01.chen Et Al. (2020) - Resting-State "Physiological Networks". Neuroimage, 213, 116707

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NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

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Resting-state “physiological networks”

Jingyuan E. Chen a, b, *, Laura D. Lewis c, Catie Chang d, Qiyuan Tian a, b, Nina E. Fultz a,
Ned A. Ohringer a, Bruce R. Rosen a, b, e, Jonathan R. Polimeni a, b, e
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA


Keywords: Slow changes in systemic brain physiology can elicit large fluctuations in fMRI time series, which manifest as
Heart rate structured spatial patterns of temporal correlations between distant brain regions. Here, we investigated whether
Global signal regression such “physiological networks”—sets of segregated brain regions that exhibit similar responses following slow
changes in systemic physiology—resemble patterns associated with large-scale networks typically attributed to
Resting state functional connectivity
Respiratory variation
remotely synchronized neuronal activity. By analyzing a large group of subjects from the 3T Human Connectome
Project (HCP) database, we demonstrate brain-wide and noticeably heterogenous dynamics tightly coupled to
either respiratory variation or heart rate changes. We show, using synthesized data generated from physiological
recordings across subjects, that these physiologically-coupled fluctuations alone can produce networks that
strongly resemble previously reported resting-state networks, suggesting that, in some cases, the “physiological
networks” seem to mimic the neuronal networks. Further, we show that such physiologically-relevant connec-
tivity estimates appear to dominate the overall connectivity observations in multiple HCP subjects, and that this
apparent “physiological connectivity” cannot be removed by the use of a single nuisance regressor for the entire
brain (such as global signal regression) due to the clear regional heterogeneity of the physiologically-coupled
responses. Our results challenge previous notions that physiological confounds are either localized to large
veins or globally coherent across the cortex, therefore emphasizing the necessity to consider potential physio-
logical contributions in fMRI-based functional connectivity studies. The rich spatiotemporal patterns carried by
such “physiological” dynamics also suggest great potential for clinical biomarkers that are complementary to
large-scale neuronal networks.

1. Introduction (e.g., Shmuel and Leopold, 2008), and large-scale correlations in the
hemodynamics across brain regions closely match the correlations seen
During the resting state, defined experimentally as a state in which in concurrent neuronal calcium dynamics in rodents (Ma et al., 2016). In
participants are not given any explicit stimulus or task, distributed brain human studies, the existence of spontaneous, task-free FC among
regions exhibit temporally synchronized hemodynamic changes that can distributed brain regions have also been confirmed by alternative neu-
be measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Biswal roimaging modalities such as electrocorticography (He et al., 2008; Kucyi
et al., 1995; Fox and Raichle, 2007). Although the biophysical origins of et al., 2018; Miller et al., 2009) and magnetoencephalography (Baker
fMRI-based functional connectivity (FC) are not completely understood, et al., 2014; Brookes et al., 2011; Hipp et al., 2012). Therefore, these
these seemingly spontaneous fluctuations in hemodynamics—and their correlations in hemodynamic fluctuations appear to in part reflect cor-
correlations across brain regions—have been demonstrated by many relations in the underlying neuronal activity.
studies to reflect neural activity. For instance, in animal models, the Although this evidence points to a neural origin of some components
amplitudes of regional spontaneous blood oxygenation levels track the of resting-state fMRI signal fluctuations, hemodynamic signals provide an
power of electrophysiological recordings across several frequency bands indirect measure of neural activity and non-neuronal factors can also

* Corresponding author. Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, 149 Thirteenth St., Room 2301, Charlestown, MA, 02129, USA.
E-mail address: jechen@mgh.harvard.edu (J.E. Chen).

Received 20 September 2019; Received in revised form 26 February 2020; Accepted 3 March 2020
Available online 5 March 2020
1053-8119/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

