legal, juridical), the means of idea that context, or rhetorical situation (Bitzer 196~~<?!l~j!pjJ2..r~,~

) ~~;~}:~~~~;~~!:;~~~Y~~~~!t~~r~~i
persuasion (logos, pathos, ethos), the topics, the figures of speech, and other el-
ements of style. I_n generic analysis, rhetorical means are correlated with tr£es
of situations. The reconstruction isolates elements such as metaphors, im-
a~!s! .. ,()~·-~~~t~E·C~~~rufi\ir~·:;;'bIs.K~m~i'lill~t4.-i~r.xi~ati~ns. In ,
structlon. How these elements can be identified, what clues can be made use
~«~ ... "

metaphoric analysis, the reconstruction focuses on the identification of the 1. of for their reconstruction, what strategies can be applied in their reconstruc-
major metaphors underlying the discourse. The analysis is aimed at revealing tion - these are questions which are not even posed, let alone answered. 26
how these metaphors create a particular reality. In narrative analysis, the re-
construction identifies elements of narrative structure such as events, charac-
ters, temporal relations, causal relations and themes. Other types of analysis 7.3-4 Pragma-Dialectics
try to identify the key terms in the discourse, constituting the rhetor's motive,
or to reconstruct the worldview underlying a particular piece of discourse. An Pragma-dialectic analysts will reconstruct the discourse in such a way to en-
example of the latter type of analysis is provided by Michael Billig's (1987, able them to determine the contribution it makes to the rational resolution of
1988,1991) work which aims to uncover social, psychological and ideological a conflict of opinion. 27 The reconstruction is pragmatic, in that it aims at elu-
assumptions underlying positions taken in argumentative discourse. cidating the speech acts performed in the various stages of the discourse. It is
dialectic, in that it is resolution-oriented, that is, it aims to identify the ele-
One Neo-Aristotelian approach that has gained particular popularity among ments considered to be relevant to the rational solution of disagreement. The
argumentation theorists, is Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's New Rhetoric. reconstruction results in an analytic overview of all aspects of the discourse
In Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1969), these authors undertake to give a crucial for the resolution of the difference of opinion:
systematic description of argumentative techniques that may be used in ordi-
nary language to convince or to persuade an audience. This description basi- "" (1) the standpoints at issue in the difference of opinion
cally amounts to a typology of argumentation schemes, that is, a typology of (2) the positions adopted by the parties, their starting points and conclusions
kinds of argumentation that can be used to increase the acceptability of a the- (3) the arguments, both implicit and explicit, adduced by the parties
sis. Although the authors do not pay specific attention to the matter of analy- (4) the argumentation structure of the arguments (," l: >-. -

sis or reconstruction, their system may be used as a guide for reconstructing (5) the argument schemes used in the arguments. 28
the argumentative techniques that underlie a particular discourse. However, ~
critics have pointed out that the categories are not clearly defined, that there is As can be seen from this list, pragma-dialectic reconstruction encompasses
no single criterion underlying the taxonomy and that, accordingly, the cate- more than just the logical premise-conclusion relation: it also extends to the
gories in the taxonomy are not mutually exclusive. 25 This makes it difficult for argument schema underlying the argument. Also, it pertains to more than
an analyst to arrive at an unequivocal reconstruction. just the argumentation stage; reconstruction occurs in all the stages of a criti-
Although some authors have argued that an analysis in terms of Perelman cal discussion: it concerns type of conflict (confrontation stage), concessions
and Olbrechts-Tyteca's typology is feasible, their work does not reveal how an and common starting points of the participants (opening stage), and the way
actual reconstruction is arrived at. Kienpointner (1993) merely presents the in which the conflict is resolved (concluding stage).


In reconstructing the dialectically relevant speech acts, a selective idealization None of these sources works alone, and all work against the background of the
of the discourse is performed, which can be described in terms of four dialec- analyst's own cultural knowledge and intuitive competence as a native speaker. .~
tical reconstruction transformations. These are: deletion, addition, substitu- Ultimately, the acceptability of any reconstruction will rest on its overall coher::..
tion and permutation. In deletion, those elements that are not immediately j~Jts~countability t~ the details o.f the te~t, and its consistency with o~her in -.
relevant to the process of resolving the dispute are omitted. This amounts to formation about how thiS case works 111 particular, h~w relateq cases of thiS ~
the removal of elaborations, clarifications, digressions and repetitions.29 In work in general and bow disCQ!lH'i!.m'~~9.~J199I.i'!L... " ...... j
addition, the discourse as given is supplemented with elements that are rele- -r-

vant to the resolution of the dispute, but which have been left unexpressed. In general, the empirical considerations justifying the reconstruction are
Implicit elements are made explicit; unexpressed steps are filled in. In substi- shaped by the pragmatic perspective inherent in pragma-dialectics, which
tution, the elements which have a dialectical function in the discourse are pre- views language use as a rational enterprise in which speakers perform speech
sented clearly and explicitly. This involves replacing ambiguous or vague acts as a means for achieving communicative and interactional goals. The re-
formulations with well-defined standard phrases, elucidating the function of construction takes into account all the rules, conventions and regularities
indirectly phrased elements, and representing elements with the same func- pertinent to the performance of speech acts in ordinary discourse, as well as
tion by the same standard phrase. In permutation, the elements in the original all textual and contextual indicators for the elements which playa part in the
discourse are ordered or rearranged in such as way as to elucidate their func- rational resolution of differences of opinion.
tion in the resolution of the dispute. The dialectically relevant elements are al- Sometimes empirical features of the text suggest multiple meanings, and
located to the various stages in the resolution process in their ideal order. sometimes, empirical features do not provide decisive clues. In such cases, the
, The basis for reconstruction in twofold. On the one discourse will be reconstructed in such a way that it is congruent with the dis-
\\ ha~~~()rIIlati:,,~ .~?l1sRl~!:.'!!!2!1§A,R~r!i!!nillg.tQ.!h~J!2!~t;~ tribution of speech acts in the ideal model of a critical discussion, thus using a
"'i \o~r!yon~l res~lut~o~,~~~ C?::Qic~.~L()r~j()I.1' An ideal model of criticaldis- strategy of ma:~J!!!:B1Zx"tjj.alecticaLaJJ.a.l.}!.s4. For example, for an analysis of
CUSSlOn, III which the stages of dispute resolution and the speech acts to be speechacts~the argumentation stage, this means that if the communicative
performed at each stage are delineated, serves ~h,~yristic.llnd a alytic tool .. force is not completely clear, an argumentative interpretation will be tried, re-
that guides the analysis. By pointing out which speech acts are relevant' in the sulting in a reconstruction of these speech acts as argumentation. To be sure, a
. consecutive stages of the resolution process, the model has the heuristic func- maximally dialectical analysis of this sort is chosen only where such an analy-
tion of indicating which speech acts have to be considered in the reconstruc- sis is not ruled out by empirical considerations.
tion. Speech acts that are immaterial to the resolution process are to be ig- A prime example of the application of pragmatic principles in pragma-di-
nored, implicit elements are to be made explicit, indirect speech acts are to be alectic reconstruction is the treatment of implicit or indirectly expressed ele-
restated as direct speech acts, and the steps of the resolution process are to be ments of the resolution process. Implicitness and indirectness are ordinary
presented in their proper order.
phenomena of everyday language use, which generally cause little difficulty to
) O~ the ~ther han~, in tllstifying th~n'!constru(tiQ.!1, Jh~.[c: . '!r!.~~~[is~_ ordinary language users. Searle (1975) and Grice (1975) have explained how it
lcol1slderatlOns ref~rrl~~.~.the !:.~~~:~~ 0Lth~p~rt!Sld!~E<ysC:Q~!:~~tg.!>~ re- is that speech acts can be performed implicitly and indirectly and how it is
I co~~tructed, ,viewed a~ail1st of in~igh!§ ePQ\.!.t the oJ:.K<!!li?i!!.~~ possible for a listener to understand what a speaker who performs an implicit
. of9!§j:.Q.u.r~~ V1general. Use is made of various sources of empirical evidence: or indirect speech act means. This explanation is drawn upon by Van
ethnographic evidence about speech events and their purposes and organiza- Eemeren and Grootendorst (1984,1990, and 1992) in accounting for the re-
tion; knowledge of conventional structures and strategies in discourse, such construction of im plicit or indirect elements of the resolution process. As an
as rules and regularities for the performance of speech acts; and cues which example, let us examine the following closing sentences of an essay text advo-
indicate how the participants themselves understand the discourse. As Van cating instant abolishment of nuclear arms:
Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jackson and Jacobs note:


