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Biên soạn : thầy Linh Cani
Facebook: Linh cani
Vào Group: tiếng Anh cùng thầy Linh
Để cùng nhau cày lên 8-9-10 tiếng Anh nhé 


1.assist = help : giúp đỡ hỗ trợ ai
The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a
suitable part-time job

2. diligent=studious: cần cù, chăm chỉ

Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing their case.

3. starving=very hungry: rất đói

Isn't lunch ready yet? I'm starving.

4. obligatory= compulsary: bắt buộc

The medical examination before you start work is obligatory.

5. Tiny=small: bé nhỏ
A tiny baby

6. notorious=infamous: tiếng xấu

He was a notorious as a gambler

7. stay-up-date =get latest information: cập nhập xu thế

How do you stay-up-date with technology without spending too much time on

8. declare=announce: bày tỏ/trình bày/bày tỏ

The courts declared the policy unconstitutional.


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9. evolved=developed: phát triển
Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.

10. uninteresting=boring: nhàm chán

It's uninteresting to sit on the plane with nothing to read.

11. similar=alike: giống, tương tự

My father and I have similar views on politics.

12. tough= difficult: khó

They've had an exceptionally tough life.

13. daunting=depressing: chán nản, làm trì trệ

The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades
of division.

14. jeopardize=do harm to: gây hại cho

She knew that by failing her finals she could jeopardize her whole future.

15. cold feed about= worried about: lo sợ, lo lắng về

some investors got cold feet and backed out

16. assistance=help: sự giúp đỡ

The company needs more financial assistance from the government.

17. compulsary=required: tính yêu cầu, bắt buộc

Swimming was compulsory at my school.

18. adhere=follow: gắn bó với/giữ vững

Local producers of serum adhered to this model.

19. underprivileged=poor inhabitants: người nghèo, bị thiệt thòi thiếu thốn

về nhiều thứ
Childeren from an underprivileged family background are statistically more
likely to become involved in crime.


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20. causing a lot of risks=hazardous: mang đến nhiều nguy hiểm/rủi ro
Over the past three months, investors who have cause a lot of risks
of investing in smaller companies have had a rough ride.

21. insights=deep understading: hiểu sâu sắc

It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.

22. Masterpiece = an excellent work of art = kiệt tác

Leonardo's "Last Supper" is widely regarded as a masterpiece.

23. evidence=proof: bằng chứng

The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.

24. drive sb to the edge= irritates so: làm ai đó tức giận

Your trouble with the policehas driven me to the brink! The next time you are
arrested, I will not get you out of jail.

25. home and dry=successful: thành công

I just need one more source for this essay and then I'll be home and dry.

26. Carpet=rug: tấm thảm

He was busy hoovering the bedroom carpet when I got home.

27. bewildered=puzzled: bị bối rối, hỏi khó

He sat up in bed, bewildered, unsure of where he was.

28. bat an eyelid=show surprise: cho thấy sự ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ
She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid

29. complicated=intrucate: phức tạp

The relationship is a bit complicated. He's my mother's cousin's
daughter's child.

30. wanderers=vagabonds: người lang thang, lêu lổng

Kathy's always been a wanderer - she never stays anywhere for long.

31. installment=monthly payment: trả góp, trả hàng tháng

We paid for the car in monthly installments over two years.
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32. very busy=hectic: rất bận rộn
Business has been hectic recently.

33. tremendous=huge: rộng lớn, bao la

It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with
Prince Charles.

34. proclaim=declare: tuyên bố, công bố

All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.

35. sage=wise: thận trọng, khôn ngoan

We must remember that we are living in a time when the media and various
sages are talking about the alienation of the public from the political processes.

36. mediocre=average: tầm thường, trung bình

Parents don't want their children going to mediocre schools.

37. augmentation = increase: tăng

To maintain their influence over men, they supply the diminution of beauty by
an augmentation of utility.

38. jeopardized=endangered: liều mạng

She knew that by failing her finals she could jeopardize her whole future.

39. instance = situation: (n) trường hợp, tình huống

There have been several instances of violence at the school.

40. discourtesy=rudeness: sự thô lỗ, bất lịch sự

The employees were unhelpful and discourteous.

41. interpret=understand: hiểu

It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they
were obtained.

42.conspicuous: (a) dễ thấy, hiển nhiên = easily seen: dễ thấy

He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of
the room.


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43. once and for all=forever: lần cuối
We have to decide, once and for all, whether we want to ask Dad for money.

44. terrified=frightened: làm kinh hoàng, sợ hãi

He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.

45. truthfully= as trustingly as you can: thành thật nhất có thể

I answered her questions truthfully.

46. sufficient=enough: đủ
This recipe should be sufficient for five people.

47. emigrate=fly away: rời đi

Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.

48. irritating=annoying: gây chú ý

an irritating habit

49. intimidated=frightened: đe dọa, hăm dọa

Older people can feel very intimidated by computers.

50. catch/take sb the fancy=attract: thu hút

Mary seems afraidsome other girl will catch Alan’s fancy. She saw that the pic
ture had caught my fancy and insisted on giving it to me as apresent.


51.out of this world >< awful: tuyệt vời >< kinh khủng
The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious

52. snow under with ><free from: ngập việc >< rảnh rỗi
I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.

53. minor><big: nhỏ>< lớn

It's only a minor problem.