drive changes in blood flow and oxygenation. These factors should also et al., 2013; MacIntosh et al., 2010b)).
be considered when interpreting resting-state FC based on fMRI. Sys- The primary goal of the present work is to offer a systemic exami-
temic physiological changes, including those associated with cardiac and nation of the spatiotemporal dynamics in BOLD fMRI associated with
respiratory cycles, are well known to influence hemodynamic changes changes in two specific “physiological” signals—respiratory volume and
through multiple mechanisms. In particular, low-frequency fluctuations heart rate. We analyzed a large group of subjects from the 3T WU-UMinn
in end-tidal CO2 levels (Wise et al., 2004), respiration volume (Birn et al., Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset (Van Essen et al., 2013). With
2006), and heart rate (Shmueli et al., 2007) have been shown to account the characterized “physiological” dynamics, we identified a detailed to-
for considerable variance in BOLD fMRI signals during both the resting pology of potential network-like patterns that may arise in the absence of
state as well as during tasks (see (Caballero-Gaudes and Reynolds, 2017; overtly neurally-driven processes; and showed that these “physiological
Liu, 2016) for reviews). networks” resemble common resting-state networks (RSNs) to some
Recent studies have revisited the physiological contribution to fMRI- extent. We also caution that global signal regression (GSR), a contro-
based resting-state observations. In lieu of directly quantifying the exact versial but still widely-used means to remove artifacts present globally in
BOLD variance explained by different physiological elements, these the resting-state fMRI data, can amplify spatial heterogeneity in these
studies focused on the spatial heterogeneity of BOLD responses linked to patterns, and is therefore not sufficient to eliminate the influence exerted
different physiological dynamics, and have identified structured, regular by “physiological” dynamics.
spatial patterns related to physiology. For example, by applying inde-
pendent component analysis (ICA) to synthesized datasets simulating the 2. Materials and methods
propagation of total hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin plus oxyhemo-
globin) across the entire brain, Tong et al. identified several spatial 2.1. Data and pre-processing
components that closely resembled common resting-state networks
(RSNs), such as the default-mode network (DMN) and visual network Resting-state fMRI data of 190 subjects from the 3T WU-UMinn HCP
(Tong et al., 2015). By introducing a minor hypercapnic challenge with a were examined in this study (Smith et al., 2013; Van Essen et al., 2013). A
paradigm orthogonal to concurrent cognitive stimuli, Bright et al. iden- list of employed subject ID numbers is provided in Supplementary
tified spatial patterns of the BOLD response that overlapped with Table S1. Each subject was scanned during two experimental sessions;
task-(de)activated neuronal networks but could be ascribed specifically here we analyzed one 15-min resting-state BOLD fMRI session (during
to physiological responses (Bright and Murphy, 2014). which subjects were instructed to keep their eyes open and fixate on
The rationale behind these studies is that vascular responses cross-hair fixation target). Functional MRI data were collected using a
following systemic physiological changes are not spatially homogeneous gradient-echo Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI sequence with the following
(Chang et al., 2009; Pinto et al., 2017), by virtue of both inconsistent parameters: 2 mm isotropic resolution, TR ¼ 0.72 s, TE ¼ 33.1 ms,
vascular arrival time (MacIntosh et al., 2010; Tong et al., 2017) and multi-band factor ¼ 8, flip angle ¼ 52 , 72 slices, echo spacing 0.58 ms,
regional differences in the temporal shape/delay of the BOLD responses and a left-to-right phase encoding direction. Cardiac signals were
that may be determined in part by local vascular anatomy and density measured by a pulse oximeter placed on the fingertip and respiratory
(Aguirre et al., 1998; Handwerker et al., 2004). Yet, common approaches signals were measured by a bellow placed around the chest, with 400 Hz
employed to derive functional networks from BOLD fMRI data (i.e., sampling rates for both recordings. All downloaded data had been pro-
either seed-based linear Pearson correlation analyses or data-driven in- cessed with the “minimal preprocessing pipeline” of the HCP (Glasser
dependent component analyses) cannot discern “apparent” temporal et al., 2013) and had not undergone any physiological denoising.
synchrony caused by consistent vascular responses from the targeted
synchrony caused by coupled neuronal activity. For example, if two 2.2. Identifying the spatiotemporal BOLD dynamics coupled with slow
distinct brain regions happen to exhibit similar BOLD responses to heart physiological changes
rate changes, which would result in coherent cardiac-driven BOLD fluc-
tuations between these two regions, even in the absence of any direct or 2.2.1. Extracting respiratory variation (RV) and heart-beat-interval (HBI)
indirect coupling of the neuronal activity between these regions, it is signals from sensor recordings
likely that these two regions would appear to be functionally connected The temporal standard deviation of respiratory waveforms (from the
when using conventional FC estimation approaches. Therefore, systemic chest bellows traces) and the averaged inter-heart beat intervals (from
physiological changes alone can potentially yield network-like spatial the pulse oximetry traces) were computed within a sliding window of 6 s
patterns depending on the spatial pattern of the physiological responses centered at the time of each TR (i.e., every 0.72 s) to yield the time-
seen in the BOLD data (Tong et al., 2015). In the remainder of this article, varying estimates of RV and HBI, as illustrated in Fig. 1A. Although
we therefore term such apparent temporal synchrony linked with sys- both respiratory and cardiac cycles occur at frequencies well above 0.1
temic physiological fluctuations as “physiological connectivity”, to Hz, RV and HBI fluctuations vary primarily at much slower temporal
differentiate it from the conventional notion of purely neuronally-driven scales that overlap with spontaneous fluctuations, as shown in Fig. 1B.
fluctuations that give rise to networks of functionally connected brain
regions. Note that we do not preclude potential neural information car- 2.2.2. Characterizing voxel-wise BOLD responses elicited by RV and HBI
ried by such “physiological” dynamics, and indeed, neuronal controls changes
involved in regulating brain physiology (reflecting, e.g., autonomic Impulse responses following RV and HBI changes, termed as the
outflow (Beissner et al., 2013; Cechetto, 2014)) will elicit hemodynamic respiratory response function (RRF) and inverse cardiac response func-
changes that can have mixtures of neuronal and physiological origins. tion (iCRF, given that HBI is anti-correlated with heart rates), were
Today, a comprehensive characterization of apparent “network” jointly derived using ordinary least squares fitting-based linear regres-
structures that arise from specific physiological or non-neuronal pro- sion, with basis functions shown in Fig. 1C and Supplementary Eqn. S(1).
cesses is lacking. Characterizing these apparent network structures with a This basis set was generated from the standard RRF and CRF reported
putative physiological origin, however, may be of critical importance for previously (Birn et al., 2008; Chang et al., 2009) combined with addi-
the successful identification of meaningful functional connectivity-based tional temporal and dispersive derivatives generated analytically from
measures of brain function, particularly for neurological conditions or the reported formula for each response function (each consisting of a
patient populations associated with altered or atypical brain physiology weighted sum of two Gamma, or one Gamma and one Gaussian func-
(e.g., subjects with varying vigilance (Chang et al., 2018; Oken et al., tions). Quasi-periodical physiological fluctuations time-locked to respi-
2006), stress levels (Wang et al., 2005), or with cardiovascular diseases ratory and cardiac cycles were modeled by RETROICOR (up to the 2nd
(Al-Bachari et al., 2014; Christen et al., 2015; Jahanian et al., 2018; Lv order for respiratory and cardiac signals, 8 regressors in total) (Glover

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 1. (A) Illustration of the extraction of RV and HBI time courses from recorded respiration and pulse waveforms (in one exemplar subject). (B) Mean and standard
errors of the RV and HBI power spectra across 190 subjects. (C) Basis functions used to fit voxel-wise RRFs and iCRFs, including the primary basis element (i.e., the
standard RRF and CRF reported previously, blue or green solid line), the temporal derivative (gray solid line) and the dispersive derivative (gray dashed line).

et al., 2000), and were included, along with scanner temporal drifts Z-scores (i.e., de-meaned and divided by the standard deviation), and the
(modeled by a quadratic polynomial) and six motion parameters, as BOLD time-series data were normalized to percent signal changes prior to
additional covariates in the regression model. To achieve comparable the linear regression analyses. Voxel-wise RRFs and iCRFs were evalu-
results across subjects, RV and HBI waveforms were standardized to ated for data both with and without spatial smoothing (isotropic 3D