(10) Why hesitate any longer? After all, we have a world to lose. vant. In order to do justice to this assumption, we ascribe to the writer a com-
mitment to an implicit premise connecting the two statements. So, on prag-
The first question the analyst has to answer is: is this an argumentative se- matic grounds, the reconstruction must encompass a representation of this
quence? An affirmative answer could be justified along the following lines. implicit premise as well.
The text is an essay in which a position is being advocated. These are the clos- The reconstruction of this implicit premise is also accounted for along
ing lines of the text. They may be expected to contain something like a sum- pragmatic lines. We can formulate a number of statements that would fulfill
mary conclusion to the argument. Such a conclusion would be relevant in the requirement of connecting the two statements which make up the argu-
such a position. Also, one of the meanings of the expression "after all" is that ment as presented. In choosing one that we may hold the writer to, once again
the clause following it states a reason for the statement preceding it, establish- we may appeal to the Communicative Principle. As this principle demands, it
ing a particular, argumentative relevance of the second sentence to the first. should be a premise by which the writer can be assumed to have performed
All this points to the conclusion that we do have an argumentative sequence the speech act of argumentation in a valid and sincere way. Since the felicity
here with the first sentence presenting a standpoint and the second an argu- conditions for the valid and sincere performance of this speech act require
ment for that standpoint. that the speaker believe that his argument does strengthen the acceptability of
However, at first sight, the first sentence does not look very much like a the standpoint and that the listener believes this as well, the premise should be
standpoint. It begins with a wh-pronoun and ends with a question mark. one that makes the connection between standpoint and argument valid ac-
How can the analyst account for reconstructing it nevertheless as a stand- cording to some shared criterion of logical validity.3 D Yet, although it should
point? First of all, we note that a literal question as to what the reasons are for a be within the range of statements to which the writer, according to the above,
prolongation of hesitation, seems rather out of place. The reader, not being could be held by virtue of what he has said, the premise should be one which is
present, cannot provide an answer. Nor does the writer himself proceed to an- sufficiently informative for the speaker not to have violated the maxim of
swer the question in the text; rather, the sentence initiates the terminating se- quantity. That is, the premise should be more general than the logical mini-
quence of the discourse. A non-literal analysis, then, seems to be indicated. mum or associated conditional. Knowledge of the world and of the context
Second, we note that the form of the question, with a missing copula, is of a play an important part in the analyst's decision at this point. In this particular
particular kind conventionally used for performing speech acts other than example, the analyst might reconstruct an implicit premise such as: if a par-
those of a question. The presence of any points in the same direction. Both ticular line of conduct results in fatal damage to the world, one should relin-
characteristics are conventional marks of a rhetorical question, an utterance quishit.
with the form of a question but the function of a statement. The writer impli- Another resource for accounting for particular reconstructions is knowl-
cates, in other words, that there is no reason to continue hesitating. Last, we edge of the principles of conversational organization and awareness of the
note that the propositional content of the question (and the implied state- manifold purposes which conversationalists aim to achieve in their contri-
ment) refers to the preparatory condition for the performance of another ' butions to a conversation, as Van Rees (199sa, 1995b, and 1996) has demon-
speech act, namely that of a proposal. A preparatory condition for putting strated. Deviations from the ideal model can be accounted for in terms of
forward a proposal is that there is good reason to do what the speaker propose these principles, such an account providing a justification for the application
to do. By implying that there is no good reason to keep on hesitating, the of particular dialectical transformations.
writer of this text proposes to quit hesitating any longer. And in the next sen- In pragma-dialectics, the object of the reconstruction are not the beliefs or
tence' he gives an argument for the position that this is a proposal meriting intentions of the arguer, or what the arguer ought to believe or intend, or
what would make a conclusion true. It is no more and no less than what the
Once we have established that we have an argumentative sequence here, a arguer can be held to in view of his words. That is why a systematic justifica-
second question arises. Taken strictly by themselves, the statement that we tion of the reconstruction is considered of prime importance.
should quit hesitating and the statement that we have a world to lose, seem at Although in pragma-dialectics the importance of a systematic account of
first sight to have nothing to do with each other. That would mean that we the reconstruction of argumentative discourse is acknowledged, much re-
would have to charge the writer with irrelevancy here. But by virtue of the mains to be done to make such an account possible. On the one hand, the nor-
Communicative Principle we may assume that in actual fact he is being rele- mative conceptual apparatus must be further developed and filled in. On the


other hand, more insight needs to be gained into the pragmatic conventions, Notes
the procedures, strategies and linguistic devices which ordinary language
users employ in producing and interpreting argumentative discourse, and 1 Jackson (1992) refers to this activity as "naive reconstruction:'
into the way in which normatively relevant elements show up in ordinary 2 Van Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jacobs, and Jackson (1993: 50-6) distinguish
argumentative discourse. Recent research into argumentative indicators various perspectives and approaches: etic!emic, a priori/a posteriori, se-
(Snoeck Henkemans 1995 a and b, 1999, and 2000) and into the way in which quential/conventional/rational.
language users try to manipulate conflict resolution through rhetorical 3 A similar view is advocated by Gumperz (1992a,b).
means (Van Eemeren and Houtlosser 1998, 1999 a, b, and c) represents a move 4 The idea that discourse is organized around an over-all goal also has been
in the right direction. elaborated by others, such as Rehbein (1977) and Ehlich and Rehbein
(1986), but Jacobs and Jackson explicitly elaborate this view in order to
clarify the organization and interpretation of argument.
7.4 Conclusion\.g·: 5 The relationship between goals and speech acts is not as one-directional
, \ " ,{\ '

and static as this formulation suggests. Tracy (1991) presents a collection

.7r\'" '/' 0"'-'"'"
. C
~T~~ti!!!~~I?!~!lt.iQD is the work that ordinary language users do to rec- of articles emphasizing the complex, dynamic, multi-directional nature of
ognize and understand the arguments that a speaker or writer adduces to this relationship.
support his standpoints, even if these arguments are expressed indirectly or 6 This conception of the notion of relevance as relevance with regard to
implicitly or if they are intertwined with other textual structures. A~!!!.~!!t communicative and interactional goals is not only more encompassing,
rec9!1!'.!!.ll.<:t.ioJ1is what an argum.ent~!!Q!! s«:;lwhu: do~~ ifhe wants to describe, but also more adequate than that of Sperber and Wilson (1986), which
exylain or e"ahlate argu~~~t~ti~~"irom a particuJar the9re!iS~R~£~~~!~i5:- only covers relevance with regard to propositions.
Although in this chapter the two activities have been treated separately, 7 These conditions apply to the question per se, that is, as an attempt to get
there is an important connection between them. Interpretation is the basis of the listener to provide certain information. In asking a question, the
speaker poses as someone for whom these conditions are fulfilled. This is
:,~.~.!!.~lCtion. Before argumentation theorists can reconstruct a Riece of ar-
gumentative discourse, they need to have interpreted it. Moreover, recon- not to deny that sometimes questions are asked in order to reach other

• -structT~;~q;riresth~~;;:d sy~~;;:;':rtic"i;;:teg;;tion of both a critical objectives, and that in those cases these conditions may not be fulfilled in

. :'/~~eciI~~-?-0~;:mai:l~~9iLOf~rgument~,~;i~di~~E-m: actual fact. Yet, in order to reach those other objectives, the speaker does
something which has as its aim to elicit certain information, and asking a
t~r,<:~!j?", .~~g~~~!,,:,v,,',~~de. scri£!i.:v.~ E~Esp. e~!,~'Y~,. b.,a,s!!.A.Q!!.!h~22.::. question, with all the implications attached to the performance of this
~sClentlfic st~dy ot human !>~~~~_iiuiute.~~t i!l!l~tllr~:l~~:
uage .llllii.~~~!anding of discourse., speech act, is an efficient way of doing that.
. The majority of th';~tair;~theories that have been discussed in this 8 Empirical backing for this claim can be found in Clark (1979)·
9 The fulfillment of the felicity conditions in turn may be challenged by an
chapter do not make the grade in their approach to reconstruction exactly be-
interlocutor. When this occurs, the problematized element functions as a
cause they pay too little attention to the way in which argumentation is ex-
"virtual standpoint" in need of defense. The entire complex of recon-
pressed in ordinary discourse and the way in which ordinary language users
structible commitments associated with the performance of a speech act
interpret argumentation. As a consequence, the reconstructions that are per-
can be considered as a "disagreement space", a structured set of
formed usually remain unaccounted for and the problems that occur when
opportunities for argument (Jackson 1992, van Eemeren, Grootendorst,
natural language use is molded to fit a theoretical model are neglected. That is
an unfortunate situation, because only when these problems receive the at- Jacobs and Jackson 1993).
10 The term argument is used here in its procedural sense of having an argu-
tention that they deserve, work in the reconstructional component of argu-
mentation theory can advance. ment. .
11 Actually, what we have in 4 is an argument for the counter-assertlOn.
12 This type of disagreement is also mentioned by Co~ter (~990). .
13 As Schiffrin points out, the identification of the umts whIch are bemg

continued and their structural equivalents, depends on the use of textual by style, humor, and other signs of good character and good will, audience
information beyond "and" itself. adaptation, root metaphors, stylistic analysis of the order and relation of
14 A similar distinction is made by Sweetser (1990), criticized by Snoeck elements in the discourse.
Henkemans (1999). 25 For a concise exposition of the taxonomy and of its weaknesses, see Van
15 Their work has been made accessible to the English-speaking world by Eemeren et al. (1996).
publications of Lundquist (1987), Nolke (1992), Verbiest (1994), Snoeck 26 Examples of analyses in which a reconstruction of the ideological position
Henkemans (1995a, 1995b). of the author of a given text is accounted for byway of a detailed descrip-
16 As will become clear from what follows, these authors use the term argu- tion of the textual features in which this position is manifested, can be
mentativityin a rather idiosyncratic sense. No argument need be present found in a body ofliterature not specifically focused on argumentation as
in cases in which Anscombre and Ducrot point to an inherent argumen- such, namely that of critical discourse analysis (for instance, Van Dijk 1988,
tativity. They merely use the term to refer to the fact that a speaker Fairclough 1989, Kitis and Milapides 1997)·
through his use oflanguage may express a particular perspective on the 27 For an extensive discussion of pragma-dialectic reconstruction, see Van
matter at hand, Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jacobs, and Jackson (1993)·
17 This observation, I think, applies also to what ordinary language users do 28 Cf. Van Rees (1992b) and Walton (1992) on reconstructing discourse as a
when making implicit premises explicit. critical discussion; Houtlosser (1998), Koetsenruijter (1994), Slot (1993) on
18 Noordman mentions in passing that people are not violating the rules of reconstructing standpoints; Van Eemeren and Grootendorst (19 82 ,19 83)
logic when they interpret a conditional sentence not as material implicati- on reconstructing unexpressed premises; Snoeck Henkemans (199 2) on
on but as equivalence. If in actual fact, due to all kinds of pragmatic fac- reconstructing argumentation structure; and Garssen (1994) on recon-
tors, the relation between the antecedent and the consequent in the structing argument schemes.
conversational context is a biconditional relation, then people are think- 29 On applying deletion in cases of repetition, cf. Van Rees (199 6 ).
ing lo~icallywhen they interpret a conditional sentence as a biconditional 30 According to Van Eemeren et al. (1996), no dogmatic commitmentto de-
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8 Argumentation in the Field of Law
Eveline T. Feteris