54. out of this world><awful: cực kì tuyệt vời >< tồi tệ

What a restaurant - the food was out of this world!
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55. untrustworthy><reliable: không đáng tin >< đáng tin
He is an utterly untrustworthy, unreliable source.

56. be home and dry><be unsuccessful: thành công><thất bại

We just have to finish this section, then we're home and dry.

57. poorly-educated=knowledgeable: không được giáo dục đàng hoàng><am

the workforce remains largely poorly-educated and unskilled

58. pressure><relaxation: áp lực >< sự thư giãn

Teachers are under increasing pressure to work longer hours.

59. have a big mouth><can keep secrets: không thể giữ bí mật>< có thể giữ
bí mật
He went and opened his big mouth and told them the whole story.

60. be home and dry><be uncessful: thành công><thất bại

We just have to finish this section, then we're home and dry.

61. nervous><confident: lo lắng><tự tin

She's always been nervous around dogs.

62. bury the hatchet>< become enemies: trở thành bạn ><trở thành thù
Can't you two just bury the hatchet?

63. challenging><easy: tính thách thức><dễ dàng

This has been a challenging time for us all.

64. sociable><shy: hòa đồng><ngại ngùng

Rob's very sociable - he likes parties.

65. take sb for a ride>< treat with sincerity: lừa gạt><đối xử chân thành
I think we’ve been taken for a ride

66. neglects><look for: bỏ bê><tìm kiếm

She's been neglecting her studies this semester.


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67. run a very tigh ship>< organize things inefficiently: vận hành thứ gì đó
hiệu quả>< vận hành thứ gì đó không hiệu quả
The new office manager really runs a tight ship. Captain Jones is known for
running a taut ship.

68. default><paid in full: thiếu nợ ><trả đầy đủ

The company defaulted on a $133 million loan.

69. illicit><legal: bất hợp pháp ><hợp pháp

the illicit trade in stolen vehicles

70. tolerate><look down on: khoan dung, chịu đựng ><coi thường
Athletes often have to tolerate a lot of pain.

71. chance><deliberate: tình cờ><có chủ ý

They chanced to be in the restaurant when I arrived.

72. sophisticated><simple and easy to use: phức tạp, tinh vi><dễ sử dụng
The essential signalling pathways that initiate involution have been identified
using sophisticated genetic approaches.

73. temporary><permanent: nhất thời><lâu dài

The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.

74. replenish><empty: cung cấp thêm ><làm trống rỗng

Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad.

75. discernible>< insignificant: có thể nhìn thấy rõ, có thể nhận thức ><vô
nghĩa, tầm thường
The influence of Rodin is discernible in the younger artist.

76. cozy><uncomfortable: thoải mái><không thoải mái

This room is nice and cosy in the winter.

77. insubordinate><obedient: không phục tùng><vâng lời

We shall take action against city employees who are insubordinate, or who
are discourteous to the public.


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78. concern><ease: liên quan, quan tâm><giảm bớt
Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing.

79. abundance><small quantity: phong phú><số lượng ít

There was an abundance of food at the wedding.

80. advancing><holding back: thăng tiến><thụt lùi

He only recently stopped working, due to his advancing years.

81. imply><explicit: ngụ ý, mơ hồ><rõ ràng, dứt khoát

Some judges are of the opinion that there must be an express or implied
agreement between the parties before the defence can operate.

82. over the moon><very sad: cực kì sung sướng><rất buồn

She was over the moon about/with her new bike.

83.vary: (v) làm cho biến đổi >< stay unchanged: không thay đổi
The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable.

84. irritable: (a) cáu kỉnh, khó chịu >< calm: (a) bình tĩnh
Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today.

85. withdraw><advance: rút lui><tăng cường

The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country.

86.occupied>< at a loose end: bận rộn><nhàn rỗi

All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours.

87. identical><different: giống nhau><khác nhau

The two rooms were virtually identical.

88. advocating><supporting: phản đối><ủng hộ

He advocates the return of capital punishment.

89. fake ><authentic: giả><thật, chính hãng

The gun in his hand was a fake.


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89. rare><over-boiled: sống><chín kĩ
I'd like my steak rare, please.

90. pessimit><optimist: tiêu cực><tích cực

Change may not come as fast, or as brutally, as the pessimists fear.

91. speed up><slow down: tăng tốc><giảm tốc

He developed a new system to help speed up the work.

92. zealously><lazily: sốt sắng, chăm chỉ><lười biếng

Their complaints were zealously investigated.

93. thinly><densely: ít><đông đúc

There are thinly traded markets for all three companies' shares.

94. in hot water>< stay safe: gặp rắc rối><an toàn

He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.

95. to be a patch on sth><to be better: không tốt bằng cái gì><tốt hơn
I loved my old boss—this new guy is not a patch on her.

96. compressed>< made bigger: nén ><làm lớn/to hơn

The course compresses two year's training into six intensive months.

97. critical><supportive: chỉ trích><ủng hộ

She is critical of the president's globalist foreign policy.

98. accomplish><unskill: tài năng><bất tài

To accomplish this, we augment the rules with a system of variables.

99. impassive><emotional(adj): trơ trơ, không cảm xúc>< cảm xúc, biểu cảm
Nick kept his face impassive but his mind was racing.

100. faint><clear: mờ nhạt><rõ ràng

She gave me a faint smile of recognition.


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