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Gaussian kernel, FWHM ¼ 5 mm). To generate a null condition of RRF the cerebral cortex into 17 networks in MNI152 vol space using the Yeo
and iCRF shapes characterized by the proposed approach, as a control et al., (2011) RSN atlas reported previously (Yeo et al., 2011), then
analysis the same de-convolution procedure was repeated in each sub- evaluated the connectivity matrix amongst the sets of representative
ject’s dataset with RV and HBI measures from a different subject from the network signals within both the “purely” RV-related dynamics and
same cohort. “clean” spontaneous fluctuations datasets derived by averaging the time
series across all voxels contained within each network and then
2.3. Assessing structured spatial patterns of RRFs and iCRFs computing pairwise correlations of the averaged signals from all 17
Having obtained the spatiotemporal patterns linked with RV and HBI Both the subject-level seed-based and the subject-level network-based
changes, i.e., the derived voxel-wise RRFs and iCRFs, we next explored correlation estimates were Fisher Z-transformed, then both were entered
whether these “physiologically”-driven fluctuations in the BOLD fMRI into a random-effects t-test and also averaged across all the subjects,
data possibly generate apparent networks—defined as multiple sets of yielding group-level estimates of connectivity driven by RV-related dy-
distributed brain regions that exhibit similar responses to RV or HBI namics and by spontaneous fluctuations.
changes. K-means spatial clustering was performed on the group-mean To test whether simple nuisance regression using a single waveform
voxel-wise RRFs and iCRFs, with cluster number k varied from 2 to 10 for the entire brain can remove the apparent connectivity related to
to assess any hierarchical structures present within the “physiological” systemic physiological fluctuations, identical analyses were then per-
dynamics. formed for the “purely” RV-related dynamics dataset and, as a reference,
for “clean” spontaneous fluctuations dataset, after regressing out the
2.4. Comparing apparent connectivity driven by RV changes with average signal of all brain voxels (i.e., global signal regression (GSR)).
functional connectivity associated with neuronal activity This additional analysis was motivated by the common assumption that
GSR can minimize BOLD fluctuations triggered by global nuisance fac-
Analyses described in this section were motivated by the observation tors, such as systemic physiological changes. However, given the incon-
(see Section 3.2 below) that two prominent and segregated cortical sistent spatial patterns of RRFs across the brain, we expected that GSR
clusters emerge from the RRF dynamics, with one consisting of primary may not be effective at eliminating regional respiratory fluctuations, and
sensory cortical areas and the other consisting of cortical areas involved that when applied to synthetic data consisting of “purely” RV-related
in higher cognitive functions. We therefore performed a more in-depth dynamics, the residual fluctuations would simply show an altered cor-
examination of the apparent connectivity patterns arising from the relation pattern that can still resemble large-scale networks expected
slow respiratory dynamics, and compared them with the functional from synchronous neuronal activity.
networks estimated from spontaneous neuronal activity.
3. Results
2.4.1. Constructing “purely” RV-related dynamics
To simulate BOLD fMRI data containing only slow respiratory fluc- 3.1. Spatiotemporal BOLD dynamics coupled with RV and HBI changes
tuations similar to those observed in our measured resting-state data, we
convolved the group-average voxel-wise RRFs with the recorded RV Group-averaged spatiotemporal patterns of RV- and HBI-related brain
waveforms of each HCP subject, resulting in 190 synthesized fMRI dynamics are shown in Fig. 2A (with spatial smoothing) and Supple-
datasets containing purely RV-related dynamics (and no additional mentary Fig. S1 (without spatial smoothing). Although the RRFs and
fluctuations such as those driven by spontaneous neuronal dynamics or iCRFs both relate to systemic physiological changes, both response
other physiological dynamics such as the cardiac cycle). Subject-specific functions exhibit clear heterogeneous amplitudes and delays across the
RV signal is the only difference among the 190 synthesized datasets. brain. Following a positive change in RV, most brain regions underwent
an initial signal increase and a subsequent undershoot that slowly
2.4.2. Constructing “clean” spontaneous neuronal activity recovered to the baseline condition. Notably, the temporal evolution of
In addition to the minimal preprocessing pipeline, BOLD data for each the respiratory response within the brainstem, thalamus, anterior
HCP subject were further de-noised by linearly projecting out temporal cingulate cortex and primary sensory regions preceded the response seen
drifts, RETROICOR co-variates, and RV/HBI-related slow physiological in frontoparietal cortex and the ventricles by several seconds (Fig. 2A,
fluctuations, i.e., de-noised data consisting of the residuals of the linear top). In contrast, BOLD changes accompanying an HBI increase (i.e., a
regression analysis described above in Section 2.2.2 were considered as heart rate decrease) were more consistent across the cerebral cortex—-
our best estimate of “clean” BOLD fluctuations mainly reflecting spon- most regions exhibited a bimodal pattern with an initial negative
taneous neuronal activity. response, and a subsequent positive response. The cardiac responses
within the large blood vessels, white matter and ventricles exhibited an
2.4.3. Comparing connectivity patterns of RV-related dynamics and approximately opposite or delayed trend (Fig. 2A, bottom). The hetero-
spontaneous fluctuations geneous temporal profiles of the voxel-wise RRFs or iCRFs are summa-
Having generated time-series data containing either “purely” RV- rized in Fig. 2B.
related dynamics or “clean” spontaneous fluctuations, we next As a control analysis, responses were measured in each subject based
computed both seed-based and network-based connectivity caused by on the RV or HBI curves derived from a different subject, and these re-
either source of resting-state BOLD signal changes. sponses exhibited minimal levels of signal changes (an exemplar case is
Linear Pearson correlation with respect to two seed regions—one shown in Supplementary Fig. S2). This indicates that the observed
centered within the primary visual cortex (6-mm-radius sphere centered response functions derived from the BOLD data and the physiological
at MNI (2, 72, 10)), and one centered within dorsal posterior cingu- recordings measured in the same subject, shown in Fig. 2, are indeed
late cortex (6-mm-radius sphere centered at MNI (0, 60, 46) (Chen related to the RV and HBI dynamics.
et al., 2017a))—was calculated for both the “purely” RV-related dy-
namics and “clean” spontaneous fluctuations datasets across all brain 3.2. RRF and iCRF “networks”
voxels for each subject. These seed locations were chosen such that both
connectivity patterns of the two major RV-related clusters identified in Given the salient respiratory- and cardiac-associated dynamics we
our resting-state BOLD data (see Section 3.2 below) would be revealed. observed in the fMRI signals, we next asked how these patterns were
To assess the overall inter-network connectivity patterns generated by spatially organized, using spatial clustering to identify large-scale pat-
either source of resting-state BOLD signal changes, we first parcellated terns. RRF and iCRF clusters derived from K-means clustering are shown