8.1 Introduction

In law, argumentation plays an important role specifically when someone

presents a legal claim and wishes others to accept this claim. A lawyer who
pleads a case in court must justify his or her case with arguments.' The judge
who makes a decision is expected to support it with arguments. In fact, in
many legal systems the judge is obligated to justify his or her decision. When a
legislator introduces a bill in Parliament, he or she is expected to support this
proposal with reasons. Legal scholars are also expected to justify their opin-
ions to colleagues. In fact, everybody who advances a legal standpoint and
wishes this standpoint to be accepted by others, will have to present justifying
This explains why, for argumentation theorists, legal argumentation is not
only an important field for research, but also an important context for the ap-
plication of ideas developed in argumentation theory. In the field of law, re-
search questions can be how ideas developed in law and legal theory (ju-
risprudence) on criteria for the soundness oflegal argumentation are related
to ideas developed in argumentation theory. What kinds of general and spe-
cific standards of rationality must be met when justifying a legal decision? Is it
sufficient for the judge to only mention the facts of the case and the laws, or is
he also expected to explain why legal statutes are applicable to a particular
case? How can the interpretation of a law be justified in a rational way? What
is the relation between legal rules, legal principles and general moral norms
and values in the context oflegal justification? Are there any special norms for
the decision of a judge when compared with the justification of other legal
standpoints? As to the application of insights from argumentation theory to
the field of law, research questions can be how insights from argumentation
theory can be applied in a judicial context. How can a general argumentation
model be used for analyzing and evaluating legal arguments? How can legal
arguments be reconstructed in terms of a general model of argumentation?
How can general standards of rationality be applied to legal arguments?
In this chapter, a survey of research by argumentation theorists and legal
theorists carried out in the past thirty years is presented. By giving an outline

of the various approaches and topics, a map will be drawn of the field of study cles on legal argumentation on a regular basis. 4 Recently, a number of jour-
and an overview will be given of the various developments in the field of re- nals have published special issues on legal argumentation.s
Research on legal argumentation over the past thirty years has exposed a rich
In the past thirty years, scholars from both argumentation theory and legal variety of topics, approaches, ideas and principles. Legal argument is studied
theory have addressed various aspects of the legal argument. The interest in in various contexts such as legal theory (jurisprudence), the legislative pro-
legal argumentation began with legal theory. In the 1970S and 1980s, a number cess, the legal process and ilie process of judicial decision-making. Various
of international legal theory conferences were dedicated to the topic of argu- methodological approaches can be distinguished in these writings. Some au-
mentation and law. 2 In argumentation theory, the interest in legal argumen- thors opt for a normative approach which emphasizes how a judge can justify
tation began to grow in the 1970S and 1980s. At the International Society for his or her decision in a rational way, or how a legal discussion can be conduct-
the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) conferences on argumentation and the ed reasonably. Others prefer a descriptive approach, concentrating on real-
Speech Communication Association (SCA) conferences, legal argumenta- life processes of argument, for instance by investigating argumentative tech-
tion is always one of the conference themes. 3 niques which are effective in convincing a certain legal audience.
Various authors began publishing research surveys in the field oflegal argu- There are also various aspects which can be the object of study. Some au-
mentation after 1970. The first of these were mainly concerned with logical thors concentrate on the philosophical and methodological aspects; some de-
approaches. Horovitz (1972) surveys the discussions between formalists and velop theoretical models and attempt to establish the norms for rational justi-
non-formalists concerning the role oflogic in legal argumentation. He con- fication; some concentrate on the description of legal practice; still others
cludes that the disagreement between the two sides depends largely on differ- specify methods for developing practical skills in analyzing, evaluating and
ent uses of basic terms and that the non-formalistic thesis depends substan- writing legal texts.
tively on erroneous views. Kalinowski (1972) describes various approaches in To give a clear picture of the similarities and differences between the vari-
legal logic and proposes a specific theory for legal argumentation in which a ous contributions, the research in this chapter is treated from two angles. In
classification of the types of reasoning is presented. Later surveys concentrate 8.2 the research is first divided into three main approaches oflegal argumen-
on aspects which relate to argumentation theory and language philosophy. tation: the logical, the rhetorical, and the dialogical approach. In 8.3, the re-
Struck (1977) discusses various argumentation models. He argues that none search is discussed with respect to the various topics which are the objects of
of the models including empirical description models (Toulmin, topics), study that can be distinguished in these approaches. To make the survey as
normative evaluation models from epistemology (logic, critical rationalism, complete and representative as possible, the discussion of the various contri-
hermeneutics), society theory (Marxism, Habermas, Erlanger Schule) offer a butions has been kept necessarily brief. A more elaborate and detailed discus-
suitable instrument for assessing the rationality of legal argumentation. He sion of the various theories can be found in Fundamentals ofLegalArgum en-
concludes that social topics and rhetoric can offer such an instrument. Alexy tation (Feteris 1999a).
(1989) develops a theory oflegal argumentation based on insights from ana-
lytic moral philosophy (including Stevenson, Wittgenstein, Austin, Hare,
Toulmin, and Baier), Habermas' consensus theory of truth, the Erlangen 8.2 Different Approaches to Legal Argumentation
School's theory of practical deliberation, and Perelman's theory of argumen-
tation. Rieke (1982) reviews various forms of research on argumentation in 8.2.1 The Logical Approach
the legal process. He discusses contributions from such divergent fields as
rhetorical analysis, judge's instructions, lawyer communication functions, The approach in the study oflegal argumentation with the longest tradition is
television and trials. Rieke argues that an analysis of judicial reasoning in con- the logical approach. In a logical approach, the role of formal validity is em-
flicts involving freedom of expression is an area for potential research. phasized as a criterion of rationality for legal argumentation and logical Ian -
guages are used for reconstructing legal arguments. From a logical perspec-
A number of journals in the field of argumentation theory, speech commu- tive, it is a necessary condition of the acceptability of a legal justification that
nication, informal logic, legal theory and legal philosophy also publish arti- the argument underlying the justification be reconstructible as a logically


valid argument. Another condition would include that the reasons put forth might consist of individuals, such as a magistrate in Traffic Court, or collec-
as a justification are acceptable according to legal standards; the decision (the tions of people, such as a criminal trial jury, the lawyers-subscribers of a legal
conclusion) only follows from the legal rule and the facts (the premises) if an journal or the legal community as a whole. Prominent contributions to the
argument is logically valid. rhetorical approach are Perelman's "new rhetoric", Toulmin's argumentation
Some authors view the requirement of logical validity as a standard of model and Viehweg's topical approach. All three authors have written about
soundness of legal argumentation that must be related to the requirement the legal argument, and their ideas have been further developed by others.
that a legal decision should be based on a general rule. When someone claims
that a legal decision is based on a general rule, he or she claims that the same In Logique juridique. Nouvelle rhetorique (1976) Perelman describes the start-
solution should be chosen in similar cases. ing points and argumentative techniques used in law to convince an audience
The authors who take the logical approach have different opinions as to of the acceptability of a particular legal decision. He describes how judges use
whether an analysis of legal arguments requires a deontic logic. Following certain generally accepted starting points in justifying their decisions. Exam-
KIug (1951), some authors argue that normative concepts such as "obliged" pies of such starting points are legal principles such as those of fairness, equi-
and "prohibited" can be defined by means of normative predicates, and with- ty, good faith, freedom, etc. Argument schemes, such as analogy and a con-
out needing to postulate a special class of operators, such as "it is obliging trario, enable a judge to win the assent of others. By using analogical reason-
that" and "it is permissible that." And accordingly, they add, that legal argu- ing, a judge can show that a certain rule which is applicable to certain cases is
ments can be reconstructed adequately in terms of a predicate logic. 6 also applicable to a case similar in relevant respects. By using a contrario rea-
Others, like Soeteman (1989), are of the opinion that a deontic logic, in soning he or she can show that a rule is not applicable to an actual case which
which normative concepts are analyzed as separate logical constants, is more may seem similar at first sight.
suitable for analyzing legal arguments? A deontic logic involves a further In legal argumentation literature, Perelman's ideas are frequently cited. In
elaboration of propositional logic and predicate logic, and can thus be used Practical Reasoning in Human Affairs: Studies in Honor of Chaim Perelman
not only for the same types of arguments, but also for other types that these (edited by Golden and Pilotta 1986), various authors discuss the application
more elementary systems are not capable of formulating. 8 of Perelman's ideas in the field of law. Haarscher focuses on Perelman's ideas
Recently, various authors working in the field of artificial intelligence and about justice, Makau discusses his legal model and Rieke describes various
law offered a different kind of elaboration of standard logic for the analysis of approaches of the process oflegal decision-making and describes the advan-
legal reasoning. Hage et al. give a logic for reasoning with legal rules; in such a tages of Perelman's rhetorical approach for the argumentative analysis of le-
reason based logic, arguments for and against a legal standpoint can be gal decision-making.
weighed with greater assurance than is possible in standard logic. 9 In another In Chaim Perelman et la pensee contemporaine (edited by Haarscher 1993)
development, Prakken developed a logical system for a dialogical analysis of various authors concentrate on the legal aspects of Perelman's ideas. Christie
legal argument. Because existing logical systems reconstruct only mono- delves into the role of the universal audience in law, Ankaku discusses the in-
logues, he developed logical systems in which it is possible to compare argu- fluence of Perelman's ideas on legal thinking in Japan, Maneli discusses the
ments for and against conflicting conclusions put forward in the context of a importance of Perelman's new rhetoric as legal philosophy and methodology,
dialogue. 1O Kamenka and Erh-Soon Tay apply Perelman's ideas to common law and con-
tinental European law and Terre discusses the role of the judge in Perelman's
new rhetoric.
8.2.2 The Rhetorical Approach The AnIerican legal philosopher Maneh (1993) argues that Perelman's
rhetorical criterion of soundness offers an attractive alternative to formal log-
As a reaction to the logical approach and the emphasis it places on formal as- ical criteria. The AnIerican Speech Communication theorists, Makau (1984)
pects oflegal argumentation, the rhetorical approach emphasizes the content and Schuetz, (1991) have adjusted Perelman's theory for the analysis of certain
of arguments and the context-dependent aspects of acceptability. In this ap- examples of legal argument. Schuetz shows how precedent is used in a Mexi-
proach, the acceptability of argumentation is dependent on the effectiveness can criminal court to give an effective defense of a particular legal position.
of the argumentation for the audience to which it is addressed. The audience Makau shows how the US Supreme Court addresses a composite audience, an


