Chap 1 (Recruitment & Selection)

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Recruitment :

Recruitment is process of searching for

prospective employees and stimulating them
to apply for job in the organization
Searching good and eligible employee for the
Selection :
Selection is a process of hiring right person for a
right job at a right time at a right cost.
Selection follows recruitment.
l Recruitment and Selection is an important
operation in HRM, designed to maximize
employee strength in order to meet the
employer's strategic goals and objectives. In
short, Recruitment and Selection is the
process of sourcing, screening, short listing
and selecting the right candidates for the
filling the required vacant positions.
l Selection is the process of picking or
choosing the right candidate, who is most
suitable for a vacant job position in an
organization. In others words, selection can
also be explained as the process of
interviewing the candidates and evaluating
their qualities, which are required for a
specific job and then choosing the suitable
candidate for the position
l Hire highly qualified employee in minimum
cost for betterment of the organization
l For attract to the employees
l Planning for current and future requirement
of the employee in the organization.
q Recruitment is refers to q Selection is concerned
the process of identifying with picking up the right
and encouraging candidates from the pool
employees to apply for job. of applicants .
q Recruitment is positive in q Selection is called as a
its approach as it seek to negative process with its
attract as many candidates elimination or rejection of
as possible . as many candidates as
possible for identifying
the right candidate for the
Recruitment and Selection Objectives:
The things the organization hopes to accomplish as a result
of the recruitment and selection process. They should be
specifically stated for a given period.
Recruitment and Selection Strategy:
The plan the organization will implement to accomplish
the recruitment and selection objectives.
l Internal Sources : Internal sources of recruitment
refer to hiring employees within the organization
1.Promotion: It is an upward movement of an employee
from current job to another that is higher in
pay ,responsibilities, status.

Recruitment System

External Sources : External sources of recruitment refer

to hiring employees outside the organization externally

1.Advertisement: news papers ,television,

2.Campus recruitment .
4.Employement Exchange,
5.Labour contractor
l Preliminary Interview & Pre Interview Screening
l Interview is taken by HR manager or senior HR
executive to short list the right candidates.
l Communication skills is tasted in interview
l Formal Application:
l Application from is to be filled by candidates
which contain basic data as below
l Personal information
l Education qualification
l Work experience ,salary expectations , reference
l Interview(s): interview can be conducted by
HR manager or by panel of interviewers
who are generally experts .various questions
are ask to candidates to check whether
candidate fits to the job perfectly.
Selection System

l Reference & Credit Check: reference check

is done to check the honesty about the
candidate and information provided by
candidate is right or wrong
l It reveals fraud candidate
l It verifies the accuracy of information
l Testing
l Physical Examination: candidate has to
submit medical certificate issued by medical
professional like doctor.
l Medical certificate certifies that the
candidate is physically fit to work in
company .
l Physical examination involves complete
body check-up by doctor.
l Employment Offer:
l Job offer letter contains the details of your
job of joining and job designation
To fill a vacancy created in an organization, it
should be filled by a right person at right time at
right cost. If recruitment and selection goes right
the goal is achieved. Also it includes cost so it
should be done at predetermined cost.

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