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 2. Spatially structured fMRI signals following RV and HBI changes. (A) Spatiotemporal dynamics of voxel-wise RRFs and iCRFs averaged across 190 subjects
(after smoothing with an isotropic 3D Gaussian kernel, FWHM ¼ 5 mm, each row shows the evolving patterns of physiological dynamics across sampled time points
(temporal unit ¼ TR), and the color bar indicates the signal intensities of deconvolved physiological responses). (B) Mean and standard deviation of the RRFs and
iCRFs across the whole brain (gray) and across voxels whose maximum/minimum (of RRFs/iCRFs respectively) values are amongst the top 10% (red).

in Fig. 3. Results for k ¼ 2 clusters reflect the pattern of the responses that cortices and in frontoparietal cortices (see Fig. 4 “purely” RV dynamics,
can be seen by inspecting the spatial patterns of the responses presented with GSR, and Fig. 5B “purely” RV dynamics, with GSR, red vs. blue
in Fig. 2A: the cortical RRFs were separated into primary sensory regions network groups’). Note that the unusually high T- and Z-scores seen in
(‘red’) and frontoparietal regions commonly engaged in higher cognitive the apparent RV connectivity values (both with and without GSR) were
functions (‘blue’); whereas the iCRF dynamics were divided into cortical caused by our assumption of subject-invariant RRFs and because we did
regions (‘red’) and the rest of the brain (‘blue’). It is also noteworthy that not include any additional noise sources in the synthetic data (see Section
higher values of k continue to parcellate the cortex into separate com- 2.4.1).
ponents with distinguishable waveforms for both physiological dy- Although we attempted to remove the physiological fluctuations from
namics, and that the voxels within each cluster tend to organize in ways the resting-state fMRI data using model-based linear regression to obtain
that can resemble classic FC networks (k ¼ 4, 10). estimates of “clean” BOLD fluctuations reflecting spontaneous neuronal
To validate the reliability of the derived RRFs and iCRFs for each activity (see Section 2.4.2), clear similarities can be seen between the
cluster, we additionally separated the 190 HCP subjects into two cohorts correlations derived from the synthetic dataset consisting of “purely” RV-
with equal numbers of participants. The physiological responses aver- related dynamics and measured dataset consisting of “clean” sponta-
aged within each spatial cluster of both cohorts are shown in Fig. 3; both neous fluctuations, both with and without GSR (Figs. 4 and 5B). The
the RRFs and iCRFs were remarkably similar between the two cohorts similarity between these two datasets is further confirmed by the linear
(‘cohort A’ vs. ‘cohort B’), indicating the consistency of the observed regression analysis of “clean” spontaneous activity against “purely” RV
spatial segregation of RRF/iCRF patterns. dynamics (120 pairs of network signals in Fig. 5B), which yielded p
values of 4  1e4 (R2 ¼ 0.11) without GSR and 1.1  1e6 (R2 ¼ 0.16)
with GSR (Fig. 5C). This apparent association between the “purely” RV-
3.3. Apparent connectivity driven by RV-related dynamics resembles related dynamics and the “clean” spontaneous activity may be partly
functional connectivity in spontaneous fluctuations unexpected, however it is likely, in part, due to an incomplete removal of
the physiological signals in the “cleaned” data and potentially also in part
To determine how these physiological fluctuations might influence due to the underlying vascular anatomy and physiology shared by both of
apparent FC measures, we calculated seed-based connectivity patterns these datasets that influences both sets of BOLD fluctuations, as discussed
and network-based connectivity matrices, derived from both the syn- in Section 4.2 below.
thetic data containing “purely” RV-related dynamics and the measured
data containing primarily “clean” spontaneous fluctuations (see section 4. Discussion
2.4 above). The results are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Although RV-
related dynamics were simulated with recorded RV changes instead of 4.1. General findings
temporally white random processes (and therefore more weighted to-
ward low-frequency fluctuations), the resulting connectivity patterns Here, we show that BOLD dynamics responding to slow changes in
were still very consistent with the clustering results of voxel-wise RRFs as respiratory volumes and heart rates exhibit heterogenous patterns across
can be seen by comparing the RV dynamics networks (without GSR) different brain regions. In the case of RRF dynamics, a clear distinction
shown in Fig. 4 with the k ¼ 2 RRF network clusters shown in Fig. 3. can be observed between primary sensory cortices and frontoparietal
As hypothesized, the GSR method, often used to remove systemic cortices; whereas in iCRF dynamics, the responses within the cerebral
physiological noise contamination in resting-state fMRI data, could not cortex are somewhat more homogeneous, although strong differences
remove the spatially-heterogenous physiological fluctuations observed in can be seen between the cerebral cortex and the rest of the brain
our data. Instead, this regression re-centered the correlation distributions including the cerebral white matter. Yet for both physiological responses,
and induced negative correlations between voxels in primary sensory

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 3. RRF and iCRF networks identified through K-means clustering, according to the temporal similarity among the voxel-wise RRFs/iCRFs (clustering number k ¼
2, 4, 10). Cluster membership for each voxel is indicated by a color, with each cluster assigned a distinct color, and the mean waveform within each cluster is colored
accordingly below the spatial map (cohort A: results from the first cohort of 95 subjects; cohort B: results from the second cohort of 95 subjects).

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 4. Group-level T-score maps of seed-based connectivity from “purely” RV-related dynamics and “clean” spontaneous fluctuations (derived from 190 synthesized
and real datasets). The left column shows the results prior to GSR, and the right column shows the results after GSR. Note that the thresholds on the group-level T-
scores of simulated RV dynamics were chosen to highlight most relevant regions rather than to make statistical inferences. No voxel clusters exhibited salient anti-
correlations with either seed if GSR is not applied.