audience consisting of a number of different addressees: justices (both pre- Others use the classical status theory, a theory on the various standard ques-
sent and future), lower court justices, legal administrators, legislators, tions that should be answered with regard to a certain issue. Hohmann (1989)
lawyers, participating litigants, legal scholars and other educated members of and McEvoy (1991, 1995) apply classical status theory to the analysis of legal
the political world. Each of these groups reflects unique, often conflicting sets argument. A modern version of status theory is the theory of so-called stock
of interests, values and beliefs. Wiethoff (1985) discusses Perelman's philoso- issues applied by Dicks (1976), in the analysis of the famous Angela Davis trial.
phy oflegal argument. There are also authors who pay attention to important aspects of medieval
rhetorical theories for legal argumentation. Hohmann, for one, describes
In The Uses ofArgument, Toulmin (1958) employs examples drawn from the medieval (1995, 1998) and renaissance (1999) perspectives on logic and
legal process to establish that argument-adequacy is not determined by for- rhetoric in legal argumentation.
mal logical validity. He shows that argument is field-dependent. The accept-
ability of the content of the argument, however, depends on its subject matter In American speech communication, various authors describe legal argu-
and on the audience to which it is addressed. In An Introduction to Reasoning mentation from a rhetorical perspective. Rieke (1986,1991) uses a rhetorical-
(1984) Toulmin, together with Rieke and Janik, further elaborates his model dialogical perspective. He argues that the analysis of legal decisions must oc-
for the analysis of arguments in various contexts. In a chapter on legal argu- cur in the context of the broader process' oflegal decision-making. According
mentation, they adapt the procedure specifically to the analysis of legal argu- to him, this process is a dialogue in which judges, together with others, try to
structure their normative convictions by using dialectical and rhetorical
In the literature on legal argumentation, various authors have used Toul- structures.
min's model. Some authors only use his terms, others use the model as an ana- Dicks (1981) describes the rhetorical strategies in a legal process. Hample
lytical tool for reconstructing relevant elements oflegal arguments. Peczenik (1979) discusses the role of choices in the legal decision-making process.
(19 83: 4-5) employs Toulmin's terminology for his claim that a legal decision is From the perspective of legal realism he describes the rhetorical techniques
always derived from a statement about the facts in combination with a war- used by judges to hide their personal motives. Olson and Olson (1991) de-
rant as an inference rule. Rieke and Stutman (1990: 95-98) use Toulmin's ter- scribe rhetorical techniques in a criminal process in which the illegal import
minology in distinguishing various elements in the argument of an attorney. of foreigners is discussed.
They specify which parts of an argument playa role in convincing a jury.
Newell and Rieke (1986) consider legal doctrine as a set of warrants for legal Modern versions of a rhetorical approach can also be found among the au-
decisions. Using decisions handed down by the US Supreme Court, they thors who belong to the Critical Legal Studies movement or the Law and Lit-
show how legal principles function as a warrant for legal decisions. If an argu- erature movement. These authors consider a legal text to be a social, cultural
ment by the Supreme Court attains the status of a generally accepted princi- and political phenomenon and analyze the way in which linguistic and textu-
ple, according to Newell and Rieke, such an argument does not require fur- al techniques are used to express (or hide) a particular ideology.'3 Herbeck
ther justification. Snedaker (1987) employs the Toulmin model for an analysis (1995a) explains the contribution of the Critical Legal Studies approach to ar-
and evaluation of the famous Sam Sheppard trial. gumentation theory. He discusses the role of legal reasoning in the American
legal system and considers the implications tlIis conception of jurisprudence
There are also authors who draw upon classical rhetorical theory. In a topical has for argumentation theory. Scallen (1995) discusses the most recent mani-
approach to legal argumentation, Aristotle's Topics is the starting point for festations of the debate in the Law and Literature movement. She traces the
theories involved in finding relevant arguments. In a legal context, arguments evolution of the Law and Literature schools and shows how these schools
must be based on general viewpoints (topoi) which can convince a legal audi- have influenced the conceptual development and teaching of American law.
ence. Examples of such legal topoi are general legal principles such as those of She also points out connections between the Critical Legal Studies and Law
fairness, of equity, etc. A prominent representative who employs the topical and Economics movements in the US and raises questions about the Law and
approach is the German legal theorist, Viehweg (1954).Il By using topoi, in his Literature movement.
view, arguments can be found and formulated which can be used for justify- An important representative of this kind of approach in American law is
ing a legal decision.12
Posner (1988,1990, and 1992). Various authors such as Herbeck (1995), Janas


(1995) and Panetta and Hasian (1995) discuss the importance of Posner's ideas tant that the participants observe certain rules. The basic principles of such
for legal argumentation. Other representatives of such a critical approach are systems (e.g., that of Alexy) are the principles of consistency, efficiency, testa-
Cornell (1992), Delgado (1995) and Fish (1989). bility, coherence, generalizability and sincerity. Aarnio (1987) and Peczenik
Various authors have published cases studies from the perspective of (1983,1989) depart from these rules and make several additions.
la~/rhetoric/literature. Klinger (1989) argues that the literary approach offers In the Netherlands, Feteris, and Kloosterhuis and Plug, approach legal ar-
an Im~ortant p~rspective for the study oflegal decisions. Twigg (1989) gives a gumentation from a dialogical perspective. They use a pragma-dialectical ap-
narrative analYSIS of US Supreme Court decisions which interpret the United proach in which the process oflegal argumentation is considered a contribu-
States Constitution and shows which political ideology upholds this inter- tion to a rational discussion. From this viewpoint, the legal process is ana-
pretation. Recently, several argumentation journals have dedicated special is- lyzed in terms of an ideal model for rational dispute-resolution. Feteris (1987,
sues to the rhetorical approach oflegal argumentation. In one such special is- 1990, 1991, 1993a, 1993b, and 1995) notes various similarities and differences
sue of Argumentation, edited by Lempereur et al. (1991), the importance of between legal and non-legal discussions. Kloosterhuis (1994,1995, and 1999)
(classical) rhetorical ideas for legal argumentation is discussed. In a special is- deVelops an analytical framework for the reconstruction of argumentation
sue of Argumentation and Advocacy, Makau, Lawrence, Srader, Bruschke and based on analogy and a contrario reasoning. Plug (1994,1995, and 1999) pro-
Klinger discuss legal communication and argumentation. poses how the justification of a legal decision can be analyzed from the per-
spective of a critical discussion and describes the various argumentation
structures used in the justification.
8.2·3 The Dialogical Approach

Recently, a new approach to legal argumentation has emerged in which legal 8.3 Topics in the Research of Legal Argumentation
~rgu~entation is considered from the perspective of a discussion procedure
In whICh a legal position is defended according to certain rules for rational 8.3.1 The Philosophical Component
~iscuss.ion. In such approaches, which can be called dialogical, legal argument
IS ~onsidered as part of a dialogue about the acceptability of a legal stand- In the previous section, the theoretical approaches prominent in the research
pomt. The rationality of the argument depends on whether the procedure of legal argumentation have been described. Now various topics that are the
meets certain formal and material standards of acceptability. Prominent rep- object of study in these approaches will be reviewed. In order to give a syste-
resentatives of a dialogical approach to legal theory are Aarnio (1977,19 87), matic survey of the topics, they are related to the various components of a re-
Alexy (1989). and Peczenik (1983,1989 ).14 Just as Habermas, they consider legal search program oflegal argumentation. In a research program, a distinction
argumentatIOn a form of rational communication for reaching a rational can be made between the philosophical, theoretical, analytical, empirical and
consensus by means of discussion.
practical components. 15
With respect to the analysis and evaluation of arguments, these authors
draw a distinction between formal, material and procedural aspects of justifi- The philosophical component pertains to the normative foundation of a the-
cation. With regard to the product of an argument, Aarnio (19 87), Alexy ory of legal argumentation. The philosophical component raises questions
(1989), MacCormick (1978), Peczenik (1983) and Wr6blewski (1974) distin- regarding the rationality criteria for legal argumentation and the differences
guish two levels in the reconstruction of the justification of legal decisions. between legal norms of rationality and other (moral) norms of rationality.
On the level of the internal justification, the formal aspects are deployed where Two important questions raised in the philosophical component are which
the argument is reconstructed as a logically valid argument with laws and general (moral) and which specific legal criteria of rationality should be used
facts as premises, and the decision as conclusion. The external justification in evaluating legal argument. Habermas (1988) examines the question of
utilizes the material aspects, which asks the question: can the facts and the law which criteria legal argumentation should meet in order to be morally ac-
or norm used in the internal justification be considered acceptable? ceptable. He notes the special institutionalized procedures that should guar-
A dialogical approach requires discussions to accord with certain proce- antee that morally acceptable decisions are reached in a legal system. Alexy
dural criteria of rationality. For a legal decision to be acceptable, it is impor- (1989) develops a theory oflegal argument that combines claims about the ra-


tionality of general practical argumentation with specific insights on legal 8.3.3 The Analytical Component
norms of rationality. Following Alexy, Gun ther (1989) takes legal argumenta-
tion to be a special form of general moral argumentation, which takes place The analytical component shows how to reconstruct legal argumentation in
under certain restrictions. terms of an analytical model. The object of a rational reconstruction is to get a
clear view of the stages of the argumentation process, the explicit and implicit
arguments, and the argumentation structure. In turn, rational reconstruc-
8.3.2 The Theoretical Component tion forms a basis for the evaluation of arguments.
The type of approach and the criteria of rationality presupposed in the ap-
In the theoretical component, theoretical models for legal argumentation are proach depend on a specific kind of reconstruction being performed. In a
developed in which the structure of legal argument and the norms and rules logical approach, a reconstruction is applied in which the argument is ana-
for argument-acceptability are formulated. Wroblewski (1974) has developed lyzed as a chain of logically valid arguments. Various authors, such as Alexy
a model which isolates the elements that enter into the justification of a legal (1989), Koch (1980) and MacCormick (1978), specify the way in which a re-
decision. An adapted version of this model is elaborated by Aarnio (1987) and construction oflegal argumentation should be performed from this perspec-
Alexy (1989 ).A distinction is made between two levels of justification - the in- tive. Authors such as Makau (1984), Schuetz (1986, 1991) and Snedaker (1987)
ternal and the external. Aarnio (1987), Alexy (1989), MacCormick (197 8) and describe how a reconstruction can be carried out in a rhetorical analysis. Fe-
Peczenik (1983, 1989) attempt to specify applicable norms for these two levels. teris (1991) discusses the transformations which should be carried out in a di-
Apart from these general theoretical developments, there are also accounts alogical approach to legal argumentation.
which pay attention to specific aspects of rational legal argument. Aarnio One of the central subjects in the analysis oflegal argumentation is how the
(1987),Alexy and Peczenik (1990), Gunther (1989), MacCormick (1978) Mac- justification of the interpretation of a legal rule should be carried out. In recon-
Cormick and Summers (1991), and Peczenik (1983, 1989) emphasize coher- structing legal arguments, a distinction is often made between so-called
ence as one of the most important of these criteria. 'clear' cases in which there is no doubt about the applicability of the law to the
case, and 'hard' cases in which the law must be interpreted to make it applica-
Other authors emphasize the fallacies found in law. Hohmann (1991) discuss- ble to the case. Various authors such as Aarnio (1977, 1987), Alexy (1989), Mac-
es the role of fallacies in legal argument. Prott (1991) discusses International Cormick (1978) and Peczenik (1983,1989) specify various distinct levels in the
Court decisions in which various fallacies occur such as the argumentum ad justification oflegal interpretations.
hominem, the argumentum ad absurdum, the argumentum ad consequentiam Summers (1978) develops a model for the rational reconstruction oflegal
and the argumentum a fortiori. decisions and describes the methods and elements for constructing and eval-
In American speech communication, an important question is how legal uating legal decisions. In Interpreting Statutes (edited by MacCormick and
argumentation can be described as a specific field of argumentation to which Summers 1991), an account is presented of a research project on the interpre-
special soundness criteria should be applied. Rieke (1981) introduces a pro- tation of statutes in various countries (Germany, Finland, France, Italy,
posal for a research project for legal argumentation as a specific field, and dis- Poland, Great Britain, the United Stated and Argentina). The conclusion is
cusses its distinctive features. Asbell Sheppard and Rieke (1983) offer an ana- that different countries employ different interpretation methods in the argu-
lytical model for representing legal argumentation. Schuetz (1981) draws at- mentation of their higher courts.
tention to problems arising from the assumption that legal argumentation is
a distinct field. Another important reconstruction question is how arguments based on rea-
Others raise the question of which specific fields of argumentation can be soning from analogy and a contrario should be analyzed and evaluated.Argu-
distinguished inside the Law. Hollihan et al. (1986) describe the characteris- ments from analogy are used to show that a new situation which is not cov-
tics of the argumentation process in a small claims court. Schuetz (1986) also ered explicitly by the law can fall under a law which may be intended for other
discusses the legislative process. cases that are relevant to the studied case. Arguments based on a contrario
reasoning reveal that a new case may not fall under an applicable law.
The first question in this context is how these argument schemes can be re-


