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ISSN 2093-6966 [Print], ISSN 2234-6856 [Online]

Journal of Pharmacopuncture 2016;19[1]:045-050

Original article

Antifungal Activity of Bee Venom and Sweet Bee Venom

against Clinically Isolated Candida albicans
Seung-Bae Lee*
Division of Animal Resources and Life Science, Sangji University, Wonju, Korea

Key Words from blood and the vagina. Especially, SBV might be
a candidate for a new antifungal agent against C. albi-
anti-fungal activity, bee venom, clinical Candida albi-
cans clinical isolates.
cans, sweet bee venom

Abstract 1. Introduction
 bjectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate
O Yeasts are microorganisms commonly found in na-
the antifungal effect of bee venom (BV) and sweet bee ture. They are present in the normal flora (in moist
venom (SBV) against Candida albicans (C. albicans) places like the intestinal system, mouth etc.) in the
clinical isolates. human body. The dimorphic yeast Candida albicans
(C. albicans) is the most prevalent opportunistic path-
Methods: In this study, BV and SBV were examined ogen in humans. Candidiasis ranges from superficial
for antifungal activities against the Korean Collection and mucosal infections to life-threatening septicaemic
for Type Cultures (KCTC) strain and 10 clinical isolates mycosis in debilitated patients [1-3], and this fungus
of C. albicans. The disk diffusion method was used to is known to be the fourth leading cause of nosocomi-
measure the antifungal activity and minimum inhibito- al infections [4, 5]. Over the last few decades, the in-
ry concentration (MIC) assays were performed by using cidence of candidal infections due to C. albicans has
a broth microdilution method. Also, a killing curve as- been increasing, paralleling the growing numbers of
say was conducted to investigate the kinetics of the an- immune-compromised patients [4-7]. To the patients,
ti-fungal action. disseminated candidiasis is sometimes a serious dis-
Results: BV and SBV showed antifungal activity against ease that often results in death [8]. In addition, the
10 clinical isolates of C. albicans that were cultured from fungus causes local infections such as vaginitis and
blood and the vagina by using disk diffusion method. thrush. For medical treatment of fungal infections, am-
The MIC values obtained for clinical isolates by using photericin B has been considered as the drug of choice
the broth microdilution method varied from 62.5 μg/ [9, 10], and the azoles are mainly used in common clin-
mL to 125 μg/mL for BV and from 15.63 μg/mL to 62.5 ical situations. However, the toxicity of and the resist-
μg/mL for SBV. In the killing-curve assay, SBV behaved ance to these antifungal drugs are major problems [4,
as amphotericin B, which was used as positive control, 5]. In the case of amphotericin B, an increased amount
did. The antifungal efficacy of SBV was much higher of amphotericin B must be administered to patients
than that of BV. due to its poor permeability across the membrane [11],
which can result in severe side effects, for example,
Conclusion: BV and SBV showed antifungal activity renal damage [12, 13]. To overcome these problems of
against C. albicans clinical strains that were isolated side-effects, natural products have been considered to
be promising antifungal agents with less profound ad-
Received: Nov 04, 2015 Reviewed: Dec 15, 2015 Accepted: Dec 21, 2016 verse effects. The antifungal activities of several phyto-

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons *
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Attribution Non-Commercial License ( Seung-Bae Lee. Division of Animal Resources and Life Science, Sangji University, 83,
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any Sangjidae-gil, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, 26339, Korea.
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Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).
ⓒ 2016 Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute

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