regional variability is evident, and these physiologically-driven dynamics hemodynamic oscillations began in the largest feeding arteries then
can give rise to apparent “network” structures closely resembling com- progressed up into the brain parenchyma and eventually appeared in the
mon RSNs, regardless of whether systemic physiological denoising via draining veins. This observed difference in the arrival time of the he-
GSR has been applied. It is worth highlighting that these apparent modynamic oscillations between the large arteries, cortex and large veins
“physiological networks” stem primarily from spatially heterogenous was conjectured to reflect the expected passage of blood “piped” through
response functions representing a BOLD signal change driven by some the brain (Tong et al., 2017). Although it is not trivial to interpret the
“physiological” effect, therefore they are distinct from conventionally- direct relationship between the cardiac dynamics observed here and the
defined functional networks comprised of sets of segregated brain re- hemodynamic oscillations reported in this prior work, some consistency
gions exhibiting synchronized fMRI dynamics presumably originating in the spatiotemporal patterns can be expected given that they both
from coupled neuronal activity. presumably reflect changes in cardiac output regulated by the autonomic
nervous system.
To evaluate whether the characterized physiological dynamics were
4.2. Potential explanations for the structured patterns of physiological also constrained by the vascular anatomy, we compared the spatial pat-
responses terns of the strongest physiological responses with a recently published
cerebrovascular atlas (Bernier et al., 2018) (Fig. 6). Because of differ-
4.2.1. Propagation pathways of RRF and iCRF dynamics ences in head geometries across subjects and imperfect across-subject
We observed that the fastest and also the largest RRFs were found in registration, certain large blood vessels at the boundary of the brain
the brainstem, anterior cingulate cortex, thalamus and the primary sen- (such as the sagittal sinus) may possibly have lower fMRI signal in-
sory regions. Because of the limited temporal resolution of our fMRI data, tensities in the preprocessed data and thus do not appear in the physio-
we cannot discern the precise relative timing of the RRF between these logical maps (Fig. 6, "Regions with max. RRF/iCRF amp."). Nevertheless,
regions. However, these observations agree with the well-characterized this comparison still sheds some light into the link between physiological
role of brainstem nuclei in regulating naturalistic breathing rhythms dynamics and brain vasculature. We noted that regions demonstrating
(Guyenet and Bayliss, 2015; Ikeda et al., 2017), as well as the well-known strongest RRF/iCRF amplitudes indeed overlap with regions with greater
involvement of anterior cingulate cortex and thalamus in autonomic likelihood of high vessel density (Fig. 6, ‘Regions with max. RRF/iCRF
processes (Beissner et al., 2013; Critchley et al., 2003). These compo- amp.’ with ‘Arterial/Venous vessel density’, highlighted by purple rect-
nents of the RRF may thus in fact reflect the neural origins of these angles). However, we were also able to identify multiple regions with
modulations in respiratory variation, rather than subsequent high vascular density but low BOLD amplitudes relative to other regions
physiologically-driven BOLD changes. (highlighted by cyan rectangles), suggesting that vascular anatomy may
The segregated patterns between the cerebral cortex and the rest of not be the only factor that determines the observed physiological
the brain (including the large vessels, white matter and ventricles) seen dynamics.
in the cardiac responses are akin to the coupling patterns between
resting-state BOLD signals and peripheral measures of vascular tone re- 4.2.2. Shared spatial patterns between “physiological” dynamics and

ported previously (Ozbay €
et al., 2018; Ozbay et al., 2019; Tong et al., spontaneous functional activity
2013, 2017; van Houdt et al., 2010). In particular, the cardiac-related To interpret the observed similarity between the putative “physio-
spatiotemporal dynamics observed here agree with the previously logical networks” and conventional RSNs, we must consider possible
described propagation pattern of a low-frequency hemodynamic oscil- limitations of our methodology. Previous studies have cautioned that the
lation (measured via functional near-infrared spectroscopy and tracked subspace spanned by a large number of regressors (for instance, the 10
through the brain using BOLD fMRI) reported by Tong and colleagues regressors used here) inevitably will remove variance of meaningful,
(Tong and Frederick, 2010; Tong et al., 2013, 2017), in which these

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 5. Results of network-based connectivity analysis applied to “purely” RV-related dynamics (synthetic dataset) and “clean” spontaneous fluctuations (real dataset).
(A) The Yeo et al. 17 RSN atlas (Yeo et al., 2011). Here we classify these RSNs into two groups, depending on whether they overlap more with the primary sensory RRF
network (‘red box’) or with the frontoparietal RRF network (‘blue box’) identified in our data as shown in Fig. 3 (k ¼ 2). (B) Z-scores (after Fisher transformation) of
matrix connectivity of both “purely” RV dynamics and “clean” spontaneous dynamics, averaged across all subjects. Note that the colormap of the Z-score values differs
between the two matrices; the range of Z-score values was adapted to visualize the matrix pattern. (C) Linear regression of “clean” spontaneous functional connectivity
against “purely” RV connectivity (the averaged Z-scores shown in B, each dot represents one connectivity pair, 120 pairs in total).

neuronally-relevant functional information contained within the raw hemodynamic changes directly following altered blood flow and oxygen
BOLD time-series data, even if the regressors were derived from physi- consumption through local vasculature. Qualitatively, some relationship
ological recordings based on external sensors (Bright and Murphy, 2015; can be seen between local vascular anatomy and density and the
Chen et al., 2017b). We addressed this concern with a control analysis “physiological” responses (see Fig. 6), and vascular anatomy and density
based on repeating the regression with an identical number of regressors also appears to have some influence on spontaneous neuronal activity
with RV/HBI measures from a different subject, which only produced (Tak et al., 2014, 2015; Vigneau-Roy et al., 2014). Direct evidence sup-
responses with negligible intensity fluctuations, suggesting that this po- porting this argument has been offered by studies showing that the
tential caveat may not apply to our findings. Furthermore, we took the vascular response latency identified by a breath-hold task closely
additional step of synthesizing new datasets containing only RV dy- resembled the task-evoked hemodynamic delay patterns in primary
namics to test whether the observed network patterns could be formed sensory regions (Chang et al., 2008; Li et al., 2018). Along similar lines, a
purely by slow respiratory fluctuations (described in Section 2.4), rather recent study observed a marked reduction in the strength of resting-state
than considering only the variance fitted by physiological bases connectivity if regional HRF shapes were taken into account through
(described in Section 2.2), which also circumvented this potential caveat. blind de-convolution (Rangaprakash et al., 2018), which indeed implies a
A second possibility we considered relates to the common vascular possible link between regionally varying HRFs and apparent RSN struc-
origins that underlie both “physiological” and neural signals. RRFs/iCRFs tures reported in the literature, similar to how RRFs/iCRFs determine
may share similar temporal properties with neuronally-driven hemody- apparent “physiological” networks reported here.
namic response functions (HRFs), because both waveforms reflect Another possible, and more speculative, interpretation may be found