constructed as logically valid arguments. Kaptein (1994,1999), Klug (1951) sions in Canada. Neumann et al. (1976) give an account of an investigation
and Soeteman (1989) believe that such argument schemes can be reconstruct- into the argumentative practice of the German Bundesgerichtshofin criminal
ed as logically valid arguments. According to them, the main question is cases. Schuetz (1991) provides an analysis of a Mexican criminal process in
which logical system is the most suitable for this purpose. Kaptein argues that terms of Perelman's theorical concepts. Snedaker and Schuetz (1985) describe
analogical and a contrario arguments can be analyzed in a propositional logic. the argumentative structure of opening statements in an American trial.
Henket (1992) argues that a contrario argumentation should not be analyzed Walker and Daniels (1995) describe alternative systems to the litigation
as a material implication, but, depending on the interpretation of the law, as a framework and compare these alternative systems, which include arbitration,
replication or an equivalence. Benoit and France (1980) discuss examples of mediation and multi-party facilitation. Wasby et al. (1976) describe the role of
analogical argumentation in American law. Henket (1991) examines analogy oral argument in court.
and the use of rules in practical reasoning.
Using a pragma-dialectical framework, Kloosterhuis (1994,1995, and 1999)
develops an instrument for analyzing and evaluating arguments based on 8.3.5 The Practical Component
analogy. He distinguishes various forms of analogy, describes which explicit
and implicit elements are represented, and how the argumentation can be The practical component considers how the various results gained in the
evaluated in a rational way. Feteris (1999b) and Plug (1994, 1995, and 1999) dis- philosophical, theoretical, analytical and empirical components of the re-
cuss methods for reconstructing the structure of the justifications oflegal de- search might be used in legal practice. Practical applications can be found in
methods for improving skills in analyzing, evaluating and writing legal argu-
mentation. These methods are often used for teaching in universities and in
law schools.
8·3·4 The Empirical Component In the United States, the improvement of argumentative skills in legal edu-
cation is treated in the broader context of logic or legal theory. In An Intro-
In the empirical component, the construction and evaluation of arguments duction to Law and Legal Reasoning, Burton (1985) discusses various forms of
in actual legal practice is investigated to determine how the legal practice cor- legal reasoning such as analogical reasoning and deductive reasoning. In his
respondes to or conflicts with theoretical models. The empirical component Introduction to Logic, Copi (1990) adds a chapter on logic and the law, dealing
also examines how possible discrepancies might be explained. with such matters as fallacies in the law and inductive and deductive reason-
In various case studies, specific characteristics of the legal argumentation ing in law. In Legal Reasoning, Golding (1984) considers different aspects ofle-
process are described. Benoit (1981) gives an account of an empirical investi- gal reasoning such as various types oflegal argument, precedent and analogy.
gation into the argumentative strategies of the US Supreme Court. Benoit In a chapter on legal reasoning in Principles of Reasoning, Russow and Curd
(1989) emphasizes court reactions to lawyers' arguments. Benoit and D'Agos- (1988) discuss the role of argument in legal reasoning, the structure of legal
tine (1994) discuss the way a multiple audience discourse functions in law. reasoning, analogy and precedent. In a chapter on legal reasoning in An Intro-
Benoit and France (1983) examine the effect of opening statements and clos- duction to Law and Legal Reasoning, Toulmin, Rieke, and Janik (1984) review
ing arguments on jury verdicts. Dickens and Schwartz (1970,1971) discuss the the layout oflegal arguments. In Germany, Haft (1981) discusses the problems
role of oral argumentation before the Supreme Court. Dunbar and Cooper oflegal reasoning from a rhetorical perspective. In Great Britain, Twining and
(1981) describe various kinds of statements made by a judge in the consecu- Miers (1991) discuss problems encountered in the application oflaws in legal
tive stages of a legal process. Hagan (1976) gives an argumentative description interpretation and legal reasoning.
of the Roe v. Wade case. Hollihan et al. (1986) and Riley et al. (1987) consider Luebke (1995) and Plumer (1995) discuss the application of ideas taken
the arguments of litigating parties in a small claims court. Hunsaker (1978) from informal logic for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), a standard-
considers the case of Brown v. Board of Education as an example of social ized, multiple-choice examination required for admission to nearly all law
protest. Hie (1995) describes the pragmatic and discursive roles of rhetorical schools in the United States and Canada. This test measures, among other
questions in English legal discourse. Kominar (1985) discusses the role the de- things, the reading and comprehension of complex texts, the organization
mand for argumentative accountability plays in the justification oflegal deci- and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable infer-


ences from the information, the ability to reason critically and the analysis arguments, the external aspects are related to the material aspects, of how the
and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others. arguments used can be justified in light of certain legal standards of sound-
The analytical component performs reconstructions of various forms ofle-
8.4 Conclusion gal argumentation. Examples include logical, rhetorical and dialectical analy-
sis of aspects oflegal argumentation. In the analysis, the emphasis is on the re-
This chapter has presented a survey of the various approaches and topics construction of various forms of argument used in the interpretation oflegal
found in legal argumentation research during the past thirty years. With re- rules.
gard to the various approaches, it can be said that the attention has shifted The empirical component performs various case studies of (aspects of) the
from purely logical and rhetorical approaches to an approach in which logi- legal process, which clarify how various theoretical models can be used in de-
cal, rhetorical and communicative aspects are combined to form what is scribing a legal argument. The case studies range from an analysis of US
called the dialogical approach. In the 1970S and 1980s, a number of compre- Supreme Court arguments to an analysis of arguments in a small claims
hensive theories oflegal argumentation were developed in which legal argu- court.
mentation was approached from a dialogical perspective (Aarnio, Alexy, The practical component offers recommendations for the analysis, evalua-
Peczenik; see also Feteris, Kloosterhuis and Plug). What these approaches tion and construction oflegal argumentation. We can see that theoretical, an-
have in common is that the argumentation rationality is related to the quality alytical and empirical ideas may be combined to develop methods for i~­
of the procedure utilized in the discussion. It is also related to the question of proving argumentative skills in legal education. It is hoped that cooperatIOn
whether certain rules for rational discussion have been met. In these theories, among representatives of the various disciplines will result in a legal argu-
the focus is on the starting points and rules for rational legal discussions, on mentation theory that will have both theoretical and practical value for the
methods for analyzing and evaluating legal arguments and on methods for progress of contemporary research and the successful application of theoreti-
the construction of rational legal justifications. cal insights by the legal system and law schools.

As far as the various topics of study are concerned, various components of a

research project can be found. Notes
In the philosophical component, general ideas developed in argumenta-
tion theory about the rationality of argumentation are linked with ideas 1 In some legal systems, there are statutory provisions that define the re-
about the rationality oflegal argumentation and interpretation developed in quired elements of a publicly justified decision. For instance, u~der sec-
legal theory. Authors like Aarnio, Alexy and Peczenik have developed theories tion 121 of the Dutch Constitution, a legal judgement must speClfythe
in which they apply ideas of argumentation theories to the legal arena. They grounds underlying the decision. In Germany, s. 313 (1) of.the Code of ~iv­
determine the general and specific legal criteria of rationality that apply to il Procedure (ZPO) states that a legal decision must contam the operative
particular legal discussions. Various rationality criteria can be distinguished provisions of the decision, the facts, and the reasons on which th~ decision
such as procedural and material criteria. The procedural criteria relate to the is based. In Sweden, according to the Code of Procedure, a court Judge-
discussion procedure and the justification process. The material criteria con- ment must contain a statement of claim and defense, the issues as present-
cern the standards of rationality that apply to the evaluation of legal argu- ed to the court, the reasons given by the court for its order or decree, and
ments in specific legal fields and legal communities. the order or decree itself. For a description of conventions and styles of
The theoretical component has developed various models for legal argu- justifying legal decisions in various countries, see MacCormick and Sum-
mentation and discussions. With respect to the formal aspects of legal mers (1991).
argumentation, these models contain rules for rational legal discussions and 2 See, for instance, Die juristischeArgumentation (197 2 ), Krawietz et al. (eds.
a description of the structure of legal arguments. With respect to the struc- 1979), Hassemer et al. (eds.1980),Aarnio et al. (eds.1981), Krawietz and
ture of legal arguments, a distinction is made between internal and external Alexy (eds.19 83)·
aspects. The internal aspects are related to the formal logical structure oflegal 3 See,for instance, Eemeren, van et al. (eds.199 1, 1995), Wenzel (ed.19 87),
Zarefsky et al. (eds. 1983), Ziegelmueller and Rhodes ( eds. 19 81 ).


