Active/ Sociable/Passive/Reserved.: Unit 1

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Unit 1:

Active/ Sociable/Passive/Reserved.
Tích cực / Chan hòa / Tiêu cực / Kín đáo
Part I
1- active ['æktiv] doing a lot of things; always busy- tích cực , nhanh nhẹn.
She's very active and plays a lot of sport.
Despite his age, he's still quite active
2 energetic [,enə’dʒetik] full of energy – tràn đầy sinh lực , nghị lực
She leads a very energetic life - she gets up early and works very hard until
3- lively ['laivli] full of life and energy- đầy sức sống và nghị lực, sôi nổi
She was very lively tonight - she talked a lot and danced a lot.
4- dynamic [dai'næmik] full of energy and ideas; having a powerful personality-đầy nghị
lực và sức mạnh; năng động
She's a very dynamic woman and has become successful very quickly
5- sociable ['sou∫əlaiz] friendly; enjoying the company of other people: thân thiện;
dễ chan hòa.
They're very sociable and like going to parries and spending time with other- people
6- outgoing ['autgouiη] very friendly; always interested in meeting new people and doing
new things: rất thân thiện rất hòa đồng, thích giao lưu.
He's a very outgoing sort of person and has got lots of friends.
7- talkative ['tɔ:kətiv] liking or willing to talk a lot : thích nói; ba hoa.
It's very difficult to have a conversation with him because he's not very talkative
8- decisive [di'saisiv] able to make decisions quickly and with certainty: quyết đoán ;
dứt khoát.
You should he more decisive- you take too long to make up your mind
9- an extrovert ['ekstrəvə:t] a lively, sociable person who finds it easy to talk to people
and likes to attract attention: người cởi mở; hoạt bát.
He's an extrovert - hen he's with other people he's often the centre of attention
10- to be good company : to be an interesting and amusing person to be with: là bạn
tốt; người dễ gần
She's good company - she’s always got a good story to tell.
Part 2
1- passive ['pæsiv] not active; accepting what happens to you without trying to change or
influence it: bị động; tiêu cực
His reaction was passive - although he didn't like the situation, he didn't argue.
2- lazy ['leizi] disliking activity; without the energy or interest to do anything: lười;
biếng nhác
He doesn't like his job but he's too lazy to look for another one.
3- apathetic [,æpə'θetik] completely unenthusiastic or uninterested; having no desire to
change a bad situation: lãnh đạm; đờ đẫn.
She tried to organize a strike but the others were too apathetic to join her.
4- quiet ['kwaiət] not saying very much : không nói nhiều; thầm lặng.
Although she's quiet, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have strong opinions.
5- reserved: not saying what you think or feel: kín đáo; dè dặt.
She's reserved and even if she's angry she doesn’t say so.
6- subdued [səb'dju:d] less talkative than usual : ít nói hơn thường ngày;dịu; khẽ.
He normally has a lot to say but he was rather subdued last night - I wonder if there is
something wrong.
7- an introvert ['intrəvə:t] someone who is more interested in their own thoughts and
feelings than in the world around them : người hướng nội.
If she wasn't such an introvert she would make friends more easily
Part 3
1- to act [ækt] to do something positive about a problem to try to solve it: thực hiện
hành động; tích cực làm việc gì để giải quyết một vấn đề khó khăn.
The situation is getting worse - you must act now, before it's too late
2- initiative [i'ni∫ətiv] the ability to act and make decisions ;without help from other
có óc sáng kiến .
She shows great initiative and is a good candidate for promotion
3- to use your initiative : to act without help from others, using your own judgement:
chủ động làm việc gì
Why should I always have to tell you what to do?
Use your initiative for once
4- to do something (about sth) to take action in an attempt to solve a problem: làm việc
gì với cố gắng để giải quyết một vấn đề khó khăn
I can't just ignore the problem - I'll have to do something about it.
The Government has promised to do something about the state of the roads.
5- to make up your mind : to decide: quyết định
Make up your mind what you want to do - I can't wait forever for an answer.
6- to have go ; to have energy: có nghị lực
I f you had a bit more go, you wouldn't be so bored
7- to be on the go : to be very busy and active : hoạt động rất tích cực và bận rộn
I must sit down. I've been on the go all day.
8- to liven up ['laivn ˄p] (of a person) to become more lively after being tired or without
energy; (of an event) to become more interesting and exciting: trở nên hăng hái hơn;
(về sự kiện) trở nên sôi nổi hơn, thú vị hơn.
I feel a hit tired at the moment but I'm sure 1'11 liven up later in the evening.
The party livened up after about 11 o'clock when more people arrived.
9- to hang about / around : to stay in a place doing nothing, simply passing the
time:quanh quẩn
They have got nothing to do so they hang about on street corners all the time.
We had to hang around at the airport because the plane was delayed.
10- to stand around: to stand and do nothing: đứng khoanh tay; đứng và không làm
Everybody else stood around while I did all the work
I- Choose the word or phrase (A. B. C or D) which best completes each sentence.
1- He's so ............... that he always expects other people to do the work.
A reserved B lazy C apathetic D passive
2- She's not very................ She's never quite sure what she wants to do.
A energetic B lively C active D decisive
3- Even though they don't agree with what's happening. They’re too.............. to protest.
A outgoing B subdued C quiet D apathetic
4- He wasn't very ............... tonight. In fact he hardly said anything.
A active B decisive C talkative D energetic
5- I'm sure he enjoyed the evening. He didn't say much because he' nature.
A passive B subdued C inactive D quiet
6- He's always been very ............... so he hates not being able to do anything now that
he's ill.
A decisive B active C outgoing D loud
7- I don't feel ............... enough to go for a walk now.
A energetic B extrovert C outgoing D sociable
8- He's a ............... sort of person. He doesn't really care what happens to him.
A quiet B passive C reserved D subdued
9- The school has just appointed a(n) ............... new headmaster, whose job it will be
to improve falling standards of education.
A sociable B active C dynamic D lively
10- It's always difficult to know what she's thinking because she's so................
A apathetic B inactive C subdued D reserved
11- The job involves working closely with the public, so we're looking for someone
with a(n)............... personality.
A talkative B outgoing C dynamic D active
12- 1 had to ............... before the situation got worse.
A act B do something about C have go D be on the go
13- She hasn't got enough ............... to really try to get what she wants.
A action B activity C go D decision
14- They're very ............... and regularly invite people to their house.
A good company B lively C active D sociable
15- He seemed rather................ Was he upset about something?
A unsocial B apathetic C passive D subdued
16- She's very............... She can't sit down for long.
A lively B decisive C impassive D good company
17- Things are never boring when he's there. You could say he's. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A energetic B active C sociable D an extrovert
18- She's................. She tends to think a lot and not to say a lot.
A an introvert B inverted C inturned D subdued
19- The successful candidate must have ..............., as he or she will have to work
without supervision.
A action B a go C initiative D decision
2. Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word.
1- Don't keep asking other people what to do. ............... your initiative!
2- We just hung............. in the park because we had nothing else to do.
3- They're really ............... company. I always enjoy spending an evening with them
4- Do you want ir or not? Come on..............up your mind.
5- Make sure you're not late. I don't want to have to stand ............... waiting for you.
6- The party was rather boring at the start. but everyone livened ............. later.
7- 'The problem won't just go away. You'll have to do something ............. it.
8- She's always ............. the go. I don't know where she gets her energy from.

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