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 6. Vessel density vs. the amplitudes of voxel-wise RRFs/iCRFs. A recently published atlas of cerebral vessels (the probability map of local vesselness (Bernier
et al., 2018),) was moderately smoothed (with an isotropic 3D Gaussian kernel, FWHM ¼ 5 mm) to serve as an approximate estimate of local vessel density for both the
arterial and venous compartments of the intracranial vasculature. For each brain voxel, the maximum value of RRF waveform and the minimal value of iCRF waveform
were calculated to reflect the amplitudes of RRFs/iCRFs at each brain location (without spatial smoothing). For each map shown, voxels within the top 20% percentiles
(based on the probability values provided in the arterial/venous vessel density map and amplitudes in RRF/iCRF) are displayed to provide an appropriate comparison
across the different quantities. This qualitative comparison shows that vascular density may indeed explain some regional variability in the observed slow physio-
logical dynamics (e.g., regions highlighted by purple rectangles), however, it is unlikely to be the only factor that determines the spatiotemporal patterns of RRFs or
iCRFs (e.g., regions highlighted in cyan rectangles).

by presuming a tight coupling between vascular regulation and neuronal 4.3. Implications for functional connectivity studies
activity, as suggested in a recent study.1 These “physiological networks”
characterized in the present study, and in the study of Bright et al. using a Having recognized that apparent “physiological connectivity” shares
hypercapnia challenge, all point to mechanisms of vascular regulation in overlapped information with spontaneous functional activities, it follows
the brain that can promptly provide fast and efficient blood delivery to naturally to query the extent to which such “physiological connectivity”
multiple, remote brain regions that tend to co-activate due to similarities influences the overall connectivity estimates during resting state. Several
in their neuronal function or to direct neuronal coupling, resulting in studies have demonstrated that RV and heart rate fluctuations can ac-
coherences in vascular fluctuations that in some way reflect similarities count for considerable proportions of signal variance in standard-
in neuronal function. Such large-scale vascular regulatory architecture resolution fMRI data which are prone to be physiological-noise domi-
may develop concurrently with large-scale neuronal pathways estab- nated ((Birn et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2009; Golestani et al., 2015), and
lished during development (Quaegebeur et al., 2011), and reshape- illustrated in Supplementary Fig. S3). We noticed that even in the
d/remodeled during learning and experience (Black et al., 1990). In this modern-resolution HCP fMRI data considered here, which, due to their
sense, the “physiological networks” may reflect neuronal networks smaller voxel sizes (Triantafyllou et al., 2005, 2011), will exhibit less
because the vasculature is adapted to the neuronal network structure. physiological noise dominance than standard-resolution fMRI data, a
strikingly strong coupling was observed between the BOLD time-series
data and the RV fluctuations in multiple subjects. In these cases, “phys-
iological connectivity” may dominate the overall apparent connectivity
estimates. Traces of resting-state BOLD data from an exemplar subject are
Bright MG, Whittaker JR, Driver ID, Murphy K. 2018. Vascular physiology illustrated in Fig. 7A (signals in most gray matter regions tracked RV, and
drives functional brain networks. BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/475491.

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

Fig. 7. Data of an exemplar subject (ID: 102008) with substantial physiological effects in the total BOLD fluctuations are shown. (A) Tight coupling between the RV
waveform and widespread BOLD signals was observed (‘Yeo 17-network signals’, PSC: percent signal change). Due to the spatial heterogeneity of BOLD fluctuations
correlated with RV, ICA resolved multiple components with time courses closely resembling lagged versions of the RV waveforms (‘IC signals, without GSR’, each line
represents one independent component (IC), and the corresponding spatial maps of different ICs are shown in Supplementary Fig. S4, which resemble several common
RSNs). (B) In agreement with our RRF results (Fig. 3 ‘RRF networks, k ¼ 2’), signals averaged within the primary sensory cluster (red trace) preceded those averaged
within the frontoparietal cluster (blue trace). GSR only removed common variance present in the data, leaving an anti-correlated pair of residual signals. (C) Summary
of temporal lags computed among all the RV-like BOLD dynamics. This was obtained by computing the cross-correlations between all fMRI signals within the Yeo 17-
network (top), and from the results of the ICA performed on the time interval indicated in panel A (bottom). For the lags between the Yeo 17-network components, the
solid lines represent the primary sensory cluster (red trace) and the frontoparietal cluster (blue trace), and the dashed lines represent the remaining 15 networks with
line colors matching the convention used in Fig. 5. All lags are calculated relative to a reference network signal (‘ref. net.‘), a network from the Yeo atlas that comprised
of auditory and sensorimotor regions, and the ROI of this reference network (in green colors) is displayed above the plots.

the coupling was most evident during the period highlighted in a gray fluctuations of interest from these slow “physiological” dynamics to
box). Notably, despite the similarity of the resting-state BOLD fluctua- remove these noise sources. If we simply treat these “physiological”
tions with the RV changes seen globally across the brain, BOLD signals fluctuations as a nuisance, as is common across the majority of resting-
measured within each ROI taken from the Yeo 17-network parcellation state studies, it would be preferable to include voxel-specific regressors
exhibit time delays and other differences in temporal properties relative that can address spatially heterogeneous RRF/iCRF patterns (e.g., by
to one another (Fig. 7A, C, ‘Yeo 17-network signals’, comparing different appending temporal or dispersive derivatives to modeled physiological
colors). As has been cautioned by our earlier analyses, such regional regressors or image-derived white matter, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sig-
differences in the temporal properties of the BOLD signal—albeit with a nals) rather than regressing out a single waveform, e.g., using the
consistent coupling with the slow respiratory fluctuation—will likely response modeled by the canonical response functions without including
drive a decomposition of these regional signals in an ICA. Indeed, an ICA temporal or dispersive derivatives, or the global signal alone. It is beyond
performed on the whole-brain BOLD data during this period of slow the scope of this study to argue the advantages or disadvantages of GSR,
respiratory fluctuations yielded multiple RSN-like, but strongly which have sparked many discussions but have not yet reached at a
RV-coupled spatial networks (Supplementary Fig. S4), and the corre- consensus (Liu et al., 2017; Murphy and Fox, 2017). Instead, we simply
sponding ICs exhibited similar ranges of time delays and other differ- want to caution the possibility that, in addition to the well-known caveat
ences in temporal properties relative to one another (Fig. 7A, C, ‘IC regarding the appearance of anti-correlations following GSR (i.e.,
signals’; the subset of data exhibiting the strongest coupling with the RV mandating all correlations summing to a non-positive value (Murphy
waveform (highlighted in the gray box) were included for ICA). This et al., 2009)), GSR and other single-waveform regression approaches may
example offers an illustration that the influence of “physiological con- not minimize region-wise “physiological” fluctuations sufficiently, as has
nectivity” can be very substantial. been previously argued. Differences between local “physiological” dy-
Given the significant contribution from “physiological” effects, the namics (temporal lags or slight shape alterations) could be amplified by
question arises of how we can separate spontaneous neuronal GSR due to the removal of common variance (illustrated in Fig. 7B), yet