4 See, for instance, the journals Archiv filr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Ar- Alexy, R. (1989). A Theory ofLegal Argumentation: The Theory ofRational
gumentation, Argumentation and Advocacy (formerly the Journal ofthe Discourse as Theory ofLegal Justification. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Transla-
American ForensicAssociation) , Informal Logic, International Journal for tion of: Theorie der juristischen Argumentation: Die Theorie des rationalen
the Semiotics ofLaw, and Rechtstheorie. Diskurses als Theorie der juristischen Begrilndung. Frankfurt am Main:
5 See, for instance, Feteris and Schuetz (1996), Lempereur (1991), and Mat- Suhrkamp, 1978, 2nd ed.1991 with a reaction to critics.
Ion (1994). Alexy, R., and A. Peczenik (1990). "The Concept of Coherence and its Signifi-
6 See, for instance, Tammelo et al. (1981), MacCormick (199 2:195-199), cance for Discursive Rationality:' Ratio Juris, 3, 1, 130-147.
Rodig (1971), Yoshino (1981). Asbell Sheppard, S., and R.D. Rieke (1983). "Categories of Reasoning in Legal
7 See,for instance, Alexy (1980:198-199), Kalinowski (1972), Koch (1980), Argument:' In: Zarefsky, D. et al. (Eds.), 235-250.
Soeteman (1989), and Weinberger (197 0 ). Ballweg, O. (1982). "Phronetik, Semiotik und Rhetorik". In: Ballweg, o. and
8 For a more extensive treatment of the arguments for and against a deontic Seibert, T.M. (Eds.), 27-71.
logic with respect to legal argumentation see, for instance, Rodig (1971), Ballweg, 0., and T.M. Seibert (Eds.1982). Rhetorische Rechtstheorie. Zum 75.
Soeteman (1989). Geburtstag von Theodor Viehweg. Freiburg etc.: K. Alber.
9 See Hage et al. (1994). Benoit, W.L. (1981). "An Empirical Investigation of Argumentative Strategies
10 SeePrakken(1993).
Employed in Supreme Court Opinions." In: Ziegelmueller, G. and J.
11 For a critique of Viehweg's theory, see Alexy (1989: 20- 24).
Rhodes (Eds.), 179-196.
12 Other authors working in a topical-rhetorical tradition based on Benoit, W.L. (1989). "Attorney Argumentation and Supreme Court Opin-
Viehweg's ideas, are Ballweg (1982), Esser (1979), Horn (1967), Schrecken- ions." Argumentation and Advocacy, 26, 1, 22-38.
berger (1978), Seibert (1980), and Struck (1977). Benoit, w.L., and J.M. D' Agostine (1994). "The Case of the "Midnight
13 For a survey of a literary approach ofthe law see Posner (1988), and White Judges" and Multiple Audience Discourse: ChiefJustice Marshall and Mar-
(19 84,1989, and 1990). bury v. Madison." Southern Communication Journa~ 50, 89-96.
14 For a description of a combination of the insights of these authors, see Benoit, W.L., and J.S. France (1980). "Analogical Reasoning in Legal Argu-
Aarnio, Alexy, and Peczenik (1981), in which an outline is given of a theory mentation:' In: Rhodes, J. and Newell, S. (Eds.), 48-60.
oflegal argumentation and legal discussions. Benoit, W.L., and J.S. France (1983). "Review of Research on Opening State-
15 For the introduction of the various components of a general research pro- ments and Closing Arguments:'In: Matlon, R.J., and R.J. Crawford (Eds.),
gramme of argumentation, see Van Eemeren (1987). See also Van Eemeren Communication Strategies in the Practice ofLawyering. Annandale: Speech
and Grootendorst (1992). Communication Association, 394-400.
Burton, S.J. (1985). An Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning.
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Index of Names

Aarnio, A. 208,209,210,211,214 Cairns,H. 137,138

Adler, J. 179,192 Campbell,G. 102,105-106
Alexy,R. 208,209,210,211,214 Carney, J.D. 149,153
Anscombre, J.-e. 14,46,49,173,175 Caudill, S. 70
Aristode 24,28-29,46,53,70,73,82-83, Cicero 52,78,82-83,94,97,103,130
94, 129,13 6 - 139,140,141,143,145,149, Clark, H.H. 191
184,206 Cohen, e. 114-117,131,178
Arnauld,A. 141 Cohen,L.J. 46,49
Atelsek, J. 46,49 Cohen, M.R. 52,140,141,149
Condit, M.e. 70
Bacon, E 135,141 Conway, D.A. 130,131
Barth, E.M. 15,3°,46,154, 156-157 Cooper, M. 212
Beardsley, M.e. 107-108,149 Copi, I.M. 52,54,68,114-117,131,140,141,
Benoit, W.L. 212 146,149,152,153,178,213
Benthem, J. van 179 Cornell, P. 208
Berg, J. 78,179 Coulter, J. 170,191
Berkenbosch, R. 69 Crawshay-Williams, R. 15,46,49
Billig, M. 184 Crutchfield, R.S. 33,42,47
Bird,O. 83
Biro,J. 154 Davidson, D. 159
Bitzer,L.E 185 Delgado, R. 208
Black, M. 149 Dickens, M. 212
Blair, I.A. 13>37,43,46,47,54,73,112-113, Dicks, V.I. 207
115-117,132,154, 183 Dijk, T.A. van 193
Boethius 52,78,82-83 Donnellan, K. 79
Braet,A.e. 129 Ducrot, O. 14,46,49,173,175
Brinton, A.A. 154 Dunbar, N. 212
Brockriede, W. 98,166
Eemeren, EH. van 11,12,14,15-16,30,31-
Brown, P. 169
Bueno, A.A. 139,164
Burge, T. 156
Burke, K. 64,79
Burnyeat, M.E 78
Ehlich, K. 191
Burton, S.J. 213
Ehninger, D. 98
Bybee, M.D. 78
Ennis, R.H. 57,62,64,67,79

Fearnside, W.W. 139,149 Harman, G. 34,47,49 Kominar, R.A. 212
Oesteriee, j .A. 149
Feteris, E. T. 24,25,69,203,209,212,213, Hasian, M. 208 Kopperschmidt, J. 16,40-41,44,47
O'Keefe, D. 33,4 2,47
214 Hastings, A.C 24,87-90,94,98,109-110 Krabbe, E.CW. 15,30,46 ,154,15 6 -157,
Olbrechts-Tyteca, 1. 12-13,16,24,84-85,
Finocchiaro, M.A. 142,154 Henket, M. 212 159
94,9 8 -99, 184
Fisher, A. 46,49,79,131 Herbeck, D.A. 207 Krech, D. 33,4 2,47
O'Neill,j.M. 109
Fisher,1. 114,116,117,124 Hintikka,J. 154,159 Kripke, S.A. 15 6
Foss, S.K. 184 Hitchcock, D. 54,56,57, 78,154,181 Kruger, A.N. 98
Freadhoff, K. Panetta, E. 208
Hohmann, H. 207,210
Pascal, B. 141
Freeley,A.J. 38,44,46,86-87,94 Hollihan, T.A. 210,212 Lambert, K. 153
Peczenik,A. 206,208,209,210,211, 21 4
Freeman, J.B. 24,119,122,132,154,183 Holther, W.B. 139,149 Laycock. C 98
Peirce, C.S. 7 8
Horovitz, J. 202 Lempereur,A. 208
Perelman, Ch. 12-13,47,49,16,23,24,81,
Garssen, B.J. 24,51,72,73,78,79,95,193 Horwitz, L. 70 Levinson, S.C 167,169
Gass, R.H. 95 Houtlosser, P. 16,23,32,44-45,46,190 Locke, J. 135,142 -144
Peter of Spain 52,78
Geest,1. van der 69 Hunsaker, D.M. 212 Lorenz, K. 15,30,47
Piazza, F. 60,79
Gerritsen, S. 23,52,53,57,59,78,79 Hymes, D. 167 Lorenzen, P. 15,3 0 ,47
Pinto, R.C. 112-113,116-117,132,153,154,
Goffman, E. 169 Lucaites, J.1. 70
Golden, J.1. 205 Hie, C 212 Luebke,S.W. 213
Plato 136
Golding, M.P. 213 Lundquist,1. 192
Plug, j. 209,212, 214
Goodwin, P.D. 95 Jackson, S. 46,48,60,79,166,168,170,
Plumer,G. 213
Govier, T. 13,37,43,46,52,55,56,57,58, 186 MacCormick, N. 208,210,211
Pomerantz,A. 172
61,62,67,78,79,113-114,116-117,131,154, Jacobs,S. 46,48,60,69,70,78,79,166, Mackenzie, J. 159
Popper, K. 15
179-183 168,170,186 Makau, j.M. 205,208,211
Posner, R.A. 207, 208
Grice, H.P. 132,159,168,177,187 Janas,M. 207-208 Maneli, M. 205
Prakken, H. 204
Grimaldi, W.M.A. 98 Janik, A. 48,49,206,213 Martens,j.1. 157
Prott,1.V. 210
Groarke,1. 57,66,78,79,114,116-117,124, Johnson, R.H. 13,37,43,47,54,58,79,115- Massey,G. 153
purtill, L.1. 149
181 117,154,192 McBurney,j.H. 9 8 , 109
Grootendorst, R. 15-16,31-33,46,48,49, Johnson-Laird,Ph.N. 175-176 McEvoy, S.T. 207
Quintilian 103-104, 129
54,57,5 8,66,72,78,79,91,99,111,117- Johnstone Jr., H. 144 Meuffels, B. 175
119,121,123,124,126,132,133,144,151, Jungslager, ES. 175 Michalos,A.C 149
Ramus, P. 141
153,154,157-158,164,166,168,170,175, Miers, D. 213
Ray, J. 109,13 0
178,186-187 Kahane, H. 149,178 Milapides, M. 193
Reboul, O. 16
Gumperz, J.J. 191 Kalinowski, G. 202,216 Mill,j.S. 144-145,15 1
Rees, M.A. van 24,168, 189,199
Gunther, K. 210 Kamiah, W. 30,47 Mills, G.E. 98,108, 109,13 0
Rehbein,j. 191
Gutenplan, S.D. 149 Kaptein, H. 212 Morgan, A. de 141,153
Rescher, N. 29-30,47,53,58 ,13 2,149,153,
Keenan, E.L. 79 Muntigl, P. 171
Haack,S. 78 Kelley, D. 78,131 Rieke, R.D. 48,49,202,206,207,210,213
Habermas, J. 40,202,208,209 Kennedy, G.A. 103 Naess,A. 15,30 ,47
Rijk, 1.M. de 141
Haft, E 213 Kienpointner, M. 93-95,185 Nagel, E. 140,141,149
Riley, P. 212
Hagan,M.R 212. Kitis, E. 193 Neumann, U. 213
Hage, J.C 204,225 Kline, S.L. 94,185 Newell, S.E. 206 Salmon, W.e. 149
Hamblin, CL. 15,21,24,47,48,135,139, Klinger, G. 208 Nicole, P. 141 Sanders, J.A. 95
140 ,142,143,149-153,154,156,159 Kloosterhuis, H. 209,212,214 N0lke, H. 14,19 8 Scales, R.L. 98
Hamilton, E. 137,138 Klug, U. 204,212 Nolt, J.E. 125,126,131, 183 Scali en, E.A. 207
Koch, H.J. 211 Noordman,1.G.M. 17 6 -177,19 2 Scheer, R.K. 149,153
Hample, D. 78
Nuchelmans, G. 142 ,143,178
Hansen, H.Y. 153,154 Koetsenruijter, W. 193