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

still generate network-like structures that could be mistaken for, or finite impulse response (FIR) based de-convolution (i.e., using a set of
obscure, actual coupled neuronal fluctuations (evidenced by the temporally delayed delta functions to fit the response). We did not adopt
group-level results post GSR shown in Figs. 4 and 5). the latter approach for this study because this is expected to generate
Surprisingly, beyond the context of resting-state functional connec- extremely noisy estimates in the presence of strong temporal autocor-
tivity, possible physiological contributions have received much less relations in both RV and HBI waveforms (as both were derived across 6-s-
attention in studies examining altered brain states. Given that we have long sliding windows centered at each fMRI time sample point) (Birn
demonstrated apparent “connecting” clusters may arise even in the et al., 2008). A potential future improvement could be achieved by
absence of actual neuronal segregations among different cortical areas, performing an FIR-based approach, but incorporating moderate regula-
our findings advise caution in interpreting connectivity results in non- rization, e.g., smoothness (Chang et al., 2009), to suppress noise
resting brain conditions that are associated with notable changes in enhancement from the ill-conditioned deconvolution.
brain physiology and possibly higher fractional contribution from these In agreement with a recent study2 that applied a novel algorithm to
“physiological” dynamics. This includes, for instance, different stages of de-convolve the physiological recordings from the resting-state BOLD
sleep (Bonnet and Arand, 1997; Boyle et al., 1994; Buchsbaum et al., data to estimate global respiratory and cardiac response functions in 41
1989; Hudgel et al., 1984; Nofzinger et al., 2002; Webb, 1974) and HCP subjects, we also observed a faster global RRF and CRF (the in-
anesthesia (Alkire et al., 1995, 1997; Dripps and Severinghaus, 1955; verse of iCRF) than the response functions reported previously by Birn
Fink et al., 1962; Latson et al., 1992). et al. (2008) and by Chang et al. (2009). Multiple possibilities may
Beyond the discussion of physiological dynamics, apparent connec- explain the observed differences with these earlier studies. Firstly, in
tivity may theoretically be caused by spatially heterogeneous responses lieu of averaging BOLD responses elicited by a series of cued deep
(lags and shapes) elicited by any systemic changes when applying breaths (which are strong, non-instantaneous, evoked changes in
traditional FC analyses (such as seed-based correlation, ICA or spatial respiration depth and rate) as performed by Birn et al., we used
clustering), which implicitly assume the network or brain-state of in- resting-state RV (a temporally smooth estimate of natural, instanta-
terest is fixed or static either over time or space. Apart from the physi- neous respiratory dynamics) during free breathing to characterize RRFs,
ological dynamics characterized here, recent studies have also and may therefore observe a slightly faster RRF. In fact, Birn et al. also
identified—with purely data-driven approaches—several temporally and noticed that RRFs derived from cued deep breaths could not accurately
spatially evolving patterns that co-exist during the resting state, and have model resting-state respiratory fluctuations that demonstrated slightly
shown that these evolving spatiotemporal patterns account for consid- faster temporal dynamics, agreeing with our observations. Secondly, RV
erable variance of the overall BOLD fluctuations (Abbas et al., 2019; and heart rate (inverse of HBI) reported by Chang et al. were sampled
Byrge and Kennedy, 2018; Majeed et al., 2011; Mitra et al., 2015). at longer temporal sampling rates (equivalent to the TR value of the
Identifying the causes of these evolving patterns (e.g., physiology, neural fMRI acquisition, 2 s, which is about three times the sampling interval
activity or beyond) may point to a valuable avenue for discerning the of the fMRI data used in the present study), and correspondingly, the
nature of spontaneous brain FC during resting state. resulting RRF or CRF should equal the temporal averaging of our
RRFs/CRFs across three consecutive TRs. Thirdly, the RRF and CRF
4.4. Further technical considerations and future directions reported by Chang et al. were derived using FIR-based de-convolution
with Gaussian temporal smoothness priors, which yielded smoother
In line with previous reports, we have also identified white matter response functions but may also filter out potentially faster responses.
and ventricular fluctuations synchronous with variations of systemic Nonetheless, such differences suggest that although RRFs/iCRFs char-
physiology, with extensive regions presenting delayed or opposite onset acterized here can portray the dynamics of different physiological

patterns relative to the gray matter (Figs. 2A and 3) (Ozbay et al., 2018; processes, the exact timing may vary slightly with the fMRI acquisition
Bianciardi et al., 2011; Bright et al., 2014; Blockley et al., 2011; Thomas protocols and data analyses strategies.
et al., 2013). Widespread anti-correlated/delayed patterns in white While we have focused on the common physiological pattern
matter have been posited to result from a delayed blood oxygenation observed across a large cohort of subjects, we also noticed considerable
change (arising from upstream sympathetic vasoconstriction) relative to inter-individual variability in the RRFs and iCRFs (shown in Supple-
local blood volume alterations in white matter than gray matter (Ozbay € mentary Fig. S5), in support of previous proposals advocating for subject-
et al., 2018). Physiologically-driven periventricular vessel dilation and specific, global RRFs and CRFs (Cordes et al., 2014; de la Cruz et al.,
CSF shrinkage have been suggested to account for negative signal 2017; Falahpour et al., 2013) to single-voxel levels. A possible future
changes near the ventricle walls (Bianciardi et al., 2011; Bright et al., direction will be to identify the role of subject-specific physiological
2014; Blockley et al., 2011; Thomas et al., 2013). Additionally, fluid dynamics in the across-subject variability of apparent FC estimates,
dynamics accompanying brain arousal fluctuations could also manifest in which may be important for both interpreting single-subject level con-
fMRI acquisitions having strong in-flow weighting (Fultz et al., 2019), nectome fingerprinting (Finn et al., 2015), and for improving the
which can result in very complicated temporal patterns determined by group-level sensitivity of fMRI as either a neural or physiological
the interplay between brain fluid dynamics and specific MR parameters. biomarker in future studies.
In spite of these recent works uncovering multiple potential mechanisms, Recent studies have also suggested that respiratory changes are
the specific mechanisms that give rise to the observed spatial patterns of coupled with noticeable displacements in head motion measurements
systemic physiological responses in our data remain inconclusive at this (Power et al., 2017, 2018), and it is thus possible that the resolved res-
time, since no one mechanism seems capable to describe their full spatial piratory patterns in the fMRI data may partially reflect apparent head
pattern of these response functions in our data. In particular, to gain more movements. However, motion is not likely to be the primary explanation
insight into the potential mechanisms giving rise to these spatial patterns, for our findings, because the detected spatial patterns in the physiological
we performed an additional examination of physiological dynamics in responses closely trace anatomical structures within the brain (Fig. 2A),
different white matter and ventricular ROIs, which further revealed and that these “physiological” networks (Fig. 3) differ from those
increasingly heterogenous patterns within each tissue type despite some spurious local or long-range correlation patterns characterized in previ-
general trends (detailed in Supplementary Material SM 7), implying the ous studies investigating the impact of head motion of functional
existence of complex patterns of fMRI dynamics within white matter and
ventricles that warrant further investigations.
In the current analysis, voxel-wise physiological responses were fitted 2
Kassinopoulos M, Mitsis GD. 2019. Identification of Physiological Response
with a set of pre-defined basis functions (Fig. 1C), therefore yielding a Functions to Correct for Fluctuations in Resting-State fMRI related to Heart Rate
less flexible method to estimate response waveforms compared to the and Respiration. BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/512855.

J.E. Chen et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116707

connectivity estimates (Power et al., 2012; Satterthwaite et al., 2019). influence of physiological dynamics on spontaneous brain fluctuations
Furthermore, it is non-trivial to interpret motion estimates at instances of cannot be eliminated using a single-waveform-based regression
dramatic respiratory changes, as they may arise from magnetic field approach, e.g., GSR. These “physiological” networks characterized in
perturbations induced by respiration, instead of mechanical displace- this study may themselves provide meaningful characterizations of
ments of the head (Fair et al., 2018; Power et al., 2019; Van de Moortele blood flow regulation and vascular anatomy and their influences on
et al., 2002). Nevertheless, to address the concern of possible BOLD dynamics. However, given that apparent connectivity can arise
motion-driven fluctuations in the observed physiological dynamics, we from systemic physiological changes alone, our findings also advise
separated the subjects into two cohorts based on the extent of correlation caution in interpreting apparent connectivity in future studies that
between motion estimates and RV or HBI measures. No notable differ- examine brain states or populations with altered or atypical brain
ences in the spatiotemporal patterns of RRFs and iCRFs can be identified physiology.
between these two groups except for response intensities (see Supple-
mentary Material SM 1, Figs. S6 and S7), suggesting that it is unlikely that CRedit authorship contribution statement
head motion contributes to the patterns of physiological responses seen
in our resting-state BOLD fMRI data. Jingyuan E. Chen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal anal-
Although the measured response functions were time-locked to RV or ysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Laura D. Lewis:
HBI changes, they may not necessarily represent BOLD changes directly Conceptualization, Writing - original draft. Catie Chang: Conceptuali-
caused by these two specific forms of physiological signals. First, other zation. Qiyuan Tian: Formal analysis. Nina E. Fultz: Data curation,
systemic changes, e.g., changes in blood pressure (Whittaker et al., 2018) Project administration. Ned A. Ohringer: Data curation, Project

or other changes in the cardiac signal (such as pulse height (Ozbay et al., administration. Bruce R. Rosen: Conceptualization, Funding acquisi-

2018; Ozbay et al., 2019; Tong et al., 2013; Tong et al., 2017; van Houdt tion, Supervision. Jonathan R. Polimeni: Conceptualization, Method-
et al., 2010)), could also elicit notable BOLD fluctuations that are difficult ology, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
to isolate from RV or HBI dynamics due to the expected interdependence
among these different aspects of physiological dynamics. Second, Acknowledgements
changes in systemic physiology may reflect changes in brain state, which
will also trigger either local or large-scale neuronally-driven hemody- The authors acknowledge Drs. Michael Bernier, Olivia Viessmann,
namic responses that co-occur with the associated physiological re- Vitaly Napadow, Nicola Toschi, Roberta Sclocco, Andrea Duggento,
sponses (Yuan et al., 2013). Particularly during relatively long David Kleinfeld, Xin Yu and Celine Mateo for valuable discussions
resting-state scans (15 min in the HCP protocol), subjects may enter into regarding the present results, and three anonymous reviewers for their
low-vigilance states, or even gradually descend into light sleep (Glasser constructive comments, which have substantially improved the quality of
et al., 2018), in which a global increase in BOLD fluctuations would occur the manuscript. This work was supported in part by the National Institute
(Fukunaga et al., 2006). The RRFs and iCRFs characterized in this study of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering at the National Institutes of
may therefore, in part, reflect BOLD changes related to changes in arousal Health (grant numbers P41-EB015896, R01-EB019437), by the BRAIN
level. It is challenging to disentangle the relative contributions from Initiative (National Institute of Mental Health at the National Institute of
different physiological or neuronal mechanisms based on fMRI signatures Health: grant numbers R01-MH111438, R01-MH111419, U54-
alone; concurrent monitoring of more complete sets of physiological MH091657), by the National Institute of Mental Health at the National
changes, including concurrent measures of arousal level, and acquisition Institute of Health (grant number R00-MH111748), by the National
of more direct neural (or metabolic) ground truth may aid differentiation Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the National Institute of
among various mechanisms in future studies. Health (grant number K22-ES028048), and by the MGH/HST Athinoula
While in this study, we only discuss “physiological” effects in the A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging; and was made possible by
context of resting-state fluctuations, emerging studies have demonstrated the resources provided by NIH Shared Instrumentation grants S10-
ordered “physiological” dynamics in task-driven fMRI data as well. For RR023043 and S10-RR019371. Data were provided by the Human
instance, by sorting task-evoked fMRI responses into two groups, Connectome Project, WU-UMinn Consortium (Principal Investigators:
depending on whether the imposed task trial (sparse auditory tones) David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil) funded by the 16 Institutes and
triggered notable changes in concurrent physiological measures, Chang Centers at the National Institute of Health that support the NIH Blueprint
et al. identified a systemic vascular response akin to our observations for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems
(Chang et al., 2019). Therefore, characterizing such “physiological” Neuroscience at Washington University.
contributions in future studies will likely be equally necessary for
improving the neuronal specificity of task-driven fMRI data. Appendix A. Supplementary data
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interest, such that these “physiological networks” are confounds as dis- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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