Schellens, P.J. 24,89-91,94,9 8 -99 Twigg, R. 208
Schiffer, S. 47,48
Twining, W. 213
Schiffrin, D. 34-35,42-42,47,48,172-173 Index of Terms
Schipper, E.W. 149
Ulrich, W. 153
Schopenhauer,A. 144,152
Schuetz, J. 205,210,211,213,216 Verbiest,A.E.M. 192
Schuh, E. 149
Viehweg, Th. 206
Schwartz, R. 212
Vorobej, M. 131,133,134
Scriven, M. 79,181-182
Vuchinich, S. 172
Searle, J.R. 48,168,187
Siegel, H. 154 abusive variant of argumentum ad 83,86,89
Walker, G.B. 213
Slot,p. 199 hominem 143,152 argumentation based on regularity 90
Walton, D.N. 24,51,52,55,5 6 ,67,68,71, accent 136 argumentation based on a rule of con-
Snedaker, K. 206,211, 213
Snoeck Henkemans,A.F. 24,119,120, acceptability 13,31,32,33,36,37,38,39, duct 90
121-122, 123, 124, 125,132,133,134,175, 41,44-45,4 6 ,49 argumentation based on the structure of
Warnick, B. 94
190 acceptable see acceptability reality 85
Weddle, P. 48,49
Socrates 137-139 acceptance see acceptability argumentation by analogy see analogical
Weinberger, O. 216
Soeteman, A. 204, 212 accidens (fallacy) 83,136,139,140,141, argument(ation)
Wenzel, J.W. 16,95
Solmsen, F. 78 147 argumentation by authority 84,86,89,
Whately, R 24,48,49,83-84,94,98,102, accident, topos of
Sperber, D. 191 92
Stalnaker, RC. 79 a contrario argument/reasoning 205, argumentation from circumstantial evi-
Wilson, D. 191
Starmans, R. 78 209, 211, 212 dence to hypothesis 89
Windes, RR 109-110
Strawson, P.E 79 activity type 167 argumentation from criteria to a verbal
Wiseman, RL. 95
Stutman, R.K. 206 ad fallacies 142-144,146 classification 88
Woods, J. 24,55,56,58,78,135,154-156, addition (transformation) 186 argumentation from definition to char-
Summers, R.S. 210,211
Sweetser, E. 192 affirmative side in a debate 39 acteristics 88
Wreen, M. 199
affirming the consequent 136,150 argumentation from example 83,88,91
Wroblewski, J. 208,210
Tammelo, L 216 ambiguity see fallacy of ambiguity argumentation from example to de-
Tamny, M. 149 amphiboly 136 scriptive generalisation see argumen-
Yanal, R.J. 130
Thomas, S.N. 37,43,48, 49, 108, 111-112, analogical argument( ation)/reasoning tation from example
113,115-117,125,126,130,131,181-183 83,86,89,91,92,97, 205,209,211,212, argumentation from sign to unobserved
Zavos, H. 109,130
Thomson, A. 60,62,63,64,65 213 event 88
Tindale, C. 114,116-117, 124 analogy see analogical argument argumentation from time to causality
Toulmin, S.E. 12,23,24,38-39,43-44,48 , analytic overview 185 90
50 ,60,78,79,88,99,202,206, 213 analytical component 211,225 argumentation in law 22-23,201-225
Tracy, K. 191 antagonist 15,31,38 argumentation scheme see argument
Tsui,A.B.M. 173 a priori argumentation 83 scheme
Turnbull, W. 171 argument 27,41,44 argumentation stage 15-16
argumentation 11,34-35,37 argument(ation) structure 20-21,101-
argumentation based on a coexistential 134,166,175,182-183, 185,199
relation see argumentation based on argumentation that structures/establish-
the structure of reality es the structure of reality 13,86
argumentation based on a sequential re- argumentative direction 14
lation see argumentation based on the argumentative discourse analysis 35-36
structure of reality argumentative force 14
argumentation based on comparison argumentative orientation 174


argument from analogy see analogical
ad hominem 143,159 data 12 face 169,171-173
claim 12,37,38-39,43-44 debate proposition (of fact, value, poli- fallacy 21-22,135-164,210,213
argument interpretation 22, 165-166,
classical dialectic 28- 29 fallacy dependent on language 136-140
170 ,175,190 cy) 39
closing 172
argument reconstruction 22, 165-166, declaring a standpoint sacrosanct 158 fallacy extra dictionem see fallacy inde-
closure rule 158
177,180,190 deductive argument(ation)/reasoning pendent oflanguage
clue for identifying standpoint 44-45 109,112,113,116,176, 213 fallacy in dictione see fallacy dependent
argument scheme 13,19-20,72 -73,81-99,
clue in the verbal presentation 124
185,205 deductive-inductive distinction 55 on language
cognitive research on reasoning 28,34-
argument scheme rule 158 deductivism 181,199 fallacy independent oflanguage 136,
argument scheme that structures reality defend (obligation to) 30,32-33,44-45 140141
coherence 209
85 definition, topos of 83 fallacy of ambiguity 146,155
combination of words 136
argumentum ad baculum 142,147,159 deletion 186 fallacy of clearness 146
commit(ment) 30 ,31,32,34,35,49,71- denying an unexpressed premise 158
argumentum ad consequentiam 148 fallacy of composition 148-149,156
argumentum ad hominem 21,142,143, denying the antecedent 150 fallacy of division 148-149,156
communicative action, theory of 40-41
144,146,151,152-153,157,159,164 deonticlogic 178,203 fallacy offour terms 144,155
comparison argumentation 91
argumentum ad ignorantiam 142,143, diagram 107,113,123,133 fallacy of relevance 146
complementary argumentation 121,132- dialectic(al)/dialogical (approach) 14-
144, 146, 159 false analogy 144,146
argumentum ad judicium 142,144 17,82, 203,208,209, 211 false premise 144
complex argument(ation) 101, 103,117, dialectical problem 28-29 felicity condition 168-170,189,197
argumentum ad misericordiam 147-148
126, 127, 129
argumentum ad populum 21, 148, 151, dialectical proposition 29 felicity condition for standpoint 32,45
composite audience 20 5,206
158 dialectical shift 159 field-(in)dependent 12,206,210
composition, see fallacy of composition
argumentum ad verecundiam 21,142, dialectification, principle of 31 figurative analogy 91
concession 15,30
143,144,146,151,158,159 difference of opinion 30-31,39,43 form of expression 136
concluding stage 16
artificial intelligence 203 disagreement 170-173,185,198 formal analysis 155
conclusion 37-38,43
assertion/assertive 30 ,32,33,3 8,39,40 - dispreferred response 172 formal dialectic(s) 15,29-30,154,156-157
conditional 177,181, 189,198
4 1,43,45 dispute see difference of opinion formal disputation 29
conflict of opinions (pure, mixed) 30
associated conditional see logical mini- division of words 136 formal validity 178-181,189,203,206
confrontation stage 15
mum division see fallacy of division four terms see fallacy of four terms
connective 173-174
association 84 doubt (identification of) 29,32,34,39,45 freedom rule 158
consistency 209
assumption see unexpressed premise doxa 70 free-floating form of reasoning 89,90,
context 68-72
attitude (positive, negative) 33-34.42 drawing a general conclusion from an 91
conventionally sound/valid 15
attitude indicating verb 43 incomplete induction 142 functionalization, principle of 31
convergent argumentation/reasoning
audience 12, 204, 20 5,206
101,102,108,111-112,113,114,115,116,119, gap-filler 62,64,65-67
empirical component 212,215
backing 12, 60 120,121,122,124,125,127,130,131,133, general topics 82
enthymeme 52, 180
134, 183
back-up 64,65 epicheirema/epicheireme 103 generic analysis 184
co-operation/co-operative principle equivocation 136 genus, topos of 83
begging the question see petitio principii
168, 189
belief 34-35,42,48,49 ethical fallacy 146 graph method 123,133
coordinative(ly compound) argumenta- evading the burden of proof 158 group of premises see set of premises
burden of proof 36,39-40 ,48,102,107,
tion 101, Il7, 118, 121, 124, 132, 133
109- 110, 129, 158 exconcessis 15,157
critical discussion 30-31,157, 185- 187, hasty generalization 136,141,146
burden of proof rule 158 explanation 37,45
199, 209
expressed opinion 32,36,44 hypothetical statement 63,79
Critical Legal Studies 207
causal reasoning 83,85,87,88,92,93 external justification 208,210,214
cumulative argumentation 121,132,134 externalization, principle of 31 identification of standpoint 42-45
circular reasoning seepetitiio principii
circumstantial variant of argumentum extra dictionem see fallacy independent idia see specific topics 82
oflanguage idol 141-142


ignoratio elenchi 136,144,147,159 logical analysis 211,215 opening stage 15 rational reconstruction 210
implicature 45,62 logical approach 202,203,210 opinion 32,35-36,43,44 rationality 201,203,208,209,210,214
implicit premise/reason see unexpressed logical fallacy 144 opponent 15,29-30 reaction to an assertive 45
premise logical form 178 opposition 172,175 reason see premise
in dictione see fallacy dependent on lan- logical minimum 56, 66, 79, 189 reasoning see argument( ation)
guage logical validity see formal validity paralogism 136 reconstruction 31,41,165-199
indicator 166,172-173,175,182,187,190 pathetic fallacy 146 relevance 13,188,197-198
indirect speech act 169-170,173,175,186- making an absolute of the success of the patterning 170-172 relevance rule 158
187 defense 158 permutation 186 rhetoric 82,183-185
inductive argument( ation)/reasoning many questions 21,65,136,145-147,150, persuasion see socio-psychological persua- rhetorical analysis 211,215
84, 109,112,131,176 159 sion research rhetorical approach 16-17,203,204,206, 207,
inductive fallacy 144-145,159 marker of standpoint 43-45 petitio principii 21,136,144,146-147,150-151, 208, 213
informal logic 13,179-183 material fallacy see nonlogical fallacy 155,156,159,160 rhetorical situation 185
informal logic, procedural 38-39,43-44 maxinIe 83 philosophical component 209,214 rightness claim 40-41
informal logic, structuralist 37-38,43 measurement technique (direct, indi- pluralism 55-57
inherent argumentativity 174 rect) 42 point of view 17-18,27-50 secundum quid see hasty generalization
instrumental argumentation 91 mental attitude 34 policy for doubtful cases 125-126 serial argument/reasoning 101,103,108
interaction principle 33,44 mental model 175-176 polyphony 174 setofpremises 112-ll3,115,131
intermediate conclusion 64 metaphoric analysis 184 position 31,32,34,35,36,40,42 shifting the burden of proof 158
internal justification 208,210,214 missing premise see unexpressed post hoc ergo propter hoc 136,147 sign argumentation 83,87
interpretation 165-199 premise practical component 213,215 sincerity 36
interpretation oflegal rule 211,213 mob appeal see argumentum ad popu- pragma-dialectical approach/pragma -di- sincerity condition for standpoint 32
invention 82 lum alectics 15-16,157-158,185-190,199,209 slippery slope 148,160
irrelevancy 13,144 modal linkage 120 pragmatic analysis offallacies 159-160 snob appeal see argumentum ad populum
modern deductivism 57-59 pragmatic argumentation 85,9 0 ,9 2 socialization, principle of 31
jurisprudence 201,207 moral argument/reasoning 105,106 predicate logic 178,204 socio-psychological persuasion research 33-
multiple argumentation 101, ll7, ll7, 121, premise set see set of premises 34,42
koina see general topics 122, 124,126,133,212 premise structure 117,126,131 sophism 136,141-142
preparatory condition for standpoint 32,45 speech act 167-170,185-189,197-198
law see argumentation in law narrative analysis 184 presentation of an assertive 45 speech act of advancing a standpoint 31-33,
Law and Literature movement 207 needed premise 67-68 presupposition 61,62,63,79 44-45
legal argumentation see argumentation negative side in a debate 39 principle of charity 182-183,199 speech event 167
in law Neo-Aristotelean analysis 184 principle of cooperation see cooperative stage of critical discussion 185-187
legal philosophy 202 new dialectic 14-16 principle standard treatment of the fallacies 149- 153
legal principle 205,206,209 new rhetoric 84 problem-sound/valid 15 standpoint (positive, negative) 11,27-50 ,175,
legal theory 201,202 non-assertive speech act as standpoint proponent 15,29-30 185,188-189,198- 199
line of argumentlreasoning 112,115, ll6, proposition 39-40,44 status theory 207
125 non-cause as cause 136 protagonist 15 stock issue 39
linguistic device 172-175 nonlogical fallacy 144 strategic device 169
linked argumentation/reasoning 101, quasi-logical argument scheme 13,85 strategy of maximally argumentative analy-
non-monotoniclogic 179
102, 103,106,108, 1l0, Ill-I12, ll3, ll6, non sequitur 147 quasi-logical argumentation 85 sis 126
119,120,121,122, 123, 124, 125,127,130,
strategy of maximally dialectical analysis
normative pragmatics 70
131,133,134 radical argumentativism 14 18 7
literal analogy 91 rational discussion 209, 21 4 straw man 148,159
obligation (to argue, defend, justify) 30,
rational organisation 168-170 subordinate/subordinatively compound ar-
logic 178-179,203,204,211,213 32 ,33,34,35,38,41,44,45

gumentation lOl,lO3 (un)bound argumentation see free-
substitution 186
sufficiency 13
floating argumentation The Contributors
unexpressed premise 18-19,51-79,151-
supposition see unexpressed premise 153,166,180-182,199
syllogistic fallacy 144-145 unexpressed premise rule 158
syllogisticlogic 178 unexpressed standpoint 18
symptomatic argumentation 91 universal audience 12
used premise 67-68
theoretical component 209,214 using the force of threats see argumen-
thesis 15,40-41 tum ad baculum Frans H. van Eemeren is Professor of Speech Communication, Argumenta-
topica/topic(s) 82,206 tion Theory, and Rhetoric at the University of Amsterdam, chair of the
topical potential 17 validity claim 40-41,44 Department, and director of the research program "Argumentation in Dis-
topos/topoi 14,20,73,174-175,206 verbal reasoning 88 course" at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. With Rob Grooten-
Toulmin's model of analysis 12,78-79,
dorst, he founded the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation; together
206 warrant 12,60
traditional logical approach to unex-
they co-authored Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions (1984), Argumen-
warrant -establishing argument(ation)
pressed premises 52-53 tation, Communication, and Fallacies (1992), Reconstructing Argumentative
scheme 93
traditional rhetorical approach to unex- warrant -using argument( ation) scheme Discourse (1993, with Sally Jackson and Scott Jacobs), Studies in Pragma-
pressed premises 53-54 93 Dialectics (eds. 1994), Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory (1996, with
transformation 211 wrongly-assumed premise 144 Francisca Snoeck Henkemans and an international group of argumentation
tu quoque variant of argumentum ad scholars), the textbook Argumentation (2001, with Francisca Snoeck Henke-
hominem 143 mans), and Critical Discussion (2001). Van Eemeren is a member qf the board
of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), and se-
nior editor of the journal Argumentation and the book series "Argumentation

Eveline T. Feteris is Associate Professor in the Department of Speech

Communication, Argumentation Theory, and Rhetoric at the University of
Amsterdam. She studied Dutch Language and Literature, specialising in
Speech Communication. In 1989, she received her Ph.D. from the University
of Amsterdam. Her thesis on discussion rules in law (written in Dutch) pro-
vides a pragma-dialectical analysis of the civil and criminal process. Feteris is
coordinator of the research project "Institutional Argumentation" that is part
of the research program "Argumentation in Discourse" at the Amsterdam
School for Cultural Analysis. Her specializations include argumentation the-
ory, legal argumentation, and legal communication. Among her most recent
publications is Fundamentals ofLegal Argumentation (1999)·

Bart Garssen studied Dutch Language and Literature at the University of

Amsterdam, specializing in Speech Communication. In 1997, he defended his
doctoral thesis (in Dutch) in which he presents a theoretical and empirical in-
vestigation of argument schemes from a pragma-dialectical perspective.
Garssen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Communica-


tion, Argumentation Theory, and Rhetoric at the University of Amsterdam A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans is Assistant Professor in the Department of
and is a participant in the research project "Conceptions of Reasonableness" Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory, and Rhetoric at the Uni-
that is part of the research program "Argumentation in Discourse" at the Am- versity of Amsterdam and a participant in the research project "Characteris-
sterdam School for Cultural Analysis. He is coordinator of the argumentative tics of Argumentative Discourse" that is part of the research program "Argu-
writing skills program in the Humanities department. mentation in discourse" of tlIe Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. She
received her Ph.D. at the University of Amsterdam in 1992. Her thesis is enti-
Susanne Gerritsen studied Dutch Language and Literature at the University tled Analysing Complex Argumentation: The Reconstruction of Multiple and
of Amsterdam, specializing in Speech Communication. In 1999, she pub- Coordinatively Compound Argumentation in a Critical Discussion. TogetlIer
lished her doctoral thesis (in Dutch) on unexpressed premises and the effects with Frans H. van Eemeren,Rob Grootendorst,and an international group of
they can have on the understanding of a text. At present, Gerritsen is an Assis- other argumentation theorists, she wrote Fundamentals of Argumentation
tant Professor in the Economics Department at the University ofAmsterdam, Theory (199 6 ), a comprehensive survey of the various theoretical contribu-
where she is coordinator of the composition skills program. She is also active tions to the study of argumentation. Again with Frans van Eemeren and Rob
as a communication trainer and communication coach. Grootendorst, she co-authored the introductory textbook Argumentation
(2001). She has furtlIer published on complex argumentation and the prag-
Peter Houtlosser received his doctoral degree from the University of Amster- ma-linguistic aspects of argumentation.
dam in 1995. His dissertation (in Dutch) on standpoints in a critical discus-
sion provides a pragma-dialectical perspective on the identification and
reconstruction of standpoints. Upon his completion of a research project
concerning indicators of argumentative language use as a postdoctoral
researcher sponsored by the National Science Foundation of the Netherlands
(NWO), he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech
Communication, Argumentation Theory, and Rhetoric at the University of
Amsterdam, and a participant in the research project "Rhetorical and Dialec-
tical Analysis" that is part of the research program "Argumentation in Dis-
course" at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. His research on
rhetorical and dialectical analysis is done in collaboration with Frans H. van
Eemeren. Houtlosser is book review editor for the journal Argumentation.

M. Agnes van Rees is Associate Professor in the Department of Speech

Communication, Argumentation Theory, and Rhetoric at the University of
Amsterdam. She studied General Linguistics and Dutch Language and Liter-
ature. In 1982, she received her Ph.D. from the University of Leiden. Her thesis
(written in Dutch) deals with the interpretation of illocutionary acts. Van
Rees is coordinator of the research project "Characteristics of Argumentative
Discourse" that is part of the research program "Argumentation in discourse"
at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. Her specializations include
speech act theory, conversation analysis, and the study of argumentation in
everyday conversation. One of her publications in English is The Use of Lan-
guage in Conversation: An Introduction to Research in Conversational Analysis
(1992). .


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